"Let There Be Light : And Thera Was Light." VOL. II. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1884. NO. 3. THE SUN. I'U'lLlSIIED KVKUY TU ICS DAY IN' THE k:vCKLio:i jo;; ruixriNO ijuildixo, OV I'KJiSON STilEET. JOSIAH EVANS. ) R.K.BRYAN, JR., f Edltors' T K It 31 S O F S U It S C 1 1 1 1 T I O N . 1 copy 1 yir " 0 lll'CltllS,... " 3 . .$1 no. .. ro. 'Pi"H toritiH are strictly in ailvsmee. Liberal discount t clubs. Agents allowed 15 per cent, on alt casii subscriptions. . - -,- - - -i RATKSOF ADVERTISING. 1 square 1 time,... 1 IllOlltll, (i 12 iro. . .. W. . .. riH). . .. 7 .TO. . .. 12(10. ('utraots at fair raU's for any sjn'iilU'l time aul sp:ic Sjuvial notices 13 irr rMit above rei u.ar alvi'ftisin!;' rates. S i EC I A I. X OT I C KS. jj"The editors hold themselves in no wise r-';:insil)le for, nor lo they milTtnke to en l rse til--? vie-vs of enrresnomleiits. Aii'l they ji-tsitively refuse to irive the nani" of a eorres p nliuit except at their own discretion. No coiu m inicatiuit will be received without the name ... tn ? author- n-'t for publication, hut as a u.ir intt:.-of jr o;l faith. No objectionable pcr s tu ilities publisheil at all. obituary notices, to tlie extent of 10 lines, will be published, tree of charge. All space in execs-; of ibis must be paid for at the rate of 10 cts. per line. y Contributor-! are requested to write out ut one sidi." of the outier. V'i ui!i not undertake to return rejected iiiamiscriit. HOME CIRCLE. OUR WOMEN IN THE WAR. l:Y MRS. JAMES KYLE, CLYNCH CO., OA. H'orrcsiondei:ee of the Charteston News.l As the United States Arsenal was situated at Faj'etteville, the first act w.is the order that the militia should he sent out. The Independent Com p my (organized in 17U3) and the Li Fayette Company were tlie two organized companies of the town, ami they marched to the Arsenal April the 19th, 1S09. Col. Ander son was in command, hut he heing sick, the command devolved upon Cui. De Lagnal, who, finding it use- less to make any resistance, asKeu permission to salute the flag, which was granted, and he then turned the Arsenal over to the forces. The Arsenal was then garrisoned by the Independent Company, and this Company and the La Fayette Corn wall v offered their services to Gov- ernor V ance ami entered ror six months. My husband and cousin w re both members of the Independ ent Company. On the day the companies marched away our work commenced. We immediately organized our Soldiers" Aid Association, determining, with the help of God, that no soldier's family should suffer. Our first act was to write to Raleigh, N. C, for a contract to make drawers and shirts. The material was furnished us and we cut the garments, giving them to the soldiers' wives to make. The Independent and LaFayette Companies were sent on to Virgiuia and took part in the memorable bat tle of Bethel, which occurred June 10, 1801. Of course our town was filled with mourning and lamenta tions when the news of the battle reached us, for so many from our midst were there that we could not ht lp thinking that a part of them at least had fallen. Our mourning was soon turned into joy, however, its we heard that we had not lost a single man from either of our com panies. In a few days left my mother for our summer home in Wytheville, Va.. where I found plenty of work to do, as Floyd's Brigade was quar the town. The measles, one of the evils of vamp life, broke Ollt. JJirg. Atei.Qluaii, i . ..' T "L1 I? Clamorl nnrl SIS tin- i 1:IW VL O. XJ. u. ut'-"'" ") hie a woman as he was a great man, and mvself rented rooms in the old Ilallar House, and sent word to Gen. Floyd that we were ready to take charge of the sick. We had thirty-two cases of measles from the Patrick Company at one time. Af ter his command left the building was turned into a Wayside Hospital and taken charge of by the ladies of the town. As it was right on the railroad troops were constantly pass ing, and it was a haven of rest to many a poor, weary soldier. When ever we received telegrams saying that troops were coming we were al ways at the depot with lunch for them. 1 returned home with my mother the 1st of October, and then it was that our work for the soldiers com menced in earnest. Every carpet and curtain that was available was turned in blankets, as we felt we must make every effort to have ev erything in readiness for the winter campaign. We worked then with willing" hands and light hearts. With Lee and Jackson as our lead ers how could we think of anything but victory ? Everything seemed so bright and hopeful. Our six months troops returned home in November flushed with hope and victory, but they were soon in the field again. My husband was first lieutenant in a Randolph company. The year of 1802 our hearts were continually cheered with good news from the army though now and then some brave fellow from our midst would fall in battle. In 1 803, how ever, THE CLOUDS COMMENCE! TO GATHER, and in that year one of the most painful and harrowing deaths that I ever saw occurred at the Wayside Hospital in Wytheville. A Mr. Gregory, of Georgia, having started home sick became worse and stopped there a few hours. Soon after he reached the hospital he was taken with lockjaw. The Rev. F. A. Good wyn, of St. John's Episcopal Church, my pastor, watched with me that night. The unfortunate soldier was perfectly conscious, and that made it so much more painful for us to see his great agony. Every now and then Mr. Goodwin would repeat passages from the Scriptures and pray for him to try and comfort him, and we could see from his countenance that he understood all that was said. Just as the morning dawned his spirit took its flight and he was freed from all pain and suf fering. We closed his eyes and fold ed his hands with an earnest pra vet- to our Heavenly Father that his sins might be blotted out and that he might, be received in the army of the Good Shepherd. We laid him to rest in the cemetery in that place and I wrote to his mother, giving her an account of his last moments. She seemed very grateful that loving hands performed the last offices for him. On the 17th day of July news was received that a raiding party was making its way towards Wythe ville by what is called the Rig Sandv Road, led by Lieut-Col. Powell. Thai same evening mv sister's little bov was so ill that she had just had him baptized. Mi Goodwin had not left the house more than a half hour when one of the servants ran in and said the Yankees were coming down the hill. I had sprained my ankle the day before and was not able to leave my room. My mother was in the room with ine, and my sister brought all of her children and mine in the room with us. There was no gentleman in the house, and the children seemed perfectly pa in -lyzed with fear. To calm them my sister said: "Dear children, we have no one to look to but God; we will seek his protection in prayer." Just as we arose a servant came crying, 'They are firing into the othtr room !"' Just then a ball passed through the room which we were in. Of course we were terror-stricken. 1 seized a towel, pinned it to mv crutch and put it out the window, hoping to attract their attention. In a few moments steps were heard on the stairs. My sister opened the door and said she would like to see the commanding officer. 1 Ie stepped forward and asked what she wanted. 'She said: "Sir, I ask your protec tion. You see my helpless condition my mother old and infirm, my child in a dying condition and my sister not able to walk. If your men are hungry they will w ev erything they need in the dining room, or you can take all 'you want out of the house. All we ask is a shelter." He replied, with an oath, "My orders are to level this house to the ground. It has always been the headquarters of all the Rebels' By that time the house was filled with his men. My sister turned and said: "Chihlenfollow me," and and she went down the stairs, my mother following her and little ones clinging to her. My nephew hand ed me my crutches ud just as i reached the door a man snatched them from me, cursing all the time. I would have fallen, but was caught by one of the servants and she and my nephew carried me down stairs. As we got to the hat rack my moth er reached out her hand to get her bonnet and shawl. They were taken from her. In that short space of time they had broken to pieces the elegant parlor furniture, had it piled in the passage as high as the wall, and it was burning. As was carried by they THEY TITEW MY CRUTCHES ON THE FIRE. I saw them in the parlor break ing the mirrors and glasses. My sister calmly walked out of the house, without once looking back, with her children following. My mother had my little boy by the hand: the others were clinging to the nurse. When I rea?hed the front door they put me down to rest. An irish soldier picked me up and started to take me to a house across the street; but one of the men said to him, ''We are going to burn that too," so he caaried me back of the Methodist Church. One of the servants returned to see if she could save anything, and she said they made a fire on each bed. I suppose they thought this necessary, as the house was perfectly fire-proof. They permitted her to take out one small trunk with some of her own clothes and a few of the children's clothes. My sister's home was just as lovely a spot as was ever seen. It was elegantly furnished with every thing that could addd to our com fort and enjoyment. Fortunately they did not find the wine cellar. That .as in the basement at the end of the passage, filled with choice liquors and wines. It was no light matter to be turned out of doors at night with eight little children and not a change of clothing. Everything in the world that we had was destroyed. All of the buildings that my brother-in-law used as quartermaster were destroyed, and a good many more buildings. There is no telling how much damage they might have done, hut the whistle of the train was heard and some one told them we were expecting troops. Lieut. Pow ell was shot at out gate just as he was coming out b7 a young boy. Sly husband was wounded on the Oth of May, 1804, at, the battle of Wilderness, and was captured the 20! h. Not hearing from him I wrote to my cousin, who was in the same command. He said he was left with the wounded and he had not heard from him since. After he was cap tured he wrote me a letter, giving it to a man at Port Royal, Ya., to mail, which lie did not do until the hitter part of July. Just imagine my terrible anxiety, not hearing from him in all that time. Rut I was compelled to control my feeling-; as mv mother's health was failing rapidly. Indeed she was never well from the time we were turned out of our house in the night. She I lined so for her mountain home that with her physician's advice I started with her and my four chil dren across the country in a car riage. She died just ten days after we reached my sifter's. Death, just at that time, seemed a happy release from all the cares and trouble of which we were surrounded. My griev- was so great that 1 eould not shed a tear and it did not give way until the latter part of the month, when I rec ived a letter from my hn-band. When I saw his hand writing tears came to my relief. TO UK CONTINUED NEXT WEEK. Tourr-ja's DisomStura. Judge Tourgee, it is well known, is the editor of The Continent. As such he wrote and printed in the May number of that magazine his true opiri-.uof Sir. Blaine. When the campaign got hot, however. Judge Tourgee took the stump for Maine and at a joint discussion at Dunkirk. New York, the other da-, lie appeared before a large audience and beg in to sound Blaine's praises. Just then his Democratic adversary pulled out Tourgee's editorial and read it. It was too much for the Judge and for the audience. The latter cheered and applauded, but the Judge retired in great co.ifu-ion to the rear. The following is Tourgee's terrible arrangement of Blaine which his Democratic antagonist read to the people: "If the Republican party seeks to commit Jiari kari, the quickest and surest method for it to do so is by the nomination of James G. Blaine fur the Presidency, and the next mo.-t speedjT and effective method is to select some man whom he may name as a figure-head of an admin istration he shall in effect control. His followers have answered to the call with wonderful readiness, considering their previous disap pointments and the fact that if even he were nominated, his ele ction would be as hopeless an under taking as an attempt to batter down Gibraltar with green peas. His disabilities as a candidate are radical and incurable. "In the first place, he is the in carnation of all the reprehensible elements of the Republican party. He is a politician in the low sense in which the term is used. To his mind statesmanship is synonymous with trickery. YThile this character istic, gives him great strength with the 'heelers' and 'strikers' who man ipulate conventions, is a source of incalculable weakness with the peo ple, especially in a struggle so close and doubtful as the present one. If If he were nominated, a great part of the liberal element of the party (except such portions of it as the Cornell faction of New York, whose sole object is the defeat of President Arthur) would swing over to the De mocracy, should they happen to make a fair selection for a candidate. "fn the second place it should be remembered that Mr. Blaine has nothing of substantial strength in his own record with which to rally the disaffected or apathetic even of his own party. He was one of the few young men of his own party who, at the very climax of his man hood, while enjoying the most ro bust physical health, was ab!e to re sist the infectious glow of patriot ism during the nation's great or deal. During that time when even the plough-handles burned the clod hopper's hands so that he was per force compelled to drop them and catch up the musket, Mr. Blaine resolutely withstood the temptation to serve his country in the field, resisted the example of so many of his associates in the halls of Con gress, and sedulously kept a soft seat warm and filled his purse by the opportunities which a period of war always offers to men fr thrift, coolness and sagacity. "In the third place it should not be forgotten that his legislative re cord is of that questionable char acter which is the hardest of all things successfully to justify or to defend. 'Not proven' is unquestion ably the public verdict in regard to the charges that have been made against him. Further than that no one can go. Even charity can offer no more tenable hypothesis in in regard to them. Such a record is a poor bait to catch voters with, especially at a time when so many of the most sincere and reliable of those of his own party are nauseated at the alarming prevalence of dis gusting political trickery. "Fourthly, the man who clamors for Mr. Blaine's nomination, even in the face of assured defeat, should not forget that the qualities of his mind, even admitting the immacu lateness of his intentions, are the very ones best calculated to encour age doubt and uncertainty in regard to an administration controlled and directed by him. As one of the leading business men of this city, a Republican of the most honorable record, recently said of him: 'One might as well attempt to calculate the course of a sky-rocket That he would do brilliant things there is no room t.) doubt. His whole career has been pyrotechnic in its charac ter. His chief object seems to have' been to produce astonishment in the beholder. In this he has very generally succeeded. Even tin sj who were unable to perceive any reason for the display have been compelled to admit the brilliancy "Of Ufot'Oru citions attending the climacteric. The attack upon the rebel brigadiers was even excelled in brilliancy by the magnificent audacity displayed before the Mulligan committee, and the celebrated South American poli cy was itself fairly put in the shade by the series of veracious telegrams from the bedside of the stricken President. All these things, and many other events of his life, are of astounding brilliancy; but, fortun ately, they are not the material out of which the fabric of confidence is woven. Under Mr. Blaine's control the government would no doubt have a policy, but it would be a pol icy which no one coul I forecast, and of which every one would ask, 'What next?' " Connecticut. Representative Mitchell, of Con necticut, is quoted as saying: (' feel quite sure that Cleveland will carry Connecticut. He will get a Treat many Republican votes. The Independent Republicans are well organized and are doing effective work. Their committee send out about as many documents as either the Republican or Democratic com mittee, and they send them to those why apply for them. There sire a great many Republicans who in tend to vote. for Cleveland, but they say nothing about it. They are quiet men, who so to the polls and vote without making tiny fuss. I know of a single block in New Haven in which fourteen Republi cans reside. Twelve of them are against Blaine, and most 'olTnem perhaps the whole twelve, will vote for Cleveland, but they don't talk any. The Independent Republicans will vote for Cleveland but they will support their party's candidate for Governor. Hence Cleveland will run ahead of our State ticket, but I believe we will win on both tickets. When Butler first declared him self a candidate I was discouraged," continued Mr. Mitchell, "but I soon got over that, Butler does not cut much of a figure in our State. He has played out." Mr. Mitchell was in New York Wednesday, and he said the Democrats there talk con fidently of success. Now watch for York's inconsist encies and note how artfully he dodges. Sufferers from the effects of quin ine, used as a remedy for chills and fever, will appreciate Ayer's Ague Cure, a powerful tonic bitter, com posed wholly of vegetable substances, without a particle of any noxious drug. Its action is peculiar, prom pt, and powerful, breaking up the chill, curing the fever, and expelling the poison from the system,, yet leaving no harmful or unpleasant effect upon the patient f Address Of The Dem. Ex. Committee. Headquarters National Demo cratic Committee, 11 West 24th St., New York, Sep. 22d, '84. To the people of the United States: The National Democratic Party of the United" States has pledged it self to purify the Administration of Public Affairs from corruption; to manage the Government with econ omy; to enforce the execution of the laws and to reduce taxation . to the lowest limit consistent with just pro tection to American labor and capi tal, and with the preservation of the faitli which the nation has pled ged, to its creditors and pensioners. The open record of the man, whom it has named as its candidate for the Presidency, has been accepted by thousands of independent Republi cans, in every State, as an absolute guarantee that, if elected, all pledges will be exactly fulfilled, and that, under his administration, good gov ernment will be assured. To secure these good results all good citizens must unite in defeat ing the Republican candidate for President. His history and politi cal methods make it certain that his administration would be stained by gross abuses, by official misconduct and wanton expenditure of the pub lic money, and would be marked by an increase of taxation which would blight the honest industry of our people. Against us, and against those honorable Republicans who, for the sake of good government, have made common cause with us, notable com binations have been made. These are chiefly made up of four classes. Fir at. An army of office-holders who, by choice or compulsion, are now giving to Republican commit tees, as parts of the campaign fund of that party, moneys payed to such officers out of the Treasury for ser vices due the people of the United States. Second. Organized bodies of men who, having secured by corrupt means the imposition of duties, which are Jjr excess of all suras, needed for thewmts of the Government' and for the protection of American la bor and capital, and having thus gained enormous wealth, are willing to pay largely to the Republican campaign fu::d for the promise of continuance and increase of such du ties which constitute a system of bounties to monopolies under the false pretense of protection to A meriean industeries. Third. A host of unscrupulous contractors and jobbers, who have grown rich upon public plunder, and are ready to pay tithes of what they have acquired in order to avoid all risk of being called to account for the evil methods by which their wealth has been gained. Fourth. Corporations which, hav ing appropriated the public lands by the aid of corrupt agencies in the Republican party, believe they will be compelled to give up their ill got ten gains if that party is driven from power, and are, therefore, willing to keep it in place by a percentage of their unrighteous profits. This committee has not troops of office-holders at its command. It will not agree to sell the future legislation of Congress for monev paid now into its party treasury. It will not promise immunity to thieves. It will not contract to uphold any corrupt bargain, heretofore made by the Republican party with any cor poration, for all the wealth which such corporation can offer. It appeals to the people against one and all these opponents, thus banded together against the friends of srood government. j The number of all these oppon ents is small, but their wealth is great, and.it will be unscrupulously used. An active and vigorous cam paign must be made against them. Their paid advocates must be met and defeated in bebate upon the platform and in discussion in the newspapers. The organization of all who are opposed to them must be perfected in every State, city and county in the land. Money is need ed to' do this honest work. Your committee, refusing to adopt the methods by which the Republican party fills its treasury, calls upon all good citizens for the aid which it requires. It invites, and will welcome, con tributions from every honest man who is opposed to the election of James G. Blaine as President. No contribution will be accounted too small. Wherever a bank, banker, or postal money order office can be found, the means exist for placing at the disposal of the Treasurer of this committee, individual, .or col lective contributions in aid of the great cause in which we are engaged or, money may be remitted by mail, to Charles J. Canda, Treasurer, at No. 11 West 24th street, New York When victory is achieved over the unscrupulous combination, which is now endeavoring to thrust James G. Blaine into the Presidential of fice, the recoided list of such con tributors will be a roll of honor, such as no other party in this country has ever possessed. Our opponents cannot be saved from disaster by forcing their un willing candidate to speak to assem blades of the Deople. The man who wrote the Fisher letters will never be the choice of the people for the Presidency of the United States. Arthur P. Gorman, Ch'm'ii Dem. Nat'l Ex. Com. York's Union Blood. Dr. York said here last Saturday that he was opposed to the war, and that he was a staunch Union man throughout the struggle. He said he sent his wife's relations to the war, and he staid home to take care of the poor boys when they were sent back from the army. 'Twas a rich man's war, he said, brought on by "broken down, secesh Demo crats," the same men who were now trying to get control of the Gov ernment. In reply Col. Morehead said such assertions from such a source was unworthy of notice, but as a com plete answer to all such such stuff he would read the following certificate: WiLKEsnouo, N. C, Sept. 17, r . K A J V. . . . 'MSA,.., . Wilkes County. ) "We, the undersigned, certify that we were members of Col. AV. F. Darber's company of Confederate solders, and were present at its organization, and that Dr. Tyre l ork ran tor hrst lieuten ant of said company, and in his speech he said there had been false reports cir culated against him; "that he was a Lnion man or entertained union senti ments; that such a report was false and slanderous, and that if he knew he had a drop of Union blood in him he would open a vein himself and let it out" or words to this effect. Signed James Hickeksox, (Iko. W. Jsalk, P. Shaw. Turning to Dr. York, he asked him if he knew the men who signed the certificate. He answered, Yes. " Are they reliable men? No answer. Are they truthful men? No answer. Does this certificate speak the truth? No answer. A ns wei . Doctor does it speak the truth? No answer. Tell these Guilford people, Doctor, does it express the truth, or is it a lie? He answered at last, "it does not express the truth1 All right, Doctor, said Col. More head, I know the men who signed this certificate to be honorable and truthful men, and they shall know your answer. In his rejoinder Dr. York said the men who signed that certificate were "secesh Democrats," men he had whipped for the last eighteen years in Wilkes county, and that the charges against his loyalty to the Union was "as false as hell and black as midnight." Patriot. Cholera in Europe. Up to now the cholera has slain 13,132 persons in Europe. This is the work of the plague for a period of less than four months. Nearly one-half of these deaths occurred in the Province of Naples, although the pestilence first fell upon the Medi terranean cities of France. Owing to the great ignorance and super stition of the people, and the accu mulation of filth in the places where they live, the disease appears to have run its course in cities and villages alike, and to have defied the labors of the authorities. In tho last week it has been found in three addition al departments of France, and it is now knocking at the gates of Paris. The late venerable Dr. Closs, when i i ..... on a witness stand a numoer oi years ago, had occasion to use the word "scalawag. 1 he judge stopped him and asked him for a definition of a scalawag. The doctor replied: "A scalawag is a white man who thinks that a negro is as good as he is, and who is not mistaken in the estimation he puts on himself. ' Webster nor Worcestor never gave a better definition. Piedmont Press. In the State of Maine, where Mr. Blaine lives, the Governor appoints the Magistrates by and with the ad vice of the Executive Council. And yet Maine is a Republican State. Why should Norh Carolina Repub licans and mongrels want to change our present system of County Gov ernment, when it is the system prac ticed bv Republican Northern State? and is fair and just to all good cit- i . i l 'j. i lzens, Dill does not suit uisiiouest tricksters. Home-Vemoarat. Governor Cleveland will not come West. The West will go to Cleve land. Kansas City Times. Filing on the Agony. The Republican organs which first cried "forgery" when Mrs. Morrill's letter to the Ohio State Committee was published were ba filled by her identification of her letter and her reiteration of the charges she had made. Here is new food for reflec tion which is taken from the Spring field (Mass.) Republican : Mrs. Gov. Morrill's courageous statement in regard to Mr. Blaine's character and acts has produced a profound sensation throughout the country, and she is overwhelmed with letters and telegrams asking if Xl. L .L .1. 11 . XT ' nie stiiieiiieiit m uicmtctt ntk Herald is authentic. She gave the following letter to a representative of the Boston (IqIm, some of the terms of which indicate a more in timate knowledge of Mr. Blaine's life than has been previously at tribued to her. To the Editor of the Globe In reply to your inquiry as to tho correctness of tjie report of my let ter, as published in the New York Herald, 1 will simply say that it is correct in every respect. The knowl edge of Mr. Blaine's wicked and vi cious life, and of his treachery to to those now dead, two pure and honest statesmen like Pitt lessenden and Mr. Morrill, prompted me to make the reply I did. Signed Charlotte II. Morrill. . m . . Joint Canvass. Some of our Democratic papers seem to have forgotten that the lack of a joint canvass defeated Merri- mon in 1872, that the heated, joint canvass in 1870 elected Vance by about fifteen thousand majority; that the sudden breaking off of the i'oint canvass between Jarvis and 3uxton cost Jarvis several thousand votes, and that the want of a joint canvass in 18S2 came near defeat ing Bennett. Let the joint canvass continue. Xeuberu Journal. Yes, certainly, by all means let the joint canvass continue. Let us all beg Dr. York to otand up with Gen. Scales before the people, and say what he has to say. We are willing to give Dr. York a guaran tee that he shall not be hurt only by Scales' exposure of his record and general bad conduct. Home' Democrat. . Vance at Newbcrn. Fellow citizens! Victory is in the air! The winds whistle it through the pines in our forests. The streams murmur it in their courses toward the sen. The ocean roars victory. The sparrows chirp it in the hedges, and the eagle screams it in the air. Everywhere are signs of victory and North Carolina from the mountains to the seaboard stands tiptoe in ex pectancy of it, and God grant that we may all see it ripen into the per feet day. Tremendous applause, cheering and musi& m p The Friends of Labor. Mr. Blaine has two afternoon or gans in this city the Mail and Ex press and the Commercial Ad rertiser. Both are in trouble with their print ers, and both are paying "rat" wages. The Tribune, the leading Blaine or gan of the country, is being "boy cotted" by laboring men because it refuses to recognize the Printers' Union, and the Philadelphia Press another prominent Blaine organ is known as a "rat" concern. Caught again, Phelps, the man Friday of Blaine, was at Blaine's house when the letter to him was written. Blaine never did anything open and above board in his life. "My Dear Phelps," and all the time Phelps was at his elbow while he was writing his varnished storr Star. If we want to keen srood and evil i j apart from each other in our acts, we cannot be too careful to keep them distinct in our thought, and distinct thinking waits on precise and honest wording. An nttpmnt will be made durinjr flip npvt session of the Lesislature to get a new county carved from r? - . . i -r i tit Wake, Chatham and iiarnett. vv e Vinnp thaf. an press will attend their efforts, if the people who live within the boundaries desire it. Durham Reporter. Ac an pvidpupp of thft severity of the drought in Maryland and Vir ginia a letter from a resident or Northeast Virginia to friends in Lenoir, states that water is selling there at 25 cents per barrel. Postmaster General Gresham has entered upon his duties $is Secretary of the Treasury to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Judge Folger. How many fall into sin which they did not believe themselves ca pable of committing! The Living Church