5 Local and Personal. Mr. V. I. McKsnzle, of Auty. fille, was tre Thursday. Mr. Jeff V. HoiVJint, of feted man, vu her Thursday. Mr. W. E.KiaMy went to New York last week to purohnas new goods. Alderman florae fi. IovU &f linUigb, spent several day in Fay tterill last wsek on buineas. Miss Lena VVrigLt, of tiontb Carolina, baa been in lb city sev eral days visiting Mra. J. A. Car ljU. Ut. How laud Carl y la, of Lowa, baa ban visiting Lia brotbar, Mr. J. A. Carlyla, doring the jat wtek. Tba Unlvn Cia, northwest cor- car of Market bquare.baa changed hands, and tha name is now Mat fqpolitan Caf a. County Treasurer David Q aster and bia aUtar, Miaa Kata (Jaatar, returned last waak froiaapJeaaurs trip to Naw V'ork. A naw front is being boilt in tba Jackson-Williams Company atora. It wilJ be a unvalty tor Fayette ; villa and a thing of beauty. -l Mr. U. Newman, a merchant tai lor from Baltimore, baa armed in FsystteviUs and will open up here for business is taw daye. The new ateal r HM way" fridge on i'eraon atreet on Blount's Creek ia Bearing completion. It will add ranch to the sppearanoes of tLat strsst. Tba UdiM &f tba JTirst liaptiat Cborcb are observing tbia .week ae "aeek oprajer, with servi caa at tba church each afternoon , at 4 o'clock. i Mr. Lawrence Mills,, fr several years in chairfe of the aboe depart ment la Kindlev'e atore, baa gone to Florence, 8. 0 , where ba ia an- jagad io tba aboe bueineee. Miaa Mittie Cobb, of Lumber i Bridge, daughter of Iter. J. W Cobb, baa accepted a poaition in tba Frank Thornton atora, where be will be glad to meet her man friends. GapU Hognet, U.rj. A, who waa Lre few aaya ago to Inapect tympany P., N tl N. G., paid ILt Uoneldson Military bob out a visit nd aeemed much pleased witu int work being none mere. Uniuu Invitation oarda, read tags followa, bar been leaned Too art invitrd to attend Kind let'a miilinary open inn, which ba ica Wadneaday. March 24tb UK)d, oontinnM through 2 rah nd icth." t Mr. W. fi. Melloy rambled off dawn into lower Rubeeon the other day and made an aJ ireae at tha oloainof aierclaea of Mi. Klatu school. Ipt porreapondent of tha Uobeaoniao atU be rands fine impression, Mr. MaUoy savs he had a great time ia the "stats of Uobeaon". It ia pleaaing to know that Kar Jsnsen, the boaadinsvian humor ist and ectartaiaer, ia to appear again ia ay ettevtlle t rtuay night, March Ivta. If too want aa era oing of wholeeome entertainment go to hear Lim. bee pregremoie on another page. Referring to the feoent diecua- aioa ocnesroiog the granting of a franco by the otty of t svelte viU to tha Carolina Telegraph Jk Telephone Company, Alderman i'o asks that it U aUted that if it waa a caUVake to grant the f raachiae the present board, la not responsible for tha error, aa the franchise waa granted by tha lfttf board. Bladen County Department f WHITE OAK NEWS. I foi cow wwm cojmsT. Mr. Ui4 (Uater.Ooanty Treaa ttrer.baa iacmaeci the a toon at of hie priee ia the Cumberland iioj'i vra U lowing Cvataat to faQaaah fmmuu itARKtis, Vaa COTt)-,t. CEtMd nek tk bjr ItWiiU 4 Ml. I Om4 Kt-iitbaK, Htne MwWiuig, ,. a i I EetUed vh vwk by U C. Wcta ) rod wear.) tW hmkmt . . - lim. . J..3Tk lMIMa,... w-t&JD li $t w i WW, kxa i. t w, X, C. 'WiA . u : (1 ta0sUtw -H liatum, an Ijw4 ...Ssi HblKa, dty, K-U ttM. Ta&wr, 1 11; A very great ahook came to tbia community in the eudden death of Mra. J.C Jiuilard on bunday, March let, bo Car aa known, aba waa in her oaual health until about noon of tne day aha died, bbe waa firat affected with a difficulty io breath id g and rapidlv grew wore, dying at 6 o'clock, lier death m a rery great bereavement to tha family and to bar many frienda. The remain were inter red in the burying ground at White Oak church, of which aha waa member, on Wedneeday afternoon at 6 o'clock. The burial aerrioe waa conducted by Bey. Mr. JJowd io tha preaence of a very targe Dumber of people. Among thoee who attended the burial of Mra. linllard on Wednee day ware Mr. and Mra. T. J. Uay field, of Louiaburg; C E and J L. fJuliard, of Fayetteville; Jeaaie Jcoea, of bampeon; J. 15. and V 11. Bullard, of liiobmond: Maaara Meiyin, of I'arkereburg, brothers of toe deceaaed; Mr. and Mrs. U U. fiuiiard, of iiope lills, and Mra. T. O. Bollard, of Fayette viae. On Uat Friday night there waa an old-time spelling matob at White Oak Academy, in which the spelling was done from the old "tflue Hack." and whiob produced .some amusement for the onlook ers. Many of the old epe'lers.wbo atudied the "liiue Back" io their youth, participated and proved their ability to spell better than moat of toe younger seneration It is a sad fact that our soboole of the preasat day do not produce good apeliers. it seems after si Ibet tba very beat way to (earn to spell ia to take the Jilue Iiack and buckle down to it, as was dona generation ago. At leaat oo surer sod better wsy bas besn devised by the teachers of to-day. And tne mental training met la ao quired by learning to stick to it is wortn mors tbaa tli the rest. Amid ths blooming of peach treee ana ibe d adding of iwset gums, we know of only one thing that Mr. Roosevelt has left undone oa retiring from tha rreeidsnoy. and that is to plaoe ths sage ground hog oo the Ananias list, rarhtps aa omitted tbis io bis desire to get at the gorillas and ohioipaa seea and other varmints of Africa White Oak, Mama U. " T " i iTiTir HLHRY SPIVEY CONVICTED. Accident and lleiltb Policies Aocideata and atchaeae ootur emr dlar, a4 tiate aa4 km tuouj are te euaMsaao. To ear tba law dolUn aa footda aad baaltb olicy wouU eoat joa, yo eanaot affvjrd to ?rrj tuch a r. A 4tcjr tB4tUBif6g JO IMUt it tail ba, Dad ytAg $55 to. $150 Per Qosth la tba Tel ol aay diaattiag injurj (jf aay dtwaaa cm a to tJ at the coat of f-il to $71 a ad t.U to IYUV boU dMta aue trucu koctileBtal tBjurte. Poiicjed fv ttuaUt atuoueU of ia4isattj uh1 at ima txwt, ia aay oocaitka. D. I. DcDCFflE, Itcnl. Rlidta Man Sentenced to Death for Metier of His father-io-Law CufTwiide&o of TL Index . Htotf bpivey vm triad iaat week in the Jiladen feuprV' Court for the murder of Frank bbaw, bia father in-law, iaat De cember lie waa convicted Saturday oijtbt of murder in tba firat degree and waa aentenced to death. Ilia counsel gave notice of. appeal to tba supreme ocuxt. The case attracted a large crowd.people com ing from every part of ii laden and Columbus oounties, and feel ing was high against bpivey. It seems that tha mao, wbq bad mar ried Mr-bhaw's daagbter,mUUeat ad bar and she left him and re turned to ber father's home, bpi vey threatened bis wife's life if if she did oot oome back to lire with him On the oight of Decem ber 10. 1909, Mr. bbaw beard the dogs barking and wsnt out to in vestigate and was shot down. lite daughter rushed to bis res cue and be declared that bpivey shot him. Mr. bhaw's soo also testified that be saw bpivey com ing around the bouse with a gun after the shooting. Bloodhound followed ths tracks to bpivey' bouse. ' The lawyers (or the defense tried to prove ao alibi, but they were nnsuoosssful. The families oa both sides are well-to-do sod an able array of counssl waa employed. Messrs. W. T, Wilson, of Winston, D. J. Lewis, of Wblteville, and Clark, of Bladen, aided the solicitor, Mr. N .1 A. biocJair, of Fsysttsyiile, io the proseoutioo. The mardsrer was defended by Col. N. A. McLean and Mr- Mclntyre, of Lumbertou, Lyon Lyon, sod Mr. V. A. White, of Llizabethtown. Elisabethtown, March 15. F s-oiii Jon'mjo FAYETTEVILLE, N. C 111 Bonk RESOURCES LIABILITIES Lueoa and Inda Ovardraita liuildjpg and fixturee Demand loana Cash and due from banka 2,001 63 26.000.00 tl2h,7'j5.l 11,061,516.62 Capital stock burplua iud profits Circulation Depoaii Due baak. (re-diaoounts) Bond account 100,0J.OU V0.213 hi 100,0JO.OO 84,602,60 31,700.00 75.WOO Steady growth , tells the story and is our Jl,05l,oH62 best advertiser H. W. LILLY, President JOHN O. ELLINGTON, Vice-Pres, and Cashier J. H. HIGHTOWER, Ass't Cashier WOOD'S DIOU GSADE Garden Seeds We introduced these aome year ago, and they have proven entirely satiafactory. A full Assortment on band, in oloding seed potatoes, ooiou sets, etc. 0. R. BORNE & SONS. s WE WRITE FIKE, Llr K, HEALTH AND ACCIDENT, STEAM iiCILt EMl'LOVEK'S LIABILITY. PLATE GLASS, aod aU oth 1nd ot inorance. Nuoe but btooupaaie ropreeotad. We Buy and Sell REAL ESTATE, both city and country property. We can amt you ia a farm or oity lot. THOS, H. SUTTON, JR., Ol CO., t'HONE.'tefl. LILLV HUiLDINOL The Index Prize Contest (Continued from page 1) Notkt sf Silt Under Mortgage. district in which the subscriber resides rlfty cents entitles the payer to cast &00 votes and 25 cents to cast 250 votes. III. Any reputable white lady may he voted lor in thid contest. IV. Subscribers living outside of, any of the districts named may vote in any district they choose. Persons who have alrea- lir rlrtua at thm vowr ftud MiUutrlU Iv bt certBtu KatAt Murwtkic. IIWUM tl A. O. IfinU t K. W. iM.mr. liCH M WIM III lti CHIC! Ol Utt I J woiA nonon miu vr.tn U ut iHwat tut f-umborteud Uglily, to . iw uic i boot v ia. i. a, vu loiiuwuig .ro(r ty vlil t Miud li mm hf putttic aucMuo, 1k Oa U (oath ! of lliuniuiil Paeuala, t4- lulnln ti. Uttilt tit W. a. lu-kmtita and Luna Cki-Mr, llnuln ( tvak Uf Hroi bt' roc tl !) ut Clitckoa Ui4 mi rni a. at. a. n w ctt. u t. tiiii- 8l a. Vl.ktu cli la a itkka. Lhura M. i. W. at io eba n uk to hnint' Una, tlipnoa lift Lla Uaa o IM Vtu.mu$, euullulu era. fioa of akkr. Court Bauaa Jour. Vtt(l- Villa. N. C T itua uf Ml. Ue'cauo nous. Ai-rtl lJUi. 1 arm i it la, laU. Alaurnar. Murwaa"- id at Malice of Sate Vader Uaigagt. By Tlrtaa of iho jHjr ami aatbortty Hai ln bt a otTlain Raal SataM M rttf &z. arava4ir A- atana v 1 u. no fin n4 Uaurorr-l to tba bank of Hopa Mltla, klcn la rai-ord xj in tlia omoa of Wia Itsg la ter tit Iaal fur Cumhartand ivtuily. q rn a No. o paa j Uia UiUom tu prop- arty win oa aspoaau to ai or pukuc auc- Hon. A ll.mtu tba Uodt of w. a. Mo X Ulan. a. u. I'aikor a no a. Jacl'D. auj Bortbeaat corunr ttt tba tract, of bk-a tliia la a rrv rani Uianra aitb tba (HIUtaa.). K-Laurba to a alaka. McMl a cxrur. uaoea I u us a. ?a . rut toaatakabr tba at'ta of tba road aar flua atump. tbaaca N. ta. W. rha to a ! la JackwaSi Una, tbaooa wttb II N. W. K tM cua V ilia txwmalax. ootilaiutu a- N aoma otor or laaa I'laoa of aaio. Court Houaa door. I a) all ?li.a. X. C. TUsa of aaic; U 'loek Boon. A i rU Kb, Tariua of aale. Cali. BAKKor HOPE MIL La. AMKJl H JUIIVmS Attorua). b ill The Country Home should enjoy the barns Oomforte as the Uily Home Uel a IVivate Water byetaiu It meant nealtb and Usppintaa and a-Toida rroteotioa From Fire equal to that of the cits water system. Write of call o now by sending in their ballots to The Index. Those who have subscribed and did not pay can pay and vote aa new subscribers. Each district will stand by J. B. Richardson, FajeUeTlUe. N. 0. We arc Agent for the The best Michine Made The White i KING of all Machines. SOLID CAR LOAD Sold oh Easy Payment Plan. itseff in this contest, and the lad in each district receiving the highest number of votes in that district will receive the prize-a geld watch. VI. The lady receiving the highest number of votes in the entire territory, that is, a winner over all. insteaa or receiving a l&jy s lioid atcn win receive a handsome quarter sawed, high ly polished Lady's Desk. It is a beautiful and costly piece of fur niture. VII. Renew als will count just as new subscriptions. THOSE IN THE RACE. Allowing is the list of names already "in the race and the num ber of votes they have: DISTRICT NO. 1. Miss Louise Huske, 7,500 Miss Jessie Crosswell, 1.500 Mrs. K. L Wemyss. 4.000 Mbs Zula Rankin, 5.000 Miss Kate Matthews. 5.375 Mrs. J. H. Culbieth, 1,875 Miss Nellie Watson. 500 Miss Mary Rhodes Vann, 500 Mka Annie Bell 500 MUs Pearl C. Maultsby, 5tK DISTRICT NO. 2. Misa Iterline IXiwning. 375 Miss Abbie I-'isher. 373 Miaa Beulah Averitt lS.75t Miss Cattie Lee BradAaw, 750 Mka Maggie Bell McPhail, l.OnO Miss Cora J. Jackson. Miss Sarah McDonald, Miss Bonnie Downing Miss Clara E. Sessoras, Miss Alice Beard, Mrs. II. S. Averitt, DISTRICT NO. 3. Miss Effie Newton, Miss Bessie Thames, Miss Eula Phillips, Miss Icy Johnson, Mrs. Dorcy Rogers, Miss Mary King, Miss Jeannette Morrison, Miss Bessie Marsh, Miss Cora Smith, Miss Florence Warner, Miss Linnie Hulon, Mrs. Thoa. Williams, Mrs. W. A. Kimball, Miss Edna Bujlard, Mrs. Alex. Amett, Mrs. M. L. Denby, Miss Mittie Hill, Mrs. J. E. Sanders,. Miss Eugene Cogdell. Miss Daisy Faircloth, Mrs. N. II. Budd. DISTRICT NO. 4. Miss Nettie Leslie, Miss Iois Rhodes, Miss Jennie Cain, Mrs. J. M. Bruton, Miss Margaret Bell, Miss Effie Shaw, DISTRICT NO. 5. Miss Florence Butler, Mrs. L M. Cooper, DISTRICT NO. 6. Mrs. J. E. Porter. Miss Irene Register, Miss Hattie Davis, DISTRICT no. 7. Miss Lei tha Lancaster, Miss Ia)uU, Taker, Miss Clelia Britt, Miss Ethel Marsh. Miss Edna Johnson. . DISTRICT NO. 8. Miss Mary Greene. Miss Daisie Shaw, Misa Bessie Campbell, Miss Flossie McL. Greene, 1,500 1,000 750 1,000 9,000 5,750 2,000 15,250 13,125 3,250 750 1,750 4,800 G25 1,500 1,500 1,125 1,125 375 2,250 750 1,000 500 1,000 250 250 250 16,875 1,500 1,500 375 8.000 1,000 2,500 2,600 8,750 6,000 4,000 ITMffmfMMffllFTiiirf.; If Witch, Clock and 3 JEWELRY REPAIRING j I give close personal at- 2 tention to all repairs. "Promptness" my mot- 5 to. w. G. COPP, Jeweler end Optician, FAYETTEVILLE, N. O Next to Indsi Printing Oo. l,5l!0 a2) 4,000 4.000 3,IX0 2,(XX) 1.600 2,000 HOW TO VOTE. Is oh Msue ft Ta lSKt U t vr a tUak bUv(, wtuca auil U iteJ. Slk-J out wilfe t&o Boi ot lU party n4rJ t'. ad aioaJ bj lbe vobag Tk lUoU oiut aAXu:upa&v th ubacri(lxa a4 ttw (Btejr. AdJrraM all otvmniuoicSua lo UXTEST UKHAKTMKNT, TilE lXOKX, ravirrrKviLUi, x. cx 4U bftUuta Wttst k io M otio ljr Ttta-U. itl al S I M At Bal' Jewelry SU ii.a ut the tadu.i Wti caa U a m Ut mhom lad-j. ad iba IWk caa avaa io tW thorn wiado at lie FaveiteviU' lut t tivtiO race. THE FAYETTEVILLE INDEX. Everybody's Column Jc"b Ist Windows sod Blind bt a big bargain. John A. UsIsa Per Jc"b Work that will pUage in priuting, in paper, ia promptness and in prioe, jnst call on Tub Ikusx office. Jc"b ZLSt Windows and Bliada at a big bargain John A. Oatasv Esrpererxcsd. Male Teactier wauls location ti build up A cad my AJdreas Prof. J M Pa, Augier, N O. Administrator's Notice lliuiitf iLm J ualifid aa J(uiai trator u.n Ibe mUM of Hugh l. Caojrua, Jt-cj, Uu ot Cuiul-rlaivi County, this i to uolify all irrasi bavinir claio4 a:ainat lie rata la ol aaki dotxl k einit.it Uksu lu VLc adr- i?a4 dub; vrtfiJ on or beium lb 2.Hb day ut February. liUO. or thai aouo wiU ba itaJiod la bat ol theti r OotvtJ. AU (ivraoaa laJcbUM to uid titW ill ploM4 tibt at oac J 3d. I'AUK. O. AOfc'M. Ji. C Adu.jaiaViv. NOTICE! Tnra ara U uiy oaaaV.B eriUi 'k1 jwprftl ware boi l ij U T. aV. o"T. at tua raua at U! daalti aaJ I wiu o prtxiat tl U taa owaara wlU aU au4 aas mm st oacc. JJiO. OATKa. Mareb IT. AiluLa lUaKi l To lh 0hat llaxtaet avacklfefei t.ksas tsad I .k i4 fc Tb laxiei I Just received. Pnvpl-rP'jinp Fiirnihirft Ho. l -&V1 I UIVttUIMIV I WIUa .1 VuLiu at m t - si;rZV;.V;;;;;V..!. Leading Furcitw aai Stove Dealer. Fayetteville.N.C Dstu:t No. Notkt of Sale Uodtr Mortgage. Bv vtt-Hic vf uie power al uUiortj t!Tu hv a rtjtla K! ..ru. t-x.y-iitsl by Suiab vvtUriaaul u w :m-M So E Vf. Lv. until u rn-. rr!) -,u lt vfflc of IU ttair lve.ia f timtr aa iualj . lii tv l S vx . . u Ei.viJojt n'rl, will a ki a paWii- auoiiiiu. t binctrK at a tl 'a X O. It ra' lilt, ri aa amaJltiVaoa 5ai polul r lb tiaulo e vrtir of irwl J iik-b tb! W a i van oof 0 Ml irv.lrre H uiu. a C' ta.nl run taL : V Uii .-f it B V We ti a. W a tU lUe-jO S. Si. oh V a tle !ii tb rvt . v of Vb ji U liat.rv,! thui-t lii!baH- H S. H. lw" caa a tvake. U etitv V tan olii. o t Nlmi cpuiaui!r kj acra aclNn tlor'lua v i ' IA. TriJii or a .'h AtUT.. Itorbiaj I U U