THE INDEX WEDNESDAY, MAY 5. 1909. 3 Important Hews Briefly Told Events cf Central Interest Re ported for the Convenience ol Readers Who Are la a Hurry. Tfct IVogrMiT Fnrn:er,tf Rsl igb. ht purchased U oUcrip lion list cf Modem Yuan, pub. listed ia Kkbcocd. Tnis rItm tt FrcgretiiT Faratr 44,000 cix- c elation. Gemot r WL'son, cf Kentucky, tt issued pardc to til person aoccsed cf tte kiliieg cf Gcfernor tiobel teat rt t go, tictpt UnT VooUty. wto It tow ry ing lift lecUact. . C. Duncan, tte cunlsssr cf tbt Industrie! 'w, ttt paid tbt tresis io Uckruptc; tbt porcbatt pie cf Ibtptper, ?,I02t6, tnd ttt taken possession cf tbt prop. tttf. i'nblication cf ttt ptptr will It rttomtd shcrtly udsr tbt catct cf Tit (ireecibtro Daily Ntt. . Fhtrcaa H. H. Bcrgsss, cf BoctLeru tcgiat ffi, mst bcrri bit Mt at Htlmt Tcerdy night la slighting frcm bit tngiot bt failed to bssr rapidly approach, ing twitrb engint and wat run ovar and instantly kUlsl Tbt dtccaaad livtd Ramaanr. V Tbt fcrmar rolar cf tb Turkish Empira, AUlcl Uaaid II., ia to bt ktpt a pritontr ia a larga boota with wall ad gronada, on a balgbt otarlocking tsaloniii, which baa latsly baen occupied by tbt Italian comniander cf tb intarnational Gtndarmarit. Ha ia net to bt pat on triad aa baa baan widtly report ed in Conatabtinoplt, for bt ia conaidartd to bt aboTt tbt law. A deal La lean consummated by which a stock company tecum tbt Wilmington Hter, which baa been pabliabad ia Wilmington for 40 year by Maj. W, II. iiaroard. Tbt purchaat rict wat t- '.OOO. Tbt new company took charge tht first of May. Many improve ment art contemplated. SSomt of tbt leading fcuslnss men of Wil miegton art anicotf tbt atockholJ. era, inoladinn Mayor frrrlnger.Jss 1 runt and W. II. Bernard. Tbt Wadaaboro Meaaengar re porta that two men went through Anaon county a few week ago, ailing doth and t?omising that thtir tailor would follow thtm ahortly and make tbeia up into uite. To ot per uit deiiTtrtd wae to U 2 00. Aa yet tht tailor baa not mad hi aipearanct in tbt ooonty. It appear tbat new gamea for taj anting people from thtir (via without returning a juet qaiva'.ect art UicgSTolvsdfasttr than aver. Tie Wilmington eubdivUioo of tht National Ked Croaa Society ia puahlng tht tt sgainst tht rav agea of tobcrcukma with graat ptrit. WbU th wcik among tht white ia by no mean neglected, special attention ia being girta to tht negroes who em culiarly tuaceptiblt to the Urt White Vlagut, A oJured nurt been tmploj ad for work among ber own people, and ber report bow that he htu KJtsia iJlt calls dartcg tbe past month, and hie now under ber o&rt 2i patients. A partico larly eotntuendabJt feature of ber work it tht fotnigaUoa and white washing cf preaisea for tht elimi nation of all danger of infection. State Superintendent J. Y.Joy, nar baa forwarded to each board of ooonty ootszuLeaioner ia tht eUte a blank for tho iteuiited statement of tcbool receipts and eipenaes re quired to be eubmitted by the ooonty board cf education to the board of county oomccitaionar as a bwia for tht iefjing of tht spa cut tax to proviJ a fottr.taonta' school ia every district ia th Oountv. in iraordinc with the pcil act of tit General Asaea blf of imt and la falillment of vat requirement ot articit V, .aeo. tlon 3. at tkm nMitt it "linn t.l nrth Ckrolina, aa ja tht lUJeigh Neva ana uoaerrer. lr. Jojoer alo eackjaea a ocliv hit let tar ta the ooonty euperiotendent and th waniy ooara cl eaucAUoa ia re gftfd to tJfc preparaiott cf this sUtmot, H ask that th com nuasiocara eiamina thbbUnk ami read oaretully tbe Utter, and asks th hanrtv board with the county bcrd cf uvuQ!j iai securing a tcooom- oaooi ia tery aotool district cf MASS UUTINO TO Bt HOD AT COLLY PUns Fcrmutiting for Feclimttion st Witt Art cf Swtmp Undt in Widen Ountr-Meeting Mif ith. To tbt many reader cf Thx Isi ex in Iiladen county a well as to tboat ali along tht epper Capt Fear tbt following from tht V1 tningtonbtar is cf tpeciaJ mtret; "Plan f jr reclaiming large area of ttt rery fertile awamp land oo tht upper Cap Fear rirtr art now rapidly aaaoaiing tangible shape and, to tbt and tbat a conaiounity cf intertat may bt obtained, a mas meeting of tbe land ownera cf French' Creek and Canetuck townabip io I'endar and Bladeo counties ia called to U bald at Colly, blades county, at 10 o'clock oo tbt morning of May Ctb, at which tiut bit. J. O. Wright, ao tspert of tbt Depart, ment of JJrainag Investigation, United State Department of Ag riculture, and Congreasmao II. u. Uodwin, will be present to address and oonfer with tbe people aa to tbt beet manner cf securing tht o much desired Improvement. ' "Engineer Phillips and an &a sistant of tht department, hart baen ia that section for tea days cr mor, making all necessary sur. vers, etc- aod at tbt Colly meet ini; it it propessd to incorporate a drainagtdiatrict for Lyon' Swamp to two dtstriots, one from Tide way to tbt liladen lint and tooth' sr from tbt liladso lint to tbt bead of tht swamp; also to Incor porat mutual organization to build tbt desired lave at Kelly's Covt, whiob will protect Lyon, Wbitt Dak and Uuokl swamp and tbt smaller swamp running parallel, it it propoetd to pro- oeed coder tht htatt drainage law. which will bt fully siplaioad at tht mstting, wbioh it it hoped will bt largely attended as tbt matter i on of th most impor tant with which tht people of tbat section huvt bad to deal io a gen eration." mm i. i NOILS FROM SALLUBURO Reception Io Cnduiting CUss iithe Academy improvements lor tht Heit Uar-C. rl. foe Io Speak. C'rreeitidDC l tfca Index. 1'rof. and Mrs. Jones of the Sa- lemburg Aoudeuiy gate the annual reception to tht graduating claea cf IWJ Friday night at tht Dor mitory. Tbt parents of those graduating were invited though only Iba following war present : Mr. and Aire. Willi White. Mr. and Mis. Ktandar Howard, Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Parker, Mr. and Mr. K. N. lintter and Mr. J. P.! Pat. Other present were Miss Clyde Howard, Mrs. Ana White, Mua Mary iiennett, Mr. W. i Urooka, Mre. Fletoher Parker. Mr. andMra. Henry Cooper and Mrs. frana J'arter. tulegant ana da'i. cioua refreshments were terved in four oourss in th dining hall. Prof. Jonas acted as toast master and tht following reeponded : Mr. Henry Cooper, Prof. U. H. Fisher. Mr. K. N. Hutler, Mlaa Mary Pen. oett and Mr. Frank Parker. After much merriment and pleasure Mr. Parker proposed a rising vote of thanks in behalf of their gratitudt to irci. ana Air J one and Mar garet tht cook. Tht oocaaion will be remembered aa ont of excep tional pleasure. Many improvements art in the lint of progree for this exoellent school Tht auditoriumo, being painted by tht two literary sooie. ties, Tbt Athenian will buy the paint and tht Philotechnio ia do ing the painting. Prof, and Mra. Jouea are planning for more tm t roved lighting of tht Hall They Lava put new steps to the audito rium aod bar arranged to have tbt boja' dormitory painted real eooo. lrof. Fisher baa presented new matting for tht Athenian Hall ,Tbe thirty-fifth annual Coui meuctment wiU takt plac May loih and Hth. IWX The pro grammt baa been arranged and 1romies to ba very interesting, t ia alway looked forward to with p'eaaur by a number of people, and plac art being mad to have thi co cf peouliar interest to tne (armer. Mr Clarenoa H. Po, editor of tht Progressiva Faarmer, Ksieigb, Ji, 0, will deUver th annual addrtaa. All farmers hav a special invitatioa. Tht follow ing ia th order of exercises: Thursday, 2.30 p ci, a contest by four boy of ta Philotechnio Literary Society for th declaim er't medal. Thnrsday, S:0O p. m., th grad uating xeroies, Friday, llA a. m address by Mr. Cl&rene H. Po. . Friday, 3.00 p. m . a ocnteet by four girl fur th "Geo. L Pter oa medil fo th best aaay on N. C History. CUaton K,FJ , Apil 24. 'THt UIQHTY HAT I fALLIN Abdul Hi mid, 11 Yean Sultaa cf Turker, Is Deposed, tad Leaves as a Ttiet In tbe Hiqht. With lust for blood equalling that cf a 0r Borgia, cd yet with bearing susv a a gent! mao cf th court, relsntiees, but polished, emooth, remorseless, cold blooded and yst arable and dif lomatic such is Abdul Hamid, Defender cf th Faithful and for 33 year Saltan cf th Turkish Kmpire. It waa Gladstont who referred to Turkey's rolar aa MAbdol th Damned. Few name associated with tbt vaoillating fortunes cf Near Eaatsro Empires stand out mora prominently loan tnat of ad dnl Hamid. With bnt three ex captions Hamid ha experienced a longer reign than any ruler of Eu rope, aod during tb terrible) stretch of bit bloody reign unrest and open revolt bavt marked tht passage ot troublous yeara. Many timea baa tb fat of tb Sultan been io tb balance, and from the midst of tb chaos of open rebel, lion bt ba always com forth more Dowerfullv tnoond npoo thttbroo. Io danger at all timet from enemies, hi lift baa been spared, a if hedged about by some etrange Divinity. WTlth a record of murder and bloodshed aa black a that of Lao. pold io Africa, Hamid now faces what tht world interprets absolut ovartbrowal. It was oo yssterdsy that b wb deposed, and it was on yssterdsy that bis brother, Meb-' med Ksachad Elf sodi, favored by th young Turks, waa proclaimed Sultaa. Dispatches cf tb early morning announc tbt withdrawal of tht deposed Sultaa from tht Turkish capital. Hit exit was made under cover of darkness and bit only follower were eleven wo men of bis one glorious and pop. uloua baram. What pitiful re trtnebment baa taken place in that harem which waa one th brag ot tbt Eastarn world, "How the mighty have fallen." Hs who cracked the whip over a servile and terrorized populace for thirty and three years, whose vtfry i res sence suggestsd terror, and in wboae wake followed the stark white liod; ha who presidsd over ont of tht rocst txtensive harems since tht days of King Sclomon now must quit th ospital as a thiif in the night. Meanwhile, those whom fortune baa favored are making the best of the situation. Just now at least it would aeem that the Young Turk are ia the ascendancy, and for this fact Amsrioa and England are thankful. Tb Young Turks represent th party of progress, and, waging a warfare for return to strict allegiance tc the Constitu tion, their tupremacy must mark tht opening cf anew era io the Near East. Put crises in Turkey, as ia South American republics, oome in close succession, and the victor of to-day ia oftentimee the vanquiahed of to morrow. TOR GOOD ROADS. Citiitns ot Davidson County ia Fatoi ot Bond Issue- At a mase meeting of Davidson county farmer at Lxicgton the otner uay, presiato over ty tapl E CLRobbin. after addresses from prominent local and state good ,Wl.. .n.1 .ir.ori. Iff". nnanimona riaintr vol?, it was re solved to authorize an election for nearly a million dollar bond issue for gxd roada. Daridaon is said to be the finest wheat aod corn growing county of trie elate, wua seven roller cour mill and large furniture and out ton factories at Lexington aod Thomasville. Tht county owe not a doitsr and has a total araol proreitv of $l0OQ.WG. Tht last Lsgislatur authorized a bond issue. The im pression is that half a mil'ioo will be ample for tht purpose. It is the largest road bond issue ever authorized io the Sooth. E. C. Robbina waa chairman cf th meeting. C. C Moore, W L Spoon, C U. Wright, S E. Wil llama and Commissioner A. E My ers mad addressee. Sentiment ia rapidly forming to hold an electioa and carry the bonds An executive committee waa named to arrange th details of tbe work, th intention being to hold aa lection in August- Under th act there wiU b a highway commission in conjunction witn the board of oommisaioxtere. It ia believed that th bonds will sweep th county. Th Florida Legisinture has p&sasd a bill allowing th popi of Florid to vote cn St&U prohi bition in 1910. BRYAN FOR PROHIBITION Would Bit U. 5 Tax in Dry Terri tory. W. J Pryac. in lit eeka CoiEEioiier C4.ll on the Demo cratic members ci Cocrees to e&end tie internal revenue por tion of tie Payne liil ao as to Lr tiibit the issus of Federal rev ecu tax receipts in States, coao titt or communities hers the sale of liquor is loci!y prohibited fie says: "The Republican party has long boosted of being the party of good government and morality. It tax lad the support of a large majority of the ministers and religious pa pers, and it has constantly charged the Democratic party with being an ally cf tbe saloon and in league with Iswlessnsss. "Th time ba oome to put it to the test. It matters cot whether a person fsvors prohibition cr op poaes it, be ooglt to be in fsvor of ths enforcement of law, whether that law suits him or not. "Popular government reets upon respect for law and nothing is more calculated to cultivate dis respect for Isw than thia action of the Federal government in not only ignoring the wishes of tbe people to various localities, bnt io actually reaping a profit from the issue of licenses which stimulate lavbreaklng. Can the Federal government afford to eontinut a partner with ths lawbreakers? Can any party afford to longer legalize this partnership t" Tall your neighbor bow you like J HE iJSDEX. DEATH AT LUMBER BRIBGt Mr. Hugh Graham, an Aged and Highly Isteemed C l ien, Pisses Away. Mr. Hugh Graham, aged 0 years, and ons of the most highly estesmed citizens of Lumber bridge, died at his bems there last Tuesday. The funeral was conducted Wednesday by Kev. J W. Cobb from the Presbytsrian cbarcb, of which the deceased bad lucg been a faithful member He ana a splendid type of Cbrisliau gentleman and enjoyed the conn deucs of hosts cf friends who SY'tpatbiza with his children in their bereavement Mr. Graham is survived by tive Suns: E. J , Thad and Willie, of Lumber findgs; Duncan, near Actryville, and Jeff, at Perry, I la Deceased had spsnt all his Ids in the community where he died NEWS FROM SAMPSON. Mr and Mrs. R M. Grumpier, Sr.. of Uoneycutts, visited their laughter, Mrs. C. C. Welle, of near Msgnolia, last wssk. Oo Monday Mr. Crumrler was in Clinton and depoaited U00 in one of the banks to the cred it of Mrs. Wells, which she ssnt op by him and is money of her own from the sale of eggs, buttsr and poultry, accumulated in a ysar or less tims. It is her habit y make a deposit once or twice a year of the money from this source, and never sends her last dollar, sither. From her tar keys the past season ah realized fl5'j Now this is tine business; no ous can dispute it, and it our farmers could make a proportion ate prott to the amount invested, they would all aoon be "as rich as Crams." Clinton Democrat. Mrs. Mary Dunn, of near Ciiu ton, lectured on missions at Long Breach church on Sunday after, noon, April 1?, and also organized a W. M S. and S. B. S hhe also alao organized an S. 6 S. at the Autryviile church the Sunday be fore, o w bear. Clinton Demo crat. Tbe Mia Himself. A lady employing a colored man asked him hi nam. "Mao nam U Poe, ma'am." "Fo? Perhaoa some of your family worked for Edgr Allan Th darky' eye opened wide with great surprise. "Why " h gaaped, pointing a dusky forefinger to himself, ''Why, Ah am Edgar Allan Poe T Eve rybody's Magazin. AFTER 20 YEARS Case of Slocomb vs. hardie Decided it favor of Former. Th ancient case of Slooomb vs. tisrvli. involving tb possession of a, house and lot in East Fay etU vilie, waa decided in favor of the plaintiff in Cumberland Superior Court last week after (wnding more than twenty years. Thi de cision givea poeaessiou cf the crop arty held by Mrs, W. D. Jones to Cook & Dye, commissioners, un der a former order of saia by waicb Mr. A. 11. Slooomb, tie plaintiff, btoam tht purchaser. B RI We manufacture strictly hih grade critic. We handle Fire Brick and F:re Clay. Vie are agents for vitrified paving brick, and the celebrated Washington hydraulic press trick in all the different colors LISTEN! Build with brick. No other buildiug material ba ever been discovered that wi'l take Its pUce. Get our prices. We are prepared to fill both large and small orders promptly. We art the builder'a friend Telephone, telegraph cr write u for price. E- A. POE BRICK CO., . A. POE. President. R. G. HARRJSON, Sec.Trea ZZ-7z-& ) tzsj.- I -'- .',' !..i ' ? Ul A D M CCC Good Harness, better Harness, I inniVLtJ Buggy Harness. Wagon Har ness, Single .arness, Double Harness, and Harness to suit all. Saddles Robes, Bankets, Whips, Brushes. Combs, Oils. Grease, etc., etc. Prlcts RIabt. J. A. KING, FAYETTEVILLE. N. C. GEO. S. MARSH, JR., 276 WASHINGTON STREET. NEW YORK. f Produce Commission Merchant. Specialties : Strawberries, Huckleberries, Dewberries, Lettuce, Cantaloupes, Etc., Etc. Testamonial: Clinton, N. (.'., Janur 'Jk'. '0. t The Produce ( oaiaiiiiii.n Huuie of Go. B. Mir.L Jr . i f New rk. i. Mi LM.ciltni grvat dual i ( riuc rom lino i.ict id the iat fa ;.er and La built up m good reputation uf lair dt-uhn with tht-ir customers here cd of obtaiuintf tiafa t.)ry prtoes for oonignmeBt. I- A. Huthi , t,rtid.nt hnk of I'IidUjq. I. M. I'STKit h, Shipper and Merchant. Jmi. I. Kskk, Attorney at Ijlw. J. H. Kei.utkuA Co , Mwthanu and Shipper. G. 8. Ma 1 the largest nhspper of trut k fruiu her.--B. I. Smith, Agect bouthern Esprwie Co. A. 8. Huke. Local Agent in K)ettville, will furni.h itnc:H, ia etc. iA A A ftTi 1- "r ihF OUR MK. Bfc. ILL has j ets, where ha bought about C0 lled sny kind of a Horse yau may want and Uisiaess, rarm and family nctrses, Mngle or 1'jud;, as well as several K-TR NICK SADDLE UORSESaud Paired Har ness. We also hav any aits MULE from th heavy log Muis to th smaller octtou and farm Males. exactly as represented by vis. t Buggies, Harness, And the weil known Babooes. Baggies and Hackney Baggies, We also bar on hand stall time a ooatpieta una of th medium and cheater grade; Harness. Robes, Etc . to go W keep all sizes of wagons add can furnish yon with any kind We Pay the Highest Mamet Prices for Cotton, if you need anything in OUR LINE call and aee aa. BEVILL & VANSTORY. faykttkvilie. s. c. GOOD THINGS TO EAT We buy them from the fanners at top notch prices, and we sIlianuly supplies to suit you. When you come to town don t forjrt to s WOOTEN. THE GROCER. Tell your neighbor how you like The Ixi-sv TailyourghboihowyoaUiel Tee lsvsx ; C K Buggies and Surrtys-in many 6tyles and makes. The kind that runs easy, ride easy and has long life. Just what this section wants in vehicles. Wogor)$-AII sizes. One and and two-horse. The same easy runners I have always sold. This means much m wagons. Ask the fellow who owns one. He knows. A A JAi'At A A 4 S jfc S-SVJI J-JH Sir Lit rf MULES arjd 0 R S H E S aet returueU from tba Western mark ot Mates and Hcrses We hav Uigh-Ciasa l'aoers, (iotHl Trotters Each and every una guaranteed to ba Wagons, Robes, Etc. with them both on and two h'-rs hand yen miv want, ont cf atook. Typewriter Bargaias Remington No. 6. all late features $5G.0O Underwood No. 5. visible writer $45.00 Sun handy little writer $10.00 All kinds of Typewriter Sup plies. J. 8. BOYD, FayetUTiKe. N 0, For Photographs GO TO Paton's Studio Over National Bank cv j Favetteville. ' W-a call tk h?veno agents the cstorner gts beneiit.

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