THE INDEX. WEDNESDAY, MAY 5. 1909. 5 Hope Mills Department - -Oa Boeder, April 2tb, oar ledge That TfcouT Lisc htiilaojcf Odd Wi oUrred the Wtb iroiUjf cn from FsjttUTilis Hteciwsar t-f Odd Jfeliorsbip 11 ys fclds towt Lart iest bcircLioK ux body 10 the Metbo- baduU fc aaake go lbs 21st of Joe to cleUfct j JLiUrtjt Declaration. Death of am JfAST-Wre. gist to aoooodc that tbt iofa&t cLild of Mr. lie man Dssrsr ied Friday oigbt. Tb funeral took lIacs on batuxdsj af taraoon. Tbs Lcrtaved parent bate tLs ) icpa tb of tie coiumcfiity. 0&e afternoon last veek Mrs. YV. L. Thames del Sgbtf all r eoterUSned the ladies of tbe liockfisb jjaptiat Courvb Miaaiooarf bociety at Ler tome. Tbe goeats jr agreeably ectertaiced and want away with tbe feeling tbat their (?oud Loetea was a claiming entertainer. e "tJtTfKK" at Mitosic Hall Tbe young Jadiee of tbe Metbodiet Kundai ecbool will serre "supper" at Maaonic Hall next Saturday night, Mat Mb. Ice cream, cake, fruit, confections, la tact ell tne ideliceoiee of tbe seaeoo will be on sale. Tbe jprooeedt will go to tbe Mstbodist cburcb. All ere cor dially tnrited to attend. e e t hi v. & u. o uigu across tbe etreets and tote of Hope Mills tbe road bed of tbe Virginia A Carolina Southern is being graded new. boon tbe bridge will be thrown acrcM KoclGsb. Tten tba trains wilt begin to nil in, and tbe Inity vcice of tbe porter will be heard; "Hope Mills I Cbaogecers lat all points nortti, ecutb and Ntat." Wniy. Mtbe world do aore" THE VVl SSD TBE i'lACHEU. Frott growers iatLia aection ted cs that tee beary winde of but Friday and Hatardey end Sunday blew ijoatitities of peecbet from tbe tree. Moet of tbe trees were overloaded, bowew, end full crop ie Hill left intact. Ha per Itipi tbe wind tat e bleeeing la ditguiie, as tbe remaining fruit will be larger and mature better. At any rata, 'tbe wjnd blowetb where it listatb," end tbe farmer can neither cbange nor temper it. llEvivtLof IUlwios Ke? . T. II. button, pailor of tbe Metbodiet cburcb here, will commence a bit cburcb oo tbe third Sunday of tbe month revival meeting, lie will be assisted cy tbe Her. Raymond Browning, wbo ie reputed: ta be a ycurg prcber of earnestueas and powtr. Iter. Mr. button ettends a moat cardial and nrsrint invitation to ell tbe people, irrenpectife of creed or tack cf creed, ta attend tbte pueet lag, asiUt in tbe work and bear essii receive tbe glad tiding of sal vati&a and light. , berelier. J.M4iibbe preacbtd tv tbem fcrcible end iof tructi? eermoo. By tbe way, ebaut 40 membere of Hope Mills Jodge attended tbe District Conventico held in Fay etterille reoentlf, end their team conferred tbe first degree. TbLe team ie considered e crack one in tbe btate, end their work' on tbie (.ccasico was said to be rery fine. e TbeSasu or ilors Mills foa Cum Rrrr Woke. Mr, 13. Cole, en expert in tbe empby of tbe xJeaaer Mannfacforing Compeny, of Apene,!icbwaa in Hope Mills last baturday. Wbile bere be made e tbcroogb examinatioo of tbe sand end gravel of tbie aection, end bi opinion, as given to tbie writer, ie tbat tbey are decidedly tbe test for making concrete of any sand and gravel be b.e ever Been. Tbiek of tbat etatecnent. Mr Cole bae bed long experience o con crete working, end bis observation end kno ledge ere widespread. H j eucb statsment, coming from aucb a aouroe, will bsve great weight and do much to place Hop Mill before tbe public, jbettboee wbo intend buying concrete re member tbat concrete turned out at Hep Mill ie made from tbe beet material to be found in this country. dpt. A. L Cur Dies el Irenes Rt- ettvea. Cept. A. h iuy, conductor of an Atlanta Coaat Line con trac tion traja died, at a bcepital in Fsyettenlle buuiay eigbt from a blow received from a beary chain Friday morning. Tbe remains eere buried at Lebanon Baptist cburcb near bis old borne Mondey afternoon, the funeral beicg coo ducted by Dr. J. J. Hell, ttorof tbe First Baptist Cburcb. 8oti f 4uction Ueds. Tbe county board of education met Mondey in regular monthly eeeei to, but no busineee we Irene acted except routine mattere of a minor order, tiouue mattere of greater interest were deferred un til later date. MICTION WAS QUltT Dtmoctitlc Nominees Liedei With' .cut Opposition In Fifetteville. Tbe municipal election we held in Feyetteviile Monday, tbe Dem ocratic ticket being elected witb- out opposition Tbe vote was rery litrbt, Tbe ticket elected was a follows: For xnsyor, V. C. Uul lard; for aldermen, O. W. Bankin, J. A. liarnee. C Li. McMillan, J I). McNeill, It. U. Buckingham, (J. U. Ledbettsr, U. h Jones and E. A. Foe; for board of audit and finance, J. O, KUington, ti. W. Cooper and 0. M. Hugbee. IL a ii i L P I U II I ll IJUIIUIIII FAYETTEVILLE. N. C. Bonk RESOURCES LIABILITIES ljne and 1'ui.t Ovadrafts lioildicg end fixtures Demand loane Cash and due from banks 3.001 63 li.ii;! Capital ttuci burplus &d profits Circulation Depueits Due bank, (re-dieccctte) lioLd account t tl.061,6I; 2 tells the ftory and is our best 'A213.S2 100.000 684.602.Sa 31,7.fX 75jrjQOO advertiser Steady growth H. W. LILLY, President JOHN O. ELLINGTON, Vice Pres. end Cashier J. H. HIGHTOWER, Ass't Cashier i . - Hon wus rmoHhis. Mr. M. W, Driver, superintend ent of tbe Eureka cotton mills at Cbestsr. B. C , is visiting Hope Mills, bis old borne. Mr. Dillon Jordan went to Kicb. mond batordey nfgbt. He wee joined at Fayetteville by bie broth er, Mr- Iiobert Jordan. These gentlemen went to Hicbmnnd to be witb their brother, Mr. Walter Jordanwho bed bie leg amputated in bt. Luke' htspital Mooday. Mr. Lynn Mstbi ws taken ta Highemitb bospital for treatment Moudsy, MtmVlUl MARKETS. COTTON. (Evie4 Mcb ek bf httill A Vn etorr.) Oood UMkng 10 Btnct MlddJ.DK, b Mi4Ulng, 4 PRODUCE. KstiMMl eacb wk by L. C. WooU o UtniM IguTtm rreBt t)c to producer.) Fa?. ...W 17 t'LicUfo. Lrotler,.. i'.-.'tt lltrM,... '!" U) lUtu, Lit il 00 I 9, Uck l UX) N.O. 8idt. lxj Vawi ft. HbouJAirs 11 12 litmi. li I.. Ird, 124 f WOOD'S HIGH (JBADE Garden Seeds We introduced tbeee aome years ago, and tbey bare proven entirely satisfactory. A full Assortment on band, in cluding seed potatoee, oniou eets, ftc. B. R. BORNE & SONS. WE WRITE HHE, lAk'K, HEALTH AXD ACCIDENT, STEAM i-ClLEK, EMPtOVEK'S LIABIUTV. PL-ATE GLASS, and all uLer kinds ol iracraooe. Nous but hi ecotpaaiee r-etuUtl. We Buy and Sell REAL ESTATE, both city od couatry property. We can tuit you tu a furx or a ctt P1IOXE tm. THOS. li. SUTTON, JR., 01 CO., LILLV BUILDING. L7 Eiperlmtntlng Is Dangerous. TbcrB U cotLiEeirm;'iiUl ljuut oi.f utivl a tut youriflf i-an r)vpDt ;our Uora, a-i HO na.;ii( tueio roD( il you JltUv, dry, to-13 tb"!u at the right llce, (Ir..B, ...... CVi Not th avrtM;e icUole sllrr Hi Ta"", 1 1 nuiion immjiu to be to gal your nam liar, 6tK ham.! with a air tht inki your Foddr, fl.OO l.l.i I faocv and o(-Di your (mre. fcbncht....... .......M)fl It it by knowing the optical bmiueiw tfcofoutfhlT and attending to it ro.tij j tbat we hope to build and to kw rep utios. ARE YOU READY Jur tha BnanciU iU'Ptoitie that wiil coma to you? Oocxi erdit nr rdy ea mooe vd 1 d4m1 to wt tbem. l'utticg money y Mfoly u iniuraat agaiutt adv-rny. No nam should U without thiiotctin. It prejr yon woudfrful 1 for this opportunity. BT (rt of your incoib nularty and dflwn your savins ta this itaok. tour mmey will be aaraiuK yoe 4 r cent. iatrt workinfr vhtla you work but also hil yuu rt- Anacoouatis our BsTion l-(rtiuBnt moi a atart on th rua4 to auctwM. SoiaU sccusU m wUooate as THE BANK OF HOPE MILLS HOPE MILLS, N. C J. If. McPHAlU rmMwit, V. C. TARBOKCXIod V-rreen D. C. KOQEKS, Vit Pn-sidtBt, h. II. FLEMINGCuftlitr COME TO SEE US, Copp & Best. urn IS to its depositors. The business of The National Bank, of Fayetteville, N. C conducted on this basis, which is, in truth, SECURITY AND CONSERVATISM. Safety is considered before profits. for your banking courteous treat- 8 W I u is ci li J9i New Era in Lighting N'uil.turf like U tor sur. Cliurvtt. Ixlgpur Hucldruor kroM!U oil, t n1 rU-c-trliiiv. Tin cbl. I.rltt!trt. -ato.t iu.1 itt ilrfhl uf an. At One-Half Cost MUitim bow in ut. n.t clitHTf uU' farui "i nl. Just tail eu l.S 'vu (IjU ill c11 00 ir John 1. Pemterton. Fyettvill, X- C. tiBsponaibla Ajpotta Wofesi. oooooooooooooooooooooooooo EVERYBODY'S COLUMN Oraduete of Irugbon'a liosiDsas Oollege tsqU pesitiou aa ate oogiapber. Address D. A McNeill. 4-5-5 Cotton, N . O J We feel justified in asking business, assuring you always, Sj ment and satisfactor service. Your Account is Solicited upon a Most Favorable Basis. W. A, VANSTORY, President. S. V, COOPER, Active V-Pres. ib!e Be a. b. McMillan, Cashier. T.M.SHAW, Asst Cashier. 1 4 1 i For JUb Work tbat will please id printing, ia paper, ia prompt ness and in prioe, just call on ThcIspsx otiioe. Notice el land Safe Under Mortgage Br Ttrtu. ol c-MTtaUi BoruiM 41 cuvhI lo tb Batiwnaei rir Ttura a. iMttt VHM. i Bd rweordwl ttKWKr'UJSol Cumter!o (HuutT iu tHv.k -tp" Si. p tHte4 prapwW Ul Hoi4 public cUia to Black Kl w TwstUk. CuiutwrUaa tvaty. on wbk'b ta akt Oourxe Thurstou Urn. etu tuc wJTf u k.'r. luor r tnm. tHMuideJ ua t& N jrtU bv tb lands D tem H ih.h1, o tit Kaa tv Ui 'uO ot 3 lan4ot Vrefc Ttorniau twlo kaod eoavvd to th utl tteorsre TfeoruWiU br feU tutfcw. lurobr nJ siatrs imJ W uiu tub-rul by bai Crvu tus moUT. s"nvt t'bvwatoe. Aiui tor fuU dsrtpJn ttJe livivu ol th uf tk iwhI uau T&or&kia u4 Vb dl iitorii- t'U t . Mf: k!itw.rU SceKvol Mota, T5m y MWv M Jii, l!M t tS Vioci, 34. Tlsia Awll t Is AXitSVPVIT WVPAXT, St Pauls Cash Store, St. Pauls, N. C. Come in and inspect our line of STRAUSS & CO'S. Up-To-Date Clothing, Full Line of MEN'S AND BOYS' PANTS. BOYS' AND YOUTHS' SUITS OUR SPECIALTY. inspect our stock and compare ours with others' prices before buying. ST. a cs2 P(WL$ CASH STORE, ST, PAULS, N. C We are Agents for the m JI G H I N & The best Machine Made The White is KING of all Machines? SOLID CAR LOAD Sold on Easy Payment Plan. Feyetteviile Furniture Cot, Leading Furniture and Stove Dealers. Fayetteville.N.C Just received. 0 0 O li lulu I Tile i i'S ft ft 4? S 5 ."?5 A & It you oely a tee tsgfet tuater iaI ta curr 11 vour luiutet i U right, your aa, ckx, bbsdt uiouid tag 3d sai vork fit iat m you orU iu and tbea it tb pcioet ar sot nizit too biis by c thuii ev -vnX feaada tht ia a r&l joy ia buikiina hoiis ia it grow. W ar tirl feod frota tit stamp w thr tiaib5i product. UrrVs fet we si- Seed us your lid aad Wt vs iigur oa kaytbiaj you aod. It . ur prioea ck'tsvut, b we hs?e no mar W v. 0 0 McDIARMID. The Lumber Man. Fayetteville, R C. a is 0