Y THE INDEX WEDNESDAY. JUNE 2. 1909. (MM"""1 WHMiinimmiMiaaii HMttuaati 1 S i s S7;? Home Maker HARHTT C0VH11 LW$ Tie followii cttruJ iroa IL or ue tbat atxb U to ty ' HE JIEI tcete ItOObUifit eo iJjucb if cociitroo tecee. It ie tte Mud ti doctrine Hat fied y te ..reacted is every touaebUd: Ja ao eddree i ibe graded eU4 at WedteUra Mr. fcieiett ie gaoled ty It Auaoniao M eay. itg lUt if fee were Cwi egie, fee wodd ieve a Mgielature of tie oi ecd tie tret Jaw paeeed would t cc retebliaUaif a cookie; achcol in every towoebip. Tbe tit would rf qui every girl to gradual lom tbat ecbooJ before Lceaee could be ieeutd for lb ferriage. Tfce girl locked ericue nd tLeboj iaofrbed out," wy the Acaoclan. Tbere M certainly bo aaii fur merriment! in tteee rea.erke. Mr. iikLttV idee U ao etfiioeiitiy eeoeible one cd if it cculd be carried out tbe Leaitb and raj j im ee of tb peo ple ti tbi cooutry woald be yeetly lacreeeed, Cfaarlotle Cbrocicle. "TLi ort of talk iio't popular, but tvery ibdiridoal of eeuae too it i .tactical common acuta, acd it abould ba ewpbaeurd again and again until it taW bold iA Ibe triiod and btarta of pereute tepecieliy. In tbta connection it la gratifying to not (bat lr.C.M. Kk tarda, of Davideon, in fete an scat aarmon before Vouug Wo men" Cbriatian Aeeociation of ;tateaville Female College, die eceeiog tbe cbarecter of Jiutb, tba Moabiteee, gave bar firat dietioc tion for induatry tod called attin tion to tba tact tbat induatry ia (La chief virtue aecrlbed to tba virtoou woman deecribed la tba Hook of I'roberbe. And tban Dr. Kicnerde atatcd plainly, tod with (t baaia, tbat it la a diacra dit to a oi;,aa in toy poaition to ba an idler . tb(t it leadietioet diacredit I. bar oct to know bow to work, nu tcttur wbat poaition, and it Sa to t.r iharoe to l onwillicg to work tta bcctaiary. Tbiaaorl of taik, wa rapaat, fa c (h palar. Wben girl fa told t l t aba aboold know bow to cook i:.d keep Louia aba ia more tban ..ilv to anawer tbat oooka can ta rd, with further eercaatio ra :..tti to lb liTecttbat man wbo tta a wuiiiio for tba work aba - do, a a tlave, a drudge, ato . iu vary law ideal of piarried Ute. Tbat ta alt C3tti. 110 jf vriia ia taad in the acbool aid I.Ule cr no ttuntion ia girea tbe taicicg in too cuaoy boo.ee Hi is U rigbt tbat girl tUuli be jUugbt cucaic end painting and Uber noootopiiabmeoU. Ail tbeae Le:p toadurn end tuaka ltraciie to cvure ibetr 1 ! Luuo it cide. Tie fix t tLU 1L kVef tt Ccurl-UHngUa Cadet Oomwiak,n ol UasiU fuf tuLMicg oe c tbe tjfufgee L4 ek'a alva ci court el LLlirgtoe eeot Mr. J. h Muiey tj fvr oe year fvr bJind tiger bviic.e and Charlie Tbgwd and liufe Jecigao, bUh ouiurtd, to tbe roada. Judge Lyon and JSolicilor Aro.iUad Joeea did a tbe Lou.. But th i.tHTxwA tidal g'od work cannot be nejtiecUd. Tba caterijl Tbe approecbea to tbe Uliiog- tbinge wbat w ebeJi eat and drink end wberevitbl abali we be cJutled are abeojeteiy oecea aary. Is towta rapecialJy worsen uaually do tbe jbuyicg lot tbe family. l)t. Koerp, in eo nddree before tbe fcfute Legulatore at it recent aeaaion, aaid tbat tbe ignor ance of tbe women in not knowing bow to buy and wbat to boy coat tbe nation at leaat two biilicn dol lar annually; tbat few woman know Low toaeb-cttbe proper kind of food end tbat many a baby baa died prematurely jbecauae it jn oth er d;d net knew bow to tk care ot it. "Tbere are tbree bieg, aaya Dr. Koapp and Tbe JLendmerk want Mr. Jiickett to include tbera in bta cookicg acbooi law tba a girl ougbt to know and aba iau't tt fur ruarrisge until abe duce knothem, Tbey are; (J) Wbat food to pnrcbue end bow to cook it; (2) bow o make bar own clot be nd tboe of tbe family; (3) Low to pore and doctor tbe family, Tbeae are neceeeery ac oooipliabroenta for tbe tome mak er, if tbe bueband it able to bire tbe cooking done, tbe clotbea made, bire a norae and governeea (aod ftw of our people are able to Erofide all tbeae or can gat efficient elp if able), all well and good, but it la oaceaaary for tbe borne manag er to know bow tbe work abould be done, tbat abe ruey eae to it tbit it ia done latiafaclorily and economically. "Tbera ia one claaa of wo man and one only bo are in aonue meaaure eiccaaole for lack of knowledge of bome dutiea, Tbeae are tbe young women wbo, aa oon aa tbay ctn be equipped aa .tread earner, go out aa teecbere, - t . I i t twl lanograpuara anu iu ute. (teaa may lnck knowledge of bonae work but it ia uaually far lack of opportunity, and if tbey are indue, trioua enough to go bravely and early into tbe field aa bread earn era, tbey will make good borne- ma k era, for tuey woukl eoon ao very fine, but it iroaituiy migni occur 10 me quire tbe knowledge neceeaary. Jaogbtere of tre wbo entertain Jn faot eiperienc aa a teaober or a boatqee woman naually make tbeae bigh flown notiona, tbat tbe woman wbo marnee with tbe idea vf setting a man to aupport bar, ana wbo ia willing ta tat bar bue band lave and wear hie life out in tbe ttroggle to provide for bar. ton ateel bridge wiil be oibed next week and people can again croee tbe great Cep Fear. I'rof. J. A. Bizzeil, Cornell, baa been cere for two week v tailing Lie parent, Mr. and Mra. II. N. iiirtell. tie La returned to Lia work at Itbiea, N. V. Mr. Jobs A. McKay, of tbe Jobn A McKay Manufacturing Company, baa returned from Cin cinnati, Obio, where be attended tbe convention of tbe foundry men. Dr. W. II Callom, of Wake Foreat, bae arrived to begin a tao wek'a aertea of roeetinge at tbe Missionary liaptiet cbcrcb. Memorial ererciae wul be Leld at the old Jobneon btrj ieggroond, near Heaeant Union cburcb pn bonday, June Cth, p. m., conduct ed by Iter. J. D. Wicker, ptor of Pleaaant Union Cbriatian cburcb. An oration will be de livered on tbta oocaalon by Col. Dan ilngb McLean, of Lilitcgton, Tbia will be a moat intereetjng event. Tbe poblia i cordially in vited to attend. Tba Burlington bridge force be gan work on tbe Doke bridge tbia week. Mr- Noel Bollock, of Aogier, died May It; age, about 65 year. LI leavee a wife and fire children in.oui g n out u ice cvuoiy a a oou.pJiixtet to our anciJ ia etitu'.Kia 'tba 1jo wa atctrtwi ttc Btuik of iiamelt mi Dj 1'hia institution wa gUd to im e vUituuc'al tbe county. It La for ;t purpo, tret etd but. to f tr aod build tp and ta aid Lo& icduatke. it i trog fj nacoialJy, and oor aUtenUy liberal tL tU cuetomera and bouia peo ple It wa quit acoinplinicnt to tbe bk of Harnett tbat it waa able to Uke care of tbi large Loan, and we ar aure our Lome pple p preute it. iiii'yi'tai I in Pauettevins Eat at the Slelropolilan Cafe Next to the National Bank. Eat whatever you want and pay only for hat you get. The place is clean, ccol, pretty and restful. Electric fans. Polite at tention. u.iclri. Lunch -A. Specialty. auob an on mora appreciative of wbat a bome la and wbat it abould be, ao tbat if opportunity come tbey will, wbile poeaibly Jacking practical expenenoe, make tbe bet Without dulLSf all in her DOier to tar hom.nmkr f.. thir nllmt Mtiat in making the mutual part j experience, nerabip a uooeae, baan't a very All bonot to the apoatle of tbi leveled conception of married cruaade eucb aa Meair. Bickett tate. and Hicbardiwbo bare tbe cour- "Buttaairn atity, in bioUKr .common na. May extiavacance - and aitravacrancei ooreBe tbat iuvolv ea more or lea of die bontaty 1 a naticuat vice, modern fooiiah r areuti are reeponaible for tM. eubUitioa of atTati.; a.nd tbe t , u N(m Nof( ff0m g , . idea i more or ieaa prevalent. Ctetk Jwn)r ataoogwm women tbat U U ! aort of diatlnction to jrofea to' , . , , , know aUolctely nothing about the . lracic. ot Tbe tai. tiinagement of bouaebold atTair. The Buie' Creek Summer 1 bia kind ia cf couraa to be Mtted si,.hr,i m,.r! 9 UR61S1 A1UNDNU KIT It Bill I Tro If )ou ojj bve tbe rijcLi u.au-ri i- vtk mlti If )uui luiulwrr i ftil ritfbt, your taiib :- rn, blind ntuii ;n nd work tit jut & you t if r it. and ilea it tb j'fioe r ao! oide too LU hj j ingttrt)Uli n baadt tbrr ia a ral joy ia buJ-ioK bourn - tit it prow. We are brat band fri : ibn wiuu.i; u tin Limbwd product llfr' rbt w bttnd u )our Old and Kt u figure on cythin ou c.i It ur . tvm doo't tuit, by hart) nu jcru to (. McDIARMID. The Lumber Man. Faycttcvillc, N. C. for not knowing any better than I iarge,t attendance in it to ibmK tbat a bat ta really to tbeir i u oomDMedi .1 it ! " a - J i & L . UiKT" ,B. "V 1. Of thoee wbo deair to re n T": U PHo acbooi tranche Nearly every woman expect. toffibaUo'ni, Buggies and Surnys-in many styles and makes. The kind that runs easy, rides easy and has long life. Just what this section wants in vehicles. Wagons-All sues. One and and two-horse. The same easy runners I have always sold. This means much in wagons Ask the fellow who owns one. He knows. Good Harness, better Harness, Buecv Harness. VVaeon Har ness. Single .arness. Double Harness, and Harness to suit all ?rlri1f Prths RanVte Whine Rrushps Combs. .4. IT. 'I'lUUs. Urease, etc.. etc. Pr ces Riabt. HARNESS National Monthly A Democralk Magazine for Men aJ Women PRICE, ONE DOLLAR A TEAR NORMAN E. MACK. Editor and PubULer, Buffalo, N. Y. r i i ' - . - ' ' ' " " !- s o THOMAS JEFFERSON. KE of the largest and handsomest illustrated magazines published in the United States. Each issue contains a mass of valuable information for Democrat hi every locality, and articles by well known leading Demo crat throughout the country. The NATIONAL MONTHLY will keep every Democrat thoroughly posted upon all the leading issue of tbe day. It will also contain a mass cf Democratic new acd current comment from the leading Democratic newspapers throughout the United States. In Addition to the political features above mentioned every issue contains a large amount of interesting fiction and good read ing for the entire family, thus making it a doubly welcome visitor in every heme. On cf NATIONAL the thoutandt MONTHLY: e letttrt received corr.rrendina th Hit the Nail Right on the Head HON. NORMAN E. MACK, Buffalo, N. Y. . i.D"r ,'.r:J h,re',h oi oo rr.y check and ask my nam to be enrolled at a r8uiar eubecrcber to your National Monthly have juet finiehed eoamining the firet number. It it a publication Of etupendoue merit, and it will eert a w influence for good in our country. It rankt with the Lett magaxinee that ar printed in all ,7,pm- nd 8nuine Oemocraey givet it distinctive superiorly It . euccMd for the Democracy i. not dead, but very much alive." ind lr.m COi'nt trm the en. hand hiVH . id SI" f f0"1'"" nd "arahiam on th. pth.r. am haart and soul with you m your new enterprise. Vourt truly FRED J. KERN. Mayor of the City of Belleville, III. Subscription received at this office and liberal dubbin term are offered by this paper. The Fajetieville Index iatory j uicdtsc. etc., cic. rnces tiqDt. . J, A, KING, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C, xarrf and of course keep bome, .at bow tvany are educated -or trained la eov ej for the import ut datiee of bome-aia&iogt It ia uiiatlcg tbat eo many inotbere ke of tbetSMtre tba verieat J..dgea to eate taair daoghtara f?uia house-woji tby "no only oot train them ta houeework - .t diiticctij avoid traiaicg them, feriog a ao tiouae that tbey tt the girls) to "have a tetter t uVtbeutfeey bad. By and by gal mairiee and abe ba to r, ttuder QnfkTorabte oondi ;oa, wbat ber mother ebculd have Uugb eer or the aboukl have n Uugbt at acbooi. Eatirely iicraa of nuauagiog a boffie, be '--t oulv bfta a turd time, but tbi caoaud baa a bard time and it it ttiua tbat dUaatiafaotioai and. ua--ttio begina that uuty teaae uj&jrrbd, etate anythio but kt it eboaW be. U ia tbe crowa the gbry t4 a erticaaa W make tyjoe aod on tie bome every. taicg-governajee morality, re ;ion, pare livisg aud, higher U.t af. a-xMal, educational and. taa- siiai progresa ia baaed. Tbe 'Joiae U tie foundation at all tbat gocd and hoaaela womau uauaUv a ife aad moth. Thr bajio home without, ber. And hv lac Ol IrttioJnsr 2. Tboe who lack preparation on eoma ubjeot for college prepa ration, aucb a Latin, EugUah, Mathematice. 3. Tboee who deaire to take a iiuainea Couraa. 4. Tboea wbo deaire to take Art. It i ao earnest crowd wbo aa eetuble daily for atudy and larger preparation. Buie'a Creek last year bad more tban V etudeuta in bigbet inatitu tion 2 Wake Foreat, 2a at tba Univereity of Nortb Carolina, ato At Wake Foreat it bad eveu men ia the graduating clase, six of tbwn beiug preacher. Baie't Creek, May Space Graff. Newspaper men, aa a rule, bate but two tbiog to aell pce and aubaoription aud it would be just a couawtent ta ak your grocer for a doaea eracgee "juat to fiU wp" a to eat tbe editor for a dti en Uaea ia hi paper just to boost your buiseaa with, the liea you are doles kiadneat in helping to "fill up5 apice. Try getticg a at th botei iuat to Hiui'in.la . ikna at hnainnaji f of the aoma-maiera, cn whom teat prao- houaa. Kbyhi (O.) Ueo Wally all U at ia good ia tbia Uf ord. vrz gaart lt .wMX.yLyi wxxm. m..ymL tlw-w.? v GEO. So MARSH, JR., 276 WASHINGTON STREET. NEW YORK. Produce Commission Merchant. Specialties : Strawberries. Huckleberries. Dewberries, Lettuce. Cantaloupes, Etc.. Etc. Testaraomal: CUnU'i:. N. C Jauury Ai, W. Tb Produce CMuwoa llousool C8. Marh. Jr., ot Nw V., tm handled a fr deal of tnxluo bow tbia point ia the pst hw yara aad bu built up a good rt-i'utati.B ot fair daiiog with their customers hure acd ol obtaiuiag aatia(okr; (ic fi cxjEiivomcaw, L. A. HrtHt M, PreidViit lUnkot Cliatca. IX M. Patrh k, Shipper and Merchaxt. iuo, IX Kern. Attoaey at Law. J. U. KuatTkK a Co., Mrchat and Shippers. CI. S. Mik i the larst akiper of auck trom htr. b. P. Suits, AgBt Soutbwn Ksi'tf Qa. A. a Utwke, Local Ageat ia Fa.vtviUe, will furniah awocjii, a &aaa&ion, etc. The Country Home Should eojoy the Sate Comfoitaae the City Home. iet a Wfate Water Syetea) It meana' Health and Happineaa and aforda Irotectioa From Fire equal to that of the city water ey ate in. Write ot call on J B, Richardson, FayetUvUle, X. C Here is Our Special Clubbing Offer $1 03 National Monthly Loo Both Taken Separately Cost Per Year $2 oo SEND US $150 Or hand it to our agent and Get The Index ar.d National Monthly both a whole year. If vou are already takme The Index you can get your subscription moved up a year and and the National Monthly for $150. Address THE INDEX, Fetteville. N. C 3E He Wile Seii leli ia ia Fayettevilie to atay, and oier H ladies eold to ia tbe laat 00 ds ia FayttUfiiU aad vicinity will testify that the "White ia King" Built by oue of tbe oldest aad Ur'st aewiug ihh chiae OEapaaiee ia the world Ndea, j.ru etc, for tbia uiacaiuecan.be urchsaed arjw&ere Syld on easy ruoatbly cayaject. Libral dia oouuta f x oaao. jeiieie Fiire C 3jJ h Second hand machines at very reasonable prices. All makes of machines repaired. W E. BROTHERS.

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