THE INDEX. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2. IS09. 4 farcer! elective. locked in It The Favetteville Index Topics DJO IimeS I ui0(r to the Lvu. a K .V. Duoe ' m ii i inn II I I n. I .1 J L L a v liitc Every 'A'ccnttcay , i -. i Ki( t r Ttr M li i ' A r. J i A i iJ u4.utf k mad u .:u-,"t X c June 2. 1909. . Ir keenicir with tr.e policy or TH Inlex to improve w ith every iMt 1 , , j ,.. The tl. uf interest to our itu!. - FayetteviiSe naval ttores nmrket and the Cumberland county real tate transfers cent popularity contest closed, f the winners of watches have won prize more precious than gold. Mi IJessie Thames IjiS won a husband, Mrs. J. L. Porter has won a son and Mrs, 1 M. Cooper has won a daught er. One other of the contestants won a husband lefore the con test Hosed. No. t township, Cleveland county, in which btielby is local ed, is to have macadamized roads The township recently voted for a flGO.OtiO bond issue for that purpose. It is said that the country people voted against the proposition almost solidly, but the town carried the election, even though the town already pays its fctreet tax, and will pay propor tionately more of the road tax than the country. GOOD UE( OMMKNIUTION. The action of the Cumberland county irrand jury last wrek in recommending to the county com mi&sioners the construction oi toilet rooms fur ladies at the court house w ill doubtless receive the indorsement of all good citi zens of the county, and especially every lady that ever has business at the court house, including al the lady teachers. It is only prop er to provide accommodations at the court house for the ladies equal to those provided for the men. At every terra of court la dies are forced to hang around the court house and wait some times all day without even a com fortable place to rest. And out-of-town lady teachers are made to sutler great inconvenience on examination days and other oc casions requiring them to spend a good portion of the day aUut the court hous. WHo'LL UK NEXT It the newspaper reports are cor rect, that homicide at 1'arkersburg the other Sunday was one of the foulest, moat inexcusable murders committed in this section in many a day. There was an innocent, highly esteemed and law-abiding citizen, so the reports say, quiet ly spending the Sabbath, and be cause, forsooth, he refused to supply cartridges on Sunday for a drunken man to !ay those w ho happened to be the objects of his insane wrath, he loot his own life. What law-abiding citizen is safe when hfe can thus betaken with out warning and without provo cation"' The Siatesviiie Landmark, corn meriting on the crime, says: "If the facts are as stated, the only excuse that can be orfered fyr this w iHfu) murder is that the perpetrator of it was under the issuer, v.e 01 liouor. This excuse is TaA va.d. iTt a or oinerwise. our State Supreme ( ourt having feeld rrjre than once that drunk -eooess is not an excuse for crime, iiut uhile this man richly de-erve.-i the death penalty, he will escape a ith a few years in the penitentiary. Such is la as it is admimterej in homicide cases in sorth Caroii.'ia. And beva .-e that is true some other nan w;:l et drunk and take the life of some other. barm ka and innocent citizen. Who will be next ? .vni-am.m Trip Notes. It ha If. truVfil.iii' t ru! weather ff m ate cc-nvt aia'e. vet I've had rry . j the past fdr ia f . . IV . . . i , . . . From Friday noon to fuesday noon I travelled l:i5 miles in a buy. The I'nion rurtftii of the South Kiver Asso ciation met in wne coumv above New ton Grove, and I toon j the trip acroifs country. Some ! things seen may interest Im-EX readers. l nrei n'.jrni i apem u r ' Thos. VViiiLar in Western Samiwon. Mr. Williams js a mer- VW '8 "Ler! . ...k:; wiwiiHiK , u r r l r, u 1 i arrT'T and mi mart lihow vou wnat Kmd of faroier he is. he nolda thejjjti crwp -pe "huck' j record for Sampson on big hog, 1S beKirinintr to move north-1 having killed two years ajro a ho , wartj p!t.a , ht. paUej ef t),t. weighing llUi-ounLi. That was ;cltv f6 ai.u iuui iwtajj made doubly pleasant by the fact that his frood wife was once a student of mine, bhe afterwards attended Uolims Institute in Vir - ginia. farmlsu. Western Sampson is learning how to farm. Turpentine and timber are rabidly Dassinir awav. and the people are turning to the soil for a livelihood. And the land is fine clay subsoil, with a 6 to 10 inch cover of good soil They are cultivating their crops level, and are using harrows, cultivators, gang plows, mowing machines and aelf-binding reap - era. It was no unusual sight to see arce fie ds of corn waist hitrh and planted 18 to 24 inches in the anu and me iana Kept almost " nituc ot u;e u.. 411c perfectly level. I noticed, too, j friendships formed there abide that they raise large quantities of : forever. I ran up with the buys collards for stock. They plant and girls often, and it does me them in August and September ' good to hear them call me with their turnips, and transplant ("John," and talk over the thirgs them in January. It looked like of 2T to o years ago. a great success. h was at old Knij.' School Ho ..e St Huuls that the teacher, who vas pretty o ;'7i n- hard on the bovs, as forcei !o .-iT ,K,,null:?,makttheac,iuantancofana:'.y with gowi schools. High schools . i.,,i t . auu iocti iax auii aciioois are found all over the county. And they are building large, commo dious school houses, too three room structures on the approved State plan. Many young men are going from that section to college, and are becoming train 11. ,.-.. . 1 ,,1. 1 . ed farmers, physicians, lawyers, preachers, business men and leacners. 1 SHERMAN'S LINE OF MARCH ihe tno to wayne was along the aame remte taken by Sherman ' initio. After crossing the Cape I rear Kiver at rayetteville on pontoon bridges, h's army was divided, part going by Blockers- vilie (nowbtetlman) and crosamg South Kiver at what is now Au tryville, part crossing at Gra ham s bridge, and Dart goini f ur ther up in the direction of Ave rasuoro. At touth Kiver mere 1 . ; was a hot skirmish, the Confed erates orferiug such strong resist ance that the Yankees were u.-,u a tk .u-.Kani'aw J- V. bntt, Mrs. McLhen aciviss the swamp. very high, and attac-k oi.r forces on the ilank. Sherman s armv covered the entire country front LiUington to lelovv ( hnton, for- a.inng, stealing and destroy mar. They destroyed everything they could at my father's home burn ing his residence, gin, barns, etc. . and earning away everything they could use themselves or might be useful to him. It was almost literally true, the old peo ple say, that a crow woukj have to carry rations in nying over that action. But urh&t another sishfr tiwtav' The same heroism that markexi our soldiers at the front marked them when they found the lone chimneys sentinels of ruin and began to build log houses in w hich ' the vople,they holding that good to dwell and to cut down the roads are a necessity. These ira fields that had grown up d-r.n;; proved ruad.- will greatly hWfthe the war. THE BATTLE OF bENTONViLLE. ! Benton vilie is in Johnston" fwT rv.tvii! TV- v., was fought March 1 185, be W.l. .,VW.. IH MM Wit I tween Generais Johnston and Sherman. Johnston had 15,000 men in action and Sherman 2t, A0 at the beginning of the bat tle, but later Sherman's were in creased to between thirty and forty thousand. Johnston's kA$, according to his statement, was 224 killed, 1 !To wounded, and 'ajo missing. Of this number T-i-l were of Hoke' 5 N. C. vision. Sherman reported his total )os at I5;f7. Sherman was trying to join forces with Schofield, who was coming up from New Beme and Kinatom 1 went over part of the battle- ! field and io ;nd the breastworks I lit t'.vjn nfle p.t anu the . . U .roots. A!troJrri it iA bei 144 yt-ars fcince that terrible etruk-- 1 .1 . ,l L . t .. ..!. tie Uie li ee od u. e oaiue-rei'j still tJiow the evidence of buliet and bomb theiis. The Lrrer c-aks are full of knota where the bui- let entertl or t-razed them, and to-davnicieUUe are picked from V-i tr- I hrti :trhf hnm tui r..:,-'ki :r, ..Fi the!, - ftejj I Kt , tarowwi getunjr to U a potatoe. onions. melona, pea. i .. . a t . . i i.uean' cwra-Mu i tjeana. KirawDerneg. corn ana i... i..,. i .. i .v I skule" house w here I went :o 'school when a small boy. It is now a nesrro tenant nous?. et j when I recalled the hallowed memories of other days I took i n imy hat to the old building in nich my mother first went to school more than fifty year ai.o. iThe school furniture was crude - .long benches with no backs, and some of these made of slabs w:tb holes bored in them and Jegi "driven through. Cat it takes more man nne ouiiuingsana rat-: ent aesics to mae a acnooi. m this old school there gathered in 1 the years gone by boys and girl that are now scattered through- out me union, and otners nave gone over the river t- rest under 'i aeni uvr.3. uasi i.xi'Jit PC liVRH ; I the morning the boys, gather: .j a large number of these clW sticking insects, carefully sc..t tered them over the t cache s chair. It is needies to bay that they got more than a half-holiday that day; for the teacher had bus iness other than teaching to claim his immediate and constant attention. And I remember the confusion in the came when on 'Friday evenina (sDeech-makinir time! a little fel hw who had or served the attention being paid one of the older girls by the teacher, made his stM.ech as fol lows: Mr. iito.d ot ittv t. o:. With tut mbis ttn utd Mm Hl IVtT calii! llrf. lUt BtJV If'. lici.w te Uj Mr. u. 1 will drop the curtain of char- ity over the scene which followed that outburst of youthful oratory. HOSF-ITAUTY. It was gracious. J. T. A'iJ- ny. H. L Oates, 11. J. Mines, I. C. Howard tcuk me in and treat ed me royally. It is not unusual in Sampson to see the young lady prepare the meal, serve it with becoming grace, and then change her appareX appear in the parlor and play mot diificuit selections of instrumental music. And it is well. It is a happy mixture of the utilitarian and the ornament al. GvOI RVMlii. A man who travels much thinks much about roads. Sampson county has sold f 25, Out of bonds for road improvement, and will, we understand, eU $2o,0o0 more. These were issued by the ('ommiiisionera, w ithout a vote of jOid cunty. K jmoeriand neeia a gooii clay rad from Fayetteville over 14 - arwi w to see them get it lust as soon a.- r.isibla. ..f . . The home coming would have been much more pleasant to me but for the heavy roads. Many folks from Sampan will be here June 21st at the celebra tion. J. A. 0. ' RAUIQH LAWItft AYUCK. Oefeaed PolttKim lhrtaltn$ to $h or Up House of Prominent Cffa Cbriea I), WikJ, of KiJeiN, dwfud Kepublica oadidl tui polio ittstice ia the rceot aiaaio ipai cars pa tg a ad dftd cadi dste for SUte Senator et the l&t jxiic that Wildee et.d fcU frieude dietarUd the cebbottood a few IgbU U-fvf WLB Lt Lfc3 Mg a pr. VYikiee bad Len oa bid pree . - , . ilta Lave unUtUECtC Liry utt y Mr iaco a ccga. & i.. - i k 01 "f" 'SG ttr tua. to Mca51e,tt bu;nM tuan of tb eHj. ;.Ml. Uaoo liroa, of FarctUfiila A ramarkabia aiicatios it ttat ! Wiidaa oit auawer fur fcyi t?aca Lfar Ali IStronacb, mto defeat ed tiaj for 1, jflitift, Icd if ! utd b W. . Jone. mhu efeat. d btu lor Stat bteatct aed ia .j li... i. . . cow city attorotj. RttL ST4Tf JRANSfERS Krai 't Looiid Trutt Co . E. II .VKtU&, A'.fr 325, J W. Troy, et cx lo Z a. rtewtoo, lot tlone iliiU. Vil.J W Moore, et a!a. to John W. Mcore, Z tots Heeford- Feyetteville Developing Company, to Frank 11. fctedrnan and W. F. tilooct, ator.1 t acre Croee Creek f 100, J. 11. Mcpfcii). to Atlantic ImpfoTaasent Company, Higbt bl War Dtht fie pa MilU. flu, Jarac ti. Hall, to M. komo u Mall.U, Jet Murxford Street. io, John Wileon, et tx , to j0b0 U. Wileon, 10 arm Cam berland Count 12(H), Alfred A. MacKelLtn. to Albert o Cain, 2 Iota Fairground Park. $3,19 Neill A MoLeod, et bi , to Aire lletti 1'endergraee J13J acree Oaecb ttle. 15J L Allen, el hi., to D M. Pope, 1 acre Hockhab. Albert o. Cain, et ci . to Alfred A MacKelhto, lot Fair ground Park. FAUmVILU MARKtlS. COTTtl.N. 'Keinlacti li A (oixi Mniviliri . U4 Strict Middling, .10 MirtdliPg JCV PKOUUCE. KeviiHHi ti wmt tjr L. t'. Win tB (TUi-e tiurw rpfwet jfxn i;U u trodttters. ) n i C t ic in, lrotlr, Han, it' 45 Rooster ;0-X, iv,liiu 1 1 Ta IV, Uk w 1.(4) Vni N) N C. Bnk, lJit HhcttlUfrt II IJ iUoua, lit? Urd, isu Cora Hide, dry, ' gtt Tullotr, 1 Ml lUy ...! Fildw ii ir. l ". Siiuoki. ."......." K-t' NAVAL BTtJREis. KbjuhhI fTf Tutl kit TUt llidii.; frud, V. I), tux, i I). ti.fO,' si'into,. k. r,Q, . .Nftbm Tr Nolli;Bg lK.tJ WOOD'S HIUH URAUE Garden Seeds We introduced tLeee eoxne inn mo, and they bare prof en eatireiy uiactory. A full Aort i tut en hind, in- olading ed potato!, oniou eete, eta 0. R. BORNE & SONS. Beautiful Album. Bjm 9xi ice. 64 pMk, oLU5 tyvaw ol tb W'ocUl. Vsw Froai cUm btat41y Wruj nnct Wry o.&j. LIB Vil OS r u- Zj SrJ oofty to. Central News Co., SRBBDDn III Weaw4 Two witroe. UiStDij room Apply bead wtitrea Lbtel LFtU 014 NiMP"-Isj fOI dtw ceiiU at TttK ha tft'c. Ceuatry nrtboU. Mill mm Fm.r nijd oth in Curabei laad, U )bo, biadeo, JSaitp. eoa and the oouotiee save their kUtioaery priatd by The Index Pritttiog CofiDpftny Why act yoar 13 rvrj i tri , k. n 4i War YOU'LL WIN before you start if you get into one of our good suit made especially for you and us by Hart Schaffner& Marx. There are some extremely snappy sack suit models in the line this sea son, and the new colors and patterns are more attractive than ever. Almost any idea you can suggest has been successfully carried out in the new styles; and we're sure of suiting the taste, and the pure of every man who comes to us. This store is the home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes Sljuford, Rogers & Co., ( Incorporottd) 113 and 115 lUy St, Fayettcvilk, N, C J3C Mntmntwnrmitfmmmntnf I King's Viirjdsor wall Cement Plaster. A heir fibre eebeeto plutei gunrmteed to ovef mora ipaoe than any other plaettr oa the market. One too cetneut, H Uge U tbe ton, IH oover oa wood Utbi laid one fi.rtb iecb epert, three foarthe groande, eboct ? qare yrd 3.W Utbe. Will not creek or dieoolof the welU ia oouree cf time Specified by (lov.rnaitut Arcbitecti ta U ITALIC LI'IH1N(S C-oete bat hide raore then a Huie and lead platter, end will etey in good condition a lifetime- SEND US YOUR ORDER, Husko Hardware House, TiiuiuiUiUiUiuiuiUiUiUiUiUiu iUiUiuiuiUiUiUeUa.iUiui WE WRITE FIRE, UFK. UE.tLIU ASitt ACC1UCNT, STtlU t CHF.R, LMI'LOVLK 3 HAtSlHTV. fUXTV OUISik aad ill Whet kt4 We Buy and Sell REAL ESTATE, fec-ife c. y ad coittU; vftrty- caa iw. yaa ie a Ua tMtjf THOS. H. SUTTON. JR . C& CO PUaEa UlLVHClLDASa. 17 Job Lots of Closing W'h it ..t ia t M ot gt4 Kae ewitfi. 3S SAVED OX ECH SUIT Thia ia Your Time to Save a V W w u t& tuokovt tot ilM i axbv im$Jt hjk'jt, ckUiiti a4 ie vtj vhicg u taU F"- aliia. vosnea4eB. WU tri4t yotit g!xl jtt iiicl m to yout kwjiajt tot XC4 F SJttX Watson Giotniflo Gompanu C. M. WATSON Proprietor. 105 PersotA St . 1 : mm wanriiTnfmiifntwntntnrt5 Asbestos Hard i

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