THE INDEX. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 17 1909 The FaveUeville Index Usi Led Every Wednesday b tJM KliTiuN Phil K Yro -V it:. Z 4. A f'Ai.JiA.V. Kd.t L.J. .Una-rt Xatnrw ki- r.- cum i:.'"-r ftt We rtt?rr had occasion to in vestigate the figures, but we ven- ; ture that nore cotton if shipped hrst hartd from Rowland, in southern Robeson, than from any .other town in North Carolina. Maxtor nia p hib!y lead, but e Coubt it. NOVEMBER LKTTKK TJ A I AIIMKK BO If tt,e winter should be a mild a,- the past few w eek have indi cated, the fact will be attributed to the approach of Haliey's com et. Or. the other Lane, il the winter &nou Id turn out to be an ' unusu&liv severe one. Hailey'g comet w iu get credit fur that. aomeuiing u Toe ar. i his Fayettevilie is one of the best to tjs any w here. In no respect Recently he; are her advantage surpassed by last eer. r.a. ay of are.nce H remarkable earner had the following very sensible j tnose or otrr towns in tne Mate. in hie nailer. Tne Pro- Vea. in some respect ad van - vrrti&se Farmer, under the cap-Stage: Kd.tor'r Letter to a Farm- tion. r Roy" 'o mac ever makes a big suc C5j in anything by accident If somebody has sturTed your head j believe it themselves, with the idea that men succeed , . in this world by luck, you may s are unequalled. Uur need now is to tel' the wrid about it. and that in such a manner that people away from here will be lieve we believe it and therefore just pat it down that somebody ' k e . rv . , n doesn't know what he is talking Sute Dispatch. Burlington. about Whether you are going. wa one u e ever taw to be a fanner or a college presi-1 published by a North Carolina Jent, you must fit yourself for,weekiy. It certainly was a credit a 1884 f 1809 SCHOOL SUPPUES 4 $i Pi ices the lowest OFFICE SUPPLIES Giv 'e us a trial estabushep1 greatest Fall Line EVER DISPLAYED Is now ready for your inspection. We have spared no time or ex pense in nuking our selections for the coming season the most at tractive and up-to-date that the World's Renown Tailors could supply Ou Motto" Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded A I K F 0 L B G7?? New Book Store Co. Opposite Postoffice j no. h. Tot a. -v, i.,n ... Air.KTl'TE"ABT Tlr. Comberland Savings Trust Co. Capital $50,000.00 FAYETTEV1LLE. N- C ACCOUNTS SOLICITED A AAAAA A A 4, A A A ia A A MA A A A to that hustling city. The "write ups" of the various commercial, whatever you are goir.g to be No matter what kind of work vou art- doin trv to do it a little Letter than the' other fellow, j industrial and other enterprises Kmersoij says somewhere that if in and around Burlington were a man can do anything supreme-. far trpr than is ii.:ia!lv wn in ! Fayettevilie, N. C. The King Clothier y well, ni matter if he lives in a wilderness, the world will make a beaten path to his door. And this is very true. I rode the other day to see a farmer not many miies from where I am writing, and found that the Governor of the State had just been there to &ee his corn crop, and a great number of other men had come miles and miles to see this man's farm. And why? Simply be cause he had done more with an acre than any other man in the county. If your brother wants to go to town to clerk in a store and measure calico as somebody else's hired man. let him go. YTou stay on the farm, where you can be independent, living under your own vine and fig tree, and where you can take part in all these great movements that are going to cour.t for so much in human progress and in the world's de velopment these next fifty years. We have had too many farmer joys already who have made second-rate merchants and clerks who might have made prominent farmers and men of influence in their coucties. It a great deal better and more useful to Ie a leader in show ing how to make more cotton per acre than it is to merely measure ff a certain number of yards of cotton goods when a buyer wants iL Don't give up the independ ence of farm life. In the city ahops and stores only a small pro portion of the workers own their xrwn homes or have any chance to do work that counts for much In these great progressive move ments we have oeen discussing. The boy uho is shut up in a fac tory in the South has only one chance fur usefulness and inde pider.ce for twenty that you and uther farmer bos have. Tfi u h;ch Arier.' Thi: Iniu.x says We are for Are you greater Fayette- Uet if Weei-. hadn t put em on several ie wished s ou Ttie home seeker and prospect tve investor wants a welcome for fcu family as w ell as for himsel: ucmJ h.s business and his money hu nu!idrei and seventy-nine airmi of t'umberland d;rt in one tra't s i the ,ther day at auc ts. f'-r oa.-.n. ut $t'.'' an acre. "Hun ;h g;e t . jtaiders some itis'a of w hat .an i is w...rth in th, v-.utu. 'Iher. .s plenty rture i t k o il U oi-.-e?. gois are n.'h The m waher has been very m.i-i and ifu. continue so throughout tht iiatrT, a.- a rule, t'oiton is high. high, the nanufacturers say. Uhecati make nothii.g running tiueir miiis. In tiie light of all :Ka. the people might help by iiuoing and using an unusual juoount of cotton goods. such publications. At Greenville the other day an automobile collided wits a tree with horrible reeulu, Fayettevilie prootUee to go one better one ot theee days and have an automo bile collide with aa automobile or otfter carriage right oo the uiaio thorooghfare of the city aod kill perbape four instead .f two Then tuere will be public meetings and big damage suite and ttie city aa tboritiee will get buty aad pat into etfe t some very stringent speed ordinancee after somebody If we were ak.ed to point ouJ the line of railroad in North Car olina that traverses oo milea of the richest farming territory, we would refer to the Bennettsville branch of the Atlantic Coast Line, from Parkton to Bennetts ville. There is a scope of coun try that has grown rich farming. There may be another section like it in South Carolina, but we know of none in this state that ia altogether its equal. But however attractive a city's location and natural advantages may appear to the home 6eeker and investor, and however bright Members of the Farmer' the city's opportunity, he u not. Union, of Raft Swamp, Ilobeaon going to break his neck to go county, have formed a company there until he feels that he is' and subscribed capital to estab- wanted and will be welcomed, lish a flour mill, which will prob Let Fayettevilie make a noise like ably be located at Pembroke. We she is ready and anxious to wel- are assured that the mill is acer- in ind aod little short of an insult to your customer When voq are waiting on a customer wait on him do it as thougd your whole fu ture depended upjn bow you do it. Then after your customs has gone, go out in the back yard aod get that whistle out of your sys. tern before another customer claims your attention." 1 tuougbt he was unneoeaserilv severe; I know now that be wasn't. 1 never forgot it, and it taught me, more than anything e4se, to give undivided attention to any customer to show nim that I wm wholly at bis service and amicus bas been killed. Far better would to help bim get what he wanted it be t) regulate the speed of hors es and autoHj jbilee on the main streets beforehand This is a city; not a country cross roads, for rao ing tournaments We shall see what we shall see. come the man and his business. Such a noise attracts men and money, and that is what Fayette vilie is after. tainty. We want to see the farmers of this section grow wheat and make their flour at home. Many say they would if flour mills were l c 4t- d at convi n It would be a blessing to the ient distances. They may rest South if cotton would now begin ' assured that the mills will come a slow and gradual decline and 'if enough wheat is grown to jus- go steadily to eight cents and re- tify their establishment Few main there until next fall. If flour mills will be established be high prices continue it means fore the wheat is sown. Mills that the cotton acrtage will be will follow wheat growing; they greatly increased, fertilizer bills need not be expected to lead will be much larger than hereto fore, more stock will be bought from the West, and that will call for more feed stuff at hiuher pric es; less corn a 'id other leed slutfs will be grown, and next fail the fanners will "get it in the neck" - big bills to pay, with probably low cotton. A gradual decline would hurt but few. if anybody, and would help millions. The News and Observer used the Associated Press rejort of Taft's visit to Wilmington as its leader, instead of the report of a staff correspondent, thouii it had a member of its able start "on the job." That is exactly what we had hoped stale paper would do. f . - jjh occasions ve prefer to i. ;j the account as written h tin impartial and able man v. ho has witnessed such e venU in scores of other states, rather than any report that can be made by the most efficient lo cal man The correspondent who has accompanied the President throughout the tour and reported his receptions and speeches day after day from every city visited, and w ritten an impartial report to be furnished exactly alike to papers of both political parties, is abie to get a perspective of any one occasion that no local man can get. Jht WHISTUHQ SALtSMAN he Heminded W$ Customer ot hi. First Call Down and Us Value -Whtn One May Whistle. I'fiQUir's Ink. Hd an experience the other day that to' k rue back about 20 years or moie in about 20seounds An other of those little things, in tbe aggregite, make sacb a big one. Went into photo supplies store on Fulton street for souvenir post al cards agtin have to buy them s uis are so pretty and others so funny The clerk who waited on me, or rather allowed me to watt on myself, tiled away the time aud showed how utterly bor ed he was by people who insist on buying things, by whistliog a mdley that started with ragtime aud retched the stage of grand opera as I was leaving. lie wore good clothes and an air of import anoe which would have done ample justice to the proprietor and all the time whistled The cards 1 wanted to see viers on a shelf behind the counter He wis very cireful to show ma only those that I asked to see, ani to replace each package on the aheif before showing me another which, of course, ttave me no cuanoe to compare the different pictures Aud then as he stracfc a new key with redoubled vigor there came t j me down through the long years of varied ex per ie aces, the words of my first "call down:' "Arthur, so long as you work in this store, never whtatle again while yon are waiting on a cust omer, it is indicative of aa empty And it wee there, I believe, that I first learned that it ts to the uiti mate advantage of the store and salesman to sell what the custom er wants TO CONQUER NtW 054S National Association tor the Stud of Ptllaqra Organized. Tbe National Association for the Study and Prevention of Pellagra was formerly orgaousd as Colum Go To- lei'jberry Furniture Go. for ell kinds of Furniture and bouse furnishing goods, Ranges. Stoves, ii eaters, in fact anything you want in the home They guarantee to sell more goods for same money, better goods for less money Cell at 1 10 Person St and examine the stock and get eye opening pricee If you pay big prices fr furniture nobody to blame but you. :eoecsK ;: ccccocooo2Cco f o a I bia, o itoveuiotr oiu, si its f fcccce)oc f f Butcher Knives, I Sausage Mills, f and Lard Stands ? AND FOR I WEDDING PRESENTS I See TILLINCHASrS CROCERY STORE oeoeooooe&exe)ooe)oeoo oGooeoo)ceoeoeoeoe)oew OCOCCOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOODOOOOOOOOO conclusion of a two-days' oonfsr ence on pellagre, attended by more than 3iJ pb iicisas, tbe first meet ing of national scope held in this oounlry for the study ot this dis ease. Dr. J. W Bboock, super intendent of tbe South Carolina State II piUl for tbe Insans, Co lumbia, iu elected preeidenl An oflicial pellagra congress, to be held under the suspioee of the associstion, is scheduled for Jane, ly 10, in Peoria III , which city waa chosen without a ojntest Tne following resolutions, pre sented by Ut. J ijoweil W'sy, of tbe North Caiolins Board of Health, were adopted: ' Resolved, That this oonference reoogniztthe wide spread exist tenoe of pellagra in he United States and urges upon tbe nation al government the necessity of bringing its powerful resources to bear upon the vital iuestionsof its osose, prevention and control. ' Resolved, That while sound ooru is in no way connected with pellagra, evidences of the relatione between ibe nse of spoiled corn and the prevaleuoe of pellagra seem so apparebt that we advise oootinued and syttsmatio study of the subject, and, in tbe mean time, we com mead to corn growers tbe great importance of fully ma. taring corn upon tbe stalk bsf-re ontting the same 'Resolved Tnat the work of this Conference be brought to tbe attention of the various States and Territorial boards of health and that they severally be nred to specially investigate the disease, particularly as regards its prev alanca, aud that they also see that the proper inspection of corn products sold in the various States be had " ';e)ieo;e)a);a)oe)3 American Field Fence We have a full supply of ? this fencing on hand. We are also agenta for the fm. ous Oottorangus Cutlery, Keen Hotter Tools and Am- $ etite Roofing. Call and see Z us. S Chas. Haigh Constant Growth is the best evidence of Satisfied Pa'rons A RECORD OF PROGRESS Capital Assets September lL7 July September July 1004 11" JO - 115. 2D.ODD.00 April 1, Ufj . . . $32.tX).(ji) May 1. lrj - - - 212.Uj0.0t) June I, Vjtfj - - . 15)7,3i)).Oi) July I, - . 3l7,4iJ.OO August 1, VJtfJ - - - aY),)0.M) September l.P.M - - - 38.U.Jl.0) ffct. 1 IfrKr - - - . m, &).() Nov. 1 IMJ 4W,(jJ0.00 ASSETS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OVER $560,000 00 Capital - IKjo.0iiG.U0 Undivided Profits - - - 21.000.00 New accounts Solicited The Bank of Lumberton Lumbcrton, N. C oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooS E & g I: It l:f We have tbe largeet and best line of heating stoves in this section. 72 di:freut styles end six Can suit an v body. Special heaters for Chuiohee and Hohool Houses. Bucks Stoves and Ranges, best on earth. Now is the time to bay es prioss are loeer than usual, end they uny advaoa ia the near future Rig st ck of u ueieoraiea Keen Nutter Tools. Pocket Knives. Racors, Scissors, etc. absolute? guar- nteed. Guns and Rifles of ang kind and price. Hunttn Suit, Leggint and Ammu nition. Anything ia Hardware) Call and see aa, or aead us your orders. e, JJ,uke HanWsre Hiais, FaTeUerille, N. C l 6 O O O O Ci O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o eoeoeoeoeoejoeoa)ca)ofioevoBi

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