i , i f'i '5 SCHOOL BOOM 7 :- V- Christmas SCHOOL SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES ; Novelties 4- I Ik lowest trial live us a New BooIliStore Co. 4' Opxsite iostoffice 4 . In GENTS' FURIIISIIIIIGS 2r"r THE INDEX. WEDNESDAY ,r i ; l'. :t. ri.- r .U i -uV.tT 'aX iTuti.o w-nty car, ev?r o.t r.;n. r- j H F J- J r . i .' t -. . L-r : ; . art iifr.tr. THr lv i rx fX! (.Ttai te. for F -:r. tr.c- n.artt, of progress J r.-re is wi-:ie in this praraph i"rorr, th Iioiindair corrt-pondent' of tr.e leader; Journal "Wt are cor.tantiy r n.:ndrd of the cutting away of the forest in this sector, lr. a snort while the country will be without the stately old pir.es. After the forests are destroy t-j by fire and the iAt-. then the 'jjetion of drainage will be forced upon the people fur consideration Pre-h-re the tree &o that there n.a ie an equal distribution of water Inundations folio when the ian.J are left bare of trees A A Fayettevilie. N. C The King Clothier y.v ii . r i. bii M . '; ?r i.pi- .:. i iov l,v if j,.fl Tit .-arf , ). J cii tL t:, ir,uv The Swellest Line of Suits and Over Coats Ttu .c c.:-uid wiuioe W. I, D.tg,iuad Ki t l.U ii t li.;wa liU to ii tji L&tel Jhuurf lb JJfeVCX UfcU KJUiti,br our hi Atj. tif& '.loa (iuvrutd ox Uiotity Kf juitd l Tli Lair A I K F 0 L B 4 4: i 4; a ;, r l f K A i Si ,. - 1 I. w CUMBERLAND ' 4 V Fyrttrtlle. N C ?Sl-t(ubr i Navaib 21, F.. IceuiUr i; 1'- CO. ..l 702 12 . i O1 113 2- o' 1 4 4 .J . ; : t ! t i . :'r.. W v.a: , ,r. jersla:.':,:. if.JSI.V et,;i.g tij arda A defective rail over a defec t.ve cross tie" was assigned by tiic coroner j ur as the cause of mea irwi our wreck on the southern railway t.is n. jtivt-s 1 er? re Lr. Fiir.er ; .- altera;;. ;f otl.er leiiow'r o Could en iron- at l;eey Fork trestle a few rn:Ies north of Greensboro last Vdnesniay w hen 1- persons lost their i.ves The railroad could hardly be t.eld resptrs;blt.' for a t;.- b..rdeiij he has to i broker, raii m ti.e track unless it would s-ymitathuejouid I shown that it had been . criticize. j broken for some time previous to " the wreck, but there are entirely too rnanv defective ties in some of the railroads. F IT VOl" PARKTON ITEMS Before Thk I.spix greets its;, . r reader, again some home is to be ; Schtiul((l. overwhelmed with grief because;,. rrr3i.)cJ .,, r Js, of a holidav trageiv. I:- it' ... . ,, .. , . , i ( hnst.Tias is approaching, al our. some mother s ueart a lhv t0wn haa clothe it-lf in to be broken because of the act of Christmas attire. The shrill blast a son. Is it yours " Some boy is lo be accidental! shot with a C'hnstma.- g.n. 1? it yours'.' S-Jine lad la to lie Ilia, Hied for life b tr,e explosion of I. re WorKS. Is it ours'' Sme our;g man i? to take the first step n the ay that leads to destruction. Is that of the trumpet and the low ruh-a-dub of ti.e iirmi all proclaim that Santa is on his way. am n,any a little heart is ijking ith fi;nd anticipiition to his arrival. The peopU of our town had ouite an er.oyabie time last Fr d iy n.ght a' a baaar given by the giixj ladies o! the town for the benefit of the I'resby teriai, ctiurcn ou.te a nanusonir sum t or- who are interested in to- k law -i jestion ask Hote- 1 the sn cour.tv whether she woujd ju.-hr.ge piaces with Cumber land, Sarrf'n or Harnett. The ' .State of Robeson" has had about lo years experience with the st-jcK law. 1 .ei the true hnstmas spirit feace. gtxxi iii toward men -reniv?- eery oiot and stain of malite aiid haired and envy and jeusv and prepare us to tegin the New Year with a conscience 0 of o'Terise towanl Cod and man There are plenty of reasons hy Fayetteille should have a lie grades! schwl building. Ont the reasons one by one. Iheti eHint all the reasons why tFe city hju;d not have a new grdej .vrhixii building. Then tke the case as juror. ri.airrn ccunn 's most tie irfiustnai r.eed is raiir-'! Sr.e certair.ly impera a not her has the It now seems that Dr. F rel ericK A Gxk is the greatest fraud of a century unless Com mander Peary is another. Cook recently sent his records to the Fniversit:. of (Copenhagen, af ter a hat seemed to the world an unnecessary delay, and then him self suddenly and mysteriously dropped from view as completely as if the earth had swallowed him. The Copenhagen Universi ty has tiled a preliminary report in which it is declared Ir. Cook's records are not satisfactory. THK INDEX NEXT U FFk. Tat Index will not suspend an issue for Christmas. Sub-s.-ribersmay look for the paper next week as usual and corres pondents will please take notice. We should like to have a brief acount of the Christmas exer cises and events sent us Mon day for next week's paper opportur .: to get it. Hit thetv is danger that she lose out by ! imin confused over the Rumrrous apparent opportunities nrw presenting themselves. M.ND RECEIPT WITH clFT U r,en you sent your Christmas present by t press did you send company 's receipt to show th F i Ti i s a.v hoi.--" yrr ..1 !: it i 1: rht t, rtias. I, a- a ir;.-r. f.;'. f-.-n that - h r.-sti i -rrt.ed 'i'fiere : d..T-.rrI. e !-et Weer, an ; a. 1 i r:, ..inta.r, of ar.d :it'. . a t;p.r a 14! i re 1 the charges were prepaid' If 1 n t. the chances are your friend paid the express and the orn- par. or -initio dy eiae got pay twice Such things have hai- pe'.ed as readers of Tut Inplx iwi!: testify. The Statesvilie Landmark was not "talking , tnrogfi ,u r,at" last spring when IE' I luN S metil.'i cr,arge are t!Ude at ' .- li'.e. afi ! kt, w r.. f. .r .-r; express . collection is t end of the : this i never ne reasor, that the young man your son or brother some community is to t,e stirred was collected. by a brawl or a homicide Is it The graded school at I 'ark tun v,iri" so successful! v controlled by Prof u- ,t, r , l . , I orbis and his force of excellent We trust that none of these teathers is running Qn (M tmie things shad come u any member wjtn ont. hundrel and eighteen of 1 he Inpkx family. Jewish pupils in attendance. School wil you every one the fullest meas- close the rd inst. for Christmas ure of mirth and lace and gfj.jd w ill. merriment, HIM fSMfe IRAHShlRS "ni,, J I r It, t holidays I here vini U' a concert given by the schuol on Thursday, the 2ord. EveryUxiy come and en- )oy a hearty laugh for ( hnstma Admittance i and 15 cents. There will a Christmas tree in the Presbyterian church on rriday night, Dec. lit. Every f 1 Oto. .J 11. Sikes et ux. to J. utjily invited Uj come. I. ring a F. McDiarmid et ah, I'M acres present for your wife, children. Seventy-First. sweetheart or friend. $U. Sarah (. Mc.Dufhe.lo Pi k Murxlock McDurtie. 1 acre, Que- . . . whitRe. $1,ii. .1 T p. Matthews, et Troubli Makirs Ouitid u, io jonii ,jooe, -ij acres, W uti .uffr-r fr.a, nmjA.-h uoui,l Hlack River. Uc lr King N bil" PilU h' $l,(fiK Duncan Nordan, et ,ul f'd Ui tiij d ux, f J. W. Fuouay, X, acres ,ttdl ?u,, tt k,fx --- I uri'Ar w t re. L " .. . " t - v ivvb. nrrvM LaUti ail MtM .. Katie bretne. to hd ward ttoa,x-b. lnr nd Rida n work McNeill. tJ3 acres, Flea Hill. r'i!til ' iI drujdrwu $14i. E. R. MacK'ethan, et ill a ux, to jonn a .ici,ean. l acre. Cross Creek Slilo ( W. Jackson, et ux.to W. B. Allen. 45 acres. Flea Hill. tk T. C. Whitfield, to A. M Whitfield. 1 kn. Crass Creek. $1. T ( Whitfield, to A. M. Whitfield. 1 lot Cross Creek. &'. N. M P.easlev, et ux. to If . , , , V r r'i0. c-,- . . If iiupl cupy of Tut IhOKi ,N ti A mmons,o.! acres, seventy- , r ftrst. ! fIU idIo your tiaadt K la u id 1j O taviou- Robinson, et viutum lo ubtorib l oiio ux. to ,1. F. Skipper, 2 lots. Flea Hii. , r : $1,. E V . 1-asiev. et ux.to C K Chaw,, i acres, Ilockfish. WUUU O 11 Kill liKADE Garden Seeds W taUoduovd tL jiu )Mrt the last few years that we hard- nd tJjy bv provtu tutiitly ly could realize that it w as Fb.vd. taiiafaclory LOST Piiour Bird Dug, kbuul lo nioDttit old, wliit, with brown ipjU on hd Ktwtrd for inf jrantioo tt to wtirbouU COBB BK . I'Mktjn. X C H - Mr. r. 11 Tay lor of Idthngton. the efficient clerk of Harnett Superior court, dropped in to see us Friday, lie has added so much avoirdupois to himself in & M It 4 . isl-EX ,t to invitation to iub- dudtng eed pc tal , ootu eU. orib etc In ' hrt':.,; r- w ar.. .e.l ili-rounUei f. .'!.a th je.r P- press 'Toward perfectioi. is what f w rote, but the types made us say sfcmtethur.g else. ' Co'i.;gr.ee doesn't mention it and the c .ns-gnor doesn't suspx-ct it. , Tr.e ..niv safety ii: shipping an e press package prepaid is v send the receipt to the consignee. S '!..- of the trof,- coioplained of ma, be due to the negligence of oca: eriipl-oy es. but the Landmark believe that practically all the fault is with the company, for if the company wasn't reaping the .erfect- benefit of these overcharges it ' w ou.d taxe the pains to stop them; and the employe, who is usually underpaid, could have do motive for overcharging for the benefit of the company. " A Difference In Material it R HORSE & SMB. .:, r-. "f a mar, to a strong, tie;:.,: with Makes a Material Mi ScM Your Wife Difference Tlttt't n ftn to th tna ttif th ernon Uik.it with hr n,j-ar or tK bit. fnt.. S ,t mr,, gtng tx Hw t, Horn Pj,r lnt t hr U.., , TM f - k MO.W Tm ,h,-! t,,v, d,Bn,r pra lr.ntit Machinery V "r rJjf B t,m n4 h jn,,,. w, k prprd t print njrTfc.nj frx t;ta Vitra Cra to Petr nS to ti it Work Art. Ar jou going k Mil Cbmtmat good? AdvcrtU ia Tut uui Go To- Newberry Furniture Co. for !! kmdi of Furo,tuf ni hoa furaitLmg goodj. Kng. b'tore. Uttr, ia fact a&jtaiug you bt to th hoa; They gurit to !! mort g'jod for mooy, tetter g ojd for Um iflocty Clitll! Pr ;n St ad amin tb tock nd get cfattig jnctw If you Py big fric for furoiturt nobxly to bttm bat yoa. F O R I Butcher Knives tSausag'e Mills, and Lard Stands AND FOR WEDDING PRESENTS See TllXlNGHASrS CJ10CERY STORE f f t f t 5 ooooooooooooooooooooooococoooooo o o o o 0 o 0 0 4 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF The Bank1 of Lumberton At Close of Business Nov. 16. 1909 Resources: Liabilities: loar,s and Discount Overdrafts Furniture and Fixtrures. Real Estate, Stock and ' Bonds owned - - Demand Uwrts InsUllmenta due on t Stock Subscriptions Cash and Due from Banks Capital Stock C o divided Profit! P.ills Payable -DepoMit Assets June 1st. AsseU Nov. 16th. I2.ir-1.02 3, .180, 27 5.0(lO.(iO - 50.026.60 llOthfitHt.tW Sl.fKXl.fO 204,718 13 S4TI.&09.73 Not the Largest nor the Smllet but ContirtUilly growing New Accounts Solicited. 4 pir cent Iatereit Paid on Time DspatiU cooooooocooooocoocooooooooooooou 0 o a Q a 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 O o o 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 0 Mmmmmmmmmmmmw mmmmmmmmmmmmr ' ft! i Ml III -f 111 Mf lit lit I M H l III III .ti 1 V V bve tti Urgt ad hmt iia of butttog atov ia this ctioo, H d(tTrot tf Im aod izM Cn suit taybody. dpoil btr for Church tod sohool uoawi, Buck Stove and Range B beat oe ertti Nov i tb tiio to bay a pric ar lor tha uul. ai tby ruf kdrtna io tb nr (utur Big stock of th eelekrtUd "Keen Kutter 5 Tool, Pocket Knive. Razor, Scior, etc., bolutey gur- itnteed. Gun and Rifle of ng 2 kind and price. Hntia Suits, Leg gin and Ammu- nitioa S Anything io lUrdwaue Z. Cll tad u. ox nd 6 yoot 13 order. Huike Hardware House. Fayetteviiie, N. C ! n mm in mm tit m m iu in i i i i n i u i u