How Cumberland County Can Get Good Roads Without Increasing Taxes Page 2. VOL. 3. NO. 39 FAJfCTTEVlLLE. A. CL. WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 22 lll $1.00 A Yr Ah. FAYEITEVILLE GETS N0RF0LK4S0UTHERN Ko ad Parckate The Raleigh & Soetbpart - kj the D. & C ON TO SOUTHPORT NEXT'? u id Authority Announoe That the RaJeigh & goathport Ha Betr. Bought by the Nor - Southern Which wiil Build o Concord Raleigh to Con cord Through Line lialtigh & Southport rail ; rating between Fayette ,: I Kalt-igh, has be-n pur . : I-, the Norfolk Southern. wa tLo u w bruufrbt to ., .'.y Saturday iu. ruing by aii.i Oharrvcr, wliuh N t and Obvrvr Hat) n autLority that tht-, ii. Southern Railway t 'oro .!. and interests allied with in; anv, hai purchased Mr -'i- A. Mills and hu s th- Kaleigh and Hutli ri li;i:!r"ad and all )U proper ' i !,a. a!.; purchaai'd from 'Ar I. and his asao.'iat'-s i ad known as tl..' Dur I ( harlot te road. wh-h - :. w and has been for year "jxratiun from Cumnock to: .i y The Norfolk Southern will lutruit th:s road from Kal. iirh f '-ncord, either under its own '.arttr or under the .harttr liaifigh, Charlotte and South ::. KaiTroad obtained from the u-t legislature by leading eiti ' between Halcigh and ' bar ft and purchased some wf.-ks ago by Mr E. C. Duncan, a. ting .'or himself and his associates, his, associates now turning out to ! 'he Norfolk a. Southern Railway; mpany The Greensboro News of the i ume di 'e had this special frJtoi . Kaleigh correspondent: kaleigh, Nov 17 It develupe .i onneetion with the presence 1 unturned i'ii page four TOURJBT8 AT FAYETTEVILL Bad Weather Forced Number of Cars to Put Back to Atlanta, Before Reaching Here All Quit at Henderson The iiieinlH-rs of the capital lo capital automobile, tour from At lanta t.. Richmond, under the leadership uf liiard Tufts, pres id.nt of the tpital to Capital Highway Astox-iutJoij. armed from 1'iuehurat at b o'clock 1 luuvday Mfti-rnouu Tli.v were eacorU'd iuu tLe Hy by u nuiidxr "f kal aiit"iiio!.ij. who went out 12 miles on the Ra--ford road l welcome the tour ist A number of the cars had tffU eomielled 1.. put ba. k t.. Atlanta by the condition of tin rads, rettultmg frtii bail weath r As this is ..r. i.i the niii! controls, th tourist i!'-j.'ped o er night at the Hotel LaFayvtb ami pro. i . ,j t,. Rah ;M! Friday morning The motorist, wer. , uU-i tain, d by the Chamber i ...'hmkt.-.' the itidnhfrial lib and the 1 .! Elks lodge. A feature f the supp'-r whi -h was given in the KMs' . lubr. ...m was the display of iuoli-'U p., ture of the rec-nt Fairni'-nt 1'arK aiitoii.ol b i:.. . t m I'hil adclphia. utter which a snc.kcr w as giv. ii the mii'.rs at the Indiiftrial clul. 'I I . cut re jnrt ga' .; th. t-air at llemlersou and t 'k tip trail..-, t' r th balance i I 'o trip ri ;.. unt of bad r".v! - ! y nl then- Well Known Colored fA Dead R. W.;. n ( op. land. .. E.w R..(.. v. i. . . j j t . it w.U known and highly esti enied colored faj tut niinistcr, dropped ! ad at Cedar iroi church, color i Sun. lay He bad lived on l is wn ' farm in Raft Swamp i..wi.hip fr twenty y. ars or more, and! had raised a large and thrifty family He was held in high e teem by the whit.- ieopli in tin locality v !.. r lie lived. AT KLMSrON TO-DAY TO SUPREME COURT $36,250 THIS TIME. North jCarcliaa Melhodia Canfei- Judge Whctfbee Decides Against eace Coaveces faiahrHf County Uf 75TH ANNUAL SESSION m ANNEXATION CASE Bishop E E Hoes to Preside Conference Will be in Session Until Next Monday Bishop Boigo Expected to be Present Some iigttres Indifatng Growth Cooenutg in Kimtou tbis morning. Novend- r '12. the North" Carolina Conference of the Meth odist Episcopal Church, South, I :!! hold its seventy fifth annual .! 'I. The Cof)fer-nee will be h-ld in th. new M.-tliodi.t church l Kinst-'U. "f which Rev F. S. love is pastor itnh.,p Embrj K lloss w 11 ;.r- aid. .-r th. ..n'. r. n ci.d CiNfioj. ,l.,Ln ' hilg.i is cxjh .-d t" l.i : 1 ' . - ., . . r I 1 I .,. f . I, v ill op.-n W if Ii t !.. t.a r;u.:. nt .-t' the E..rd's Sup r w h u ii1. roil i-r ar p:;t in tliu i 'oiifi r ii. .- 'I he 'on'- r- r. w tii la- in uii' i .(.day i : it. x t -ck . un I roi...l y with tl morning s - .-.! ii ; I at day K i.sto I n . nt rtained the Mi. iroliii.i i ii i . t, . on. . I f.,f. : hat ha ' ing ! '.'hi first "m-Sjo.1i of t! North . ..luia l ri:'. r. n a h I.I in .r. j.- .ii .laliuary 1 ! I'll. : i rat s'at.sti. s r. u-. ir.ii ii).' . in. ii.b. rsi j : :, n !,.-. I I "I .11 the Collfi-ri-nee u re published in 1M, and at that time th. membership in I . ' d l..!H white people and colored people. The figur.-g pub lisht-d in VJ10 show the chur h membership to be 7j17, an m crease of 2.bH over the men b. rship a year before. Cotton has not h n com nig in so rapidly for the last few days as it did for a while Judgment m Favor of Annex ation of a Portion of Black R-vei Township to Harnett County Appeal to Supreme Court Taken. The "friendly suit' instituted at thr .i.'. . of citueus of Elavk River township and th. board of couimiaeiouer of Cum berland county, to t'-at the ci.n stitUtloiihtlt of the a. t ol tii. last Leglalalun taking a portion f 4'uml'eriand ciuiity aiii mak fug it a part ol ilario tt c.tinty, now g.i n to the Supr n.e . urt Judge II W. Whedl... Lav,ug h. ard tlx argu merit in th. . asc during the n tat t rn. ol -, rendered his w .-k , the S-i lAr tn I uiii r! f tio- JU'lglie lit the .f Cumberland in Fayrttevill judgment last l. ;ag ad i r county fro. oUimisMiwmrs county, tl r. gas e not i. . ..I Graded School Property on Hay Street Again Sold at Auction by Trustees In accordance with previous ad ertunmefit by the board of truxt. . s, th. prop lit of tin Kay ettrvillr 'iraelid Si'hooU. in Hay sir. . i, known ;vs t!je .1J Seminary property, a aain ..ff. r. d l'.r sal. at publn uui tlou on the preuiiaa-s Monday at ic n. and wa bid ulf by the Stat, luaur snee & R aity Company, f whi b Mr .lot ji I'nderw ) is the head, for f:V..2. It is under stood that Mr I uderwood and bis comj.any a t. i in the matter for a p.utt of tir t-usboro in-s tors, who propc t-. hold the I t si-iipl) aa an investment. . .n tub nt that the natural increaa- l the alu of the projx rty will -ay ample diid-ud without impr tenu-nl l-'st . tt ilb- eiti Selm w - Ull T at. ! Si e tio erty, whi.-h is i hand v.iii. rjo fe. t .11 the h app th Supreme ...urt. and it is ex; ed that tii.- ase w i by curt in tic future R.-pr lis- a.-tio. be heard ciy in ar tre. m t 1 utar.cj f r : l.-i of t such a- tion M rs aw ay . i tainly b th. futur. t Tl prp h ? r T .1 tie ny ' of. ,id. rab! uniiiiprov. pr.p lot inaili city, per but uting on. I arc Mr torncv. Mr .. rial ! in h Nunoeks. .1 A at-s and Mr Idillard Mr J litfor.l. f Duiiu, ri pr . nt. liar 'u It i otinly Ali.r reviewing the .ftjijo, Whedbee hays in bia judguo nt It Is hereby ordered, adjildg ed and decreed by the court that tin t oiuiuiasioiiers of ( umb. rlai d 'jiinty !. and th.y arc henby permanently restrained and n inuied from collecting the taxes attempted to be levied by said 1 board and from . ii-reisiug any authority or jurisdi. Hon ovi r the pi-rsona and property i said' territory so added to ll unty of Ham. tt by said Act And that li th.- art ..I f man from Rcr. would jx-ak on full n . in f Eay. tt. vill. . rty wa f'in.i ij t up into lj lots, eight fronting on Uaj street and eight on Frank lm, and ea-i lot sold separately Tin- aggregate of the highest bids of i the separate lots was 421 .2.' i 1 hi n the prop-rty was I t. red as a wln h an.) ran up to .'J.Vl. R0SEB0R0 BOOMING Leadirg Town Between Fayette ville and Wilmingtca HAS FINE BACK COUNTEY; Many New Brick Stores and Beaidences Built This Year and the Town Rapidly Grow ing, While the Rich Landa of the Section are Soaring la Value. Throughout North Carolina anil the south in general the past very few years have form- i( a piriod of unpn ci-rhn'cd de-i-l"j i.ient along industrial and agricultural lit. a, but in no sec tion ho this progress ben more lint than right here ui tho s. .Hon embracing the counties of urii!H.-rlaJid, Sampson, Rolx;-s-.n, Hoke, Harnett and Bladen. An-! in no locality in this section hu tin re been much p,orc of tl is progress tl.aji in and around Roacboro, lh. rapidly growing Sampson county town on the At lautie Coast Lin. , 22 milea cast of Fayetteville. AH tin time there is Something doing around Roseboro, which m a very few years wni be a town of 2000 population unlets all signs fad fo has room to grow; it right kind of men to grow . and it has a rich untry surrounding it. Roex le Las the make jt ba. k otlt 11.11. . I -ii page tour Raleigh High Wins Superior ti an. w ork enabled Raleigh high school to defeat i 'lialdson Military school 2 to I I Saturday afternoon. In the a minute of plsy Crinkley lay! down u. ar th. sid'Lne until the' ball was snapped, b ftp. .1 up to! neeive a forward pass from Jeffrey, eluded four ta. klers and, ran half tl.. 1. ngtb f ti e field! for a toil' lidov? n i!!i i-r.t to furnish the trade and other factors of rapid growth And it is growing. These fa u Th- Index has learned by si veral visits there. Mr J Abncr Marker was here Saturday from Koaeboro and be enabled us to get a down to-datu line on what is going on there. Sin. e the flic last spring that wip. d out a large portion of the business part of the town the fob low ing business buildings of brick have b.eri completed or are in course of construction, by the gi-ntb men named ' Continued on page eight COLD WEATHER!! We have Cleaned up the Entire Stotk of one of New York's Leading Manufacturers of Cloaks and Suits, at Prices Way Below their Value, and are Going to Give You the Saving. Lot No. 1 Lot No. 2 Lot No. 3 100 Ladies' Cloaks in Black and Tan, all 100 Ladies' Cloaks in Black, Tan and Colors, 100 Indies' and Misses' Coat Suits, in1 all the SizeTfull 54 inches Ion, stvlish and up-to- strictly high-class goods, full length and cor' ttln IfiSSlTSS ' 'atV h Mnn nfithTet lT 'X reCt in f gular class nobby" handSme and tylh . Pv Lh, 7 S. Siooo" Sia4 Qfl values $12.50 to $15.00. All H gf S,,lls' al1 wo1 material; Regular values JWcS. 1 000 ylU siZe, OurSpecal Price $6a90 SJggj $1Q & $12.50 Men's, Women's and Children's Winter Underwear of all kinds, in all sizes and the Very Best Always in Stock. A Lace Curtain Special 200 Pairs Fine Lace Curtains, slightly soiled, but barely noticeable, bought at JUST HALF PRICE and will be'soldi same way; -Just Half Price. This is a Great Opportunity For You. 1 Prank: Thornton 1 06-1 08 Hay Street. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. 101-103-105 Green Street

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