For results, Adrerfes in THE HiDEX-lthree times the calculation of any other paper published in Cumberland County. 11 VOL. NO. 23 German Army Fight ZjbJ The Battle line 200 Miles Long The Alliesare to. couraged and now Equal the Genmans in Number J'luri, fcjt. Tee Uerman i nw mx U- AtfkUu'wod uf lax soul m the ui ctvun Ux AiUi Axnry we V U-e a4nitfe, but le U- it u yrUkbly U j - lr tiffurv Lh frill LeAt .f :ninfii Ijtf ilrn lioUi mica ax uWOAitiil and iur tne'From tune to tin,, tie jeru.aua Xul Un.s LU- axjuit vX liugiiid i,.t rai- t.iUJU UI U.ULUI - Ui U LUv Hi.Ui;i. it -d Uat abval i,VJ,W lUKiX UU each, kitic X; UOW ii.S-gi-d ui vhl LA-cly to be U gnaUst uugic ui lias worlds luatory. Lp to Uua tune tLe German, fear, won every bat tle uf any consequence, tut the All, axe dcUruUJued to dnrt the in cut of Franc and they arc iikrijr to keep kauuaeruig a way until it m done, and Ger many Mumbled. The invader. Uti already ioet About 2X,000 men while the Al lied Army haa lost about one fourth thai number. Troop axe coming from India. Buaeia, Canada and KaUad aa4 it ! ool qation of tin until the grtm w7 world eer U on Un defenwre. WUt tb oatcoia irfll U no nu cu tll, but tli ehnc tbt the proud nUon Uut brought on tht wU tjU. Cutbuxrt for Enwin U.iue, Spt. 8. UwpAtckea txived bre from Vienna J thf Tribuna ddre ibai u King tipreaaed in u; !T.T;.n.t ration in Bouman.a . . m J Dniui 1 ing bjifore the alhe. naa A 1 V- a si 4k. Invniif ering fiorce but unauccewful con ter-attacha Tha fiffhtina today extended along both the Oureq and Marne . . ; tka Britiab fore bave eng4 U 1 .i.i.t strong Ofienwva w hm- I "r? nt riu Al- jnaa oeeu - - In th aentof of a AJ Ca 9vaMl further aana' and uulbaria in larur wi - ; , . TiStriM belUred a Mid that .11 pr nt. of the io H Ui ?tor of Ore.t Pritian, men of the Meehlar regiment. BniSa, d rnee-tht Triple h. "i? UnXT iSuSS i AoatrUn. Pmrtin,. polgarina CoD removed Rome, fiept. 7 -Reporta aa7 llnngftry, H I f d,mioD. from the Ao.- reeently bj Jeered T """i8 v'eL; Of Xh irM TM - aaid U, be .penally trn. IPW f!L5. I along the Boumaniaa frontier U blatt. acord- ! 4lmd ako that Tna Vitnn. TfW. n Aatmn .oldier, have Wrr b reaehed SwitaerUnd through the erti that lYio:. of Trrol. It U aaid that 34 pr wntUa to tit "TV eeot of the men of the .Merfclav Bulgaria Ml "1 ,f wgimenU hare diaappeared Bolgark tk ene, 'V L tht BlaTf. Autrinni in Retreat, f retrograj. A., Sept. 7. The "Ckl Out of fraac " 'folloaing official announcement Pari, Sept. 9.-Tle ttla fiTen out today : proceeding to the rt of Tarii -The Auatrun army corp. be appeara to bt the tmpr- tween the nver Viatula and the tant and ot itubbornly fought river Bug are retreating with combat of the campaign. MUj- enorraoua loaaea. Ury authoritiea decline id md- "The reaiaUnce of the enemy cate the number of men engaged j,M broken, bnt hundreda of thouaanda are ' There are evidencm of the participating on both aidea. ' pos ity of a famine in Austria According to tho in poaition to obtain authentic information 0,0 gtrika Impassible the caaualtiea have been a Barrier, great that th German have re- n(joni Soft. 7.-Once more queated an armistice of 24 hour. 0trm,na ami the allied The armialie wa refund with FreBoi, ,D(1 jjritiah armies tare the reaponae : grappled in the great battle "We grant you that time to hw fceen fougt ith only get out of Franca." tw0 i,rief intermwaiona aiure An- An offcial communication i- juat 2.ld. The tide haa tnrned aued by the war. office ahowa that fop time tt jtMt and ord the flerroan wing, whil retreat- t0 aB 0ffiejal bulletin from Checked forParis Begin he oocamd, the two ppotu frt,c aduig (h dar w) rifig fortunta, which, ho w.rtx are regarded w jaore frorhl ' to AUi ttao to tlir idvr; j wcrnuui Fartm 17' t i. A . . " w ' WU Stpt. 7. Ia th fight - Km-L tm gOiOg oil tod m f u.t and northt of baok toward the capital, frruca trep. Art hariLKsiliir tiair l. taj"n engage the Frn-l at faM ! - rrr-aiJi slieii ; COntiCUaLly LU tie jef Quarter Million Rusaian Molukr ed In France ISonv, Spt. 8. Accordiz-j; to the Heme Tribuoa, thre if in France toiav u.ul of 2.'0.Ojj Kuaaiau trx- , turn uc.,'pi tvw'Ui.j( r.uri peror William'. ,,reance at Me, ! . . 1 to thia coiicutrtiou (Li Ruaaiaua. Belgrtda Fritting op Splen did Defenaa JLondoo, Srpt. 7.- -lirlgrmde i 4 ill putting up mafbificut Art ena tad f'f a htrou- ei aicple of the enduraor of both th aoldirt and rifUiaa Keo tbe voib'b are fighti tt'i bornlr The Serriana avear tie Auatriaisj w21 eatrr tie capital a Ixr a c kouae ataeuia azxi owr i i.a. DafUc Aray tkt rt fr si Aiitnan am f ar ur ase" is tai4 to w al2 & Il' frtdtrr aai it t irUrf-d al that bih AutruB .Jdr. h rea-tte1 .4ilirliiul thrttiirh tU 1 vroi. I p, the flcrroana on fcunUny 11 1 . a.. ..A evenicg were compelled to retivat Oermana Repulaed. Iiondnn, Sept. 7.--A Renter w,i,.k from Antwem ton- Xirm. e.rbea dhapWWa of a riarm&n moiiIma rTiilav al vnap v . , - 4. - nelle An Bow. and naya they J the duh add. returned to BTumla, (Coatianed on p ) FAYETTE VILLI, K. C, CALEAifZA WILL EUW Dr KEXXCAH EACE Win Be Candidate For the Pres idency U tha Coujrtigution aJ Election CHIEFS HAEM6M2E e. - U iwl rv-iaeal rtiiii. rcccul " 'rtiua tU1 ae ievu Cr- 1 ii.u it .iiu.. Uut. UjUi-vu. jau. ' j j uu: skucU j . . i 'I .ji4 i.4v ;ucU VuU rai. i i a:ii va'.uabic. Mr. 1 uiicr iuttr- ! v Citv txiy iuiU it mm ri-pvrt t.j tlic fu-t chi-i ai aasieated t. Vi!U'a i'l '.'if raiji. liivli i a& t'jllvWi . "Tit a nuiit.vii oi outi , ' -Kgi be ca.1 t.. ..tfrt. th lit tilt r.i u iiiauit- uie ui- oi m t li ' tivu tvr C'ynuresh, I'rtrfcident ' Ttiat uiilitarv iiiao be 4 i-andidatc lor I'residt-nt or Vice rn-fcid'nt or lor governor of an StaU-. 'That a rivihan tWe charge oi th iroviioDal jrovrrnment to bold rleitiooa. ' That a general amnfaty be d.i Lar.i eii-ept as to thoae who 1-ouiti.uUd (tiait or participated ui th- aamat)oU -ot Madero ao That ifu-rra of th old Fed eral axmjr, who can aho dean rwrda, aball be taken into the &r Naliuual arrnj. That all rfforiua ahall be pu TLk jt!.r.ui m an e?rgftii- manner. trubut "U a I'titl and i-onstitutioiial jbaak." arraua already baa i-oiuplied with tbe firat propoaal by calling a irrneral runveution for October 1 to iect a proviaiimal president l'ndr the Mexican Constitution the proviaional preiadent cannot be a candidate in election, con tacted under bis administration. f arrauza, therefore, if he wiahea to become provisional preaideot, will not be in office longer than the period neeesaary to conduct an election. If he reaigua tf first chief he may enter the Dresidential race, aa hia friend. cleam he ia not g miliUry man in the accepted aeoae in Mexico. The belief prevail here that Carran will reaign in favor of . civilian aa proposed by Villa and that he then will wage an dencv. Villa ia not expected to active campaign for the preai support Carraiua at the polls. It is understooa fiere mai American force, will not be til the election for permanent withdrawn from Vera frua un- prfsident is held. Durham Recorder Poke. "Gentle men of Leisure." Durham. Sept. 8. Perosas re maining iu Durham niuft work At bast thw ia the idea ot tin poll e force of the city, aie making a steady campaign -gaiMt vagrants. For the f ait thrc seaaiona of recorders couri as a.uiiy a three vagrants aa-e been before hia honor ou f k occasion. The defendants an- be ing placed under bond to (ro to Mjrk immediately and re lompelbM U report to the re corder each month ti show that unless prevented they are engag ed. In several ease, a provi ion w inaerted. whereby the de fendhiu k not allowed to ban; arour.d pool room, or remain on the streeu later than 1 o'lhckj at uitrbt. Th. ehy official, relj Hss.inu that strict co;nplan) tk.u rulinx-a of th. .ourt. v a w - will itfcy loafing fat Dwknm- E?T 9, 1914. iOSHPHUS DANIZLS PRAISES WILSON Sys Adainiatrntion'a Mexican Poncy Eaa Jnstled It atlf FuDy. FAC STS HERE. Water vilie, Me., .pt. i. Con trasUrg the peace of the LuiUtd bUtca with the wax m Juro, 6- civiaxy ol tW- -N Uaiucla, a: ti aadrtaw? bi-re U-night, U-i-.iUcU the pr-ace wtticii Aincfita ' Uj'A b la iav lu UM: bVdleMuan- M..J' in UajiUUtijf iiil'Kuit dipio- L-ouutUig compUeaUoXia gro-n- out of VaUf'niia ieguLiUon : iUv ocguiuiug of lite Wuiii . ..iiuWJaUoi-, JUtth Uirt-attin-ii ..ii-i. jur traditiotaj ir;cia- s t rtitii JapiU', tht crelr .ftftd that "tke wia i're--;it ud wim; Secretary 6UU, ol jh. -'- aiid jaUi.e pur ; .J a couiitiit cour-ic ot lriend 6l a-ud frankntiia which repre n; atr of Japan likewise held ti. a courae of ccuaauitation and :i. uUsLip rel'uaitig ty Le ' hur 11 .1 .y Uie tli-uglitiea or to I' tUeir head beiauae Ot the iaiuoi oi jingoism.' St-t retary Daniels called atten tion to the protest against the J 'resident a Mexican policy, ita ridicule aa "amateur diplomacy I'.v utny and prediction that it would fan. Iljppily the policy of the Administration found favor wiU iii. I u!k of the sound cituena ot Uif republic of every politi- al party," Mr. Daniel, contan- ued. 'and the hand, of the 1'resident were upheld by the great majority of the members of Congress by a large portion Today we owe to our admuustra of t'ae press, and by the people tiou the fact that while nearly all Km I'jiau are at each other'. throat-, in deaths struggle, Mex ico i uiiiing into its own and takiiijj the first steps toward etablitlnn a constitutional gov ern111e.1t. and our own people on their own hearths and fireside. re free from the perils of war. The world "stood aghast" Mr. DanieU declared, "at tbe con flict :o Kurope." "Before the final appeal to arm. while sitting at the beside, of hia dying wife,' hesaul, "President Wilaon sent a cable message to the heads of the Towers tendering the good offices of the American Govern ment in the hope that the dif ferent might be settled with honor without resort to arms. Our ue President did not limit the good office, of the Amer icn Government -to the period before the outbreak of the war, but volunteered them at any time they would be acceptable. "This tender voiced the Amer ican spirits), and the American impuUe. If all warring nationa eouid have accepted this method of arbitrament of their differ ences, what a blessing it would have carried into the homes now full of tears. Dies After a Few Moments Bines Mr. I. H. Spearg. of Wade, who was on a business trip at the home .. Mr '.. M. New tuns. of Ilojic Mills, had a attcke of apoplexy and died in ;i very short while lie wh about 4' years old and leaves a wife aud a married daughter. The tuneral was held at Tatuiu. S. C. Sun day afternoon. Excitement on Haytnount. Last Sunday night while peo pie were at church a negro man went to the home of Mr. Albert Slocomb on Haymonnt and start ed trouble with the cook. Mr. Slocomb went out and ordered him away, but he refused to go, when Mr. Slocomb went for hia gtin and fired one ahot at him which bad the desired affect, an tha negro boat a hasty retreat BIG WAS WILL GO. Agreement Between Katente to Act Toget&er Only fx Peaoe. ALLIZS NOW STEONGER T hmtoc,. I). L'., .Sept. ."1. Official and dJloiuat Lfre to day believed ttie agPeeafeUt Jt aigtitd i ljrat BriUan, Yaoc.o and liuj:a not to make jea' ex ej.t mutuai coiiacut, m &ut tht v. Si' oulu U.- lought to n tki-i&ni. iiO. Uii all shIcs 1L1' tiiiouiice in iiit was accepted asj ltf-Krt of . D. Davis. Supt. ui- jtiiuig u.eitabie j-roluugutiou i Convict force rad and oa mo ii tuc airufegle. Prisiiiciii Wil-jtion approved. 32wardi mada aou nd SccreUtry Bryan were i eot f323. 20 prisoners, said t " bae been depresbed by Bide were oeued and aupplica the news. ! bought for Sept. D.pioifcaU 01 the allied powers; Ordered that Al-x Usae pur ...wprcUu tl.c ag'ecm nt a a -haRe su -h elotiiitij.- as nctesary wiutioii vh the Jart !iint:n m,.J KutisJa 'o wage tiieirj j u ar'.ii . i pe.-u, every quarter, inch reverses in Fran -e, I Kr.iin ali Flirts of th iti(.e Koir - - ' 1 - o o land is gathering colonial troops Jiupe that the gathering strength of tha Triple Entente might yet cause Turkey to remain neutral waa revived a along diplomats, though there was an absence of advice, from Constantinople. Soma Hope of Turkey. The contest in diplomacy be tween Berlin and London baa been causing considerable worry around the world. The allien, it is. understood, have expected Turkey openly to align herself withf Orrmanyy and Austria but tlie delay in the Porte 'a action, although construed by many aa merely a mean, of completing military preparations, has produc ed a ray of hope that th. war party in Constantinople will not triumph. Many of the conservative par ty in Turkey contend that Tur keys finances were so consumed in her last wars that a new con flic t would be economically ruin- ou and that her Mediterranean port would be at the mercy of the Anglo-Saxon fleet. while the Balkan States waged a seperate war on land. All these considerations have placed bffore the Porte by di plomats representing the alliea. Iast reports, however,, show wavering, witn toe muaary arm of the Ottoman empire prepar ing industriously for all even tualities. Roumania Worrie Turiu Reports that Greece had an nounced her intention of remau ing neutral waa regarded as likely to have an encouraging ef feet at Constantinople. Tbe de cision of the Porte on war and peace depend, almost entirely on what the alignment will be in the BalkaasToday it was learned here on authority that Turkey waa not ao sure of Rou manian support as previously. Roumania, it wa aaaid, has bad a secret alliance with Austria for some time and always haa labored a grudge against Russia. The Roumanians, however, are racially Slavic and latest inti mations are that they plan to offset any help Bulgaria might give to turkey, a circumstance be lieved to have caused the Porte Porte to delay action nutil it can learn better the intentions "f its northern ueighhors. bnoot-ng at wade. A message was received here Monday from Wade conveying tlie news that a negro was shot by another negro sometime 'lur ing the afternoon, and that a physician was wanted Dr Me , Ordered that S. B TaiVt Oougau answered the call and be allowed to get 0 feet. 13 found the negro was shot through inches and 30 feet of 6 in tile on the stomach. Their names could the road from Rivera, 1, school not be learned. I house and th K inj 1 onTe'fc Bridge. One Million Troop. Axe Engaged j Dr. Kibler of the State Board in th. Fighting. i Health appeared before tha board (Pari., Sept. 8. It is estimated and asked for an appropriation unofficially that nearly 1,000.000 of $300 00 for defraying the x troopa are engaged in hd fightin pacso. of a campaign asjataaej wkiea to pKvceedang the east spread of typhoid fever. On at Fart T. j (Pcntta-Wid .a peg ) 11-00 A TEA! C0M3XSSK)NZ XLEETLRQ. The Bard m-t ai regular ad jounwj mot-UL Tuesday. Men ltxs praent A. B. Smith, Otair un. Joka H B mdn, I). K. Taylor, F. C. Yarbort., Alexan der 81 iii mo ua. Minutes o' the Lest luoeUnjf read aud and ua motioa. approv ed. Iteport of Dr. J. W. McNeill County Physician, rta'd and on motion approved. itil'T U.' minute tuc county Home. . li.p'n i.' ,1. A Monro asaia- j tant Supt. road r.-ad and appro ed. and tender his resignation to the Board, which Le had ten dered to the chairman, which i. accepted. G. T. Hulard contractor af Board for Beaver Dam road read his report which ia accept ed. Road reported in good condi tion, the beat he haa ever seen there. 21 men, 14 mules. Report of J. R. Ilulin, eoatrac tor for Bockfisn and Peaxee'f mill read and on motion ap proved. Report of Q. A. Hall, contrac tor for Cedar Creek read and in motion approved, with condrtjon that all the road, be put in first class condition by Oct. 1. Report of W. L. Lewie, eon tractor for Carver. Creek, rend and on motion approved. 89 men, 38 mules. Report of J. M. Green, contrac tor for 7 1st read and approved. 46 men, 46 mule.. Report of D. If. Matthew., eon tractor for Black River re a and approved. Roads reported in goo condition. rfJ Ordered that J. R. Bowden ee the proper authoritiea in tb towns of Wade and Godwin and Falcon and see that thes incor porated towns put roads in good shape at once. Roport of J. A. Beard, contrac tor for Flea Flill read and on motion approved. ; iteport of Mr. D. J. Bra. Supt. Road, read and on motion approved. D. W. Carter and other, ap peared before the Board and pro- poaea to rurnun two mule team. 100 day. on the road from Bran Simmon. Mill to Jeasup. Kill, nd 100 yard, beyond. Ordered that the eonvietjf be allowed to remain on this road tot weeks, building a 12 fitot road, at th. end if six week, from this day to move to other road. On motion of D. K. Taylor ae. onded by Alex Simmons. It ia ordered that this Board advirtiae for bids to build the Maxwell Road from Blues Sand Hill to Maxwells Bridge and fill at riwr at Maxwell's Bridge. Ordered that W. A. Herring and Family he allowed $15.00 per month for 'I nomtlis On motion ordered that this Board make sand clay roa, from near Wade ly way r II A. Bain to J. A. William either by contracVr or b free l.ibor. The hcaringr on the matter of road froro Stedran to R d. Bullocks be laid over till next meeting of this board. Ordered that D II Matthews sive 15 davs the road from Qid Lake to J. T I. Matthew

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