For Hesults Advertise in The Index Largest Circulation of Any Paper in the Cape fear Section. i I 1 .1 ! I ' I li 1 I I A YEAR ATEMIBLE LTBDffiCOa- rjnDC171ST ' ' tfli Qctavius Mni tn 31 axes Effort to KiU the Entire Family. WIFE Filter VICTIM;1 T 4 Jrss erf Kfr. A. 4. SifkjaMie.. ia jfesd sis Krj'iwl $ IlhI tkm rt .i ife Tfc Uvt A wcr mm s-e rs cs-t L4p tt. Ttjr .aduvmimi tifer j)m.t ;e oetea 5 tia femt i-lar.f . H g-vt fcx jprt Ann fe4 ,W! fc metis jfs bt Ey lr thr pn rf iw tea. wB8JSiMf . fe wat4 11 km fcif fcrofai lif...' H tw!4 fcfjr 4.i fix. let th ww4.4 riT 4o her If ftMMt.. : ki hrt. 'rJ; Ujr ivn e li m4 rr mod igm k &8y wsr. fj $tpp!4 la lt 14 feel fei m Jtrr ..: p. i fcir iirif f!-r. frjf br , Ui M to Um c r-.i, f t v-'J ' Tb pest tcorm Isffr. f, irJ the i l t h i f t i yri.' i h. i t r,.j run ! if o .ijrt"K. ! a s, t! t.rr h i l'f f '' lb 'fcrSilT an! f' Iir FrtMtk C. lit own, urhm. fjtiMtfci a pamphlet on ' Haiial l-it mart in N-.nh fi.iu:." Thi ihini annua! sin of the North 'rolm Fik-lx.r Six'teij'. eM in Ricigh lat t)H-emtr hr Brown ha hmg tuiici htry ri prtirulriy it -f' -Is. H h divere.l n.1 f! '-! many r.e' ltlfl vrir ttw rf M F.rg!h ttii i StftUh hnl-i-i li It was a fitting recoftitiiii tif cfimmnt ,f this ftutgect that the .-ii!ty k4 liiin t diiiirefts its mem Nr en the mtbjM't t'f tU4 liters tar , . , ... Jht!id Tag Trains White at Ih-jmt Viiii- c. -er Han.laift at th At-iis.--:i- Cuast l,Jso 4epvt ynstift'lay, 'fefirt on of the j:t;r.f:r N ku, vkho U castvia t traveling. "ihiit it lw'ieii Uie sh' r.-iiin-nd l-'-.W wijul.l ilaie a ssijjn on or riar 'h tram while they re stanJitig .! it ti4 sivmg th Isn an ) thpir '"tir.Htivn," Yesterday there vviit tiirv tasngr trin3tttiilinff thro nlTerrnt truck, U wuuhl he v-ry i !i truuMe, av h truin crew cuulJ :i their own- ign, ami it wtViM preat c-onvenience U the travei "ifi public. t yettevill is no little croaa raJ and th railroads ought Xo 'he city the recognitwn that H d-erve. cemi:al ciumu m.jkh.l. lrW Honor Kull in Anewd the Past Month Erring bsr TK .... .-t-.xr . .v. . . .... . .. ' t ....... ..... .... Af)n.,cb fi . ? the honor roil if Centra? A.iratic 1 ) SrCux f-ar the nrni.tti iMiTg ! , mi tfee teacber a il.j gxHiut-- t kroarr. Ktnie4i j . Maim 5 , JHoiiie jHwii', F-acAid ILghMr.;'.,; t. ,-..,. g.v.. a avw . j . j la.trtxjr, MnitS ilimne, Lytfi i 'Ira't. JCfttfcrwie fuifc!j,, tert 4finift'-. Cent KssSy, ( rf V.1,C'. '' ,-. V. -.e,r, Xr.t) M jvt. Iiitj4f 1; -ntv I.TiiH'rTlnyij. VDMJkUNO WilJi, UF J'liJOUi Wl UJ lLML ilit.KAM rf l?jy Stum MenisydiW cfeaixfe s.f 7tMrtr9v m week i j-rayr elf Ke- jf a.' rfj' tl eab cy iy J--e Sj?er prvrrta for tie. hda; . i-.-ws-.. - 5!r. jsiitfc a&4 Mr. frv, . . . liynsB Mwday. lMve(4Mk! r ""TeA-fc . L t Pray, "r ti s i'rarT" Jray: Jcr Wtra Pa. Fvr ai r to t"fcyxvi aii'i tt fueWay ie-..,.ia.t!al-.-Tfef iuiirdtB Ctate mjr remain noii:x4. Iaft -Jpa, ie key j j. (, M rajn b- have Itt? iacev ire . pRHr a Aaeeruraa O.tiurn Hedaeadar. Tvp. F.r tre'ist i.rk jb Fa ' i Pacsftf fVv.s.iraj . "Jhe J-if e-itv UliT Word.- lasal&r ' Wort ib f saTr " Oriental Ckurcbes and Pray i y N'anj fi r WcA ar. ? VI rk ' In Japan. Pao t iiat Ihuraday. Tc-ptr -S:ciaJ aiii Ejatir.a; Vk era si Japan. e the Pavtti&r Ctasai te wt i nai -"iei a the- j" ei I " lset Km ia! J fe ;r, J-jpar. ' jj-ai:ef -rrtMtiMnip in AciawB. 1" i i r ire Ft" f :v-lr Japai , tfte Ptrfi&c C-oa.t. rrdy, )vtikr:aS - "H-.rmvi to Kit.""" " r ci; ii 3t f -"Vtif ar. ; Mooef. " ' - I'.&i it tr.e Hi." rf ?i i ' t . 4 ). , . I "r i v f r ' - ' n 't'i .j n-.--ai ani f -.reitir. " j.i- ; dtjjrfay. t. r r ,wi w f; -non I Prat ths; e may f-e S 1 A III t- !BJ! plan of pef e, the revelation f or v. jv vs;i i IT1'". !!'' . i thr-n nam ta r.ftte cn anujer ana td tr.e iraii v it !;.v t n tnt rftiNiti l mucaf-tl. f r. i - ' ) s I n 0 an rr.aKr un tt;ir-. y f ime an- i.ther aol a-t r-(.n,.iv lf w t.l himself. liarara Phliathea Sunday rhool The Baraca-PhilatheB County Sur.-.ty-h'l Convention will meet at ,-inr Fs5S Baptist churirh w Sun day. Nov.?mieT II Prof. A. B. Wil hamH, State seA-retury, will he pres ent ... n .!-v .n ii estendet to the ife rean ur-l Fidelts classes to attend, ar.-i alt' "ther nraniied Sunday svhtMtU ,f the county,, as it is the these pathtrinirf ta fur-Ktmday-s hivd work of the purftnti" ther the .county. liiiiner will ! served i.n th. rounds, and it u h j.t thai the a! lendunt'e w iii he i ' ''- KKlvmTr'R .me I iching Trip ,S(Mr: El. J.uif-.f. W T Snuth rlai.H W A. Webster. Frank Ue ,j,i,, .U--. IWl and lr. Xt:hvw- l n. n. ( !,:!?, Kh kinchins -..,".(-, ( !y. -Iv-iiU--- !h it they v:uU,.! . H t .- i ii-h.'t-ifh an ..! !-nn; t ; in ..hundaiji-e in the T i- j. ern- N'.Tth t'.sivfimt. Th?y w "t i I .iti....i ii. iii.-. -siirv ur i ! id .U-ft fr tht-.r trip ...;,5(,i. 'fu-r brcikfat. Tuesday i.u ! niiijt. m-tore-1 through th coun try, t.U-ppir.g'tvr a short time in C,iw!iiro nnd arrivirnf here abut f,.ur .Vt.H-k in the afternoon, took in the town and went on out to Supss p, Bladen county, where they spend a week fishin and in other sports, such as the woihIs of HladeB cwnty, full of the vartous kinds of game, afffford. 1 ;;greeks will NOT AID ALLIES Prospect For Allies to5 Induce Greet to Take Sides With Serb CRISIS IN GRKI-XI at ..aVttnki Jfcaa Hrrr 1 bought fc mb m .aJWMh, its. tor f.v.r ad' pwT- ;f t.U Wk f VfYiCiS.. t wfc'ih. 1 -, 1 . ... ? -jiJs the xae . the e-x-pretsie i jif. .wui 5umb e Use ivrm guv , tfnrrr. 'u y i.e-Jrai 'y. Te 't iJei .t at tie ir.ercy ? i ;" r,e ,enJiv 0iar;y in liu ' LB?' 4ht 4XJ!f!reJAB is- I attattpt wr nsaie t tura it mj. ifciij artL.i;rag jancoS-atxun t'f Par ' ,BmeTt r.d a -.rj-er,t to, lfe iKfi Mi-j . !r-is-ct.ed jhvp --f 'ireek a,d in the defer of S 'i.a :.we be-hef ib at.ll he.d Fere that t is R-t tjy la: t twrn the h he maier The departure for the east if Ixird after confer--a,-e b Par. ish Premier Bnand, (aSM!rsa uii4o.i the ar n-ucU'r. artd fr.era Jvffre, the coBimaBder-in-thief of Ih feld frie. ka iriVe tifi4fic that 'tis rampaufrn i t b' 'irr,ei errrefH a'iy l) the ma'. lb. kuws She e.-t ft'er than a! I matt ey b e'e. 1 A4 ! from Saionict and other 5.- t :j trit nj. h iar,:i fMV ths wr thouirnt b. near t lr.sL stt-re ;re lm.irjr infyiv-i ul. Swiw.i. c . rL-f n-,.i ti- P"-.;'s lihei ! -. .', .a bi-; i .r ! - Ki i ren jf.-tf: ftoi.ip wwbs are contiBually leavjr.. : .' . ' ! . h eti-y Jj" l- r. j-i.i f ;.i . ; 'i .t - ir-.iv!-.' it r -, ... e r ,n ' f rr.n i u' - hi 'i!.ut 1 u-t amra ( A . i tie A it i...'.. , ui!h the :r . - ,-. - r: i re K..- .,...!';!! n n. rNi'H'Mtr in le ,i . i e j ! 1 1 4 e 1 to mane a -i? ,-vr.t on Buiuans from the t. Mi' win. v i' -rthi rB and easier.. Sin-., .ii-. i i ?t the M ntir.crin froi tier, ii;- battJei are in piojf reas Fhe Aiiktr-i'erBiari claim to be ad ,itnrir,g .ai-i aloBg te line and to hav, learhed the Morava river which ha been crossed at sume points. In their advance they are picking up prison ers, Kiir. and war material. The Sloniengrins. like their Serb itin alius, are fighting stubbornly jn defense of their country and report that they have repulsed an attempt by the Austrian to cross their bor der from ller-jegovina and captured f.ur gum, a quantity of supplies and a few men. They also claim success over the Austrian in the Sanjak (Novipaiar) "where they capturevl fuur field runs and several hun dred nien. In the south the French are report ed to ie over the Bulgarian frontier, where !'! have taken several vil- j H i appear, therefore, that j-r,i! iii p-. wers. who h.'ive obtasm-.i hheir initial obiei live, the opening of d i Sotia an I t onstantinopie .ve a of !t;htmg ahead of th.r.: S..-V1 i-i 'i--to be .-ve'rw helmed. 1 'he .ii iitb. r, whi. h ha. turned b.i- iiol iiite.i-fcreJ w iih llu t,sian' offensive along the eastern rit t he Kusstii'ii-huve extended i their atucks to the district west ut Riira ami thence to the south o. i(vinsk. They are keeping the Hermans or. the move and the latter admit that in the region of Lake Sventen the Rus sian' penetrated. -their lines. The battles continue, although i .uher side is making any material progress. The Russians claim to have taken 8,000 prisoners by a thrust aero the Stripa, while the Germans 1 IHE RfAARI-KS 4 0LRT. Bu- And JnUrcsiUng Tribunal Hand- j wjr Out JuHlirf t the l.a -Break- t : . ' ... s ) J ,e l"t,rod. .uty. I J :,ti sfH s.wptiwed upon payment id" j asb. ' j J.,ts McAk-sVe-r, asAstait with 4e4 y t, I'JVa!a.: f'..o,is gv 'or jdfc-ti.-rt 1 w f j .is jr. IWsvnis&tis h.wKi nr. j KIT CHWt BB Cf I'jt'rrkAh, iuitii f cry vrcti- 4 . I t v$ f. r.-".'.l, i. .1-.- iP:e vus..y: t ai.d wl si.if, ' a irr.fieJ his ir.Ufr'jn to ' ' 1 i- vs Watwj. a5.r ; gvty P ayr . t-e j.ree)t, and he nsOl make the pre- f-r inswVt. iirjd v--t jy- j aentatMm wi tk prt of tR Stat 1 Nw Yrk, Nov-. 4. President Wi3 jnn". .if rit - ! A'ter thes ert a mepuwa peed th cam- i. .i-rt Mei-.Mi, i,a-drjrr.j : I'e-;w'2 le te-ndre-i tr.e pufil.c, eis I pgn or jt national defense pro fmHMt . fkwb ' jrway. Prayer Xr Jiai-y tfee, Board f Rtrecbors land jjfraja is a Mi-Esprehensive and cavretjl- w( .- jvk;. stent .ii.vtifi j: jwiyxert of tf ti?!-'- I f-'o ThMfpaon.wUii.rjir. ifejtVfld- art -fiejiiar.a ti-i: ! J-ij i oe- Juci:at, SA- and eoatc. PROGRAM 1 1 MiiFKLAMJ (Ol'MY RARACA-I'HILATHEA CONVENTION CtlJAK FALU BAPTIST tUL'KCH Sunday, Ntivember It, 1915. Mornini;. jft jti-S,jr9: and devotiiial ser ite foodurt! hv Kev J. SI. He ,er I" HI- A eU-jrre Ad S en Mr Vi ! r t .i r -ju a; K - . tiaii,'-v- e ,i Jj,",---tiwarte".' k vei evtue Panel f,.ru. -. i - Hail, lira. iiitrcnr.tti u (Hue. ."ii - A . rev i hrtt Buraivi I'r i i 'Ovj !! . - 1 Uf S.ibs Mit, !.i.i fa VeUeVu.e. jV-A-i-irct-. l". f A I. tti iiam, denera! e.rtar o! lara, a .lu- u I r... i . i5 jJ-tet- I fali . .'if ,,;e ti-j s fvelev.!,e iir eheetra. -: it B'Beoiettiji. Jii.'.r. r . n AitemiNMi. to -Or. hestra. v-vf and prayer . in v ire. i -lire-- " t.,.t Our ( ijs is li , 1 t ' ' Fayetteville First Baptist ( hurvh Junior l huathea t.oriia AKt u.-ki.!-. !5 tinl.t -J'.i l ii Ad iie.-s: " hat t-nt:tute a (riant I'resi.ient an.i U ell Koutxiet Seieturj " M dreepe. Report of t ominittees. Busi .'II ness. 1.45 Award 1'nes i (Kt Benetiiction. Mr. S. J.Cobb. of Lumber Bridge, .as in town a short while Saturday. leolare that they have captured ri.tiOt). The Italians are pushing their of fensive, but on the western front the vghting consist only a local engage ments. Illusion of- Utilitarians Try to F-n- velop a French f orce. London, Nov. 7. A division of 25, iOO Bulgarians is attempting to en . . lop the French force in the Vaian hivi region, 'according to information :om Bulgarian soitliers oi.taine.l by i (ireek outpost m -the Helasica niiuntain, says a Renter Sab niki iis- I auh. Arti'deiy and rifle tire; has j ee.n hear.t at the nut (Hist station. . Bulgarian sheila are reportwl 'to i.'uve. fail.-li i.n .thi breach north of . liuevgeli, but allied, reiittwi cements ..rt- pa.-ying ' ioevg. :i letr. iiti iy. it sevted fH-romii mciui i t(utnw as .ie- ilarii.g iht Serps are holding iirm at liabnna pns and that pass is pile.1 deep with Bulgarian dead. At the point more than 1,000 Bulgarians were caught between? cross tire and annihilated. An important French contingent was landed - Saturday at Saloniki a her additional landing . facilities have been granted the allies after negotiations with the Greek authorities. PATRON UE 1 HE INDEX JOB OIFUE WUeli .(, re n t.eect -of let ter Heads, 3t!i Heads, NV.e Head., Haird JJ,Jt. PrvgT.n-t. MiruU;s, Irti.ift, Hiiieipt or at. ihr-g jnjt U.i The ii.v.-i vmb fiif you good wtrk and ri-eb ary job 'JS tn U;.s jiwi f iJje Stat, T-y t vith our lie it tirvief jw.rf ju .'j i-e vxivirtc3. Ve the n.ohjrei , In.e, the nw?n anj js f.ll jo-jr lirin r M-nd aur wdt-rs to Th Jndes. FayeUeviiie, V C. Formal Opening. 1 Triy fecj-jr etrir IS. TLe fvert nil be a very ir.e-ft stnd r- ' U-e Aivry Eoard of I-ady Managers I Jionl!i- frmal invsUtivn wH fc i-aed. Mr ..iuKnters and , n-nuu ue miLru jvej ui a'.terw. House Burned. Mr. T. t. MartiB, who lives, aoout .x mj)es tout tf tvc. n Pearce's Mil. bowniihip, happened to the min- vrtuA of his house and con I -erts Jeiroyed by fire last Wednea iday r.ijfht. Mr. Martc bays that he j they were awakened by the ev- p.itr. uf fruit jars in which they hay canned fruit. The family just escaped with their lives, Umng every thing except three, chairs and or. sofa. lENTEXTB ALLIES WILL LAND 1KIM;P Af GREEK. VHABES Paris Xuv 7 An Athens ditpaUhi ..j - .lareta.em with the lca! , tit mM-i ties trie entente aiiies wiil con- vfj,i a .i, nisss a .,ew roe 4 ' aifiuai i-i iavi!itite e.immuciiu - (between the wharves and the .uj'ojii terminus. The authorities . have T.'el, tie J!.e pimi- -l.'C ?e rl f tj,e -a nerves to lar.U i roups when tiie wharves, are not re-,u- id f r t,r.-ek trri-pi KT SSI AN io HI : PRISON EHS FORCEIf HOI" li OVS N I I.Ol'I t mj I : .:i -extracts- ifeiH liit parpon l.o I,, two letters founa on the bodies of uerman soiaiers on the tiebt of i.ji.iic n,.vc been puohshed' by the inipena: m.i'( . . ! in ii T.t the i.n i ic of the war. The firstireads: -in this -case, when 'the aavance te-'n.e- loo Laid, we tjKe Ru-.-i,n, p' t criers and drive tnem oefore us i.'Jinst their fellow countrymen. I'hus they at least in some measure diminish our losses." l i t second reputed uotattoi: t A lovsr",.- "We don't kno what to do uh prisoners. Henceforth we shall drive c . try Rui Aian w.c ourrendei j .'iefort Hit; line of our foi ti Uaticns to be shot." The commission aiu.uunces that me Utters wilt be pilot. igraphe 1 and U;.if!ated into the !e.. itng languages i i ihe world Fl'NFRAL OV 1R- C. E. TAVOR HELD AT HOME. WAKE FOREST Wake Forest, Nov. 6. The funeral of Or. Charles E. Taylor, former president of Wake Forest. College and professor' of moral philosophy , . h,.l: ;th occurred' Fridav niorn- ing, "took 'place this morning at !l o'clock. The funeral service was conducted from the home by Re W. N. Cullom, 1. IV, and Rev Waiter N. Johnson. The ceremony was sim ple but impressive. The house was Iiiie-i with rel-.ttvis and friends, including the facility of the college and prominent members' of the board of trustees. A long file of students accompanied the body to the ct nictery, from the home. Cotton Market. The price of cotton yesterday: Good middling r. 10 3-4c Strict middling 10 5-hc Middling lO.I Sc Hives, eczema, itch or salt iheum sets you cracy. Can'. bear the touch of your clothing. Doan's Ointment is fine for skin itching. All druggists sell it, 50c a bov Aiv PRESIDENT ! SPEAKS AT j BANQUET i I Nation Must Be Prepar i ed to Defend Itself, ! President Says i DEFENSE PROGRAM lie Calls I poflr Men of JLvery Shade uf J'wliticai Thought to Rally to . If is lAeense I'rof raw. j !y prepared address delivered iter j tueigfat at the Manhattaa Gub baa- qjet. H d.eiired soierr.nSy. Jaat tM L'mted State had r,o aygre&sive par po?e, but must Jb. prepared ta de fend itie! in c-rder to assujee "full . !.lerty and sel-develcipnier.t." Sig nsf larstjy, he said that ''with wr- selves io : this (great raat-ter we' asso ciate all the peoples of our own hem isphere," adding that "we wish not only for the United Stauss but for them tiie fullest' freedom of independ ent growth of action." The President was received witk enthusiastic applause as he entered the banquet hall, and during bis ad address. The hall was decorated with American flags and filled, even to th galleries with Democrats happy over their victory of Tuesday in New York city. When the President arose to speak every one applauded untii he was forced to signal for quet. The People Are Inquiring. 'Within a year," said the Presi- 1 ifent, "we have witnessed what w I 1:1 . pM mn ji., Eliro. ! t. 1 jrrrrii iviiim. ii3, u, two Kretest" nations of the world. Th ,'f,uerices of ;he great war are everyr where in the air. Aii Europe is in ba't'e. Force everywhere speaks out with a loud and imperious voice in a t tanic struggle of governntent. and i rt-m one end of our own dear country to the other men are asking "one' an tht r 'vhat aur own fvrve is, how tar we are -.prepared to maintain our--i ' . t against nay iiUerference with ji i "iioaar.act in ordevelophjeBt." Ti'.e President -called upon "men cf ail shinies' cf political opinion'' to rally the support vi the defense p.. gram. ' He said it represented the ' tie.-: professional and expert .'pinion of the country" and gave warning that "if men differ with me -in this vital matter,-! -shall ask thera to make it clear how far and in what way they are interested in making the -permanent interests of the country safe against- disturbances." , No Need to Feel Panic). There is no need for the country to feel panic-stricken, the President de clared, because it stands; in relations, w ith the world- He spoke of ihe I'mted States as "a nation too big and gnerous to be exacting, but yet courageous enough to defend its rights and liberties of its people wherever assailed or involved Outlining the defense program the President said it included an increase in the standing army, the training within the next three years of, 400,-. Ot'O c;u.en soldiers to be raised in an nua! forces of ' 1 33,000 and- the strengthening f the National Guard, tie. laid partu.ui.u- empha-!- n 'the need of ampu- equipment. The president declared that tjl navy already is a ' very great and elTivietit. force." ti:t that in order t bring it to a pi tot of - ctra-.;rd;hary' force and e:Ti.-icmy" -a 'de'iiittv pviH y rti'.i.-t i-e a.i p"'.-d h.isii-!,c an adeipuii'.e supjdy it ns ; :i ettu'.ptncnt fi'- Ailed. America Should 1 1 usi 'In aiiiti- n to speak iWg on N defense, the Prea.dt-r.t attacked wh.i 1 ve other countries bvt'oi i.d t ,i ' uonal "men than America," and tiieti who stir up re-, ligious and sectarian antagouc-m. He declared that such men should, b "called to a reckoning." Just before the dinner the Preai dei:t sh.xik hands with all the gliosis," including Charles-F. Murphy. The guests included Secretary of (Continued, on Page Two.)

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