Acr Itesulto Ad vcrtise in The Index Largest 'Circulation of Any Paper in the Cape Fear Section. ' iij H i? Jiy -L X-v VOL. . NO. 5L FAETTEVIUS, K C, WEDNESDAY, MM UIKJLxl 24, 1915. 1.00 A YEA izgy ,kjk j'A Ay Ay Ay Tammany Holds Power ii 1 - r.3r. DURING THE INCOM ING SESSION OF CONGRESS Democrats Will Have a J Majority of Twen '; ty-five. liae-vp in House la, Democrats 229. Republicans 196, Frogres sires 1, Independent J. v ,yw Socialist I. Wolast Repeats His Challenge to Welsh For 20-Round Go. Philadelphia, Kov. 80. Ad Wol- gat, ex-lightweight champion of the world, is here fer hi bout with Jim my Murphy. Ad had been here but a few min ute when fee Announced to newspaper men that he a -till after. bout with Champion Freddie We'sh. 1 will give Welsh $15,000 for his end if he will meet roe over the twenty-round route," aid Ad. Furthe--roore, 1 will put the money up in any bank Welsh might suggest New York Robbers Shot While Robbing Bank New York, Nov. 30. There was much excitement when throe well- dressed stranger drove tip in an au tomobile and attempted to reach greenbacks piled up in the bank by means of a pin and a hook. One man was shut in trying to make his escape Washington, Nov. SO -Tammany will hold tht balance of power in' the flou&e ef Representatives during the on&nf Gmttm. 'The discovery ,ef this fart by political tservcr has .opened t .field' for speculation over developments likely to coc. from this interet;r.g t.taation. The J.intp .in the Rwm will t 2 Democrat, 1M JUfpublksan, Progressive. 1 Independent fcr.d I ecaft&t. ' Thki will jrr tk Item- $26,000,000 Russian Rifle Order in U.S. Russia Glad. Hearing Roumania Will Help Petrograd, Nov. 30. Reports that Roumania hod made its long expect ed decision to join the allies were persistently circulated here yesterday and caused general rejoicing:. It is expected in official circles that the government will soon issue an im portant statement. "nator Owen Draw ing Cloture Rule Republicans Attack The Philippine Administration Washington, Nov. 30. Republican members here today say that Secre tary Garrison's reply to former Presi dent Taft is merely the first pin in the fight over the Philippine policy of the present administration. Things Are iuiet in The Balkans Paris, Sior. 30. Weather conditions cause quiet to reign on the French front in the Balkans, and around Saioniki, although new troops con tinue to Arrive. Germany, Austria and Bulgaria are preparing for the Russian attack on the Bulgarian front of the Black Sea. One hundred and twenty thousand tutonk troops have len sent to aid the Bulgarians, while Austria has sent more arms and ammunitions. Clergymen Shouldn't Take Part at Front Minister Whitelock Thinks Time Not Opportune Washington, Nov. 30. Brand Whitlock, the returned minister from Belgium, said that he did not con he did not consider the time oppor tune for opening peace proposals. While Mr. Whitlock guarded his expressions it is understood that he thinks the allie would resent inter ference. REV. PERCIVAL Mac KJNZIE GIVES HIS VIEW EVERY BRITON SHOULD KILL AS MANY GER MANS AS POSSIBLE Henry Ford Conferring With The Pope! Cleveland, Nov. SO, A contract for he jna.mfaet.are Vf -Stm.WQ worth of rsfles f.r the Ruit army has been practically rloeed bjr , CJeveWd capitalist and New York munii5ttn brokers.. Outrte A. Otis, who ha J V..- ..l.J - tan uj .Menu J vx ft, jemv hjsr m l.r bids from a number of Cleveland Washington, Nov., 30 -Senator Owen, of Oklahoma, is drawing the eoiture rale for the Senate reversing the traditions of -the .Senate of over 100 years. The rules allows the majority to shut off debate when it thinks the de flate upon a measure has been suffi cient. The delay in plans will prob ably cause the President's message, " " ! .vKsh a-s trj hsvi ln Tt'A Dwm- '7th crats a jaajorfty of just 25. A defec- j manuSacturers for the making of rifle iioa of 18 th-miKT&U wU the ppo- psxta, nt .new company ia lo to tion ta6frjr ttsewwar . wuJ t formed. tt sufriciect t defeat any measure, TUTtsy, with Brooklyn miliet.will tta IS m-mber. Tkia wili gr.- it a tfianrin..e ? - ts rvire4 mm m, tia lie b$3xm ? pfwwr. FmUii caJ aaipi '. v this itwatk.o ra tsr bA'xig tt n r f pfe naay !he at hoi iwtfe th Tigier 4 the W';'n iuiattttratk. The cruead tof 4ay ajcait Tammasy wi8 jn Cerrupted fcy a IfRg aristk-s it it .r.lktJ. Three Ships Sunk In Mediterranean p.ri, Nov:- m.Tbrr more allied tart haw hees wnk by German r&arimt m the Mediterranean. They r Fre ateameri Alire ;n BiJ Oir.ara ad the British . ateeffier .Tanfc- Tfe fcorpedofef tf Algerian re nh4fd in the dtsth at ose pr.n. .Twertyf;it others ere missing. 'KgK wee ret'ed. The rrew of the Tn;s was ave-j, but wtlriejr is knws to the. fate f the Oaifi'i crew. ' A 4ipaS.h from Marseille say it if fearei 'hat tfc twenty men ferm tp,g the tre f the Omars were lot . Crry tfr Stkfce Waih!nr,'a, Noe. 29.--Maj.or Gen- ral Commandant Gwge Harnett tf H ITpitet Fteu-i Karine Crp ha auctioned" the 'carrying ot twtggvr e'.;. by marine when s.hwe in vni fona, or out of garrison. The idea t borrowed frnr (ToMs'ih "Tt-mmy At t n' f.f the British army, an it i thi.ight that the carrying t the ti will add -itijitinction to the Marine' alrf-ady attractive uniform. The 'fgf tn;k are made from various , kinds of wood ant r uualty 21 or inrbe long. Ch;nee bullets are .usually 24 or infhe long. f'hinc! iHiHet are sometime usixi fr fer rule n.- foreign coins for the head. The Murine is a mah traeelleil man and i quick l pick up uny idea of foreign services whith will add in any way to hi already very natty military appearance. European Criminals . Flocking to America Chicago, Ke. 30. Hundreds tf jwKSdene men, 'de huu" f crek t, penmen and crooks of other els have heen driven to She ("sited State by the European war, according to a etatement maie by Cfcptaio P. 0. ErieJ5, duet fef de tective, O-Brfee said hoHee of Europe's most expert J- heft .educated crook are either already in Chkago or en tiiir way here. Carranza Returns Lands To American Owners Waahlrgtoa, Nov. 30. General Garrajpza .Jtos made rUtutio of the land cionflacated in Mexico on account 4.f the Ixtiligereat part .. played by Mexkan etockhlder. Attynti!jfl had tn failed to Carranza that eaost of the j&l land were t r.e.1 by Ameri caa atackhoider tsste4 ot Mexicans. The Weather Report Washington, Nov. S. Weather forecast for North, Csreiiua: Fair and colder 'edneiy and Thurlay wi:h light fKtrtheast winds. Conference Refuses to Back Bryan's Firht Spartanburg, S. C, Nca. 80. The (."pper South Carolina conference here late yesterday overwhelming!- voted down a resolution introduced by Rev. , W. Skeake, of Aneerson, indorsing lhe Wilson a-dministration' program of preparedness. The body later adtpted a motion to expunge from the revwds of the eufifereace any men tion of the fact that auch resolution h&i teen introduced. Russian Flyers Bomb Barracks at Ubau Berlin via Amf-terdarj), Nov. 30- Puhsian hydroplanes dropped bombs on the German lrracks at LiUau Sunday. Thirty Men Killed and Several Wounded Germans Subscribe to French War Loans Amsterdam, Nov. 99. It is id hat GtN-mans ..have arrangei through riuuh Lank to take ffit of the r reach war loan. New York, Nov. 30.- Henry Ford j has sent a telegram to Pope Benedict j requesting the Pope to join the ef- j Dr. Derby Says It Is a Tryu lime and That Young Clergymen Are Needed J London, Nov. 30, The Ee. Perei- forts to bring about peace in Europe. I val Mackenzie, moderator of the It is said that the Pontiff promised j Synod of the Scottish Church in Eng to aid in every way possible, although handa young minister who is expect he admitted that evervfft so 'far t , . , ',. , , ,. . made has resulted in failure. J as a 6ol'ier 10 Many prominent men and,' women .British army, has beaded a revolt on are .anxious to tal the trip and tele- f the part of the younger clergy against grams pored in from people desiring e injunctions of the church leader go. Madam Schuman. who-is in ! it k n3 part of a dergyman'. tiiat we could ft out s navy if all were taken who have expressed a de- n t-jU an fltiv nart in tr UULi VS iIVV - - - - fighting line Mr. MacKenzie believe sire to go. Germany Responsible Armenian Massacres. New York, Nov. SO. Theodore Roosevelt laid the responsibility of the Armenian massacres to the Ger man government and the milk and water policy of the Vnited States. He says that the Turkish attrocities world never have been committed ex cept by the connivance and consent of the German military government, whose otrVers have charge of , the Turkish affairs and consent to if they do. not direct everything that is done by the Turkish, people Germany Anxious for Peace, Ills Said London, Nov. 30. Tho Kxchanpe Telegraph frm flipinhgen Bn" nounceg that Berlin announre that Gfrmtifty j ready fir pec, hut that the allies rcfune to make tt'rmi Monastir Reported Captured By Bulgarians liondno, Nov. S0-Ath?n reports that the Hfonatstir has been taken by the Bulgarians. Hussian and England Aiding Persia liftndnn, Nov. 30. Biissi and Eng land will aid the Persian government .to eatalliBh a neutral government WHEN IHTONT POWPEU, MILU AT .WILMINGTON, PEL- IS HLOWN UI Wilmington, .iHl., Nov. 30. Thirty m"ca,ere k-IUd here today hn the fiupont Power Com PB" plant blown up. Se'n (ithir cr injurtd o that they ill I kcly never be able to speak t)ly 0e of the, killed found, the bodir of the othrr being I'M a to pier. Hut f 37 working in the mill t the time ciery one wa killed or injured. Only ,bole i left where the plant formerly Btood. Humors are current that it a no accident, fun day ago no tice sre poott'd announcing the German in the plant trust gel nut ot it would Ih 1.1 own up. Muttering of the racn in other plar.t arc taking place and ns (ilcion n-t upon the German element. Four Weeks' Course In Agriculture BEGINNING JANUARY 10TII. AND LASTING UNTIL FEB RUARY 5, 1916. A four weeks' short coarse in agri culture is offered ..the farmers 'of North . Carolina icy the' Agricultural nr. l Metha?fft"Col!i'ge. A special in vitation is given them to come te the college and study in . the class rooms n-l work in the laboratories for four full weeks without any charge for the tuition. While at the cotlege meals may be obtained at the mes hall fur twenty -five cents each. Room may t isfur he obtained in the city of Ral eigh or out at Wc.-t Raleigh in seme of the boarding houKes adjacent to the cidlege as the individual may choose, j f-ppiiiii courses win lie given in oil, drainage, fertilizers, field crops, fruits, vegetable, farm animals, dairying, poultry, plant and animal diseases, marketing and farm man agement. 1 ha college- has a splendid (equipment for the purpose of giving practical instruction along all the -. mentioned, ami the opportunity Vienna (via Amsterdam), Nov. 30. . crfcred the farmer to improve him Thirty thousand Austrian, troops sef in hi methods has never Ufore have been sent to reinforce the Isottxo iwen riu.allei. This i due in part front, it wi announced here. The to the many changes in Lrro 'Condi Italian attacks before Ooru.ia are titfn' and to the frequent methods increasing in violence. J i h are discovered from time to According to the Austrian otticial t-me that are improvement over old reports, the enemy t suffering heavy method. The new dairy and cream- at the college which is now ship- 30,000 Austrians Rushed to Isonzo Six Negros Killed in Race Riot in Arkansas -v HOMES, CHUI?CHES AM) -SCHOOL.S ARE BEING PIL AGEP AND BURNED Little Rock, Ark, Nov. 30. Six negroes were killed today and ne gro homes, churches and schools Ore being pilaged and burned at Bushy Island, Ark. Trouble started there dsys ago hen Jphn Lee, a deputy sheriff, was shot while attempting to arrest three negroes. Eight white men are under arrest and the Stste au thorities are expected to take charge of the itusi"t:'-n if the frheriff fails to qui i! ti e riot. Mine Explosion Kills .Mules, Scares Italians Charleston, YV. ; , Nov. 30. A blow-out jhot ut the Uoomer C:a! and Coke -Company's mine set fire to the mine and badly frigh' the Ital- .in miners who left tha mines. Thirty mule were killed by the' explosion. Carranza Troops Fled When Attacked Douglas, Ariz., Nov. 30. -A large body of Villastf troops attacked 1 W0 Carranza men today and 'large nuro her were killed on both sides. Tram load of . Carranza .men escaped by making the- engineer reverse- his en gine and backed out of danger. THINKS ONE FYE AN ADVANTAKE TO MARINE Wilkes-Parre. Pa,, Nov. 30. Ber nard T. Walters, of Ne.quahoning, Pa., threatens to petition Congress for ho enactment of legislation that will permit a mwi ivi!h only one eye to er.'bt in the United States Marine :crps. " . Though he was rejected at the local j recruiting oTice of the sea-sol. Hers liecatise of a mi)sins left opt'c, Wai rs insist that his remaining eye is sfronir and far-seeintr enonch to do '. reeking drawing rooms, with hands the work of two. I --o fine to stain with German blood; it is the duty of every Briton to ktH as rr.ary German? as. possible. ' His reasons for thi attitude, which i opposed to that o mct of the dig nitaries of the church are set out ia j strong letter which he hs sent te the newspapers as follows: "'The hour of the church's trial ha come. Lord Derby, although he knew perfectly well what views 'the digni taries' held, wrote to the young clergy and tald thera that their country needed them. This is the trying of the church, This j-efers ffe appeal which Lord Derby out to every eligible til Enguind asking him to. enlist. :!sfof of the young clergy who re : -eived she sppeal wish to joint. H"t the church leaders some time l.yo practically squashed their ty enfisting'by stating that it was no Wirt of a eiergvman's duties to fight, . (i . fcrl'ode them to take active part in battle.) "If there ever could be devised one sicgl-i way in which young chun fe rn en couii repudiate the charge ot being weak effeminate,' trifier with life. Lord. Derby's letter opened up that .way. The whole country is look ing on' to see what its public lecturer r- e;ng to A , not say. The worid has !w fceanng about the value of .eriS.:e for the last ISO! years, and he v- nil is of the opinion that ih t'.rr.e for example has come. ' 'F r the lutt few dcaJt Pr testan tantLm has shown a fatal inability to accommodate its teaching to ern' life, f'rem the pulpit the age has received instead of lympathy, un generous criticism, often condemna tion. The world has moved on, but the church ha? not accompanied it. Dopreeating and denouncing, th lurch has lost touch with the youth i . f the age. "Finally the hour of trial has come, ' unique chance of proving for all ime, that tha nieq who fought their .vet kly battles from their "cowards' a.stles" are not and never were su percilious nimnes, . indigenous to tea- "I ui:-h I could think so," .explained ; hut that they are after all, mea losses, but despite these continued as sault are made. Roumania Threatens To Aid Germany ping butter on a commercial scale will ve new points. The improved and pure-bred livestock in the college barns and the methods of handling same should be of interest. The ex periments on the college farm and the Copenhagen, Nov. 30. Roumania methods of cropping could alSo be notified Russia that she desire to re- studied with profit. So a lot of prac- min neutral, but it is said that aho , ical good as well as theoretical is secretly preparing to join the Aus- knowledge can be gained. President Dined "58 of His Class 'Mates Washington, Nov. 3 President Wilson today had as his guest at the White House T8 but cif 1'i of his Princeton class-mates,. The dinner was informal. The dec orations were chrysanthemums and he black dress suits of the guests harmonised with the decorations, forming the I'rinfeton- colors black and yellow. - 'rench Destroy German Trenches Paris, Nov. SO. Drizzling rain have made the dry quiet on the west ern front, exeep in the regions of the Serjeant Frank Stt-bbe, in charge of he . recruiting station, "but sln.'e ormh nc- has run afoul of your port i le running light, it would take vou trong and courageous, whose han.l re md afraid to eec.ite the vvnge 'ice tliey have prm lainic-i in speech. 'whose st;p will not- faker on' the twice. as lone: to see your duty as it I -'oad they have pointed out to others, would an vordinary marine." I !, ho not only think, but feel and "Tme, true," Walters agreel read- 'ive aml 'f n,i .he will- die as th ly," but on tha other hand, 1 wosibl ' true, the good and the brave hav e r.hle io see only half of the enemy's forces and would naturally be only ( as scared as a recruit with two eyes." 1 J Ptubba could not be convinced, 1 now Waiters wants Congress to take a hand in the matter. lived and died before them. "This is the day of the church's trying, and the day will declare it-" Mr. MacKimie intends to give up his church work and throw himself the work of making himself tit t kill Germans, though he is aware that y so doing he will le ending hi career as a clergyman. He is the -rgyman who some time ago turned his vestry into an ammunition fae- itory, and men and women of his coa- . London, Nov. 3(b Lord Tiitehen'er ; negation in London are helping flint las returned to Ixmdon from his trip day and night to. make shells. Even the front and will confer with in his drawing room 'at home he ha Lord Kitchener Returns to London King George and Premier tro-Germans for the purpose of secur-I f,very farmer in the itate is in- Loose ami Acqtia, where the 1 rench 1 1 ti con litions on the reninsula and pare moment may be ing Deserabia. ' vited to come. have destroyed German trenches. at Saioniki. making munitions. . Ascjuith over a ton of machinery, go that every utilised ift

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