7cx Hcr-lta-r A'Jvcrths in rhs Inde -J-arrrcct C'rc!z'Joa cJ A37 in the Caos Fear Section, JJwite I VOL. 7. NO. 2. FAYETTEniXE, N. C; DECEMBER 22, 1915. m EBSflE TO ILfmVE 1I0L1E Do Not Like Treatment Accorded Them in England TheFujjithes Were Very Well Treated in England. But They Were Disliked Because of Their Behavior, (By JtMtptt IfrrriaoO Kotlcrtam, Doc 2.L Erey a'-ramer t'om Erg; '.had br,rsr hundred of Belgian fji'iSr whj rf returning to thPtr Tat: :a!Jii. l-lw? f the jit''- ' 5f IT tun fr the aaRtJ7 whs.- feeewed tf.em wrh upen am; wh t e?5 . --r-"-. tfc t hat-aci fifwen Bi'ths j-., Wt . w rf trraea jb r.rfcfV ft hr: they f.rst ar'nt-.! n Lr-r''" hjr vr T!'t-fi '-vd hitfn aad- o.tsii'ru.),'.e nr. 'y .!.! ay, t-jt thy ciR.:d-rtj thj rr.fct-r ' tr iute tu f hn and tnnny r-f.i ' e vlMaa they re 3Mrf to -ler'ad that they would have t .. U,Mnae!-s j Dardanelles hadliandcmd the Cal Soni cme hitiy indiirr.fctt. ; cawipatifc jd eva-vated aS IwrauM they were ffrd laUer' j x pitiont, apaia vm barking r jt n-ht-a thjj; ported to be ff" ; tranaporta. t Jkaat foremen in factoriea ,. ', . Th Bntimb were atttiihed hnt ; the anr mm ar O -t-jb WJUFC UWi wri f-t-.TWi Mi-.'" - i d irrcat karte - eet marnel. . . The Rertn ardewtJ paid ciit t Erjf- kp (rr! and won many tf them. Ther waft no arruws f)iictic tft tWt mrriaew untd the Beirut n rv rrnvr.! announced that men mamed F.nrind after hottmher 34. S?K, would not be exempt frtas mihtary duty. Then ix brcn.ta clear that many if the Belfias had oly takea wives vrrto- themaehres because they did not want to pi Vj the front U ttrbt tot their country. When they were called to the color, deptc their marrir, they had, ct rowrsse, to leave their wtvea, wh with their babiea are now a harden for Fr.ehh cflmmankiea. Ob fhjir amva! in Ktsjr'and a larre na.kHty 'ef the fure claiRMsd a I Witboiat j ry mwr., but when the Hritih K0Vfmmerit' at.nourw ei that all B?iri. paper rcorcy wttiJd fee re dfmJ m fpM r Bot! f the Baak f Kcrlii iBaisy a 1 Senly became ftste proepereoa. They prewntd Bel r an bar.k ft 'ta U'c .qiactti aid rwetvesj r jpwnd in rold cr ood Ena-'wh bttia fee every 25 franc. The Back of Kr. gland ' npvl with Belrian paper monry r?4 the rfverr.ir.er.t fsnally started sn inve.tt r3t'B. Th reylt w astonishing. I)etxtivM acertani;l that H'!gjsn fe;!!s t the entount uf many miiiiuriji f franc had bern Kfnu(ftfiei arrx the channel to le exchari(red for Eng lish money, Suh thrift ws natural ly not to the likine of the English people. . Ore of my English frund, whom I recentiy met in H'.!land, told me f the vpeiienre f a weitthy Im- 4m huainea man. Thin rntlemn had irranted an ayhtm "to high Bel rin oflVlal who nut only mmle him adf at hynw at once and "boHned' the sTVBiif, b-.jt also ifcm.'if. i-1 ime P'wnd a day "upcmlinjr ni'tney." "How enn I do mgbt :cc;ri; iis I on d 'ii, if I do nt have miey in my P'rt fcetT' th ' Belftian ,aid isvbstrunnt ty, when hi ht iijt'mated bi him ihnt ha wm BsMr.ir a little too much. Tha Englishmiin, who are always correct, also acctise the Belgian of I l manners and lark of t t. .11) cy rhnrpe Sk ISdian men with annoy ing HritUh women and iii'rls jtnd ar fuse the female fu'p-itive of atiUKin? Fn.v"!th (h-irity by appeariiir in ra'sfs t thp relief .hiircnii ml t Vl infr pt f d storiea of stiff cring anil misery !t.hmijfh they often ' "jmsw iwllv dre-es and much valuable jewelry on whih thi-y easily might ru ne loans to carry Ihcm through. A well known Irfndin physician rn eently expressed the opinion of a good majority of tha Enirlish people hen he nid: "If the German bad committed no I other v flense they would deserve pun ishment for burdening us with the Belgian. That is about the worst j'rU.nff they have done to ." Xeutral Party Wins In Greek Elections Athens, IV.-. 20. The neutrality party, led by e-Prmier CournarLs. I appears from the tet.rt thus far j available to have been triumphant in j yesterday election. According to j u'rvr here, this will result in 5 Greer majntair.uig iii pr-ent atli- ( tdde unchanged. ! Though followers of ev-Premier j Vetoielba, who favors the ahie and ! aants Greece tsi take an a'-tr.e part; a the war, had been uri to refrain 'rum voting, r.everthcoe thousands f them took part in' the election, "tw-y were far outnumbered by the i-natan fteutraJifrt. however, jp the I strict which have tlm far reported. Italy to Get.SQ.000 ? Balkan Prisoners th un Cite a2ftl( atrf Wa At- . ., ., , . ,, Oa. e Frsaeo-Brit.'A rt. ljh fv Up, Germany ifear.- . ... Fk-si 'livenia to Gal.eia, 150f.vOO. Urlav. IV. '.2LJCeprt rbadhed jraan military irck yeatertiay -N.hat tbe Ado-FfwS tnou at the jj.000 BHtlsh IXSt Recently, Say Turks riitantii5vl.!.e, Dwt. 21.-Britih j laea duriB.it the receot Turkiah t- tacJut at Kut-l-AiDra ainrrryated 1 1,000 men, accordinit t AoaJ re-1 pert received by th war 6Ve y-! tarday. German Warship is Reported Blown Up IjmiUm, il. Ae l.nh&nf Tei-(fraj.h 'mpany dipath from fopnihajrea yaa a tlermaa wartiup jrua.rdwg the wetbre .Uace to TfcA Beit, in- reported t have bwn !.l-n up and a;f mmbert f the crew ' tout. British leases Were Heavy txiastaJittnopSe, Dec. 21. British i-yse duriRjr the recent Turkish at tack at Kul-ei-Amara a:r''ejrated IJMHU men, accurdsnjf to official re (H?rtA rti'eived by the ws; dlTice yes terday. Massacreed Serbians In Great Numbers -London, . Dec. 21. Bufganan and .met ' Mussulman tribesmen massa cred Serbian in y;rv:-.t number dur 'ng the revciit retreat of the Serbs, according t astatement given out at .be Serbian legation ' here yesterday .lulgariari ami Auara-Hungarian trKips furnkhed the Mussulmans with rifles find ammunition and inoitcl h-m to violcni-e against the Serbians. The .urbar:t:e eumroittod were wore ;han ever known before in the Bal kan, it is S!iiJ. rarylantl Vice Com sion Issues Two Keports l!ii!t;more, Md., Dec. 21 -The mi nority element of thn Maryland vice commission filed a dissenting report n w huh Uuy take Ispue with the ma ioritv reMirt that segregated district should be alisjished. The minority made it report Unlay to Governor Guldaborough. DESPERBTE DL017 It & Thought the Blow Will Be Made For Favorable Peace "Germany Wants Victory and Peace hnmedialelv, Savs flahriel Har.otaux. "Other- wise She is Ruined." Fori?. Per. 21- The imminence of another ,Oermsm tfffensive conducted on both ef the wain .fronts is fully be lieved fcy hiphly p!ace-i J"r-ni.liintn havinj; access to the best sources for iisff.Tmsrtian. Ih's, thw are eonvinced. wU!'teGermn-vs last f'perw V, or death Uxm and it .U be a:m.-d, ikjI with the .hffjK' vf 'r..oh n h, ! Russian &B1 jSritiisfs r-.Pt 'n e. bui tf nd f.tvur- Srin m terr v I At ...sajr .4 i')l Tu 1 . t-lifstyifeuttsd . the .various frcr Akiig the Ishmsi and in Trenfno, 35000. j Prom the Dsttabe to the ardar 350.000. . Germany want Victory and. peaceiaraln.st the submarine for the first immediately," says Gabriel Hanotaux. Otherwise she plunge into utter ruin. That ia why I believe that she the iron circle which is atrangrling.tacalar attack by E-abmarines her. German Smupiers Caught; Rubber Worth $15 Per Pound New York, Dec. 21. The Federal authorities have unearthed a plot to mujrgle rubber out of thi country to be sent to Rotterdam. Evidence ha been obtained Connectir.gr the gov ernment directly with the plot, Heimrick Albert is the head of the ajrency ia active service of the German povemment. One Mis Decker was caught in en attempt to smuygle w00 pounds of crwie rwbber by means of trunk and .private baffrst'e ta be sent 'to Rotfer dm. ' . A.'!crt was t supply the funds to pay for the rubber ad agent were engaged to make regular trips .be tween New York an j Rotterdam and to carry at least 1.500 pounds ea. h trip.1 The funds were supplied from ! the Dutches Bank of which Albert was a director. Kubbcr-I selling m New York at 78 cent per pound, while it i bring ing $15 per pound in jperlin. Germans Plot to De stroy Panama Canal New York, Dec. 2. An intimation w a given out todav indicating that German, agents in shia country bMUf designed upon the Panama Canal aa , 1 ,000.000 thought sufficient by the well a ammunition planU. general bosrl. As to total ependt (ioremment officials, however, id :iUrey for the five yesir program, the thru, they were in totah with all t-he -t:matos are not far fimrt, ?fr. Dan jdattcr or had then, under surveiL- : wrv, a!xiut $5O2,50O,SrtO, .as 0, iwJ that tiicy could put their against the genera! board's estimate hands upon them st any 1 l;me they J.'.f jf,oo,Oi'Kl,000. wished. The story was denied from j ; wohington. ThrPP r?r?is!i li .-s.i' mt.. un .r'.. ..... j nut I arie-tcd for the present, 'as tf,? j government has him shadowed, ' mi I - if he was arrested that some one !.- ' would take his place. j Democrats Kncouraired;j2nff3ncj Knlist 1,000,000 Washington, Dee, 21. Democratic politicians are greatly elated over the Gary dinner and say that it is too good to be true that there is a pos- sibilitv that Mr.1 Roosevelt ia to be nominated by the Republican. . ; just enlisted an additional 1,000,000 They say that tho nominatbin. men, making 4,000.000 British sol would lose the party 150,000 of the diers. v itand-pattcr variety. i The premier praised Lord Derby for LIT POVERFUL HAVY I1ITREVQRLD Report of the Genera! Navy Board; Signed George Dewey j "The Navy of the United Ktates i Should fee Equa! to Any Nation of the World, the Re- port Says. Wsahinrton, Dec. 21. "The navy the I'mted States shou'd oltjnate- c-oual to the most pt'WertBl r-f .".iinf j -he rld, vfci liai d nett lv try 'Other nsit:fn of in the opiMiwi tho rt:m- ' " Af'mlr.il J trv IVwey P'.l';c lo-'ay. b i'ir-it n pade il bi'i-ii in i fcwfi,fi t 1a , " .- 1 -, , : ? n "ft tt v. i. - x',v n " " 1 I K- t r a I in "1 a ' ! t f- 1 mat fe i. 1 ;3t n f-r.oui ) p- r of pny r.'al poucr tx w ' yef..r Iv vs-'ir a may beif,!USe' th war off, announced yes 'r," i. (f .j,,, ; '-'day. AritHery duels were reported Ut the 'l.m.t f'-c-d rhAild V0" tk entire front. ,t'. ! The jrtneral board expresses re- uewed faith in the battleship a? line of defense. "The battleship is itii! the principal reliance of navies, ' it has been in the past, nays the !v;vrt, which points out that apee J . , . , ; !7 'Ven ff lB,porUn; ""y ..-baerver. of the war m Europe. .'.A 10 the .case of eubmarine, 1 'he renor continues, "so in .the case of battle criser. the particular , wur..i ti uw fireiReni war ooem twri justTy the prevalent exaggerated idea of heir importance." Zi9 genera! board, therefore, in ft ree mmendation to Secretary Daniel for continuous building program covering the next five year advocate he cor.strucuon of ten dreadnought nd ix battle cruisers. Mr. Daniels' recent recommendations to Congrea imbrace the ame number of dread noughts, battle crv'sers, ecouta and -iestro;. r aa the board' report. The general board, however, -recom- nd that wo.k be commenced im mediately upon the construction of iu,r battleship' and three battle - user On account of cramped con ations in ..rhipvards throtehovt the sttfstrv, Secretary DanieJa decided hat the first year's proersm should nclt'de or'y two battleships and two l "ruisers. Action to be taken on thejca!Jy Jija!- she had been quilty cf dis- n year program has yet to be de- termined. However, Mr. Dswe and h: jrn-L-rai board lire far from accord a to ? number of submar-nes to he ii I'jded in th Pre proerom. Mr. -'elt askel for fifteen ficet K ;bna "nes where the Dewey hoard asked for or'y nine. The ssraiwi isptuitv 00 :r in the recommendation of Dan e's and his naval board as to coast submarines. Danit-Ss asking Coneress r 85, while tb Dewey board thinks fiftv eight enough, -s For reserve ammunition. Secretary Daniels recommends n appropriation $:5.o)n,000. more than twice the Shins Are Sunk London, Dec. Jl.The los ofthcee more British strps have been sunk, presumably by German' submarine. Additional Ulcn, Making 4,000,000 London, Det 21. Premier Asqniih announced today that England had lis efforts in behalf of England in retting so many enlistments. . Sir 'William Eolx,-rtsn, chief of the eneral staff, has bej recalled and fill he succeeded by Sir A. J. Murray. It is said that Sir William may be ent to Egypt to take charge there. The Dardanelles' attack has beea dianslonwd under the advice of Lord litchoer awl General Monroe. Germans Claim Successes at The Dardanelles Berlin, Dt. .21. Constantinople im nouncas thr.t the allies have retired from the Dardanelles and that they were Stacked by the Turkish troops who ere compelled to retreat. ilia Quit and Will Live in San Franeisa aiiinuiiaa, Dec. 21, 0.beral ' Villa announea .that, he will retire imm 'he rainy and .sttle Lo Anreles, Cz. lAustrians Itepulsed By I talian Torres ? Rum.. IHsk. St. Austratn at itak, supparted by bavy artillery, : again tt Italian, positions we-re .- Several German Have Been Sunk London, Dec. 21. A dispatch from ! Reuters Telegraph Agency, it ia learn- VJTTi CUIUS UAV-V been sank in the Sea of Mormora, by ' e . ; ! "A, jne IJ g CltlZenS Died on the Ancona Washington, Dec. 21. The Sute Department yesterday announced the receipt of a cablegram from Ambassa dor Page, at Rome, saying that it ha en definitely establiKhid that twelve Americans were aboard the Italian iner Anccca, sunk ity an Austrian submarine. The cablegram stated "urther that only three of hteae were saved. Mrs. AsQuith Denies Playing With Germans London. Dec. 21. Mrs. Asquith ef the Premier, denied emphaii- jioyaity to the governmep. t or had ever i played with German prisoners. Ford to Stay Until Peace is Declared Christians, Dec. 21. Neithed tnc iack of hospitality nor illness can shake the faith of lienry Ford in h.s peace plans and he has announceu that he will remain in Europe una. peace is established. Heflin Charges Con spiracy of Spinners and Speculators Washington, Dec. 21. Kepresenta iVe Hcilun,. of Alabama, barge t ha bere is a conspiracy between tlu pinners and the spinners and tin pu. uiator to ueprc-s the price, u. .otton. lerce Artillery Duels in the West Pari;!, Dee. il -'-bieree artjllery lueis havtf iieu rag.r.g, but are dimta.--h list. Our arn.i.w h ive stopped uli JSermans attacks alcng the western ffolit. Major General of German Army Killed Amsterdam, Dei.-. 21. aMjor Gen eral Stockhausen, if the German army, ha been killed in action. HOUSE TO SO'dNO praieiT New York Man Will Go To Europe in the In teretrt of Peace. ' Story Is Denied by Secretary Tumulti. But if Is Believed That Mr. House Will Rep resent T. S. in Europe. Washiiit.n, Der. ii. Tiw report 3 current that Col. E. M House, of Tew York city, will make a trip to Europe to tound ptace &timnt. The story was deRied by KtereUry ftai;iti. In this connection the' letter of Pr eaaient Wiln to the League fur World Peace was recalled, nd it iw known that the Fre&tdvnt 3 keopiiig a cl'jse waU4i upon' Euro ;.an affairs. It is Knoan, however, that Color! Howe has a large iniiaetu.'e with the 'rir.hident, lK,(.ih in atsr private and ;tiblk, aad if any one " to be ae jcted for tmh a wiaaifwi it will- be aitiel Bouse. He is the premier rf the cortex of aon ktwwa as the '"Si'eBt Ctibinet." The President and6 Bride Take Lonjr Walk Hot .Springs, Va., Dec. 1. The at tendants of the President would not iisturb him in his hwicymotminr long enough to inquire if there was my truth in the statement from R'ashinfrton , The President and bride took a a-alk of several miles today, starting 1 little after sunrise. Mr. Wilaoa took the lead and seemed to be ia her jvilieet mood, running on ahead several ateps and then turning and walking back to meet the President. The.two had intended to play golf, but the ground was tie soft and ti vaiked out to ' Deer Lkk Mountain before returning to their apartment. Mr. Wilson was dressed in a btoe walking akirt, high boot and a tur ban hat. . As soon a, the couple returned the "Vesider.t sent wor 1 to the photo graphers that they had jut as wet' 'tave Hot Springs; that it wa oat of the Question for Mrs. Wilson and himself to pose for them. On the trio the President and Mrs Wilson were followed by secret ser vice men w..o were at no time more than 50 yards away ' U.S. Munts Other War Conspirators Washington, Dec. 21. A. Bruce lietaski, thief of the bureau of inves igation of the Department of 'Justice, i in New York direeti; g the search 'or more conspirators in the plot to e troy the We'hmd Can?l. It wa tated by the Dvpar.mei.t t Justice :f:cia's here .yesterday afternoon that tore arrests will be made in the case .t once. v . . rwo .More Americans Killed in Mexico I'unrca, Mex., Dec.- '21. George 'forrow, a saloon keeper, and an un iMtti'iel American, were killed lure !;'.;,- iiy Mevican- so'diers who were ! ;T hi-" 'laee. Morrow u-i - t.yi":;. to close his oar when killed, . ' A street c4.r containing several nieruans and o'lier foreigtier was tt.ii-ke-l a;-J several pcrsutss injurcl, he Sght kop.t up f-r lonsrdt-rabie t.m ul iou'lv :h eend-.dor and p;t..-n-rers beat 'off the aniiants ar'd the trm c:tr csf!peii .ivr the b.ter a onal line into El Paso, Tev. fikials More Opto-. misjtic Over Austrian Reply Washington, Dec. 21. State Ie- .tartment 'official are more optum'sti ver the Austro-American crisis. It it 'xdieved that Austria will make con essions and the United States will accept them.