'7 M t I J - - All " If CI. . ., 3- -C AdnilnJ, Retired, kys FAIETTEVILLC; K 7Ci" TJEDNESPAT, JANUARY IS, 1916. ITJCE. 5L00 PER XH JSXGLAND TO EXTEND EL0CKADE REGARDLESS OF U. S. PROTESTS if 1 fc: Tri-rr.r- ZIrre een l'y Inierna&oTia News Servk.. J5njfoTw Tintr Trie Cam- xxmx WriJ Thai She Is mler vt the Cy Jstar&alioeail Strike I afcfcwt wmae Writer 13 . e-j N4t ? tie wnMaed iff, wrj;s to ; She Whiv ii -CurvaCisar ri.y .Is lot fness.I ttfrvUi -ci Lai 1 catmSria, i Jsei." is j tke T.siMci.r.f rttwet r ku wui j , - ' ud. our wris j -t-'. . ' .Jk fci&6eB sMmexiMr x ,, 0 of 'jut SiStrS rm ujT Ikm cV X li XtA-' V MkiKflan. Ju. lf. rw kick that kjw li- legend ag ihi tvmnral against k iS sv4 W kWiaAc M i tkrt rg-yru fcawr ,wnk tiw Scale Ik-fMkCUMat tkat Lug iamd rjll diWMS aE tW prMosU -ittkk UnTa ta tkr aatraknnl Ml mmi Um prrriMM Aawncaa ITUt'.lQ jwwLt eichauca f MM. It m M&jfai that ffiaatf puirta wil! W tkat abr m Ike judc f tkr atauuM ati f carraea and tkerrfa i kaa a tight t cnae akipa ara if abe tkiaLa tin? r i aHimatebr f r tkr cmbt. taluttf iu alaa 1 j mMajA tkat tkia tiiwrt viO ttfkVsa tk VnKkaAr T donnaajr i uiut oack a i laitiaa to kr ia 6ouaI nkawt Jnetaal to tl rvcfcu T the 'T tke iniaoital f irwndaw f tka M l.iimiia r tk lrrj)artoa ia lems tos ikat IP aa&no of icrfia MVr ; aa4 Imt aibea, ta jwuinf into tkr oUat)4 txAMa ax keinf auaa tkeir nrv artenaaa V tke ' pru J .tier .Car afcuttiac peci T ' tkr wtaatiaa aukr-. t la tV CnAc4 Statoa. It tV that aS f Ta.tbk cni tke nuk tar Vjc-iV J'jie ar owr.pV'Vf : Ftrnck ajatunWiMWy kar aaCiW and Jjetters of r- Mohr Identified In Court Am JCmbicm of "The JDoa't "STonr Onb" Ws is Doc tor's ForkH Vl-i He JKcd. ' 3ives Exclusive Inter xiew m The News on This Phase iCause of E-2 Explode Was Assuoied to He Dedans Hr. Godwin Refused to Help Sare Harnett fmitT JVds Che JUpnbEcans Exploatm Accidental and Action Will Ee Takes l a til Export is Coo pleteiL 'tZ 4. UTishirjcvn, Jaa. IS. Tke Bsrooli 5jt aay jrrd InresatiRr boerd r cMkia to4jr tiutt f -1 iW-irtJDtsiC Jtr. K. W. Toasvc T paw, wb Mjiir aa Biast snesoaaKil raportar ior th iecaa irfue a4jiineot today to Uaa fc ava osae wtcrest- ... v..- .- ,jk n. v E- eoraw T anwct aad kaa piw -rFfa d . entsr mean i A. u tie -IWt Wrr tUt fuoty SU Le f coaM W -red. ' Cub- w t-iTinea rrc E Las beat cUirsn rf5fce J. aw1 Vs Fere!ra " I ..it the m l.j. -.: .v. l t nJ ivnA too .tall. I ' ackk p the tjS'.tfct .Kk. osks w . w . (it. E la been inMLO of K sBrwa m a !Ftfi ran be thra cuts CJ y r r Sea crirplete i report. is t& eaRwtne tnrtf Vibr's Bsnkr. the vitca. IV. Xor-'aad aeldasa strikes p cooserrativ. EsJyer. iieatid hxsccrti :"ith M snLes i rt off oa a" ts,i one ojIatc ia kUU aad t col'rs rabjoct of ti farorita jarty' . - las taken fjrata the '.ooetart E wJwb iA'-"i :: tiin niiirri rn rr y: rnfrrr-i Jt ; IV A fllR HI I ft 111 if W Fit Tidie to of Etf. 4 labLca. 4 vj tai " ' I . WmJ. lbrmmitf'mriKi tadt tors tie ,ktJ ne-trt of sw.y fcy-.ps, gea. . .... . i ! .F '' - ' - . . " - .. - 'S.au frvn tf. ams r lirM AZrJbmfr m larf ta Lx keee f ,t;j! fr our ury iu tt a isrA f atiwr U Jrf aj&j or VATioy (By bftaraasaoui &'v rit . IjcaifuMf, aa. U AJaca tbt ra- jp(toi ttn fwaet fdic tkr 4 Ft bAm'iwtl Srfrit.) hMfdlM l$-Hrss a- .'V.; Wirrr wL; ti , JLaLa a t GjCait XsaJK?r r (JU foi f I4?Mbt &T : f jbarokstSrly y e,sa&l It ofc2rai e?TMP: (aijua nMbcaiK oti ai onwl :' fJ-fa,f rJ r- a ocpki j VnecojoauJ aixnwggr of arts, Co ia lMit &a cjbh 4 pre Jtalj ub kc i wo! atfiiatajbta.. . finrct n-y is rikf r ' om-Amu frvei ac4 ti. Mvaet LoTa to be g-tTta s jta' tfcy ra (UwTjr ft f jsjji fc ftajU. ";V ' clsaie tor m Adriatic jpwt... t 4W1 if ti t the -j-Sfc LSaia & tLe nottii " Ti catioM to fa aeardkei (teawSn s .5rr-y to tik fe-iHto,ca i 'wriak rsarl tt'.Sa-ffr tk piapOM of jKWBjB tke icw&ry i f s& f gl4K 4f Cie-Haa u:aff ti Ume jbs4a. Vs. sXst pcfiitica ts to be TO5WRrai' ia ertii ' &ark. ; jkmmig6rtmm f aS ct.ti, f Slants asri raiaray i-ce la to fe toJbm vcr! y ik AaJtjias. -Sjx yoa ikare ffodel tbe-p'- mixture-lsste.- k reiCed. "I o ot paiadi ' ' CAFE CUANGED HANDS TUESDAY fcstr cf -y a-i Iry 'k-.H U -tniitf t? fi;e si Dw'-twct snl d,'?.jf- ik -rv;. ; effect .j n fc J C.jr tfe sux -'- ft ih. .,vf f v w. fttsw net f r,-- ? j- at asy tmzt . a ia tka t- ' ! '. . ' :c - "s tfy of a ', , . KUE. B. -.-! AJfrtiinff , r ??..- , was touai r. ..--.-in anut, r I,! 30 o'cUKk janf pcrtMi rUuif cioiip d!scovr4 tk ih? -iv.iU Tk aiM -.-.' " ' ti . . . . . .U HONOB ,r.ar,t Wil- i f 'rJel , i U I . , -a -F.ii thli :.-t Tsrt- ' :." '" : t i ; . . Airi TROUBLES OF THIS COUPLE BREAK OUT ACT&ZSM UXVSE3 HE HLS BiSV OF -ANNOyiNC AND THKEATEMNG HER. I . 12 1M IlJlJ.ilZ,.. 1 1 r I 70IttIIES IUJSSIA KAISER'S DISEASE 1 -".'vt . jaadl' I al not Eifii atoticf to nr. TO .ifx OF p!ttiriof Mr.CoiwiB'.rrtTwsamt TKAXSPOBTATtOX PEOPLE Hjiroe4t. ARE SITFEJBXXG j -Darjc- the last campaign. vfan , (defeat u trnrr ti Daocrtj By fctorwticeal New SerVioe.) r Gf w n ?trara3.Jaa.X8.totoWo-HjEt J?0 . .;r f traasportatwa faciU, the fooi'-t, ai t-e 'f--r pre&ca ia Koia is rws, T NVJr 1 ? - t Vnaya says; '" i-Kbr , , - - . EtEFTHEKIOS SKTEOTIS HAS BEEN TAKEN' INTO MARINE CORPS. a clus-y reaemlilijcg the FiimTl S3CtiE. SB'i ICOtKMIBCot ftlf f i lrti.e tke EAme cf a Serbian reArt to a i?ar f rriec ha eu' ia ike U.mti States ma - -s .-rj-j ss XiWrai Scott, by ape-.;. aaej a "' Jcrt of the er.'j feet. The large efces, Lk Petrvr&i j i. rse to se Mr G'.Jw:.-, . t " aad Ifotraw, are short vi s!iav-t?hni to r i ' ' P t-.V . (By latertatitral News Service.) Nw York. Jaa- J8- Tha marital tnwi!Ir f ffwM SkP(ton, actress, acj tasfcaiKl, Moms Wolf. pro csoter. broke et SJiew toJsy. Wolf was before Magistrate C?rri gan us tke West SiJe Court upoa cora piaiiit f kis wie. Ths actress ac. euse4 him of aaaoymg feer a4 tkreat ening tke Utss of ber - sister, ber mother ao4 berself- Tke actress toM tke court tkat ber kuslaiut was place4 a probation fr tE nuths last September. Weil" pre tested ttBjying ks for bis wift. He saiti be wanted to become reconciled t9 ker. As Wolf did sot bare one kandred dl!srs to gi't bonj to keep tke peace for six months be was lack ed ift cell. Tk wifs U wster of Edle Ekannoa. ke was formerly the star of "Th Butterfly on the WbeeLT Tae couple were married in Mob-trwslialllS. INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS TKB HBATT TOLL London. Jaa. J Ther were 1,100 separate mine and quu y accidents causing toe oss oi i.s Grest Britain dur;nv?' J actatrdirtg tu the reij inipev t.-r cm 'ma uul -p-h jaii been issut- L iT( a tuwasa cf 63i tat-l ! U:At those kiljl ,t! ii'si'fcrs.ii4 injur! i ; '.. in r 1... h . -19:3. . e IS5,. ices and iai s r.'t ck 't rs. ro, ink wis Was ft dc.r.-asa of 13,C52 over 1911 Ihw HUBiUr tf persrtns employed w tl-. i Ur.tUd Klngikim during 1914 wss UiJ.iiS in Ua mines and 79,908 w .... 1 . .. v, .. ereryttag. If tfeey ke nsest r , sugar eaougb for a sfcort tsiae, tfcea ( ( f , tkere ia a lack f bread' k tevre S ,j Ci)? ,1.; jj v grain asi Coar arrive tfee meat sn4fr fc.ni ta do s. 1m; that t'r. nive la tt rural tir.y tiT rit the f art i sugar supply is eed up. is always mining. , " " la I ;il t. terribly, aitkougb there is tm-wrh ' . Wl. f ia Russia to sustain the prpulattcn ; Eh coimtv for twe or three years. itstricts enorraius t;aajii:i cf n;t, J butter, lard and ra-at ai .. 'S ihipnsect, bat the raitrxii fj".r - are insu&eiert, 8n trsns prtt!in senrice.has teen emp!to?y dis--?r-w3 aski gsnired for piacy mer.t. Th: Uarw ( "U. " for these Cir4.ti. rt l.a- w le i - - rj.,t os the shou! J u c t i 1. j . t, 1 cials. who not 1 my prec?!' tre i. . . tr in of more ra.iroiSits l eft re t'r." a fbut are tncaiMih! of n.tnnirtr those in ensttnce sfliciently. "Btsa in the Caucasus, only a com paratively it: 1 ' ' ' 1 fr m v granertes ?f .v".;- . ' t, population t . - starvation. In rai t ;)e rit:a tnc bakeries have besa ti;ijr.,d by ia.. s aad tks military authorities hti t.. take drastic mcsiu'es t r?f ' 1 sus riots. fTbs minister of the ;:-.iv: aot act quickly Uj si.-!' ? ; transportation rrs ' ders re sure t f gry mobi Vr t of feeilipj tt ' cities an. n ! inirwirtant ji- t;, . . ct?sses t tn.i ! . at once be ; ... food, evtn if have to I : ' The proline i . a which the !. ' c , are to be-f'-. . I t ' wait Th ! ; ; ; ; army wul decidir i . - ,-';' spring, or 1 . :i ir r" ted States mtsvve. cvrps a Libera! wt a r.at-jralirei s.1- ;ttHj the ruiEie of f Nw-He f fcis great I . 2 I- J t:e says. rt-i a iht few :-.r crtiCy pro-. ( ha 'J "ki-ed ? T ' r I li n. L ' t tuj s,;.fo-rkH, or 153 more ttuuk w i. j c r. - . , , '