s 1 YT i i I i j r J 6 1 VOL. - - 0- ' r ayeticvilix. :n-c .tve;;;: AY, JATAirr 4JlfiL C 1 "f" TT i . :0 C'JANGE XX?. lesco EEP,r.::?.:: ft9" n 1J County rlntcndent Has JBejrun Making jMetrtiiy; t EI i rasbes the -IJrcest Kind of Affair (NCT A DLENTENG VOTE year flVGVLTj:ZALS JOKE GIVES AWAY Administration "actio. .1 liable to tot in a Word of .Protttit Will ,Have parade op the Order of the-One Here .Last Year ?ro Kraia Full and Is .to Be Interesting ' J JW, Jex .Tan. . Sentiment lor a milnuy putrw f northern Xej; ict was .irt. strong at the convention srf the A&ericaji Liv uci A&aocia tun lutiar, the administration actiun f - ; - : against the rexiijtion demanding pro- jivti-jn .or Amer car. h.t nd prop up th wonderful suctta .yrd oai, runji hruad Junr. uad- eo3utiuB "M J"""d without .., .:;st wixui vuiabtfiairfi eoj.- jr. irwtt! jump, .ruuu&g ff" jump; . jjuv j a- rvii that Ml th llk the t lar.s C 1' y.:l:,'M fUtrnj ruted that h w , Jr"ur jjiria paUU rt juad other f';B th " tje iai;usr men, ha E.y kW vii! he pd i JiB PuUy. ..nid lo rj bejr the urea V.r . -.n; Mihic.ii- uf C linca of dbc)! re nww oeir.p taKw to raise r t.WL. .v-k. There wi2 be wcjUtiun. cl- ( R '"! nd which iU he i e hnntUxo g'.d tMiait r to.rui'.wTv speL.n tnvet tul tdir--lr lnu?rfcrt jiuhlichj- concern- . -,t thrf yew A&d Urft ?eryth:f "ir U'j tinder u-'n,'Jt huwired thousar.d ciuie i saciraoei. . ;imffl est of the .Mississippi nver, V ttt.iiryrtun, Jun. , 5- UffiruilH the .State ad,Tmr ee iie- 'ments were greatly interewtod i rpnri from London tonight .fXTirland .has adotitdl a "cy T .wm-lntefTiiy! ' i irrCi 'mas and Auatriaa t6in isTernsd ,t American t,girtry. ns6 where each Hsel are not d ia trading with LnUnJ'ti I Wut said high authority ,1 do social report rf this change puliqf jt .announced in ,the !e .4 mn ,haa .been e 4 hr.tlie tatr tpartineDtL 4t eBiimed that Ambassador ,Pfle 8 Wn notified ,nd .that be ,tiae t ,hud ,ti ,i ,tuhifjr ,thi gw-"ent. '.ciahs ,uf 4lie JV partment ,f j meree aaid it ai liiishl prwh e .tiurt ,Xhie new mine n ceat ain's part jnay pave he way - -sale ,t "Amerkaa .aaipanieE 1. tiie ,tranafr ,t American T f rtS-Hvan nd Austrian b- eli Imk! up in Anu-rkan pwrta. Ufftriais itajf it noilid ft. tar to relieving , the ahippinjg on t;ettian if thetw esel?i vouid be purchased. The milj dx!IicuU' .in the war f ocl; JKansfor ppeari ,to ,t am p2w&ud h5 tGe'Bianj and Austria hut Ccttther prulubitiiig the Vaaa fr of anjr veufcel undr their reg iatty t an alien Cag witbuut the u&cial sanction f t!iei'GrBian and Austrian jgovernmenta.- ,The -I7iiit-ed Btatt uuld .out irwlate .these laws, give .regivtrr la veatttla with- eonocrned. 4t ie ,helievd, however. that hth ijrman and Austria would ,he willing t permit .the Uanafor f same f the liners which have ,heen ,-tiud pp ,ia American Pirtt'. jE .diiirif Germaa and Aut- txian empanie oould Btlt (onlr jre oiite unds which thif need but wuld ae ,the ,tifca7 nm ,the are now b ving fjt ,the upl jep T .thue Leaders Want IS'urtberJi JCa.-iltn Aid ALLAY CFJ XlCLvM 'John iH. ahtT, of ,Unttd f tatea ...... i..... .t ... ...fii -ij-.,--..... . V ,4 ntr- rrfw a w- (jTe-ert- "Jhe gieVet exhihit. ttU wiii be gives the w,nwsr ir.j. BJfl rf:i. that Carransa haa jlrrrf afcA -ai U the iour tbaami the hterrr mUrji. f.1 fb,lure . that . . .. gt'i who ma gath ,hrt f iUpo- rjm the drfTuent Kbwb t,e " .T'J" ?' "r,trj' lhe ,re"' -, )L, rJ j v'4 j 3 r i he curu-netiewneT.t. We are aak- itar ther are heirmmr t net U w--k - jrc ;Aat lurtj oaE. i " r rf" " tie Ouunher a Cutnmerce that r. iiur eterit. a 1 - I. na - 1 i -i i-M mjC anc .nK ai ssotC ; tu&Qr.ri-r.aeni j.ccriGe cat an-1 jet upon ,the ,Cwk Aaaocw" " ftirmsed hrttar to at tt iwhwM-S teacbr j?' A -epurt reached 1 JPaw tudar J i Juiletf .w .-the irrigated farninr aaction:! . ' . . - . -(t jt do the the pwgrain r4j bg -ard Atamm--.. a itaat iW iB the curfM'.y. requeifung that they i-iinwtn5 iB t the effert .that parade waa a ua , W I. tbaaian th.- an aruuse in ri" 'r 1 ''" S'-at pursued laat deaor to ee just .hov much " " ' ."T" " - And AjTjsrovei I .f.'.r at th JTair Grxwjd Track papirf tar the etun.r.g Mnmenctjiiuent (Caas A. JB gh acbcwT, 1j0- it ha not Uoeo annousoed yet jut y-art! daah. S&O yard rat and 230-yard j what jati wiil he allowed tip in the ;j.ih. Ubdg broad -m-v. runnirg itnarar b pr-yridir-g dmner ur the i.'.d jjinp. rjukla: hruad jmr.; rua ,evml thouaand acbool children, ,hat lir-g Jhh .ar g"i g"t r)- 4 ".he ur ,hat wijl ,tf nnciuntd itf .twndita. V ry kstp FT ft f p'r"" :-ti ft 4 fiayr 'as i fy rptriL, j r.d f - -J7 f-tetitai. 7 'i r"-ie 0 ostvou jhe eowrtry at iarge starting jvejrt Friday i . . nht. The Juu-dahip v j Vashingtan, Jan. 2C. Politiji jassie&tsd by .Djtnucratie 'ieaiicrB '. the rauc of the uddet t jcic ,uf the B"iiiun atimin jstratiun ; ' nTukr-tjr t j a slii "tirrfT jBiisBitm. The .Present and tir:h--rai jiad tiiiffUaTi Xkanoerat. .haue api-.-.-lt-i. jtt. the ssdy 'to paafi the -Uriff ".,T3 miisiuc plac a Aean vuf t:;- Rapport ar the p&rty husjne-f j)-. , ttsreat iis .mamrfictarig and sue j tile sentert ,f .the ,coiaatry. - Xaoji" .itf" . .the .itiwier Me that as a 'priOf that the. plan yd! .cot wt; jjhat xhey &n? idling to dc sy.inr.g will aid thaa ut thdir ght rxt f.a'iL fTn&.uesiL -and vne -jf -4ja gr.siariai .leader iooaight, t.rJt;, believe that p& is guod y-nUi-y to Jt. ,jthroigfc thia taiulf cinrn..i..r.mi -s.- Xhey behere tiat it wi fci.iy sir 'Ifiif 4.Viaw aTlT'i Vf in -.w -i . LZj J& ''jKa-ajruty to ecube n be.ue sd - :; . - . fjCLaaibtr Xxawneree of the L'-wi J" -that the ,bu6iDfcss jtr.eo iL cuiVKry a-til rtfiv the (Preside: "a iu5gaaa force, he A4-.!fi4SJJ&r-AO r.a;uo -i ' raace,, A CSbt4w j"Tt aatirfacaun." Jtjhe ATXiiiyBf 8 ?Ar H e-jx'jwuest. , , "72 rX krfc6 cap a a PL-Inning fiexxm "cajBjkaAgn- !and Aral, jkccarding to a ?prtE were rad and aprov4. pKMtnmipi CTI 17 i ' ffsals .the enU in, ii. vniL. L.llU. iut w-ito ,tn ree.ftent on i pre- ?jpared&eac junket. jLt will-he ,the Xid- idle West rat view 4 Mr. Wlsw. rvi.-'c.w V..r ".kiaMi 3ikc msutte c nremratiaDa its : 'jrTTH. H ,U ,-iaited. X tmder- 1 m MWPM4T - 4. . taten into (adnt PoteT i Cthat r WChm it to accumpary ji JSlr'ijerT7 ' tXJOSD UAXZ COSFESU1ED UlU fil'ESt TfiTU UEM Pittite. I 3 urtmg M gday j nY. lr,, freadtir W .todar. ' Tie caeualtie. 1 XK. ,the Wad 1 r ciaea, '-be unut g w-? uaet .jmacang, , u " r ' ' 3 a lesitiina ... . . a H in iiave no tarrar. tor th m firaf iOToer ASfi X!r Xnf erOEWBW lady and ahe will make .the entire car- were. Jks jm Jheary. aj.aw iVWMi lap laww- JP-iapi i.an (W Fanrr article, and candr t S0jWriw -tt"-- ww-ua-m-i py M- jwpr laeca for good. JL6 iAustnan govrntnewt- telegte goveTTent at 'ck 'gad tib araoa. . I'mQwk JR'rrr Tiwf J tAcJtiua aw I IVM Cxv eU -fci. ,J SPw ceri o fancy article ar.4 8 caacy Jftome, sxu 2. g.'garia trwpf advaxdrg a?ajjat ivaracra ip AllAria 1 Bim P AtCAJJ i-vf-B. aa. if. uf U a raU v-rrW ins-Mju, w yrawtuf u-.j jjj tau afcixaa r - ?K IJmx 1 jtak. M6-? r,J' th.r'y-trX ir.-k M'Uust A Jnfal. .the g cS - t f r p$ 24. i1 Krw, tfr -Hy Ot?i.sh.i a vg fct xxcxra- rjm Ju 4J?rH rg weet jbw m Jf- 31-whi.jh vu jnter4e4 C.iia8 .th-a ttrMe at tr ,,wf'' & Gnrvm am. .. . Jhtf mi aroux Wf Amwg giwi were fm&$ jew- A0 ifc-ii f. lie tare t ff frm..,..t . t . Treer atpur from pecewiwr j , r . " I 5 . Slayer of Family jriviiu fw; m u-iibi JFrozo Azliwa l jfh NJir .Future -Faid .out fnm .a tk 1-lget were en is Jtie jge wvrk jlo iww tfcat n Ji icrA iU ' "'rt .?4arle ffUeet. Xhey jtaas t he trovit4 wjcter ar.tS u- pa-j II vJM vf the r4er f Kjoigfcw ?ritr- yyiMM wa Uy ilttwavi ky W.i - ' -. H'.. gkon, p; C. Paleigib; J. . . K S-jb i,, F.yet evL:e. v4 h Po&tmUir .FfilM H- AMvrttxt, alw at Jf'yeUw; . . . . . T. if i of puke; W. J. llwe.J, J Safe-)l01l IflflT land 'j K- t K. &., and aeveraj cJaer at " 'l(U twa. . i SpareMfconr. aa. 5i- When Tl recnd rank wu eatifrri on LarfUri rratkei tfe pvUffic afe ai frjf, g-d, ,vff, 5ru and fye. AJ4 ' T hec rtieJ were labeled "r.p.ies. j:t a..e. fcvnia rwWjer found. N rn4..iaU and tester degree wort r evr heea aen. The fvUvwing fmm .r FyeOviiJe f 'tfrt: Mer. Q jr. Nimock, If. f Prol II. Aivierawi, . f- p. P. Heopeth, II. 1 WWgepeth, W. 8 r" ' R M J'rdon, If. a. Bethon, s Maw'tuhjr. B. B fwrbea. Alec. M f. Uittby, I. S- one w4 T. Jonei. !'llar a Convert For Kv3nirelist at Macon on, n., Jan. 26 Fiftjr 4rf '-jf the pet u fad U Cypijr Bmith, fbt fT,ngelit, for niurting 20-djr rtvWal her. II lK0 eonrU to4 wm given II, '), thii money being eollected at r r.eit to (be Ut of bit Weetingt. 4t iht (irt meeting f I,40Q wa railed. fc 4efnjr ttpenaei. Th evngetit n4 bi party go from here to BumervilU, N. 1., for an 'fi iefinita tay. rhenee, JS- C , yetr4ay tfcey found it la tvntia ntxb'wg they roul-i carry way. I'otjjjater I. R. Cah. in hofe jtore h jHftol"fe i Jix-ate-i, taking precaution fstst a pu&;hle vimt from yeggnen, ba remove-! all fUmpi anl cfh tc the vault of a hank. Only a few ctanspe'l envelwpe remained in the cafe. The aounj pt (be explosion wa beari by tw r wore reiint ot Cbene. No rret bvt leen nad and there i o clew to the iienlity of the robber. tlienee it seventeen mile north of Spartanburg. Poar Ta Day Was Observed Wednesday VetterJ.y wa ''dog Ui day! in Faycttevill. Owner of canine, whether tbey wr poodle or the !p earI bound variety, the owners bal tb notice ervet on thent. It i ai4 that tber I a larga num ber of dog to tb eity, ni tb P cial t on tbern will help, out the city pretty wU. Double Hanging for Urimwkk March 10 Ji'.r ajiihB a4 uuoagar U 4 - -- . - . 3tM'jr lrryi'i fv ii!.ry. J;V"' aci wKd , N.rs Jiawiey ICaciCetiias i Co- -underi fjrdr M.-Agidm, for J Tfej.&Be .l;n.--?nas jrift t4 Wrarias.. IjAirfetlal - ?4.0v I AO T-xa.:iva.ra. Teat., J 2. W. JT Jaj-i",rit, a wi-jite paas, aiwj.'ji 59 yeaia tij j. ti.ea fruru tke at B'-- ... (iieaftked! fnm aij ?n aI. . All .the rfiir if 'he IfThii.g f arty were j67 1-M TtAal - f U.V;.Vw frt trawtrry plant .-I Mr. F lagrsra to Hr-inswak. d:, Glynaj Rest Boom - county u to have a double eecv!Uon, FayeM-'ille Ice and lfg C...' Ahiey Fo5rd, foun gviiUy tit the Percent exchange fie mritr uf Cei;a Harvey, and Aaron 'collect1! frm mer.ivmti Wiliianas, convicte4 of the naurder ofl Waiter Newman, being sentenced M ToUl 1 i35 4ne m he gallow at the Wynn coin-ck on bn 4 73 ty courthouse on Mann 10. j Report from J.'brry wa three ra- j(ig W. E. Thomas, of ValdoU,newal an-I two memlers. wbo ) bre presiding for Judge . P.j Mr, p. B- Maob'e'ban gave a good iJighMnitb, who is sitting at Moultrie, 'suggestion a a rnurey-msker for tc in several case where Julge Thomas library. Have a "Pot f Cold" and is disouaiified. pronounced the en-;not only members of the Civic As- tence. ttiea fume are ttigg the eo- heavily arm4- .- ,'- Vivj . 1 " f-:r Pf XfS-1 tti)Lirg Into A'.bi tm nm fb$rg4 wjip te miifiter jeff.., fjbe shera' a. a Ja-r.er, pofrer r 1 tr ttoer r "prhirg jfcc- K-,Ke w lie fcii.e ;ae Jfire- attrs- &ers C'f his family ;ib sa s. .Munitions Far'ary Worker f :i Strike Amiston, Ala , Jan. 26. Machinists st the plant of the Annistoa Ordnance Cornpsny, which is making shellf for he ai'ies, went on strike yesterday Queetions involve-1, however, are said to be of no grave nature, mostly regarding ur.kn procedure and ths management hopes to bve the dis sociation but every one in town conS etiltj )iickly adjusted. tribute all the odit and end of gold " and silver, broken rini?'. N4 pens, , thimbles, broken spoons, backs from an! the great haim that is inflicted Trails Wronr Man From MaSSachUSettS brushe. etc In fact anything of that upon futrt men and women of f ; itinl that would be of no value to an State through the long hour of 1 tt sr. j &p Ke v.fceJr Italv- t,A jf jr Racy ear J.eefj fc...)jtt,'y i.ri- CUaHI. report here tu-Jay inm Mhr.A ibat osr;Cg jfe ejir tjiatr .f the Austnans, the Jtalisn exptJi, tioaary furce lantiej at Alvrj many month ag ar, greatjy i;i-rea.evi since that time wH be j;fclrawn at an early date: War fcfllce tEcial wouli r.eitb der.y or confirm this report. If it it finally decided that the Jtal-. ians shall wfTer resistance to the tltr man advance, the delay will nt U tr.g now. y Following taeir oct jpatioea of Scutari tb Austnans have takers Meiua, a seaport nirth of Euzaro. It' is prokally the plan of the Ger mans to advance smith from this point along the eoasi;- and aff-t ss ourMM'"-l"" who in puigarmns who ijs work aM Aiianta. CWumbia, Jan. 26. After travel- individual, but when thrown jnt the ami close confinement while they are ing from Springfield, Mass., to denti-p,,t and melte-i, will give a neat um young. fy a Ir- Wallace, " who is held bereito the library. Everyone is asked to Vt- i.-W- McNeill aJlress the A- for alleged non-support of b iriflcoptribute and keep the pot boiling. ot iation upon the necessity of a Pis- and child, a tb busbanJ that desert- j After dicusion it ordered by trict Nurse for the city. He made a ed ber and kidnapped her child in'the association that tke secretary t strong appeal, and the Association 1912, Mr. Bose JS. Thompson found 'directed to call tb tttention of the lipon motion unanimously voted to that she wa on the wrong trail, and mayor of the city M the dirty and help establish this great institution "Pr. Wallace" was not the man h 'unamury condition of the A. C. U in the interest of suffering humanity, ws after. ' ' ' ' station and request tbst the city take and Mr. B. B Hayes wa appointed Mr. Thompson arrived in Colum ne eary teps t remedy same. chairman of a committee to. be ap- bia shortly after noon yesterday, and Mis funic Sinclair gave an ra- pointed by her to enlist the aid and immediately went to tb jail. Wben est talk on Child Labor. She is deep- support of the various organizations she and "Pr. Wallace" faced each ly interested in tbe work am gave an rf the city and the aaxiliaries in all other ther wa no recognittof. indght into tb life of these children the churches. FullPardon For Mrs. Fmily Stoeley Bicbmond, Va., Jan. X. (juvemoir Stuart today ftantej a full panioa to Mr. Emily Stokley, tf Portsmouth, who shot andjkilled A t- Hostte when be entered her home and at tacked her. She bad been erit-.n.-i! to a year in prison..

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