I 71 r M 'l tV!l I ViH 4 AVETTEMLLL, S. C. WEDNESDAY, FEB. It !9H PRICE, $1.00 PER TLE&ZZ "7 - Of 1 fk:.i is nnsisiii ioeelitjie y(,thiiy: Given Oat After Presi dent' TaTi V.T.h JIU .Drug Ckrk Who Sold Orpet the Drugs ,1s Iking Jleld. . DAT m fjijri ,rJJiE'sr:DSTSEr::usi:;!STiEWAs ili.U L...!j POSITION WAS I.IAT2 J1A1N treat Britain J!3st Accept Ger man BXiA Austrian yerimn ,f Armed Xlerchantmen The Vailed Slates THD ,IIae to Side Wfto ,the .Entente rovers. French Guns In Artoiers Shell i ed the German Or- ? ganization. j English and French Thought the Germans Outclassed In Daing Sluntsln the Air, Cut JTLey Learned Better to Their Sorrow Turkey ,Has About five Hu ndred Airmen ,1a Active Service. Washington, Tab. 15 The Preai- cViit taop up h JU6tiOT fcurun ess 117 today with his cabinet. No nounceneiit was made t the con- Sii m trf the meeting. Wfte Bouse official intimated that j- mtfiM be ten days Wow new w-tarjr nr ii nxmod, although j- vm sdmtttad that an twouneient 'rnpht com at any tisne. The FTesi rl. rjt Tnu thirty days in wcb to snake 1 mmd te view of the act that ,s tW.gnatioa f General Scott ex ',. iv& over that period. Washington, Feb. 15 Vnles Great mm! her aUx accept the Cr miw propocttio to rrpxri all armed r -. hunt nesaob as auxiliary cruis-t-. tuwiiwt nans under in V i s'.iOTii la aide with tiie entente . ff. Secretary J-an'ur auide plain t'.,iy the jxstka. ths fwvemment. I-.sa-.r indcaMI that the Catted Stt ran acit recojrniae ttrf lea!itr ,if .vte yropointKio for Owmary arsj Aja'ria utile aliie 1 lt- ri( U the yeneral atPflnmT.t to HE IS JO GIVE TESTIMONY A WAS EXPLODED Was Shown By Stale That Orpet premier Asquith Tells the! Con8tntinoPle' Feh- is One 4 W o Ttltjj Ke :irl When She i . - -" e most serious Mistakes of the Al- i. , v rl r..: ' I lies we nraempi wnn wai uwy SVi T ?i I JHoUinr Their n-To Have the mM Bviator8 duri Zlien ledr-llw tase Is Not nied Conference In Paris I the first eigee of the ar. Prom the to e Trk-d la the Same' at an Earlv Date, the Premier sJact that the French flyer had a CoUStjr J crs ..; atj a numler of sport records the j" French and Znphsb press drew the t.;. r- i ir t, t? v .'et,nf,usio, Geany vaB hope- s aa. today ia eu .nh W-J 7 the deaxh f Mar-n ir. th. ted Frefch of the Alhed and the neutral mn school 8Irl rto . fuund dead last Run, GemRJ, - 7- JJfL t kIl -j r i. j ir 86 completely dominated by 1 The man arrerd vu Charlee V. Ha.sirip;er, a drup clerk univt-rsity stu dtnt at yadison,' "Wiscoasin., The charge against Mm is that be sold pais to Villura Orpet. the alleged Murderer of the girl. jlndoded in 'the drum sold to this man was a quantity uf drugs used to prodwx an abortion. That char, while it U the ottly ; from We. West f the O.se the drfeam wii duration French Utterits bombarded a .train. ho, erer p September, 914, the The French also e!ai to have pour- - to . ed a fire on the German works north- ' . r , - . ... . - e . 1 . i ithe successes T the Germans on the east ctf Soiasana. Jn the ArCTane re- , . , . . . . , , . . M . r j' western front were largely due to Rion the French exploded a mme. 7,, . , . the excellent scouting their avia- 'tors. ;"' . . . , . "I , UTien Turkey entered the war the is an address upon the conduct of the , . . r f AMet nt 1 n nnia anAia arfkMmtAW fMii one , which "he may be tried, is sot j that duri lJa8t few he supremacy of the Fren and the rea-on for hi. arrest. He wajweek8 V.lie8 hava held their 'V d arrested so fce may be eonpelled to 1 own. , ter to the Turkish armn. The Turka give testimony apainst the ' man ac-1 A large aeroplane factory was erect ed t Ran Stefano under tfi dirwrtioa of Capt Serno and within three weeks this energetic young officer had creat ed an efficient air fleet out of prac tically nothing. March the Turkish army had over one hundred flying machines and their number has been growing stead ily ever since. The- Turkish officers selected as av iators surprised their German teach ers. They went into their work en thusiastically and with the greatest darins;. AH of then mastered the sec rets f aviation in a very short time. At first the Turkish airmen were only ased to reconnoitre the positions of the Allies n the Fennisula of Gal-; lipoli, but they soon flew far out over n Mfir JJ1LE n'P!'i' i ink EID t LIVE IM3 Visiting: Nurse Proposition W Brought t'p By Mrs. Hayes. POLICEMAN WAS HZZP Two Appeared Before Board Jjt Regard to TaxesSome rw Ordinances Were Created ' Inquiring About Man Arrest" d and Neter Put on Trial. I Was Said. The Board of Aldermen wts in adjourned session last night, the ing on Monday xiight having beert rosv tinued until last sigit. A 'irgjr amount of business was transit- 'jed while the board at the same timv iiS a good deal of suggesting. At the opening of the sesuw. Mr Hayes appeared before the boari our betuux of the Cjvic Association, rev gnesting that the board snake an ap" Jjropiiation towards the aiding ouf the Aegean Sea and the islands of it- nurfie fof FayetteriIle. Ijemmos and Mj-tilene to observe the movements jf the French and JElng- iish warships and transports. LaXer they began to attack. They destroyel seven or eight English and ir.w TW ." l . . - . . . erp. wno were irainea m vermany ana irt.er. i" ".hfU in IPam, lie said, to d.scuss the ...,,,.. , t . r wKt-.r-v at fh' i , , . . .. .Hsed antiquated machines of French rs ax top , pv,hucl as-pert of the war, AJ of the . . Ak Some A34 For IWsto a Survey iy ttf JC4Brrre Jh rrivrtJ The rreation rowd of Cut in art! aj-alr-Ht riaKr.rr' atand m r3. it i. not tW purchase j The premier annoUnoed that parlia-' JL respectao.e of 4nr t msy .serd h.m u the Vent wouid not be asked to voVan- f "Tt! ""f raJlowa. Orpet aleped to h,e;other triwi unta cext Ue The ar began at once K.istadronaawret jmey. Or-J i the construction of aeroplanes, but pet at frat d.! Vnyir the b.,tt!e , , . ! f Pta P- !t H now rumors that be ha en- IPe bale Ol WketS Turkey and had tc W broufcht fcd that -he aAe fhe p.3re. IS SpeetlinST VO ..Tf 17 'machines were bui't ia Germany and erp. who were trained in Germany and j French aeroplanes on Gallipoli and in hi ras earam(,r0'iet as fvllows: j "It Xrsrrn that "he hfcd irtiinate re1 ;" rfS Qie yirl and tnt he wartj tsis away rooi urr , whj4,fc ir. .jj fc ,h(, fJ(i. fivf foJ. fue .e rad nice befnse e! ?r-d et f.v the f.rst ve pame to be play.j cottTd UMmJ ptj had to be tj y that rayercMje warn anj trained for tbem lf anther.- A af' scdwrht he &rrftfi4 m e.-ra'.- al W prove h pfyf fp MJ" thni ;"ft from w - -r 4 jj, , ,.v,. frji j,v j in .Ma-i;-. ena'-irt f H), IUrt ,?J wv :!. - ei ta -' ''hir a-hrs .e W-!e-Jjy 1 .. ... tt'sft J'ti! Jl'' '.-JT ffhi j. .- Early in Januarv of last vear Tar dol'ar. ert l.ke h:t &i.es yeter- , Qerrran erpert, armed vi.tji say Tbv pe.p the t-m-n svm to , r,uro? , Orrasn frerf ar J ma- ..'se frVr 'hat wart fran;(.f t( sale orrrs ihe an- s ram. i :.e-!'.ay rsd- :S6ti( f tj-e Turkic avijf corps' f the Dardanelles and almost daily threw bombf on the fchipg of the Al lies. One small English cruiser. was sank by them and 145 men of the crew were kuled. Since last falj the Turkish aviators have also been very active in the Cau casus, in Mespotamia and along tie Pue CxTxai. In p tcber they thought down ive British madiines norUi of Kut-!-AjTiara. V6jt of the aeroplane Mrs. Hayes stated that in socbst sections of the city there ?tu need fait for a visiting nurse and 'hut ' conditions were bad. The' matter w&r referred to a committee arid will rev ceive action at the next meeting vf the board, or at a call mze'.gjJb-.iu.ld' we he called. ' ' ' Pr. McKeiU. the health ofkvr, bacied vp the statement of Hayes and heartily endorsed tb proposition that ihe board make as appropriauon for this purpose. Mr. Crawford, who recer.i'y par- chaoed the Jvhnson Cafe on Har street and ho st the same tine UmAl Thf advar.ee sale of U balJ tick- in ritanr.W. li JcattUrl in V--;. iver "le JKelse 0? d3r" illls'-'n. ' ,...,., r - 'Si-JRinf h.n Jr.:nV loU rtt Tf .. iA t.T- tV. T..vl .,U j 5 : - - nowr sed against the enemy. Aitho-jgh hardly a year old jcene..cf hi (,u He akej the hosur4 il if it could not r-f ir- r.r-p- c,f tha It. .the.... -. ,. . - the be o'Jt ?r:srist 4 early this smom-l m WHO HAS HID THIS HERE Oi'T et t vn'!.; f.:f.;ir8y. 3 ! y.w )n rt f' : m the m.rfc f ?"'sf 1,J"i h-:,. he f r M.a" fS.j u il h (, . .ai-y rry of r ! i .the mvt itf.p',vl P,y 1 ' (oMivrf s,f v frpr4 fs jt properly jplt.Ri It ' ,n ;rs rvjiTe h r' t vnay -r?'w- ar i -'-- .') b--e e ".; vr f Kwt y.Hi k "" , m ait !.!-. t. f 3f'i . M a i fl.!! w ! ir.-t H vm4 be ! sa k 'H-st r. f- t -f'.J i"-ir.',.1 !" ' !.-t im h :r 4'.f .x r if the JfMw.wi wt.resg!i(;r:-l et Orjwt," t f .' ' A5 ror-i'li'-i. f-r anrtK-r! to Ki -sn are r-j :?'. j to at the ivntsbh aviation corps is already i , , . - f j . fr, t:ng referied toa ewrnuttee. ii'jm-r of fiver has fn r.'rea?ed .v . i , , ' tats mo't than 4 ? WW .a? u?.t vf !e c Vj l-off Tiim own ij f'-r 'he city j. , Afirain In Court -1 '.he ietteBt if HP J'iHtfl .' rr. ij.-r. J'i e ?si - f 4 .-r .. J f ll- pvttf.SM. -d if'at sHi'y w" teT p-t-rr.:t !.: e iwwt. rH(. .Jwro :a riMi th''l t;:f.i -.'.(! k f r ;('r i-.-f Iv.i lfi tt,,(,. It ms f imx w.h fa to lur a fJr tiial "rhy x.,' ii.-m ;M a n fh ! f . f "r he " " s t.i trial at ay lae. .if at! - i ... . - j ... .i l-.v a i-Tie .-'i (?! j -.e!o at a e-tj jr-j ar Mce th:i. t r i . . .... . 41 s t v ..... ... ... ;.. .a iviicvroan arsna;i cs fj i r ) eff ''.V fi"t. ;t ' . : ! r !) Yv 1 E ! y M.i -i vh a riaarge' 'li V elt. pro s' If ''I, o,tt Lf .j y 'nit i? i r say evefiir-y s eJort W" -f i:fpti!..JT ,, V.,.! Jr." Ire of "J . rfiw. hV v.5..t c 1 1 r i -rat) t ..h.-e 'y ' m i. 'J,.j force row s.?t.r - 'XT', vrp ia Vi. i t n..r i . ttrf(h tf fj- if! !T i -r. I '.i id rt :r.v "he I''! "5 I ! ' if a? r tj . ' f! I'auy. I aejttam - ' . f - injfjfr "f ti-t- jty '1 e . f hit ': t . f , y foa. l.'UV- ' But y d-r. th- if i "t-t . ! f (Mil iw!.i '- 4 r slh.i. i t ; i 1 K.r J !-J s t,r 1. fs.;fl Sir I it i f- a twy i ft . A;.-r .-Jj OI l. A !M ) A N 1'AT Ifi Hilt Jt N iiir HJ i. J , s (till r:"- in! ?in l.nrah K In r.'ir PreparidiH r-. 'f tain K. i..t umh. n-mmu im " ' mmiany tf niit. 4 'f r'M-,iri?ifn' U rn-t fl.at it shuM If t-i.-rtii li. ! girst for he ..v? h:.t r,..t believt- tin-re hiiy tl:a- ; h t'mtc.1 Slates irftiiiitr rii 1 'i in & hrawi .,in. Mi I-mI Sitys flint h N ! 'lial ;-:iari t.as hern opposinj t '' '.' r,,fiitnn,(nl army " filiin ail ''i? I wout't rm iirt a grent li -i-I ' tmro n ul( j,h.' h' nit3 ' i'ty riinltj rnt BlTonl t Utse two or ' m'ttuii out of their work every to ,lrjl," he .oilare.l. Lcliitves Ihe aeroplane is a grent "I'hine for sroutiiiK', but not murh fr real fighting. North ("aro hii may mwn have an aeroplane "tp, sayi the rxptnin. I .1 -.u-" i-i.) t..r v.'l f iit .'rt ."! ri 1 -o: 'n-rr,. Ux l !.. I n-. ( i. J- ' '' t- ,.'v b-, t J1' !' tltfl t i-'f J ' (" :. r'. m c?ri r nr -is ..f I i i' 3! ..?t Msnh in trunl. lhi'ic aie many r ifwr V.'-.ij.'t -h .'.! i J Tin.; (.. .nji'-itj ' r '! ii i.f fi .) i'j !",!i!i t'rjii" 'j of mi ii-i' ii a i.-lii! 'h.ft ' t ,! ; ji'!- "f the . t . fni'jtet the a'A lsij i-nme hi n i tt r... tim. wr' ih:t fully " l'iw- i.,.;i ronvi.'te-i f cwmiUsfijr. tt un airs '1 if it,'. 1 vJ,l Aid Show (Ji-of hit ?.! thixk ll'it a v.,!-.. j, is to -ic -i li.- hill.- f Kll Lf !.I.."K! 1 It IS !. U.f..l I'l-J'Sl f-1 I V ill! ll in it. a ri.tt-' fi i i' l fairs r-.ii'iMii.v r,,h ,i,ftt wc r" n,i",i' .f 1: S Pi. M.v.-r not the ofily wotna .mrJurer ).i. vmi! nijnufs.HiiH in !hf SI .le. JlM.lte.ls t raiM'')(. tnim BIe sluvny h...HK the iliaR- J)t i ,f uimc (T.aan 'i f !. ' day by .luy-Thy prepai-'"!? . ...,i;.-. .i ...K-a f,.r i;iT sun an wii The rnay.ir an.l Mr. Sny.h r will'M the one Ma Hall Wsrren. will. m...t the ifirla at the Cape Vv'Ar nil probability, mwt. Th people of t. l thin moi iiinif to d'vie s.ime plan g(jjte thcn ra ghoocj when a -i,y ahich ihry may be gotten out of " g murJer their dilTiculty. m A Hl'ivi'P "if. I t III .ml J t ..tjr'c.j i Ins n-."iniin' t iii.lii t.t ul-i-ve c.ime of the m:I m.'m- , c (T.an 'iMf bj- ,f tl.o Sm 1 im-iy i ,-m- . -.nr. -h.i are here an.l mithoiit f:..n-l ,n'm . -e hi l.ke t, tf:. lit f -ht to i r.K w, ;-.t ' re hat he J J -! f his S't(u a-' f . - . i.t-r if '.. .! ' Ks ia d'-Mth: r That .. 1 . -Lr.i; ;Vr 1 jrirs- ; i n..t - U kif!-? th: I VKre bluj'r-: J,- Sdliis. Lie Hh.K'ii'.r.t san.l" J the putlit if the 'f(j Are cp ( I i the etvut! n it5 women, then the State ought to take t i:pon tM if to remove the pitfail into vhi ll Tnj n gi:-l ln fiillefi. f m of thj.n i'o not or-mit mur.i it is only i frw that io. but the State van n t t f r.-.nij if it mnkes the path ckar fur ihe future. By )ern.iUtiiff ihe ei.-n-- of a trregaU'l districts, the people of thi- Stato are enly courting execution oi" the women who err from the beaten path, but do the people really care? ' ini. i i-.i StV! t ... f ft !iV i"..cs M .. ' ! J Lit'.". .-.;f - . -1 tin Sit t'l'! Ibl Th !. j . .i ; i ;,i ; . ihe erili:if i.f ihn - i.f . e'.i-i..:. I . t Jt NK hll.l J I) AMI TWO lit Iff IN A WHUh i h !.!!!;(.: , !'! .ii'-ntan hi a TI.- I I.,. t r.-.i ifis ii-! t :r!c- liciifh, N. V , Feb. 15 in.) I imi;... Vre of (,, f th- ...,! .in, i lY j. , t w f-1 l.".:r li. r- (..!., f ,r th,. ly l his week. 111!!-, r.t.,-t'tl r . . . ii r.. Tim i. .. :.. . , ' .. Mr . ... T .... I,..,, l.Mf' -l t, if I... i . "I ').!- .-Uti i M.n -!i ii h m ' fell ., -h.'l, v i'i r.ii--i. , li. ? . lit . r if i, 1 !- . i e- j J;- Xhe ' b r-i t f;-. ha,i u. .k. h.t ih;,; he h.1 ,,,1 .''-f:' 'l ' it.M v.- i , lK .tk ftno -r,k. .1 i !.... . 'J . .'-1 iilcl .'I J.i ' . I 4 . Voil. James -'iie.s iii.i.i .1 - v. .... t''r n! ih, w !, -om t.t'.e ,lK.t t,A i .c.ii-v "i-.'it M.ii! DISH. i. i i f i.'H tirl 1.11 ,! fieU Il..il...-iy. fn.n.un. ... .' ' ' " 1 ,J ,"- P' s- " "'-'i' l rii-h..J t.. de.th an.l rr.jr.'r,...r V pf'tr:,'i f the . .in f 'h- .it.,- Btul Fin-man St-kutil '.vere badly ' tr' r ,r,' ' Tl1' ,na''r ?t.t. liht b't' "il l.-.i TL- :,m,;e. irfn mu, a f o. ht ri"p !l K' f"i' h- "r- "m .-ir. ruo'iih rv!.- f .,. t.,-. tiam Hhi.h uaa kukin nt.i the i ma" il,Uf- Inu-e nU-cl car were ! ' thrown from the rails, but the pas-? aengcrs escaped with a shaking up. I .4.t'USltJ(if Ifr. (Continued on page 4.)

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