1 ' - .,.'':.''.. . "' - , , AT Vf A - !' I' HUH '.r PRICE, $1.00 PER YEAS? VOL, 7. No. 12 FA VETTE V 1 LI E, N. C. WEDNESDAY, RLRCH 1 .191b'. HEAR IE m German Lines I'orm Complete Semi-circle Around Bel " eavgered City. . '' .. FIVE MILES FROM THE CITY 120,000 Men Estimated to lie Dead and 20,000 Lying on the Battle6eld large duns at , Verdun Iking Taken to the Rear, Berlin Correspondents Are Reporthijf. (By Intl Ntws fkivfce.) Lor.doo, Fvb. 29 The Crr jnana tudy reported the rap , lure -f .five towns southeast of . Ywdmu. C5w. Adoubourt, S?v lilawjc-MnhBrffe. n4 Champ . ton, are the to ns. The advance fw oter s front twelve mil Iwst and i a jtin , of front one to four il throe days. It bring tti rrfrwin tine within fle mil of Verdun it "lf. I FIVE tOWHS mm This ci-mpV'? the line around the U'.emciu-ed.city almost into a perfect tmfcircle. lloldieg their gains on the slope . of the hilU-in the face of the fire t fntn the French .bulterie, the Cer Vjumi May hwd their mettle by .dri t'jbciglbt ,t the east of ""'.Orn". Highway. - The fiv otitftr fort whkh pmU ."Verdun o the t ,r now within range of the German Ug puns. According t the Frvm-h statement tonight the violent en!aught-r he f re Fort Dum have broken RrporU .f the fittr.g laid night !roujft mw j' enrmrter HwJ to hand f.gh'. re! in the repuls fif the Orinan fflT-rts to break the Frei-rh in. In Champavn the advance agaimst Sj'ppcs I as w'."Vi(t'i1 tf'- tiittrh ttrdr Rr.n h d f rwlt.es J-retvH tt.t'r s 'f h !-. jf frt If 'h ti' ih . ffcr in the Uwl ff.rrt 't-t,ia ri f"4i ' )'V,ft P f 'hit "ftO'-n are H.rj; r ' ' . ' v. ,h ipc '.f Mm f.T.,i:t at W-c 'mar " 1 use. t .s. ! it rWKTTMIN E THEIN BE ritr-ntn) fok i uti kk Mreet Force is Trrnmnnsr and t ijtnnjf Tree- In the ( i "";it 'I I inu , i 1 f . r I i ! f.. tli .1 lb i i i , , ' r . . i ' i " 1 t!V.J- t I (!.. Af , t !' i . ! li - if, -4 Mint UlrV 1 t It! . I , . i ' r ) ,t t 1 ii ' I ! 1 u .1 ti . if I ! . ..! i r--.!!.l v .tn: 1 t.i ( h-uidn-r .if i .ntm-.oce, it iisre i js a ii'ivi l,i malic 1 : i Ui lib d ill S hi n (if 1 I III I 1 l"iti tbn it will work nv i njiiiii-lion with ih r il y jjuverumeiit. and re )uet that i.wm r of pr-pcrty in the residential !tHti)n of the city, wher thcitfare no trees plant some. Where there are trees, the owners will be ursr.-d to ee that they are trimmed and attended to. THE Tl'RKS W.EJJE I f frnfi fi U f fl I'll I m . v Mw.jifjiii,l 15 KILLED CorrcsponcSt-nl Say 16'Rodit-s of! Armenians II unit L'pon . - tUe Rridge. way W Stuciho'lm from C-?tuuti-FMjj-lt ylve a very jMsssirnislic. f'.s scription of the sitvatjon in Turkey. Th fi'J!tin whether he did not think ' that the heir presumptive,, Prince Yussuf ).2dlin, was murder ed by the .tool of Enver Pasha, jnade him smile. Everyboiiy in Constanti nople, he eaj.d(..Kr!ew that and hd ex-f ptjtte.1 it to happen far several months no one perhaps more than the mur dered prime himself. The latter ha1 p!acd bis last will and politic taa-lament- in 'the hatidg f nin f riwids, laving in various parts of the coun ty. ' ' ""The Turkish population,' he .said, In.. . wwifideiice whatever in the Cmaii biUrt,m of victory and .never I m Mexico. The official dispatches had. not even h-n thty wre true. tateil thst tlvs killing occurred Sun They have aU-y felt that the par-! day. . !!. .,.:. hW Iipatche(i from the interior of world war was nothinir TOore than a piribk, and a the war i bein? pro lonre4 .their fwr of the wutcome are growing fas-t. j nHe' .Bwnimw .visit of ' British j Washington.. Feb. 29. Federal In . - v. l.-i.. ren. enactors Reed and . DeckHss. who tinopte created a vertiahle panje. These Fnfrlisihmen,1 the Turks aid, moat be in liajrue with Fhtrtan T:m e!f, ainc they miRreed in gettinj? throi-'Kh, no matter how many rows uf miw are p!.ad outside the en trance to. the port, and thn they al ways kfww where the hip are woor- d whii-h they want to destroy. Not ifl-e have thry made the tnistafct! of attarkiri? a neutral nhip."' "What fi very r!epre.is!nz is the conatant fru-lton J.twe-.n the Tork-J h p.'S"j',-'' and tht frmn ; .r. vv,, 1 in. rorv I !eft thtr was not Mr-le TirV-h fd Iit lr!l in the c'y a:ui ne-r di en vpt ir-ir pa without ! Trji'-h "ti?tr in n,miw battles be a'li! derm ir Jireet.5 of oid il t' ! J -V r who had rwetvea ?.fie;r m. B.rl f-r e -rvr?v -f c cct wv T ' f h- u'u r ! i r ir.tr e 'ri.tvh t; e' f. r f jata." );! veil- hi r ar.v ?, r ir r-T.-a f f ' Ir f i. r. 1 h I' r 1 1 f tj ev "On .! 1 f Armenuirm : re rf the great hi I A t,n Aimeiuans dun. r" t n "At ,,, t. vr. -it n ir- e " tie .rr.iin- II VJ i - 1 UM1- )( I- i I I M ) III IN J M ! l , J , i .1 v v - 1 ! ,i r i ' V n . , ( . i, i-t p I'i ' i 'i ' 1 ;(. m lii-Hii'ii t'lnpiti'. Si! ! "i. i . i ii i" ll f I it V ! tji.rl i'(l.i)(Ml,IIO''t white jw in cumVi it. After the Hoer War ti: were Sr.rt.lHW cmigranta from Hritich Isles, of whom 123,000 w ll! cnt ur- to the Fnited States. Such an renro t the en.l of this war will prevented, it is hoped. le BAHDITS Stale Di-partiaent Was Yesiter- day Ac! used of the Death ofGrtnerIJarr.es. HE WAS KILLED SUNDAY Labor ' rprif-in'gs Are Reported From the Interior of Mexico Federal Inspectors Who Put 0- K. on the Eastland Reinstated With Full Pay For Time of Suspension. (By Intersatiunal Kews Senice) Wfashingt Jti, Feb. 23. The Senate Depurtmeitt, was advised tonight of the murder of an American tilisen, Giovw C. BjrnM, by ViUatta han- 1 tweaty-mile .north of Jra-anw Mexico reported that extensive la bor uprising ar eminent in Mexi- 'eo City. placed the O. K. on the Eastland to- diiy were given a clean bill of the htaltb by Secretary Redfield. They were restored to their former ranks .with full pay for the time they have been -under,, suspension. ' -.CONTEST WINNERS.: The following were winners in the Observer eontest which endtvl Mon day night but the votes werecount- ihl last n:2it. t r . . v l r. . t sol-'Ford Touring car; Mif-s.Mary Ixu l'var.i. f? Krx. tne Koai1?Hr: 3irp. . r l'b r. VA, p. I: ,ute 2. Piano: Miss Mildred f ... . . ...-' . . . ... 'A",':1. .... TV .. 't t -L. ....' lVf'M, v if.roia; i;iis hiik fti't.y, os i l"-tadwy, diamoM) ring; Mrs D. M. I- airly, of Manchester, second dia- . i.i rirg: Mrs. b. J. McL.aunn, ray-f I "f M 'f i hft. Route 1, hitchin range; . . i ' ' ,i .1 )ft,S v f HVCJli t l,'V Jicrti") LaviHer. i tbiiiy t, n di thaie in tii mr ltd e n n.i'-nvi ufTtred, I-. unier.TOd. r A ttt f t o i a re: I: Me. 1 4 ( . 1 I' is in i tit IT I" r . If O i ti ' m i.iu of K i uj ai 'i i ! " i i'i .t-l ' ' ' fl 'j'. t li --ui w l ! ii m-'iy of a I d'n"1! do) -rs t il.i ii i i i I'M.MSII PPFKS A K l. Ki:i)i t JNt; ruEiit si7i-; i n I . 1 v j I nut N 1 1 Hi Mi ft.-. 0 si'isi'jy a Z't h ' j " S . i s ? jM. 1 r M 1 .f B Y VILLA Brin Your Books With You I). M. STKINCFIELl) t . " ' C. W. SANDFvOCK , Committee f-vr Dcposikirs ATTITUDE OF CONGRESS ON HIS FOREIGN POLICY NOW FRENCH L1HER LA PRQViriCEJS SOUK Struck By Torpedo In the Medi terranean and !oes Down. WAS THE LARGEST LINER Had Been Converted Into a Crui serLoss of Life May Run : High In the Thousand Mark i Survivors Landed at Malta and on the Island of Milo, it Is Stated. (By International News Service.) Paris, Feb. 29. The reat Frca-;h Liner La Province, which was srn-vert-.d into a cruiser, was sunk by a submarine & the Mediterranean on 5?itnr?nw; Of those on board S70 ware rescued. No details as t the loss .of life have been receiveo. ine toss is estimated from five hundred to a thousand. The vessel, which was the .largest rd fastest French l.r.er engaged in traffic before ft became a cruiser was capable of makinjr 2 1-2 knots an hour and had a displacement of 13, 000 tons. Of the survivors 256 were taken to MaJfca and the balance num- Tering 574 were landed in' the island .t mjr:!-. I L HERE'S A 'C HAP THAT HAD some tow;h UXK (Ry Irrtenmtional News Service. Ixndon, Ffcb. 2?. "Ifard Luck" . ' .. t irom ioi:o'.K Canada last year, he slippwi while 1 -going; up the fanit way aTid broke his arm. The member "had Knitted when h reii'.-A. the French pr;rt ami go irsr ashore, he fell from the dock in to the water. vraV fi-hud oat barely i xi time to save h life- In lc- t' v b v m h r f r1 i , r r . f J t 1 XI t !' wiU ret is atih'. t I ! v -1 h a he -l Mil KU.1.1 MM lh lb!') Il It" 1: c-1 s - a.x.4 I i 11' t t i.. i 1 i 1 1 1" ' .J . i jL X .1 Letter to Fou Startles Qfficial Washington and Democratic Leaders Throw Up Their Hands In Dismay at the President's Change In Atti tudeMay Be One of Two Reasons Pou Confers With President Today May Be Sly Move. "JEAN CRONES" HAS LEFT THIS PLACE He Turns Up In Wihwngton This Time Believed a Big Joke. "Jean Crones? the Chicago soup poisoner, who might have been in Fayetteville a few days ago, has de parted from this section. He is sup posed to have turned up in Wilming ton sometime Monday night, for Jie chief of police there, according to the 'Wilmington Star of yesterday, re cived a letter Monday with practi cally the same wording as the ones which Chief Kelly received here. Crones expressed a desire to give the Wilmington force just what a lot of folks are trying to keep away from namely, a substance about seven times seventy-seven hotter than fire. It is now generally believed both here and in Wilmington that some practical joker is having the time of hia life with the police forces in this State. It is hardly conceivable, it is said, tat Crones could get around Jike heMias een doing, if it is really "he that has been sending out all these letters. Still another suggestion is that some fneid of the Soup poi.sor.er is beinvr sent over the country to send out these letters in order to turn the officers from the track of Crones. STUDENTS REBUKE THE mmp AfnTVr: .flFFICIAI5 (By International Netvs Service.) . Tokio, Feb. 25. An incident which I iV! r,rm l-j nnralWwt itl anV ieiClS- ;-e in tne 1 ' 1 I 'i. h'j i .1-1 J'r m ' ri w ' 'i r- nul'i r i1! t - f I r(k 'o" n i r "1 i I'1 l"h, v.. i i .( H . - ".,r :,? flf T-Vlt't:."- I b I t ( 1 f tU r t sx.--t. as t tiwii trirf mirt k tvrtv .s pi! they I .,,11 -,.. ,K r r,. r,-n.wmh f.t rurnnwj.y and Ml th.;m to ininj their own." basinet, then, when they "dli face their young censors, they made . ? "rry fofis cf -tht-mselves," , f (By International News Service.) Weshington,' Feb. 29. Presidt-nt Wilson unexpectedly demanded tf Congress today a vote of conHdenc on his stand against Germany's ut marine policy. Oflicial Washinguw was startled when the White made public a htter from the Pisi dent to Edward W. Pou, of .tl Carolina, asking for aa "early o" on proposals to warn American UO belligerent marchantmen. I)miocratic leaders of the ilouV who have fought for a we k t vent a vote on the warning resolu tion, threw up their hands in d;Hinay- ' They had no warning of -'hiu-.g in the President's uttitud and serf not "consulted. The President in his et.r to Mr, Pou said in part: "Inasmuch as I learn that Mr lleo ry, the chairman of the Rules Cor' mittee is absent in Texas, 1 t -. tis. liberty of calling your attention to matter of grave cancern to thi try which can, I believ, be har.H: under the rules of the House only bf that committee. "The report that there are divide counsels in Congress in regard to tl foreign policy is be'mg made indus.fr- otis use of in foreign capitals. I I lic-ve that that report i. false, but e -. long as it is anyvvhee credittsi it : c;tn not fail to no tr.e greatest earcr. and -evnose the countrv to a serko rift. I therefore feci justified in !hv'tla your committee will pencnt me to urge an early vote on the reeo- lut.on with the regard to travel 09 armed merchantmen . which has r Gently been so mt'is-h talked alt altout 'tu 1 order that there may t imrr.'vuiti opportunity for 1 'actioii and tiwt public diss ussi'.u ai aU dcu'-it-: uvi-av an and bb our fcr- tViirr- w , f ' T I r mJ ru "it m T5 i i V 1 ii t.. i 1. . 1 i I i it ' ' r r t-1 v ,th n l!"f s' - nty Leader KiUhin d-!amf - (Continued on Page Three.)