1 " fiv; n J 1 lvr? VOL. 7, NO. 37. PAYETTEVTLLE, N- tO, WEDNESDAY 1IQSNING, SEPTEMBER ,20, 1916. price, $iso rsa, yt.ai 1 AJiS 6 GICZllDHF f ili cf um - - : . M33D 1 C2CES .KiSS CI, uj Li....,J i.J I ..,J ftif u.i Jo , ill J ,.: 1 . ; ' 7jit; fi UI IJIi..Ij L.J Stones, Bricks and Bottles Hurl Into Cars, Shattering All the Windows. -. PASSENGERS ARE INJURED Strike on New York and Queens -Growing to Considerable Pro portionH, and Cars Are With drawn front Night Service. . By lirteraatiana) New ServioeJ New York, Fept. 19. The threat ened general strike in sympathy with the street railway men probably will be called for Tuesduy, September 5? The United Labor Conference f the Federal Udif of greater New York wil! aet in special session at two fl'clori Friday aiuemoon le BVt the time fiir the general walk-out. Subway and elevated service was practically norma! today. There wa improvements in the surface ear ac tuation. Attempts to run cans after slark, however, met with rioting and disorder. A number -of ears wrecked by bom bardmeTvu f atone. bricks, and bot tle, and aevera! passenger were e merely injured. Few ear that remained out of their barns after nightfall escaped attack and in every case the window were shattered. The strike the New Ywk and Queens Ov.,my Electric Rail ay irrew to eervidrabl, prt.pv.rtnr. Fearing hAen all car were withdrawn from .night aervice. Start Riley Fund By Indiana Film By JntrittUooI New. J5rk,) , ItMtianapoIi. lad., .Sept. J.f. Ttw first Mf r a j&eawrial to Jam Wiuitomb Riley, the beloved' Hoosier pot, who died recently, raised today. It was the proceed frvn the jtaoviiv picture "IndfME," depkiinjr th hiafxtry the ttat a it 'aundreth jivrary!' . Whi -from the ns-n-,i..r,aS to Riley .will take has 'not fceJ decided. . "Self-Help Bureau For the High School (By U-raativaai New Srr1c-) KvansvUW, Ind. S-ept. tt.The Jof a! tai her' fejertiw fcas inaugu rated a aeif-htlp bureau in the cbMJ,, for the pjrp id supplying after mhfA and Saturday employment to ppiit who otberwtue would have to i,Mn fro high srfwol. Business met and manuai-turers will be asked t work they can supply. Oruggists Discuss Increase in Prices (By liiiMiMml Vmwt Indianapolis, Ind, Sept. 19 Two t thousand druggists from every state in the union are in attendance at the National Association of Retail Druggists here today. The convention will continue until September 22. The talk of the' druggist is chiefly of the enormous increase in the price of many druggists : since 0h Euro pean war broke oat. According to Early Eetnrns JFrom the New York State 1 Wide Primary. McCOMBS DEFEAT CONWAY For Democratic Senatorial No mination. Indications Are That Whitman Wins in the Light Progressive Vote. CBy International News SerriceJ New York, S-pt 19. Early returns from the elate -wide primaries indi cated the following: -'iGwrernor. Whitman wins .the JBa- publkan nomination over William M. Bennett by ten to one. William M. Colder, of Bronklyn, ap pears to hare won the Republican Senatorial nomination over Hubert Bacon, former. American .Ambassador to France by a close rote. William JF. McCoornbs, .former Democratic National Chairman, has won the Democratic Senatorial nomi nation over Thomas S. Conway. The Whitman-Seabury contest for the Progressive vote resulted in a very close race with indications that Whit man Jias won by a narrow maryia. The vote was exceedingly light. ta ras;',,,, i:i o iw Verdun Keports Foreshadow New Important Battles i That Theatre of War. JCBy lateraattanal News fUwriee.) Ix.ndt, -Sept, lt.Twrent f rain pouring 4wn upon the -...!.!. ,.t r,MrUtrn Fran- and Fla&d- . ' ,- e - ers have come to the re!;f of a mil - , . , -i; boa utterly exhausted aoldiers, paV- '', . , K.t-L ', Since the a.pta.re of DeneWt by the FrawA lata'yeatwday aad. the ajultaneoua BriUA jwogre -toward j Combles aiid Bourne the bad weath- j er made it impossible for the - Allies to continue the "big push." No cUms on a !ar raI f-Hjjrht but durirp the. rht th nirht the French puhhed teir line a lis tie further east f Surrey while . " S successful raid cn (jcmni) irenrnes. , The rt port trfw Verdun foresAad-J The Ber- vw i.evr uijpoHant battles lis war office admits3, ibis afttrnoo... J he French lat ni?ht penetrated fr - ne r rr . J man trench, on Je southero 'Js Morte Hvmme on the left H' r j the Meuse, in the firs attack launch ed in that region Ut months. Jo German counter attacks are described as "complete failyres" by the I'ari official report. Revenue Men to Hold Annual Convention Richmond, Sept. 19. Internal reve nue men from all sections of the country will assemble in 'Richmond this week for the seventh annual con vention of the rational association, which will bold its sessions on next Friday and Saturday, On Account of Villa's Activities the Joint Commission lieaches a StandstilL JIEXICAN ENVOYS REMAIN Firm in Their Contention That Carranza Troops Can Handle Villa, Dot are Disturbed By Bandits Activities. (By JjrteraatMnal News Serviced New London, Conn, Sept. 19. Villa's activities checked further con sideration of the Mexican border question by the joint commission to day. The American delegates want more facts concerrrinfr the bandits at tack on Chiuhuahua and his boast that thousands of Carranzistas are plottinr to join his standard. Although the Mexican envoys still insist that Carranza troops are able to handle Villa and should therefore re place 'General Pershinjr's army in Mexico, they apeared risibly disturb-', ed by the bandits activities, Tbey would sot deny the report that Villa forces were able to penetrate into the center of Chihuahua because of a formidable mutiny jo General Tre- vino'a amy. This afternoon, instead of the regu lar session, the commission went aboard a Fulnxnfrine and took an un derwater ride. It is expected that the convention wiH adjourn on Satur- day to Atlantic City or Lakewood. Rer. RoyaQ Conductingr Meeting at Rose Ilill J Rev. W- P.. RoyaU will conduct a 'laarka rf revival meetings at Rose Hill, beginning today, and. laatiar I throughout .the week, j .'Mr. ' Ryall aaa ;recntly fiaished a i .r r i5J.. ...... wjch wre very sucetsful ar.d the 'petile of JRe Hill and surrounding 1. , . i community (are fortunate in saving v- . , , . 1 secured the aemee xa.hm. Rev. Mr- iRoyall will retura o this eity aad. fiH .isis regular appointment j l . Suday. Eighty-Five Counties j Represented at W F. CJcrmaB . BUigar - Turk Army Wake Forest, N. C, .Sept. 19. Eiehtv-five out of the 1W North - - - oJ t'c r represent in the jcnrilment at Wake forest Coiiege . , t ....... ..a. . um Th firIt. lOT V ' ' . ment has increased steadily s.ace the . '., . ; c,. opening j Work on New Conover Plant to Start Soon I Newton, N. C, Sept. 19 Work on the new Yount factory to be located ! at Conover by John Y. Yount of this-.,., place, is to commence at the earliest possible (time. Lumber contracts are being filled and arrangement made for the brick construction. The build ing is to be 80x355 feet, one-story, aad will house 8,160 spindles, making No. 40's yam. The machinery will come from Wslterboro, S. C., where a mill was purchased outright. neads of Department of Justice Offices to Meet This Morn ing to Plan Campaign. 3. ORDERED BE RELEASED For the Lack of Evidence. Gov ernment Officers Hope to Break Up the National Black jnailing .vndicate." By IaurnaUanal New Service) V Chicago, Sept. IS. Directing fren- A uisea v( the Federal investigation and prosecution will assemble at Wash ington tomorrow morning for a two days conference to map out a cam paign against the national black mailing syndicate whose exposure was nrecinited br the Tvson Hotel raid of Saturday night. . , , .11 Heads of the department of justice I 1! oflkw at New York, Philadelphia, Washington and Chicago have been summoned and the planning will be under the personal supervision of At torney General Gregory. With the Chicago arrests as a nu- irUmm 4km jtmatmuent officers hope to devise a campaign of extermination i that will result in prison terms not only for the ring leaders of the con-'' ...'.. : spiracy to kidnap Mrs. Regina Klip- per, of Philadelphia, but fur nearly -thirty .other alleged acts of blackmail is various partS'of the country. Announcement of the conference was made late today after the govern- inert .had bpen forced in a hearing be-1 fore '.illaHsd State" Commissioner; Foot to diamiBs prosecution agiinst three f the seven under ar- Lloyd Tilley, present clerk wf the Su rest in Chicago. .The dismissal was perior court, and Mr. W. H. .Yo-une.-' caused, it was explained, by a lack of received the greatest number f votes, eviceiKe. . there being a difference of only seven The,hree wh'.capt'd are Mrs. Ed- teen. Today's rsulw wi as was fora ward .Donahue, Mrs. Francis Chap- easted by leading jpolttUMans, necessi-' mar., alias Mrs. Francis ABett,' George tate a aecond primary. Bland, alias George Pearl. CEILIII SUCCESSES HI TTlr 'Flflnnif fl ll I II I Mr lltllirillil III fl I IIS- bUUIIUUWI I Pressing Toward Their Ob- jective, Danube Bridge. By International New Service.) London, Sept. 19. Field Marshal Von Mat'Ven son's right wing in Rou-' morning from a. downtown hot'i, fol mania eonsisting of German, Bulgar- towing an atu?oipt at suicide, which ians and Turks has penetrated at sev- according to attending physicians he era! points the line through which the "attributed to her inability to find a Russian-Roumanian army was forced means of livelihood, back after its headlong dash through i According to attaches of the hotel the Pobrudja. . jsfce registered from Ashevilie. The Sofia war Oflke announced tli- ;cmptMre wf three villages a few miles of the Rasova-Constanz line tXptete4 to defend to the last. The forces now are only seven miles south of Rasova. their immediate ob- Jective in their drive to the fortified Panube bridge heads. The Roumanian sea port Mangalia wasi taken by the Bulgars on Septem- ber 15 Sofia announced today. On the Danube's front no action of import- ance is reported. Militarj Authorities Believe Eulgars Will Make Decisive Stand at Monastir, as They Have JEIs tablished Formidable Pefense .Iines-Fierce Battle Raging-Between the Italian and Bulgar ian Troops, Between Lake JDoiran and Strcxna. AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. MOVE N. Y. PLANTS TO DURHAM AND RICHMOND (International News Service,) New York, Sept. IS. Rather than submit ta the demands of its 7,000 cigarette makers who want recognition of their onion the American Tobacco Company has decided to move ila rt to Richmond, Va, and Durham, N. C The work f nMvrg the machinery is being pushed for ward. 1'he labor supply in Richmiid W Uurham, toe comnany n ak dodate, .k .mcm ha,rV fluate to Jiandle its garette . . . . . .. business now handled in the j New York faetories. liliO iJ CLwvi IImmmmijI n n l n Primary in Durham Resulted in Difference of 17 Between Young and Tilley. Special to THE NEWS.) Durham, St'pt. 19. in ..the feio- ratic primary held here today Mr. E. The second primary will be held sfay, September ?. Thoti -run- jidng in epoosition to Mr. TiKey, were ' Messrs. J. Martin U.mstad, Willis F. Sneed .Mid Mr. Young. j j Leader for each candidate have marshaling' their votes and Were : ry 'siv toueaout the day. Much interest was centered at the polls iur- ing the estire day. ; ' Young Woman Tries . . , . . . huiade in Charlotte CharUAte, X. Sept. W A young wonan giving her name .as Haasei '; Steele, aged 3Q ws rushed to' the. Presbyterian Hospital here Sunday 'Feud Leader Killed By Gov't Mashal Lexington, Ky., Sept: 19.- Word ieached - here today from P;rr iojr ty that Moe Feltner,' knov as one of the leaders in the Hargi; Cotkrell feud in Breathitt county in li?fi, bad ln shot and kMed by Units! S'.iUs Marshal Sixsmors while resistiu ar- rest. By International News Serrke.) London, Sept. 19, The retreat of the .Bulgarian right wing in Mace donia toward Monastir continues, the Serbian, French and Russian forces composing the allied left, pushinr hard on the Bulgars heels. t Unofficial dispatches from Aihns stating that the Bulgarians are eva cuating Monastir with a th-w t,. re tiring iiarty-seven miles to the .nrth ' are -discredited here as the Bulbars are known to have -established for midable defense, lines around Monas tir where they are expected t maka !a decisive stand to avert a wHh'lrr:r-s' af the Bulger-Teuton center and K-f t Another .great -Serbian .success west of Lake Ostrova is reported from Sa loniH. The Serbs are' said to have captured by storm the highest summit of the Eaimakalam mountain range. Bulgarian counter attacks were re pulsed the dispatch said. This is disputed by the official re ports issued in Sofia which says that attacks against the range were re pulsed ' "Meanwhile a violent battle is raging ': between Bulgars and Italian troops at the foot .of Mt. Beles between Lak Dorran and the- Struma flliSEII S1IIG Puts l Wall of Steel for Fifty Miles in the Southern Dobrudja. J By Interaationai Nes Service.) .'Lorain, Sept. 19. Field Marshal Von Mackensen has put up a waU .f steel and. iron . across the southern Dubnidja from the Danube -town Ra- K.va to the Uttie 'Black Sea port of Puz'a, a streu of about forty miies. jTbe wall consists of his 'right wing J operating against Rouma'nia. roaif- I4 by crmaif- B,j! aad T i aided by an array .f the - Krupp" rnijrhdt -fcy wrrx i- To establish this barrier to a Rus i . . . j.iB Roumanian juavjucon of Buigar? j the combined armies of the Ci&t and King f eMiaand had to be driven out ?of the whole of the southern J)obrudja along a fnnt of fifty aiies to a dtpih of the same exu-bt. The important railway line running from Czernawoda' on the Panube, to Roumanian's chitf p.rt CvnunMi is said to be the immediate "objective cf Mackenst.ns drive in the Pobrudja. The Berlin war oiT.ce this after noon stated that the Allied force in eastern Roumacia have received Tt uvfi.rcements. Tlie Panube city Raova is still in the hands of the Russian -Roumanian forces. Engagement already hav been fought at this point. WEATHER. Fair weather ami rising tempera ture Wednesday and Thursday. Mod erate to fresh northeast -winds. 1

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