VOL. 7, NO. 39- FAYETTE VILLE, N. C WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 4, 1916, PRICE, $1.00 PE2 TEAS ;iE3 CFIEIS- ::::et eef :teo IMSMEE3- l...L L.I LL..uj . .. State's Attorney .Coyne Delivers lite Promised Elow at Po liticians Craft. SPORTSIAJTS CLUB INDEX To the Membership Seized By lUiding CSceOw C-haxe $140,000 Collected By False Representatives. By International J"wa SetwisO Chieam. October The threaten-; i blow of Stat. AnmDry Hoyne at spitr attack the Russian ar- grnft and protection by th present WtJ BbJe u mainUin thcir cvunty administration wa .truck to- rm, in n )Ut me SK.W ha day through a raid m ,the Sport- ptui riau.'jy additional pris enan's Club of America which is pow- ners eered by Mayor Thump, and Mnej heaviest hting occurred f hi .close personal and political L,ullleast LR,herg the height friends. j that up Jrmi the rht bank tf States Attorney fioyne tonitfit Lipa rivw Turkish trtHw here made the following ,charg against fir,tin(r Sde Ab the Sportman" Club: , jsvians and the Oman and it was That the club m organised ft the j,, tbes(( f orce the Russians purpose of fostering and promoting t registered a gain, games d craft in the interest f thej Austrian war office report the crty administration, repulse of Russian attack northeast That between 1 00.000 ar,d $140,fW 0f inherjt. The Aurtriane haTe Ued ir tneroUrnhip Vy the ;ancnw countex attack and the pT-ritatHn tht such a - member- s claims " that prcfys Si" beirr ahip ia the e?ub xiuld put the Mk-'wae. The F.riin ar ffre ofGriaHy ,-r&ir,r mraiiftr in gvvd cAXKtd that a puhSt';m tu reoaptur- v. ;th tie admlntaAra'.kw. It wan char- nim the Jggs and l.tfOO pris lhat r-ti .? ih.s ttuwy i "-!,er take south of the Broy ar,d -v-ft-' t ' a..' U...V iif the ei-b.; railroad. 1 i:u':i i.jsle alooB kepr v-i virtually f-rred Mit aulbipjr' J t si p '-y Tjit the sai'' k-epi'rt hrse Jkp- j rv. Uw vi5atitc. er induced to s-i. il(n-.'.H for life menrbjp. w j m4 t3bat womli mi in havutg j It wa further hajge4 't the ?lt niivhuw graft krtade.titaBy is rJ ,sv the cjsvU srrvioe cinimiSrf.n h',-.h was b'.ame tn the p-iice artmer.t captains really er.gi- . et-re4 by the Sjwrta&n's Clab . that tthief f .folK e3ey and other raember were Bterest4 in th in,tsJ Usxea ef gamMis:g 4evi-es ia oon Tb au-thoritie se4 in t r'3 i sioner resumir.g their deliberations th W an4 ywr4 Jt the dab tto4ay took up wysrattMof plrs fall jaoes. f Ue. membership. ,fw , -jyint patrol of the Mexican hor- .'. fder with the rii'ht of troops to pursue TO SlirVey System Of "' U M lraU- limited djsta-c of prob ' ' j CU I !bir twenty miles r the line. Kailroads in cnina &ui3s ,.,f the" ' - . I revealed but it was said on food X (By letfrnaUonal New Serriee? jthority that the plan contemplates 1 New' York. October' 2.A prH-j nual numiwr of cawtabulary troops r?..(;ary to beginning wjrk on the raU-Un each siJe. rials ia CTiica, the American Inter national Corporation bas loancl the Chinese government fM0j900.0Q for Oue cost of investigation and survey ing and initial expenses in connection wijh this great project. A year will probably elapse before the lines wilt be located nd the cost of construction definitely determined. New U.S. Japan Ship line Is Prediction (Bj latarMOaaal New SWrke.) Tokyo, October . A direct freight enrjee between Po iland, Ore., and Yokohama is a possibility of the near ing" in automobile that did not be fiitur, according ; ts Fral Douglas J long to them, that althirtk the Fisher, ; United States consul at judge had suspended their sentence Tientsin, China, who psseei through during good behavior he did not think Yokehama on Bis way back tc Tient-; their actions would be good examples sin from a furlough in America. for othef high school pupils. Capture ,2,000 Prisoners While the Annies of Leopold Strike Back Hard. ' SOUTHEAST OF LEMBEBG Scenes of the Heaviest Fighting on the Heights on the Right Banks f the Lipa Austri ass in Coonter Attack. Mftr lateroatianal Jimm Serviced London, October 2. The armies of Prince Leopold at striking hack fu riously at the Russians who haw re- eUTned dnv. on iw. j cJoi.l 1 uM JOC.o.i t )nif1f fll I . I f I I V (Onder Joint Patrol f porder With Rirfit lo Pursue limited Pistanre. (Br Inter aaUooal ewa Seitce.) Atlantic City. N. CK-Ur 2. I The' Amerkaa and Mexican- CiW.tais- Bar High School to Boy "Joy-Riders" Indianapolis, Ind.f October 2.Joy rid'ing by are not welcome the public schools here, although their parents are prominent persons. The board of commissioners has upheld the action of George Buck, principal of Shortridge High School, in denying admittance to the schoo to two pupils who appeared recently in police court. Mr. Buch told the boys who were convicted in police court of "joy-rid- f-rFxcrH-pro i V owl. ,4l Awla One Hundred Thousand Em ployes of Stock Yard Pack ers Civen Increase. BCSEN'ESS ON INCREASE And Good Business Conditions the Reason, Says a Big Packer for Granting a Voluntary Ad vance to Such Large Number. By IvkornatMoal Kewa Service) Chicajw. October i. 100,0(t0 em pioyes ol tfte stock yard packers v?ereienoo as v QeveJopmenTS jn ureec-e ffiven an increase in wages today of two and one half cents an hour. Every employe in the United States, no mat ter where located, will receive the in crease which will aggregate 'J15,000 day or a total of more than $T,00fl,- 000 a year. The increase went into effect today. The packing house teamsters of Chi cago although working wider n agreement will receive the adrance- The packing eompanies snaking the voluntary increase are Swift and Com pany, Armour and Company, Morris and Company and Wilson and Company. Xa W packara afinouDOod that fm" 4Kay .of other Greek iliais-s twen AmCTcsji and Mexican soldiers iheir employes were entitled to theories. The reason for the disapproval; at Nogales, Aris.na. Tht department advance lecause tf gved business con- indicated by the allies is generally 'has not received f-'-.f r.nTf.ctm of ditions. It is said to be the largest number of employes ever given a vol- antary increase in wages at -one time. t ..... v,. 1... 000 employes, throughout the country affected by the increase. Germans Build New j n l . . n II J ! lieigian nuuiruau (By Inter aatieaa! ew Setrire.J The Hagve, OrtiAi 2- News is wavd W that the Gertnws have t j).a:!t a new we3 ct".tr4ted direct !e ra.i;r'ad lire frB Lstire to Antwerp. fv(.ii!-r ihf Aetnar throasrh Brussels. This is taken as a siyn her that the 1 Cemans .r pect to hold Belgian per - maaetitly. REIIE11 OF GEflf, American Consuls Report Re newal of Ruthless German Submarine Warfare. (By International New Ser?ir ) Washington, Octolier 2. Reports from American consuls in Europe show' that there has been within the past two week a renewal of German submarine warfare on an unprece dented; scale. The report however show that the Germans have not attacked any ves sel having Americans aboard. A dis patch from Consul General Skinner at London reported seven new cases of submarine attack within five day of corrorborating the report of consular agents. Weather for North Carolina. Fair in west portion, rain in east portion Tuesday, with northeast to north gale on the coast Wednesday WE ilREAilE j probably fair. Mioiin: By Constantine and the Snbse- tasnt Plunge of Greece In to the Conflict. jCAEINET NOT RECOGNIZED And Had Been in Power Only Two Weeks Before Taking the Route Before Followed By Other Greek Ministries. London, October 5. Compiere si - .has ontinned since early tmicht whea dispatch reproting the fall -of ; bwder f i!ltwug several riots be the 'Greek cabinet was received by theitween Americans and ilexicans. Central News. This report although! unconfirmed at a late hour is gener - ally accepted in well informed circles, It is believed to be a prelude to action by the King jn joining the entente powers. The new cabinet was in -disfavor with the allies. Formal recognition of it had been withela. The entente represertatives at Athens had neglec ted to make the customary call. After a abort life of little more : 'than to weeks the new cabinet has 'conceited to 1 that the cabinet in-' j eluded in its membership several per- : Istios publically oppos?d to the-eninte j 1 rll: j ." ... 1 Indianapolis Frowns On JKilly Sunday! Jpn.anapwlis. Ind.. Ootoler Z. The chances vf "-Billy'' Sunday coming tai Indrapoiis are remote. 's the reu'.t ; of tVe actum of the Church Federa- i ion :n making a demand for sae evar-ellsm"" this wirtr. Jt is unfls-r- !ftuoJ that the federation wish to stop' iti i.tnfaitutn f Kvral ministers fori the rlgeraent of -Billy." The fed-i erat - .oa has not attempted to define save evangelism. IICUIIR TOSPEAK HI FOUR DM! ' leoMniry its interest wvuld sen-ed Will Speak im AsheviDe Friday,jt,rt,tr b? cH EfH-.tshv than' by President' Wilson.-' 'Prv-mfnen c-ra-.'ng October 13, Prior to a Tour j rJ:os? whtf w;u -nH ,B part t.f the in the East. ; j f Arrangements have been made for; Hon. N. A. Sinclair, to speak at the following places: Four Oaks, Satur day October 7, Jacksonville, Onslow county, Monday, October 9, and Ashe ville, Friday, October 13. Mr. Sinclair is spending this week at home attending to legal matters but will return to the stump as the above indicates the latter part of thh week. Mr. Sinclair i being met by large crowd wherever be is billed to speak and from the number of places Mr. Wsrren has mapped out for him to speak at the state chairman also hag 'great faith in Mr. Sinclair. A full list of engagements of Mr. Sinclair' will be published in this paper later. Report That Twenty -Six Ameri can Soldiers Are Held in Mexican Jail at .Nogales. RIOTS BETWEEN SOLDIERS Guardsmen are Said to Have Sought Vengeance for the Murder of Captain Wilson By Assaulting an Officer. (By International Kewa SerrtceJ E Taso, Tesis, October Re ports reaching- here tonight from ,3Jo- I tales, Arizona, statefl that twenty-six 'American soldiers and track drivers &re neia prisoner ai me Aiexican jau . at Nt'(,raie, Sunora. just across the The rioting was precipitated by the.merce, states that every mil brings 1 shootini- nf Captiiin Wilson, cf the; j Idaho National Guards. The guards-; men are said to have retaliated by as - saulting some ilexican ' official who, came across the line- . Mexican officials acknowledged .the shooting of an American officer but claimed that it was accidental, ' Washington, October 2. The State Department has received no oficial 'notification of the repru-d rints be- Americar.s beir-g held ir. 1' jaiL - . . TflAlfl STAHTS TOUO Campaian ; Women's Hughes Train. Pionw Enterprise of Sort Leaves N. V. CBy International Xew Service.) New York, October 2. The Wo- I men's Hughes Campaign Train, the i pioneer political enterprise if the sxrt f-on the part -f the fair sex in this J country aad probably in the world, ; left here xly c-n & raoith's. hlri iwind tcr of twentv-esfct 'states. It carried dozen of nota'li'e wimes speitbiiider, who esiect to sfe.-v.- the itj.'ierary are Mrs. Baymon-l. -Robins. wife cf the Proffressive lea.ier of Chicago; Miss Maude Minor, well . . ... .... Known in probation- w or gins Miss Mary E. Droier of the Women's , tane in choosing the location. I tmst Trade Lnion League; Miss Helen . , , . , ... . that you will give the claims of Fay- Todd and Miss Francis Keller. . - . , . 'ettevuie the serious consideration ' The states to be visited are Con- , , , , they deserve and hil appreciate any ' nectieut, Massochusetts, New York. .... . . ' , . .... .. effort you may m&tu in having thi ' Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, ... , , - , , , city selected as the site for the pro- Minnesota, North Dakota. Montana.' , ... , . " ... posed plant. Washington, Oregon, California, Ne-, ..... , . - ' . . , ( With kindest . personal regards, I vaaa, Arizona, i ian, iuhiio, yarning, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Indiana,, Kentucky, West .Virgins, Pennsyl-j i vania, Maryland, Delaware and New J Jersey. j A committee of ten women will hold ' up the special at Minnesota's bound ary and a it pulls in to St. Paul station there will be a big "demon- Stration. Then the local Hughes alliance will (Continued on Page Two.) this mi Qf Letter of Endorsement Arriv ing on Every MaiL Inter est in FayetUviUe. MEN OF ALL VOCATIONS Have Endorsed This City as the Site for the Eleven JMUIion Dollar Government Armor Plate and Projectile Plant. j Yesterday's mail brought a great number f endorsements lor this city s me sixe ,ior tne ovenTnent s 'eleven million dollar armor and pro- jectile plant Miss Be:' Marsh, secretary of ihe ChamUr .m- more ndorsements than -even the train before. Fromment .jnea over 1 the country are heartily .njur&ing this city and offering their aid in any way that the central committee -or the .'chamber may see fit to ha-e them aid. ' J Among yesterday's endorsers were jsome of the most influential citizens, business men and politicians of both. parties. A map, compiled by one of " the leading rsilroads -of this section, showing the exact lotstion .of this city, giving the distance from the c-.i,- fields n.ni cImi fn-m the leading fid tne .sy jnrd-. t-as sub 1 to -. n-sn-:-r aij it will be n former brief. 'trs, v-hioh are c-r.t men, e&eh of 'f.roi rrr-. ? : ; .them in & diflVrf-sit 'vocad-ofl, voice the r. every is a copy part of the i-TaJe; the frsi "tf the -tt r Mr. R J. K.jhi.'.ds. of Virti.r.-c!-ni. -rt Ss-isty Over man. 1 ' I v:r of .Mr. Ketnoid ml ' j l.Ioa. Lee S. Overauia. V. t1. Senate, rear The citizens of Fayetteville, N. C. are makiig an effort to have the Gov cmmer.t Armor Plot and -Projectile piaiu hx-ate-! in their city.' From a stJotsr:V -tsriJfMint, thsy. st'em t feve c iJcal Wittton, sit'uated as it. is lio tn-lfes irJa'nd, about midway be a tne navy yards and ship feuiid ing. ,j)iants- oil the. eastern coast, north and scith. an-1 Iwvir.g' splendid trana-portati'-jn facilities by :th -water and r il. "think it " i Ik- a great thing, jsot only i-j? Fayetrevijle, but iT the wht.i!e state if this piant could" be placed in that city, and' feel that fVt ffiivurHmtirr Ti-otil.-i mat. ni mil. am Y'ours very truly, Mr. Butler's Endorsement. R. J. REYNOLDS. -Mr. Bion H. Butler, of Southern' Pin". stnds th following personal letter to Mr. T. H. Sutton, presidenf of the Chamber of Commere, heartily endorsing Fayetteville and enumer- (Continued on Page Two..

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