01 Jl-WiE STACY . " I 'I .V IN it K-vih V . - . e ' ' aYwn .tad;. i!" .: uc.-'Lv t..a .ewiTiji t tlie t-'nr .nick iir a men-1 i i Pail. Thee ui.ji ..a! :vr of ,vk' 'V' i' A"iencn. 1't'T.i"e ) ; itim' i- ' . ' " , ' y e3 hy ii h. 1 i ''jiiji.t ( . ine (f Tie i. i" uusons liy oil n 1 r. 1 .J v V.. r nut of .A mem sua ue-, future eummfnui n.u Fit (enl 1 1 fon ... t the future e are . fne nre lit r i - 0 ' ' - "SB i vo vo fe iv V n n aysround ? a jAa.v wis ire po, without molesting !'. a' sem-e r , ' 1 1 " . ... J - tif n'hteen ami tliiiV'- fr military sen ice, nmi of it is one of the reo- ; cmt t1 f n : it.- t-'-Mir. V litr;' io the civilisation of ihc State. :any one. Kuvr many of us have seen itb tighter eml.A,iir im wWkeyj children playing in the streets while 4 the eliminatk-n of v-nlking arse-. automobiles dash by, missing' the IF .d -mmIs, a vast improvemeut can te made j them very often by only im the criminal record in North Caro-j inches. If some little tot" few should data The annual reco.-J of hon icidesi happen to be run over, what is the 4 appalling, and the tw fruitful opinion The child should not have oorces of it are whiskey and conceal- jbeen in the stret, it was unavoida k4 weapons. J udge Stacy sees it right ble, is the verdict Jet the City could star the New Bern Sun Journal thus avoid a large per cent of these acci- . oommends his initiative in the matter W eliminating the concealed weapon, "in his charge to the grand jury- dents, if they had a place where the children could play. "Why does the City hesitate on such an important -sterdv morning, Judge "W. P. 'matter. ZJiary, of Wilmington, ho is jvresid ' sag -ever the terra of Superior Court Kr in session in this city, rapped A-? c fuod and hard on the pistol tot- The public park movement should be continually agitated for the health as well .as the pleasures of our jeo- ple. J'hjsicians advise tnat pure and declared that' they were thej air s necessary to keep in good rei.t meti&vcs teat society as So--; health. This would be another good m- -.nys. lt is Immoral to have a high ty phoid death rate,, and it is this in morality and the immorality of hav ing other preventable disease which gives us only twenty sound men out of one hundred," says Dr. Hurty. TO THE PUBLIC sent ivug df, and hi this he is absolutely cor- f.'by man wants to tie small Mted ctnnon on his hip and walk sroumi the streets of Ne Bern or oilier town is something that we tiot understand. We cannot see 4& in this country of peace, men cvtU equip themselves with armament rttrj time that they stick their head mtt oi doors, yet it is a fact that there sM feuodreds of them right here in SSew Bern who are doing this very Tt there was aome law passed mak - ikf tie penalty for carrying a- con ea2d weapon so heavy that the fear el this would cause the cowards for nly cowards carry such to leave -P&t weapons at home when they OBt&re out, the number of homicides 4Ta14 be cot dowa 50 per cent. 'Vfe beliere that New Bera is just . ahattt as frea of th gua toter as any aftr U It aim is the State, and with Um mora uriU lika lodga Stacy, ' VU giva the man who carries waapea the limit of the lav t b H brooght beore him, we are -4t tt aptoioa that the habit will he v am'attoiMy cut dowa and that it win, " H fls eavrae of time, become aim oat a i Jeftart. V :' ProbaWy the fiuc-Jouraaf over i4mm the siUiaUoa as to New Bera, . hat sa doubt it is as bad there aa else ww are aad m better elsewhere thaa it J hera. Only a stnali proporUoa of Mr. P. 8. Harwell wha has htm m carry pistols aad at least three- with the Capitot Departmaat fltere fesanent for the city, and we hope to see these carried out in the iear future. , THE GOVERNOR OF JKTUCXT The State f Kentucky has a real nan for Governor, and the world will acknowledge -in him, a man among a million. e did sot sit back in the cushions of the Executive Mansion order oat the troops. He had no - were aJl at the border, doing duty aad service for their coun try. He took their places and raced to the aceae of trouble .. and aingia handed, held bach a nob . of blood thirsty lynchers. - ! He said to them with the coolness of a crisp January day: "l have come here to uphold law aad order pad e protect this court with my owa body. if necessary. Those . who are fair lyachiog will hare to tyada sse rat. It is a oiach far a aiagle asaa t hold back a party of folks, eat fey a lyaehiB, bee, bot this ma did it, Sfd to the ojoeaa'a haate, too. . All honor to a aasa of hi aJk aocM, may he live ta laculeate Us feariaaaaeaj te many, that they may be iaoculated with the saata apirH. New Beraiaa-. .. MB. P. . MAIWMLL TO TaUflX ard pr both. They my compel an 0tkt fourth to go armed in self de atamse ia some communities. " It is ths ery worst advertisement for a city ar community, and certainly the fre--4Hrf homicides ta some section places them and the whole state ia a unenviable light. earths of them are criminals or cow- for the past three year has aeeeptad a poaitioa with Hamiltoa-Brewa Shoe Co , of St. Louis, Mo., and will travel this State and South Carolina. Mr. Maxwell left Monday for St. Louis to begin his new position. The The fayetteville Hosiery Mill start ed in jFayetteville because the owners Vere asurd that they could get plenty of help. The names and addresses of seventy young women were furn ished them who stated that they wanted to work in a knitting Mill. The jmill has never had over eighteen hands and now has only about TEN.: although repeated efforts have been made to get help. The owner id this JJmill has decided t. increase the wages paid to beginners and put them n' piece work as early as possible to try to get sufficient amount of help. If Ifthis fails, the mill will be moved from Fayetteville. This jmiQ wants 250, hands. They will work all the hands they can get even if they have to en large the present quarters to do so. Unless help is secured, the plant will leave Fayetteville- We have been (talking about PAY OLLS and this is one pa7 roll that ' we will all lose un less everybody exerts his utmost in Auenee to eeeure help for this mill It is op to the MERCHANTS to help ta this project because it means more money in circulation for thm. It is up to the BANKERS and EVEEY CODY else because it wiU help gen- hrai business conditions to have this large pay roll every week. Tha work ia pteanf, fluie, and ia a comfortable ateamh buiUinf. The mm afsred hegia aera are 7S cavU a ay pad aaoa aa the aeginnera lean, they wiU be vill prvlVr Cons it.i.ijlj tu ri.iumi Turkish." , lr Hudsun decU'cd J'rc- il'-nt V il- carry rrvat mfiuenoe. which is ail this country cr.n hoj.e for in the peace negotiations," he said. "Wilson will never be called as medi ator. But both Germany and the Al lies are glad the note has been de livered. They are both ready for peace. England'" indignations is largely feigned." NEGRO WANTED BURGLARY ESCAPES WITH THE COSTS uux hie itje:nt uw r; icio prevail To reduce our U'to-e ttfk tf tu.:- a-d nrct'.f we on THING JWYEIUTL jt.ice keductions Our n I t M . , 7tJ tj'.lii"..! f, i-i" 3 i put on pseee work aad eaa make from f IM t fZM par af. The atete- maste made ia thia artiest art gw aataad by Mr. A. McDowell of feoV lead Neck, tha Prai4eataf titda milt MOW la tba time for everybody t varV lot H0M1 IMDUfJriT FATrrntviLLB chambzx or COMMERCB. rtPICTS PABLT fBACB AND GERMANY YIELDING . Ctavslaod, Jaa. I2-Tlie belligerent foropaaa aatioaa will declare a truce witbia three month, if a prediction made by Dr. Jay W. Hudson, charter member of the League to Enforce Peace, and iastructor ia philosophy at It hi said that folks" who once visit Fayetteville cant keep away. This was fully illustrated Sunday evening when Ed. Cromartie, a negro badly wanted by the Police for alleg ed burgiar'iy last Spring at the store of f. & O. Evans m Green Street stepjied off f a train riht into the arms of Ptdieeman Kelly who happen ed to be around the station looking after interest of the city, and saw the much wanted man. Upon his request to Cromartie to accompany him on a little walk they landed at Police headquarters. Cromatie was before the Becorder Monday and because of insufficient evidence the warrant waa changed to trespass and Cromartie rwas taxed with the coats. . :j rum wiu. riCHT CHICAGO LONELINESS J . $8.25 SOTS AND0VEKCOATS Special -alues at f 12.00, 15.00 and $16.50 HITS, ALL HUE NEW KINDS ' FLEISHMAN'S STANDARD QUALITIES 1.75 2.00 2.50 3.50 SHOES for verr member f th family EVERY PAUX ALL LEATHER WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR WEMNS and CHILDREN'S HOSJEliY N S H SILKS AND PRESS GOODS WAISTS AND SWEATERS SLITS COATS SKIRTS ". Tie most wanted styles and shades at j rirt to j;Iease Some 1-3 off, some 1-2 off regular price. It import ant that you make j'our selectkai now. . TIIE KTNG CLOTHIERS JMCMC$ rnm CL FayetiyCt; C. within the gates, to thsee who are I many friends of Mr. MssweU will re- tb University of Mo., is fulfilled. gret nisjeaving the city but rejoice in j u ;tv Germany entered the war his promotion. for conquest, but believe she will lonely and hunger for companionship, "f who thirst for appreciatioa and whose conversational ability is being wasted oa the desert air, the Chicago : Social Club, Just organised, extends' a helping haad. "Let aa Snd yoa friam ta snake yaw Ijf a our city happ, alogaa, aad the society will direct tta affarta toward fotrodoeiaa; lonely par aeaa ta others equally lonely. "faapla Utham. citiaa draw away from each ether, mi Iff Cora a- dalL one of tk oflasn. T ew ljve la Chicace far years, and lee know yew next (tear ae)hbor. Woaa- paT ' afpacialljr hart roBbt in Makiaff desirable frieads ia etty svkart they are onaeiiuaiirted. That w the tioa are tryiaf aOevtata Wa will hold meetings every two weeks and a'l the loneliea art fsvited," GtwUND BOG GETS CASB Of INSOMNIA Davis Junetioa, ni, Jan. 11 The boosebone prophet and the man who tells whether the Winter is to be bsrd or easy by the fur of the fox, . Pi. MM Tb Deb UiUinery iud Wtm Oatfittrr to mi III GrriZ., rTtXT2H.C. I -.t D-j-ri S-jmrj, Vcccn3, Ccrfc, ; pniCES REATOriADLE hav fetlha mxk tf IkairUm. t kli beta fer al KT Ifr. Groaad fit, wboee appearaaoe e ealL Thia fate ha U$ attr sfebraary h Wintar-f W- VmmV b bsraatiea, aafarly if awaited bf seen raoUn, arooad b tha sfild these who de tn Wiater'a of the opea Cslds ia fsoa- ehiUy blasts, has PtJa n' e look for bis ahdow aoa.i week essd of the cdBeial dsy. Mr. G. Hog is aaid to The rural forecaster wha heanf oi appear on the day aamed, ceck oa it gruped, bub-they are ftiaf eye skyward and, if he sees the sua, reedy for Spring plowinf. C ; " - - ' .. .m f-J mt-. m m ,m.w -M-W m-M. M. o o V I I I S. W. Cooper JPresider.t W. A. VANST0RY, Vice Prei. i THE NATONAI. BANK OF FAYETEVLLE FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. The fastest growing bank ia this entire section and ths Safest place te deposit your monsy. tver one half of our business bandied by mail and those desiring to connect themselves with a. safe, strsag, financial institution should not hesitate to open an account with us. Yours most truly, A. B. McMILLAN, Cashier. A B MctfUJAK Cashier; T. II SHAW' Ati'ot. CktUei. ! u Q 0 aaw L

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