-HIE FAYETTEVILLE INDEX'. .S cb eiamous arklj (bigoted partisan policy into con Ibiroted oartisan policy that sought to bring an American policy into contempt at home and abroad. After this, Dem ocrats as well as NOTPCCDSD A. M. MOORE Editor and Owner Offices: 2! Hay Street. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: Tar $1.00 Months JU Heaths JO Shricthj m Advance. at the aaetaflke at Far N. as ecaaa-class atafl TTDT DIPLOMACY IS UNDERSTOOD MIS- The New York Sun inquires " How can American diplomacy he taught if nobody can under stand it?" Well, American diplomacy might be clearly understood if such partisan papers as the Sun did not misrepresent it in rder to bring it into contempt for the sake of partisan poll that it now endorses the diplo- -tics. The Sun is cinsistent in txiacy of President Wilson ia severing relating with Germany, since that is the only culmina tion of the diplomacy formulat ed by the administration some two years' ago. In diplomatic -ways President Wilson laid down the law in the Sussex case nd it is violation of that law tbat has brought on the pres ent crisis. t Meanwhile, the partisan Re publics n leaders and press of this country for more than two years has belittled American di plomacy while such a stupid partisan course only created in Europe that the American di plomacy did not have the en " 4lorsement of Americans.' If any! ' contempt for American diplo ' fnacy ha? been created in Ei-j rope- It is based upon epublican riticism to the effect thit Wil on' policy was one of vacill ation and had no fixed purpose Spit. i Germany seems to have 'Adopted the Republican view of ft till President Wilson convinc ed hr by his Susex note that h meant exactly what he said. Germany then made the toncea- inion demanded as to tht etn duet of submarine warfare. Qnct Again Germany sems to have adhered to the Republican idea of Wilson diplomacy Accordingly the put it to,. the tst by issuing her recent de- eree ' of unrestricted submarine ' warfare either abrgatlag, or de fying the Wilson . position so clearly defined in the , Sussex note. She found out that there -Wasn't any vaccilation in it only ; After she had laid the last straw n the camel's back. How far Germany has been misled by Republican vaccila ..... . tftri. . tlon talk may never be"known, but she knows now and the Re publicans also know that the "Sussex note contained a dead line beyond which it was not safe to go. In their folly and vitupidity the Republican lead ers atacked America's policy dealing with-a grave situation and there is.no wonder that ' V. .... .nil 4-r.t n . 1 1 1 1-, j aiiu c 1 1 1 1 1 iai i ci z re pudiated by an overwhelming majority f the American voters last November. Now the ad ministratin's critics can observe that they were playing with fire in attacking Amerca's foreign policies. They are also endors ing the outcome of the very pol icy the criticised in partisan tIindhe,ss. . "We think that it is a good time lo say that President Wil inon at no time has laid down a Democratic policy that was th ' subject of partisan attack, lit was laying down an American jand not a Democratic 'policy ; and Americans of al shades ot - politics were bound by it. Crit kism only indicated to Europ' that Americans were divider jind could not be expected to ..gtand by their country's poiic Of course a nation that pro claims her treaties mere scraps of paper will not hesitate to at tempt to conger up some excuse Republicans 1 for everything she does right or wrung nu muMiy wiling. Germany has shown by her acts and words that her govern ment is thoroughly unreliable ought to inow that when a takes a position - it is unpa partedtriotic to undertake to r 1 wA nonohla at Asinrr o n rt hinff Four government at Washington " r " T PEFJUriY CREEPS INTO INVESTIGATION 'H vw ewvwww- nit w w- 1 ur inc. I'tivist. f acts in foreigh matters it does so for all Americans, t com sition to it can bm bra bm bmra mits every one of us and op- 'positin to it can -come but two motives disloyalty or party When a man's country acts for him in his f reign relations there is only one of two courses to pursue side with Americans or side with the aliens. The New Yrk Sun now sides with America just what it should have been doing for more than two years, instead of persisting in atempts to create misunder standing of American diploma Ma n ' ' , - - cy. rue fcun cenuuniy is in a position to know why "nobody can understand American di plomacy' since all its great ability was devoted for two years muddling American un- ing such a course is illustrous in dersthand. The folly of pursu the fact that when a crisis does comes the Sun has to be an Amercan paper all the time stead of a Republican paper, Why not be an American paper, all the time when it comes to this country's foreign relations? Wilmington Star. Just received A new line of Children's Dresses and Middy Blouses. James Brothers. DEATH OF CIVILIZATION George Brandes, the Scandi navian Publicists says that "Civ ilization will die if the European war is fought to the biter end." He thinks that Prussian mili tarism cannot be crushed with out destruction to society at large If this is true civilization ia doomed for either Prussian militarism must be crushed or human liberty will d destroyed. It is nothing more or less than the old Roman idea of a world foundered in conquered nation which means me make the Ger man Empire the head and all other nations vassals. The German people s a whole and If a very admirable people hot from the ruling element ia Gar many there is absolutely nets. Ing 'to emulate except economic pre paratioas and . ti r etess en ergy. J ' ' ;", ' c'f? ' The rulers are responsible for the world war, the inhuman acts of the government while the or dinary citizen is compelled by training and the heavy hand of tyranny to obey orders and agree or pretend to favor what ever the government commands. TWO OFFICERS FROM CEDAR CREEK BRING IN EIGHT PRISONERS Officer Johnson and another Deputy made a scoop last night in Cedar Creek Township and marched a squad of eight ne gro offenders to jail. This s the largest capture re corded in this section by two of ficers. It is reported that the negroes engaged in a pitched battle at a negro festival. The itficer were sumoned and rounded up the bunch, march ing; . them about ten miles through the country to the county jail where they reposed however inhumane for the sake of gain and advantage. The failure of Germany to keep her pledges to the United States need not deceive any one for it is in keeping with all the acts of the German government Under the present grave con ditions our navy should be strengthened as fast as possible and a conference of neutrals be called and the united action of all civilized countries should be made against Prussian military ism and German madness. It is said that a celebrated Roman always began his speeches with "Carthage must be destroyed" and every lover of liberty and humanity should lend his aid in destroying Ger man militarism. ffl There could be no peace for Rome as long as Carthage exist ed and there can be no world peace until German militarism is destroyed. 1 While the United States may not necessarily actively engage in the war, aid and encourage ment . should be given the na tions who are fighting, the bat tles of human liberty. Either Prussian militarism must be destroyed or it will de stroy not only peace but liberty itself. ADVANCE INFORMA TION NETS LARGE PROFTS IN WHEAT Chicago, Feb. I As a result tof advanced information on Ber lin's note on submarine warfare a syndicate of Germans have made ten millions dollars, trad ing in wheat within the last few days. Some prominent members of the Board of Trade declared tonight. , , . Following tht exposure V of German leak filled a day of cea tral trading in grain pits here. New York, Feb.. 1 Hints of perjury crept into the last few minutes of the leak investiga tion this afternoon. Joseph H. Becker, telegraph operator in charge of the New York end of the Washington wire of E. F. Hutton & Co., called to the stand at the end of the session, swore that he had never received the now famus lost message en which account forecasted the President's peace note was phas ed by Gerge Ellis of Hutton & Company. F. A. Conolly of the Washington firm of which Mr. Boiling, President Wilson's brther-in-law, is a partner, swore on Wednesday that he had writ ten a message based on no oth er, information other than gos sip, sent it over Becker's wire into Hutton & Co.'s office. Con onlly n the witness stand, iden tified the Eiiis message as a identity in every essential .to the one he declared to have sent. Becker's declaration that he had never received the message adds that on all three days he had been constantly at the wire from 19 in the morning to 4 in the af ternoon, geing without lunch. Cntrasted to this testimony Wil liam T. Mooney in charge of the wire room at Hutton & Co. iden tified the message as being the same as the one he declared came over the wire to Hutton & Co. on December 20. Others May IMITATE Sales Oof But They Cannot Imitate Our Values ' . fefetei So OF ALL Harold Smith, a well known negro driver for Arfield Whole sale Grocery Co., who was badly j injured Sunday by falling from! a swing, is getting along very welL Chief of Police Britt received a Ieter from bis wife yesterday, who is visiting in Robeson coun ty, stating that, his children, who have been very sick, are much better and they expect to return home this week. JAPAN LEADS WOLD IN , Reeerder'a Court ; Three small white boy were arrested Tuesday charged with burglaruing the store of Yf. T. ISaoaders on Person street, and taking hardware .and pjociLej U!.') Tk iig, found guilty and. given charge of, individuals. ! in last night and will be called on to iace me recorder tnis morn-'iath were visiting Mrs ing on charges of cutting, shoot- parents ing ana otner sundry on fences. ;Salem DEATH Of, KX. J. McD. . UONAGHAN. Tfc CMiaaaitr (becked Sua- dar to star af tba daata of John McD. M oaa ham, late daputjr laerif , and oaa of tha bart-knowa wea ia tbia part of tht State. Tha death oc curred at hit home a Arch street be tween the hours' of 14 a. m. and I p. . Suaday. Jeha IfeBafhaa waa an ployed ia early life by the C.F.4V.Y. railroad as firemaa, later aa enfineer.When this otopaay sold out.be we appointed deputy sheriff, nnder Sheriff George Burns. Mr Monaghan served as under under Burns and Wation He was then made Chief of Poliece at a time when it was a very hazardous occupation! As Chief of Police he was shot while arresting: a crimnal but the wound proved not to be serious Governor Ay cock appointed him Game Warden of this section in which capacity he seved most .faithfuly Upon Sheriff McGeachy'a election Mr. Monaghan was immediately made deputy and srved as same until ' his death.'-fie is survived by wif and 2 children who were atthe time of his Monahan's t their home at Winston- New Stack latest style skirt and Waist Goods James Bros. Our Mid-Winter Clearance Sale has on account of the bad weather during the past two weeks, been ex tended one additional week and will therefore con tinue until . SATURDAY FEB 1 7 Although we are offerinsr our entire stock cV High Class CLOTIUNG, SHOES, FURNISHINGS, DRY GOODS and NOTIONS at such LO W PRICES, tjiat it is impossible for us to replace them, we are contented to have the appreciation of our customers and we therefore yielded to the demand of our patrons to ex tend this popular sale Don't delay any longer but hurry and attend the BIGGEST BARGAIN FESTIVAL Ever staged in this Community. B. Fleishman & Bros KING CLOTHIESS PETTICAT GOVERNMENT EVANSVILLE, IND., Feb. 6. CLEANS UP THE TOWN A movement has ben started to. UMATILLA, ORE., Feb, 5. encourage tht immigration of ,M4yor Un g E StarcKer GennaM after the war. Behev- ,Bd w,mlBi,trttion ot ing that despite tht decimina- .u.-u t r .tion r ar i tht fathertaBd, :klw entered euthuaiaatically. ftousand. of Germanj mU teek,0B Not content with hornet in America, cHm of jmijlijltering the tffairf f kermaa xtracboi have joined dtyth.- i trM Stat TokiD, Fek SUtistics just published here hy Uit govern ment show Japan lead tht tZtl&t h SStoAm4fA. ' fiat mf 2&00 marriagas in Eagiand, two result in a divorce, in the United, SUtea, itty-two,dj in Japan 173. r - Of 69,000 divorce effected la Japan between im and 1902, only" 40 were obtatntd by law suits. Tfa rest wert brought utilizing tht services of tht nw ewntr ww vv rw vs a awe i ed the original match. But this! condition is changing. More and more Japanese women fight for their rights in the courts. farms. Latham .M.,dopted 'and forwarded JU (e governor t)i oreg on atmudst that this city be placed on tht roots of tht extension of tht Pa aiSe Highway- from Dalian east. Another act ofHhe adminia tratkm was the ordering of six teen new street lights, goss street lights had been elimiaat- i. S tf,'d by tht termer couneil but tht tf having their city well light ed. A thorough cleaning and repairing of the city hall alst has been ordered by tht "petti oat" government. ' ' LONDON rtonm uo want ora ttnc3 ev accgunt -ertravAR-, the NEW YORK, Feb. The immigration authorities today determined the statis of indi viduals in the crews of the sev eral German steamships in this port, that they will be admited into this country under the same rulings as to aliens. Sev-'rowr( 8mauer enireen men and from the varius have interned, have remained one woman ships which LONDON, Feb tht add things "due ta war:" at 1.1 a. , loreaiieniea tti at aignt art af ectiag white derbies, white ots and whit gloves. "Anti- eollission" suits they art tailed and they prevent eolKssioHs be tween pedeitrians in tht dark ened streets. Tht London boy and girl now havt "Zepp" drill instead of nre drill in their schools. Children art taught to file quickly'ihto places of safety. "Zepp" drills have also ben inaugurated in many homes. Surburban railroad fares have ben doubled and tickets have To effect a sav ing on pasteboard, the long fereen ticket of pre-bellium days has ifen Kiintilantl Viv o tioltt here since the outbreak of theharHy ,ari?er than ft war were iwuaj vai neu i iiia ,tamn -' Island. I ing9 the Government has not in V .... i 1 1. im iireasea me inree-quarters re- Tht! Norfolk Yirgianinn-Pilot nott-s the asserUtn of a Boston, physician SPEEDERS IN COURT Just 15 automobilists feA hat eatinir ice mam will cure drunk the Rec0rder yesterday charged ie.s." We are not disputing it, but with faihng to carry rear lights. ved like for the physician to stat, A1j escape(1 witn costs d - how much ke cream he had. U t". promi8e to let thfir Ughtt SO Sefore . it. had the desired effort. sViina that t" u.s The Wilmington sur good works. NASHVILLE. TENN IS NOW DRYER THAN EVER,duced rates to theatrical comr , Vanies. Theatrical companies NASHVILLE. TENN., Feb. are. not luxuries, according to 3 Tennesse is.. 'bone dry" Gov- ll??,9,' . -rnorRyehas signed drastic Ch,ldfen ,n Eastbourne have measures recently enacted by,ben onler clos be the State Legislature, and after CvUSC prices of euvva. the supply of liquor that is se creted by blind tiger operators is consumed the State wil have greater degre of prohibition han ever known before. TWO SMALL FIRES YESTER DAY , A blazt was discovered yes terday at the home of Mr. 8- W Tillinghast, on Mason street. The Department responded and the nre was extinguished witn chemicals. The loss is estimated at about two hundred dollars, covered by insurance. A second alarm was caused by a tenement house on Mum ford street catchinf re- Te damage was alight. F. L L. L RE ORGANIZED Some time ago meeting was held of the F, L L. I. Company at the armory and new blood was recognized s the esential for the permanent organization of this old and honored body of men. The history is well known to everyone. And the ecorts of these young men representing some of the busines men" ...1 J V.A ATtifSIIMn A I i . To Car a CoJd I. oaa Day . w,w.w. 'iseu ana every T.k.tAxaTivBBOMoooJiM. Mii818tnce them in this I .TrT.tr:r irVi: particular undertaking.