.PAGE TWO ; THE FA Y ETTK V 1 LUE INDEX PUBLISHED. EVEKY WEDNESDAY A. M. MOOKE Editor and Owner Offices: 224 Hay Street SUBSCRIPTION TEICE: Year . 51.00 gU .Months 1 .50 Tarae Months ,30 Strictly is Advance. SITIVN i'KC Wiiimi l ! i i '' "BVMiaMBMMHaMaMawiBMaaaHHaBiMaMWaHiM Entered at the postofSee at .Fay ,ttTiile, N. C, as sec-onJ-elass maii mittmr. .Friday, February 23, l.l17 1IUDAY. .FJEBRl'ARY 2?, 1917 Satan , has never coined a phrase ur forged sentence- that suitod his purpose better thaji "bruadminde j mm" which is fraud upon the Eng lish language, a synonim for , Kkise morals and a seated cousrivnw The word was originally a .gotd one but like the man who went down to Jerusalem -jr ftj ;nUl ,ht hunds! of thieves and has been used to cover so many defects as well as crimes of omission and commission until a per son who is at all careful of speech or impression should not use the term Brcadmindedness. Charity is often needed and should be sAften practiced ,but that old fraud "Broadminoetines" is what lawyers term a plea of confession and avoidance, and while its very utter ance indicates guilt it lacks the can der of stating the truth. .Don't use.it, avoid it a you would leprosy for the term is a little better. An Electric Shoe impairing: Department has just been added to the JW York JBar grain House in the rear of the building. We are prepared to take care of -city and country .business, .and will ive vou first class work at ..reasonable prices. New York Bargain House Ed Williams, Prop. Give Us A Trial Person Street Near Liberty Point NOTICE OP SALE OF XAND .Book. 'Y" No. 5. Page 117; also ''BONEHKY vU h . j the sl.gl.ttst i-ta thii -t.v:. of i'iss.ji;ri, who tntro- v &mt:ilzi.r.t to the J;i. c-it to toe pcmo&ice apj ro- by whicn a 4'Ur.e-ii r l.? n.a.ie efTeitivr .1 h ir!r....;td the raiiufar isrt.e -of iiiUixicatmg liijuurs "t :h.s to p.is. JI cv.ik.ni o.f it th-t he had put the tuul ture s.-r .' me ter jr. deep that there would be .revolt. But it passed ,the Senate and yester Say passed the House, and by a -vote -of 319 to 72. .If it wag a "bluff"" amendment the blue was called and States partially dry wiil be absolutely o after the first of July, when the law become effective. Jt is a long . step forward for prohibition in those States which the advocates of prohi iaition have sought as the ultimate goal, and the prohibition forces are rejoicing at it, expressing ,no fear that it will make te cause odious. as is thought was the purpose of the i .'fltrod uction of the amendment. Under the new law North Carolina "will be absolutely dry, s's will ifive other Southern States, Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama THE QI ACK The pacificists is a quack .phvsician that gives n opiate to lull the public anseienee to sleep vhile onjeinght- ful disease saps the .life ut of the victim. The gaack may , be .hoiw-st' and" so way the puf.kist but their ; theorie's lead but to the rXv fi- nsi.oi. It i ni'-re true .f r.ut . thai, hi '.vuiu.ds jr r.-it a j-ir;le iia ti 1. Ji-is eer surviAt-d ihu" rr..t le r.o effort at seif -dt-feniie. - It n.ay be utj;icd tha riv.nt.an .:y s oM-twtne the Siii.'d t,h Tt !ij.7.'r, but t!.e fact iisiiij ;':.: r h.is jit'tr dviie so smi ' ; 1 it,'i. rth itl;ue of h-is-Jrtri:y in con trol of the .M .hamf.ar.5, who too, the sactd p:.ic I, the sft(,ri3 jtiau of by love ii the patafk.-is pi each and want you to .behave. JEXCITISION FAKES VIA KQWQJJi SOUJJJEIIN TO VASHlNGTON, i). C Account Piesidential Inauguration Tickets on sale February 28th, March 1, 2, o, 4 and o. Final return limit March 10, 1917. For further information consult .nearest .Norfolk Southern -Ticket Agent or address the undersigned. H. S. JLeard, G. P. A. J. F. Mitchell, T- P. A. Korfolk. a. . Raleigh, KC ISUASS TACKS Tt, ::-,e i,p a fl.t.utain that doein'" ' j MTKJE OF SI MMONS UNDER MORTGAGE Under ano by virtue of pow er of sale contained in a certain mortgaffe ded exeuted on the .0th day ot JIay. Ifl6, by ,11. K. Carter and wife Martha C Carter, E. X .Carter and wife Joanna Carter, E. J. Canady anti wife Tary JE. Canady to Clara Matilda Carter wtiich said roort- C&ge deed U recorded in the reff ister of deeds office for Cumber land county in JJook "HM num ber 9 of deeds, on page 4GG t seq. jefault .havinxr been made in the fpajment of the indebted ness secured ,by the said ,mort gage deed the undersigned mortgagee will on the fith da Of March, 19,17, at 12o Vlock noon at the court Jiouse dvwr in the city of Fayetteville Cumber land county. North Canilina. ex pose to tjublic sale to the hirh- eat ,bider for cash the foliowinp- described Jands, to-wit: irst" tract, beginning at rypresR, John .Canadv'p cim.l vf JOO acres in a line of a 4(0 acre survey, formerly John car ter s Jine; run. thence with t!u i line of the 10v au s S.:0 E.2C Jrhitin nH Wl linlcj t-o.ir .st ard then prepare ti pojny to fit' NORTH CAJIO-XjIXA, ..e is jiii! to U w.k.ng in oui- C.VMF.EJiLAND COVNTS" Siti-p tiiese costly dlu Xutmng g-oes in hrr-e I., tin but matkd U. Ji ja .large pine ,now dtiad; thtince jX.GJi E. CiO nhain? a.nd W link? to a cut jine tt a t.-X' acrtv thence with this .line N.tfO W.49 chains to a sU.ke &sid pointers: thence S.10 W.48 -hain.-s to the beirinnins'. .contHiviinvT- iiT sn-rnc , -- - - ...... pennants aiwve named wiU morp 4,r F,.r f-,.h i j In the Superior Court e'a.Hgh i, IdelU Sulhngs k. ). J SuUinK' rtiu peace, jrval suuer.tv n tne mu-est 4-f 'take notice that the sumons m CER.MAXY'S MADNESS Oermanys greatest count in her complaint agairist the United, States seems to be America's failure to make England tease to use lier navy. M course it is a very modest little request and about as .reasonable as most of those made by the iiation that calls her treaties ''jnere scraps of paper? but wouldn't it have been a most' charitable act ;for the U. S. to have made war on England because she .insisted upon sing her navy to; fight .Germans? It stet-sn t sound very logical but this is just about what .the ;tnajri.ty f pro-dermans thick slwuid have is wrong an .the tf n ,.-mmiidn!rAs 1 ..' . At . T" ,1 - "ey M'eit applied U is absolutely dry and Ten.ssee. be- German govetemeot. ' comes so the first of March. With -the pasage of the Kced amendmeBt 'ere was also passed .the. Jones - MJendmeat, in which it was incor "jwrated, this tarring frni th iaoails going into those States which forbid liauor advertisiiig or soliciting "Circular, pamphlets,, oiagazoae Bi ' sf ' liquor orders, letters, postal cards( Newspapers carrying liquor advertise ments. And the penalty fer the vio iatioa of any part at the ne law trings a line of not more than r imprifconmeit of not more than : six months, or both, ' The Ete-i amendment provides that "Wftoever, shall order, purchase of cause intoxicating lijuors to be trao sport e4 iri interstate- commerce xcept for icientifit. sacremeutal, Kdicinai, and me- hankal purposes ir,Uj any State or territory, the laws of which State vr I.-rntory prohibit ifce maficture an-:! therein of Htoxjci:t!(lf Jujuws. tor beverage jJr f - ' ; 'i-e i -K.-i as af.jre- Kaid,M.tfeis p-Ii;;i!y he ,;jmt U;i t,at iorbidjitg Ixjuo'r aiveUjirg through the fr.-;iit.s. n-""- tne "Wie drv' According t German philosophy noh:i:g is-wrong .that aids Cermany in her warfare against humanity bu every commandment and every r-a tion positively wk4ed that fails to aid the Germans and Turks material izing and Mohamedizing the world. pn.gitss u.at ve shuw t'p.any n' that ve have the o:.Iy argument stte will admit. ,i.is congress ought not to ad journ without .taking every jjecessa ry step to dispose of the German Jial- usinations about Americans as easy marks and good things. It ought to vote full credits to out the iiation into sUte of defense. It ought to show to the wr,ld a coun try united and determined -and a spir-i it that if slow to take offensr is ot afraid. Jf billion dollars are required, appropriate .billion. But don't let .the world imagine any; winger ;mttr-.e .true translation ,of ;j 'too proud to light' istoo faf. Cur- real 'above entitled action ttt was issued against said defendant on the SOth Way of January, 4917, by W. M. Walk er, cbrk of the Superior Court ui Cumberland County. j Jhat .tne platntiff (has ifsle lier complaint in the Superior Court a Cumberland county asking for abso lute divorce inm aid defendant. That said summons is returnable at the JIarci jterm f Superior Court of Cumberland County, which court mill formation see Ved .fnm Thoni as Mcl)anil and wife tt 3l-nrv N. Carter, Book "F" No. 4. Pair- 38 records of CumoerlancJ Coun- iy. Also, see dd from Jlitnry N. Carter to Martha N. Carter Book "(T Ko. 9, Page 20. at- ords of Cumberland comity. Second Tract, irmnirur at a Make ajid pointers .the Iteirin- ning corner of a 640 acres sur vey of which this is a cart- and runs jthe la8t line of aid see deed ,lrom Henry X, Carter to Martha C. Carter, Book "C" No. P. J'aire 19 in the office of , the .register of deeds for Cum berland ci'unly. The tv-o tracts of land above described have' leen sold or rather a division (f the same amoiig the above named grant ors, as follows: Deed from Martha C- Carter 'Mi.sband to Mary JE. Cana ;l7.acres as will fulb' armear by reference to deed recorded in Book "C" No. P, Page 20, rec ords of .Cumlx;rland county. Deed from Martha !. Carter and husband to ,loanna Carter, containirur 48 J-2 acres, as will fully appear by reference to deed as recorded in Uook "A No. V at Page "jrii, public regis try of Cumberland county. All of the binds described in tracts o?ie and two aUne, containing 2i7 acre? more or less, as now owned by the said Martha C. Carter, with the exception of .he ktts itr ST acres; 48.5 acres . (.nd 47 acres, as mentioned ihow. i.nd all of the lands de- OTpH-d ir tne said tracts alo-e mention.-!', i-j ir; 21'7 acres and th6 parries ownirg the sarae have joined it! fc'.id have co: veyd the sits'.e to the under- ;p:ed r.v.rrg;..-e. with the v.- tetttion if :;.e- lust jnentmueJ tra-t of 7 ;.rres n.nr owned ly x Man:irCrtr. A" of Hie abo. arlli-d .LmJs Jying nd g In C-fvU.r Cr.-elv T-,w:4.-hij, C..ir.-lij-riurid c-U!-1y. N-.rt.b -tfiii-a. Time of .t!e r.'rch "y.h, 1:, at -13. 4clottk --stK'R, - - Piafc tif Kul-. Co.irt Ht'"it"t3 iin.r iu the Cirv of Ksvt-ttevill-, X. C. - . Terms yf fcu'e: Ch. This 1st -diy of F;bruarT, im. CLARA XATIWA CAETEK. JMortrar-e'e. Edwin .1. Gavin; Attorney. 2--4-Tuesdays. ham Sun. SJW;. ftF-JHE MfXiNNJt M With them might makes right na tions, liberty and religion can be de stroyed with impunity if they en danger German success. French infidelity in it palmiest days was not more dangerous than German learning today. It is a false idea built upon a false basis that will destroy itself or drag down civiliza tion is positively wicked that fails to to man and God alike and must even tually pay the penalty that madness has always paid destruction of it self and its friends. jy.UIUM.E .SORES j nest ion iiM It .nw devolves "for K,nh'.i jpon the Genera! AemUy t pass an .nti-l(Uor advertising law, an ouster -..aw.' and u-b o!h-r laws as will prove an aid -Pi the full .-r,f.7rct-mefit f,f the I .. L . . I ? . , , vmetuer uy pt'i.nititiof) Corn-. iraissioiier or by ether . method. The measure, for aiM,mte prohibition ha ;:ome with a swiftness for North Carolina, not dii-amei ut a lew dux ago It gives the first real opportu nity in this State for a test of gi-n- dine prohibition', and we bcliev that this will mean for the gofi of North 'Xarolina and it people. News and ibserver. Mrs. It, A. Bray, was b:ttri i.'V fjiinitijiliam, N V-hig'i-rs." Ifet "The high cost .of white paper twp newss trdlush rdiushrdlu zb bb led with its decreased production. has caused much hardship already W tbjectiJfiable to tiem. The laws Attn be Md on tihe t Uy f MarciJaerea survev NT. ?.0 chuln. VM, when and where the defendant! stake in th. eJv rt ,,,.lr u , is required to iD.r .nl !. j. .i. r, . . f ""-"ass rcirtl daaur to the complaint or the reliefl and 20 iutiks to another of fW f"..31 f ?tlOOI SWW MdtoWj Wednesday ,fJo at corner ui the head of Cedar !. f ... Creek: thenc N SO W with ih.., , . . : w Swlh I 4CW,- - Th; game farther information see deed e ta ? ,? Henrv K ' V 7 I J J-g.y gl paying twrueg JDjon both demanded wiJU be gr anted - This IHh day f February, W. M. WALKER, Clerk of the Superior Court. e-S-lT-timee. THE L SI AL iJI.l l r Tle ii.s.uranc compaci that jto iwmx from the us tops witfe a fiuryy of trumpet blast that they would Jeave S, C- if the State pad the newspaper publisher generally, .ere ,M8lMj and th.' vwaiun j) Jit.' W and many of the maller papers have Wunc tiey will reenter the State a the State's condition. This is ja keeping with fae usual bluff put Mp by such encerns wiseo tiiere is My seriu attempt to reg ulaU them in the interest of the pub lic. The Souti jEast Tariff Association is a concern that has a monopoly ,f rate mating id the insurance field and out few legislators hav had the nerve (to attempt to break up the monopoly enjoyed by this concern. Just any kind of fellow tan make fair promises while campaigning but when the time comes to face the rich and powerful concerns many a "gal lant" soldier who should have obeyed the command "Forward Ijarch" has felt his knees smite toetht-r and -like Peter of eld, began cursing and de nying that fee knew the "Man." i--jf broke nut iii thri-e U'riUe sort, she suffered terribly, vnM .only find relief by lying down with her leg propped dp Six bottle's .of if rd jtm J'erou.s licmeiy with the wah cund been forced out of business. But here is a rift in the cloud provided of course, merchant in all the other towns and cities will follow the hint it contains. An Alabama small (town merchant with a scowl on his face walked int the sanctum of the editor of a strug gling weekly and growled in surly tones: Well, I've heard the price of pa per has gone up. f suppose you'll be wanting to raise the price of your subscription, eh ?" "1 wish I cwuld," said the editor, but a dollar a year is all that any bijfiy will pay in this part of the country." You listen to me." snapped the merchant. 'Beginning back from Jan- .uary J you just, increase rny adver- uu rate t cents an inch. That wiil he;p a Jittie. and put you right u m- crt-a: t- ?te rate of your other adyer tJsf'fg."- That' mei'cha'r.t may never have i rnor!im.-f.t t-rectt-d to him or grace the Hali of Fame, but be is the first siie$: Carolina Trust Co. Fayetterille, N. C. fNSUB A N ji L O A N S. BONDS, o tu j v t i iiu; s Real Estate dSii!? lWYJoue n in Nsines. way or sell any that we may hare. trS Vton in any buines9 or large or smklL ' " U8 tor anjf service' whether rhoncNo.7li Austria To Stand Hy German Oecree her. Only oik? of hundreds of cases, man in reconk-i history who v., Junta- Ik ; cured. of -serious MxJ diseases. j riiy increased his advert isiriir rate i - -j iiiifii Ask your1 druiirist for Mrs. Joe a.,i h'v a .r.t i,-,..u .. - - purpose i'cn.c-iy. ivnown lor over! and altrihutes his success to news thirty-five years. Safe and reliable paper advertising. Columbia Kec for ailments peculiar to women. Ask crd. ioiir d rjjjgist or write Person Kem- edy ('(.mpany, rbarlotte, S. C. Sciiil for free testimonials. Prii-e $l.Wj per ljttle. 3 for fJ.75. 6 for Vt.OO ure- TOM A. THOKN'TOV MOVFS IsKfif.lN', via jundm, Feb. 22. tt'hile the offkial text of the memo ran;jm handed by Ambassador Pen hcl.i to the Austro-Hunjrarian foreign minister is not yet known here, tht of the, note annaiaitiv in well understock t Is authoritatively stated that the dual monarchy is otic with Germany in iu 'dc-terminatiun to carry out the unrest riit,i marine warfare, in which it is already actively operating in the Mediter- Tom A. Thornton Co., has moved' ranean Mock.(1. zone ..M ' r r. . .j "" ;irom inn -uuwninsT buildinc tn th. . i. . .. ... .. i t r- i i i u ii ' . . . i ',l " connaenuy asserted that Aus A.. J ( and to; !.. R. Home & place formerly occupied by the Mower tria-Hunearv will V -a ? Sons. MacKethan & Cm MMW, 11,11 r. u. . . 1 "Un,ry Oot Tedf in the ... , -.-ii.pai.jr, wuu inive gone out si e-htpxt H.r-. t . .l limit Store; Sanders Pharmacy; Wil- bus.ness K " -fr''nl th' P'ltU.'n liston Drug SU-re. i' - Jointly assumed with. Germany. ; TAX NOTICE THE NEW I" EAR lt7 IS NEAR W HEBE. HAVE VOU PAJDVOUB 8I TAXESI I HAVE B EN IN EVEBT TOWNSHIP COLLECTING. THE BOOKS ABE OPEN N MT OP f ICE ALL DAT LONG. PAT AT OF HCE BEFORE BOOKS ARE SENT OL'T AND COST ADDED. PAT NOW, N. H. McGeachy Sheriff 9