i fii m ilOlL SMS Opened Friday Mornin or And it ie certainly pleasure to up to see bo roany taking d vantage o. this sale. "The class of people who Jcnow ,and Appreciate values, and we are pleased to lenow they .have confidence in us and iur .business and they an see that what we Advertise to do WE DO JDO and the prices on our suits And overcoats Are the .same 011.75 ands513.75 Values to $ 18-00 and values .to $27.30. Still all sues Are in stock tout we want you to come in now (before All the styles have been picked over. More suits sold Saturday than we ever expected to ScSWjd one day. . rf . STEIN BROS. Shop of Quality Eyes Examined SCHOOL CHILDREN'S ' ajtSSES CROrXO 16 Hay St, Fayetteville, S. C nn JAN I YJCTOR JL EMERSON and hia Remarkable Rxor4 s . W Cent a VariL JKo advertisement t&kea or that 26 mrnm pa. A. S. CKOMAJBIXE Office ia McKethaa JBmldiRr 1021-2 Persoa Street Jlave yon heard or seen those utc little phonograph records, which are a on display at the 5 and 10c stores also in the phomrraph,music nd THE FAIR ASSOCIATION WINS ASE KFJXKE JHK.E CONNKR The suit of Smith and .other agamst the Cape JFcar Fair Associa tion catiie up .fur bearing yestorday Ixjfure JuttjTf Connor. i ' The question -u whfthnr the m, persons who offered to become Tnm ler ni the Fair Association and ,jaid thesr due in advance to the amount , WONT DECLARE WAR UNTIL NEED MADE CERTAIN The State Department Expects Austrian Jirrak la the Near Future ln!ess Stand ?Jianxe4 WASRIXCJOX. 1). C Feb.. Si President Wilson has practically -de-. of about aere members .entitled od to appear In-fore Congress prkr to vote as such. ;Jn adjournment March I to ask for Jt will lie noifiinWed that the f - i additional authority to protoct Amer- ticial qf the Fair Association .rcfus-' wan awanen and .ahif. . . ' od to allow them ' participate in the J ' There was indctkns that h will election uf official' at the January , make hi address later this week or net-imp una v,eir aimeys jueasra. Davis and. Shadruck "appealed to the T president a position a outiin- , . - . 1Sujanie Court. Judge Cunner ie- M autcoritatnely UKlsy, i Uat coa- novelty shop They are called the- . . r j w' . . ifaned to sustain the appeal and it ikiP" l3ir adjwumaijr febould past JmfT nm Jiac records, and are! " i , . . . . . , , possii.i the ca.se wiH 1 appealed to' '"" rt:utiun irivmp hm addi- made an :tT siw. inch smcle aidl " "i , .. ' , . the Supreme Court. itional authority. He jtc f.mtriy !) any mnke if di.sc phonoirraph ah The. whole truth x the matter ij deemed hat he wui say t ror.jrres?. lOHri A. UacKETUAfi M I). S-l Eay St. 2nd Eu'Jdxjr Vst f the F A IE1TF vjU jt. ji. c oed! ROBINSON & LYON AiroK..TS-AT Law ffatival Kir, mdirr 'OTAY Ti'vlJC IN OFFICE . FA I JETTE ViUJE. S. C UL FKANC ETAXS YfAenaary I'h' oiaa arW urf coo ton Oppoait C I BevJ Sales .Stabd'tB ajr Tihueie. 2; Nht 'Fhtoe, Can lie Supplied by the Index Job Office IT REHSOntlBLE PRICES We are in shape to handle orders quickly so if you have a rush order see the Index for all kinds'of Printing Merchants who use circulars with their ad vertising will find it to their interest to get prices on combination ad and circular Jobs The Index reaches considerable niore peo ple than any paper in the Cape Fear section so it will pay you to place you advertisement where it will . be read by the largest num . ber of people doing r 7 . bus-iness in Fay- " etteville THINK OF THE INDEX WHEN YOU WANT ADVERTISING OR JOB WORK an atU WTtfa. they .are wade . tit "J,4,t " id off.cials while the offKials were a jew ut :illed the "X'tu versa)'", For the lu-refit if ur r-ars m nU ud Urn ih. JK.puVr and ?hf''"r This J U "r r'v1 14 ard xtMf'fetoTHWf.,: ,T .t-l.. nd ti.e jwiiAW on tU F-rrr, ,,ris ..--ri.. P- thrt f th",1,! i,( f LIFT YOCR CORN? its? t sais Hawaiian 34-. Cxe . i V- K t Mirty A- tVrn t'ilJu So It iJi t-- I',-r r. ':e-f Fo- U ;,,, Imt thai Jia rn tj e.ade puu'ur. w r .later 11 l.- f.r .',ts.l t aU taer jt ;n the case J American liivs 3n if ! 'j'e- jr.cnl the Br 'ih c tj- ri.iM tK&t Wjt X-l'. 1 ii T 'k Abe uaejrtr ar te-ffiv-a.ls xM.tJ at Hid vi TtJ' OFF WITH FINfiEILS: J Irfiar Tn-- 1 ' 1 t r T Raff- ut- ViV.-: Sr;stf V-vt y 'e .m'io Tiji.ii . to l-ousta a Ter-aer . Pain Flow 12S. PATTERSON AXD HAItt Dealists. If 1-2 Bar flroet, arcr Duaa ft Ca FaFETTEVIXJJE. Jf. C PHON E 55. DR. J. H. JUDD t Dentist Mk Seeaad FM af New jhaMiaf a lUy Street Oavnnite PatfaOta JOHN A. OATKS E. W. 0EUINC DATES & HERRING Attorneys-at-LaTr rArrrrEviujL n. c Varfcet hun. ant ta KatiMal GENESAL P1ACT1CS. FOR SA1E IM9 PfSHELS OF . Wir.iniaker' Clevtland Big EolJ r.jtt'jn SeteJ. Carefully selectej vraitj iit:i rlear.eil, Bbsolutely true U iyie and average. ast year 0 per cent l-t. Also a lsroite-1 quantity of pure Weher Ko. 82 lur.g staple eedt graded and cleaned- This i the best Ions' itaple cotton ever grown ia this section Give as your order early. Price on aplpication. . The Christian' Ewinj Co. Phone' 364. dcadi frtXBJ kdkjaw vr Xwoa s.i. we bow loJ J y s Cj ui "oa:. Mr Vn..r H. Fose ' r4Ui4 aa as rrjij- un bmj s re! 4 wt;re corn or of the new vires and toproremeBU riWr ari .l;fj off wttb-the 3 hf" J : 1 f... n h the pjrpia is? ? ir- ? j. c i:ri fcjis "ii it JL" J'.-ri ;.t ia to iie a Cfj,' u'.ti rorii'T e. I IK- -j riJii ass -ex'ja Kjnc'..t a ?w rp 410 that tave t paie in the jicmo frapfc jiadustry in the. jtjat twenty seven years, ihe last seventeen of which jbe was in charge of the re cordinff department of the Co-'uro?: PlKnograph company. cfrers. Freejione dries the nsonicot it is applici, and simply shrivel the corn or callus witht inilamjr.ir or tvtnf '. '1 lf -f - V i re J t m , it-! y is -1 -,asl ;i r S i IVpartj'ei.X lvtl.-.' he rtjs'rtiatjfis witfi Austria so far have leyn unsa:isfatiory . fitimaie ly a brak is espHfcieij unless Austria' chanties her xsi:ion. At the State Pepartnscnt is was said that the situation continued to ' oe as serious as it could be short of irritating the surrondins tisue orWJ,r The lMartment received after kin. A small botUe of freeatne all j the cantt rocetinjf a dispaUfc from i: i PmnriAR ia fiinr tkn kQrl "f " ... . , . ' " - cost Vt;ry tiJUe at any 01 me oruy Consul Frost at Oueenstown. announ- The Emerson Phonograph Company, sU but wi,, pjy ri4 one at 3 West 36t street. New York c, n j,ar4 of corB or City, wnich, in addition to manufac- j cajus. Jf y(,ur druggist turing the little disca above referred hasn.t y fretzoM he can get it at New lot of Chad reus' Dresaes and Middy Blouses. Jones Brothers. Received thin week a new stock af Preat Gingham. It )-2c and 15c a yard. Jones Brother. SALESMEN WANTED TO SOLICIT orders for lubricating oils, greases and panits. Salary or Commission. Address THE HARVEY CO., Cleveland, O. li-Pd. to, will place on the market many noveltes, including an electrolier-pho norapfa which will be a veritable sen-fMXD f.0B gALE rNDEB MOBT- satum to the phonograph ' woriJ, Mar.y other new inventions are uuier way, and will be announced as soyO as Mr. Emerson gives us permission X) do o-. ' ' ' ... Mr. Thornton now has building where be can display his ex cellent stock to better advantage any wholesale .drug bouse for you. GAGE. RAGS! RAGS! RAGS! HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOB OLD BAGS ' f CenU Per pound 8av You? Old Rags and Make Money L. LEVIN HAY STREET Tbs Original and Reliable Junk Man. By -virtue of the power an! author ity contained ' in a "certain mortgage deed executed by L. H Holland and wife. Ella J. Holland, to J. W. Fitz- iirger gerald, January SOth, 1913, and rec '. " ' lorded in the registry of Cumberland County, March 3r, 1913, Book J., No. 8. page No. It. Default having been made in the bonds of even date, I will offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash at the Court House Door. Cumberland Count, February 26, 1917 At 12 o'clock, the followtng described tract or parcel of land lying and be ing in Black River Township, Cum berland County. Beginning at s stake by a dead pine cing the sinking by sbell fire of the Norwegian' steamer Dalbeattie, with two native Americans in her crew. The Consul said the Dalbeattie stop ped at the first shot, but the subma rine continued shelling while the ship was being abandoned and offered no assistance to the crew. After being on the sta their boats for about 13 ' hours, th' men were rescued. TkJ m one of a number of instan ces in whiib reports to the Depart- raent te!i of ' violations of neutral right and endangering or taking of neutral life. All available informa tion about such cases is being assem bled for the President.' Secretary Lansing . would not dis cuss the situation with Austria either before or after th cabinet meeting. He would not comment oil the side memoire handed to the Vien- j 11 : . KJj c 1 Sr-7 VIK. on the, K-ernment by Ambassador Pen- north side of the Little Horse Pen; .'field asking specifically whether Aus &$JZ HnlH" had repudiated her pl.dges giv- pointers near the road; tnence ft. ,n tne unueq oiaies auer tne sinK- 55 rAlS ( the Ancona and the Persia. TV tliaitlOi liiriiLC u. JJ T . awf chains to the old line thence N. 44 W. 20 chains, to Anderson's line; thence N. 34 N. 5 chains to a stake and pointers; thence N. 54 W. 13.50 chains, to a stake, in Anderson Swamp, the old corner; thence N. 30 E. 60 chains to a stake and pointers tnence . fc. Bi.ou cnams to tne t n ti;iiim. ,4 beginning, containing six hundred ;to Alhm Gainey. the said 150 acres' and eighty acres more or less. , j,.in2r on 1he east of said t t wil! there is reservetl and excepted iarin.nr in ,io,to from the operation of this mortgage: J. W. FITZGERALD," deed, two hundred acres on the north, descrilied in a deed, J. O. Williams and Wife, Maggie, to Sion Page, seventy five acres conveved bv said J. O. Williams and Wife, to Geo. W. Starling and one hundred and fifty 1 i S. W. (XWl'ER, President J. H. CL'LBKETH and J. W. McLAUCHLIX Vice-Presidents a a a a a t a t a THE NATIONAL BANK OF FAYETTEVltLE FAYETTEVILLE, NrC. ; The fastest growing bank in this entire section and the Safest place to de posit your money. Oer one half of our business handled by mail and those desiring to connect themselves with a safe, strong financial institution should not hesitate to open an account with us. Yours Most Truly, A. B. McMillan, Cashier. , 1L I A It) Itr ll, 4 O. I til A Ik A I Ik tt Ik 4 I a tr ttfT i at A. B. McMlU UN, Cashier T. M. SHAW, ; , Asst. Cashier