i ... v ' f l J urn. 41 FOR RESULTS ADVERTISE IN TOE INDEX. DOUDLE THE CIRCULATION OF ANY OTHER PATER IN CUMBERLAND COUNTY Volume 7; Number 29. sFAYETTEVlLLE, X. C, FRIDAY, MARCH 16,. 1917 frice S2.00 Per Y TOLD i.uiii'JiD BY UNITED STATES tu Intention to Arn American Mer chant Ship to Resist Attack By German E-Boata WASHINGTON, P. " March 15. The United Slates government to day took the only formal step that will precede the sailing for the war ow of American merchant ships amied to re'tt attacks hy German .unmanne. Notice to the world of the intention to place an armed gjard on merchantmen was given in a communication wit hy the State rK.v;men: to all embassies and le pativRs in Washington. The statement, which it a assum ; will I transmuted to Germany by the Swis minister, follows; 'In v.ew of the announcement of the lmnrinl German government on .'i.i,-ii.r.v 31, 1437, that all ships, those of reuirals, included, met within cer tain lotie of the high seas, would le, mm without .any .precaution ' .being i t&kwt fur the safety of . the iiersims! Spanish Ship Which Brought The American Embassy Back Fiom Europe Official Reticent Official! continued to be .reticent to day about the arming- of ships and the probable date the first would be ready to sail. All uch details are regarded as military secrets, in fact, there is a general disposition to avoid discussing any phase of the situation .pending the outcome of the defiance of the submarine menace by American vessels with naval gMs and gunners on board. Speculation continues as ;to the part the United Stat may play if forced into actual hostilities by Ger many. . In official quarter the Opin ion is very clear that President Wil son for the present at least is ton-j templating .no more dire"t connec-1 tion than is, necessary to protect American eights on the hith , seas. J Preparations for aji, eventuality are . going forward, but the President 1 is J known t HI to cling to the hope that j S V , ., , J V 1 there .will be no actual clash be tween America's armed merchantmen j and German submarines. The President, who .ha been con- XJMES WGELRARO MRS JAMES W.GPARD JOSEPH C-SRC W J l.'.imi nj without the exercise j fined to his bed fr several day, by 1 Wit and aeaxch. be government!' cold, was able u!ay ta Hliscuss in-! 'The Spanish ship Inf anta Isabel j other Wi'inbt-rs nf the" mbasFy.t in. not csnvoye3 by tin Amerkah' war- which bi'oug'ht former .Ambasssdor , clutlinj Joseph C.' 'Grew;, icoanscilor, ship. She dwki-d t Havana,'. and the ! Gerard and Mrs. Gerard along with , back fWtin Europe. The ship was ' Americuns sailed north from there. f e Unit StaW1a.dinifiediiinafll iatJcn Secretary f , v . '' ,,. ' , fc ' , '. . . Piace upon all American .roarnhant I Lamting. He r.roUbly will U , 1$ .l7 " iC . ,ped ty mvai ,trtt?'' f1 li,u? ui:ng through t Wredjmforayortwolongh-; J,E " , 'u 1 . J,i i .a GERMAN MAR M A:H.,IN.E-4'.. .jfmta sue J.aval fcvtion showed that t ve area an ftrmea gsrfl -jar tnc ro- tetit:n -f the. resisel .and the .liv (f the persona on board." vr, and she. .caiait .meetutg, tomorrow -is xit-rted to he .cancelled. MW OUh STATE TO OTEf 3 HE W OMAN MHK GE UIE.ST10N S- M. A S M A JLUXG SOl'RC'ES JO MEET THE i.thii'-Uaintug In the school tovaca and ("on the p'y.r (iujh'l, vas of the sta-t that miidp re;.l nin. iKi.i.ury -jo iUiu:T thiks- JNG STRIKE n v .. ton to provide lor a refftrnn- ifi the omsin j!frge M'H or .:.ite elei Uon i.ext Not-mer inid in the ketiEite to!i:i.'ht by mm mm liitinii mum lmhi COULD ATTACK WAS'iINGT-, Unh 23 S.t.ce ; tne. .day wha tne Germiii WM.rary. mfh r.e stolid ,n it ira-vh through At " f i...l t'j 'i.--the j-i. I t p 1 1 e tl .it h'gh chege or u i ei- ALLiAXt'E.' OHIO, Mvueh 15 Three hutidred ngneei. firemen. tu1 "itji fa';d tr?nritf on the Al- ui ('-v..vn i i'v New York 'tj ijin tre .r',l tivi1. it-J v .th foott'u'i tt'i."-, 1m-vIi1! ii'a ie for Tej7' itsons t 1 at a , viti! a.1 railroad e.i e today ordered 1 he u h! ri a'i.-r n kb Th-i.tday! at &! ! 10 a Q El- ii M E M3 BRIDGEPORT, X)XN March 15, One submarine ready for service: every throe day is the job that the'. Lake Torpedo Biat Co.,' has un dertaken at the. hcheat of the 'United State's Gt)vernment. ,Ri(!hard H. M. Robinson, trmer " eommandtT in the na$. yards, and" mnnftgt?r f the compnny, has nJii"d the government officiate that by .,,co" ox-rnyin between hits comjuuy and tlrt otht-r hmnufaotUrtng pla-ls if P.ridgeport, frty-nevon unrierse boats :in Ite delivered in eix month" or at a rate of oiie every three days. I. 'RdtEi;8SK YOl SG M AN SHOOTS f. LACKS F.VEG. VA Manh 15. fockton list,h, Jr., jtue of itlnj-fUtirf: Stm'kin fith, of Whit- ;hrne.-' wae shut throe ttm8 -tfirvugh the l..dy at an early hour th; jnunoig t& tW hme f Vt.ftss'.( at tlie Yireinia ''... " aud' lies at the p.' . Roanoke hospital -wrl; ed l.y physit ian?, sor jic-r Mrs. Ya-t,!' tatsmnt rgardiag Pr:ffi.-sfitr Vawter. fl dst;y that he fjred sike of t'ftHT!ta,tM In- trtue, .i' .h in a w . rit.sh ' ..(.- ' r e a i';..r antf1 .?. -favi3,t or' itiic Sici.ner. ihe:pi"g crews are gix-d onfs an.1 h- thoroughness ,vf the freparattoa f-r ' a.nrrml rpu its tf y-.nmg Ameri'tant' w:.r in the Get man Eo-pi'v unler gien full pjy M 1 u Uini .-for o' lens' cob ttf 3y to 7. 'Tin:ght a-'tum was the lat tep t i di fcirU't'.'re to pkxufj'e j: -hmini'-T to refmnr the eubject to Ue- e.lertorte. The measure Sis con cvmed Wi'h amending the state r-M- swtation u' ! ortU nt'y oohs ot : COASTCITIES Adnviral JVary Adci ettae l'rti;are-n-h Meet.sng l or hi'.dren BALTIMORE, 34 li. Mjeh i.V bi,? to receive the approval of the Rear Adrtuisi Pewy, in an address gmernor. jhr etojay at a prpi!iHtie nu-tt- iut tin j a nu!L! ; f, v. ' i-rt'i-i;r witlwiMf s the (fn!t of ' ear f irttose ar'J fVi.ff,i;'c vr T i atatmn. it ne m was war nr,1 lea'eiKhp vat. h-U u;i as fir o'in r i 'A ple Th cv.ver.nsr it 1 brsr. hes mailing a nic e if ef-1 hi posit ton in the of tJv:iPt' he oltaimd .the I the gre w'j rf.il. t ites ? . is i -t t: 1- v -i y where r f.T rt. J l.fe to y . we world- to the the L"rJl t y - ' li-e t t 1 . t-.n t til' in authnrl 'to' i "g rhe ttr i e - ti Jt was JeamH -from 1 ta'n e .wn e it the oi uis'.e:; the conf -'-i e i Xev I i it k tSt urt jj -hour ii I tug lor fiilirii, ct. dieJ JM,1S1U OX AOAMSOV law is t.,, and mm.y u,v,v vn ! .: . f .... .. ..... 1 . J .. r ... I. it's hands a h"i-t of aer'-anv g over its seaboad eittes tlrspp ag, t. -i f fee if i ' its rr.otiv ri. e evp.uer' Jt 'I i s r eihiods an ParuH-ng-T f f i iiftn Sat . r. soveri inv t o U t'i'jjtd. HARRY K. THAW IE ! DECLARED INSANE Abnlil WlTUim i) HV !ll'KI.ME Ol Rf td for firm :or bv fi'P..-. let. without a 4?are of nrwt' maehire'-y hoh evwtjt' n. fj'Jy efuuTt h litei m-." no Pt j .f j! e wiy i i e f whit'i.I Adjudged a l.uiiitj atid Will He l"!ad in JVnr.- ha:oj A-v!tijo r n to i' WASHINGTON, D. March 15. -The decisios upi.ihe eojit?tutia- ' Jfe lthwt ilt tvwmt& three America Bcginnir with the. f sjrra ' '" J least and west of the Aileghtnies j Plans ar rapidly deve'oiKn; tcl Harry K. Tnaw w-ss t..-'y ad.udlsr I a IvmatV J.y the t -.farinjoB fifas c rt if 1 t.'.y si j!'i-,vr t.i 1a-" j4irj):G lar.".'-t i ' k-n o " l'ork oa 1'HK iS)G PhKJiVOiI;'e.U!s liv-;i to starrl trjaJ rtanrea jof assaulting a Kaii.&a City boy. d i. 1 to 1J! I p l)am j Th iw vj'i : (- JmoS ji the h s Iiuht Ojl lUc GwJ J pital hre ptni'ia h, rtfri'Vcl to a . . ' J l'eonsylrania ayiuca. I where food for (Bullion, pot only forjke the bosint forces of tfce iu lity of the AdamsW railroad law'j entered Hactpta Roads with-" Ani'ri"ns hvt' ho- !stids ! try virtually an auxi&.sy of ihe War NEW YORK, MARCH 15. A t The court deiio was. based! was today again withheld by the Su pree Court. - ' icacn couiiJ nava carried a 0-OP1-KATE WITH PARIS pounjs f explosive.. I out any hint inir.g givejj of their The Appaai, JimaJleet f ton field of the South and the i cominw l.i.. . i i . -, .. ., , ! factories everywhere frMM the Allan-' each locality a committee of Jiosi- ' .:! we uuree, ne saw, count easily navei t i duuw sh ikiw vrm housed a juad aeroplane and I tie to the Pacific, a va.t industrial ness men will act as advisors to the on fore of police unjer nmani of a report from a lunacy eonmissiftO. Department in the ranter of pur- ni hr ... Rllnrttm v i jlv. j.v! . iing. supplies for the army. Iniritv authorities to ard the v.SA,'S T,IK t,vK"l" AT HAS ' BEEN U.IMUITTEO ALREADY thousanl working for peaceful ends isj district depot quartermasters of the .'-'3 - A g r ORGANIZED LABOR OFFERS SERVICES IN CASE OF WAR now entering upon a period of ac tivity. Whether actual war is enter- led into or not, there will be dem onstration of American efficiency. WASHINGTON, March 15 Or-i After ail has been said, there is no ganized labor in America through n,ore ,mPos,n anmr.uw or me it representatives in conference here0" pt Peop1e nhe than C8n last night offered it servkes to the L D in Ai enfy. WbetheTir country in every, field of activity if,1 ior dfense or "ffense, American. despite all endeavor and hopes, tkel.""' ""'""";' army, ihey will attempt to obtain the co-operatioi of other business men to keep all profits an army con tracts down to a reasonable figure. THE GERMANS HAD MANY SPY AGENTS IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK NEW number YORK, March 15 The agents engaged by Cap- VnitmA Sfaa khmM-t' d j-, j'g'neer Bn" cnemisis . gn proauce lain rMparwon I'apen sni oir von war j more useful things than those of any . If el to. foment revoijtion in India The action was taken by unanimous othr nmUon' reat raflir,?s engag-, was definitely plac- - nt forty today lease! would wire o vote of more than one hundred an.l d m peac t,m w'cupatjons can be, by the Federal authorities. palitie arid munitien the water supply of Jersey City.TheJ reservoir ha a ihore line of eijjh'! ' mile.' Another Anierwan Boat leaded This step was taken immediately w,tb Foodstuff Sunk Without upon the disclosure of an alleged Ger-j Waraiag man plot to dynamite the dam of tbt ' " reservior whkh holds in check NEW YORK, March 15. "If thi enough water to flood the entire does mt mtitui aB evert act, J .da -n.:kaway and Passaic valley. not know what dot,,' was the com- So urgent did the .Jersey City cni- mtRt i8ta today of John SU'phandis,, raiwicners consider the situation that uf. tfce '5rm l,i Stephsndis, Bena anJ they telephoned to the governor r Company, owr.trs of the Algonquin, implored him to send the militia for ,ne American vessel sunk by a Ger gtiarl duty. . . man u! marne. lie said he would, Th'-y t4i he governor -th. t if he m Washington tomorrow to take wm was dynamited the A-:;?rs re- lne "latter witn fresiilent ilson i fifty delegates from national and in sood ad justed, to the manufacture ofj These men ternational trade union ; affiliated !war description at; SlOAJXW each ... . . mmort'fl M.it t . - . Pnmiiiild u hn HQlii-a, nt t li. go from t4i,(iw to Thi-;?e of them, two ' that territory. '1 'h? -r"ir factories if r, with the American Fetleration of Labor and five brotherhood. In a If, about three million American work er were represented in the confer ence called to determine and an 4 .. vl - uVKHiur -t '1 a moment's notice. Pesimit8 who natives of the province of Bengal in While it is necessary to lvam hae deplored the decadence of the old i India, are Government prisoners, the subscription price ell new yah. American spirit have no pi ice in the J More than half of the remaining scription will be taken at the rt economy of thing at this time. Hi- thirty-seven are living in seclusion of fl.50 per ear if paid in advan itory has shown the wonderful adap- jn this city. .within the reict 60 devs. ""! ... ..... . . . i nounce the part to be claimed by " ,. "Dimy oi me American peo,e ano, i nmr wnereanouts. nowever, arej mere is--iio rcwn w i.-i.-.c . Known to tne department ot justice' MIW. r IL1BI STFft when the emerg-T v rn-ut -'A be ,r.( ,,. ri-'ri. i ti',no'y Minfcl. : . ... 'm-;" i;.k;i!;.'.. . , ,f h "''t w-ti'(. 3 i'i; A. Knox and l.tf! Mature A!ift fic.1 Hoi bv,':fu- ' -Uhfr.t. W'i'it-m M Of'.Uv. i(i,cu?d ' f'Ms Ihuariaa Artin ii iv A re utt i i. t. !" t.i.ij ,., flivMl,:( tv n..KtRg more a- ; . i-.. .'- rt.u ....r..l..-f,2i 1 ....... i. . . ....... ... k . , ' ( .i ' of i he 1 h fui 'ire (.Dicer J t-frd J. Shtnieer, fepre-t r t i fcf lb" I'atin Chamber of f..m , -:--4. t been in the Cnited Sta'- t,B;f " banker and merciaitts thd inwmt' changr which wi.'l fol j tre r. He insixis that lia. kei rio.-l 4"-peiate with merchants mil .(.(.rti-r mor loely if the ''Tiled y hw is U hold and gHin Kratuh r-kil. i hor: in national preparedness plan. A it;it.,w r: formally adontef r.r tMiel after (He mtretfng ei if'.k 'in addition (to the offer uf 8-rvi. f. in case of war. o."n. di:m.. . c . .- i were '-J till f . I.ime-t;'- ,i time well as in peace. M!ltr".T WW f rrtetei fi;;itj it v.i. that tr..;:.!-Ti -1 f; thou'.! i deemed t - j v "nr tiimin r. "idi taiy emcr: :5a? ferine inild "'i- form to trade im;n tarJard ami bat organized 'alior choiild have reti-' i ientaiion -on all sgrncre :n" inining ml adminfMerir.g p iiiies f 1'i.dinnal defence n i-i.vt '!:tg cub iuity. - tii Secretary Lansing, of the State Department. "1 am souy," said he shipowner, 'if the destruction of my thip must be the casus belli, but I believe that this, occurrence must be the subject of ac-; tion of some kind against the Ger man government. The Algonquin was loaded with foodstuff. She flew the American flag and the flag was also painted on her side. The cargo wan 4n?uj'ed for ' !,JiiO,o:n) The vessel ' ' -off HK-in'cii for $.'!(lH.OO(i, the un th'ys rjters declining ni take any Keitalorf. t M'i A. t hi r ii., T ii . be I if.-':i?! fall bl'Ol.V-bt -..mvM cticwd that I tit' v4.-s'.i, AiiuP. '"be Kniioisi, however, 'dr-.ael the. .. ealest t-nihufam. "jc-ioni by ii ki' illio'-i from the Kaval Acn-iemy at Annapolis, the b!ue-:.u'-et from ,nie of the Navy's th.'ps and the la i from the training -i. .!.. ;n-ht (h fani'y of the , roii. It was a ond i ful .fis'ay Kemember ib.it .f you pt,y jojt ..f j.nK nu,nhnd, .intelligent, clear- ubsi ripti-n in ful! r.d aM,t'n dl- t., lo-iyht-'ytd. .Th young men lar for tin- ctnung jear "hat you t.f the Navy showed the value of will receive the Index twice wnk naVal training. Thare did not -em insteud of once a rfk a h-to- , hf n .'noiir ince hi the rank.. If for. ' there i a t)H- of humanity davel- The '.r.c- th -v. h i'1 'S "it:i;; "1P di.r.. i.i-v it i V re:i;, ben-, v ri-ks oi ;o.iiir;iit(' b..cue the cargo.' f the ha! lis hoi(!it. back 11 er t thf !c',rsif if'll !H," carfC a;r:.tn: t Asm ri.o'y re'-otcoizes that th n.-tiot- Mne iucuwi isujid irafi,.iv it'iioii-, . r t . r, i tsmmt&w .r, i Krii-i.n i.i- Pent.syl-j (,,,. j,e Je-vipt of itirgM iMfH ffof-i ' ai-ii!lg m he liHiUi-ter a -uir.-t "t;ii::',o en.i t B.-i.fl, the three) ihr tim,.i iu-' trality xhipi.-r, l.d! i; tui-n under" arrest. .Iwlart, that :hevthe I'ulie.i State Semite-' hebi up be did ii"! Kit rv out ttiir promiee j State art object tor , ,.n -hp i , n ( aiU-r:u;i.n in the iniwer 1 i a:i"b ' DES MOlXkS,- iiA A, M . rciuliH ll.at thf luwa tiflHlUS Wild SAID TO l!F FOFfillT HI EI KEcnvi in:n l.MVEItNOK T. W. ItlthFTI- its' i k i hI siofn t. m SH tl.l. xpttei to le t iketi i tempt, lit. I repiciuiiitig i P f'r ion ir ii(t;ur I 'he lj-vris.':iilie today. The re-tti't 1 tion a it;til:n-ed jvterdsv ' laid over until . t"ljv RALEIGH, M;u. h It, . Govt , t...r ;, l!:ekeft failed on. 'ice-PreUlentMai-j . -'. shall, who .erl seveial hour in thej, if y,, yur uhi-riit:ou W city. Tb vicr-pres: -nt and Mr, j tw-tl thin and the lt or April yo Mairball n brief tmir of lhrtuill rMII;VP ),, ;,r tHe a wjiei. South. ir.Httad if oiie. I KKM ntllMtS IfEENOS AlliKS. March V:. Hear Admiral .luisti A Martin .ai;i . .Captain Diogene Agiiirre. of the Aririnf:m fav'y, hu have been nom inally ill hut ttlw are lepoUcd le'.liv to have fiitiKht u duel witn .one an other, are rei.-ovyriiu-. It i tinder.loiil that the tiht was with sworibt, that it was over a pr fessiunat ditference of opinion, th:it it-c;- t!i ve l in the. patio, or courtyard, of" a houe in the llronos Aires urburf of IVlgiiitiO rnd that both the prints pals ti uiided. a