TllU FAYETTCVILLE INDEX PubUflbea .Every Wednsday oV. V. MOURE Oho and Owoor VQULO OQ-OPEBATE WITH 01TY OFFICIALS SUBSCRIPTION TRICES: "W var - Six manths 1 Strictly In Ad vane INSURANCE COMMISSIONER HAS ! HEART TO HEAUT TAUC ON ,SGbt 'MATTER. GALLED M FOY TO IE mmi Salered . t5w pett-otic at FT m . v r a tnK-Td -1S aMtl PMU)C, ' - - - ' daauer. Eer .since mtm began ta prist tkiRgs &hat other paople did at ie there ha bee mar or leas MntroT ersy eanoenuae; the func tion of the newspaper, The wfierias always declared that the newpapet Ls a aaaianoe, the ,ranthas contended that his . aajred against the beat iaterests f the state and the man with atalf-baked .theariea-of . hae life was contended thatch? press. is the agent of the derit in over throwing the m.vrais f the com-asanit. Cowtmtaeioner Yeimo, Soak tact Ctttaena frM Property fey Ptoa. to' .re- ef Ore whix! Sec, Dantei&s .is knocking the army for while ad dressing the . Congress of Sur geon at Ckieacs he said the nwst tar its part fvtrj 1 the affart H jrt k mm diraet tooch wttk had to eerune the etoae eo oporatioB of dty and Mwi eA-iaia tfamitckoat- the um, taoatauMo oai miaaionor Ttou baa Mat aho follow i&S tenor ta tkw eCleiaJa: "taoeUoaMe: The taawroaeo De artMt desire to help jm hi poor work tor the apbiiUdiaa of yowr eHr nd . the pretestiwa of . lu ettttooa and thr property. Xto hate m heart to heart t!V m mm saanore ,Botfci)g oerwirta. "'Our law require Mia; batore beUdtns tin.aren of the fit dwtrtcU atmmmmi a pwrrott aiuwt bm b Saieed trout your build inapeetar. .wd that it must be erected ia cwplt with the tiuNhmu of th ww Tbta is a aioat iaaportaat law. if yoa wasb i arotd Are la jour city, i H eotr.pw5 wilh? If aot jaur bflf!Ai4r :.KRspw;tor iib(!rt to la tienawit.., :T-o m appoint' .bttil- .sg UD(tor or ,Ui xbief ,f the .fira d(tartaieat VctMfces .fti.gicio ib ttW.'tCGr. ' . . ' , Inspection a BuHdinga. ici,jur go er lha re l,u,'t eterji buUttms oaoa SU ?ean Agiv TLinldat Sat tUgfe Die, Sayi Tesv USft C K SLe 1 a WH Sfcr Womw aad P rabo Canbri Far Ear Jttcaverj. Royaa Otr, TatMra. ..Mary .K51 man, f thl piaoa. aaya; "Afiar the birth f m Uul alrt. . .mr dda om aaaaaaa to hart ma. I baa to go back to bod. Wo aUad tb 4actar. at traatai M..,bit I cot am bactor. I .pot wc aa4 woraa m&'Ji .law ail ry tbwtt wao Jaat4xawa aj baa I taU av baHaai ft b Ml battla of 0ai I woH try it. 1 oamiMwrwl taklac It, howoaat. that amalac I oailad ar aaaiflr aboot for I kaav I daya nnlaaa I had m Uut bettor. That waa U yoata arf and I ata otlU bm ad ata a waft tron woman, and I ow mj USa to Cardat I bad oaiy Utw half batt whoa I bacaa to faaT battar. Tho Baary la ny aida cat loaa... J oaatiaaad rirht aa taaiac tha Caidat .oatfi i had takoa thraa botUaa aad J did aot aoad aar am for I waa waH1 aad aovor fait battar te axy Mia... J hao awaar had aay ttvohia troaa thai day to thla- Do yoo aaffor froin haadaoha. hack aaha. pabaa Ja aldaa. or other diaooto-': forta. each aMMtht Or do yon faal' woaa. tteroooa aad tacgod-oot? Ijf oo. aot kat Caxdat, the womaaa tonic, a torj trial. 'J.U There is a reason Why you should let us repair your Amo Tire. Ve have the very latest 1 equipment that is SC'eatificicaliy eonstructed to orevtnt avercurinff. w uae the byeheat crade materials, employ the most akilled workmen, use power machines to da all the work thatcaa be performed on them this keeps the cost dawn to the Consumer. Siva ob a drfficalt job aad aae how wall we will please jwl. standard liard- Fayeatevi&e S.C "The uripirdoflb!e ruaery i-r'r ,ia ;npt e"? baud rTiaurru afeaterir.jr evjl ratm-ri V iaan have it exposad and ei-sdi t--ad" In ike navy U3 oat of eerr j wane .p. xae arj M out ; l0i suffered with ' .the .most lathsie diseaaes im 1?15. Ac--twrdiat- tsSir WfiliaiB Qj'.er these diseses Are the gTeaSest . menace in peace as well as war beUur sayuspsx, eaacer or tuterculasis a as jrea!at i i yd as aiflltary iife. Tke eedr Taere is fautoae Secretary Daie!s "Itjaitet W..reaUifcd :iji te h?oft e the su3Mt and w4!':tarv cjjmds aa aanaajr sJupjcates afat. ver? -diltertat dc- v-aw I h -what iwlaV reaehAM V a certain ifWo ""uliKJ wi a xaoMisaJafr.-aTie, XB, noraace-s kliaaandjf newj- c:aJ 4yj they were kaoekiag the twa mi kmli ijeljasisliedj fnm lb h;ue asd and refird was this arrament; that or gret thicker adopted si sijran mat can ae.sta ssi rt-aa Jyy ecry man. Tha mm jaire.( this. N'otbiae will da mart- to jro!ot your titiif M aad thew proper Sfcaa th iaapecboa. No aiORoy aBt iH pay bettor thaa aal ary paid rood aaaa m tdiy haildiac !iW. Try it We wilt aete yoo CioooncaJ laapaatiawa. aactnotyr ;rahe power aad (ha t. ft aha aaifeot laahC whoa aroporir taatadod,- : bat . .whoa aot. aothtoc Aaraiahea STaatr avaaea. w are year al:triI roau:toa' ly mmr awaeratoad th haatoaee? Mt aot, ey ahoo aot bo aAetrod iwdaaar aha Jive ad jpraawrtp ad yoar etUaea. if thyaiidaaata So iag the wark thor W ao oaoaao far poor h. J, aa a, ii m 1 aaaaaroaa and actios: ' !'w: ' Wht i rmmr baape-oai ad r n oooiotraaoa wife, ib I ".to aaar o a .!.-'! Im j aaenora - wasi a- oiiiio piae : .;o4 p a ai-4..o. a raraW p;f;i .o9 .tboai, had !o a Koritsaoa a a joo as ba4 TV rm4r i pi- tf i Jaa . law to" al low iar n-r.x'iti ,i ka!-B II I 1 a t Norfolk Southern JlaiLoad Tubiished a information and oot ruaranteod. TRAD LEAVES TKX&n&nUM. I,ffl A. M. exwpt Sunday for Raleish jand intennaiiaa tafions.. 1:5 P. M -'Daily esoest Sonday far ItaleicH, canaectinr . faleh with through slaeyar, ieAru?jhleich ..ttat,F.)t-'-far Witoew, .Green'ilte, ;.tSf--' lr.JLSuwiay-alf farfUl tSh awai intermediate ifr&aK. JF.1L Dady xoQht Zjasiay Pa3rfwnBatia- ca3 write tw C.tM. Beasley, Acant, Fav ettev-tne, N. . W. I. Williams. C A. J, F. Daltan, G. T. A. Kwrialk, A a 8 You Can't Economise By Price Alone Ygu saust araaiaiejr th uglily ys fet t tike rita. fife a iryiig see haw asacji we cC jrK-e jrojr. Thfw why we art taikad awat. IT dtrr v:-Z Y&ex raises ia the stjr. Twi is wejr'r t-lana t smaae. IT re p.nrpara,? t kipv-l fyr a t v.M' rw'aatjjaftioa,' . ' Tt$ ta da?dica aar til ie aid th H w exi.' far i,tsr3f. Conj ad sea wr cajx. ait a si drew, fl2JJ 4i- DIEF'S DEPARTMENT STOR.E 1 1 Ah! That's the Spot SiwMi'a Jjnunesit gotm tigh t to it. Mrf'i a iu(ajtic c; r a u2 ttuwriiMeg Bcsif.aJjic pi You' cto tint ;-iM.-k and fet!ie tr'.iri m HtMm Loaraent. Tt:c.iKfo of bKae fcv re-r.e-jy iiaiwjy for J,.l paiti Lctause tin rid an4 (J. ten. f, iv VjlJ(axiALn;rh aaa a"iog af ta Hoao ap. ao iff k parhaa wbo are a. .!, to par ao puoatioa -thm .roadt.Moa of hor pr . ocrapt .')' '' n t.f .i.air praaiao ara fuvad ia ad .; a warroat wH So tt Taia w!!J do the wrk nd :j'r a .! f tow f irt Oapartmtnta. driaona f yoor eisy sifei'a;H iU' n i ,tiA',, What .1: ifl if e(jii j,j3.o . : i o-aiaji! jjnw ; tb 'j'poa -atuT Vl'feat i tim tjmtsinmt of b-: r-p iak? pT;a: .,?i tm4r 0tor t&e Srr bell )i'r-i IK :,-y ' 9 4"! t. X .. ' i"-' t 0 i -sij.j- ' 'i-!.i ; !. ' J- imb.iw J: n-1 ).i Ir AaaJpif, IThiTe it Is tiae xscrd thMi Od, 27 -Tha Kr tratar Uc Aliater at ward and pus gone inta tlte ouuniciaal ! tad waod Watataa UH tae east a. aaa 'if .c. rrt uie trwKt 1 is 4 tew ,-a tp wur?d tie America, army tspoi tada is t:rear thaa at aay tisw anUUea wiU thw prwaaia lass af H Or Ivstary f lie huaiaa-race war if thatfruad to he seventy lei the aefac lie At the the takia af t. c,tw. sary The city af StatesviJl weat r.--J-.r roitand thelnnda- re:-:! a fir? ni vri'jf Sri i-s :' f J. if pt-s i . ij jW i; it it a ar j fcr ( : a twit , . . s.- ,i !es? dastardly Neidier the aubma- a 4 ' .. ..miX. aewttal naaf) Vtr ark ihus twits the asaie tuy airiiie ir -v.. .... .. .1:.. .. t. ....u it a fWllnw as form anibush nod the . ,a rhr i rrnl4ro News transjxrt hit uarely arnidahip!' " , ... , 1. r I- ... : Kl. r at 8rz'jinr for amunicipal wrxjya"0 swin in m"v" wmeet fhe fuel emergency if) great trajre'y f mre the fcss o .tii . r .1.. r I'tVi'.nffn msinv Oii- with tie iMunk-ijAl woodvard.eretraic enoufii m P'Jveji liave een w ie ever!ating" shame uf t (lerruan nation T the fjuitk rescue work of the convoying warship alofie f the comparatively limited los of lire attnbwt ihh One h mi-el and wteven sul alxarJ the dotm el tr"P Jr-hip 'T'' aed hut the ntaii-p tit Josses 1 all tan 1 t iifreatThal the Ar.ulU-s t-m- iwnd ji-idof outvkapJ D-wii.o aisd that sh- a.- vimJ ,n,tak.T-SM i 'th l, wrk 0 the enemy is r.ooe the.ia JiJ tere were J.a.5 cea'u saiiriawjotn Carycia rctJa .(ii) a.-oai-a. bat ar'bdji w&a rac ai j' ae t ba wij.iisr. Catch the Drift? Bar' lk wrdisK) t', raa-b tbr 3fipa af tk. cuamutjl) 1 5 P S ot S"i.-d mt.f CIO:a.ll. ' - a . t i ' : ' r . 4 , 1 t j.. led 11 4-fabIi.-hmeint of the wa )d , t rJ iy the municipality ji- a fi id fact ard Mayor Briu! i.j ad v Ti:.-:i.jf fr .''Oi-ordsof wl as .'a.i-i.-i' li-n it '.nHa.i to I'atlir K f ir eje toTht- b 't ion in N'o-'th t'aroiinaStntesville Jw. IH tin'pufessliu) and oh.i3hf other cities and Io a ms nuy y c m: ill te ri-ct xw. it lorn o - J.t- iVf:r. t iiy '1 he N w ha.- ,,; a mr.v I M.rM a . .in f.,r!hew iuirit "-'ly l.r sn" i -.t ,,a-r rard it e immla-rof buriiv..r- f r h-r ,.. iri'.ncii ti'.-t sudden im t ro;ier , : i . . s ...... 4 . . i i sr. f'.r.-tae-:;v.i,,wy tw -i-owirt'tafi. i" -.aatreute-vili.-hlli.e - Th- 1 irii:f "f an Aaj '' od -1 t ..j r a t r - . ? f - ;( r.a- ira n.'or u - ( i ' 1 ' 4 1140ttlll Lflt e -3 f r.s. tin- ti r- . t . f J! t- a ; t 0-l i i it'ii ij, . i m rt ni Nf; i j i -a- rotiiniiinitis- i j a 4 dcaBim a; n-KB w1li f lin aril !eS,!in in the Kiit-a trail-as Ih'-re 13 t oii). rb')i, o tar as utty U cotTad, 1 . i 1 1... i...itatrw p -i it, i- fM-r own MeaiiiTlieciviiizel it t ' tn'AI, ' ao .t v. tt, v ijt t ! l it if a?i t h:t M;t rV(i muv Tti't H'.ter.d to o"o ail tnt -t j. iiC.d hj-ir".- .! tl ,t nt t.a- t le.nit terizrd tii i A -ii- mil irt ki .tj-.-jti.. tifM and cmitt tiiptihh? pra'.tice(tof the o 'it tiiat not.' of In r ... j s ilm.aritie a.-a,sm It is mi apar rut'ft-r fir M,rir ti.if f tn ,()a;t. a ilh the lnhwi,v:n m hhid-'on thcin CHinf' whether, they 'from amVnh That 14 tMt war it are pior or rich Statesvil le Utuiu thuggery Kichmond Newt Leeds yiaf with the national war plans m lor" cimardly tactics ' ti-tiifni . riavu g an tfit.t-ref r lor far i tv would count 'i.:r. t ue sort of . w;n fartf that inhuman aanaas m (the 1'nited States, there we re ll.tMO an,;,.,,, 5yetrf f e and !der( aad d.5ji..f Ieode arer W years ofaje. la fact a rery cop.-iderahle fcropr. tioiiof the of thipulatioH lha wa over jti year of aife. Statistics hsw that the proportion of old j e p!t i.a c ,n ttantly on the iacree. Tht it is poxaible to add fifjeeis r ie .r- iv IV H"l OU LT-OJUOn MriLn s .. ,11 . . t . all o.a penle. Many -of itf-rt? are provh-g n They h aside the idea that si frry v.j are old and. at sixty 1 a r radti for the gra e. Th- ha t lnl el that by adopt; rg pr r liv ing t-a!it at.) itbfvn fairhfiiS. lyrhelawfof hfci!-you ti& ..aa .li Jii r.-i.... ,. ! it'll T7n; lll-T'Ii iWCifm Of forty yea.Ts to your iife hsjl that )o'jnm;i o j-r-.t-rve ine virgan of the body and nn'i.d as to rnake tinV -riod of life one of the IllOr-t lii fi.5. There are mor' old woinrn than oiu (lien. J l e r-ao!, zuvn lor this art- women live cleaner Jive, are given less to eKces. i JiS,ve fewer infections drink' less his I. .... ... 1 ....... . t.A. ' ' , t7 ifMJ "'fo tmiacw carry le'ts iraiti ami coroe into old age with 1 .. . . 11 .1 bouiitier urgaoe, riy ir.'t-re'ore have a death rate lower than that of men, arid they have a longer life exjctaiicy than num. According b the tenius tahle. perxm 75 years old may -ptct to live years those 70 years may expect toh'ytil.J years FERTlLlZCRS-MeaL acid, soda lime, Asnmonuted oToods, fish soahp, blood jand tankare. We handle everythirot in .fertilizere and .:.? the trade. AUrac- ' .... J r . 4 . -it:e pr,;,?i? or; tw -juii.t; ui: i jlr.erj. D".p uvt ur.e and e .1 ajJi vou atid call on joa. 4 :-T T, 0. ISOTON 0N.. FAVrTTL'ViLiXN.C. Your Patriotic Duty j If ja waa t ywwr i'tc't ts akfte land g e more tight .far ieasmoa Jaey. the ffmw Aladdin limp u i what you teed . it jpvs twtcs Voir I'.Jf.oi w l - aa w'. j Is aetlec taan j(yaewScjty ar W' rr ecnaial. relate . aad eaduit. af st rachiral Vsalaaii&fiftctov-y Htxl eZiaisat frsplt. '''Xt aad eajty aa weak ye. N Najef , V Ddar. IrV-aaadEleftaf. tatettfejr mui fce fraud af in yaajr aaoe A stl card atdl fcta & to yai i7adirAad ta Evandcr Ede. Fayelterifle. C- J PIANO AMI OJWAK OIIKAP A yery fine a :jh frada piaaa aadasaeet tpned pandws Off an for a!e chean fsr cash ar n easy terns. Writs ta I. O ox !."., I:i:hniood. Va, GIRLS! LEMON JUICE IS A SKIN WHITENEB Mow t me a tftamy Ocouty lotiofl for 0 fw cant. i t ra SdwhMea od wooiof tew noaiiQ af . !. tara a. -l.;a jr$ii atw jpaarfcafeijf i an . 9 aid t0 tw., .,- s-.-.-.a,.- a aO aa "U t s iwa Jy as??s ra J-- ws w"a ao aj-s lu mul ta , inkt a4 tit jwi-l l-.t fI f" ajjr d w V ''" '-! t - rr-T a a.1 mala ap a mnr ( tt, a.tir fra.Taoi ''" It Own ..! fnaM i 'daily iato n- l'a.. ara and aaaa. fhox ..i r4rlf hud thwe iKt.i yea r--, 'I hf iu.-ex of tleathl'ri people ovor tw ni the order of their im. crtafia. are; Organic heart ti is ease; apoplexy Height's disease and psernonia. There are about one third manv deaths from conrumpttoti as there are form prnmtro iia ( )ld people must guard against colds and pneumonia as well a against worry extreme fatigue exposure r strain Heed, Mortage deeds, chattel mor'a-res and magistrates blanks at the Index office. The Caie Fear Section had its first killing frost this morniar. I w