PAGE TWO TI1E FA YFTTE VTLLE r TILE FAYETTEY1LIX 1MEX ' tskWw. rv W'MfaiHM - JL M. MOORE i:lilr an! 0t SUIKCRIPT10N PRICES: On ear W Six months.:... t . ... Strictly In Advance fBtertd at the potofftf t e. N. C, a ecoHdu Ships. Still the Need The sufffest.R tnat proti.. liw Genrjuii are leadmp us .inti) Dr- Ge " W" 1 1 ran 1 v allariwr us t e larpe The Kniflcaaw of sumber- f Erers across the i aUr . ar jea in tr.e Eiar.s:est ir.unse- and iln try tJ cut. these mer. t.pder,ceof all thenar !jbcnbe to Index from Ar.,enc-n fond and supplies ear: ft; not oa'r jndwnes and;" ' si-.CMr.arue activity tssitfEgest - i-m- Wd Northchtfe. 1 Heches and )tmrfBvnvn:nient. Th&nsands oflars spet for ,Tfirei- oai vTK.f -w tn.c IcoalinKmfa Carolina eould j: KarU'ieiifle '.r.e. e of spethea:jdU'eries strc-.i: !owrerary is th Ui-J fre-L Stt.,nemut -i the rt-; prrur-te of b.d-V'-- f the Vrld, -d. "tlrket .q 5 V'vl'-"- p: i-ir r,"ts, K-.d sir- Af.-'V" is&rei-rtie w ; , sn-s. ana st.: re sfv- - " our iii' ty to r ' t J .-' A- we'.I as J.d tf.t J t-o s ..-i..r aly'y v. v .1. . Ac'Jvr-.'.ry: L -rd N r . ? an J we Jwluvefce is qute cm f'.T-jkVr.ce whatevt-r iu a"o - e - that t.nie fa-sn ierr s,ru s ut tna: country bei:v .-; free and half slave, half ctmoj wj irprov.mate'y cjual to ened by the war. about .ts bejrJcratav ai;d ha.f autocratic It joce pound f.coal in heating val. rt of ta4. or anjthicg e'.aejmu lvone a'J the one oral! thej uet t;s would laeana waswier- wticn woutd ir.aicate a te.sei.ed ability t-t maintain the sr. Lord Korthclife iaya. as w iave of ten said before, tkat a mi thi? tuff put -t by Gemaar4y for the express parpose f deceiving tae Cnited States Accwdinjr to his Tew. the grai problem before is that i trar sportio across !' ceasj. ard Je believ es tha CW-jrrony w ill wait until n e )sae ftaAed . a. -oiidenihle army ia France and tien by subiariarae etivitjr undertake to t ut off our applies aod snake it inapoaJbie fw -js t feed or munitioj our ry, woic would nuke u m rfat deal veake? tias if re bad m aroy abrgeid TVs is f t problems we m-jtt fa - Dhrhiw fferaid. . Tie fcrew-e,' are German. Ap ir't scis. atdy iper test f the wfws an? rp5Hr. I'a-f-f iitb jmfMne anti-Att.eri -af- arri-pnrf.ibitn aie i- .Vf an w pr. ' ' it'-lr,ii fahn .f I h i s sortof thing after l t-,b,1:!Snkf.-,nl(,r 20-j' s-bject the ;ou. . t ) e. I .- ,v r tnui J" uai?y A a raiii'de?tr'vfr'i he fva--i fu -t -r-'-r t, . 1 -r rr.j ; t. . ,;.a;-:r,. .... ; . jus sit Amer:-i -'; il S r.t.t ii!iie i' f,(-'n" , ' j i.'.J...-tr. If f - ! ' f.". . I . s.;.j- i 'Tff!an tiv t'. .' 1 ly'.i' - ( ,if 4ti j.--. r-.-v;- i 1 c -1 r. 1 1 t:.' "" ,l -"i ' - filer hen, in a 1 -;t..f j t i!.. (,.."- t e ! M'"-"!'! .ii'":i i ri di( ' It I -at fc.- 'd it Is r.; if a n t J a r:s.-j t' to the tManfJ i'-i? T' rt,.k-it :' tary U ha e tj v- t'j tl. r.' iv i."ri P't I'wi the! t ,M C- tni. 'a.;. ar il wt. To g-- t- ja ! 1. reak onl man' hi. arnal. . If Russia does not intend t jr.plit any t'T.-r. the next le3' tt:r.ii sue can uo is to remain in aisch a fiat- o anarchy that the German armv won't dare to leave, for fear r.hnt the anarchists might pet t getherand ajsem -ie trou-jbile Tsers more Money than a y ble in East Prussia. Thoe who; , bv'reDairitur their Tires are d,aaed to abuse the Kusswm i ,,!;., atri'l "scientific wav at'Alc.k caat utantf propirity. that h i nn. riin - for the-.r demoralization should stncJy scienutic way. ai MUXL K ,Mf,mK .ounu .v- ih remember that they put in ome .msgnt) ito.G hcki aunni.": mrursi ' kei)t"-the eastern line busy. Had!"". d quality and lt not for tj,e earv activities '-;0f the Russians when theGennanj uii-rr-v niir.i'MSfTn l.eeiuni to . ! ' ,t' . j i ... r raiuv.tney woua nave cap'.-ayw Pans lR'iiRxinfftTjS:ar. What World War Mean the World jn'.inerce.but aio in ideals.j-Hn- f" i"t r 1 . v. y,t-c -;:.n J re r:s:f of Ik : 1 15 l the L'.lii.':C if the l& tl )ivtr - w e-rlvri.;'-f of'sy. T're Tnor:d t-a.r.vt er.djre hftlfimJ.p.n ta twirrt f s.-id otfter. . can be ienectiy free until ail meo are free. No man can be perfectly wise until ad men are wie. No man can be perfectly god until all men are zxL Tke United States can not be perfectly free until &el gitua if f)ee- untjj Poland. er biaar Anru:a are it-d, in'J' Germany a . Aa'ia ar fn-ed Si:fr r KM BuMce i ft. t voiding trace- fullr in erery inatance to the de uaadb f the Food A4mioi5tra tio. " Mr. Hoover has bad fr ea impie t end rather tharp mes sage to about 150 licensed sugar manufacturef in Louisiana to pre vent them from avoiding the ac ceptance of the price lor sugar as fixed by the Government, by P'jttinir ik product through a semi -refining pn:c?ss and e!ling it to the candy and sweet drink manufacture's at a high figure. Ulritvr wamed them that reueti- IjiT . ,viVJ Ir .-i ak: fi. tlViTJ !;"i;kri a) and ti -? pnalt e r f the r.ct. It is very likely that if' trie Gov- jerr.u: t-. p-i-iiimI ?.te:--'vi .ijy"t' i'i :! J rY.) a i," ( L''l ct-f.t a !th thf C'1-.l'j tiAVi Cl 1 . l sol -'.,!ti.--e. the c.'ar ni-r. ! , .. , , .. , -t-jt . ii' 11." irs ii""i.L,i ijji w.'ii'n the Govern- '; r,s A- ir.iUt-r of I'lrl, ti.t ie ' i vi.- , ;'. ! J The hjiur-.- t l.'...te.i Siuii"! Iep irtmeut of 2T u'a .-i 'v- an eri'irni'H, mr t r, r .1 : , .i,r 'id laat Vr; HtwtVff - . . .- (ri; .va-- ra'-'l ti:i- ; eaf. ck .in '! I i er' (i i'i this ri:l i'A t." 1. iu 11 s .!.' cii'ic.srii v- :.t i--t..,,,-! ;t i.:is,i-n,a few '.veeks It is ' unlikdy e-t at a i.ler level .ti'it im aririTuiii will a r '-; r-av::a' : v.-v A'arrat.'fl but xome thins? akin to 'w-' if.-u b-a; I-.."-! rnj nt be considered. .This is ti v. .'4 !mv bt.t u-ve not only of pacifists, . ri:.4f- of t'r'.er"Vitef tho-se who iwo?nizs.. tint it!i-!a'i. ,- News , ai.d db- the lat few m Mhth have brought that Un 1 riunit ierver Do You Bit" vve are -avintr the Automo- I - the lowest cost W e sell Aato Tires and ac- prices will please yea Oar Ek- . . , nr .,,, itwikr'jm mar caw vmi IT1JIHV -Aiil-1 "j- j Mandafcl) Hard ware Ck). Inc. Phase 41 FarrtteviKe N. C Raleigrh, N.. KuvemberlO ,be Iir.'irvrttfd at t'.e ?-rov yrt-1 l.i y ot th a -'j. and 4 fie? re !wf oti.t-r uodrbr jsh it s0vuki ni f .-r f le -y d. audi'? t able eaving in coal Quite a few i eities in the State fcae already cities in the State taken notice of thic fact ' .by : es4 t ablishing municipal wod yard encouraging the selling and buy- tablishing municipal wood yard. ing of taw cojnmJity; The Ohio Exoeriraent Station ha..thrf acord of wood e-Ttinfusi value to. ta eft Ovrsof ood lota ea eay rjt ejijgh fuel for themselves iiid eei iupi)ly the same to lo cal m .rketsjthrough the wieter and will put their soare tiaie to Cxl advantage, as well as the time f tlieir aired men wh pro bably have a lot of extra idle timeoa their hand. In thit way they taught make profit for rhemaelves, as well as use a lot f wood that is now wasting a- way aod whish might displace much higher price coal. Mu-h of the many thousand r,f ar nt wooniots in North Car olina could be cleared of wast? w)4 at a 'r fit this year and j be iropreved in addition. Some trees are old ad decrepit, and otner-ar." sr'aJng ana Disn' ingrowth I".-vie?s thems-l'.ei for f'imi-r5 triey cowd oijt thrifty o"ji' tres or prevent J seei!ir.jr fr":n -;krt:n. Wh-i) ii-ii 'i"'l tr" are rem-tve-i '. . . 1 iMt-v J.ii Z -'-:ngupnaiur-ii- v ar.'I o iJ ti int-i timber t vai'." j A Tier Tfit of a' most .$2.'"i . .1 1... 1 p -r cirl uf 'J'-i m u X(ji Wat ('- if ri.'i -t '.ntur, U h"e t ;. ''.otr. and o r u i.j e'-t tf c j: of niirft.-tij),r is very httie leaving a go-d margin for profit on the enter- pri-e. u Yoik. No.-. lo-The Nrvi York Tribu'iefrpint this nvmiinyr dipatch tt'o-ii ArtlnrS, liraf. .dSjth;err jrs Londnn I'orre-p'jndent say. 'iru (i --!rian ve t-rms rre .vttrt wi to ie mada nub.ii! with. ian amazing change in thi whole war situation. m .i MWb VI MUJIIv... Aleck Eniair: ia traveling H ime is well. fountain 1 ins He hir.. boy to tin tw aro-1 AT. iaU VI HtM'AT MIL A hMTk IT ithiw , handy. h t- f hw, pB.1 ha8 0,0 "w . "p T" tor . Ami a hard M, NW airt ot kB n.T mmi-i . ruiu . Kind h i j ' uui w noiuin -rtt wich ., .Simply hum lw.-k rh. iim fm tr ratio :rt up .inf ti W nt mr ma" . ' Blfi. faa'y. hiei pant hfu. bull- r?1 fir. f.itw rtrtitiila rt.m "p.ctls of ri.TH- wo; SoRtHiAa SCei Rajf apsi t ! A-y T-e. 1 9 i' any 2 It -1 c . ....i-Jii n. l.'l ft h a Ji'5 pa w usiiniifof l aid vat J-&r tJ rcv' fc and f;a Posture and Health. , . ... . ' , ,- .. . i ... - . w r .piw ,i,h.. B . ':!? l!:.' !f it?arr sh ht aiB'iaic a aatar j ta a td a.tuai x-r A I rCia Ar I aTT.CC " IJfUIwiw ;M ,f - - llrr. ki. raid iai rrawa T iaaadM ' Im-fa "ai. iar.aa 4 in battA Maa a .ana; cf r. krivca M aiiaac tU. .ia t. Mtaai. aMT7. ri oa..r. fatitMir hj ta itoiii ZftaJurT It ia u-u. iht JWiala t4:T4a ka ' "BRACE YOURSELF, SiRI" If Not for the Ss..e of ep-ice, for the SrUe ef nea t r,2 Efiitienty. (eiHiem-y fa Tl-.xl.a it Ak a?- tfrt I''f."i i".i Ujy ward oft u. i uiid auUiii.. 1'itr iiis:aiii f, nauy j. !, s.i..Tj,i down in llioir ctiairs or fu m n-t iBf-y rily h uiKio iIih wnijiA ur lm part f the hii tiiiiieAj. TitfH Jiirow irln upou the Joint UK ti ixiaet to th miu, Bud juaiiy hicKi-ha U produi ed in Juil thi vay. Il alio af.rii-UHly imiiedea digt sllon I d brealbiog- Ja bUDdlng maay ptople t'TM the hsMt of raitinf one leg. with ttaa oth.?r lef beat at the knee. This throwa Ui whole frame work out of plumb, ai.d rvapa t apinal cWTatura. "rrl tar nwr nm itwo w three jclB-aMfc m oay when I . ! mt hi;..u IWr niuae w' kind 1 jwiicu, smok rour or five eigar .i., bm on- " " v xm scren and atrip. l.rtMGT ta. It. V. D BfMI H7 Knmi J . . J, u dnUer.-ea fl.h !Hrt. u run. uni nr i n. i- ruUr. iim . ui . v "1 'of ?VCilV Hur Atetti. "" i K lu hjai tlwwk a Jair oW rf .! irtr.' I'd, nni t heat . llSat- i9I 'aain tir mw' thR ve Jiraos ar rnt-jsi Lir vr- ,u x- rf aiw Ilww .f . !h aw.jur !u.u Kdi. a--r r!. ?ia.ib,r w or artwiea' war ta'C" " "" taxa'A- .;:r"- hanir ; . .. 1 : ntA tit" TSraft a i-ii ii. -r r. - Hid t fcia a -re ! J.-. ' IK ill iv f" . a 1 ,! N 5 ... rE so t- u srrf -than - !i -,,- :.. fc'- & ' 'M t. dv i'ii-f a yr. 1 tv itil hii,t,i;h'' i.j 4' hp uj' aa j.u..u ; i..-ta. " i ii h.i -'-jr a.a t !a a iwy t.t; to.-.o'r-.V t?'T -vr- b'l. J 4 jury !hc . ., .. I U p.n . . . j . . .V .6. 1 e. k 5'.. a a a sid.r ia .uit to Ti faatfr " iixrr' tram earlj ; T tt . , .. ....... -UJ . ' Z. lh ta a aa. Ha at--i.vr-- ic fc l ! .t f,! Ut at" Ami !r aa aiaaa tlt t! !!!!! wwlta. 1 mT ' 1 u.AiT!ltt1 Twa t? t th rar .tuda waajaa ; a arTcat tia. la. a aa fiara. . jrak:aaM to, at (.rrst, thaak aa !aa ha atr tir laa aarfaf j habit, but fraiwa bar awe maavlaa f vtpr br fir tffa OUEiTlONS AND ANtWCRt. Filtny tucrt. j SiMim t!Bi ; I raii ; it apr f tnai a E"If:i''x' (r! !ha j ir fevr, ' If a and mher liae on paper moDfy lahii'D bafl ni in !! ri t "irruiaiiKti. if (rie'?(si,l tor- tr tit rtt f . r j 'e?- .m." tb e-Vf tf-v-. I sltaii tti.ela Mad Ooga and Mad People. Il ! a. a'''! tf('in !. H'lon J, a mad d"s U-fur. syn,!iii. pf tiv imj-ijiibid dt "Vfliirp? It tha. ii? Is t .! imm'-diiitly. tf th' r. )-al? " or haa ti1: tln"t.rvntitf, itt ,,.1.. .no 'lf'li. ( anv ;irnn ( i'i I in t il1 1 I I !-. ir lr.i.n't . i v . -r it p-nrti ii. na. f.-Ti(.l ;i.:." imirit-tHl'U" t lh l.,, i!.:.-' .f llYffllrfie. It.l'gil. fT Sutpsct Tuberculttia Be Enaminad. Wliat dg a low btiHid p; insure in- A nnnr-rk low blcxxf Mirniri ta -ctetMt vitth a wn-iiftv nf i.hliima Tba n.oiM itt.mrtn1 hst-v!- ar- tnhmu !fn Hintrrf(.UT. er,rl tlU.t v from oirrk. nimvt if ihe ii.-ut infH-iimf puiiom. iObo U in-ndwnl imrvom rundi ttona !" ta rxhauttlon, nruruilivuitj vriiAMlmri. BNirrBaa, dwrrtiaa u4 drMWlanr. ! Business Locals FERTILIZERS Meal, acid, soda hnve, Ammonia! goods, fish bwodand tankage. Te f ' I j:jiiuc rvcry lii.tiR in iu.i andaosfyf the J trade. Arac- tive pric on acid fw prine de liver?'. Dr)iusa line and we will Quote yfu nd call n. you. T. T. COVINGTON & SON FA Y ETTE VILLE N. C Oi.r w ood subscribers -iIl f1 a hearty welr.e just now. Plenty of all kind? of kinds of Wnnl.sat the Index Office. WANTFl-I first class mill f.v nen capable vf handling - !nio;d labor efficiently. Coud .jypnd a st,adv emplovment i. j - -j i th e&r af-r.d on wrk ' fu- wit jiroj-er qualifica- I?. rrp!y faCCrehS SUIierin- urei;r,t Tjj.aiee iVwer Cm- jf iiny Badir. S. C J 1 1FAV A !:! 1- U.-V a.- ed ' or Notice d w fa u : v vs. it . .' rii v - (. S If f 4 7 ' 1 jt them ffrt.' -v- tu:ck icf'ije . So see The Christian - Ewing Company K"Sijrt,lrU( N. . Norfolk Southern Rail oad Published as informatin acd CaH guaranteed. j tO A. If- ) exr-pt SuAday fr Raleigh and iatemedjat IS&T.U. Daily rtcept Swaday far Raleigh, (oaectijog Ut 1 Raleigh with through sleeper, kaving RaJr.tb at P. ftf. fw Wilsoa. Green vl!er Kr- foik. Va : . 1 a P. M Sund iy enly fw Ral- eigb and intermediate stat. ARRIVE K y K T T EM U.t A. M. Daily 4:5 P. M. Daily except Sunday For information call on or write to C. Mr Beasley. Ajrar.t. . . Fayetteville. N. 0. S - William r a. lUIeigh. N,C 1 f i 1.... n a Norfolk, Your Patrioti: Duty . ,rr. r "-r ''".. and give morv livht for less mon- ri',v. tl;e farmers Aladdin lamp hi what von uiw-j. It (fives twice the light on htilf the oil. better than Electricity or gas. More economical, relaible and endurable. Most practical Most satisfactory Most efficient Is soft, Hrijrht and ea on 'uk eyes. No Noise. No Odor. Clean and Klep;int. Something you will lepniuil of in your home. A tiostal card will brhp it to you if addressed to Evander Edge, Fayetteville. N. C DR. J. H. JUDD Dentist iXSe 8acM4 KUad mi Nrv aWTy rsjr tareet, jfna Pmt ... .