THE FA YETTF VI IAJF. INDEX . ' ' ' '-If ! Aum-.eraiau.H fcjaend Acts THE F A YKfl'IA It.I.E IM'EX! of ttarbarisin. jf. iunuct: i:j lli u; ItSCKII HON rui CKS ax month Vioaar, Nov. - All the . : oppressive measurer which cyr- tr n.s Owin"-'''' the mwpion of. JJehriutn ,. . !a;id many .' tbeactsof bar tamai . . ! w hich revolted the civilii.-d world . sit-in :-ot!iCUi cuspatches ircm home say, now are being prac ticed by the Autro-Ge-rn:.n in. vaders of Italy. .50 Strict! In Advance Satet-wd t th aoaUjftii at Fay- aaatlar. C. a .mi-ia mai'I Nca ,Zen?on, the -dispatches I say, the invaders .placsd Italian women and. children .before -the trvps as they advanced and the Italian soldiers were compelled to sacWice their innocent country men. ' In the .Friuli region, war taxes, requisitions and conscription of liexru Soldier Remembered The people of Wadesboro and , bor jg beins practiced as it was Anson .county have exemplified m Belgium and northern Trance, fcbe real relations that exist be- jAustro-German prisoners tell of , Uaen the "white folks" of the ItiUati non-combatants massacred ithand "colored folks, who by invading troops and kxt ...uke themselves worthy, such astraai Italian homes and shops has awr Sdier who represents len faand-on the bodies of dead --'Aiiut ir, rh Irene be in France. : ..... c.a-i;... w p;.,.o tui humble coiored soldier ' declared thej bear the screamsjT ,h thmKB tbe epf JCaUU tUf 111 M villi . liev. Ct. F. Smith, sl Methodist preacher stationed at Kwidr.--jj! $'i53?n fVi2 vao v', Ti a -rnx r. 1 f ! time aao that it was said had been nil. - revauea. uui we notice it wa; printed without comment 'in the; Raleigh Christian Advocate. of 1 week lefore last The .Ealeigh Advocate is the organ of the Methodist conference which meets in Green ville this week.and whether Brother Smith is to suf fer for the bold words be has written .remains to be seen. In this piece Mr. Smith advo cates the election ofMbishops -for a term of four years, instead 'of for life, Methodist preachers are given appointments for one year at a time, and they may not serve one charge longer than four years. The same thing applies to presiding elders, and Mr. Smith point out that no confer ence would think of allowing pre-1 siding elders tibe appointed for ! life. He is not opposed to the JV-S the Xonrva? Journal i4lf women and children from the jcopalfonn of .government is the! 1 III ii I r Pi r , a V rt'ii - ""o ( 'i ; opposite side -f tlie river. Ti 1 & a.. a' d lhi ! best for .MethodistA. But he scr vvidwrr. if I! ?!:7 U It A 8itu t!jt pra. ?,ce of t i si t -1 i it c Now is the time wlieu you will look for a nice suit of clothes or overcoat for your self or Boy for Chnsnnas Or even New-Tear', you must All I . 1 ". r i i, m t Ofc'i ! v l.H- ? 1 UK- ,... i . ' ' .4 ' l .,r tir -- ( 1' 1 ' . I," ijifrtv. t!:e vu'i-. e v.h.'ii; evjuaiitv. I think of !V. mas now; ss it is : ueanv here-' ,:We.." o'j Heal Goods at reasonable prices'. in our. new., o-torv ana e New i . Vv'ir 5 .'i r ? rri daily- We feature. 'Good ClotJi- ' lorn the ti uut a. ra i . j-i ii .t'g e. .aiflr,.! , mat ocx tn-en rtOie to appvtiate the resal- a-ot by the Wadtfsboro folks will ; mean eiore to "lobe" .than all rfe North, which does ,not u".der jtaod hi sympathetic r.ature.has ianefor him. And Tobe" wii) into the trenches knowing Uiat the white folk havean in ' erAn,lumpitsisioior.;' , The kindly jreroebjranee of 7ke negro toWiier n juat as macb 4 American soldier any thr MNA umform'Wi! iotjhi color. no people re oruac a? fi64era pewle-'cize -tie hwery the. jtnenite t -aod . tie - piithftes of the tiegre soldiers. 4Lcit the South cootnbute? a part f its .quotas of -iUwps to a-p-- ,.- fcofict Aiaeritaa lK:vr. - : M TwWLc-wer i at orsly an; AerK:an .sold r, bu t a Southern Vajier. Moreover, he i a North "-n-'i,iuan. aiid ever rv.e 'ortlj' 'AhaiaA wiU b :yik claim . far fjbe State due tumor that Tbc. good- tne silver limng of ittie daiitl. it is worth mueh frightfuiness that a whole cation may be arouse! to a previously tny, to a willingness to place the good of the srhole before the inJ terests $xA , omfqrt- the' indi vidual, and .that .a people .hitherto! insulated jwsy be made te think in ui-orid term. ' The reent eon flict is dving alt xhesr tbingsutafll more, ;f.r Aiaeriea&a. i ' ' Ani the r,i as ,rie .of. tfce- iaasi ftTOperty;; -etB0!;.,fHi haf distinct en- -wk; aH,far jt lit teach ts thi-A-ad &!o ig gea-1 eratooa. ie'.-? atd habit? tf-fsnt-gfiliy, -t..rifjad ec-Jvsy that wiU briog buut iiAviej 3uch larger than the pieaent war ex- peeditujres. stupendoou as it is. Already twe jrigaatie lAerty loans have heea fkateduind while it i true the sMjorAy of he sub script k.-ns came from great mwe cr.teis. there were theusasds i s-ma!! mve.tiets from individ- t'ut i rt.r.i.r.'-rs who ).. -. wtn.e a ' ma ut Lide thit U Hi a,'; Ikniiar iiiry.ii li,tf Clatf ..L.r .Iia: j t. i uab w no til i.w nad -not weii enrxe awJ acrue-enieut '-ii the!ut ' iactt't- ! facing AmmVm.,w;w- , . , , . m. W;iHirgf..n Star. l " - j.ouiir.a'io'i wa nvi within Jhe Oieans of . multitude of -wage eiirners. ' Therefore, for the dou ble p'irpfee of enu raging 'the fcilo Dried Ptnes i jiid A Market. t. " ' r t a' r .- 1 ' o 4 3 "A ' M . rt- ' 1 X J' J i J'iVt t il i I I . - i ,it).tujj ii ?r - jn f t a e of iJierty Iv-iju- to .morkey with it The hbhop has the power to send a Metho dist preacher wherever he wants to send him, and a bishop may i. ot be disposed to fall with joy and affection upon the jieck, . of the brother who suggests tha ne should be elected .for our year instead of to a life terse. ; Hence the silence that can be jEelt, Jhat has greeted JBrether Sasith's V Is f-oorestion. ' ' Some if the lay hrethem, too. e gefiRg restksa v&der the ab- tiolutf posrer that ets with: th biflv ..aiai iu cabinet. -fley rao-t,.3xaftfsr,; jepresectatk an Uiecooferentseg. a'oredewotra tic f 9 of goyerwnent. Why should . it jsot he considered ;"ejw-i aently furoper, for instance, ,ir repreaentatjyes of a Methodist church to attend a confereooe aud be conul'ed about wh hould he aent to them? They are the oue wlo have to provide support for, and sit under tht- wiftirttry f, any one the bitiop and stesiding elder may desiae b .ierd to them, and if a mi take i go'jig to he made in matifig ac sppuifitment. ac mi stakes ir tin are rnad, we fail te .sk why it is any worse for a few laymen to make a mistake than t is f r a bi.4iop and a presiding I i , 1 t ',-r gh to e t 'J i' er GooJ es, (Jo i S:ues Good Hats, aad Good 'Furnish-' in-s SHOP EARLY SHOP AT THE QUALITY SHOP team B rrniU O-- 4paU v vmvvw - 1 Wit' I,- ,s ii ) 1 , J. '-'V,.s vre zur-jvjn i ;,i rir i - , ftti i u A 1' g'j ,M th Ut'v Uf orK w.i "j it tl 'i "hoji ard J p III " ,tf ' i I' 1SI, ? V a a k' jonaa' tACAZnfSE aaaaaa 360 ABTiOtS"' S3IU5TMTI0tfc THAN EVER 15c a copy At Yaar Yaarfy nto l.BO Sraa or m' new fntt tmt olof of mcthoMu ml kookt Popular BSacfcaniea SSagasia Mart ajicaa omm, Cawaaa U f A J - , i SUs, b 4 t lirih '1 . . rk a I f i d I vn' r At f 4 a- - u a J y v i t ! II .. ' t I ii I ' j r . - . . i ' '-' ' ' ? d ' - ' i !i i ,(fl, ,i i i n , i d ai d 1 ' , f -r i ,s r., ,s i-fir I !. - " ' "ii....? .. ...... 1U ... i'. ..., .. k' i i r r s J ! f K I e i'Ji, r f 'n. Ii a " U"oi d 1 rT fl r It I .Id' 1 INe j 5 if it'-it trVitj.'fifi t ii ii to Ho i lis rlherri fn:irk-t..' .N cxii-nrR-rs are J;'- jr.;ttif .kniij.tfi!' of southern ITri'fgton Star, , 'f . . .r ami Hit i'jivnieri i: ken by Bntih. iili'-i an i -2! pun. Aw tin- oa;.fyr- v,-:" !i,V"l (::.! anJ i j ;.. lkn, or t u- we-.i'-fft tV'int l',4! m ( uwi " gins iii r'eit'iiiii' i-i'i I.V.CS n.f'B nl !;)- gust in BaH Africa. Mt i'rf f ! "i g i ill 11 i j j ni! ini!iifi's. lii ilr Ffi:r. who i j ii:.jji' II;1 !i-iiii'.,i Jk.-i f'AHi This 0'tbrr )17. Morris Fi-h-r I.e-sey. Mr. 4. P. f-i; of ihui-n ml Uh K lie lv, f rp f'narriH at th hif t of 1 brj at i'ito Ut Ytamitdaj. Va pjrton. ic.'l Ifiaii ii n i n h;CC h ?ec-t . tiay to A VV. McAusr.erf .reHiM. o i ,i jii i sira t hr the .fate.f 1 1 ( vS:rsa Feii-ral i 'uel Ari-j i, i -rr r Harry A. , tarf sed j f -t i ' mac -re -temrt e it r.jgt.! the e f-r-ation ft r p .wer il by elartr'c tai s.a - in Nor b fr-!na, 1h i lyri nurikifion. which was jddf " J ii t'-'e ft its a:Jm is-i-traror all at enf on t 0 ' faet (i al alltr raf a ? invetipi fK.r on tlr Fr4 ''f t 111 f'Vens "icti'it h-s heni rperd1 in the hcatf y 'f cars and that th -' has l-en a giat wa-U of c;af thrfiufTj the yst ni of it. flat :..! at ji rt n;aintained by many of fihe electric railway comjiariies. 4 M i,4 ' IL1 A Valuable One N'hirg wJI be wi1 4ppie r than a V i''"' Jia'ijr- Sv Wi-V-.'ni'Oa'wi i-fJten-r.a'ffa.- a.w a"J oihet to r' a pr'ti- . yut that m ;!! !it ai i -M.rH'jtiT"' A pM-e f lurn-: rfv A Rro a" d - :l,r val-uIa- jru-'tf'. va-. i,hV prw cu, S Jv;nd at o-jr orn aj ,jj a ia-';t jr l ;-). to ie' IT V.j.M'AV TOSe.-l'. r fri'-nd1. Person St. SHEETZ FURliirORE HOUSE Fayetteville N. Cv ii . " i" the home drink i ailh bia tudiea?" '-- "pita-funtiy," f pilH Vrin:r r'r,rnt'tf f. ,-H df- t bother &." "VliigUa bur, . r fr.r tt-. ert ,rr. A i ? ' iruli t ,i lie i rnn1,, 'i,r Svt'treJ'tr luflni Kiln cream cjwe an1. . 1 lAjtl3 r

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