FEAR NEWS CAPE FEAR NEWS Has Full Telegraphic Neva. Leading Advertising Medina" WEATHER REPORT Local rain today. Thursday rain; easterly winds. THE CAPE FEAR NEWS LEADS OTHERS FOLLOW FAYETTEVILLE, X. CWEDESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 26, 1916. PRICE, $4.00 PER YEAR vol.1, no. eo. GA A IIOTE hew EHGUSH About Application of Tradin "With the Enemy Act" y Wilson and Cabinet Have Con ference About Speeches on His Middle West Touring Trip ' By International News Service.) Washington, Jan. 25. Secretary Tjuising today announced that "a communication" had been sent to Great Britain relative to the British vindication of "trading with the enemy act." It is understood that the communication was not in formal pro test but a statement of the American position. Washington. Jan. 28. The Presi dent and his cakinei today discussed in detail the speeches which be will deliver on his trip through the mid dle west. A discuseioa of the gn 41 suVW r h,Id nd "Vie. rulers offered numerous suggestions etn various phases of the trip. WHAT TO DO, IS THE SUBJECT NUMBER OF THINGS THAT MIGHT HAVE HAPPENED GIVEN UEI.OW. What to Jo when there is nothing to do ami why you do do whst you do doi, ought to make nn interesting- book, if someone would take the trouble to write it. Now, what to do ha been a subject of much importance around this burg of little do for the past day or two. No one seems to know what -to do, and furthemore, it seems that Tew have taken the time to do any thing. It is firmly asserted by older inhabi tants of the town that there has never been such a period a the last two days. Not a single bank in the city has been robbed, none of the wives of prominent business men in town have eloped with the hired man, not a sin gle school girl res eloped with her professor, no one has fallen across an electric wire and been electrocuted, there has not been a single lynching in the Market Square, not a single , block of the (pity's business district hag caught fire and been laid in ashes, necessitating quirk srrival of the Insurance people, no wild animals have been let loose in the city play ground to devout all the children and to be perfectly jlain with you, mighty little has occurred the last two days. The item above were enumerated (inly to fhi.w you whnt might have happened. In the meantime, what to do, is the subject. Wedded 41 Years Asro, Divorced, Renewed Si r'-w- ego rati ni:i etui his Roc .rs. m Jose. Cel., Jan. 2U A troth t;'.! y m- ormo rony-oe ear-j bv WiMinm 1? Krtc-er nomo.-v,;. . . !mh! crBsm;.!teeman f r,.,rri Ciibfor and nttomey, was renewed j-cv-days srii, when ho wns married it former wife, Murtk.i K;.teile s. 'tween the two mnrriafres Keg bad marrifil and divorced Anna Hen a San Jose stenographer. HOUSE PASSES ROAD RILL (By International News Service.) Washington. .Inn. 2.Y--i?y a vote of 2S1 to K! the House today passed the bill authorizing the appropriation of twenty-five million dollars to aid in the construction of roads. WANT RETORTS ON APPOINTMENTS (By International News Service.) Washington, Jn. -.". The naval af fairs committee of the House today instructed Chairman Padgett to report favorably to the House the bill au thorizing an increase in naval ap pointments. The bill provides for n additional appointment for each senator and delegate in Congress. SEI1DS MYSTERIOUS PAPER OF BRUSSELS APPEARS Germans Make Vain Attempts to Suppress It NAMED LIBRE BELIGQUE Prints Things the Germans Guard With the Ut most Care. (By Internationa) News Service.) Paris, Jan. 25. From Brussels the news leaks out that in spite of the thousands of German spies in the city the "Libre Beliguue" has succeeded in publishing new issue. The boldne&s and wonderful ten acity of the mysterious Belgian pa triots who continue, in spite of every thing, to publish their daring paper, form an amusing and amazing side to the war. . The Germans as soon as they had entered Brussels took possession of all the newspapers. The so-called Bel gian papers published by the Kom snandantur were is reality merely Ger man sheets printed in French. Very soon afterward the "Libre Belgique"ppeared. Who w t'n editor. Where ,t prlntt N LM eve been' able to find Out, hut it has bad and still has the cour age to print all the things which the Germans want to remain unknown. Until now it has appeared in about sixty issues, that ig to say almost weekly, and it has published documen- tary broofs of the German misdeeds, has criticised German bullelirus of victories, and has prophesied from the start the inevitable downail of Ger many. In the most merciless manner It teases the conquerors, it stimulates the Kclgians, gives publicity to the thousands of little tricks which the inexpressible street urchin of liru.s sels play on the Germans, and flays the Kaiser, the military governor and the German generals in every issue. Von Biasing himself still receives a special copy with exasperating reg ularity, and invariably the governor finds it on top of all the other papers on his desk. It is as if a Belgian Ku-Klux Clan were at work. Recently the Jesuit College of St. Michei and the Redemptorist convent of Jette were thoroughly searched. Several persons were arrested, sus pected of being connected with the paper, but all bad to be released again. The governor first promised a prize f 2b, 000 francs (S,000) to any per son who would betray the names of the editors and publishers, and the prize was raised te 50,000 (SlO.uoO) and then to 75,000 francs (J15,000), but in taia. The following story appeared in one of the recent issues of the paper, copies of which even reach Paris: It reprints the story told by the fa mous Knglish war "correspondent, Rus feil of die "Times," who followed the I'nisstan army in 1870, about the de struction of the Chateau of Saint Cloud. Russell visited the chateau with a German officer named Strautz. A few moments before the chateau wy ifl nllrc, Strautz exclaimvd: ' rent U men, I nm the Inst comman l:ir t i f S.,ir.t Cloud. Cor the very !a.-l time we w ill visit the nngniti-: tent a p. r' merit. Wo will throw a I last gasaee at them, aad in order that they may forever remain in our memory we will each take along a souvenir. Take whatever you want wines, paintings, or hooks, whatever you like." . Kusscll adds: "I went inside with Lieutenant Von Hissing and Major Von Glass and when they saw that I carried away nothing they insisted that I must do so. I explained to them that my position was different and that I could not take what had nut been offered to me. "Then you ought to have seen what happened. From all sides gifts pour ed in on me, gifts so magnificent that it would take the author of the Ara bian nights to describe them." The "Libre Rclgique" identifies this Von Hissing as" the present governor of Belgium, who was born in 18 U and who served as a lieutenant in the Prussian army in 1S70. S SENATE VOTES FAVOU "DHYS" (By International News Service.) Lexington, Ky., Jan. 25. The State Senate today voted d-wn the State wide prohibition bill. 1 The vote was 20 to 14. VILSQI I FAVORS IIOII PARTISAN BODY Wants a Federal Body to Perform the Work Pressure of Northern and West ern Democrats Is Thought Responsible For His Change (By International News Service.) Washington, Jan. 25. President Wilson favors a non-parttsan tariff commission, according to an announce ment made at the White House to day. This announcement was gener ally taken to mean that a possible revision of the tariff is in sight. On this point the plans of the ad ministration could not be learned. The proposed , commission will be formed along the lines of the past commission. If will cat .1 - - " and submit it to Cohere It will not have power to r?ommend nay changes in the tariff. Pressure from northern and west ern Democrats is understod to be re sponsible for today's announcement at the White House. The President did not favor a com- mission until recently. I He tad let it be known a short while ago thut he favored having a ! Federal commission form the function cf a, tariff body. 'MS INSTITUTE CLOSED YESTERDAY WOMEN'S MEETING IN THE REST ROOM WAS WELL ATTENDED. The two days' session of the Farm ers Institute closed here yesterday evening following one of the best ses sions that bas ever been recorded in Such meetings. The discussion yesterday was con fined to Hogs For Profit, and Poultry Raising For Profit. The attendance was even better than Monday's ses siea. At noon yesterday a photograph of the members of the institute present wbs taken. The following committee was ap- I pointed to arrange the time for the j next meeting: Gordon Gainey, chairman, Gray's ! Greek: R. W. Christian, Manchester: j E. J, IngTim, Flea Hill: Frank Hub-! bard. Flea Hill; John Owen, Seventy-! first: F. L. Jloleombe, TVaroe's M;!b i The Women's meeting in the Rest j R"om yeterdav wns also well nt- ; (tended. ' j Mr. J. TY Robeson rp-i.-p yo te- ! jdnv on the problem of bread m .'::; f inn I ir Th? nfternon fho gave r.n in- i .u.. n.. or rV.n'ita- tbm iln Rural School SECOND ARMED ITALIAN MERCHANT VESSI.I. IN PORT i vow; Yo-k, Jan. 'J. Th Kiiti aimed merchant lit s port recently, tho '-r na, arrived yesterday vi: i'iir.etic gun? mounted id j It tl G lr. h tivv niit!miotic gun? munte-l as't. The j first vessel was the Giousoy.pi V,ii. which was temporarily detained here until assurances had been given by the Italian government to the State Department at Washington that its gun word i be lised for the purposes defense only. ' Dudley Field Malone. .collector "of ; the port, immediatelv ft lem aohed to i ashinpton for instructions in respect to the Verona. v The Verona's guns were not noticed at Quarantine as they were covered with canvass and screened by a pile of sacks. Their presence was, how ever, reported to Collector Malone by the agents of the Italian line. The ship is expected to make her return trip heavily laden with the usual car go of freight and war supplies, such as Italian vessels have been carrying from this port of late. T IS AFTER PEACE Dispatch to the "Temps" f Says Old and Young Turks Involved French Legation Officials Have Been Released From a Turk ish Prison in the Capital (By International News Service.) ParLs, Jan. 2o. A dispatch received by the Temps tonight states that the heir to the Turkish throne, supported by many Turkish officers has begun a movement for a separate peace. The Swiss papers declare that this move has the full sanction of Ger saany which has become tired of standing the drain of finances. From Milan dispatches were received suit ing tha( (,'oestantmupi reports told secret meetings between Old Turks as well as Young Turks for the pur pose of forcing Turkey to make peace. Constantinople, Jan. 23. It was said today that the French legation officials have been released. These men were imprisoned by the TirKs as a measure of reprisal when the a";.. arrested the Turki; Ioaiki. h consul at Su HI (IS. nm LOST 1,1 BUT LITTLE TIE AS SOON AS Hl'SBAND WAS ML'KDEKED, CLAIMED ETASTE. (By International News Service ) Providence, K. I., Jan. 25. Mrs. Elizabeth S. Mohr lost no time in claiming the estate of Dr. C. F. Mohr. On September 1, the day after the murder, Mrs. Mohr was made custo dian of her husband's estate. The next day when she was arrested the custodianship was vacated at "the in stance of Charles M. Mohr, of Ilalti- more, son ofnhe murdered physician. At today's session of the trial, the prosecution strongly emphasized the significance of these facts. At adjournment the State had amined fifty-nine witnessed and pected to he aide to rest she cast morrow. ex-e- BRITISH ARMY IS DEFEATED BY TURKS Three Hunttreti !.t In '1 i-:i ;l!o I svri.t news civk.n or r u n One Iay"s Triuf Wa t... For the Huvirtl ! the Killol. t By Internationa! News Constantinople, .ben. :;V ish army of Genera! Ay: was manning in M-o-.u-i. :icve the force of G; nera! has been defeated by tic? T Tiirris YaKey,,ks;r.c three Tcv. billed. News of th : b: out by the Turkish wi.r today. The Turks grantee the the the English for dead a ii.iv s tru.e FIRST DIVIDEND ON STEEL STOCK (By International News Service. 1 New York, Jan. 25. The first divi dend on the common stock of the Vnited States Steel Corporation since December was declared today when a dividend of one and one-fourth per cent wa9 authorized. The:- disburse ment in December was one-half of one per cent. MONARCHY BRINGS FLOWERY LANGUAGE Chinese Newspapers Call Him Ta Huang Tiw APPROPRIATE LANGUAGE Which is Flowery Language For Greater Emperor of China (By International News Service.) Tokio, Jan. 25. The return of the monarchy to China lias brought back the flowery phraseology of old, and Yuan (still ostentatiously called Mr. Yuan in the Japanese papers), who a few weeks ago was just a presi dent, like the nomenclature. All the Peking newspapers tiow refer to him as the "Ta Huang Ti" or Great Em peror, and his doings are discussed in the appropriate "official language," which has already, replaced repub lka tleaptic;ty; Besides Ta Huang Ti the following terms apply to his Majesty: Shang Shang the Holy Reign on High; Sheng Chu the Holy Master! Chih Tsun the Most Exalted; Chen Jen the Ordained Man; Huang Shang the Ruler on High. Conversely to this last his subjects are called Hsia Min the People Be low. The face of the Emperor is described as Tien Wei the Majesty -i jieaven; ms person is canea ner.g Kuner the Holy Being; the virtue of he Emperor is Sheng Teh Holy Vir - t ie: his tvi-i.-iom i Jui Sheng Ming "hih PH-ine Wisdom and Judgment. I'"' '"Pfcyf something of the r.mperor is, toiWu-.l l anp l tiuan .Min l..k up to the Beautiful Rainbow. The descriptive reporter crs his chance' in laliguage that sot t, and so we ha'fe the Peking newspapers print ing as editorials prosepoems begin ning: nnat a i.ranueur, tttiM a Splendor. Our r.mperor on High has.ljOTC!,( the feli-year-old ruler of Aus rcluctantly yielded to the wish of thetr;a-Hungary, is suffering from acuta people and descended to the lower jtirot.chitis, and his condition is re level and deigned to become the Foun-! port0d to be such as to arouse alarm der and Emperor on High of the Em--;n Vienna. - pire of Chur.g Hua. The' Holy Words! He is being nursed by Archduchesa ,t me tmperor nave gone lortn liKe'Zita. wife of the heir to the Austria the music of silken cords to the Con- tines of all Seas and the people are universally glad." The article in question, on which I (uote the English translation of the Peking Gazette, was written to urge that the Coronation miht be has tened. The writer proudly points out that "our F.mperor who wears coarse clothes and eats cheap food is far more virtuous than the King of llsia.' As to economy, he lives in thatched huts and mud terraces and therefore his morality is not less than King Vau." The point seems to be that the Gr;ind Ceremony should i- en th :,. h it, has to be be hastened, on a, slightly i-. ,-s rc.-p!..!i':cnl st ale than the uver-:--ivi:r:r,f o:gn!tv of the KuU-r on Hwh le is i-i with ur.4 he ot rior Sloou With 11 Men Ixst Off Charlc?.i on Washington, Jan. - The v j'Dart, with her crew of e!eon has teen lost near Sullivan I 1;-. . Charleston -Harbor, accor iin T message receive.! at Crated Coast headquarters yesterday Superintendent Richardson nt sonville. It is not known where the hailed from. THE CATHEDRAL AT Germans, in Flanders, Get Into Action With the French Aeroplane Squadron at Nancy, Throws Bombs Russian Attacks Are Repulsed ' (By International News Service.) Berlin, Jan. 25. German artillery in Flanders subjected enemy position to a lively fire. Patrols which pene trated certain .points of damaged trenches of the enemy reported a heavy loss. A number of prisoner were taken and four bomb throwexa were captured. Tbf Wr office statement announced that the cathedral at Nievport, whicfc offered an excellent observation poet - " aeetroFed bj" G for the enem, man fire. German troops also at tacked one of the foremost trenches of the French east of Neuville. The attack was followed by mine explos ions. r In the attack the Germans captur ed three guns. Several of the enomya counter-attacks against the positions) did r.ot get further than a miserable ffort. A Cferman aeroplane auadroia , 8ttacked the mjjjtary establishment 'at Nancy and the aerodrome snd fac- ,ries at Bateara. A French biplan L-i.t. occunar.ts fell down northwe Tih:auoourt t 0n the eastern front Russian ad- vances wore repulsed. Francis Joseph III; Austrians Alarmed Paris, Jan. LM.Fmperor " Francia throne, and is o weak that he can not hyld councils of state or receive mili tary reports. TWO MEN HURT IX EXPLOSION (By International News Service.) Wilmington, Del., Jan. L'r. A vio lent explosion occurred at 5 o'clock this afternoon at one of the plants of the DuPont Powder Company. Tw men were badly burned. ; The causa .if the explosion has not been aseer- ,a;no,, ANOTHER STEP IN THE LUSITANIA CASE Taiks With Landing it'fn Mirtiites V, Atl.VIN TODAY lii t Ill '.Mav Me.m linal c, : etflinir of Out 1 . , S. rvicc.) - ' :-.-tb, r step !!;e l-.isi-:.-.v!i s.iay nt i .,' 1 Hern '.r..' l.aning. . :.', tl r.'-o-.a -sailor e.-; 1:0 a"'t the ' -:a.-r lont'cr-- th-.aht at ;u '.he way L be rt moved, the aniiiassa ccut'creace. a , a ' 'sie-r iTl-cy . niinu' j 11 s ; . odice i To? etue ti'i ! J- ir Ships Throw . Bombs on Germans -. i - j (By International News Service.) ", in j Amsterdam. Jan. 25.' British war-. Jack- ships again ttombarded German posi tions on the Belgian coast in co-fiper- Dart ation with air squadron which shelled the Germans en the land.

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