E FEAR NEWS B UY THE NEWS ECAITSE IT IS WEATHER. KTTEK Fair. If, You Can Find It In Tlje Cape Fear News 12 Hours Earlier FULL TELEGRAPHIC REPORTS. FULL TELEGRAPHIC VOL. 1. NO. 337. FAVETTEVILLE, N. O. FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 1, 19J6. PRICE, M PER YXAB- CAP ion co::cini is FORCED TO SUSPEND wonx teotjt New Bern Concern Suspends Operations Account of Present Shipping. ? - EMBARGO ON VEGETABLES Is Declared By Norfolk .South ern Ratlroad Except lor Con sign.m -Hi to Poinu Along its Syste.J. New Bern. August 31 Tbe Nor folk Southern bibtr refused to ac cept perishable fre'ght consigned U any point oil thsir !ne thi af'crao- :i, the people here ar unable to put their prodctce on the market. AUo on account of the refu-al if the railway cum puny to accept car.- f lumber for any point other than on ; W their line, the John L. Roper Company .in last night closed down their plant hey and at Belhaven. Tonight they will close down their plant! at Roper and Gilmerton. Beside tile number of men employed in the milts many men J in the woods will be laid off. Mr. A. T. Garrans, general super intendent, stated tonight that all the Lmills would resum operation aa soon a they could get car and could i twafcet their produr-lu n the however, over S.fKIO men employed by the Roper concern will be out of work. The majority of these men are laborers of moderate means and if their only means of support is shut off they will doubtless V11 from want of actual necessities. Ships Taking Coal for Eventualities Norfolk, Auirust 31. To meet em ergecies in case the railroad strike materializes Monday the navy de partment today ordered all naval eo1 liers to take on cargoes of coal. Five began loading today. The Atlantic fleet is doe to rrtve Friday to coal. Railroad officials declare i'iey have only enough coal on hand to last one week. 15 Nations Engraved In European Conflict Fifteen nations are now 'embroil-! in the European war. They are: Allies England; France, Belgium, Russia, Serbia, Japan, Italy, Montenegro, Portugal, San Marino Rumania. Central Powers Germany, Austria, Turkey, Bul garia. Wiggins and Phillips To Be Electrocuted Special la the NKWS.) Raleigh, August 31. Hardy Wig arins, a young white man of Graham county, convicted of the murder of Phillip Phillips from ambush, and his accomplice, Merritt Miller is to die in the electric chair here today. Governor Craig has refused execu tive clemency and the convicted men will meet death in the electric chair. WEATHER. Weather for North Carolina. Generally fair Friday and Saturday Light east to southeast winds. SURVIVOR RELATES STORY BROTHER iiUiiitllib Lawrence Pinner, of New Bern, Is Drowned When Knocked Out of Small Boat. New Bern, Aujrust 31. A report received here last nitrht wa to the effect that Lawrence Pinn-m; of this city, waft swept from a amali boat in the Atlantic Ocean, while en route Cape Lookout to Moreheatl City. L'ttaii wekr trot learned, however. it ia stated that Mr. Pinner with his brother Mr. Frank Finner and their father had .spent several days at the Cane fishing and that they had left for home in a 35-foot laumh proo fed Uy $ 12-hrse power engine, for Morehead City. Everything wnl weti with them until they were off the in let and then the trrne n-fued to wjttrkSa; Then it wa that Mr. Lawrence tWi ner was knocked from lH? lantii y a heavy breaker and drowned. The life savers at Cape Ltfco-ut re ceived a message that a lwt was in distress off the inlet and fW crew promptly went to its afe)Lurice. They found the small boat far oyt at sea and half filled with wafer, and oc cupied w.ly by Mr. frank Pinner, ho related the story of his brother drowning. 4 'i ' " . Carranza Takes Over All Church Property Mexico City. August 31'. A decree aw i&ssued today hy First Chief Yenuxtiano Carranza nationalizing the property of the Roman ( hathohc Church in Mexico. General Carranza stated that in taking thi step he was reviving a decree promulgated in 1 r.:i. Hereafter al church property . will lie owne.J by the Government, but the churches and other religious institu tions will I nominally controlled by the clergy. The Government reserves the riht to discontinue the use of churches as places of worship after the expiration of a year. Aeiv York Food for (By Intemational New Service.) New York, August 31. -With the large railroads declaring an crbarsro on 't-Mt'lu urd warn:'ff piissei.ei that they n ay be itjc-i t delay? if th'y i. in not rea n t'teir oetina tion by Soi'day niot, Spcir.lHT 3 th coii; . i'tions ar? rapidly compVt ing th;:- i .eparatkr. fr the natio nal strike which the railway brother hood chiefs have ordered to begin on Latior Day. Several of the railroad presidents who have been conferring with Preb. dent Wilson at Washington returned to New York today. The word they brought back was pessimistic, and the executive offices of all railroads im mediately became hives of activity. For several weeks agents of the railways have been scouring the coun try, hiring strikebreakers and guards for all lines. They have reported con siderable success, but the railway ex ecutives admitted today that they would be unable to secure enough men to keep trains running on their ; EXPECT GREECE TO ENTER WAR I'ITHIf I nVEHTT-FOUR HOURS Predicts Greece Will Be Fight ing Under Flajf of thr " Allien. BL'LG ARAN'S LOSE 15,0001 Severe Encounter Along the Fronts in Greece and Mace donia are Reported Bulbars Have Suffered a RepuLse. (By International New Service.) I-ondon, August 31 The apeedy entrance of Greece into the war, pos sibly within the next twenty-four hours is predicted in dispatches from Athens tonight. Long before the Greece elections which are .shct-duled for October the army will have been mobilized and fighting under the flag of the entente allies, it ia declar ed. While official reports from the lighting fronts in Greece and Mace donia indicate a lull of activities, from other source the news crones of severe encounters. in these, which have occurred prin cipally on the Allies extreme left held by the Serbians under their ICj-owa- Pcuusv-th liulaau-a,. awisai ing to an Athena dispatch, have suf. fered a repulse. The Athens dispatch says the Bui gars attacked in close formation and it is estimated they lost J.,!) in dead wounded and prisoners. London, Auguit 31 A French ad vance south of th S'.mme reyjlting in the extension of the Allied front out of Entrees and southwest of S.iye court Worn! was the only change of twjsitionsK the past iwen(y-fi:ir hourr. nv "brougfct to the battling army Picardy. CAROLINA LEAGl E WmsUm Salem 7, Greensiioro 'I. Raleigh 1, Aiheville 2. Durham 0. Charlottc2. Has Only One Week regular schedules. Officials of the city. recognizing that a strike is imminent, arc taking steps to insure a food supply for Tj.tfOO.OOO persons 'if ' iha railway ployes go out. Police Commissioner Wood has found from a superficial survey that the food on hand will last only the week. The first effort of the authorities is to make plans that will prevent the milk supply from being cut off. On July 1 there were in New York City .WS.iWil children less than five years of age. All these would be affected by a strike that prevented milk ship ments. The milk companies are organizing to meet the situation. According to t the plans thus far perfected, babies will be served first and the sick next. Milk driver on all routes are listing those absolutely dependent on milk for 'their food. All available milk will be brought into the city by motor trucks, the dis trict of collection being extended in to the country as f..r as possible. START 3 HAS FALLEN TO BOOB Astrians Give Up Passes Transylvaiuun 4 Alps Strike at Bulgaria, Jy International Newa Service.) fcondon, armies ove August SI. With their overuruiing Iranslyvania, a laojio part of which includes rich in-' dtiArial sections, is to be abandoned byA.ustria. The Roumanians tonight ant reported to have struck at Bui- r Crossing the Diinut behind a cur- taii of art.'Jery fire. Roumanian troifpfl have occupied the large Bui-; gaaa city of Rostchuk, areord.r-g to reaching Pari. ( Meanwhile great numhers (if Kuasian troops arc ma using in the Roumanian D.-brudja, to trike at Bulbar . from the north. . 1 ransporta undiT pr;.-!bn of hs Ru aian Black Sea f vet are l.'in.lii;i at Constant, the greit Roumanian port, to aid in thi drive. Iready nine Translyvanian towns ana villages have been occupied ty j thai Roumanians. AH the passes of thi Transylvanian Alps have.' been' givin up by the Austrian. gronstadt, chief ci'y of the rich province, ia semi-offioally admitted to be n Roumanian bands, with four othW towns whose population are ma e than oT fTTlOft." e than S0.0W Kronttadt is a city Austrian Reply Is Unsatisfactory Washington, state ; department today received the Av-' CEFORT Kill! August XL Th thian Governments' reply to the Am-y Charles E. Hughe before a tre can note of June 21, concerning ' wndou gathering here tonight. It attack by an Austrain submarine n- the tanker I eirouie, in ni. n tne,ic Administration more scathing and attack was called an insult to thcmre lhoUKht-going than anything American flag and punishment of the ' ,hr ,.,, h ,.M w ,. cn the submarine commander with an apoio-' , , ,,hin the last three vears. try government was demanded It is understood that the Austrain guiernroent had not met the wishes of this government 4,000 Habes Crippled By Recent Plague : : rk. August SI. Babes re- New Yi covered from infantile paralysis, but marked with withered limbs, are be-j ing ilischargcl from New York "tV ho-pitls at the rate of between twenty-tive and fifty day no. It . ... . i is estimate!) mat aoolit I'Hir inousti. i (n(, javy, Josephus l.'aniels. itr of these little cripples have been pro- gf j uniV1.lsll m,,tarv training ; t duce.1 by the epidemic ant of these ,M.ac arj u,!1VersaI m;l ? i.v service .ju,..,! ,r the epidemic ant j m,,re than one thousand must look to em-Jchwrity for the treatment of their j hmbs w hich will restore a measure f i u&e. A round of the big hotels of New'trr 6n injustice. York today showed not a child regis-1 .,,,1,, the clahn th.it Presi tered, although the usual number of , . u wji,, -kept the count ty out of adults is here. Not a single case ofXiar lh(! t-on,.i ti.'ta . r.-v paralysis has been reported from a nHi ,.rn jn effect at vac with M,-i-New York hotel. K throughout the Americar contro- 'versics with her and tin pnc. cn PennSjivanian Boad jwhich the Oem.K-ratic claim was bas Hires 1,800 Police h"d " 'mroa' (By International New Service.) Pittsburgh August 31. The em pliyment of l.StK) railroad police to nrotert railroad property, many of whom are already in the city, ami me w ith- approximately fi.OOO vote un- ,, culling off the strike that wa et establishment of a barracks in Lib- nied Cot L. Blease, candidate for ' for nixt Monday. erty avenue with accommodations for govrnor hal 57,899 of Richard I. j xhe interstate Commerce Commit 1.00 loyal trainmen, is part of the Manning the inrumbert, and 23,299 tr, vM at onc, prepare a aimular strike preparation program of the of Rob),rt Cooper. ! measure and it wil be introduced in Pennsylvania Railway announced BeaM, ani Mnnning will go into) thia afternoon. MAKING PLANS PASSAGE EIGHT HOUR LAW BEFORE SATURDAY NIGHT Chairman Lee Makes Statement Before Inter state Commerce Committee That if the Senate Will Pass the Eight Hour Law Before Saturday Night Members of the Brotherhood Will Arbi- trate Everything Else. VEGETABLE SHORTAGE CONFRONTS PERSHINGS MEXICAN EXPEDITION (International News Service.) Columbus. New Mexico, Au gust 31. A shortage of fresh vegetable confront General I'rrshing's expedition ia Mexico. The embargo placed fay the rail roads on the shipment of per billable goods ia already being felt. Military authorities today started preparatons for ai mediate return to army field ration. ROOSEVELT'S FIRST Behalf of Hughes Delivered in Lewistown Before Lance Gathering. Lcwiston, Me., August 31. Theo- dore Roosevelt delivered hislor.g her- hM fit fampaign speech in behalf , .rranment of the Ds-mocra- I Ameri.anismi pr.(,awlness, Presi- . . ..... dent Wilson's Mexican policy ant course in foreign affairs were n's tn? i. Colonel's main issues. As was CAMPAIGH SPEECH i I i !pected, he hit hard and straight from the shoulder in dealing with the ub-:f .trot of "dual aliecgmncc in citizen- ip. contrary to e v pec i. hi ions, n. touched only briefly on the submarine The body- of hi sneeuh dealt Ml.xico. , tpiwl "professional German- Americans," professional pacifists and r,lf)Wjormi morulUts. 1 uid-n-. ,a,y h, f,k . ,tmB a, SrcMry f in aar time. liivcrtmr to the sub ject of Belgium, he s' I . nipanng Mr. Wilson's neutral ty to t.ii-t of l.lcntius Pilate would b .l.dl.1 the 'T- Blease and Manning For SeCOnd Primary a second primary September 12. TO RUSH (By International Kewa errice.) Washington, Augu8)31. If Con gress can pans asA eight hour taw before next Saturday night at mid t Satur will be night there will be no railway strike. President tration Ifeaders ition leaders in both houses ar bending every energy to brinv about th passage of thia law. All the rest of the prer Jert's pro gram which was outlined to hc f.Vn jresa on Tuesday has fov the present been cast aside. W. G. Lee, Chief of the Kr-.ther- I hoods of Railway Trainmen toM the Senate Committee on Interstate Com merce this morning if the railway mploye could get this law they would be willing to arbitrate every- J thing else. Immediately there was a sturrying of administration leader to agree on a law and jam it through. I President Wilson went to the Capi ol and summoned the, Senate Inter- state Committee. Senator Tomerene TandSmith were selected to confer with the President on behalf of the committee while the other members ment on with their hearing on the bills that had been hurriedly drafted to meet the situation. Hill Agreed On. . In the course of a half hours con ference a bill was agreed on that u!. make the eight hour day com- ,,u,,or. on ail raliways engaged in commerc. The provisions fr . commission to observe t he wor(ljnKS ,he bill-was retained, I , n... ,u- lie Cmil&r limimriliiiK i,,. to piv the name wages for eiirht hours that they now pay for ten hours-was retained. , . ,.iaus4, imm,sing a line of ft .000 or imprisonment for every violation .j,,. aw W J, ai lol, everything else ,h ,,,, a',,i to the -contrary cause was ,hn,wn m,t. :; , , v The inst rut tion to the Interstate . ,-,!.; , cmnenaate the rtiiifUls l.y pcrmilting an in- tr,.., jn fr,:,ht rale went by the n .ar 1 Th fc;t jt ls 0IKt.rtwMi, wag sub- .,, ,h) 1,r;herhm.d chiefs and approved hy them. T:;er. it was turned ever to the house leader with or-. lcrs to put it thru the house tomor row. It wa formally ii'troduced in the hous 'aic tHs afternoon b- ('hair man Adumson of the ' house com mit;- Agreed on Rule. House leaders tonight agreed upon rule providing for a vote on the bill in the ' ouse at 4 .30 o'clock tomorrow ' aftermton. President Wilson let it be known that he would go to the capitol when the Senate cttnvenes tomorrow morning. l.ate this afternoon just before the Senate adjourned it was learned that jibe railroad brotherhoods thru A D. (Garrestson its president, had agreed toaceDt the Admonson bill as a basis .Continued cn Page Four.