CAPE FEAR NEWS B UT THE NEWS ECAUSEIT1S WEATHER. ETTEJt Fair. You Can Find It In The Cape Fear News 12 Hours Earlier mi TELEGRAPHIC REPORTS. FULL TELEGRAPHIC VOL. 1, NO. S4. FAYETTE VI LLE, N. C TUESDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 5. 1916. PRICE, 4 PER TEAK niiirmno n?n d ADJIiSTIET OF T WITHOUT RECOURSE nnnn nun uiuuu mw mm TO THE COURTS Negotiations are Being Opened for the Making of a Contract Which Will Bind Both Interests for a Term of Years. Brotherhood Offices Close ' and the Small Army of Secretaries Leave for Their Home Offices. (By International News Service ) SOU'S LABOR DAY BIGGEST EVER SEEN Washington, Sept. 4. From a sour ce close to the "big four" brotherhood it was learned 'today that Imth the railroad ami the brotherhood are considering a mean of adjusting their differences without recourse to the courta. It tf-a stated that neither side dcr f aired to renew the national crisis verted by legislative action and that negotiations are being opened for the making of a contract, called a clie-j duted agreement, which will bind both j interests for a term of yeara. j Jne Mwlfterhood realized, It was : ray u lieing more generally relebrat aaid. that if the railroad, contested ed throughout the South than at any the act of Congres. establishing the time since the day became a national eight-hour work day for them which ,,., ..y. Labor organization, today increases their wages, they may low j j in nunrU.r rMt p,radesl m the wage benefit and the fight over j Atlanta, Birmingham, ChaUnnoog,. compensation would have to be made! Mobile. New frln. j.,kBviii. I.ittU" Rock, Dallas and other com mercial, industrial centers. Where parsons and demonstrations were not Parade in Memphis Must Spec tacular in History of . . the City. , (My International Newa Service) Memphis. Term., Sept. 4 I.abor THE FRENCH EFFECT MOTHER CRUSHING DEFEAT ON GERMANS Score Marked Gains on Both Sides the Somme on Fifteen-Mile Front. FRENCH HOLD Gl'ILLEMONT Repulsing all Efforts by the Ger mans to Regain the Position. British Hold all Ground e Gained During Previous Day. aver again. The railroads, on the other hand, it was stated, apreciates that if they . resist the law they will lose the pros pective increase of , freight rates promised them by President Wilson. ' In addition they would have to face a new fight with the brotherhood, ft. K. Would Profit. j held the laboring people joined in at tending picnics and celebrations. Work at industrial plants has been practically suspended throughout the South. The parade in Memphis was the In the opinion of competent stud-',0,t tptvtaru in tne history of the ents of the question the railroads Slret.t car ,rafr,e wa. ,tf,pped would get the liest of the "bargain" f, while the parade nassed. Ther. .r. an increase of freight rates were ; innumerable floats representing the granted them in consideration of their j ,iirT,,r(,n, uji,,,,.,. At East i:,i p,rk putting into effect the eight hour day this afternoon celebration was held An increase of ftv. ,pjr cent in rate. anJ ,ho evwll .,- f!os. Uuiiuht wiu it was said would amount to consid- J a fireWorks dUnlnv (By International Newa Service.) London. Sept. 4 The French to day inflicted another crushing defeat upon the Germans north and south of the Somme. In an all-day battle they pushed their lines. a considerable distance forward on l.Vmile front from the outskirts of Combles, north of the river, to the village of Chilly south Of it. The British held all the ground gained yesterday northeast of Com blea and made further progress north of Moquette farm near Dinchy. The latter village is still partly held by defenders but all efforts today to regain Guillemont or part of it proven fruitless. 1 CCGRESS LEADERS FLAMADJQUHNMENT BY THURSDAY NIGHT Plan to Incorporate Webb Bill Into Revenue Bill as an - Amendment. HOUSE AWAITS THE WORD Ail that Remains on the Admin istrative Executive Program is the Webb Jll and the Reve nue Bill. Secretaries of State Too Busy to Convent erable more than the increased cost of operating under the eight-hour day law. All the brotherhood offices were Strikes have been numerous in cit ies of the South this summer aqd they have for. the moat part terminated favorably to the organized workers closed today, the small army of se-jThj, s par,it.ularly true of the street eretaries and assistants leaving f their home offices. The brotherhood chiefs, like the railroad executives advisory .'commis sion expect to begin at an early date, rwhen the new situation created by (he action of Congress in, passing the eight-hour day bill will be considered German Hanks Among War Ixan Subscribers Berlin, Sept. 4 . ( Ry wirelest. io Sayville) Subscriptions for the new German loan the fifth war Joan, al ready are cominjjjn. The Afrricultu ral Central ltan Hank has si.bcriled 6Q,WUXffl marks, and the Elberfield Savings Bank lO.OOP.OtMt marks. The date for the official opening of subscription lists is September A. It in undertod that the loan which like the previous tueft, will pay f per ctit., is to be-iasued at 18. car strikes in Memphis and I'hatta nonua. In Birmingham the streH car employes were triven conci-ssions btfare a fitriku was ealleU. htheral advances in wtifres have l-en made in the Alabama coal and iron district and employes of cutton mills anl lumber camps have bene fittefi. I.ahor throujrrumt the South is.fu.Jjy- empioyej and working condi tions are bt-ttcr for both whites and neurots than they have ever been :,unh of the Ohio river. (By International News Strrire.) lopt-ka, Kan., evt. . The rretariea of State are Vto busy cam- pairninsr this fan to hol.l a convention in Topeka. J. T. Kitkin, chairman of the execuihe committee of the na tttnal aM!atjon" today announce I that the national eonventiun schedul ed for September 18 to 21 had postponed until after election. Streets of Athens Patrolled By Allies (By International Newa Service.) Geneva, Sept.' 4. Revolutionary disturbances have broken out in Ath ens, it is reported in a dispatch re ceived here today. French and Brit ish troops are reported to be patrol ling the city. Piraeus is under the Fur Seal Herds On Pribilofs (Jrowins C.f?y International Newa Service.) Washington, Sept. 4. --Growth it the size of the fur-seal herds of tha IVibilof Islands is shown by a census now being taken by Dallas Ilanna, of the Bureau of Fisheries. Mr. iianna's inspections on St. George's Island, of the IVibilof group, revealed 552 ha rema and 3f4 idle bulls, almost double the number last year. On St. Paul's Island there are 2, 948 harems and 2,278 idle bulls, an increase of about 30 per cent, over last year. RIOT BREAKS OUT AT WELSH-WHITE FIGHT Cushion Throwing, Bottle Hurl ing and Gun l'lav is Par ticipated In. German Submarine Is Reported Sunk (By International Newa Service.) Copenhagen, , Sept. 4. A German submarine is reported to have been rant of an allied fleet that arrived ( sunk off Sonderburg with the lost pf on Thursday. several members of her crew. t. (R 'nternatianal Newa Service.) Colorado .piingwj Colo., ;ept. 4 Slidst soenc's of en. r.vmeiit that in clu'letT a disaster hat has sh.cked and saddened t.l.irado Springs, a riot involved cut-hton throwing and bottle heaping and a bit of gun play. Fredde Welsh made a successful de fense of his world's lightweight cham pionship against the hard hitting Charlie Wsiite, of Chicago, this after noon. Welh received a typical Kn- glish referees decision from Billy Koche, of New York. (By International Newa Seriir ) Washington, Sept 4 Adj-jurn- mant of this session of Conirre n Thursday September 7, is the plan tif the i -aders. A resolution to that ef fect wii be introduced in the House tomorrow and adopted. It will be held up in the Senate until the reve nue Jnll i out of Congress and the report on the deficiency appropriation bill is accepted. Then the adjourn ment resolution will be rushed through and the annual Congressional hegir.i will begin. AB that remains on the administra- GREECE SURRENDERS TO ULTIMATUM: 0E ALLIEO GOVERNMENTS; SEIZURE OF POWER BY FORMER PREMIER MS French and British Officials Take Over Control of the Postal and TelegTaph systems. Streets of Athens Thronged With Armed Detachments of Foreign Soldiers While Unprecedented Scenes Take Place. THE BIRTHPLACE OF LIU GIVEN U.S. Wilson Accepts the Lincoln Birthplace for the Nation. Meaning of the Gift. By International News Serricc) Hodgensville, Ky Sept. 4. A lit tle Kentucky farm, of rock-ribbed soil and "crawfish land," became a nation's shrine today when President Wilson accepted on behalf of the peo ple of the United States the memorial park into which the birth place of tive s-xecutive program in the Senate' Abra,uun Lincoln has been transfor- s the revenue bill and the Webb bill,mtd- to permit American exporters to es tablish combination selling agencies i-. Senate leaders plajufejlMMC- porate the Webb bill into the revenue bill as an amendment in order to as sure quick action on it. Senator Sim mons chairman of the Finunce Corn- conferred today with some of, Standing or. a platform under the folds of th flag which flies daily from the stai? in front of the heu.L f jl Memorial building, built to aheJ ter the rude pioneer cabin in which the future President was born, the address of President Wilson was de livered to an audience of several his colleagues resrardinkr the plan. It thousand who had assembled from ail of the Cnitcd States, to take (By International News Service London, Sept. 4. The entrance ol Greece into the war is only a natu-r. of days. Her neutrality is a tnii'i' of the past. A new dictator has r; No longer her king, or Veniaef:'. her dominant politicians have any word to say. Alexander Zaire :. who holds the portfolio of Premi-r hv seized the reins of power. Greece has surrendered utter'y to- the ultimatum of France Great Britain that her mails and u-Iegraph--be handed over to allied- supervision and that all Germans an-J A-jstrian agents be expelled from he- eountrr ' Alreay French and Bntu-'n oti'-ciai are, taking over control of the poslu! and wire systems. Unprecedented scenes are taking place in the streets pf Athena. CiO -tens of nations with which Creece i at peace are being hunted down by armed detachments of foreign sol diers and locked in the brigs of al lied warships. The serzure' 6r power by ' Z&imia 5s " one of the greatest political coups at complished in years. . s his opinion that the revenue mens- Part3 ure.-will be ready fur conference by Tue-day night at the latest. The lb, use is practically done .,-li ciything except the revenue confer ence report and can adjourn wheu- leaders give the word. Jap Company Starts New Pacific Line BAND VILLA SCOUTS SEEN NEARfVALLE part in the ceremonies marking the transfer to the government 'tif 'a spot whith will lie held in patriotic rever ent-'- with Mr, Vernon. President's Address. I-resident ilaon drew a wonderful . to Vladivostok have been so great riTJu of the Great Emancipator in ! that the company has derided o enter licrt, carefully prepared speech. ! the freight business, and will ij'ao- jgurate a line of steamships t o ply here today, not to'nvmrhlv between Julian. Australia utter a eulogy on Lincoln; he stands and India. Australia was formerly in need of none, but to endeavor to a large customer of Germany and interpret the meaning of this, gift to . Japan lias alr-'ady secured the lioiiV share ef that trudt. his lie concluded: "I have come (By International News Service.) Tokyo, Sept,, 4 Before the Europ' , ean war thv Jar-nese traiport lOs own products: The profits maiii by i transporting muniting from SeattU.- Pershing Confident the Yillistas Will Not Attempt to Molest His Camps. y International News Service.) the nation of the place of his birth and origin. Is n-it this an aitar upon which we may forever keep alive the vestal tire of democracy as upon a shrine at which some of the deepest and misT sacred hom s of mankind may ft .jot aire Jo ace be rekindled? For tlleshopes must constantly l:e rekindled, and only who !ie c:in re! indie them. The ..n!v stiff that - Villa can retain the life giving heat is the Nami- stuff of bv-ni; hearts. And the h-ipes of mankind caiin..t f, kept alive by words merely, ly constit i tions and doctrines d riirlit and co,les , (f libeily. ; "The object of democracy is ' to the bandit army numbering be- transmute these into the life and ac-, n BOW and TOO men is lielieved li;li,m of smiety, the self-denial and' mlvanrit! r n Viimimoou uhr. i ' i. :.. . ...1 i i'l Carranza garrison is statiomnt. men willing to make their iivs u ' Force German Women To Work in Fields f fly lntcrnr.ii-inl News Service flrnc. Sept. 4 - A .U: ree piumui -.'iit-.'d in she pi iiicipa'ity tf Lipjfc 'ihrcaiciis all wumfii who refill-' t !'i Texa ts hae b.-t-n .s juif :i, forty mils Uvt exMditioh at tA base at Kl 'all rmation recci cd njn tary authoritie? of tw. , Sept. 4 V'lircif nenr souili t.f tlu puni I'ershmr's ad itn i. iiccordintf to in today by JuaVfj1 The main body; rk in the puiuhnicnt. soi.iici s of t paratmn lie',!.- THom J'! of them uve?sit'!e t ihis kind ..the imprisoned. cree ha been Puchy ot' Ait the :iny A n "vesfers A,t( as wives of rtraw iHif 6e" Le 'U priv.i if lt'inj4" in al forfeit of Kt-rs will b identical ile ei in tht- Williams Gives Brown a Sound Thrashing (By International Newa Service.) Baltimore, Sept. 4 Kid Williams who still claims the1 bantamweight championship of the world gave Fred die Brown, of New York, a sound thrashing in their tan rounds, no de cision, fight at Oriole baseball park here this afternoon. Laredo. American day. They t 1 had been General iVishing is expected to rt-j embodiment of right and service and tern to bis headquarters tomot-ow. 'enlightened - purpose. The commands He is conbden: the Villistas will n-i-'of democracy are as imperative as attempt to riolest any part of ii'sjits privileges and opportunities are "P- wide and generous. Its compulsion General Tershing also is confident jjs upon us. It will be great and lift the -reported Villista band will not at-;a great light for the guidance of the tempt to interfere with any American nations only if we are great and carry its about tw truk trains, and that their sole ob-that light high for the guidance of ject is the Carransa garrison at Nam- j our own feet. iquina. However proper precautions -We are not worthy to stand here will be taken. unless we ourselves be in deed and in j truth real democrats and servants of WEIATIIEIt. mankind, ready to give our very lives for the freedom and justice and apiri- P-ohahly fair Tuesday and Wednes- tual exhaltation of the great nation day. Moderate easterdly winds. ' which shelters and nurtures us." American Property Ruined by Mexicans Texas. Sept. 4. Thret ( f ocees arrived here to sad that their property les:r,-ved by n-H-r.lhs ii Mexican banJ- V. S. Clerk Invents Mast For Submarine (By International Newa Service y Washington. Sept. 4. Orin I'-1-ively, a Government clerk here, ba invented a collapsible mast for on submarines. I

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