( GAPE FEAR NEWS B UY THE NEWS ECAUSEIT1S WEATHER. ETTEK Fair. You Can Find It In The Cape Fear News 12 Hours Earlier FULL TELEGRAPHIC REPORTS. FULL TELEGRAPHIC REPORT VOL. 1, NO. 372- FAYETTEVILLE, N. C FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 13, 1916. PRICE, $4 PER YEAR OHE KILLED, TWEtlTY IliJUFiED, RESULT CF - Oil 7 Ten Plants Operated By Strike Breakers on Wednesday Were Closed. TWENTY-FIVE ARRESTED On Charges Ranging From ' Carrying Concealed Weapons to Murder. Officers Claim to Have Control of Situation. (By Iateraatlasud News Service) Bayonne, N. J., October 12. One'"'" "ernoon by defeating the man was killed and more than twenty j injured in rioting here today, incident i to the strike of the Standard Oil j varkrt Manv r r.it u ..ra iruL I Some of the strikers were severely clubbed by the police. The ten Standard Oi plants in Bay ou ne which had been operated with strike breakers yesterday were closed. Through the strike storm the police force. In two divisions, made several excursions, driving rioters before them or into the houses. Hundreds cwere searched for weapons. The killing' occurred at Twenty - First street and Prospect Avenue- j series. They won the championship Isadore Nalitsky, a young attorney j largely because of the brilliant work entered the riot tone to see what wm j "field while the Dodgers suffered de going on. Firing from house tops lie-! feat on account of poor work in the tan when the police were sighted. I infield and inability of the entire team Naliuky fell with a bullet through to produce hits in pinches, his body just under the heart and 1 Shore's Brilliant Work, died almost instantly. Shore, the youthful right hander Twenly-Fhe Arresled. a the hurdle over which the Dod- Edward Greene. alo"Tira-n by cu-,gers could not jump today. The lanky riosity was shot through the lungs, j North Carolinian pitched a bc&utifjl , and may die. John Sullivan, a strik-jgame throughout and deserved to er was shot jtfi the head and is in a score a shut-out. Only three hits were precarious condition. Horace Martin ' was shot in the bark and through the lungs. A drag net was. drawn, through : the strike district in the afternoon, j Two companies of police armed with : repeating shot guns entered the trou - ble lone from opposite points comb-j ing the district and searchingall men found In the streets or in houses from which missies were thrown. j game for the Red Sox. Kady had srn- Twenty-five men were arrested on gej and went to second when Hoop charges" ranging from carrying con-ier gi a base on balls. Janvrin then cealed weapons to murder. At night- j hit to Olson. ' He fnmbled the ball fall with the district ijuiet officers and 1 city officials again declared there an(i threw wild to -second in an at would lie no more trouble from the.len,pt to force Hooper. Kady scored strikers. "We have things under control now," police. id Inspector Kaity of the . . 1 The county Democratic candidate filled their appointment t Lindei. last night. A large crowd was out to hear the speakers, every on of which, delivered short but impressiva ndres ses. In each instance confidence of both a national and local success for tha Democratic party was expressed. No More Compulsory Canada Mustaches (By International Newa Service.) Ottawa, October 12For many month Canadian soldiers have been protesting at the British army regula tion compelling the wearing of a mus tache. Today they are rejoicing in a new order from Militia Headquarters, graciously permitting them t ave the upper lip in Americas fashioa. large Lrowa ai "najWoilld Forbjd Minislerg To Hear Co. Candidates Marry Divorced Persons WORLD CHAMPIONS Live Up to Boston Tradition of Never Having Lost a World Series. SHORE PUZZLED DODGERS Lanky North Carolinian Pitched Beautiful Game Throughout Allowing Three Hits Dod gers Unable to Hit in Pinches. (By International News Service) Boston, October 12. The Boston Red Sox are the 1016 baseball cham pions of th universe. They won the Dodgers four to one in a loosely P1' fame. This gave them the 'with four victories to one de- teat. Immediately after the frame was over a wild demonstration took place on the ball field. Those of the vic torious Red Sox who could not es cape from the crowd were carried around the field on its shoulders. " Uie royal rooters headed by I ,ivir ban1 ""d followed by about 5,000 i'' paraded around the field, j T e4 Sox lived up to the Boston : tradition of never having lost a world ma le off him and one was a fluke. Tin only run the Dodgers scored came through the medium of a base on ball, a sacrifice and an out which ad- vanced the runner to third and p'lt jhim in position to score on Kady's past ball. A double error by Olson in ; the third inning broke the tie which 'ciiisttd up to then and cinched the gpojiinK his chance to get Janvrin on the second error and Hooper went to third. Then came Shorten wijh a sjnKle that scored Hooper, patting the Sox two runs' to the good and making victory sure for them. I (By International Newa Service.) j St. Louis, October 12. Reccom 'mendations that the ministers of the ! church be forbidden to marry persons : who have ben divorced was made by Whe general convention of the Protes ' tant Episcopal church here this after- noon by the joint commission airpoint- ed. Gudger is Endorsed For District Judge Washington, October 12. Friends of former Congressman James M. Gudger, Jr., of Asheville, are deter mined that no opportunity to secure 'a good federal job for Mr. Gudger j is overlooked. He has now been in ; oWsed for a place on the district Su ' prem court to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Justice Thomas H. Anderson. III! ADVOCATES NET WORK OF GOOD In Address to Six Thousand Peo ple Who Greeted Him at Indianapolis. SCORNS SECTIONALISM Stating It Is Based on Ignorance and Any One Who Revives the Issue Not Worthy Confidence of Nation. (By Interaatioaal NewsSerricc) Indianapolis, October 12. Presi dent Wilson arrived here today at 11:30 o'clock and-was met at the sta tion by cheering mobs. In a speech before 6,000 people he urged "a perfect and intricate net work of good roads' to develop the country. "Sectionalism is based on igno rance," he Baid. "The only thing that binds a nation together is nationalism. Any man who revives the issue of sec tionalism is not worthy of the confi dence of the nation. He showshim sclf a provincial and reveals his non- ability to be 'a free voter. "Just as soon as this great Euro pean war is over America must be ready with force for a peaceful battle on lines of a new age," he continued. Although President Wilson's speech here was not of a political nature it is understood his second Western trip is intended for political influence. The large throng that enthusiastically iistened to his address here this after- j noun was composed of both parties. Promoters of Land Bank Swin dles Get Half Million Dol lars in Kentucky. (By International News Service.) Washington, October 12. Whole- sale prosecution of a numlier of indi viduals who are promoting land bank swindles are being planned by- the Federal Farm Loan Board, that body announced today. The headquarters of the "syndicate1 are ill naurja n is miiccj, at... j the board has amassed a large quan-1 tity of evidence concerning the iden ...v and mirations of the nromoters. ' ' Evidence in the hand, of the board j now indicates that the country from coast to coast is being exploited by a land swindle trust all under one head. The man at the Head ot tne or-: ,.ization is alleged to be a financial I wizard whose ability the farm loan FINANCIAL? V.'IZARD FOR LAND SWINDLE board respects and, to a certain ex- j "'"r -B"'er., Mse .,nna, t-u.e. evangelist has arranged to nave tne tent fears. He it keeping in the i IteMie nJ M ""' nd thrce " 'campaign in Buffalo in February and . Washington. Octob-r 14-Th-barkground and operating through - Ben. Ot-orge, and Zack. j March instead of in the spring. Sute Department has been informed! .genu. Funeral services will be held fromj ' officially that the British reply to the- From the state of Kentucky nearly residence at Hope Mill, this "'ter- KansaS College Sends (American protest against the black a half million dollars already has been : n"n M.S:30, by Rev. J. L. Jenkins, "y jrejess Weather NeWS listing of American commercial io- taken from the farmers. WEATHER Weather for North Carolina. Fair Friday and Saturday without decided temperature changm. Hoder- ate north east and east winds. ITALIANS ADVANCE AGAINST AUSTRIAN BASE HEAR TRIESTE Capture Two Important Heights and Nearly Two Thousand Prisoner?. GAIN IN GORIZIA SECTOR Where Austrians 1 are Driven Hack From Their Mountain Positions. Desperate Count er Attacks Result in Big Loss. (By Interactional News Service.) home, October 12. The Italian ar mies of General Cadorna, driving home with heavy blows their new of- fen-ive against the great Austrian commercial port of Trieste have won extensive new successes. The war ofHte announces gains on the alones of the two important heights, hills nuni!r 343 and 144 east of Nova Villa ami the capture on the entire Carso fror.t of .1.771 prisoners. The most extensive gains so far reg -tered have been in the Gorizia district. Here under a constant shell fire the Austrians have been driven back from their mountain side posi tion. Desperate counter attacks I .... . .1. - .1 V . 1 . . IT : umiiMini o uie nuntoenuriKiiriiiD i cfrr.mander in an effort to regain the line lost east of Vertoibizza. on the: ' . , ... '. , .been organized and there has been a f. arso, were broken up with losses by ' tte Italian fire 'considerable increase in the member ship of the churches. I A sermon on Wednesday morning, Nothing from man's hands, nor law,',, tf o'tiock, by Rev. It. G. Hill, D. D., nor constitution can be final. Truth who is nearly eighty-five years old, a -ne is final. Charles Sumner. .LB. Mr. Newton Prominent Attorney CCv or this ejection Hied inv Raleigh Yesterday. :y yes- Newa was received in the city Krday afternoon of the death of Mr. Z. B. Newton.' in Raleigh. , Lill:ngton is making stride in pro- j Mr. Newton was fifty-eight years . gressivenes that is e-iualled only by if age and was a member of the local f,nv in ,ta,- A nev' bar, having practiced law here for a commodious brick pro, led sch-xd build Lnmber of years. Mr. Newton 'i"f. a sewerage a.d wnter vr-: rys- n ore than a professional man and had um an! inP' -,p-p's '"' -"' "f 'l ,en successful in general business sit'r of an 'Vf.kening fr..m a Rip Ho had acquired considerable proper-1 t in this and adjoining counties. Mrs.' "easi.ie at n.s l..-U i Ti.:t . " yes.eruaj at noon. Me was prominent in politics, hav ing honorably filled the oftVe of coun- ty auditor. Always a power for goivl in this community, his influence will ll Kmtiy missed. I Surviving Mr. ton are his wife, is"... J L "Y.Xf: a T.'jK pastor of the Baptist church, of which Mr. Newton was a member. Further, ileUils of th. funeral were not ranged, yesterday. But pall nearer win ou, fcy wirele rrom the weather bu The State I)cpartment U1 not discuss be selected this morning. Jreu , the Agricultural Coi- j what action this government will take, -lege here. A'ith the exception of the' if the reply is unsatisfactory, but t: It is sledom that a man without forecasts sent nightly for the benefit ' is believed President Wilson will ex tha coin is sued for breach of promise. Df the naval stations this is said to ercise the discretion given him by law Bravery does not consist in heing he the first time service of this Kind to put Into effect the retalitory tegis--foolhardy. . . . that has been attempted. lation passed by Congress. THE FAYETTEVILLE press meets People of Lillington Extended a Warm Welcome to Ail Delegates. PASTOR FOR 54 YEARS Dr. H. G. Hill, Eighty-Five Years Old, Delivered Morning Sermon. gician. -An Orator and Lo- The Fayetteville Presbytery con vened its 100th stated session at Lil lington on Tuesday evening, October 10th, at 8 o'clock. The opening serm on was preached by Rev. R. A. Mc Leod, pastor of Galatia, Manchester and Longstreet churches, after which the Presbytery was called to order by ;the retiring Moderator, Hon. A. D. jMcGill; of Fayetteville, Route 8. j Rev. H. J. Willis, of Rowland, was elected Moderator, by acclamation; j Rev. John L. Fairly, of Fayetteville, jwas choosen Temporary Clerk, and I Rev. R. A. McLeod, of Rockfish, was 'made Engraving Clerk. The new offi cers were at once inducted into office and the business pf the Court moved off with clock-work precision. j There was a good attendance at ithis meeting and much to encourage the faithful workers was found in the reports from the various parts of the field. Several new churches have 'and who has been preathing fifty - ' four years, was worthy of note. Dr. .Hill seems to have lost not one whit I of his abilities as nn orator and Iogi cian. That sermon was. itself, wrrtll a trip to the Preshytery. A great inspiration was given- Mis-! siuns and Sunday School work at this session of Presbytery and we conn- idently look forward to results. The hospitality of the good people !f Lillington. irrespective of denomi- ' . . I ration wlil ever remain a pieasam memory in the minds of every attend- 'ant upon the full session of fall meet-1 ing of Fayetteville Preflytery. They " "' .' wo' thought-1 ful of the -if,,!'t " tneir Bt'estf. Van Winkle sleep. I 'Billy" Sunday in New York April 1 New York, October 1 The Rev. ; "Hilly Sunday will conduct his "fight against the devil" in New York begin-1 ning April 1 next and continuing through April. May and Junef The . . . . Manhtta Kan. October 12.- -'paiiy weather forecasts are being sent U-BOAT OPERATIONS ALONG U.S. COAST A IE, REPORT Of Joint State and Nary Neulra- lity Board Submitted De partment Yesterday. BELLIGERENT VESSELS Carrying Guns and of a Type of the U-53 Should Not Be Ad mitted to U. S. Ports, Reco.n mendation of Board. (By International News Service. Washington, October 12. The joinr state and navy neutrality board hn-s submitted to the State Department it report and recommendation concern ing submarine warfare off the Ameri can coast. It is understood that the findings -of the board are unfavorable to a continuation by Germany of ac tivities similar to those off Numuek- et Lightship last Sunday, nVr t? U-53 sank five merchant vessels. It was said today that, the neutral ity board declared such" operation ire cle proximity to American ehre. corstituted a nuisance which shouU b-? t bated, aiid that in their view h? L'nited StateB should refuse hospital ity to all belligerent war vessels. The neutrality board is an advisory not responsible body and Its finding and recommendations are not binding. It was said authoritively today that the department before deciding upon any policy, will examine all the evi- -dence. The Nr:vy Pepartnujnt received to- 'day a report from Rear Admiral ! Knight, at Newport transmitting the ! reports of the commanders of four vessels sunk by the U-o3. The Navy Department received alsct a report from Admiral Glcaves, com- manding the destroyer force at sea, I expressing his personal belief that alt the survivors are accounted for ami that there was nnteanicr sunk namoif the Kingston on KingsWnion. Admiral Cleaves added that th.! de- stroyer force had discontinued the . search. Bombard GaS Factor' Causing Great Fire fRy International News Service.) Paris, October 12. The official re port tonight says, north of the Sonimt the French hae made some progress west of Sailiy. South of the S'.mme there was great activity by the artillery cn both sides but no infantry r.cti"n. In the Vosees the Fren;h evecuted a coup de main in whkh Were brought back eleven German prisoners. The French artillery lomi.ar.led a gas fac- tory near Muclhauserwa.isine a great fire. ' British ReDlv to t - - Blacklist Protest ! terests may be expected shortly. The impression among officials i that the reply will' be unsatisfactory.

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