CAPE FEAR NEWS B I T THE ICEWS ECACSEIT1S WEATILEK. ETTER fur. Subscribe to the Cape Fear News the Paper That Prints the Truth rCVL TELEGRAPHIC REPOBTS. FILL TELEGRAPHIC KZPOSTaV VOL. 1. NO. 376. . FAYETTEVILLE, X. C WEDNESDAY MORNING. OCTOBER IS. 191S. PRICE, SI PER TEAS EARL GEE! CHAREfS (TERRIFIC MO TO U. S. HAS ViQLATEfl i MO FIGHTIKG I!! Ol'll HEUIRMi THREE OAT BATTLE Chair Made ia the House of . Lords By Mo Proauaeat Peers of Eagtaaa. ' AWAIT AMERICAN VIEW Before the British Government May See Fit to Make Repre sentation to the V. S. Con cerning I'-Buat Affair. (By I.tmatiaaal News Sfrrin ) , L.don, October 17. Direct char- 1" that "-he I'BitnJ State hu vioiat-. hand fighting continued all day long d iu rwuu-mJity and tatn-v!d in-'ia SadEy-Salli!. marking the third nuendae of police ( niiii be-Joay f Ui haiti tut possession of the twwo Amritn :raj and the, The French made further Btander of the German ! subn-.arine .ms. A w group of houses Was C-i3 we made today in the Hie "cleared of Germans, prwwn were ef Lrd by several of the pot promi-jtkec. and violent counter attack jitfit Peer of F-ngland. 'repiiwd. They elicited frvn Viscount Crey.( Throughout the day the violent ar M.m.ter of, Foreign Affairs, a Hate-; t;l: ry bombardment mat continued Kent that-Great Britain would aay with great strength. The whole front isi, word to the frited Stat Govern- tr f urMer re. The French wed merit on the ineiierit until 'u;kr,f. ' Bnu-h npaprer.tiy are preparing for ton had made pu!.;ie-the official rport ' . rew rret stroke. The Germans are hi.h i generally expected. The Foreign Minister tinted quite c,f bell fire hich ii tweepusg their plainly that Grvat Drilatn i awaiting .n.. - i. such a statement. The immatioR wasj The British durir.g the night regis further made that after the American tered a gain wen of Serre. tome view had been set forth England ( trench elements being seized, hut the m i'ht eee tit to rae representation (iermans claim that British attack to the Ljiited State. DISPUTE OVER UNO A "N kik Collins. Know ii an a Pan erous (hararter. hills Man and Escapes. New Bern, October 17. As a ,ter minatX'n of a dispute over a tract f tiniUT iand Nith'ilu. oiIin sh-t and instantly killed Ahram Collins in thl near Mayvi!le th aftern'."-n. li-th m-n are white. Immediately after th' fh'M' the ffiur h rer made U'.k-1 his escao and refHrts fr.m M.i .. .lie timifcrht were tn the -fT-tt that he is hidm? in the vtwJ' rear ! that place. t hief of I'olice I.uptnn received a telephone mcsm:c this - afternoon ithin the confines of the,.i!Utre of asking him. to le un the outlook and Sailly. At milii.:'it according to the piac. Coihnt under arreF in case he Bar office report ihe h m rs of the liat attempted to pasa through here. The (je were with the Fnics despite th two men are raid to have no family violent counter attacks and h:y connection. nhcilmg hy the Germar.s. "Sick" Collin, who i (.-a mid'lle-j The French troop el all of that aired man i aid to be a .langerou p.rt ef the (rroimd on the westnrn aide character and it i believel that he f the hurh road and rained a firm i fully armed and will resist arret. foothold. The midnight rtatemcnt de- - scribing the operations for more than Tropical Hurricane . j twenty-four hours said that great ar- I)riv6s Ships to Port ''"ery activlty on lotn 1,811 bB (By International New Serriee.) Mobile, Ala October 17. Shipping of every description ia scurrying into gulf porta on ac count of the tropical hurricane which ia now reported to be in the gulf of Mexico headed northwest. Over one hundred ashing boara from Mississippi and Louisiana shores have put into Biloxl, Miaa. Fear ia felt for the many big freighters now in the gulf en route to Europe. French, Repulsing Violent Ger- Counter Attacks. Make Further Gains- WHOLE FRONT INDER FIRE The Germans are Replying Vi gorously to the Hurricane of Shell Fire Which is Sweeping Their Lines. (By iMtfwUml Neva Service.) Paris. Octutyer 17 TerrifEe hand-to relaying vigorously to the hurricane in the (iyerdecnurt sector birdie down. KtlioWiryf their - fTenidve of yester day n the svuthern Carpathians the German armies arrayed apaint Ru .a struck last niyht oa the Lember 'frr-t A a reu!l xhvy ho!. I tnla A mi-.e art;, a half if Rj.:n trench j i r-d have more than l&fO pr isoners to the rt-ar. F. DESPERATE BATTLE -'aPr Part of the T.. n .f Sailly. Artillery Activity on the Somme. (By International Ne Serriee) Taris, Oct., IV A rir! tattle has rontmut'il all n.i,ht and dav in iruicaa vu mini Btuea Hi,y iik Somme front. The French captured part of the town of Sailly after they consolidated their positions. . South of the Somme river the French repulaed a violent counter at tack east of Berny. 5j- WETATltER Weather for North Carolina: Fair, cooler Wednesday. Thursday rain. Moderate northeast winds. DAMAGE RESULT OF STRIKE VIOLENCE WILL BE BEI.1DE01 'Oil Concerns ia Bayonne De mand the City Pay Dam ages From Strike. ADDITIONAL POLICEMEN Asked for Bv the Standard Oil. Company's Plants. Meet To-j day to Consider Question of Returning to Work. CBy latecwatloaal Newe service-) Earonne. ". J-. October 57. No-1 ttce was served on Mayor Garven and j , ' , the ctiratnissKiners of Bayonne by the ' ... til concerns today that the c.ty wills : 1 called upon to pay the damages tor KOi.M resUi'-ir.g I-OTn s.iiM: w Forty additional special piHiemen were asied for by the Standard Oil Canpany' plant and the appointment . , Another meeting of the str.jiers will ,1-e held tomorrow to corsid the: iiuetion of returning to wo: federal mediators report"J ...i..i ..f potiirfiinl. to work. Three . to be on their wav here from Vash:rgtm are iTO' ccr.t per thousand for the next expected to attend the meeting . tit.-A.'5''. nd on a!l over 32000 cubic feet Only one arrest, m connection With, , -.!,""" W discount of a cents tije StriKe, on a s-owijctt v 'it,, con-ea!ed weapons was made to.iay. LARGE ENROLLMENT III G.F.C.! Practically Every 'ty and County in the Stale Kepre seined This Yar. T.reenyboro. Otctx-r 17. Activj- j ties of the two literary j-M.-ie.ttes, the Kmerson and Irving, have y..t Ut'n itaricd at the 'reen.Miro CtilU'ge ft.!- Women. The, lu aiMrietie.. eniLtc ing practically the entire ani rti InKiy ff thtr Cfilegv, are not yt sati-'tied anJ are still rampaitrnin far new ni'tr.bers and their preitlcni preiu-t that before the ,-pring terra fpt-u'?. every student in the oIlege will ie cnrdlctl in one n.-iety or the other. The first "get-to-pether" cf tir year was held last Saturday evenii- in the form of a banquet iriven jointW by the two societies presided tiver by Mrs. Lucy Roberion, president emeritus of the college, and who also acted as toattmiatrets. Cover were laid for 300. and during the evening veral impromptu speeches were ide. Some very original discuasions of the work planned was heard from the g:ts, and all declared -the deter-1 mination to make the membership of their respective societies this year the best in the history- ef the college. SecreUry Curtis announces that the subscriptions beinf received for phy sical improvements at the college are coming along well now, and it Is hop- ed that by the time next year's ses- sion begins, additional space will have been provided. . Girls are regsrtered art the college this year from practically every city and county in Vie state. IRE0USTI01 IN GAS RATE RESULT FROM BIG IMPROVEMENTS Fajetteuue Light and Poajirrw.oncijiaDie Elements Company Reduces Gas Rate In This City. EXPERIENCED OFFICERS Of the Local Corporation Have Made it Possible to Give This City a Rate Lower Than Many Cities Enjoy. TV.;- Fayetteville Ijjrht and Power Con; .ry through it manazer ar.i &e- , dart .nan ;h gm rate to take effect . . . W -r 1, 191j. This an entirelv . .... , . volu- lowerinp of rate and is at the ga works, extension of mains, servi and the distribution system in g-rai. , T wv price of gas is 12.00 gross,; le -' cents per thousand for the first five r..-uand cubic feet of gas con- . . !e oo cents per thousand the - t 5o00, less 60 cents pe - ana ,r me next iess.e .cer.i? I f. N: 1 p. : limusarjti provwea. of coure. that rr bill are paid during- ,e usual - ount period. A'ith the forejr-fing rate the prire ".' pas in Fayettevilie will eonsparej n -t favorably with the charpes made j i- ther cities of about same papula-j t "j in Ntrh Carolina and the South,.. a' ,-i in many "mrtances is s 1etter rate ' r n that eftjcyetJn larger cities. ; .Tje owrier bf ,the local pron-rty j jc Moirwarding-l'M'king men, eite y. -r-ger !!f:t, and thfy put the.r ; ney;""and faitfc. in F-ettevr,.;,The', I tlcompany is peculiarly frtunate ! having a-, its President, 'William W. 1 li.indoiph, an vengineer with over ! VTt-y-five year experience in the t l)lic utility J'usine, and who ha : ' -n connected wrth the opcTutii-P. : - tie of the lanrt-st and mt succe- ! ! gas an-1 elect rie plants rn the . I 'ited States. Mr. J-hn Buckan, Hj n in of larye business experienfe i ! Ve-President, and A. R. M-R-t j r ,;e Tar HeeCa clever, eourteriu.s ar. 1 ' nd s'- ' pyi. j .. le young man, is mnnnger , tnry-treavirer. V,x the i :r,e they bt-'.ieve pas will fi ne irit.i ir iveraal use here as in the lart-er , -ies and the greatest, numher of .ur ; .'Mle he efficiently served. Lower i. ' the nrice of fH will make the Ui-O. thiacommodity f r cooking, ligt .: , heatinir vatcri'n'nis. etc . pfssi I. it to a greater extent than ever he f. re. It wii: make the use of gas for l.k-hting purpose cheaper than elec-tru-ltv or easolcne. ' states Manairer v..m, atut will make cat more desir - i,, . ... f, -. i,.,tr,ai ! table tan other fuels for industrial ! . , , .,:. .ill save the i r-'T0809- thousands of dol- j I : present consumer r. each vear and Manager Moflit A hi h .,Je B and . !rlcient (erratw spall be maintained j ' Democratic TwinS BolTt IrTState North Carolina New York, October, 17 M P. Ab- ernathy, of the Gastonia, North Caro- Una, Gazette notified the Democratic j National Committee today of the birth ( there last Thursda? to Mr. and Mrs. 1 Burris. of twin boys, Woodrow, weight 8 1-2 pounds and Wilson, weight. 7 1-2 pounds. REPUBLICAN PARTY NOW IS STRIVING TO DECIEVE DECLARES MAX GARDNER Foreshadow Its Defeat Declared Max Gardner in an Address Before a Large Audience at the Court House in This City Last Night Lauded Wilson's Administration. SENATOR SIMMONS TO SJ'EAK AT AlIITOKH M ON TOMORROW MORNING International New Service I'eMmaMer I'aaVrwood re retted a telephone aveftage from Senator Simavons tat Right to the effect that Senator Simnona ill -arrive here toiight at tweHeo'clork. He will sneak at the auditor ium Thursday at eleven thirty o'clock and every voter ia urged to hear one of the nation ' gvat eat statesmen. v The ladiea are especially in vited to come out. STREETS OF ATHENS SCENE OF RIOTING Important Note From the Allied. C.overnments Is Delivered to King ronstantine. (By International News Strike Lont!(n. Oc ier IT. Kiut.r in ? Street nf Alh l1; sT.tati"n ut .uie latest entente u L-f ihe iat mands upon Greece l-y Vice-Admir:! Tr'afournet, com mar. rr;T;h tlcvt. f the Franco- Marines ;-;d bin. ,.a-Ac.t?i ...s'rdv 1 ' from the alll'-d ta'hjps t. paind p Athens aiiti firiieus -e ut'.i.r.-! by a mob of infuire i Ki-yiilyiSts :tn i t;. driven t csut. It a th- v.f-rds .f V. the King him-tdf. ;.ddie-etl t.- r a.- !i-. h'l! -vd t'tcOitlw G!ee a :i - x,-h"!ch hsve i-eerj sv';: V-i y ih-t. A':I"S, -w hi'h so intfa-tti-.' th-- Ath-S";s p.r--'. sis i i K-ad t i ;ir. a. ';- k "fi he t!i IVerth marines ti W hen A imirai P-.f.-iirn i-l : :l OllLh --us and m;i" hed 'hi streets acfnmpar.ed by-his 1 w us hissc i hy rh.. ;n pu!i-t.s. I The n"te h1 pre-i":'..l t'i ' rrTnt.n at A-hens h :r'"iit' a -.hano-nr :h:it Kir; l.'.mt.' h'jrrlt'i to th.- ciirit 'l ..f r m ris Summer palace an 1 hutiK i.i:U-i a cabinet cmnci'.. The Kinir's word f-A'turi',! tiri-erc prostrate under the heel i'f str;'rri.r powers. "This day your lips are moistioned '" ""V" P"'5' ' or, "yoofjisproud toiils looking for a . . . united victorious t.ree.-e. see her Weeding from fresh wounds " He eon- ..... i-.i l.l . i . " for tht loyalty of the navy My government was compe.ien to give yon orders to quit your ships." he cried, "and, faithful to your vow of loyalty to your King, you obeyed." Greece tonight is believed to be on the brinks of revolution With resig- nation extended to the revolutionary government of former Premier Vetii- Ielos by the entente, and that govern- ment preparing to send volunteer troops to the Macedonian front in ,upport of the Allies, every royalist in Greece has risen to the defense of the King. in the Republican Party Hon. O Max Gardner, if Shtlbym rVmihcratic carididat f r Ltvat-jiuir.t Gyernor of this S:a:e, iiretd 3 large crowd of voter at .he cort house last nirht. 1 He was in trod uc' ly ts-Mayor L'nderwwi, who s.:rd he. as a nut' t-er of principle aJid at? he -t, matter of the -rer at in of. ire na-tv-n in the pe?-ent cri.-i?!, w-uM vt The ertire Ii tr.'.K rfcic r.-l Htf n:er,t:'.r.ed st-.r-" ar - r;s nt by Mr tri:i-r uzi r . . ; a j.'-''-''1 "rf tribute to Wxir W.".-..:- KnMw;r.r tKt r l.e nr-prTrry enta:ini, and :ht .r:, tr - .-T,j.utf mirepreentatk'r; ae :v. r y ".. . I must thark vr.y gji ir.i-r. I'nder w.mhI ftr the c urT-t.s 'err..s a1 ut myself. ald Mr j..r.:rer, h cj.-!y, o on as th 'ie-fr- nsTi,; r which grVeUi h m had died dau-rr. Mr. Gardner ftntd that it wa h;rf i' have the ginnl fortune. -f Kteaking (.rit're o:tucns vt the o!J (historic town ii FayetteviiJe, bu a j the sam time, it brought pieaa-'f reriVeti.-nw a he wa t:ught at Chai- t! by Judge MVCru. He tCdtetl that in a! walks of life. 'fMing thm m--?t fffliir-t ps:'ii-ns, people from .this irr.-i I old citv. .-l-t-l f-jromorr . .and that with gn nine pleasure hJ ,ft v.-!i!.i a- Spr.n ' p hs h and ad- leople W ant W ilson. Tht- Amen. -an j,:rv pass n th fun of the record, d- tti.v and wiI o-.intrv, nr. i only threJ today . t i ' 1 1 1 loving. nil!'!: ' I f I ' , "dr.-.'.v Wi lg .- '. th" na(ii. ti H-rr.ii;..!? by . .us-nan. M. ';ir,!icr he m ii- Ar i r v , . h.i .f the' ,s n- fvm ;'..l' if I-l ,,i.- n. Ohii. N-.: thern I'L'Ic to th." -e liv'.irt ir "f hiiniaii- imued Mr- fit" m m ihf hi: vr.!. d tiar it.tT. Thi' M-i-iKcr !u:;n T'.iT'.y as U i r.e R.'p.iii ih;vh his only hi. ir i n "f the ! x : as .'Hi? .'. .r- humanity. s a privileged f--, and th- !'-i w.'h its main i Th.- Kt' fi-w, maviuera.iiri ut ier the party name, with its i-nc t-tiat aim to secure ,l tt,,r ""n!" B This year it it the same old thirur." said he. "arnf , ,, the old guard. IVnr.-e. bmoot. Root. Cannon and Harnes as eroneer with . , . . j -i..j oiu him.p on .wra, win, mm defeated and mutiiated the Republi- can party in I'Jl-, j , He eulogized R.iosevelt a,th "pV ljtica! pugilist, who ,-ercei. while eat' mg from the hards of larceny, th p..r Progressives, to thi..;r rain. Sew , he Progressives who foil-wed him are rather to l-e p;tie-i than censored,"' Mr. Gardner. There were 100,- mio of these men. many . f whom were honest and thought tht-y wre doinjZ' the best 'thing for their nation, who now see how they were led by thif (Continued ou Vage Two.