GAPE. FEAR NEWS B UY THE NEWS ECAUSEITIS ETTEK WEATHER. FAU. I Subscribe to the Cape Fear News the Paper That Prints the Truth FULL TELEGRAPHIC REPORTS. FULL TELEGRAPHIC REPORT VOL, 1, NO. 27. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY -MORNING, NOVEMBER 2, PRICE, $1 PER YEAR CANDIDATES START TEUTON ALLIES DEAL POLITICAL LIBIT HEAVY GLOWS LAST i THE ROUMANIANS Stedman School Hon.- Filled With an Enthusiastic Crowd of Voters. Battling Twelve Miles Within Roumanian Border Capture Two Towns. BIG DEMOCRATIC SUCCESS London, Nov. I. Sweeping down he .mountains from Translyvania the Austro-Grman army has struck a Is Prediction of all the Demo- new severe blow against the Roumani- , -.... . . ' ans. Battling 12 miles within the rratie Candidates. Each of D . . , Roumanian border they have occupi- County Democratic Candidat- '! two towns. , SAYS PRES. WILSON DEUTSCHLAND MADE A PERILOUS VOYAGE INT Says We Should Not Make the 'Was lour Days Longer on This GEORGE F. SEDBERRY SUBMARINE POLICY IS REPORTED LOST. Mistake Europe Made two Years Ago. Voyage Than on the Maiden Voyage. j Fayetteville Cituen Among Lost in Torpedoing' of the Marina. UNITED STATES AND REGISTER HITS PROTSET, ESCAPED BRITISH PATROL es in Excellent Speeches. Fjur things neecessary tomake our country what it ught to he are good homes, good churches, these first and The advance is taking- its course j southward of Rothenthurn Pass and ithe towns of Rakovitsa and Titeshti liave been occuppied by the Teutons, according to an official admission from Petrograd. " x Against Use of Foreign Rela-j tions for Domestic Political; Advantages lhal lhose onj Other Sde Are Guilty of. Official Statement by Secretary Landing and Count von BernstorfT. Passing Beneath Powerful Flo til la of Bri:ih Warships Which ; a great number or people of this CH4NGE Lr S city remember Mr. Sedberry as quiet and intelligent young man and B 'nternatienal Mews Serric.) Buffalo, Nov. 1. President Wilson it is with great sorow news of his viea'b ts received. He has beer, in newspaper work in Ha.- Patroled New " England , c':" flT number of years hav- lir.g lieen on the staff of this paper. He was on the ews and Observe staff f-r s iir.'e .time and was known in the field of journalism. Coat. (By International .'ewi Service.) New London, Xov. 1. Looming up ti - . . . , , .. , . . i .. .. . . . .nnAsl ,.,!,. C 1M1,. 1 mit nt -V- I ... . 1 Jnp oniciai report irom uucnarest , " nvoS i'h' . - 14m uae a pray above all, then good schools and, one' .1 ' , . today tens me Koumamans nave fing honestly, calmly and thougmy ana gHoat .1 the sea, the German mer- fnk-n eU'Ui nriuwAM 1 -' - . -e. & ichflnt so.m ,.,.. a;.. 1 a Gates btfore an audience , ,non-parusian manner at tne proo ; - - in piin eariy of the s-rcatest, good government said lion. 1 A filling the achoo house of Stedman ' l.t night. Mr. Gates had strict at t ntkin and made one of the best short speeches of the campaign. He continued by stating that the Official admission of the Austro- ! German success followed unofficial dis ; I patches, which for a time, created Jems confronting the country. ,'pcke before the Elliott Club of the Ue today n her second voyage to the Ui ;ted States. FUNERAL OF MR. Mc MILL AN. ATTITUDE While BernstorfT Declares Ger many has Made Her Pledges to the United States and Doe Not Desire to Violate Them. (By International News Seme. Washington, Nov. 1. Secretary of State Lansing announced today that the State Department would neithei fourth government, was the one of the . them accross the frontier and were great rejoicing here. Thee report dt'- Th P'Mit waa greeted by had declared the Roumanians, strik- prolonged hand clapping, contrasting ints the invader heaviJy, had pressed: with his comparatively coul reception four thuijr most interesting now I "(luvernrncnt," he said, "in the rule fonce more fighting1 on Hungarian aoiJ. It is expected here that Rupsia will in the treeta, "What we need in this campaign is politaoal liht, notj heat the President declared. "I will ! of the pe.p!e and the authority of the Roumania. people. It is the duty of the people. Roumanians have retreated eo'M Stlad next week when the campaign jcident and that all of her to tret together and choose represen- . to u,e petro-; is over so we can talk sens again.? in health. The funeral of Mr. Roland McMil- jct or eommtnt on the caa vf the was held yesterday from the First i D i. , , - J j -Marina and RoVarifnore, Iintih ships v 'uppiisedJy sunk by German submann tXK-k p ace at Cross i. reeK temetary. ' M.;i tu t jes until the German government has The Masonic and other orders as j... . . iad an opportunity to investigate the we!! as fi lart-e numljer of friends and . - wardir r Company. The vovape from 1 , , 4k ! ,nciaenT- - p J er relatives arcom pained the remains to r.aBlin,jl . -,T i e Bremen was made in 21 days which Lu - i . , , fu - reasonable time be piven af- ' their last resting place and paid their L . . , - , . , was tt-cr days longer than the Deut- , ..... , " . . ... J.v.:.J .ter. tho inestlratlon bejri(r v. J v.v. jv .h oj.vfrrnmpul hat l.o..n no was one oitne promineni. i .- plete(1 to reply to tizens of the section. The submarine docked at 2:30 o' block at the pier of the Eastern For sell Ian ' took on her maiden trip. Captain Koenig reported that the voyagf had been made without in- crew were tatives who will carry out their will When the 'wicked rultt the people mourn but when the righteous rule rany ha made application to the see ferate b'f-'nse' of Campulung. If I the people enjoy peace and pr.perity. j Gentlemen, this is exactly the differe nce between the Republican and IVm ocratir party. Republicanism, is cen tralizrd authority in the hands of the few while Democracy' is the rule everv msn. There is an exam this rittht ihare at horn -. Tiie Demi cratic candidates appearing hef-isA you t"night were nominate.) by the voters of Onv erhind county, over l.Kllfl of Ih. m in the county-wi.le prl mary, while the Republicans were ninied in secret .i!h an exception or two," said Mr Oate. "I will be. re-el,-t.-d. The county will give Democratic majority of over r,00"; was the assertion Oates wihch 'aue-l pndi nged sj.plau.e ' Origin of To Tarlies. "Grnticmi-n, let us review the 1 ri gin of the,itwo parties." he continued, "the Republican party was b-irn 111 the north out of the hatred to the The Democratic patty EFFORT TO SHIP MAIL OS TOE "Our economic policies can never j,',' Thy;ieiftsch!and passed beneath the ic the u"iame ' again, heiIow rfu! flotilla of British warships stated, it would be adUtroun mis-'whirb has been partrolling the Xew he stated, it would be a distroua mis-! Enjr, md coast since the raid of the take to supply, the theorie of Europe :." two years ago," he added. Ve have! I: is beleived that the Deutschland's a new place in the wm-lil, a place of consisted of dye stuff and che- .Hurh influrice that cur position will mi' ;i s similiar -to those she carried ;r fire't voyage. The cargo is To be worth one million dollars. be completely changed in 20 years. j on One can confidently predict what that sas ; position will be. uitanle Terms Can he Ar-' (1l want to register my solemn pro- tesWfigamM the use of forign rela tw ns for domestic political advantage. ranged Deutschland Will (ar Ameritan Mail. Turing practicably all of her 3.0U0 Vmiv voyage the Deutschland passed thr ":gh stormy weather by her power ful motor drove the craft thur the i "the President declared. He launched bi! into a -spirited denunciation of ihu'sH $ '. s and the master seamanship if .tin Koenig saved her from mis- con- ' State Depart- jments requests for information cor. jcerning the attacks. Mr. Lansing: in dicated that it rnigM be neccessary for the submarine commanders to re j turn their bases before Germany can furnish the information bought . ! ;.io.r.fc -Secretary Landing and Cyunt jVuri BernstoriT, the German Ambaa- which were designed to remove any 1rmapjjrehension which might exist re garding the policies of either gover?v ynent. j ; Count! Bern toff said: ;"I have asked forjrif(rmatitin from my Government because I h tve con ' siJereJ every report until now ini- probable, on ac.otint t.-f the German ashtngton, Nov. 1 Negotiations were In-gun today ta secure the serv ices of the German submarine Deut- Ltnil to carry a hipment of Ameri- an mail to Germany on her return trip. I'ust offire' department otTical dt- lan d that the German merchant would !e ien a mail contract if suitable terms c uid 1-e a ranged bi negotiation with her owners. Thi preliminary negotiations, it was stat- on the other side who had done e3-" haj -ii organied ty tne pe-Pie H.m haV(? met wtth ddficulties for pack a tr t'-t -r-T4-n bv 'he pop'c. I do i a f i.,rT ii mc mail f.-r submarines. pot irsv t nwrti-n th- partiian - nu.--ti. ri b'it -in.-e hrS s WhiA.-s Hope and Fear Hurl Roumania Into War ,Bolh Teams in Form ('loe Game Predicted Hetween 4 the Schools. Donaldson has succeeded in secur inir a game with the heavy team from the Carey High School for next Satur- p'e-'ge and also .in account of the day, and the present indications point 'hat I do not believe anybody at toward a hard fought and spirited f"ur "'dock in the morning could see turpepo lookinir like a white. rUh. 'Thc tierman government has given pr.'me and the ti-'iman govern- 1 niii-t Hugh- has r-..i-d that -l" ' b,. i the f.rst t.i mention it in a paign I r the t reent He iv - Ihc.-e are t-.. macy Noith Carol.niua- in , -'lice. N"W genii." men w- i.M ' v.dc for a man u, vai.l there re loo many of the citiz-n- of our own state in f'"l ,.rl otl'ae? " '"" '""y' r- T,,,n I declare t y.'U if Hafhc i- elected it will I- ai it ba. been under lirpu- 1.H.-..I, admiiii'tintu-n before ,ilhern man will be thrown out .'K'ni; Says Urcnien (liven up as Ixist a n 1 'he Mr. Oates exp.Jined tnal mi ! sn a.linini-tiatioil bad made it !- . for the tarmei ... .- .rriSIS NPITrOOS AlM)Ut Why Ronmania hopes to getout of the Kuropenn war and what she fear el would be fc,-r lot if she failed to shies with the Kntcnte Allies are iiietions logically sent forth and :;i-e,re. in a stiiking communica-t.-n t.i-the National (,ee-;i aphic Soci- om I. hn Oliver I.aGorce. The y makes public a portion 'of Mr ffiv International Nfl Service.) 1 I a'lorce's letter in the following war Xiw London, Nov. 1. Captain . geography, bulletin just released from t -.1 T' .rje of the super submarine ' Wu-diinglon :" I'eatsehlar.d today pave up a 1.-st tlie; Ke- states in history have lieen i -Ter s.if marine ilremen. j called to such momentous decisions as -The I'oemen is lost we have given Roumania faced when it plunged into h. r up. al. hough she had supplies for Niagara of blood carnage that has i':ty days aboard." the captain said. .,.',;ed down over Kuropc for these He slated that .the Bremen left on two long years. run- over -i run in' ii I!- K-.u to I-cave for the North j "Rut both hope and fear beckoned ! the Roumanians the hope of a great er Koumania and the of a strang led homeland. ' "The brave people of this little kingdom for it, is less than one fifth ! as big as Texas have many proverbs. ph h,eh mice establfhed by the law of , and demand, by controlling, the nation wi-le railroad strike move- j ment and enacting the eight hour law InternaUonal New. Service.) He stated that if elected t the Sen-. gaanna),, Nov. I K'O negroes j The water passeth and the stone re ate he would do all in his p were surrounded by police reserves at mams, they sny, refering to their own 'tral Powers won .secure such changes in our law na unie,n station and arrested here , persistence as a people in spite of th' the cabinet judgement of the pei.pie tuJny , thy w.ere to depart for shall say is het, and that he would nor(h u js .Hjgfey werf to endeavor, to secure legislation so that u by Repulljcans in Tuesday- the farmer would know what kind of ,e!.tj),n The arests which were made fertiliser he received f r his money. l.n.jer cliy oriami,nce recently pas- seil cr eater! a ner.r riot. , (Continued on Pajr Four.) flmids of humanity that have swept over their territory. "In the whirlpool of racial rivalries of southeastern Europe where Ro man and GiSlh, Hun and Slay,' Mag yar and Mongol, with all of their do led peoples bav : rter and h.ive b-c-n ; more than T.'O-i, ,a itself ;:n 1 s-T.-e. In !!---;. r: !-i.i. i -' miles i '.OOH 1 1e h-re." in ,vinee of 17. e-'- n'i' population, b-- V ; r -hinls of tbe pe-v ans: in T:any!-. ..r. part of ll-iiiLMry, a square mik. ail h of) of i?,."oo.IIi0 pr ei aims, are- U-uniania ., an Austrian cr-.,wn!ar..l -f ,re miles o'n-l I.imXi.ihiu popui . than halt' are said to 1 iahs. nd so li.OOO.OOo people yearn foi esitoreil" Eou'mania all ethu-gia-Roumania under the flag of pol- itKal remained netral, they re.isone;! the e would lie no chance of a happy result. They might, they felt, get something out of Russia it" the Ccn- with Roumanian their side; but Transylvania and Kuk owina would still be beyoiind their Jgrasp. On the other hand, they be lieved Russia would give, them Ues saiabia as a priie for participatage C'.nte.-tryVJtheugh Carey is one of the leafmg prep schools in the sta-e still this is the first year in football, 'out in spite of this handicap she has been showing very good form, only recent- j ly holding the strong Raleigh Highs to a close score. Donaldson also b-t to Raleigh by 9 to 0 sc. re therefore if c-mparison of scores means any thing these tw- teams rt'i! be so-'--vvhur eveiiiy mateluHl and I. ik.-I--.! will have her hund f.ilj to nc ; her winning drive. Tt'e Care;, 0"r is being coa, bed i-y Te l Sr : . f..rmer star I'-i A. an. I M ) : . his men are -xi e-t-.l t b -':- ' ment has always kept its ;,r mis Mr. said: 'l hav e r. i n-v. s I -an give -i r- gard t- the M.-.r.ra .in t tiie ves-..i in iliuii we ar- int-re h :t I f. el -hat i ou.-h 11 vvi.-c.mi her cl. co.i, ho.ig a i . i : : ,nc They will , The I' -.aid., vvurkinv with fea - I Wilmii, 1h. il' aim is iy 1:1-.' liih:: i. on i v a vim l.e- t-rie t Tie r.1 nnior.' e'o-e Ibft K. .iv i ;T T el'. N ti vv.t!; Ii it has he-n learned that 1 is nlanirg some bit i" ;h- a big surprise which they springing at the game Saturday only to demoralize t'arey luit aNa ' furnish some spectacular plays 1 the lurge cr,wd which is evpeite-l t be on hand to emamrage them in splendid . playing they have hibited this vcar. Tlv been showing extraordinary form for a first year football enthusiastic in Fayetteville. The lineup will be awarded later ,uv. d the t.i liernia rine wart which WEATHER Continued on Page Two.) Fair Thursday and Friday. Mode rate temperature. Gentle to mcn!e rate north and northeast winds. 1 w h : n nir.h h:.s be-n .;o chaiv i Th,- S'l.It. y t, U-vrv : Lan.-fML was tha: ,! st-vt-ra! n'-''t';-i : th I'niud Sia!-t :e.t ot unma it wa declar- ht-ir ed that warning m:.-l be given .in.! e- provision mado for the afety of pas- boys hac senders and crews K-fore. a merchant hin is sunk. The fact that the Marina carried a 4 7 insh gun. aud is believed to have been previously in the admiralty service may affect materially the de cision of this government. Dispatches from London stated to day that the Marina may have en- rZ in-.arri1Trai-j"vrk not long be fore she was destroyed. .4)