GAPE FEAR NEWS B UT TKB NEWS ECAfc'NE IT IS WEATHER. FAIR. JJTTKK 1 FULL TELEGRAPHIC REPOKTS. VOL. II, NO. 7. ids LAKE REPORTS EFFORT TO DISCUSS BORDER PATROL YITH f.IEXICAI!S FAILURE Wilson Reported to be Considering: the Advisabi lity of Sending a Sharp Note to Carranza in Which he Probably Would Ask That Commis sioner Cabrera be Withdrawn and Another Del egate Sent to HU His Place. it Washington, Nor. 17. The Mexi emn situation waa brourht to another aliarp crisis tonight whea Secretary of the Interior J" raiklin K. Lane, re ported to President Wilson that the! effort to discuss with the Carranza representatives on the joint commia- sun into peaceful mode had been hopeless failure. . Mr. Lane is the spokesman for the President on the commission an he arrived in Washington late this after- jtrronn.He arranged a conference at the Vh e house soon after his arrival. President Wilson was informed that the Mexican commissioners refused to sign any agreement relating; to patrol of the International boundary which did not provide for the immediate withdrawal of the Pershing expedition The situation was made worse by the Information that the Mexicans had failed to give satisfactory guarantees for the safety of American lives and property on the border in the event of compliance with the request for the recall of Pershings . command. No statements have been obtained from the white house or Secretary Lane sa J to tne prooaoia course uui wiu oe , followed. President Wilson however is id to be considering the advisability of - sending a sharp note .to General Car ranza pointing out that the attitude of the Mexican delegates is not con-. which occur ed at her home in Wfl sistcnt with the purpose of the com-'mine ton yesterday morning as 3 o' tnission which designed to reach an. clock, was a great shuck to her many amicable settlement of the contro- f riends and relatives in this city ; versy. Such a communication it is former home. said would make the demand thatj ge i survived by her pcrents. Mr. commissioner Cabrera lw withdrawn :nd Mrs. N. J. Bell of this ;city; a from the commission and another dele daeh'er, Jean and by the following gate Bert to fill his place. J brother and sisters: Mr. H. J. Mc- There is nothing to indicate in the Bjie, Mr. Charles BeTl, Miss Nate Lee attitude of the white house that even Bell, and Leon.HaroM and Louine a threat, of war would cause the of this city, and Mrs. J. D. American forces to be withdrawn Ktrr.-r and Mr. Nathan Bell, twtji of from Mexico at this time. The prim-' Richmond Va. 'ciple rcascon for this is that Mr. Wil- ' son has learned tw.t to take Mexican J 9 threats seriously. He ha also been Hmrrios IrriVP fit .,li-E.t ,v tlin ar .Kbartment that the territory in which Pershing's ' base is located is so hostile to Car-t t .,n.B that th. Carranza Irfflv Would have difficulty in getting within strik-i i ing distance. One meml-er of the administration dec!res that Presi dent Wilson's patience was near the breaking pom1.. For the present it "v. a said that ail tentative orders for the recall of national guarJ units on the border will be held up. - Shad Caught in 11u Jsn Mean an Open Winter Dobbs Ferry. Nov. 18 Take it f . in ; j John H. Lsnge, well known fi i -r-n-.u-.. ; -this is to be an open w inter a '. n . ( be has cauj-ht twelve shid in L.- - n Shad in the river so U.te meitss I s-j ' tie ice, snow and cold weather, says. I nrv, and other old timers here Subscribe to are io - VILUSTA BANDrTS PIT TO DEATH FOREIGNERS IN THE CITT OF PARRAL H Psee, Nae. IS AO e the farafaers resaaiaias; ia Parrel except the ire Americana ha left that place were killed by VUliata tsnadito acevdiag to A m eric sa goveraateat areata re turning frosa ParraJ today. Five Asseriraaa aha led for their Uvea reached here late yea terday aftr a rid af iftcee Java through a regies infested by aavsge indisaa. DEATH OF MRS. J. M'CABE A SHOCK T..- To Her Many Friends and Rela tives Living in This City and Surrounding Country. Funeral services of Mrs. J. B. Mc- (v -'- i w cvnuuriea irora tne resi f dence of Mis. H. J. McBuie, on Ray r v ii . . i . ., , avenuei this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, by Rev. Joel 8 Snyder. News of the death of Mrs. McCsbe, Lakewood for Vacation ' fBr Interaatioaal News Service.'l Won.. N. J , Nov. IS. Chs les K. lloifhes arrived in LakewocJ ton:(tht hre h i!l spend 3, weeks vication. The ca"diilate was mH at the station by 200 of the townspeople. Official Returns Give Minnesota to Hughes Paul, Nov. 18. Chailes E. h.-s p'uralit.v in Minnesota wasj (fi) William J. Bryan announces teim welL For Donaldson McRae and peeper, and only J"i(K to a son. Henry Vn-k. He exhibited a map sh -Ccor.ling to official returns from he will devote his next four vesr R"ri"g on ends worked well as also Atkinson. He also left a burial plot t't.ire are 170 saloons, with n . " noesota which were romnle-j putting a prohibition plank in th t"id Trn lerwood and Camcran in the to a emetery cotporation on condi- e three quarters of a nun .1 his afternoon. Hughes receivej 173,553 and President Wilson 179, 157.1 There will be no official recount tic-1 nr,ir? -., rv r '' . n the Cape Fear News the Paper That Prints the Truth FAYETTE.TLLE, N. C, SUNDAY HORNING, NOVEMBER 19, combwog .at p V 3 S 9 Wilson Warns Against Any Division (toner BEFEATEO ATHSSS FAIL TO MJCE EA! Aera South of the Somrae Cea - ter of Interest ia Westers Operations PIECE BATTLE IS RAGING Around G rand t court. Which is One of the Main Objectives "of the Britist. British Follow I'p Gains on the A acre. (By Uternati 1 News) Service) London, Nov. 18. Interest in the opera tons of the western front tdoay centered again on the aera south of the Sonune where the Carman farces repeatedly assume! tha offensive with out making- any gain. The French war office reported the repulse of all of the German aasaulta. The British continued their attempt to follow up their gains as both aidea of the Ancre. but the statements re ported that no additions fcad been made to the captured .ground. The German war office statement to night said that another British at tempt to break through th cGertnan lines on the north side had been un successful. A battle tonight was rag ing around Gradtcourt which is ene or me mam objectives ol the HAVE HARD .WINTER T- New Stringent Prohibition Laws Coming Into Effect During Winter. OTd Demon um is going to have a hard Winter. Look at this: (11 Fo-ir or .more States will go dry as a result, of the recent clectior. t2) Henry Ford offers to show how bre-A cries can make plenty of money distilling non-drinkable fuel al- 'cohcl. j (3i Xew Year's Eve falls on Sun- day. . ' ili 'hiai.-n's !yor will allow ! only one hour of.irinking the night of i Decemlier SI; New York's Mayor sacs I the law will not be strou-hed an rh j to accommodate Fsther Time. (5) I'nd.T a rcw law, Wt. siting- i ton saloons must ne closed trom in- I Saturday before inauguration until ton saloons must be closed from ih I the Tuesday after. Democratic platform. And 7) The Eiropcsn Wux. ' 1 0. M. S. DEFEATED n.H.s. in a hotly CQIiTESTEO G!E iHard Fought Cue Goes to Vom aidjion by Score of Nineteen to Severn. 'SUMMARY OF THE PLAYS Shows That the Donaldson Ag gregation Hade Their Most Important Gains Through the Line They Found Easy. Donaldson takes unte herself anoth er victory at the expense of her old rival R-Seigh High School, but this victory was by Be means an easy one. foTltauarav saa ristkt a ' the fyjk fighting e-rwry minute a da taste. Dor iUor, wins the toe fcoi Trw Jones, the nsrwry ejected CaysaiaU chooses to receive. XcXeuI rafts the kick 'A back to bis ) yard ime then after a sever of line plays a which all three hacks aided the bail was carried straight across Raleigh's goal in the possesion of Captain Xiemyer failed at kick for goal. Raleirt next receives and the ball is see-sawed back and forth in mid-field till the end of the half. In the next half Raleigh comes back strong she receives the kick off and is downed on her 25 yard line but then after several plays throw the line. K. Smith gets away for a Vur flJ, ron of 25 p,nl, p!ntjng the . pigskin on Panaldson's 10 yard line,! and in four more plays rush it over, Park kicks good the score won stand-. and saloons in the city would be kept'ani, freate a untty 0f 5pirit a-d c ing -t in Raleigh's favor Sot a little, out of business. 'purpose foundi-jj upon this, the consci- wnilc things looked g!.K.m r f o After a long discussion, in which ouness that we are all men and wo Dona: !-Mjn. bJt then, that old ;5icht- 'he Rev. Philip W. Fauntleroy, of St. men of th game sort anj th3. if we ir.g ?r:ritthat won't be dov e.1. Luke's. Beacon, declared that "peo- ia nt understand each other we a-e ishowci if in Donal-isor.'s teim .P'c cannot by lcg:sla.tinn tie inmice.i .Ni.yrri.r54ins the kick off ba-k to the' refrain from drinking." the con- yar-l line, sevc-ml line play go f.-r venUon went clearly on record for good gains, a forward pass fails, an end ran fails, but J.:t then, at this ! critic.! moment Bunting got away !--...,: .l c.. Oil ,.l -.l .,i.....i aroun.i end tor yants antl place.1 'the l.aI within striking distance of R ileltl's goal. A series of line plays 'place - v it on her 1 1-2 yard line when the 'i quarter halts. St. On the of the 4tli M Neill pains 1 yard through the line thr-n Jones goes a.'ros for th touch down, Nieymer kick roal. Ealeii:h receives the ball on ii.wrrs, antl once afcriin docs IVn- start a "cant be stopped" drive for K.i'-MKh's goal, resulting in anoth- er toi .h down, MiXc'.ll carrying, the ball. The game son after. Jii-st aftt r br.d recovered a fi;rr.! !c mcle i'' Raleigh on his 4 yird l:re The vork of K. Fmi'h at balf ta.'k for K ileigh deserves sp.vil mention. He drove thru the line for substantial He itrove tnru tne line tor substantial irair.s t:me after tittle and once under way was hard to halt. Tell ran his center of the line. Jones at half was a t. tt rinnine of from 8 to in vards v -re '- ' M Vill did , - r 1916. kit cokm PREDICTS fiT, OF IN DRY HMfEAR 1920 Clergyman's Statement Con . renting Prohibition Sets New York to Thinking. FIGHT FOR LOCAL OPTION Law Will be Made in" the Legis lature of New York. En forcement nf I ow TJL'ai.M t Close 2,000 Saloons. I Americans work together "to estab v flish justice with a heart, a pulse and New York, Nov. -.'Little Old' , sympathy in it so that it can be) New Yo-k will h in by :.'C or w,de warm and welcome instead of forced to go out on the Atlantic to get its drinks.' This prediction by the Rev. J. V. Chanters , rector af Holy .Trinity Cbvrcbi set New York thinking to iay. The liquor men "AV.'i; especially interested. While iHR! erld at the idea of this stronghold of alcohol be ccming "white territory many . pri vateiy admitted they agreed with the general trend of clergyman's re marks, while believing it might take longer to force the change than the four years he granted. More stringent l&ws and other caus es have greatly reduced the number ! f "loons in New York this year. the a hole State six hundred -vent out of business on October 1, last. Only part of the cities of the State have the right to say whether they shall be wet or dry, but a strong fight far 'he present liouor laws, he(IJeu .it least two thousand of the ten thous- total bastmence tor' mivwtr m i prohibition' bill. 'The resolution .ilMpT,-il read: '-Thut Thi? con-ention. th S.-:l Sen-ice Commission, dwlates its readiness to co-o;H r:if with all a t.v temperance fovea :u jririr.ff total aVstinence for individuals, ni en.'eavoiiig to hae the present liquor Isws enforced, and in" fa-orir.r ony legislation, such as an out; nal pro hibition bill, which will cue the p, t.J. of the State tr c:-'.-. or : chance to speal: li ' tnen elves ot the question of license or no license.' $2f!,772 Is Given to lleusepeeper by Will ' Brooklyn, If. his will the late Ri.'hsrd 1! -nns of this city laie i...-rrru n left 122.772 of hi: w estate to Miss Nellie T. Reynolds: his he tion that Miss Reynolds be interred in it with. him. By the provisions of the will, any one suing to break it --!-, . is or v hich g--eS FL'LL TELEGRAPHIC REPOJ PRICE, (4 PER YEAB d!!,l MOVEMENT FOR HUMANITY DUTY OF U.S. President Charges the People t Work To-Gether to Estab lish Justice. Washington, Nov. 18. President Wilson made a plea to 8,0fJ delegates of the American Federation of Labor who visted h.m at the white hour this afternoon "to blot out all line and divisions between classes. I The President asked that all real i cold and forbidding." The President saj.1 that nothing worse could happen to this country than for the people to imagine thnt they were at odds with one. another and he concluded with' a statement that all should join together in a com. mon movement for humanity. The President said: "The worst thing that could hnppon to America would be that she -sijoo'd ' be divided into groups and camts !n which there were men and women who thought that they were at odd with one another; that the spirit of America was not expressed !n thetn and that possibilities of anajronisns a were the only things that we had to look forward to. .AohseVements is comparatively., small mater, but"tha spirit in which things are dona is o the essence of the whole thintr and what I am striving at is to blot out all the lines cY division in America not true -Americans. The delegates of the Ameitcii Federation of Labor adjourned 'heir convention in Baltimore and cpme to Washington by special train. Near ly f.'.'O wC'e in the party iacli-din wjvesfY a nntnbirr of the dc!H;itis' . They spent several hours in the Tune', Keders-t'cn Temple fji-.l l:te tt( iho'j. pftcrroer rrsivhe-1 to the white h.usv' prce-lel ty 1" Cjiiier.t G "np?i Hi 1 n S-.,ti.w-: H l.:ii vt 'n !:'-v wiil bc m:dc :.r, the re-t se-i.m of the Leg islature af Albany. ( S.-i'i on-k-.-epet s agree their busi r. sit is 1, -s than ever be- . V .! . For .-n.e thiri:, the ntovinff pic t.:re th-atrr h'irt them. The wotk ir,cma:i tikes hin nh.'le family to see the r'tns irsteii.l of rtr'-.-jsing in tht? n- ighhorhvKjd inn while h'is w u'e ar,.l children sit at hon? tvoh iet inc: when, an i in v condition he v. ill Pr. (.'halme.-ii' str;kit'ii -t Need of Law Itifi rcemei . na.s made at the eon-en: ion -r.r-tdstant Kpiscopal Ii-.eee t- his church, which is in East 1 eighth street. These sakcus t- . last year, he said, nr.ore than $2.1- 000. alike bv. v.- Oii. I I

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