yy 0 Vij III .1 ! ? J . if I . "iiis -- . ; r i - . , . . .. , - . , - !-..... - . : : . . .,- if i -: l :. v - TlilJl I rT in If? f 1 VVA l f 1 OVJ 1 f ; A 1 1 III I lit Hi . H ! ' -VSiA H i 51 r, 10 r ' " . 11,1 . ; j V;' ' -': ! THE- : .-: if I , I .! J f :i : r' i . BY- - v ; : . ! ' P.iJ"4 BINOIuAIR- f ' mm DAlijtj- NORTH CAKOLTXIA ?f is fenced to sabicribcra iu town at ON'E iJOL J.Atl jH!r week in adraace, payable -to the Car licr -weeklv. i - 'SmsIe jcJpieaiTW-liXTy-FIVE CENTS. t j ' . , raiCS FOR 'MAlLtSG. Sin lo copies! 25 cent?. Six moati8 F1F TISES DOULAlto. Thfee month.IGHT DOMflS. I " !, . : tfat, mnwth THREE DOLLARS. Il't, "IXTBLLIOENOW. a w-wklj- femr ba?d toewjaper, published at tliis fWLc i niailed to 03crihrs at FIVE DOLLATuirt fot Six mnnths. Tbt"XaRiUfe. i Adrertisittrtients for CakoLiki ak will be chafed TtlrtEiE pOLLAftjB - per uarQ for each and treiy insertion, eight Hues ot Iqs& c uititatinsr a square. ! " ! A'lvo) tiifaeniu tor the IsTKtLiaKXCKR will; be iu.eriei bnde in Paily, and charged t)aiy rate lor that insertion, r - i i I Ln saat b,v fitter, the money must apcom-i advertisement. Aiarriaes, death?,; -tfc!:ai u3 and ether notices charged as auver-f Ue ; nts aaa mudt or paia tor tancuy iu aa-j ;: i : f ' Audi 16, 1864.' B icon (fd 4 00 V ft jl'ork. ........ ...... 2 iio il 6U id iLird ..,t........,..."......i....'...-.- 4 00? "fb . ;S4mraE 276 1 B itter :.. ......5 09 - .y!h- C tton- I 50 (St 1 75 "t V) C-tton "Yarn g IS a 4tf 1? hxioch.. Die4 Fruit Apples. & l'eaQbw SI 50 W ..a mm ivy ib r Mv tract Logwood ........... .. I gS $e V lb Fl icr; $14j jie0 barrel FUxseed U 5P S; IS 00 p bushel. Frdder -$10 00 10f 50 W hundred it T. 10 0) V hitndrod.' Deceased Cdccra and flfiljra. f ay over to tpnttis entltiet! ifif, v!I p new, duo -to lh4 refiy ea t a Urea xif 'ItcaaeJ ti ticr aad ecldicrff T: a thi Stati. n j the d?eeasdf if rjr" threbo ooM:Hoc tLcn, a&xiC?, JtljcVbitd . liiildrcla, if tiff h9 fvxh. third!, tfet faiUr, i there be aelt54ir iridotr. Hcroro by Hie PrcR Aa-ocitIcTi.. in emc left kiirli 6tfiet1ptf H?tf that . i. ' : ' .1 r ? . j - I- . Rte ....15 W ( S20 00 V bushel S20 00 V Oats .......l.vV. $10 00 V bushel? 17 60 2Q 00 buibel; ndeaQreea....... i SO & 3 00 fb I Drr...........;; 5 tfo 6 00 V-B' 1 n Swedes. 3 50 4 50 V lb vjuufr '-(-'. is V" P irJ So-; 3 o to P C ': a : a -cm ft O li 00 f :ir. uoTsuorn vi nwiii.?v........ioo uo caiioa AjJt! and Peach i?anv. M!ajises ..'3 60 00 i 5-0 i' jraHott 60. -4 00 -is Jb: .. .120 00 p bushel .. $8 0 10 C0 bu-L. i .- $10 16 00 "f bushel SI 00 ? lb ')riou8 ........ 1 ofatoes Irish .... "oet ................. Rice (...;"......'... ... Sn:at .')p ; Top. ot . . . J. ..... . t. :. t pi 'ifn Ttircentine Sail .,'...'..... $30 gfl (5 35 rboshi'l 10 FarAilyjEar 2 00 Jb 1 00. ..,.1........ 1 wi 2 X 2 6GI 2 ! 3 , ,4 00. ! f 00 ! 10 00 i 6 1 55 0O..:..L...J.j 10 00 1 CG ! 1'i I j -00..S..J. i 310 00j..i 20 00 35'0Q.:..4...;.4-23 S3K i 40 00....j....-..l 20 Uo OO.w.i...... 30 00 i 00..; J......I 33 33l! I 55 00.... j ,36 m?L 6) 00....,......'. 40 00. :5-(M..:J.....4 43 33h;i 70 00....i......k 4ti ! 75 O0..:4.......f0- 00 j W 0():... j, 53 3314' i 83 00. ..4 .1 5 6i 90 O0..'.4......i. 00 00 !"H.V 0t)....l....-.4.bM 331 ' L00 00. '..j. i.6t 68K . 1 00 2 00 3 00........ 4 00........ 5 00........ io no....:... 15 00 20 M.. 2a oo.: 3-6 35 00.. 40 00....... 15 00 50 00........ 55 00... M 00...::... 00. 70 00 7 00 SO (Mi... j?r oo... 90 00... 05 00... 100 00.;. 1 00 .. j"3 09 ... 4 50 o oo ... 7 :.o ... 15 00 .:. 22 w ........ 30 00 ........ 45 00 hi 50 80 (UJ ........ 07 0 ........ 75 00 82 50 ill) oo. f)7 n0- 105 00 112 5oi .....i2o Oo 12? 50. .135 m oo y r 00 y pal. 0 Yard .nnow.. 1 ... .$6 2 50 ) 3 0013 lb 00. 8 00 lb THE IflERCUUY ' ' ' V otie piEhcuitx".-! BEAUTIFtf,LY IUiUSTRATEl); BEAUTirJLLY -ILttjstBATKD BEAUTll'TJLLr ILLUSTRATED, ELEGANTLY PRINTED ELKGAFTLY PRljm IJiEGKAXTLYJPKlXTED i liV tilil SA1 ultUAI. ' EVERY SATURDAY, , f . 'iVEKY SATURDAY,! " . THE GREAT LlTlERARY WEEKLY ;. THE (JREAT LITERARY WEEKLY ' THE G RE AT UTEKARY WEEKLY .U2 $0 3 OF THE SOUTiM - 1W 60 Ub" THE SOUTH, I Entered itordin to Ad of C cr tfc I 4n.i Vi.m tiiW 4t-ti!ti' : - otr.oi tr yiyitjct Court of.tiii COTiftftpfe ..8Utt;fw lio Xorthciu DiJtnct of GWrcU -;EAVY SSIRUXSUKCG! v waere joe ct-ara ac la not uje: ft jnotv, t h5 ,atRUa nt mun nefratlTethesisteoci af n c3ftiir.i 'eat ofeJaifpantt of a hifrher ordrI VI j& Jua- .tjefr of thFeace, bafom tthciu thesigidavit i3 ibscribfd mstcrtu to the credulity ofthi vtvitiiesa; and Clerk of the Gonctr ftlfart mut certify, under the seal of the Ccurlfeat he ia aJofetice of the 7Jeaca.V-t . -. ... .. ,j . ,. " -fhqjfJsWyeaTeil U?oi4 all doubt Uncs, bis lrtw;p4 are seiit Tcy Uruifpt, rpirilcran everTrhere a?sujt5 the d;. , n rear! ' . - -s ' AfArA.Ai?gut 10. HeafT kirm:' ;I .be claimant or clalxaftntl bcjfertild or rljiKl ixi o the deeeasedjwr ilie. fell r thw be minors, the daLn mnttb. prfrJtri'ea: bV TiIj, her or vtLeir jFnardian. aid'thpi X of LiV bein paardl&a most be tei lined tuiiudjr seal ofthe Oo'inly Court ?)'ric. ': ; ff l f : ' J n hen thi'clai-n U rqde by anfrjpnlor or administrator, the fact ofth cxecuBi ehip or adaDini3tratorhi-CJUhtbe certidcliit under seal by the County t'ourt; Clerk. fH- ' V i AH o ihs$ papers ihdjld hi ef p-W!t L . . ; ' . -SVN'OPSIS jOK FUNOINO SCHMME OF.Cujl RKN'OY :BtLLiAS TO STATE'S EAST OF TltK j t i 1 31 xsMipvi.-Non-hderest Bearing $ 1 00 ! Nqtcs, j Receivable for public dues Ife- jfbre April lt, 18G4, at par; from anil al itor. April l.stj 1834, not receivable at all, i but ' - : - :J. I . Ft?xf.r.r.r: r- Font per CextBonds 4 I !kfore;ist April, ;i8t4. at par. fT roni 1st toUastdiiy of April, inc sat 65 " 1 From. 1st to last day of May, inc.," at opj IS'rom 1st to last day of June, inc.j at.4p I I rom IjStto ta?t day of July, inc., at 3j5 i l" rom list to last day (f Atij;., inc., at 28 vom 1st to last day of Sept., inc., at 16j i S vtipt4.wa3by mont'ly tax, Octinc, at;6 Auy non-interet bearing 100 nqtes bold oi? the first of Jamiarjr, 1G5, , i Vd V00 per cent., thus- destroying evry i Vd-ticjof value. IS?"-: Ui MW.l.l"'HII ! Any person directly id Mycst '"'I1 furni'h ed, upon application to roc, with api?!per form of tbeae papers la full; a copv ofpifi, for the Sweater ciTivVeniecce utp'irtfe?. trill I; forwar- L ded ag?ovn may bef practicablri to each , County Court Clctk j -fj" - This cniQoiiuioafc intended' to'lfttpitaU tlva collcehon of tbce claims,. dud- 8a if pic ciaim ants all expense. : m i Parties interested mr matcriaflsia top ia th inveatigatioh of tiitd eUiiue, i""i, -the tinj offorwardinir their papolr to me, iiliy will in frm meof O.rlAte of thy death; ofe dfcta? ed, where he d-d, ura fciiled, nlej3r or not they or .uv one for them, baTe" f-eieivf'd the personal eftecU r hich d;eeensct'dv'Uh him at the. tiroe of his death, and weter or not the deceased (if.aljon-cojnmissioiediofficer Vir priTate,) had over rcut-ired the SKAtSg boun-tv. i It u viery desirable thai all claimhouid be innvardea at as early a dav as rrrarfiv oracu- Post Oaice And 6 u only iii'tull. 123-tr: . - ! -j CffARirif BK1I.Lt NT AND JVITH ROMANCES, SKETCHES, TALES OF REAL LTFE, NOVELETTES; INCIUENTb AND ANECbOTES OF THE WjAR! v ESSAYS, CRITiG.SE; TOETRY, HISTOItY, BICGEATliy, . WITIC1SM8 AND MICELLA.N Y, TNCLUDilO nd OTHER ItAXCUACUa Making a com pi ate Calfefof Polite SvuiJicrn LiteraUtre I IT IS A HOWE JOURNAL - . FOR THE IIOUSSIIOLD ! IT IS A SOLDIER'S PAPER OR THE CAMPS ' IT IS A TRAVELLERS COMPAXION . . . FOR THE CAJts! IT IS PLEASANT READING .ihb;$ beprin nt n.idnitht on otrr )eft d , centre. . cetitiDiiing till o'clocll vitbpec any f?ultB. This roor.2inj; th ri.ilery of S;cwar.'s CHucab np-Mied on ths an 'rnyl thebj batiedes replying, feebly. The CrirS v nj yifjf hsivf and pro hicecl ?on tprrisiI4 umong tbe eneuiy, , Prisoner ' rporl ibt. oav. cavulry captured a.ltirge tiitcicr oi' bceres at Iliiipaton a few dya i SUu-e. lteprts . are nameroilsiv cuciila- ling! in Ttgftrd n their operations bu bepjotl tbfaet they cut tfce road at Ark t'orth hji vc re 'destroying the track bi iyr'rvn Ejjjw ati arid AsunRuJa riv$V. and, , thus lar h;id b;sfin fentirely suecefui, no thing i.ldnl had ben'roceivtd. Tbe ep enry n-eia to tie ignorant t I the raagnitude ofoprn'tlons'ih- their rear, nnd wr pre paring another raiding expeditwn. under Kilpai.ic, ufeich. bud render vouod " nt Swee'twntcr, preparatory to starting, and which was "bilieved, yesterday to have bpea retreating, goin iu pursuit of our not p ft eti i R tivh H :th prac C Vttf . t gntjners, . thai phot and -shcUl -are' Wnt "... . ' uiruugu.iut; vry uiornanrt qtTire xan. 1;hs foiis. witbont-so much ftafoU4 bt; tle sbrin king inn atoa.-iV. ' '1 - - - ... v , . . ; , 'i A .StWLT, Lont:clst'ner. V. I- FOR EVEKTBODY oKiained ollowiu; catalry. ' V - ' :; l--j B ED OS I'HOJXUGItAX'H.V. ! I IN PRESiv and shortly, to bo .publihedVa' booic with the abov- Utc, prepared byjtbe subset iber, vyho has had nearly 20 years pracr ti?e in (Phonographic writing, having beei at oue time cui-ployed' as aa official reporter in the United States Senate, and, who ha-s been fortliei last seventeen month?, and is now, re- porter of the Atlanta Intelligancer. j; - The i)ictioua.ry will contain indications by ;. means of a simple nojneclatQre, tor writing t with Phonographic letters, about 20,000 wtirds ! 4f the. English language, of ninety-uine One- Lundreths of thoo in oommoo us the.re i mainihg words beiag easily written after these r are le-wn'edv .....v ", r 11; i In the Introduction to the Dictionary, sim-' pie instruction will be given for beginners of the study of Phonography, with lithographed -illustrations, prepared by oae of the b'etti' ar tists itf; the Confederacy. "The object of i the publication is to'ifiake a standaro for Confed erate Exporters,, and to render it possible for tbe mch coveted and beautiful art of Report ing, to" be learned even without the aid of , a teacher. ' ' ; :- ;.' ; , As the work will be expensive, new tvpe having bee.n procured expressly for it, onfy graall iedition will be iasued. Those who de feire conies are requested to send to the author their dvurs at once, (to be recorded,) accom panied with; the price of the same, which will be live dollars per copy. The book in paper cover); and suitable -for use, will be sent to. all subscribers bv mail, without additional -expensed 1 " A. E.: MARSHALL,' dtfi ; Augusta, Ga. ' Dfl.' J. U. FBEEMAN H R ! turned to hid Othce and has on band a god lot of GOLD FOIL AND TEETH. !Alao, -GOLD and SILVER PLATE. f ! lS2-lin . . ' . T 1 . All of th mo9t Prominent aili. Talented Anth.Qr$ in the South, as well as rjbe young favorites, are writing tor - THE MljllCUIJT, POUR PEjR CENT. BONDS; "1TTANTED A ffew 4 per cont. Bonds . .ff Apply at the . . I - - UUf ! ' CAROLINIAN OFFICE.: 1 20 sys: xxaXja ja. ? j -A.-uoti.cm.eer asid f . ; : TAYETTETlLLr., I'. C. . j I Jui;c 10-Gtu9 "ru Subrrribrrn can po fwpplid with back numoers, containing iho folicwic-g- . BEAUTIFUL & TI1RILLING STORIES: " Tub Tsckp Tail Triujifhi:d;" a Tale of Lov.e, ' . ' j - Jerome Elliott;" a Tale of the War. "Maco : or, The Ghost raojn Bsxbaih the Bbidge." ' The Refugbe's Niice, founded on inci dents of the War in North Carolina. "Tua DEsaaTEn'B DAcaHTEHj" an exciting Tale of ReaiLif t . .r,; r v. 'Jknjiib AstojJ;' a Romance. "Teieo fou Mubdep j" a Thrilling Romacne. "Kbettel;" an exciting Story from the Ger . man. . "Alabo Venzilata i or Floretta's Ring;' an Italian Tale of Love and War. 1 "Blue nd.Scarlett:" being Incidents and Anecdotes" of the War, etc. lal.tlS'TRA'fflOKSI s KON INTERVENTION " THE REFUGEE'S 'HOME - . TITE CASTLE OF SPAGNETO " THE, DESERTER'S DEX IN DOVER SWAMP. AH these articles together with an endless variety of j . : LITERARY MISCELLANY, are contained in the firtt three numbers of Vol. .IV, lSi,rcommenbing' April 30) of this re ally . : .. superb Family journal, SDBSCR!PTI0N4Sir months .......$10 The Trade supplied at $2S per hundred. Addre, ; '-.- - ttm. b. surrn. !-.-- Editor aad Proprietor, Raleigh, N. C. Janl-4m. ihroushout the Cota" J ' KicHmoND. Feb. 20tb) 804. ) f fHE friends and r'lativi, ox soldiers in .JL the Army of Noberii "f illinia are herehv! Notified that kn arrai&llient baa this Uy r en 'tfectl wiri the SOfT HERN EXPRESS COMPANY, to carr&'aU pack- asresof food and w-e(ring appJrtS? to Rich ; " U mo iic. V a. j s To secure the advantages thlis through the exprew company , tbd instructions init be observed H Paa Wages must not contain $ n pre than pne hiiudred pounds be welh(se&red, and blaiuly marked, and -sent at tbejKpen!e of the shipper to.eUhvr oft.he ScUw jrh' belief AKciatious. wnich -are located tH follows: In North Carolina, at Ratipbjin Souib Carolina, at Columbia, in Geoxgfa, at Au- jrusta; in Alabama, at Mpntgoi ry ; or at any other point afrHjcb one these A s. ociations have an .office. H The iAgenlM of tho iFPoci'ona will there take charge id" them, and pup d iihv bv Southern xpvasa tjwpa;i i .tVtbe piop- : er Agent? of tbe respective Strips at Rich ; mond, 'bo will we them di.tiiJ ttii-cl ro the proper in-dividual mvneot.. -j . To meet the wishes of the suldiern, and..to idrc th"in certain ttnd p'eely cmioanica lion Avith 'home -fh Cithern ,,t'-.4 Cvn pany bas agreed to give thi. i're'it p'reter cucej over everything else:' and v in order: thatlno ohilacie my cc'ur to he mcceps. ol frb' laudable an enterpri&e? te pr.veral 'tUilroU't C'ctOutcs are brb requested to tccder the. Express Company f.vjb !?c"; ties a will enablp lt to make this arrange rcent a complete. success. . As, the Southern Express ( fiipauy a s sumesiall respoasiliitj ' ofthO raiivortu. tion of those -.pack ftg.es. the i;eif Atoe.ia Agebts wbo have Heretofore arcd .artre!- i i u g 'incase i ge r p . 1 1" t h e Ke 1 i C t soc i a tiri will 'establish agonctes, in, the rar of.lbcfe j afmie8, tbey may C4joy tbe.&mfc.rn Tilery j VirkUi'a' - ' ' : h . ' -b - . . ;i. ; v. vrplMS, : , Lieut. CoJ. aada2risrm.mer. Approved'. 'V- ' ? K " ' i Lawton, QaartermaBler Gen. r f . . ' . -. .. - If OFFICE SOUTHERN ESPI15S CO., 1 THE SODT iiXPRlbr COMPA V b-Teby notltv. the friencllf ajid reWt.ve 1 SoMicrs'i'i tbe Army of thorn Va., ftd clH' where, , that they are .repared ti -errv out atva-igbments as .anunced iu thr above card .and that they'; vfll do ail in Gcn'i fiup't.A Acting Pres to. Kjr. Co Ffjoa the ' Vallet. At the time of writing yte are "withqut reliable informa tion trornj Gerj. Early's command. When last heard rorn, be. occupied a stiorg p sitioti and was awaiting , ihe approach of tbe enemy. Passengers who came down on the Central trin Mcqday reported to the Sentinel having beard, heavy cart nohading in the direction . of ,Strsburg and Front Royal. An inteilisent officer j who arrival in Richmond ou Saturday evu;ff JTiotn tbe Taney tf rny expresses the opinionthat if the tight has not taken play it.cannot b postponed many dnys. Our. trobprf are iu tine. spirit-4, and con fident ofJwbpping the Yhnkej?. The en emy ?gain occupy Winchest'ci', and the tiia'tn force was ninrcbing. up the Valley to iittacjt Early. Sheridan was in com mand of the cavalry. Pel. Ejfjras. cr - ' imiTiivG paper. Tf UST received aid for sale, a superior art. fj cle of Tfotc and-JLetter Paper urnsuallv cf an, atltbc stor under tho' ' juasM-tf Carolinian i.i ice.: m:Vj o-tl. nPKKlDK. aiticie Of K-JeV hLUM , A ' rhnmrbil.sizi2. iust reteved aud for j sa.lV"; at the store under the ; " f. '. -rAHTEij; If A GO OD Cava If-v Horse, ftVU hich I will tift K?Ttiest orice in tibesvTor brUr in com, bicoc, etc., 4c. 1J6 tl ArrT: ttfcU'UCJCC. i The (juiet pn the line. in frent of Pet ersburg still j remains unbroken, and at tioiv for the iiwe i turned to. tbe North ; side; of the Jirps River Irr addi.ti'n to a heavy bnly of cavalry, the ent roy has also thrown b considerable force of infan try acrowtne James, with the necesBar' amount ;of artillery. Since the little af f air of Saturday, near Deep . Bottorp a full jaccountJof which we hav been una ble ko gain,-r-niattsrs have been less, ac tive! in that vicinity If the Yankees in tend anything bv their movement over the re, they Will find good fighting troops to meet? Cb em; and a sufficient number to check tbeirjadvance. " ' ;i SlOlilES OF DESERTERS. On Saturday night several deserters came into bur lines among them two l'rciH it:i;':t:Vr: is o t.-V.v-'nvtny. to get a taste' of war in America, ibey w ere cortirrbnicative and did not hesitate to ivelucb iatonoatipn as they possess ed.! They bring the intelligence v hich " ;3yp already learned- that Grant has lateiy beeu rein-jvin L.'f. troDps with grat .iapldityun:til he basnow leitin' our iVcn: at'iut oii jfull Corps only. On Sunday nigtt ainotber deserter cam in who fully. coTroboratas the above statement. iAu. ins therefore, from desartets on different ni.i ti.Vns xitlthc hiic. there m?v bo soma truth in what these men say,' but we are orsposed tO; doubt jthem. FA1XIKG BACK OS THE CrSTK'E A. rETKT. Within the pct two days, the enemy has withdrawn his line of battle sever;;! hundred yards back from our centre and hid pickets now occupy bis front lina cf breastworks. . This is evidently done to create the im preasion bf a removal ot the mai bad y of 1004.5 from that point, and to. invite an att.uk f - r-r parti It is a feint to tntrstp our men which will fail in its ocject.- FtL Express, lvih inst. Af. J' The Richmond teniind, ot1 tlie 17th irist.saysi that there was a report in liicb mom(l that Fitz Lee's cavalry had defeat ed the enemy near Front Royal; and thatGehi ,Eariy. bad met the enemy on Saturday near Strasburg, aad .after a e vere contest had routed tbern. .Upon ia quiry At the War Department, the Zer tiiul was hot able to procure any", conSr inatiou t?f the?o reportE. though it is very probable ;lhfy nrs true. AHtnancf,- 970 Alexander, 7431 Asson, " 8 6 AiU-ghany, Z7 Aahe, 43 btaHfort, Bertie, bit Bladen, bit liraa?wick, 31& Burke, Ft3 Huneorab, Cabarrua, 637 Caldwcil, tiW Camdeu, . ' 127 Carteret, C?well, Catawba, Chatham; Cumberlaad, 1016 Cherokee, ! Chowan. Clay, Cleaveland Colunrbui, Craren, Currituck, Davie, Duplin, DavidoD, : Kdpecoiobe, Fracklia, J'orsyth. Gaston, .Granrillj, lireen Halifax, Rarnctt, Haywood, Henderson, Hertford. Hyde, Iredell, . Jackzon, Johnaton, Jones, 17 SI ; loo 57S 1S2 Hi 1371 S73 430. .Lenoir, lias i?0 1644 iooo 05 Lincoln, "lacou, -; , Madison, 1633 Martin. SS3 McDowell, 728 Mecklenburg, 34.5 . Mitchell, Montgomery, 727 Moore, , " 1060 Nash, -317 'New Harioverj 2S7 N erthauipton,s Orange, 1451' Onslosv, 7 312 Pasquotank,' 13 Pcrouimon. f 85 r Person. Pitt, IGi? Polk, i- Randolph, 1357 Kowo, Richmond, ; 634 Robeson, . 931 ikutiiurioia, ! I50S 1 517 : im:, jfics . I 327 in Saropr-oc, Stanly, otol;c t-vurrr, jut 1 464 t C53 Tranavlvania, , Tyrrell i . Uni it ; t 656 VTake, 2239 Vayne, ,,70 Warrtn, - 174 Warhineton,f ; W 21k. "Wilsoii, Yadkin, Yabey, 11S J 12S 11172 I 714 8SS 20174 I JJajd'nty, 3253 rpHE 'FayetUvills CO'tTOST CAR1X Mno- - v"7 j ' K facturkitr Comoanr are'as-w manufacture w - ihg Cards .superior to aary rjia through' tho 1 'S biockado, anxi at proni'ellitgt for . ric. , ukesicgle pwr &r by the ijtianty. ; j Any persbii ordefinsijc w-c? air, . il! be securely puCkea and'dbUver . ' . raington free f expense ; '.; . ' . i Call upou cj address r I - :' -' .. A. 4, ircECTIIAX, J. A. WORTH.' ALEX. Jr. Jzjetteville, N. Apr 19-fcf ' t, 'vroRE oy that exceiJlext smokc XX ING 'iobacco juat received and for saW a 17 iirkctuare. MISTRESS ANDl "MAID. ' r JUST RECTETKD aVew ricre'eopxio'f tltot cxccllsst NOVEL at ..r, vl, I No. I'iiUzrlrauAre. J !1 v.-

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