r I "i W IT?.'; 'V ; .v : : Vf"'-;';i.. -TUB;. " J j ' l?.l Jfl SINCr, AIR. TttB'iiHILt NORTH CAROLINIAN is frvedo ?abicribert In'town at ONE DOL- LA It per'yeek in advance, payable to the Car--riers weekly. - i -: ' Single coes; TWENTY-FIVE CENT3.j j J . ; V PKiCB yon- xaiuxq. .''.-. ;.:'. 1 ' Single copies 2" cents. Six month FIF TEEN DOLLARS. Three month?, EIGHT DOLLARS. , - ' . ' .-.;--.u .Ono month THREE DOLLARS FAYETTEriLLE IttAUKETS; CORRECTED BY'J W J.UTT. ' Aug. '23, 18G4.V - 4 CO V L'irii ............... 4 M' J" r -JM .i...........: 4 O0$Mh. ' Rjeswax IJutter .......... Cttnn. Yarn .. -1 . .2 no V ft .3 C0 V lb ,M..-i.V..f 00 (Jy - V i 50 1 7 : f 1T ...... is oo y. lb . $18 4tf 1 hunch. I RA!rS OP ADVERTISING; J: i Advertisements for the Cajcoiimax will be. char-ed; THREE DOLLARS peV square for' each aiidMeycry insertion, eigbtTines or leak; coiistitutiuir a souare. ' i Atryertisetnents tor. the Iktelligencbb. will be in-ertetf once in Daily, and charged Daily Tate tor that insertion. ' ! j ; M Lmi '-stent by Icttj.-, the raoner must accomj ynn ' th aUvertiiJoment. Marriajei, di-athsi, ' xcl:''i" and other notices charrcd as adver?- tiae -uts and wast be paid fur striqtly in adr'l van. ! : . Tlzo Value of.JIoncy. 2- 90. I 3 -r : b : o 1 00.. 1 Th "IXTELLiaRNCKa," a weekly 'four: -X. n?(d nawsujiner- nuhlihfMi at this Oiiief- in V mailed u fefaifrlbcra ijinY.r fltlhf.vIT ni 1 'T1 hiV I - $18 00 hundred iUM-'cHiSlSarrev months THREE JOIi-1 ain Corn ;.. S18 C8 00 "( bushel ; xAR3Strictly in a !riKce. - . a ?Qr:;Dcceascd Osccr3 and Soldiers. ? , : si,--.- ! i JXDKliSitKIXhasltlwrpfliated" 'ciami-iuner ,tjir:stiratti fiiccf and c'r to the pifT.it'ntitIctUtjli('t(i" ;.!! . ,li t-pui tttl toy tlc Ii-cssi A.ssocia t . 1804: . En'fred ccordinnf to Act f Concrets, in the year t?(.5. i.v 1 ura.'her. in th Ci.ik'i tronuiv ibrtifitU. Th- (c;itrV sout'i of: rti'.e city is xvrjr . level aiui the tt.urw par oyer to tne pmum wuu.Kn ;.!. r.!tk.T the DUtrict Court of'.thc CoijfrderHte I claims for bouut afiW of p da.W Utfor tlW Northern District of Gc'r "ia l ances, nn to the rejtatati ve oftf eased bt- 1 i; utr',u hcera and Wiidieri t'rtn'tIj'i$,St:ito. i , i"--' .. " j--r ' . Th? Trtifw pntill4tflritirt, wvp t h1"v of j the deceased, i?' any tk-r be no ken, fecund! jf the child' f Hd tvit: i f t ? he such, i it tm-re be ueitherlT.:i!iw prcjn.a-tn then, i DiiediVait... ApsSes & Peaches SI 75 ) lb E. g ....... ... 1 50 1 7 5 ? ; do tl tract Logwood $5 "$6.t?-,4b Flur ". ... .......i..... 145 ;68 barnd rM - 1 ta f i r- t rfi'i V. V 1 -.1 Fodder... SOO'.l . hne isin sightsof the ca"prtt tinii;. Both armies nie trf'nphierfJn'CT"riv. There Lave been 110 ofieni'. 011 the utber .side tt tl.13 aiid coaseriieatly very.. q.uk-t. j .I'UOV UiClltS Tii Moatgoraery (Ala.! idvertiser, df the 12th. savs !: " : If ' thirdly 4 :to father. 'rthre bonetht widow, . ehild, eblltlfOn or iey then, t uglily, tut enther Upper,...- . Sole. Wheat .....i...... S25 00 V bushel -., Uyc..........l5. 00 20 00 y bushel Oats .................;..".S10 m "ii bashel "'. aa ., 17 3-0 20 00 y btishel Hi dea Green 2 50 3 00 lb Dry..... ....J : 5 60 (a) -6 00 V lb ..u Swede8.......1........ 3 50 4 50 i! ............... 18 00 "i? lb . 15- 00 V lb ji;nor?!-Crn "NVhv6:ev. ........ 40 0U ) gallon Apple and Peach Urandy ....... 40 00 V gallon 3J0 - f frtilloii ...... 3'50 0 4 (;0 lb , 20 00. bt-shel fe 10 00 3 buit-1 $10 15 00 V bdh ii $1 00 V lb .10 V 3b Family Bar 2 00 V lb . ,....$5 00 i lb fi( ri 1 Molasses Nails .... Onions 1-otatoes wect .. Riee .... Suar ... Toilet Spidts Turpentine V" Irish L 00 1 50 i oo. z 00 :S"00..;...L..;... 2 00 3 00 i4'50 4 '0O..-.i-..i.....' 2 ec, 4 00..:..........- :6 00 0 OO...:... 3 31V4 5 00 7 50 ,10 O0..J...L;... C 66! 10 00 15 00 25 OO..4..I.J... 10 00 15 00 22 00 '20.00...I..UL.13 a:p.5, 20 00 ,30 00 . "25 oo.....;.i.. ig myA 25 00 37 50 .30 00...;... ..20 00 130 00 ..45 00 35 OO...;..:..... 23 I 35 00 52 50 40 00...:...,..;. 25 601 40 00 ; 4J0.00 45 00...:..v..... 30 00 45 00 07 50 ' 50 00.. M 33 J4' 50 00......: ... 75 00 55 00....... 36 m 55 00..... 82 50 so oo..;:..L:.. 40 00 9 00....... 90 0(t 65 00...J..t..... 43 3341 65 00 97 50' - 70 00 46 G6?a!. 70 00..;. .....105 00 75 m)......:..... so oo 7-5 Oo..;...: ......112 5d SO 00...-..U..:. 53 3:t; 80 00 .........120 00 K3 00...:..!..;.. 5G 66 85 00.. ;......121 50 I&0 00.....:..... 0 00 90 00.. 135 00, 95 00 .,..-03 .95 00 .........142 50 100 OO.VJ.....6i tJ5 100 00.... ...150 00 t v;opsi8 op PojfatNcf5. Scheme of Cur bi:nc Bill as to States East of the MiSdissiPi. Non-Interest Bearing- $100 Jyotcs. .1 Ilcceivable for public dues bc- tore Apri 1st, 1804, at pjir; from and af ter April 1st, 1864, uot receivable at an ltit : j - !"., jFujiUAintE itf-TTonrt PEit Cent. Boitds.' Ilere 1st 'Aprt'l," 1804. at par. l''rom 1st ;to last day of April, inc , at CGJ IVohi 14 to last day of May, inc., at 56 J h rum 1st to List day of June, inc., at 46 Itijm lstjtp last.day of July, inc.',, at'36f. ! rom 1st to last day; of Aug., inc., at 26 1' rom .lstjto last day.;of Sept., inc., at 16 8 weptay by raont'l' tax, Oct. inc., at 6 Any aon-interest learlng $100 notes bold on the first of January, 1865, are t:ixed 100 per -cent., thus destroying every ostie of value. ' Salt:. Tallow Wo 1 ........ ! I THE ; It,L,USXItATEI MEIICiTlir : THE - - . IN PRESS and shortly to be published, a book with the above title,, prepared by the subscriber, who has had .nearly 20 years prac tice in Phonographic writing, having, been at one tiaic employed as an onicial reporter in for the. lait seventeen mouths, and is now, re- . .'l 1 J 1 . T ill- porter i uie Attania Anteiuancer. j. . ThQ Dictionjirv will contain lndi"ation, by means of a sijnple nomenclature, Ijr writing with Phonographic letters, about 20,000 words of the Lnglish language, ot mnety-uine one hundrcths pf'thosu in common use there lunining words being easily written after these are learned, t i In the" Intrdduetion to the HDictionarr, sim pie instruction will be piven for beginners of the study ot rnonograpny, witn Iitnograpnea illustratiohe, prepared by cne of the best ar tists in the Ctate(leracy. lhe object ot the publications Is to make a stANDABO for Confed erate Reodrtet3. and to render it oossible for the mucbl coveted and beautiful art of Repf rt- ing, to be learned even without the aid ot a teacher, f I As the work will be expensive, new type having been procured expressly for. it, only a small edition win e issued. T nose who de sire copies are requested to send to the authsr their orders at once, (to be Recorded,) accem vanied with the price of. the same, which will be five dollar Per "Py- The book in paper - cover, andj suitable for use, will be sent to all enbscnbersf, 'vr mail, witiiout additional ex- A. Ji. JlAUStlALL, AnUusta. Oa. pense. ' dtf JSU-Ji I! FBEEMAW HAS RE- turnedi to his Oflice and has on hand m god lot of GOLD FOIL AND TEETH, Also GOLD and SILVER PLATE. - i 132-lm ; :;;J . Fa etteville 4-4 SheeM"?f 1 50(5)3 OOJV rd $30 00 Q 35 bushel 2 60 C? 3 00 x-?' ib .S6 00 8 00 lb tor ol tfte ueceiist!C. r" s A The tlaiir. ant or elsiraants mu.st( fsi pU his, -her 6r their alikfavit.and tliat of ft'ii inter ested witness a i U W relationship Jjnd in ail eases, where the cI-4-ant is not thw isVfIovv, the attidavitiknust hegane the cxist?ne J.a claim ant or claimants otjf higber oi'd". i he-Jus tice of the Peace, bji'ore whom tli Midavit i? rJI03I IKE'S AR3IY. riGi!?i:fu ox the weldon road Uury woec iias..wn ::sw-a.mn,,3. ; ibii v.it: iiiltlLl.i tuvtv lliu ;l f or the j emor i Soldiers absent from thd' GP.AXT dTEONGLx "F0HTIF TING I ! 1 nls subscribeu itmstcertfy to the crfcdJni!?3r of tb'j witness, and 71erf tbe (OuntvCiLiVt must certify, under th2al of the (Joni.t.1 tiiat he i . ..V iat THE GREAT LITERARY WEEKLY THE GREAT- LITERARY WEEKLY f ' OF THE SOUTH I -1 OF THE SOUTH I A SUPERB FAMILY JOURNAL! A SUPERB FAMILY JOURNAL! BKAUTI F ULLHf 1 LLUSlli ATE D, BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED, E L E ( A X T t Y PRINTED ; , ELEUAXTLY PRINTED . EVERY SATURDAY; EVERY SATURDAY, I "-irA-At LARGER : ' - HAS Aj LARGER ''' AND V. I MORE UlALEXTBD ' more talented corps of contributors i CORPS OF (iONTRIBUTOUS THAN WAS EVER REFOEE ENGAGED THAN WAS EVEItt BEFORE ENGAGED IX ACTUALITY WRITING FOR IN ACTUALLY WRITING -FOu i ANY AMERICAN PAPER !. ! ANY AMERICAN PApEii I B I 0 G B I 0 G N O. V E t ESSAYS, W1TIC1SMS WITIClSilS, rOUUjPEU CEXT. BONDS. ANTED A few 4 per cent. Bonds . Apply at the - 151-tf i ' CAROLINIAN. OFFICE. j ' - ' ? Auctioneer ;uicl ! ; .' . fayettevillh, k.,c. ' . I June 10-Gin - BRILLIANT, CHARMING, UUILLIAN, CHAliJIi.VO, AND TIUULLING AND THRILLINfj- WITH B0MASCES, WITH EOMANCESj- . SKETCHES, i ; SKETCUES, i TALES TALES i OF ' REAL REAL j LIFE, : LIFE,- I . POET.RY,! ! HISTORY.! HISTO R y; RAP1TY, R A P l Y, ; t t; js s, N O V E L E T 11 E S, ESSAYS, CRITICISMS, UKITIUISMS; jMi CELLANY, I MISCELLANY, INCIDENTS AND ANECDOTES, INCIDENTS AK'D ANECDOTES. OF THE WAR iND ITS HEROES, OF THE WAR AND ITS HEROES, INCLUDING TRANSLATIONS, INCLUDING tRANSLlATlONS, j FEOil THE GEilMAN, . FfiENCII, f FJ10M-THE GERMAN, FUEXCH, AND OTHER LANGUAGES, AND OTHER; LANGUAGES, : A HOME JOURNAL FOR -i THE HOlEHOLD! . AN ORNAMENT "1 KOIt the paelok; .! A SOLDIER'S' ; PAPEBV FOR ! THE CAMP I-:' A . ; TKAVELLtlt's CO MP ANION, i PLEASANT READING ' .FOR EVERY Hp D Y. A RICH CASKET OF POLITE SOUTHERN LITERATURE ! SCBSCRIPTIQN-Six. in ontbs ......... SI 0 ! The Trade supplied at $25 per hundred. ' Address, ' wac. SMITH, Editor and Proprietor, Raleigh, N. C. junel-abin If ther.clainiar.t or el.iimanf b$' n' child or children-: of the dieeaseri, and he.-.-fr or they be minors, the e-im jnu.vt be priijvcAinded by his, her 6r their; g a rd w'n and thsbvttrct'of lib beina: guaidian rput.b ? e'ortifn J tiTj undir seal of the' 6'uhnty 'iuwt CTr-rk. When the claiin is ;i:ide by anS-bufor .or aduiiir.sii-ator. ffce fact oJthe ett tt.'oin'p or administrato'.fhfp niu?t be et ti.i" lo, under seal by the TLV)unty t'uiirt Oleriv. i All. ojpllhate $ajtert ahould ha vetfiA dapll ca'e. , . Any persondirectlv tntercs-fd w:D furni-h- ed. upon applicatiuu to. ute, with a Sl Lcr form it r .1. ...... i, i-. ....... i .i wi uirec ,jaiJMj in inn: n eiiy ji VPS7i?if. lor Hie greater convenience of parties, a .1) jjd forwar ded as soon ; as may bj practiCAwi to each County Court Clerk. j , J h This cotamission is intended to firitate the collectioitof these claims, and adii.lhe claim-, ants all eipene. ri 1 4 . -I'arties ititerested may: matcrIjl--,.id me in the investigation. of 'tfce'ir cla'iins, 'ijTa the time of forwarding their panrr to me, feh.y will in form me $f the-date of the "death ojj t,b deceas ed, where! he'died, was killed, w hitfi.fr or not they or any one t'w thefn, have rVived the persona 4i8'ects which deceased hatb'Avith hjm at the tune of his deatlij and wlijtpr.or not the deceased (if a noH-commis-i)u(jdtIIicer or private,) had ever received the StaJeV bounty'. ' It is very desirable that all claiiatfljoidcl be forwardcl at as ear ly a day as ni;v be practi cable. ,In nil cases, "gire the clai4 ssiU' Post Cilice and County in full. i I j:.o. a .STra.v, ' 123-tf . r T! -I Corner Unmer. Ttf'Tflfl rRlEilS OFtiH IERS? 'lliroujjliout the C'onlJ'c'racy QcAUTLinifASTiiK Gkxki:l PeiItmext, ) - . RAtr.noAn Rriflrfc, . r :' V KicpmoND. Feb. 20th (S(i4. ) THE friends- and relatives, i.r'lddierp in thujArmy of Northern Virginia are bereby Motilied that .Hha-jranj(;?ieiit has this day rieen ellected with the SOtJjTHERtf EXPRESS COIPANY, to carry jjill pack age! of fctod and wearing apparel Ho Rich mond, Vai. ' I JA To secure the advantages thu'B jbtained ' throagh - the express company tbit following iustructiOus must be observed. :' c Paakages must not contain tnefe than one hundred pounds: he well sdeifred, anil plainly marked: and sent at thqksxpense of the shipper to either of the SohMif' Relief Associations, which aro located follows: In Nort;h .Carolina, at Raleig. r-in Soutfl S 0 K T n E : N E w s . SHpRIDAN EETREATINu FROM THE VALLEY, WITH A LOSS OF I 500. MEN AND. 72 WAGONS.! &.C., &c, &c. - also, we are jriad to -staid ; rapidly to tl;e iroiit,u-!if-; f much n ceded. Tlieir pa above .their love of the con and the enjoyment of tjie s f. commands,. Rickjioxd, Aug. 22 Official dispatches It:. ! ' . StatjOjthat Gjeueral Hiil attacked the tnemy neak-tho Wldoti Ilailroad "Sunday morn :nt: uMd drove them trotu ins advance laajs yi eutrenclimeiits-, capturing over 300 pru-oiyirs. Our loss principally in ila goojd'j.' ;iA;igade, which mounted the enc . iuyU euki'eiicuuier.ts, but the supports fiiilingj. laany more were captured. Dispatches from Atlanta state that tli eneinys caVairy struck the Macon Kail load yn tlitrlUlh, and was inet on the 20th- by a portion ot our forces and retreated, ' '2i stands of colors and 1 piece of 0. ! A 1 GOOD SUPPLY bf that extra 5ne ehew fV ing tobacco, which I will sell on accom modating terms, wholesale or retail. CarolinaJat Golnnibia; in Georm, at Au gusa; in j Alabama, at Moutgoib(ify; or' at any other point at which one ufMuese As ociations!bave an office.: fi The Agents of thee' j Isfccilfona will ther take charge of them, andpbij dully, by Southern Express Company, fu tie prop er Agentsjof the respective Statiit Rich ! mond, who will see thenijlistribsiiied to the proper individual owners. p y To meet the wishes of tin soldfefs, and to give thetnia certain and ppeedy cotnmunica- j tion with home the Southern. E:q.vcjS Com- 1 Ipany h un agreed to give this freight prefer ! ence overj every thing, else i ami ill (rder that no obstacle may occur to -jlha feacceps of ?o laudable an enterprise. th several jUailroad Companies are hereby requested 'to render the Express Company feiich facili ties as will enable it to make thls'waDge injent a complete success. i . As the Southern Express Company as sumeR all responsibility oi the irliupor ta ction of those packae. the jlieltel-Associations tire requeued to withdraw , tbeir Agents who have Heretofore acted as tj avcl ing messengers. If the Keliet i.fc!ation wi if establish agencies ia1 the raj of there imniCfy they may enjoy the saiutf. privileges hereby sedfured to the Army oT Northern Vireinia. 1 i - " '.! ....... V. ir.Jr . - ;-i . i . w.rMii, j Lieut: Col. and Quaitfrqlaster Annroved. , . f ' y. R. Laiyton, Quartcrinuslcr fen. OFFICE SjOUTHKK'N lXPRE!?SGO., ) AiiGCSTA. Ga.: Feb 20 1 Sf4. f THE SOUTHERN EXPRESS MPA NY hereb notify the friends a9d;vclative of Soldiersi ih the Army of NotK,enr Va., and elsewhere, that they are pjt-epuied to carry biit arranp?ments."as anti-WJhced in . . 1 .. -1 .1 x . i t V -1 it the aoove caiu,ajiu mat, iney wit oo auiii hexpower to lulhl its' requirei&etisst " " JA311i5 SniTER. Gcril Siipt. & AcUog.Pres't gjo? Exp. Co mayo-tf.:- .. -;"( : 1 lhciiMOND, Aug. 22. The Baltimore Gazette or the 2uth has been received, WUijeh says .Grant captured oUO prionexs on Uf5 north sideof tlie James river. The object of the expeditioji was to prevent ouriforces f com drowning th iucu ytkile cSdTuacari Gap. Tt says ot Sheridan's retreat Loni th Valley that heliiid csCiipcd alone uloug the border ahu1.ib.at many rauiurs were afloat, as hijih honGs wore based. on the exue'ditio;. Slieiidau lost 500 men captured near , j i i i - - Strasburgj and 72 wagons near Perry ville, forming a greater part of his supply tram ' Telegrams from' A V heeler are lnuddjed One report is that Sherman yyhipped him at Daltoa, and another that Wheeler had whipped , Shcrtuau b miles froui Chatta no oga. - The Tallahassee pirate took GOO chal drons of coal, after being forbid by the English -adcuirul to take it. pTpnr.3fKG, Aug. All quiet along the hdes to-day, but little shelling and lets? picket firing. : The enemy still hold possession of the AYeidoii Railroad, and scouts report: are continuing to fortify. !:"! villi; are so tfjr;otum rises rfs of home omcial Vote for 532 31G f.;s7 ii 1518 279 17 51 : K;o 13S 113 33 Pkteksduug, Aug 22, About 9 o'clock to-day; our forces again attacked tbe. ene my's jiwoiks on the Weldon Railroad, in ifunt and. flank: The column assaulting .it. .- i in front pushed the enemy halfway, cap turing two lines of earthworks and C00 prisoners, The force assaulting in flank was driving their fl ink, but owing to the heavy force of the enemy, the strength of the works, and the unaccountable ." giving way at an important moment of one of our brigade's, wis repulsed with loss. The flanking force, had succeeded in capturing & line o" skirmishers, and had reached the Cnqmy's heavy breastworks, when com pelled to retreat, abouMl o'clock. Since then only skir.njs'ning and sharp shoot ing. The enemy have the 2d, 5th and 9th corps holding the Railroad, wih fortifica tions of the strongest character. It is be lieved that Gen. Sanders of Alabama was killed. The enemy made a heavy demon stration on our left, oq the City Point roiid, witdi artillery and musketry for a half hour this A. M., but accompllshc? nothnothing. ; ' Counties. YAxrt. JonssroS. Alamanee, b70 173 Alexander, 710 115 Anson, Sift lus ! Alleghanv, m 12 Ashe, t.4S 15 .lieaufdrt, 634 ' 102 V Rladen, lJrimswick, dSuike, lluneombe, Ca bar rus, Caldwell. G"amder, Carteret, Caswell, Catawba, Chatham,- Cumberland, lOIii Cherokee, Lhovran, Clay, Cleavt-land, Columbus, Craven, Currituck, Davie, Duplin, Davidson, Edgecombe, -Franklin, 2j 378 Forsyth,. 17S1 Gaston, ' . 370 427 Gates, .- Giulford.. 19m.. 74. Granv&Je, : Si"5)f Green, 330 . 141 Halifax, 451 ' 538 Harnett,- 411 '204 Hajrwoal,-- Henderson, 1208 82 Hertford ll'O .. fl Hyde, 2a8 15 Ire(L-R, 1544-- Kit Jackson, 004 -117 ..iohiifctea, 1000 104 Jones,1 03 2' Lenoir, . 2i)t 140 Lincoln, ? C0d i07 Macon, ' ; . V Madison, 020 -lnTi" Martin. 22 . 230 3IcDowell, 72S Mot Mocklenburg, 425' 1335 Mitchell, . Montgomery, 727 Moore, lo0 Nash, - 317 New Hanover, 2h7 Nerthan'tton, 3is5; Orange, 1451 1 Onslow, S42: Pasquotank, 163 Perquiuions, h-" Person, 55r Pitt, 040: Poik, ; itandwlph, 1357? Rowan, 1345; Richmond, t;3 4 Robeson, ' S3lt Rockingham; T'X) i Rutherford, 1147 I Sampson 4641 tanly, 743 j Stokes, (53 ; Surry, . C58 i Transvlvania, f Tyrrell : Union, . .ri."G i Wake, -2269 Wayne, 700: Warrvu, 174 I Washington, - ! Watau-i. 425 j !a! circle. erisor of 7 ?.;' 2;:a 311 . l;-3 r . tul 7' 7 4i2 25 4:7.. 27 IT' 1 V .r tt-;.v . 1.".'; b27v 22;; 7v -- ' . 41 C40 2(r lt;i0 4. til 5t: 11144 4W k 13 120 " 2t2 1237 2! l 372 2f3 . 20 13 TJl 2-JO 55 407 07 320 273' 257 704 10 S2 20 i Vi ilkts, Wilson, Yadkin, -Yaney, 1615 lss I 1172 .7IU 417 AH) 4t;s l'il CI 4tn; 5S 714 5288:5 120173 20174 i "Envelopes I EnveScSi! ! 4 SUPERIOR article of ILVVi'XOPES. J Commercial size, just reciittjj and for ale, at the 'store under tbe 1 ' V 11 Jun8 2U-ti ;A.B.vikLia.A'Ji:xix,r.- , ui-J; WANTED. A GOOD Cavalry Horse, forwhirjh'I will r -nay the highest price in moisv or barter in com, oacsn, ic sc. ? rr) Zl esc.L . 136 tf .rr ', ' ! 1, V:ti - - I Petersburg, .Aug. 2Sd. Since the fight on Sunday, tho enemy have been engaged in extending his line west of the rail road and towards the city. The en emy now" occupy the ground on which the battles for ' the last few days were fought, and his pickets have advanced some distance thi side. The Vaughn road, one mile west of the rail road h al- Majority, 320i j - : ... .,rj,rr Ko. 10. 553 2;i C54 4:KI S;s (i. .'-2 22 1252 . Kh; r.2-' k.'S 2c-3 .. ? :i3 ;) 711 7S. 7s,i- . 4-i 1 to VI ! 520 ' -S'3 l"(il , 1,:; 511 1K.0 ll'l vtti ., 1 ;: 71.8 r.'.H Hj: - 171 41 S ' )!H ' 141)7 1171. 50 - '134 " 705 , l.V 410. (J 2(, 77 4:2 4t.K 3: 5 Si ' r. s u :;::; :. CARD Mar.u- Vii'. COTTON CAKDSi- rtlHK Favettevh COTTON I facturmg Couiipany arc ri'pf mauulartut-- THg Cards superio to any Tjdnl tlirduii th blockade, ana at pn?sent sellir) ti.e single pair or y the quanti. Any person oi dis ing six or ni' will be securely packed and delilere ;iainrtn free of eSneuvc. Mil Call upon or addfe:;s V-'j I ! IA. A. McKIEl-lIAN,! '.I. A. WORltL (ALEX. J.OUfSON. Jr. Favcttevillc, C, Al-t 10-tf i r3, WRITI?iGPAP "T UST received ntd for bale aoifr erior ai 1. tf tie Ot ; . ; ) . . 1, j Kole and; JLcttcr Pipcr ! unusually cheap, at tlie store unltii the U I June 20-tf CAR0L1NJA: OFFICE. . MISTRESS A"ND IA1D. JUTF-ECItVED afewialrJccpits oi'tbjt crcJl.t NOVEL at 1 I 1 1 a SO OCCUP1CC uc cnc.mr, v.iij arc in f i t

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