(I lilt FIMEH3 CgUICTiGVi. 'is- .- 8. . 'UJl i r -' itA 5 laSfl -ft . if.4v-' .7.. 4 ,-,S 1 VM - , -;.-;5r:';. -, kv : "-' ' ! 'ftt icon' . '..w.v.v....Vf..-i. -I vtlb 1 1 " s.rlf'"- v ' y 'tm .1 cieui iSOit'J fc tract-. XiOfM'Qod '...i...-J - SS ft Sb W to.- 'tMr'dlv-JtHi- ftki.K.W tU'h. .;Sv;,i. vl'- .1: t J - - . .... f-in All - si in crt J3 1 J j -'x i. . t- . i tr -. - Tp Ke " " ' It: - ' . . ' i ' - t . ' . -1 -- -. ... . ; V ....... w- . -Bree.r ftor m tno dcct'sw "..1 .--.,vi..i-T-.f-'-:v:-H ..' v - .. . - t :, . .. THf D ULY' C.UlOMXtA?T per wee ia advaace, rvaraule t the Ca TEEX DOLLAUS. ' -hree woirth?, LaflT I .IXTBLLIOKSCKR,,i, waeklj fcfar " ? ?7& nsxmuhTi pftbiiahed at this O thee, is mailed to Inscribe iV t JV & OOUi. tor O ;IiAltSricttV: mas7an6v ; :v -WliudTTUUEE B0LLAUS;'p,square J 1 -iraelC JWfierj----. iasertioa, , c'Slit lis W" i' vr.Tuatitut&is square. ... .; ;: -i-r. r y r " ; . artisaenw tor the IntblmgencbwiII f v'Yl?eiierted .once in- rAity, and charged iJaily ' i . . Tate lor that iusertion. - . - i , ' . ? ; : a Seitt by letter, tlie monsr wuat aeenna 1 " W- ian "ih ladvertiseuieGt. ' Marria, t'eaths, " " - Telliv8;lattd';ther notiees ttiar ed aa aaveiv :.,-ei-r-tUe; uts! and -'must .W V'aid for. strictly mad- k it - -i . . 3 ." : 3 3HK 00 mi 1 00. 2 o..k.v...:.. i in oo..;.;...;:... Iiis oti............ io oo i-2 :..lv...;.'..lR- 6G?i 30 00....... .. '20 00 UIJ... ...... ..-.- 3, i0 J0..... 60 45 00....... 30 00 no oa.. -.55 -'00-.. 00 00............ 40 00 . r.5 00.,.: 43 ZV& : 70 00...:. 4J 75 00...J........ 50 00 80 ()0....i......53 :? 85 00....;.,...,. 56 CU 90 O0-...L...... 60 00. y.VOO J........G3 33l 5 1 00...... 2 00............. . 3 00........:.... 4 00... 5 00......... io oo 15 00...... 20 m.....:... 25 oo.....;... 3o,oo......:... 35 00.... 40 00 .. 45 00......... 50 00 .... 3G 66 i 55 00...... CO 00.....: 65 00... 70 00.. 75 00....... . , . 1'50 . 3 i)0 4 50 G 00 ..... 7 ."8 15 oo 200 30 (XJ 50 ..;45 00r . . .. .... ! , 80 00. -85 00;.. 90.00.:. ys- oo... 10 J8p .,. t0 lOO 00 00 ... 07 50 ... 75 00 ....82 50 M ()0 ........ 07 50 ..:....105 00 ......112 50 .......120 09 ....'...127 50 ...:..a35 00 .....142 50 .......150 00 534 FUxaeod , Fnider 'Jl aia Corn vv oeat ............ i. 2 00 fJ .l t"tr'i.-s.a ty ' rt:ratimishitt:(! iiK-rt?T ;at; wudt ntiiive tbe exiaten a claim- ant or eiajmants or a lusher orceiftrah tic of tbe Ppftcnbeforci Vboni thttaFfd &tg ......... 83 ju II aes-Oreun.. . . Dry........'. rii--Sede3.... - Oiither Upper', .... v - -. bole......:........,.. .ii. aor's Corn Whisker..., Apple; and Pvich. Brandy., Molasci .... -4 Is-' . '.o'.oqs ......;..........:".....; Hoiatocs. IrLb ......... 58 4-,.!t" "51fi Hue . Sucar Soiu 'Faiiiil Toilet Spiit3 Tiirpentino ............ Fax etteTiilo4-4 Shectioo sl llow.........................v. ..S10 00 "a fciel "i jO (td 3 00 df ; 5 50 -6 00 .,ib a ou 3 .ou it u ...... 18 co -n u 15 oo ....40 00 gkiloa ... 0 00 V jraUoii .... $30 . V g&Upu.'i Zb0,($ 4 oy ib-' ... 20.00 V bitbhei 10 00 basboV 15 00. 1 bushel 51 0Of?.ir )0 lb y Bar 2 00 lb ......... 55 00 I" .... .....3 00 Ral. 50 3 00-?? Yard DO 35 3) bnih'd , 2- 50 3 00 t? lb Tr'.i :-:: THE 00 5? S i o V lr. ' SYSt'SIS OF IVNaiNtt pCHEMEOF CUK- ' tklississip pi. Non-Interest Bearing $100 Xoles. j "Receivable for. public dues be fore April lstf1864--at par; from ancl aJ-j , er April 1st, 1SG4, not recolvable ut all,; hut : - '.'- ": j 'Fundable in Fbint ?eh Cent. Bonds.; j ' Kefore 1st April," 1804, at par. . ' 1 rom 1st to last dy of April, iac at G6f Froiu 1st to s,i day of Mayy inc., at 5Sf J' lum 1st to. last day of June, inc., at 46 1- r. m -1 st to last day uf - J illy,- inc.', at S 8 1 1' i)in 1st ta last day K Aug., ice?, at 2 6f I ia-lst to last day nf Sept., inc., at 1 Of S wopt aWay by mont'ly taxOet." inc., at 6 : " Any p non-Lntercst bearing $100 note . h&s on; the first oT January, 1805; are tMved 100 per)eat., tltus destroying every uati;;e of value ! THE GRKAT tlTEEARY WEEKLY i THE GREAT :UTE fAUY WEEKLY i . f OF - THE SOUTH ! j V OF TUB SOdTfl! A SUPERB FAMILY; A SUPERB FAMILY BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED; BExVUf IFULLY I LLUSTR ATKD, i --.':, lLEGAX'iJLY 'p- TiM.h'ii X VT! V !! ; EVERY SATU 'EVE II Y SATU HAS A LARGER .. . II AS A LARGER ; 4 and . .' - -v MORR TALKXTEn y CORPS OF CONTRIBUTORS i CORPS OF CONTRIBUTORS THAN WAS EVER REFDRE ENGAGED LNG FOR JOURNAL! JOURNAL! LN TED i.NTEO JDAY, . a-' m. a he Ju-?- J6tjbscribrirf-niU?t 6f rtifv to Ibe crcdilitiy of the vituffiaarHl - Clerk ot ibo Uouuty ?lirt mut certify; jobdr tbesoal of the Oour&ijiat be iV -a Justice of the i'cace. '.-';- ''. .v.flC--- . j I-thd ilairuant or claiunantit beithilcl or hildre iortLetleccascd. anrt I(e, f bor thcr b,a niicors, tin, clahu tnui be TTiln:! bded bV iii.i, ncr or riitniruwcianl. and thft if rt of his being uardiaii uvtist be cor'tiacd tbflipde4- seal of tbo Cpttntv .tAinrt Cleric.-' '." ; J?P; .: . j V hcui the . cUi i is niiidt hv . an Mk iitor or adypjgtrator, th0 fact tTtha exoctMiip or uainru.-ti-atoi'slnp must e certiMc1! y . uudtr teal by. ta? County (,W-t Ht-jk T St.. a1 Any person dirt'ctlyiKrest?avil4bui ni3b-- ofthci-eifapt'rft in il'l; a fp,py oTwlcy tor the ffruutpi- iconvt niencc of partioS, -wilfbsforwarv rted siwn as inav hi County ?inH- CJei-k'.- - p.raca 0 j to each 9 l-i v ili.in- dootus-. or not eel. the th him . i This coinim?ioii is intended to flciftlate the cpllectiottiot these. claims, aiid.-s-afH tSi? claim- etui a t-j jjuuse. . ? y , y. - t Parties interested may rnareriaij fl me in e nvqnation-i tnir. claims, i tt 1 1 of forvvaklin tlicir papr to me,- t.li form melof the date of tberoath off M d, where ha diod; va killed. vheiiJ they orTstiiv one for .theu-""bav. r&c-ii piMfHal eli'ects "which deef'ased Iuh! u .at the time of his (K-at.h.-'and . whrtel!! or iiot the" dceejistid. (if a no.co'mic-iioiH d Jfiv-'Or or priyat j had ever rotv!vd'thc KateV-oiiBt.v,; -i I0s v-ry desirable tWt airclai'S nf-iuid be foi-ward4d at as early a dav as -iurv. l'lJr.n ti- cable. l pi all cAses, "-ive tlna claiiaaSf' I'ost -0 iuee arjd Cranl iu i nil.- ' : 1 ! ! . ' JNOV.STiY, ' i 123-tf . . . Co7nri1i-vi?!jiti-: -.. ' TO THE ViUKSiH 0 jra S6U1ESS j . . -.... .--.. . t'( ... . K'4.,UC , ,, - ,. V . ... f (!atvt-)L i-uuu-uuuu ior i Alaraaiice, ; Al;-xaiider, ;Xosnt - ; . A11.ahany, .; .A'bhei -15eaa.'brt, Utrti;', '.525 Dltdeu, -. j'532 lliunwiek, ' 31 tf : jiuike,' 'v-"v : liuncomb V 1S2H i Cabarri!!, 537 540 v Catawba, (iflj- ":;rl 02 3.--: f I ; 2C4 :V; 4ft-v;:i9 - t '.'23 c.v."- toy; 5 V the.iKCtfiiUfiuiustnierit of" our tronblns Chatham, 1518 . -arfi"tli Oil TTiPJin,nf Mviinf ..nr r,..lm t v'viu,..1w urfjiiuiueq uuiauui auu ruin. ihe njC'tf P,thW- Oemocrats of Chs." ter t-ouni, pnn, vtill. upon,tI)e:i;ileU- gates to Cbicago.lto present to the pec p e a caudidatyand a platfonn, in acuor danee Vfith their demand for peace. iXhe Michigan tjeople have ednifnencd, f H inie aocitions; in tavor of peace" The!-u s-ycitBS :bre; about to isue' a Vpcople'iJ; uddcsto the President de nwnUiijg.Un ixrimediale suspension ofhos Ulities. '-;.. L i . ' :- ye , . The Democracy of Chester. Pa., reaol- j t - y J' 1 1 " . . - .... i vea wi wtfcK, in counry meelm, ; "ih-it the only liope'f c'f e.cape j'rdin t he evils now; pjelng: h. through peace.' 1 '. 279 . W t4 S5i v v Tr.e Luzei-ene county Democrats of Tcnnyiyanw,. resolved they demnnd b)' petition to the President,, a suspen sion of the draft until the nest meeting of Congress.' ' , ; : The ' Xlbicago 27m advocate tin ini rneiate -irniislioe and a National Ccra veiition cf all the States. : , . ; - 1 't-b. 20ih,'Ls?4". ) i'soU5Hrs in i ItAStD OX HHONOGitAPIIY. : 1 IN PKfiSS and-ebortly to b publisbed,ai book .with the.abova title, prepared by the 5 tubaedber, wbq has had nearly 20 years prac tice in - Fhonog-i aphic. writing, having been at one time employed" as aa jolficial reporter iii thetjHltedistates'Senate," and who had beerj. for the lat seventeen months, and id now, re porter of tbe Atlanta'lntelligancer . The Dictionary will contain indications, by "TTieans of v a sirple 'nomenclature, lor writing ' with Phonographic letter r, about 20,000 wo'rda . nf the .EBgUah iariguagej of niiety-nine one hundreths of thoss in , common ' use the re- ' uiainin worda b'eing easily, written after these are Uaroed . , ? - " A- A -:- A tl-ttlL; lUKwt.l.mWn InMfni flrftrQaag'g.Sim .. pie. instruction will be "piven for beginnerrt or V-''; the study of Phonography, with lithographed ' 'inuatratiojv prepared by one of, the Jbest'ar-' ;. " tisU iu the Coajederacy. The object of the publicaiion-la to,icake aaTANDARD idr'Confed t crattf KCp'orters, and to render it possible for " the mucTx coveted and beautiful art of .Reports ing, tb bo learned eTea without the aid of i a . . teacher. . . ; . " . ' . -! As the wort swill -be 'expensive, new type J ' '-having ,been procured expressly for, it, only a small edition will t be ; issued. "Those, who de r' " 1 irft cxpie? are. requested send to. the author i . .... their orders at once, f to ba. recorded, ) accom- ,-panied with tlie price of the same which will : . -; ' be five dollars per copy; The bbok in paper v cover, and rsaitable for use will be sent to all gubdcriberd; - by - mail, without additional cx PtiQise-. . ; A. E.' MARSHALL, - -- ' .- - 1 Angoeta, ua. ; - dtf T tf. l?IJEEI9Ar HAS llEr -JLLf turned ta hist)2iee land has ou band a pod lot of GOLD FOIL AND TEETH. Also, GOLD and SILVER PLATE. . ! 132-1 m ' " - s- " '.".' FOUR PER CENT. BONDS. -TT7ANTFJ)--A few 4 per "conL Bonds.-. VV. Apply at .the 151-tf CAROLINIAN OFFICE. 2:, r-szojvxxjXj-Lirr, . Auctioneer and ' , 4 - " i'j fayi;ttevillb'- x. c, June 10-3 m 3 TING FOn PAPER ! PAPER ! Y, , IN ACTUALLY WR IN ACTUALLY WE ANY AMERICAN ANY ; Ail ERIC AN BKILIAST, CHAJELMl.NC,. ; nAND TilPJLLlKG AND TIIIilLu . : J WITH X)MA(LES, " WITH KO MANXES :.' . SKETCHES ;- . SKETCHES, ; fTALES; .. ' TALES - . .OF . . ' REAL , - ' .REAL r - LIFE, .. LI F 1 : POET 11 POETU r II I ST O R .1 ; " i II 1S T O Rj Y, i BIOGRAPHY, J3 I O G R,A P II Y, N OtV'E L E 'f T K. Sf ; N O V E L E T T- K S, ESSAYS,' CRITIC. SMS, ' ; ' . KSSAYS; CRITICISMS' ' ,. M WITIC1SMS II. uKLLANV, ' W1TIC1SMS, MISCELLANY, -INCIDBNTS'AiND ANECDOTES, INCIDENTS AND ANECDOTES, OF THE. WAR AND ITS II ER"DES Q P. THE AVAR- AND ITS HEROES, INCLUDING STUNSLATIQNS, INCLUDING fRAKSCUTONS,; . 'FROM THE GF-BMAnI; FKENCn, ! FJiOM THE vGKSMAN,' FRENCH, A ND" O til Eli LA NiGUAG ES , AND OTHER -LANGUAGES . i , y HOME JOURNAL FOR 1 . THE HOUSEI OED J '. . - -.' - - ; AN ORNAitENT, v i ' liOll THE PARLOR. w A SOLDIER'S i I PAPER FOR . ' I TUE CAMP. . f 1 TRAVELLER S .- I COM PAN 1. PLEASANT :R . FOR E V E R V B 0 D Y. 1 , A RICH CASKET OF POLITE SOUTHERN OXERATURE! I famed OV, llVr than kti. and Raiu " lJlCHlOM), t JL the. Arinv.of -irdjcrii A'irria are htreojn uiilicd "that a A faiTangctwU lifis -t.iii da'v -en ofiectel wilU the S )fi "Si EUN EXPRESS- COM PAN Y.Mo earrvH uU pack- age.- of lo.od uud weuriii;' appainw t , rouc . v a. . . i To Htcur V,m adVan'a.e lhu o through the' ex prcs i'oiupa'uy , theffc' insti uciioii! must". b. oWerved ; . 'Puakaies irnut not ciintaiu rwjrf on. hundred uound: be well stdur pi ainiy iuarkv-d. aod seiH at the fctftnse of l iie Kiippei to eiiher of the Soldihbdelief iissoeiitions. Which aore located n thliows: j In North Carolina, at Rulejyb;')liSouth Caroliaa, at Columbia;, iti Georgfi, it Au Uhta; iti Alaaaia. at :Mej.itgouft'r: or a6 any other point at ivhTch oue . ottb be As loeiaiioiis httve an oJfiee. ; , 1,4 , ; The-AeHts of thepe-;tsociattoip wili -ilhere take charge of Roretri; and iidttliy: by Souther n -Express fapany; td'tl-i ropi er Agents of the respective State1 iyUich- rnond, who will se'lheni dihtribuVcfVQ the proper ihilividual owners! j ' - j To meet the wi; "hesfof the goldie'i jind Iq 'give them a eertuiai aiiiLpeedy cosbipinioaT Jtiou with home the Southern ExpfeffCom- f Ipttiiy na? arveeu.w gup tin? ireig- uriivi r ION. A DING SUUbCKlPTlOX Six months.... $10 Ibe trade supphed at $25 per hundred. . f ; Address, w . ' - Y7M 6. S3HTII. 1 - Editor and Proprietdr, Ivaleigh, JSr. O. hi uiiet-uuiu t . VJB1T2NG J?AlJEIt. T UST received .ud for jsalej a superior art. U cieoi. .- IVote aucl lieitfer Fapcr, unauallv cheap, at the strjre under the June 20-U" UAUOLIUN OFFIC-E. Vtfnvter erioe. over everything elee"; and- !iiij.oi:Tk'r that uo ultacie may cceur to 1 fe Kicsess oJo laudablo au enterprise, thjf irvral Railroa i Compajdes are haithy kplnfSted to re: der the Express Company si cl"facili7 ties as will enable it to iuake this'-tti) ftDge-,! fmit a complete success ; ; ' f, , . ..A the Southern-Express Gom'aly a4 ' 8U mei 'all reeponsibi lity'. ol the, tru orta-t tion of thoio, packages, the Reliet? A social lions are requeued" fb; : witljlp4 their A jreu t4 'iy bo hav c'neretofore acted ara reT i meWke ii ge r s . 1 f t h e : v i i el AehcH a t i o a will establish agenees ln'f the real" 5 there Hricies they may eojoy the same frjWees herebvj secuf ed to th j Army of iNtthera' V i" - .0 ' F.W.SI, 1 - . ; Lieut. Col. and Qaartettusifcter. - Approved.' - . : . , ' J U ' .y. R4. liawton, Quarteraaster. Gejii.' 'j ' OFFICE SOUTHER N PIIKS (JOM . h AcGriSAi Ga. Feb 20. 'itf4. ' THESOCT1IERN EAPRkSS COMPA NY hereby uotiiy the friends aaJ? litiva of Soldiers in the Army'bf Nortiein VaJ, and cW- where, that they are pTpii-ed to cavrv out iinanemeuts as antidued lu the above eat d and that -they ; will all in r hivower to luiiil its requirem0r.il I " - 1 . - - , JAkES SlER ;- i CenM Sap't. & Actia-.Pres"t Sqj Ifxp. Oo ranyOrtC .: ' i SUPEltlOil article; of. ENVjflPES, f Commercial size," just tecoivltl lind tor ..r" B..'h'ktrMi under4.be 1 it PlIEPARATIOXS; FOR AN. ATTACK ON FORT ... ' - -. . ' - jvROan, r.rv. . ;, . ; - -ICeio Orleans, 'Aug. 1 1'. The steamer' Kate Dale, from Fort Gaines and ilobile Bay y esterd y ; morning, arrived here last -uitht. -''."" .;-';' Admiral Farragut Lad .preparal -his fleet or action, and ordered the attack on Fort Morgan to be commenced-at" 8 o'- cluck .?e?terday. morning. iroxn me neat ana iana iorce.. jes rear is said to have resisted the attack wherever thVru.was a foot of ground to stand upon The Tebels have destroyed all the out- ' b'jildiigs of the fort,and had aLsadourued . tlleir only vessel, -lying under its guns. Everything ;a' 6ut the fort indicated1 a delerminatiu Ion the part of the rebels to contes tlie bsi-tle to the last. ' ! ; ' ; T)5e Ciiannel to Dog river is unobstruc- .ted. -..v. ';. ; ..- - . . . ' . At' a late hour last night we heard that the Admiral had demanded the uncondi tional surrender f the fort. .Tlie demand! of Farragut on : Tuesday last tor, the siijrrender of tluijTort, was' re- ' fused l3r'tlie rebel cbmmander, "who re plied that he had six. months' -provisions, , plenty oi fighting men, and would resist to the last moHuent.. ". . V " . " . . Before this General Granger's" force iri rear. had cut da4 all "th.9 ' communications . of .the fort.- 1 ... - . j . The ram .Tennessee was to be in the "Farragut was confident, of rcduciug tho fort. The iWtford was badly "injured. YVe hold all the channels to the bay. Steangb AoTiojf. in-Nashvillk. :The Nashville Dispatch of the -1th -says: ' "There seems to be a general disposi- f .lion; on the.-part;o( kndlprds, agente' and the.military to turnjour poor white ten aifts and put Ih T negroes: y:Vfer; savv one yesterday wh6 went out to jay her rent, leaving the vbithince of her indney. in the house udder tie bed ; when she returned' the honse; hadj. beeu broken open, furni ture had; been thrown out; her money gone, aud" the i house occupied by a negro family jDurrngf yesterday ; nine women went beforeRecorder Shane for protect tion against or redress for similar pvo ceedings' . ! ' . -- ;-;--- '';.; .; -. r, ; LOST.;- - ; A BONCU OF,SIX SMALL KEy'tied to gether with a white Tape string.- The tinder ' will please return them to ' " ' 168" . iAliJtJi, ; -V. I or leave them 'at this OiUce. 1?7 204 Chowan, Clay, '' vr;: -. Cleaveland, , Columbus,1 Graven, Currituck, . Davie, ;; Duplin, Davi!aon, -Edgecombe, Fraiikiin, Forsyth, . Gaston, Gate.i, Guilford, ; CiUinville GreeA, - -llaliAix, . liarnctt. Haywood, " llcndei eon, llertloru, .lljde, Iredell, .Jackson, Johnston, Jones, Lenoir, ; Linooln, Martin. McDowell, 4t 27d. '. it 20S j 17 sr 736 100 l.iCS 113 un 379 1077 m. 431 100 1544 W4 1000 C3 297 (J'03 C23V 22 723 425' Meekienburjr, Mitchell, 1 31ont-ouierv, 727 -Moore, . 106ft Nash, 317 New nauoVerjS?, Nerthampton, 3S5' Oraugv, 14511 On&low,- 342 X'aVtiuotank, 163 . Poj quimon, S3 Perton, ; .'. - - t L " .... I35i 1343 634: &3t Polk, Randolph, Rowan, . Richmond, Uobeson, EbcKhijham, 500j Rutherrord, 11471 Sanison, . 464 Stanly, 713 s Stokes, m Surry, - fc'SS Tranmlvania, TyrrtU- f Uuion, f56 "Wake, V 2260 Wayne, 70U AV arrvn, - 174' Washington, Vv'ataua, W ilkes, TVil-ion, Yadkin,' Yancy,' 52803 201T Majority, 32650 -';t:-i.-I7,;i; : e - " . : -,.----.'- .-io - .... w -. ..... ....t. . :, ' 575 ,10 : m 1 "' " -.,ltti-v-;:'Mia,.. 9 Jk4t 5 ' . -"""'.. Wi:j,vMr 12? - -. Ufil : i y:f7 , , 162 854- 487 - ' -'-'; ;-i-.'fo.v:C: ---ai .-.;. ...- $ - " Al -.", S7S j' ICit 16 - :.'-? 1 : -244M- Mtii -r'5W -- V':427 if - CI! 26 . ' i f " : 74-'! H4 --I545.- ",'" -943 ' ' lfei Ua : V .-;-', .144 244. 204 : - .Z jx : ; 1041 . 8 ' . ; - - 204 ; 33o r - fl72 - . cX- 378. ;.": 103 r . 82 . 633. .314 - . . '-Vr,' ' .61:' 60if - 3' ' ' . f l.V ! ' 5L7". :"r 00 in : lod5 -, 12 -'j - ,117 " '27- - M --; i io4 : 4i) ::. i 1 j 20 - -ItiiS".--"- ' " -.2 - t'r'.i :' 140 f.13 . 7S 1 K5;Qpa04;; ':;-i ; -- s-"' 327 - .r I'J 1 1S5 27,9 '.4S ' -" - 1333;-;: IfiyO 112 . - - " i , . ' .' - . -18 ' ,553 -242 120 C54. 40 2i2 - .- 66S , '10S 1237 .982- ".22 20I - ' 73'4 ' - ; 15 372. ' 12.52:.' iac !i0 ,-2St.--. ,. , ' 13. V,3 "-: 40" l J 3W 714 sx. r :55 "520. .-86' ' . . 407 v ' lwl .; . y 3 V . : . V 87- : Mi 196 , - ; a2o . iojXv iii. . 273 946 14 257 . ; . 778 - 378 ' :704 b69 ,171'. ; 10 3!6 1 17 . ' 1 : . 2r 44S 100 . 417 Y jl" '.."'- . 4y : 14.97 ; 1271 - 400 v' ' 134 4C1 7ti - 13 - - 4 Hi " 01 4 . 02 ac; 77 ;" . 76 -. 43J2 . .. . 436 4r.i? V" .39&- y ' '84 68 - . - ." 714 33B ' 3' f - 4 - ' -jv ... L- : ' . 55: r4 423 1615- 1 8S:. 1172: 714 OFFICE POST (IClRTEUJUSTEn, - ' - V ., . . . . - . - f 4tli ConRrclonat District, "S. C, , i V FAYErrEVILLE, C. Aug.tlG. ) " To Iri&er of tlx; 1th. Coil. rflAX LAYERS who have paid Hich Tax ir ; j Kind to Army ,Qv. MrV or ; pomroiasa-. ric, ot any 5lRcers Commanding a Cnmpanv. of Troops, -etc., any bndr3 -Aen, tc, will - forw-u d the . receipts . to me ana 1 will credit.'' their 'eetim'atcs fot the game. i ' - J. il. McGOWAN, Ca .'t. & Pofct 0.. M. N . '4th Cong. Di4L Ji'C ; I AYISH .toinaie a contrctioa the' part of the Government: fori 00 CYPRUS, J UN I- i'H 4u RED OAK b t Notice to Cooper t.oa the !YPRUS o'Kohi Korvhuiu.. Svrun. The barrel. LaUot' ba ?roodi Observer, Preiibyterfin, - and Wilmiftjrtou Journal copr and'sead bill to Capt, lit eGow an. - WOO li NlTTICEv ; - ' . ,. I . - ' - QUARTER MA STEtPS" BEPART JtENT, ' '- !" liAj.iiGff,Juril8b'4. T AM NOW PREPARED toeicbane fJntton X Yarn for YooL ujK)n the following tferms,. VIZ One bunch of Yarn foe three oniida Wflsbrd Wool, and one bunch forfour pound-" unwash-" ed, u -" -' --- Agents bave bepii appointsd to rqake this ex change at the tblfowihfc. places: Oxford". Taf- ' boro', KiostbTV ? Catherine - Lake? - Jocrd, ' Rockingham, IIeqderiOiivillc, Htatesville. Kox. boro', Ashevme,tPittPbi Louifburff Fay etteiHlle, eolerairi, aiwl at this place, - .Person snipiDg wool to this? placo "will please hrark on the packages wbo they are." from., and the cotton yara . will bie forwarded ' immediately. .-' . j . I hope the people' will patriotically respond to the above notice, 114 the Wool s for cloth-; mg the N. C. Troops. , - V 1, lv -V D0WD A- Q'4 c: a. . Junel4-tljul . - ' . . , I 35U The papers in tLe State will datil Julv 1st. . . V '' t - lJ June 20-tf CAROLINIAN (JtT j ; ; . WASTED. 4 GOOD &ayalry Horse, for wliicw J. ir the higbtst price in mony t in opm bacon, a;c., ic. '..-Apply attn ICE. I will birter OlScc. COTTON CARDlS, o. IO. mHE Faretteville COTTON CARD Manu-I- facturing Company are now manufactur ing Card superior 4 to any run through the blockade, and at present selling-for ale ri tke'single pair or by the quantity. v ; Any person torderiog six oracr r3, will be securely .packed and delivcre mington free of expense.- '. , .- ' - ; . ; Call upon or! address . ' - : ' J . ,i A. A. "McKETHAN, ' k j J.A.WOUTU. 5 : - - ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. rajettevilleN.C.,, ...Aprmp . V F OR SALE at . - 1- if 1 ISAAC UOLLlNGSWOtlTlf'S lik-i - 1 i ir