ill EA YETTEVILLE. N; !."SEPrE.SI88R-15. iso4. 'no. m '"'"-''""."-,'L-'"'"'-v iui . !.', . 4 ' i l1.. . r . , . lUl'J" .......... ,............... lr ..' .' P j ' . : i 1 1 ITI MHV' -tt:l! Fit'- & h I .. - -. !1 : . .'... V- - -- ' , - i I ' . h. - : . i P. T. SLNCIjAIR. ,i..rd a 4-fitc) mponm ".Jfr; ) . i. ... -m . ., .1 ,...v,ji , :nr nnr.V; vriiiTH riARiii.TvrA v ;a i-iAil pgr.weeis'iiiadvaace; jiayjUle to the Cr- taopiea TWKXT' FIVE iCESTS r , yaisa- 9 iiAiLise.i' " ia -I capwa 25 centf.' Six montha FIF- DOU-ARS. : I . . "I - C iu. month Til REE DOLLA RS.' V r mailed to jairccnuers uz mstas- Tare jwoutba 'l UHJKK- JUU- 5 RA OF OVKRTlSIJi , i '.dveitutaentd far the CAKOiixiAN will be ech ; a'd ererj 'iasortioii, elfct- liua er lekB cosstkutm a square. ' . . . Aaret'tdtaentj - tor tae istsiuobhckr. will . be turt7V oac'e in J 'ally,, and cLai ged J.iil rt' &r:taat.iiartioa. , . y. .. . , 4 2 o g o J-Ji v 1 50 1 00.... 2'uo,:.. 3 CO.;.. 2 W ' 4 00.....:...,.. 2 M :i 00.... ; & 00...,.......; 3 33i f 00.... 10 00 6 6Ga:.l0 CO.... .. c 00 ; 7 -60 ... 15 CO ... 22 (HJ 15 oa.; 00.: 1 i oo.. ;-2o oo:...w.Li. is 33 . 26 00 .. .-.. 16 66i CO 00..... ..'20 00 . . 08 23 3CM 40 00.... 2G 6G5i 45 00........... SO 00 29 00...... ....... 3i Gt so .;.... 45 oo JJ2 fsO f.0 00 ....... 07 50 25 oa 20 00...... 35 00...... 40.U0J.... 4 00...... 50 00...... 65 00...... M 00....;....;.. 33:33J 75 09 g'i 50 ....... K0 00 ....... 97 60 ......105 00 ......112 5 ......120 09 , .127 50 ......1S5 00 to.oe;,..v.....,.. 4o oo C5 0. ......... 43 Irxj 7 oo,:.v.:.:.;.U6 6873 .7 5 00.....; 50 QO WO OO:...;.:... 53 ZVA SO 00...:;., G5 00.;..... 79 O0......L 75 00......I 80 W ;i ss 00......; 90"oo.;....L 5 0'?.:;....... 58 t) (O.T.. ....... GO 00- tt::;."...:u..63 33 05 00...... 142 50 -tfnJ14a.i ........ ISO Ofr ttifKbpais of FtfNaiKG SenEJdE oy Cge SR.ruy Bill as to States East of ' tub ' MtiJHissiPPr. Non-Interest Bearing $100 Holes. -. Receivable -tor public dues, be fore April 1st, 104, at par; from and af ter April lst,; 1804, not receivable at all, . liit ' ;. '' ', -; '- : : : ' . " FtlNDADLIJ rHFotlR PR CENT. EoNDS. Before Ist'AprlVlSCI. at par. biVm 1st to la'st day of April, inc.", at 6GS . Hroti 1st to last dar uf May, inc., at SG row lst to last rUy of June, inc., at 4G J. I1 rm -1st to last day f July, inc., at 6 t ruii 1st to last day" V-f Axig., inc.? at 26 l 10m 1st to last day f Sept., inc., at 16 wtrpt away by raont'ly tax, tftt. inc., at 6 j Auy non-interest bearing. $100 jiotes 1kIvI on.! the first of January. 1865, are t-i cs.l 100 jer oent., lias de3tro3'ing every .tlp;e of valire. . ;p.:V:.;v7 !. THE V '-': B VKI OS PHONOGRAPHY. V Till PRESS and ' shortly U 'be1 published, a i htnok with th& abdve title, prepared by. the . subscriber, who has bad nt?arij 20 years prac tice in Phonoe? aphio writing, haring ; been at one. time- employed at aa brticial report&r in thef Uatted SUU;s,3enate, and, who has been for the Jaat seventeen months, and ig bow, re pvrter of the Atlanta Intelligancer. ; . Tie Dictionary will contain indications, by toeans of a timple nomenclature, l.r writing with Phonographic letteis, about 20,000 words ' ottke .English languageof ninety -nine one hundreths 0f those in "'cohqujoq -ue the re maining worda being easily. written after these . are learned.' .v - ' :' -, 'V'", ;-''-'" . : In the Introduction to tha Dictionary, tim pie instruction iil be, giren for begiauers of the atndr of. Phonography, with lithogi aphed . illustrations, prepared by OHe of the. bef i. ar- ' tists in the Confederacy. The object f the " publiqatiori is to make" a'siASDARD tor Confed1 erate Reporters nd to render it possible los .the pjuch'covefand beautiful art of Report ing,! to be " learned even without the aid of. a teacher, ' ..- ' . -. As the .work will be' expensive,, new type having been procured expressly for it, only a . Binall edition will be issued. ' Those who" de sire icopies are requested to send to the anther their ordera at once, (to be recorded,) accem panied with the price of the same, which wjll be fire dollars per copy. KThe. book in paper cover, and Suitable for use, will be ent to all . r k v-t tcjit t t " dtf . - " " Auguata, Ga. "' j FOUR PER CENT. BOXBS. ' "TTTAXT EDA few 4 per cent. -Bonds VV Apply at the ' - ! 151-tfT , f CAROLINIAN OFFICE. .. ' Auctioneer and'' ! 'FATETTEV.XLL&'. Kj C, June 10-3m DR J. JL FE5EEMAM HAS RE 'tnrued to tjia OSce and has on hand a i.f .f finT.T irniT. a vn tvptii a 1. . jVTi .IWHUi.VVUI' W4U X . AA4UJL. LJVJ f liULD and SILVfctt FLi Ti,. 132-1 ih- 'u . , it ieiiuv ic tear, ttjenuuo n,usv;i;un:' i , . lf 4 ..! I .. J. f 1 t .. . .i' 1 ' ... . . ' . ; j - : .. I pJons . .i..... 1p jjj. "-.i" 'yy; .'.'"" "..v ;' '.-i'Uet . l , . . : - g , sr ; ) ., : t P ... . 1 00..........;. 1' 00.....;...,;. . .03. 2 00 V f' 00 f IM C tron ... 1)001 75 15 . ..v.. . 15 0.) t? itv CJ .llet? .... G ton Yam. SttiH 4u f? ccfe. D iQi Fruit ...'Apple A I'f-acfaea 75-1 V it E.';. 1 75 2 O'J do & - K tract Logwood-' $5 S6 ? lb Kl mr SiCQ 175 barrel Fl iiaeet'-....ii-..-..Vl2 & 13 K i bssfot F.ddcr -i.-..;.-. SI () Ifl fcuadred- r- Sift 00 hundri 'it iia .-...'..7.. y2B-W ; . Wbeaf ...v........ .. 825 00yfJ bushel ; Urei....,....15i00 ':'$&. V feushtt j : : Oats 7 00 $9 00 ;T3 baibel; Vsb 17 50 20,0 ,' bushel. ITJet Green..'... 2 0 3 00. Tt'' 4 'DfT......;....; 5-50 fe 6 0Q !!t: .. f. Swrdeflw. ...3 50. ; 4 5042' setter Vppar ...,... , 18 00 1; Sole...;, .................; 15 oa y -lb "uor? Corn hifliey. ....... .40 10 W cuiloa t Peach B rami v. ...... 40 00 Uon4 320 2 A C gallon : 3 60 4v 00 10 00"20 OOV bushel a ,io oo $ bushel 91 00 m ... 10 it Faiaily Bar !i 00 S: ;i5 Oi). .th Swi it3 l urnantitiO ...... t CO t-' "-gsu. .Fa.t-ttey.te'4-4-'Sheetiofral f0 f S-liG. Yard I SnU $35'00--'4I'.V buJbfii . j"- 2 50 Bl 3 OOV lb v a ,.. sb . co. a 8 oo r . I . . . J J J . . . . liLUSTBATED-.JIIJlBClliiy, TH-GUiiAT LITERARY-WEEKLY .T it E GUM AT . LiTiiy.ARY WEEKLl' OK THE .-OUTU 1 A ' (K TH!i JUr;! ! A SUPERB FAMILY : JOURNAL! A SUPlLB FAMILY: JOURNAL ! 'PEA UT1 FULLY ! LLUSTit ATELy ' lJKAUTi FULLY ILLUSTKATED, ; . ' EfcfcGA'STTJY P lNiLli ' LLfc.(i aily pm.N :n;i r.YKttY SATURDAY, EVERY SATUKOAT, -; i HAS A LA KG EH t ,. . 1 A N.B - MORE TALENTED , ' MORE TaLEN'1 MO CORPS OF- C O N i R 1 h uTORS "1 CORPS OF ( OX MUHU't ORS A N WAS" EYE II H &Fk R Jfi " EN (i A (J lil .) T'UAN "W AS EV;K TtEFsVRii ElsGAUEO IN ACTUALLY WRiiTLxG hOR IS AC'lUALLY WRl iTSG TOk; AN Y AME1U -A.S PAPEk ! ! ; ANY AMERICAN" 1 Ai'ER ! . BRILLIANT CHAliMING, , ; -BU1LLIANT. CHAKMINO, AND THRILLING ' ! AND THRILLS U.. ITTiTH ROMANCES ' TV-ITU ROMANCES, . r SKEIOHES, jsketo'hes, Tales - . '. TALES :' i . .0 F i . keal - . : r ! REAL i LIFE, , ! L I F E, J POETRY, POETRY, :-: HI S T O K'Y 11 I STO K Y, ' BIO G RIP H Y, ; iilOG R A,'P.H Y, V' NOVELETTES, NOVEL E T t E S. essaYs, cRrriA sms, 1.S8AYS, CRITICISMS,' . ; WlTIClsMS MISCELLANY, - WlflCTSMS, MISCELLANY," INCIDENTS AND ANEODOIES, INCIDENT AND ANECDOTES, OF THE WAR AND ITS HEROES, OF THE WAR AND ITS HEROES, INCLUDING TRANSLATIONS, INlJLUDlNGNSLATIONS, FROM THE GERMAN, FRENCH, FBOM THE GERMAN, FRENCH, Und other languages, UNL OTUEli LANGUAGES, A HOME JOURNAL FOR THE-HOUSEHOLD ! , ; AN ORNAMENT ROR THE PAKLOU. -'I A SOLDIER'S - PAPER FOR ' THE CAMP. ! ,-:frv-1":- ::-A;;..;ic " traveller's V COM P ANION. - PLEASANT READING : FOR E V E R Y B O D Y. A RIG II CAKiiT OF POLITE SO 'JTHEKN LITERATURE ! SUBSCRIPTION Six ppnths 10 The Trade supplied at $25 per hundred.. Addrtss, : ' ! ' i' , "" ' 1 mU B. SMITH, Editor and Proprietor, Raleigh, N. C., -Junei-d6m ; r s . . ... ' ' i ' '. .' i . ; t ' - ;: aveopes I Euvelopes'! A SUPEKIOR .article of ES VLOPES, x C0aercial size, jast received and for file, at the store under . the. -1 : r " i- JaceSO tf CAROLINIAN OFFICC. 1 4 ,- . L of. Mru.i-n!,yirjan.-Jh 1 ff ? T;: : Ktr. -.V1?,c,lt,i? The ftfmf ift tjhu ' U dn.'.to iJ:4rwci ' ' 1 O" f i,Mlfilfa With tilt t li iiiN ! . .1 . . . ... .. : r-.rf: . : . . . . . liXi'E ESjjl COM PAN Y. t Wrv ii cV 1 V 5 : :1 X ? nntnm t; ; iiiond. i . -1 v . - - I I . H J i Ji h iVVV'; much water ?;wnlv : Jhrpu . 1 ' - ' , ' L 1- ' '"'"i 1. . ' f a ' 1 s a S i ? Mi nt not-'c "o na i ft' " m ore " th a n sMiifjttiynf 'tv-trch "are tutav' ?f f$ I : "HI' roiina. n.i in Gt-otgia, Uivti- any other point ,'stt K-hieli biie . Ani A .s ft i B.ta t -1 V ) U It ' l'fi 1 " 1 -' ; Tit A-fclvq' tlHw?; ; tpclotro-!: t"W ai'tiafli w L-' will H'je ti:nin dtritu.-d; 0 ibe piloper uiu;i!ltal 5.Anoj. , . : ' V'H ' '''.!? ! j;ro pert tht vvWjes of ihf-sbl'lirr.lanO'i it J i v e'lj'i . "c?'r unn and 'ptfuv t'oij'fn'l,j'cv.-!--i Ute ovt-r evfivthir.-; -I- ; sr-d;' wup noobiaei'- 'in.ty 'fCf.'T "'W'fypf'' 1 laadabk-ai. -nterprihC the vfrv-W' I to rtidyr !;e ry.;jveKs O.jr. ;my ncitaciLi j will vnabre it to n.akv ta. arVi.Lgr ment 1 complete uccc. . 1 J j he Southern Kxpii Comi:fii'yn- ji all rPouMbmt; .! tH. j'-j these m.ckagws.tlh! lt-hel Acib- J. r 1 Mthd-vl -thelr; . Aitei- sivi if haw n wi-ofon? w'c veil njjiH'Tj?-' ...... , - ...... j . . i eUabli,4 nireiicirs 10, tbe viir I ( fibres p. tb:V nay !t-joy the pit-ViH'jxi l.rftbjr-iecurcd to tae Aruiy of NiJithyn; V i r inia :.K . F. V. SIMS i ; Lieut. .Co, and . y. R Liivi ton, Qtiarterm9?tor . Gen.f ; Ol-'FICE SOUTHE!;N EXPR.KSS CO., ,j A'oovgrA; Ga.. K'b f j t HE SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPA K h'-reby auti v t.h.,..Criewl? and flV'Mv.f" 4rfeitiho A&y d;rN(t 'hernVa:i and' el? vhVtc, Ua iey"rpHwd- cj ry ont nraJigi'n:':".it!i kh anuouncyi! in ti, tibov card' n.ud tbaf they will do all in h rnoer to fulfil it mjiurehieist.: V j I , - Ja.SKS SHUTER, ; "UJen'i Sup't. t Anl-is;i Vis't So. Ep. Co in:'v"P-tt. . . ' . ' f . ' CJSL-AI3IS 'i; . Of Deceased Offers und Soltiicrs. j W11.KON, 6t., Jnne';0tnKl6i. ; HE TJNDl'ii'StdLJ) has been appomtea A 'C'cmiciiioner to.inrestigate, coWect and. pay ever to- ice tariifx emitipu eUims for bount .. arrarage of pay sjid-rllow . aBCts, due o'the're'iu-eseatatiyes of deoeaiedof-. ticers and sol iters from this State. U "? ; !' The pai-tius entitled a; e; fl.s'at, tae Witlow ot thirdly, the father, :if therp be neither widow, child, eh'ildTen or father t1en, four,lilT, the toother of the dsceaed, and in default of all rf thee then; fifthly, the executor or adniin'utia- tor ot tJie aecea.ea. i' v . i i The chmrant or claimants must fujiiish his, h'cr ov their aiiidavit. and that of 0aeiivnter letedl w itrtesrsas to tiie relationship, aodju all cases', where thi cl iawti.s not th widow, the affidavit, most negative the existence of aelaim: ant or claiir ants' of a higher order. The Jus tifce of the PeacA, befeie whom the athdayit 'm snb3ertbed.mur.cH tifv to th credibility of the witness, and 6'lork of the bounty Court uiuft. certify, under th seal of the Court, that he is a Justice of Mthe Peace. . I j;: , i If ithe claimant or claimants be a'; child orr rhUflrpfi' f;' th decfcased. and he, she uF thay' er euaroian must iw.ceniusu wj, of the Connty Court Clerk." " I J When tha clai j-is siade by an executor or administrator, the fact Vf the executorship pr administratorship must be certified- toj undt eeaj by th ou-4tT Court Clerk. '-'Ivj.: . Mil of these-paper aovia ot eiK n cyi- te. : '!-:: - i - ''.- ' ' fjf '' An voerson directlv interested will be furbish ca ed, upon application to jne, with a proper form "of fhese papers iu full; a cupy of whichvfor the greater convenience of parties, will be forwar ded! asoon as ' practicablej' to' each ronntv Court Cleft'. . " M ' ' This' coin mii'sion itr intended to facilitate the collection of these claims, and. tavc the claim ants all expense. - ' j" ,' . " . Parties interested niay materially aid e in thrt iinvestrat;cTvf their. claims, if at the time of fprwardin their paper to me, they ill in-, form me of the date of the death of the deceas ed, where' he died, was killed, ' whether ,or!not thei or: any one: for . them, have received ;the4 rer8fnJl etl'tcts. which deceased had witli him I at the tine of -his death, ana thttb r orinot er cesirauie tuai an ciaia-s wura w l forwarded at cs early a day as may beipraeti calfte. -Io all cases, rivo the claimajitf' iPost OiUce and County in tnll. - ' t. i 1 - ! JNO. A .STANLY,; I23-tf '"'"' CoMimissiohe r. ITOtli) "SUPPLY f tt extra Sne'e'rew- tobacea, which I will sell on "ftccom- mJatine tei atiBctermsi wholesale or rewit. - JuneiMtf I. ROLLINGaW.ORTH. 1 rrrGimpowOEi For sale by JAMES M RTINE. , the deecajed-, if an v, ir: thuro be no wido w:,then, sucridly, the child or chiWrexi, if the- e, be mch, if tilths -'he ft i tW v. idii' or children 1 then. be iirinors, the claim must be propouji,.icd by hi, her. or-their guardian, and the fact i his beinff euardian must b.certiUed to uhr seal -the tvceaiea (il a no-cmaissionfO . mwr Drivat. V.had'-ever received th." Statela bounty. I . 1.1 - . fl -1 - : :.' rMcCLELl-AN'SXETTEh CREATES -AT :SVJOX tAMON'tj THE' rEACE' ' ijchv osi j 'bent.- 1 4. Th New T erk .! paotr- tiie 12th have wcu received . -i 1 ' : I'm- war t5vr unimportant. VIcOieIlas tter of; acce'ft:itice ciinsarf crat sensation " i'tuotig: flw:'i wt? . Democracy. . I he rew j;dioar ip c-uhjaou with . tno UnTntion j j that tnitk-rtd , the aowiination. Jlullally '.editor of ih Metropolitan liacnrd, repn- i.. - . , , ,Tas OI? p wy to canvass Pennsylvania, withtrev his appointmtnt and rttdruod V0n id dwgtist;" : " '. j'' G':Idi-clSiwl:'222;, " : - . . ;S r - , - ! . . .. j rEreit.E.LRG, Sep' 14. Sotnt 'glurmtsb-' i?sg .r jour right, to-day, and heavy chn ncnadtnjjjatiiug thp lines. -r The City Vvap vhtll d jrnot ' vigorously this morning. Some dmrii;e was sustained, but no scii' oiis a- clf-nt occurred." The tiemr ad vanced pickets somewliat or oar ex irvrriH rHf'Ht y esterduv. hut lv s followed with no movement of importance. j RicnMoxrv Sep. 14 Tho Herald of th? 1 2th sni's our recent victories and njnvurs vict or.y to com', the fct that all the t k'srvjidiite ark upon a war'"'' ' pint f i hi, the KucTelH!' hewoari, aft4 oth. tir raujjes all comhinod had thj elfect to bringdilvrn Gtdd to 219 on Saturday. j Vilhindighum, fler reading McC e;lnn's ie-tter. tehgi-9 plied to his friends in Yfavh" iinj!ton dwi all hope is lost; and withdrew froa the, r.-invy-sR. The Loiiisvi le Journal 'plnceR the Chi cago tirket at th?. head of its columns, j; Cas' tJeitounce? the platform jis an ig roniiniius- surrender to the rebels, and. avs he! c:nKot support it." Tho y.llow f-Vt r is abattRg at Eevmuda, t ' ' - - -:.-. Tub FxAKrLi: of our Gknerals.- An 'exchange s;iys : When General Lee crossed t e Janies fiirly in? June, - he called his staff an ti nd him. and kneeling tnder the: rh ule o a- spreading . oak. o'Sered up a rnrsfferycBt prayer for l'iyin guidance a id Btyenglh, and sue ess in the new stage of the campaign upon vh;6h ho was enV terin.. j ;;-..;.; . j ' . :. I A correspondent relates an exceeding ly impressive ceromotiy at Gen Hood's headquarters on Wednesd.a3' evening last in .he suburbs of Atlanta. 4 The Rt. Rev; Bishop Lay, of the. Protestant Episcopal. Church," assisted by the Rev ; Dr. Quin tard, alminisLred. the rite of Baptism : to jsetci al members of Gen. Hood's staff, aud' subsequently the r;te of c nfirmation to tho General himself.' tit was a scene, we havo been told,-long to be remembered; The ceremony was performed amid -the roar of rtilUry, 'and this gavo a novel in-'' terst to a scene which on ordinary oc casions is more than sacredly itopresstye. : ' j' " ' r- A Touch" kg Incickvt.- A young ministerwent ont td preach and ohserTed .'during the discourse, a lady who seemed to be much affected ; After meeting.V ha oncludied to pay- her a visit and see ' what wre th impressions of iicr mihtlj He approached her thus r '"Well madam, what were yon so affected about during the preaching to-day?'' 'La, me' said the lady, 'I'll tell you. ' AWout si?: years ago,, me ad my hi:i4)aiHl moved to thi3 pUce and 'all the" property! we had was-a jack-- " .Holand he did, and me: ami the beast Were left alon ; At ' lasr the beat died, and to- tell you the .'truth", ' your vbico put me so, much in rhind5 of thai; dear old eritter, that T couldn't help ta king on and crying. about it right in mee tin'. No ro ire questions Were asked. . A Mile P r, in RaTis . advertises 'a salve for the proiduc;in of a slight , down-j . rn tK. tir nf lr?T o litft tnninlo 1- I V l. . . i if , ' v. . .. v. . w mm ...... 1 . 1. j so great per F'ra is tne lavor xnac nair on tne up- : r cie oi v . . . . t ... . liriof isisa " i Vrs-i-lTad" with m ! - Rofc-'and Xettcr; Printer. . ' ' a-B-; 4 Ju.e-?;i-tf Cat;olima.v opvict. upsHntil.a thick strrnp. ih the rt-ialt- cm " Gen. ShetnvAn lias ;disp!nVd ;mrkicl v' j ffbilhy in conductihj bjs campaign, To fc - , njm " i H-'rr " ' ? ' k ' .- ? ,,Vrt , -L ' ? N Ufl T.rt flltAUf 111 V ti tTl I .lull all . ( t " , . t - ' he projected. 1 Geii. Johnston' plan of"' -ih -cfarnpaijii : was thT tie : ens. ' Th ? ; commnnicatiohs of! Gen; Sherman' 4 VhonkV havo been dtatroyed befre i;e croMd the. Cnattr.hoocl.vee That tvys the -plan . of , th ab anI 'expeiencecl . leadfr . of . onr ; army. Those lij ,fn RictAtn md xoatro! . miiitftfv mni?anrjerra will t-a sbl i it iii pd,'t rpair thj disaster vrh:c:i they' " j did not present. As " Mr Kitchio tpm vcustrud t say Nous verron. - . ; . , i in . . - t i,. . . - t TTA3M. A -Cincinnati paper hit . tl:. following conceruijig thf weather iu-'Hc,-'' Jopo!: ." . ; - A steamboat wsis at tbe wharf dischar ging lead ; a nigger , would start r with " ' bar on.hia ht;der, but before he could get to tho dray, tho lead would melt and ' run over the freesoiler, inakinsit nci ... ry to :ht him outtwith a coldchiseL,, i 3 Y THE GOV. OP NORTH 'CAROLIN A ' . "TTT HKP. EA 3, it IS REPORTED; TO ME Y Y that many soldier from the troops of thia State have deserted their colors and cobs- -, radwind are novj lutkirig in the vroodfr aad1 mountaiu,eome bhrid5ii; their frinils to violate the law by aiding theta and otJierB by. violent. depredatiOAuivi peate abla citizffct, -eutrtilinp shamj;- and obloquy upon themselye and their posterity, outraging thelawsaml the pe:tce of society, and amaiiig' -j-the cauae of tleir hard oree?ed ceuctiyi. 7 ' . . . And, whereas, Gen. Robert E. Xe, d (3e'n-v eral Order No; 54. Aug.TOthr' li4,ia proso- jsed to deal lenienUy with all jwbo .prdujptlr" return" to duty, thonph tbey rcizy hifeinfcjwj 'd ' the pensltiei of desertion, bv; prolonged ibi wee. without authority, j; Now, therefore, 1, Zebu- Ion 11 . Van tk; Oov ern or o f t h j S t it of Nort h -. Carolina, do issue thw my proclamation, urgi ing .most earnestly.'. upon all ; uch' - zaUgtticU4 .men to. wipe out-' From- their once rrcspt'eted ' names me ukii siaio omcswiiou oy;proutpty'M ; t etmrning to the ibt of duty in accordance, V'th said General Order No. 54, pro7ni6in'g t' all sach. who -voluntarily return or van nrfe' them3eL es to the proper authorities a fuliniid " fres pardon', or'theanuictLui of only the miNi-'" -est penalties of the:railitani law,, except tho' , wno nave oeen guilty 01 capital monies against the lives and roperty of iheicitueus, and this promisa shall hold good frtr thirty days. from : the date.- hereof. "And 1 hereby: warn all atih -vho refuas to coinplv with thce ttiiuf tlat the utmost power of iTtte will be ekerted . to capture them oridrive them from th bo-" drs of a couniy whose high honor and spotloa renown they disgrace by rcfusing' to" defend, ; . and that the' extremest penalties of tlielaw wiJi. be enlorci-d withyutexecption when 'atigbt, wtll against their-' aiders' and abvtterg in the civil courts-: " SihittltanAaufily wjth thtff raela--nation orders will issnfcto the entire militia of the State to turu Out for. th-:ir a Test, andl hope by timely snmission tLy A- ilisparc m. t thc' paio of ' hunting down liV'e gnilty ,fIona many brave and ad?rnkiel - kcu who-' Ifare" served thoir couiitry well and could do so again. IVgertei from oher A'tats who hide in our- , woods and assUi In giving our . State, a. bad name, I can do nothing for, lot "to thverriag . soldiw-B Of North Qarohtia I eopfidontly app'eih" -And. 1 , earnestly all; on all gooji t ili?-fc U ai sist me in making this appeal vctual both by their influence n men, to take p-iiaj Wotk out all deserters of -their; put thia prodamatioTiin their haucbi, hrinjtbe hs4nd 'off their relatives and lrtendi,aijd Mrre upoB-thetdt' - to rgtarn to the path of duty, bich L alto the -path of safety and of honor. If every good and loyal cititizen would rvt abohi" to r,-elaim or captere one dest-t ter by orrery j rneaiia. fca iliix power, he would tocceed and he ill have rea- deretl a most' valuaylfendnjatrioti.S'frvtee't ' h is S t te an d cou a try Ci r i 1 Jn agisu ate s ar; also ixhorted to he .diligent iu, proceeding ac-ainsfall pach us lvioUt the statute against" harbtjring, aiding, or abttting.dBerters, ad w arnini? is hertUv riycn that in all cas eRher civil raagiittror militiaorhorae guard' ouicersTefuse or neglect to faitlifully jferfcrj-a; their dnty mtbis reijpect,'upon proper evidence submitted to Biepthv;hxecutivc rpTotei5tiori ok- tended to thei under ats. of Congress shall be - withdrawn, ;sT cannut' certifv- ihat'-oficerf.; cwu oT irauuarv, win;rciujwi:4Tr&)rm tbeir duties are necefaary to thedueadmini-itratjoa ofthclaws,; w-hklitheT will HorexctUt. . ' .: Op'cd binder bp hadr and th j the 5tate,' at Raleigh, this 24th day ef Aagtut, J. 18C4 . '.": . - "-- t .. . ' ...... v it 4 vr in . lr th Governor's"' : : r A.3L AlePd-raE, .PriTate Sec'y, pro tern. :ug2fi-dlifl2w -. j f. ,r TV r wwm . -w - - t-.r- - ; . . - - . - - . - ,' . ! - . . r 's ' . . , i