: ' ... s ' V . " f . i 10 VOL ill iVv. fiSvK-U' ;; : f LOWERS COLLECTION ' - i . . - . -. i ; j- 1 , i ' i I 4 p.; ;,t.j -.srorjiviiv THE' NOntH OA.R0LIXIAN- isltaw4:r& err'ed to ?abic?iber.-? a to? at OXH DOL L..V:U -jep .weetia adran l:iya,ble to the Car- . v.c4U r Q ;4riU. I K!b-1s fopis cnts. -; &i.-.reat!is Fir- DyLLAKS. Tmree . mbnth, i.xuHi ' Siii -lu' conies T Ii u 1 i y n CiiA 1 iWHl.ArtS. (i mailed ix; mo -LAlWtricl in;..,n.nt f.ir the CAKWyn-K-wiU be ,ir.l TitirKH DOLCARS lier 3arc lor n.;i,',.l;'..iri.ri in-.Tlian. eirrbt lines r.ls A.i'ertii.aen-w . tor th-3 lvrstuonscKR wnl be ir.Mrtc4 j.oikss- in i " apt;,-, and charged aiil ' W L.'a 4at'bilcttar, t;'3 'oipntr must accom c!catb3, reliiioas. ud other nties ' charged vis aurer- ! I 3 o Sic c i 1 oo... .4. 2 00.... i 1 lU....... 1 J 2 00 3 00 :i oo. 4 &o i oo oo .. 1 :vj 3 00....I...... 00 4 00....J....... 2 6G2i 5 00 5 00. 7 50 10 00..T fi 10 .00.............. la 00 IS O0....J... 25 00.... U. 10 00 2-2 00 i s .rtuL "io oo..:............ 30 oo 2S 00...ij....... 1 co 00...!.;. 20 oo 35 00....;....... 23 ZV4 40 00........... 2G W 45 00..,.;....... 30 00 50 O0........ 33 33J.fI 55 00...J.... 3C 06 CO 00 40 00 - 5 00....i...... 43 3:Uli 25 00... 30 00..; 35 oo..: 40 00.. I 4500..: 50 oo..; 55 oo..; GO 00..'. tS5 O0..L 37 50 45 00 52 50 G 00 j 07 50 75; 00 .......... 2 50 .......... HO 00 ... ;. 97 50 ,. 105 00 ... .;....H2 50 120 00 70 O0....r.....- 4G GGi 70 00.. 75 OO....J.....u $Q 00 75 00.. SO 00 S3 334 80 00..! 85 oo.....i...... so uersa oo..L.,..i- 127 50 DO 00 U..... GO 00 i 30 00. ...13a 00 . ff5 0(J..........;3 33'4j !: 00.J............142 50 100 OO....i....V..6C CGifk 100 004.......... U0 00 jfirNOPSlei Of FUNQINO ScftEMK OK CUlt- BKKur BlL a:s to States East of the Missrssippi. -Non-Interest Bearing $100 Xotcs. ' "Receivable ir .pnVdic dues be fore April 1st; 18G4, at par; from- and af ter April 1st, 18C4, not receivalfjlQ at all, imt ' i . ;-!;. . J . -. ' Fundable 15: Foup per Cent. Bonds. Before 1st April, 1864, at par. Kfom 1st to last day of April, inc , at 665 loi 11 1st to last day of May, inc., at G6f l''fom 1st to last day of June, inc., at 4 l'rom lstto"lait day -of July, incl, at 36 l4m 1st to lalst ln.y. of .Auj.7incM at 26f I j-om 1st to last; day of Sept., inp., at 16f S wept away by mont'ly tax, Oct. inc., at C j Any ;nori-ihterest bearing- $100 notes tuislil on tlie first of January, 18-65, are t:icd 100 per cent.', thus destroying every vetdie of value. 1 j. "vi jX the f REPORTER'S 31CTI03?ARY, j BASED ON PHONOGRAPHY, IN PRESS and shortly 1 9 be published, a book with the aboTe title, prepared by the subscriber, who has had Dearly 20 yeara prac tice ia Phonographic writings haying been at one time emploved as -an oificial reporter in the United States Seifate, 'and, who has been for the last seventeen months,; and 13 how, ri pnrter of the Atlanta Intellianeer. j The Dictionary will contain indications, bj means of? a simple nomenclature, tr writing with Phoiiogripliic letters, aDoui zu,owu worus of the English language, of ninety-nine one iundrethls j of ; those in , common use the re maining words bein easily written after these; are learned. .? L . i S In the ilntrodnetion to the Iictionary, sim ple instruction will be given jfor beginners of the study of phonography, wih lithographed illustrations, prepared by one! of the best ar tists in the Confederacy. The object of the publication is to make a srAxbABD tor Confed erate Reporters, and to render; it possible for the much coveted and beautiful art of Report-, lag, to be learned even without the aid of a teacher. I ; f As the work will be expensive, , new type . hiaving been procured expressly for it, only a raall edition will be issued. j 'Those who de . ire copies ar requested to send to the author "their orders at once", (to be( recorded,) accem- Eanied with the price .of -this same, which will e five dollars per copy. The book in paper cover, and suitable for use, will be sent to all subscribers, .bv mail, without additional cx 'pense; " A. E. MARSHALL, . , dtf i Augusta, Ga. ' JVuctiomeer and I' FATETTETILLR, X. C. June i0-3m '': FOUR PER GENT. BONDS. "XTTANTED A few 4 per cent. Bonds. YV Apply; at the f 15Xtf f CAROLINIAN OFFICE. ' A FEW! more volnmes of 'Robert and Sar- ; J : ldr The Youaj Marooners,'.' toJ ' reuer with, "Duncan Adair," by Mrs. Jane TJ Cress. 5 J.USX reeeivea at !l7,FIar!et Sqnarc, i . ,"i v i k. i .1 ,n-r k i . r.si. u vv eet.iv :ourtir . ' - . n, iiii d i,,,!. 4 . . . . . i It; T j-.' w i ti uuni i,:n iic ia;vcHM . t : - ii. - 1 ne-.?3iaper, puuncst a ny viuw, t Shucks w blC 0(1 Iiacdred The r-lniir.ant or claiinant? nmst fajui?h his. J j ' vfsr';.: ' U i I-.... , ft'. V H. Illll.l.l . i . . - . - . . - v,. i. i !' -. . . . . : t . . . ..... ' ' I l"JTriPn - , , v;:;t .V. m i laia uoru... ...... 5-0 w ii'J -tjj u? t? uasuci ,r- nersOF tueir'aaiCavit, rua t? . :-f -r-- tiyi y) L.UJUA , lO Jill lj iai " kcr.---.- ;;7T"7" ... j. : ' i r . rRw.k..W -03 . fo- "55 .iu?4cl .'!', where the enimantwufc thc.vidivvj tha tin AT 7 trV Vi T,rir rr--i i-T'tr1!i r i . i . .it i . 1 1 t 7 - sill f j ri .. l .. - - ' w w.H - . 1.1 CORRECTED BY .T V" ITT- Sr.rr. 15, -1SC4. .. 4 2;. 4 75 V ft ..... 2 CO (5? V -' g 4 50'? ........ ... ...2 60 v r , r. CO V no g oa Vfr -1 50 y 1 75 V is oo v J' 1 B:icoa '.. bird Batter C ttnit , Cotton 1 Hfu U.iFrmt... Apple AJ,,ch,S 75$1? j,,vlract Lojcmwd $5 if3 SO Jb pj ,ur-: 11 75 J barrel KUxeei l2Cn 13,00 bushel Fi-dder .... $10 (i( l't V hundmi 31 ' -Green. 2 50 jft 3 00 lb Dry........ u Sivedop ejit'aer thper ..- 5 50 ft) ft 00 1! ..... ? 6tJ 4 50 y Jb IS 00 V IbJ fiaU .A.......:. -.15 00. 3 4r;,.CorsC..,rll'Vliiskev.........40 00 rttalioii' Ayle and I'cach Brandv....... 40 00 'p gallon MlaMiM 'S2u- 2o 0 V KJl'n- iil? " 50 Q 4 OO . It joioiis' ......15' 00 -20 00? bushel fotatoeF-lrib ........... $8 '10 00 p ,bu?l ! -,;et - SIO 0'J tU'be RU-e H:....rov? :fv Km-ar ... '..7.4....A...- 10 :1 5 Tip Toilet ;...:.,i.t'...'i 00 7 lb -Uu -its T nrpvPtine 6 00 ' ral. Fa etterill 4-4 Shefct-iossl 50 3 25 Yard $5 00 (fi) 40 p burihel ...2- 50 ' ? OU V lb Vo d '.JL..M6- 00 . 8 00 "i lb , wwm-m TfiE 11j "LIUS'ff It ATE S ITIEStCUtti' ! THE Ct'RKAT LITERARY WEEKLY THK GU MAT LITERARY -WEEKLY; : OF THE SOUTH ! . OF THE SOUTH !' A SUPERB FAMILY JOURNAL 1 A SUPERB FAMILY JOURNAL ! BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED, v BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED, iLEOANTLY .Pi LNTKU . LLl'Xi ATLY 1'IilMTED l-.YERY SATURDAY, EVERY SATURDAY, HAS A LARGER, : HAS A LARGER MORE TALENTED more talented CORPS OF CONTRIBUTORS COUPS OF CONTRIBUTORS THAN WAS .EVER BEFORE ENGAGED 'HAN WAS EVfclR BEFORK ENGAGED IN ACTUALLY AY KITING FOR IN ACTUALLY WRITING FOft AN Y AM ER in AN PAPER 1 , ANY AMERICAN PAPER ! BRILLIANT, CHAR31ISO, HH1LI.IANT, . CHAliMtXO, ' AND THRILLING AND THRILLING WiTn ROMANCES Wl'TU KOMANCES, SKETCHES, , ---"V SKETCHES, rr . TALES ; ff TALES . OF -REAL . . REAL L I FftE, LIFE, .4 , t n v. T R HISTORY. II I S T O R)Y, BIO G R AP H Y, ' -BlOG'RAPHYr . ; N O V E L E T T E S, - N O V. E L E T T E SV ESSAYS, CRITI- SMS, - ASSAYS, CRITICISMS, WITIC1SMS MCELLANY, "VYITK7ISMS, MISCELLANY, . INCIDENTS AND ANECDOTES, INCIDENTS AND ANEC DOTES, . OF THE - WAR. AND ITS HEROES, OF T 1 1 E. V Air A N D ITS H EROES, " INCLUDING -TRANSLATIONS, IN. LLD1NG x ANS LATION S, FliOM THE GEKMAN, FRENCH, f FROM .THE GEBMAN. FBEJNCH, AND OTHER LANGUAGES, AN l Oi HER LANGUAGES, ' A HOE JOUkN AL FOR THE HOUSEHOLD ! AN ORNAMENT . koR THE PARLOR. A SOLDIER'S V - PAPER FOR - ' THE CAMP. . A . I traveller's OO M P A NT O N. PLEASANT READING FOR EVER YBOHT. A RICH 'CASKET OF POLITE SQUTHERN LITERATURE ! SUBSCRIPTION Six months.. S10 The Trade supplied at $25 per hundred. - Address, ., Will. B. S3IITH, Editor and Proprietor, Raleigh, S. C. Juhel-d6m ; yi Envelopes ! Envelopes ! A SUPERIOR article of ENVELOPES, Commercial size, just received and for tale, at the store under the ' . Juce 20-tf CAROLINIAN OFFICE. '.-'!--,. .'CLAIMS .'ai" r; deceased Officcwnd sdthicrs. Of Wtlsov. y fi. Juj,o 2ottd isdi. HE UNDnKSl(iXCLt,biii bern apoiiitu a Ccmmi.'.voncr, tft iirrwliat. eoik't: ,-trd a r;it(!("to the y rties";& j3ed. theV-ltol H Claims iVi: bouut . arrt;ave of rar fijianow anc: , d a to t u e rep reseiiteti Vi o I' tIe,'C;Ut-d wl-' Th he pairtiit eatitled aro : ittst, tbejdow of deceased, if am, i f tbc-rfce'Wo w iKvvr rJrr the M'Cndly ji the child or cluiurei. f f there Vi srieb. ii tliv-TC w fieiUier ffms'sr Intdf on tbe. .thi;?dtj, the father?if thei e. be -Beither -idow, child1 ehildf or father t?en, "f.ttlfjr the ant or clajmants of liigheTorder.The fJus tice of the Peace, before .wVom tire affidavit is pubjfcribtd mu?t certifr to th or credibility nfthe v i t b exsi.aKi ' C le'r k of" the Cotjat?-.' Coin: t ?h u . t -cerii. t$Jkr"taeei of 'the Coiirt,i.ihah.-e is- . 1 1 t h e- ciai in a ft t xjt -claiir.antv b e'a : chil 4 .or ! children of the deceased,, and he, s.hov thy be r.Inoi s, the claim must be 'propouiided by hi?, her or their guardian, and the favt of Iris being gtiardianmust bev cevtiiied to, iindevjseal :.of t vi County.; Court Clerk. ,5 ;; . j j- - Ayhi? t.ha clfti-' is ii:ad by an er-ecutoir or adinirdstrarori ihe'fact of thc; exocutoiVh i-ji 01 adm in is t ra torship : must be ee'rtilltd "to,! undt-r seal by the County Court Clerk.-: T" r J. j Alii of these -jujpers jshould te Kcnt iii n'pli - ca'c'. - i .. , .' ' ' '-;;-!.' j ; : A?--.y person directly interested will be fftrnish ed. npon application to me, with a proper 'form of these papers in fullj a cory;of whicli, foi the greater convenience of partie?, will be forwar ded j a .soon as may be practicable to each County Court Clerk; . ; ' ' ; V"-. This commission is intended to faeiiitatfi the collection of these claims, and savc the claim ants all expense. ; ' , i Parties interested may material I j id 1x?e in the investigation of their claims, if at the time of forwarding their paper to me, they wil in form me of the date of the death of the dectas ed, where lie died, ''was killed. whether or! not they or any,one for them, have received; the' personal eli'ects which deceased bad Av;ith )im at the. time of his death, and whether rj not the deceased (if a noB-commissioned oGfcer or private, ) had ever received the State's bounty. Jf i very desirable that alL claims syouijl be forwarded; at as early a idar as inay by practi cable. In all cases, 'rive the claimants rot Ollice and County iu lull. ?:Z '. I .JNO. A .STAN'LT. 123-tf Cojomigioner TO THE FRIFADS OF THE SOLD IKttS i. Urouyjaout :tt CJ011 Ai4lk;cy (CARTEKMASTKB C;XKRAi pElURTiJEN-t. j . KkiLKOAO DuuaU, ': KiCHmcXi). Feb. 20th. 1 J ' r aKE friends arid jrelativw, of Fol4ierp in X th Array of ISprtbern Virginia jare hereJ3y "Otitied thai an vari-aiiemep-t has this day i'cen effected with the SOUTJIERN EXPRESS COMPAIfY. to carry; all pack ages of food aud wearing apparel to Rich-- mono, v a. ; To recure the advantage thus j through iheoxpw coiopauy, the instructions mut be observed :. -J obtained 'w "i"o fnnfcn..Tes must not contain -more than ne hundred nounds: be well secured, and illinlv marked, and sent at theeti ol th$ uppet to either of the Soldier; II ejiel Associations, wtiicu .are. loea.tert --.a?,f mimwp: In North Carolina, at Ralei-h; in South Carolina, at Columbia?. in GeoriaJ jit Au gusta; in' Alabama, at Montgoiyery; oi at any other point at tthich One oftlieSeAs ociations have au otnee. . 'y :f; i The Agents of the.se Aociatiotis jyill there take charge of. them, and -aiptt'dajUy, by Southern Express fjjBpauy'. to w ;'prop erjAteuis of th respect; ve State s'at Ii ich mond, who will se therii 'distributii' o'lhe proper iadividnal owner?. i' v f- To meet the vdshes of Ibe soldier?; fxxd to gijre.them a certain and ppeedy commuuica tia with home the Soatbiirn ExprosCom pany has agreed to -gU e tliff rreig;J;t; rf ier ence over-everything jl, s awlj.ftuodef that no obstacle , may occur to. ihe'suceepp ofloadablrf an - enterprise, the r tf-veral Rivilroa't Companies are herehv requested . to! reader the Express Company fiich tapili f4 ap will enable it to isake thisrraugt. ment a complete uccepfa, 'V r'Vyy j As tbeV Southern Expreis Compauy f as. Mmf-a ali're?ponsibtUty -;the'tr1?pta iifn ol those packages tie Relief A8sqpi-a-i J. Arf . reitu-ed t Vithdraw their A uc f t Wto have nerctopre acted As travel og u'Ppeugers... I f the rRelrel'AsJociatiou will V-tabliph agencies if the rearjof there ai mies, Ibey may enjoy tli9anr privileges retebr. secured- to the Army "of oxttiern- I Lieut. Col. and Quartermaster, Annroved. : - ':v;;" y. K. Law ton, Quartertnaster. GetK (W Fl It SOUTHERN EXPRESS CO. , ) IAoousta, Ga.; Feb 20. lSfi4. i'lliv $i)CTllERN EXPRESS (OMPA , hereby j-ti y the friends and relative S. ' ie;V ;V. the Army ,t Norihitn Va., ami v. . y re. that they, are prepared to carv lit ariangements as announced in th abtve V aid and that they wjll do all In b.r power to fulhTits requiremfensst 1 I James shuter, (Jen'I Sup't. & Acting Treat So E.xp. Co may0-tt. . 1 ';''. --.. -...r. ', r A .9 GOOD FUPPLY of that extra 2ne chew- ig tobacco, which I will sell'.bn accoia- modatm g terms, wholesale or retu.;. r JunelO-dtf ' I. HOLLIXGSWORTH. . T5 MISTRESS AND MAlDi 1 TUST REOIEYED a few more copies of that f-ej excellent NOVEL at . .r ? . k ' y. 'o. 17, Market Si uare' nmthrr ot tae necejrec.it, soi? h itiefault of sJI of these then, fifthly, the .escCufor or adiiifcistr a t:r of the deceased i 1 fVS!;'.: Vi '"f.K-V";'-" ei Aioefa(io2i. IStJ-t Kate; edccrdlnrrtb Act of Coutrre? in the rear bjv J. Si'Thra?ber. in the Olork' 'i5ice u'1tiieDir-tr4ct 1ourt of the Confederate I htate, tor .tj-.e AnbernJJiti ict of (reorcia r jPOOM JiCOD3 ABMY. ; iiibM i.HBrs ARjrr. . Af-BIULLtANT AlFFAIR BY IIAMP i : T(!N : ;. -; SHELBY'S VICTORY IN ARKANSAS. Mobile, Sept 1 ( -i-A gunboat on yes .tei 1;!V va:ni, ' lo:-c inhon?,; neir they iuutn of. Ii l iven ' Our;; field huttenes lopeiied iviigl a faw od sliots; ; when ertfiityii -! s eated. It is reported hat 'the enemy, have -repaired the gunboat Gaines sv4 put her in comtnissien. - ' The-Fish River expedition returned badly peppered by our cavalry. j; ; Macon, Sept le.-i-E-xiles frosn Atlanta report that Shermaw's armv is beino- ran- iuiy aepieteu oy men whose term of ser vice Imve j expired going' home. - Some, statements'.; place the number already at 10,000. J I Yesterday, vras universally observed throughout the' State a$ a 'day of lusting and prayer- by the army and people, i he Chattanooga' -Gazette. cf the. VJtli receiveel.. j It says that Wheeler had' been" driven Irotrj MuidW Tennessee by Stead-' man. Morgan's staff has arrived "at Chat tanooga. ; Sherman hns issued a congratulatory nduress to his army, saying that they bad completed a tireat canipaijn,':nd tHa'ril? TaTToTAtTanbr ted to a mistake it; Hood in sending hi cavalry to! the rear.i We must concede, he says, to our-coeipy, that he met us patently and skilfully, but at last he made the. mistake xr jsuro mentioned. So son as; his cavalry wa in oiJr rear, Ur beyond ; the read) m recall, instantly' our cavalry vj,s on his niy re.ii;;ui.ir, road, we followed cv ickly wii.h the wain 1 into our possession. -Shelby's victory in army, and Atlanta le Clixto's,; Sept 10. Arkansas i$ complete. The railroad is torn up for several miles. Oiie entire regiment of Yankees was captured. The army worm i has destroyed all the cotton cropis on the'; iver from Vicliiburg to New. Orleans, , The yellow fever i?' vcry violent at Key West and Tortugas. Ricirnop, Spt J7 Nw Yoik dates i to the :otn state tijint preJum miry steps have bejejv ijtslcen by the friends "of pea:c to call a National Convention of Demo ocrats to nojninafo icandidai.es fur Presi dent and Vice President. ; rKTKnsciiRG, : Scjf t. 10. IJamptcn's cavalry-. jma$e a.'mopt successful dash into the encray's Line on Thursday, ncarSyea -mere Church, Irinc(? George County, 17 jnile from! this Cijty. capturing 2,000 head of. beef cattle, 300 prisoners', a num ber;' of! -horses- Tand .10, wagons. The i spoils are bqvv ; safe in the Co?. federate Klines. L Gregg's Division of caval ry m ade an citort" to- .cut ; off ; Hampton, but was J handsomely Hogged for his handsomelv flowed for" b? .n t, .,;," i: ' , , nam?. , i r 1 auu ea6er tor anothercharge at Grant's choice eag,er beeves. Gkckada, via Mopn.E, Sept. HT. Mem phic dates of the ISth have bee receiv- j ed.; -1 Gov. Flaniagan,of Arkansas, called a special session-ef the Legislature. : Communi'ation ietween Memphis and Little Rock is interrupted. The Mem phis Argus says art fficiaj Bulletin from Sec'y Stanten gives interesting facts re lative to the call oot of 500,000 men. - Credits to States f6r previous excess con sume 2-5 of the number, leaving '35,000 men actually rated, I S of the last amount meets all if e requirements of Gen. Grant, f T,he remaming 2-3 to supply cas- ualities in battle, joss bj discharges and deseninglgarrisorj forts, dispersing guer rillas and j keep epn communication. Macc 17.-It ps reported, with a con siderable isho-T of truth, tliat Sherman ha Report fd hy I lie P ii (pjKst for Gov. r.n'ff p, ! Vj president' k-fT.d.fV grd Fnaf r Iv ' J-' r v. oi5rp ro-v iiRV;.-fi rit-fti:ty. ck chief tf Mali to uei:eral -ilocH.- . ;,; . Exiles fr-? Atlanta rontin;c :to cc?;:e mtr oar linep; ievernl in;n(Ircl'fnmi!tc v nave. tion i:jia2u.aU-ie Oensv Hofd :ir.d SI orrafin "nave fncetl u:vh a i j c-xcnr.e f 000 'irisoi - rs.. ?evefil hnerci d'tie nuftiU-rViU j oe $ent i rv. Srd.lo-Hight for tliis purpose. Kicji:isn, Sept. 1 7 Tim fouowiug- w a, re jrr rdio-fi; ll2Ar QcAliTi'HSVprr-At driy-- rl'?bt-' f yesterday. t the r cnmv's k:rrmsh -' " liv;es, "west of thij 'Jone&bbrV Plank road was driven l;ac)c upon their ertrench iijcnts along thcijr whole extent. At the same point. Hnmpfon attneket. his position NortH of the Norfolc Rr.i'lroa'd. r.ear Sy ea rn ore Church.' j;he rmiit of. this fittackr will be found cHewhre,j Our entire loss' ' -does not exceed 50 men.' , : L I j f.f rx it rcs ifi;yif the Confkituiiate Dictionakt; 4 1 1 '-. 'Benevolence. rfe i y i n g half a bushel of green fruit, to a -published in all country.. ; ospial, nud having-lit the newspaiers in the. Chart' fji re fu sir, 2: a, soldier's wife .a barrel of flour,- and then falling on' ; j-oiir knees to thank God you are 'not as otlier men.' , - ' - ; . , . " : ' ; Contract A system of exemption ufcq to relieve Government favorites from mil-' .itary "service . ' - Contractor Tjhe person benefited diy the abave svstern-V - He is easily teld bv his cloth coat and snTiare toe bots. General Formerly this was the title" given to the officer rwmmaadiric: an armv.' Theee gentleman jwould be of reat ser vice to the nation if the. Government vrwtld place thenii in "their proper - places. A greup of Generals can be found any warm evening by? I looking cn the shady .ideLthesttU- ; - ' ;'"j ". '; ? Bt Till; GOV. OF NORTH CAItOLl.N I . - A PKOCIAJSATJOI ; tti-ikreas, IT JS .REP'ORTEI) TO MIT , y f ihat man-; soldiers from the troops of tli is State have deserted their colors and com rades, and are 'now lurking in the .woods ht-tl mountains, some of them snbsistins. bv forcif -j; thfii- triends-lo viobu'e th In w? bv'-aid?i- t!u;:a' 8iil tifrs by violent- depredations unhn n py able eiriz.ji!.--, nlaili-iLr siia'riie " and! ob!ur upon themselves and xln ir o.-t-trrii v. on(-; h';T tijeiaws av.d the peae? t -rf soei ef v. and ii;r.8"i4? the caac of their hard ressed fount;! v. ; y ' And. whereas, (ien. Robert E. LWin ft en- ' eral Order No. .i4Ar.g. lQth, IfiU-. has pi 0:W ised to deal Unleirtlr with :H wi-i.aprpmj-.-tlv return to duty, tlianirh they may hsive incmi ed the penaltie? ofdesertiou by proons-ed bs. lice 'ivithout authority J-r' Now! therefore,' 1. Z. bu lon J. Vaijcc. Cioyernor .of 'the. State pf'N oi-th Carolina. c!o uje t1lti ,r3 proelamatioj;. urr inj; most earnestly; upon all snch ifli-(r"uid.-f men to wipe out from thiur once , rejected names the foul ?tai- of desertion bv promntlv Teturning' to the" jiost of duty in .Vmu diWcc with fcaid General Order Xo. ':. pruniisine- Ut filtuch .who vo'untsrilv return or :nrrenttf themselves to the proper :uitho.rit full aij,i free pardon,, or the inHicticHi of oid v the mild-- est penalties: of tlie; military la'.v, except tlrosVj who have been piilty of capital f. lonieg acrin.-t tije 'lve ann property ,f the citizviis, and this promi.-i shall luld good for thirty diiv.s from the date hereof. And 1 hereby warn all such who refuse to coiiply with there tern;? that th? utmost power 4f this Surta 'will -be exertnd to capture tlieiR-rlr Irire t'liem i't .''. the bor- -dors of a .county whose hih honor ; '! spoth-?. reov.-n, tljey disji:aee by refa.-sin'sr to dfend, and t hat the pxhvji!et;,fn;iki,s of the i.nv Wilt "bp n;o:-c.-ri -.vitliout exception wh.tn caught, as well painst -thehj ! aidei and", ?::: ;tters in tht civil court-:.; SI;r eltaruouVly M'ith tW--'procla-mation orders will ipsue to the entire nri!Hia of the State to turn' out for their anWt. arid hope by tiriely subii-jsieri they will ?-)are the pa:n oS'hantib": dowa !ik puilfv frlns' " yy pniany irave am;, ojrtnd-, Jn(,:! v-,o bare . served Mcir couatry well r nd coniddo so aa?r.' 4 j;es'-rte::s irora oqner A.ttes who Jnte in ''r ' woos t.i.i ....stn zinvg vut . State, a. bud isatvic, t can ;(o TrOtiiiir :. bvz to the pn'ir soblitrsof Nrth Carolina 1 coiiifdentiy a'-ofal. .nti i cirre-iiV cea on aji ooa citiz'ns to a.- T e 1 "rw--t r h m !1 r.-.. j Mst ir.f ;n Tr.aking b.s appeal eftVctual. both'.bv their iafptoee as i;e.n, to take pains to keck out all deserters of their acquaintr-nce,. put thw proclamation in tleir hs.nd, or iiijtlae hands of their relatives anl friend, and crge upon them to i tft?:rn to tlie j-ath of duty, which is also the path of safety andjof honor If every good and loyal cititizen wojuld et about to reclaim or capture one . deserter byverv means in hiss power. 1 e would rfncc&etlhd lie will have ren dered a mo'it valuable and patriotic service tf hs State and country. Civil magistrates are also exhorted to be diligent in proceeding : against all sucli m violate the statute against harboring, aiding or abetting- doserter". and ..warning is hereby given thnt in all cagf H wherw either civil ciagitjj-ates or militia cr home guard officers refflse or jnegleet to faithfully perform their duty in this Respect, upon proper-evidence submitted to me, he Executive protection ex- A.-:A U. i .v.li l. I withdrawn, aslW.iBot certifv Ui.t ofiieer?. civil or military' who refuse to perform their duties are "necessary to the due administration of the laws,.' whit h they will not execute. . Gi-ven under my hard, and the gre'at seal of e iState, at RaUigh, this 24 th day of Aujf ugt,- the 1864 v - i .- T 2. B. VANCE ' Bt the Governor t A. M- McI'jTETpas, Private Sec'y, pr torn. aug-6-dlI2 wi : My

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