BY J. - S tNCL AIKt 1 THE DAILY. NORTH CAROLINIAN is served to aabicriber in town at OK DOL LAR per wefc la advance payable to ike Car- rM weekly.: . .- r I Single ?Jpie TNTl FIVE CENTS. -j rates- rot xAiiixa. i . . . i . l Sin He copies 25 cents. Sir month FTF months, KIGxlT TEEN DOLLARS. TUre rw i t inoi' On month THREE pULlAUS. Th "IX raLLIQEKCSK.' -weekly four oagid1wtpaper,piibli8n"ed at this Ottce,is mailed to uberibers at FIVE UOLLA for uz month. THree month THREE JOL LAUS Strictly li anrajoise. " Advertisements w the, CAaei,iirtAwHtbe hr-d'iTiIREE DOLLARS per square for achf end every insertion,! igat lines felesa ?1 constituting a square. ; I . i Alreftisioenw for.t!ie LXTKitifiESCER wiu be inserted j once in Tally, laud charged Daily rate tor that insertion. - ' ! W -a sent letter, the money must accont pan thi advertisement. Marriages, deaths, rel'aious. and ethir notices charged aaadver- 9e .ntfi ana pause dc pa-iw iorsi-ricuy in Ta'if. ; I 1 2 2 3 00 4 50 U 00! i VU...W.V... ; io oo...U.r., I 20 00.......... I 25 Q0..,:..i... , O .OO 7 58 15 00 22 00 30 OOf 37 60 45 0o! 52 50 CO 00 67 50 75 00 . C GG ; 10 00 . 13 38H . 16 66 10 00. J 00. 20 00 25 00... 30 00....... 30 00....... ..0 00 i 35 00..,;.i.... 23 S3H ! 40 00...;.:.,.... 26, 66 ! 45 00.v...... 30 Ott ' I 60 00.... 33 33 35 00. 40 00. 45 oo: 50 00. 55 00. i 65 00............ 3C ...... 2 50 ...... 30 00 97.5fl 105 Oil ....1112 50 .....120 00 127 50 135 00 142 60 150 0 ! an .oo: 40 00 60 00.. $5 oo........ 7d oo:....... 75 00....... 80 00,.. 85 00....... 90 00 95 00....... 100 00....... i 65 uo ! 7() 00 .... 43 ! 75 O0..I.4. ..-50 00 f ....53 33 j m ooi... f 5 00..:.. ! 00 40.J... ...-.58 66. .... 60 00 ....63 'ai 100 00... ....66 66 ! ft YNOPSIit OF4 FtJSU 1 NO OF Cy K I MiswHSiif pi.- . Xon fulercst lUarivrr $1 fiO Notes. I lleccivable public dues be- foro April 1st, 184, D ir: from atid af- Iter Apnli 1st, 1304, nod receivable at all, I , FONDAItLE IN FotTR p.isr Cent. Bonds. f IMoro 1st ApriU 18(i. i lrim 1st to lastdav of at par. April, inc , at 6 6$ Vwva Uikjto laxt day Tay, inc., at 0G From i sitto last day of June, incJ, at 46 j J rih.a list to last day o July,'-inc., at 36 Aug:, inc., at 26 1 vo!u ,1 st to last day of I ioia isi to last day of Sept., inc., at 16 S .vipawav by mont ly tax, Oct. inc., at 6 j Any !nou-intorcst bearing $100 notes lul.l dii itbe .first' of . January, 1865, ste r l-Ml liiu por ceni., nius viuk every vcttR of YalUGj. j I '" ' ii.j : ' x-hic -.; ' i itEUTEU'ft MlCTIOXJLR'ir, BAfeEO ON PHONOGRAPHY, j T2i PBSS and shortly te be published.U I boot yrith the above title, prepared by jjhe subsciibeT, who has had n?arly 20 years prac tice intfFfconog! aphic writing, having been at one titnej employed as an uiticial reporter in the United States Senate, and, who has been for the: last seventeen months, and is now, re porter of the Atlanta Intelligancer. Thei)ictionary vill contain indications, by meansfofj a simple nomenclature, t Jr writing with Phonographic letters, about 20,000 words of the English, language, of ninety-nine one hundretbi of those, in common use the re gaining wordi boiug easily written after these are learned. '- - ' V In tbe Introduction to! the Dictionary, sim ple instructiou will be given for beginners of , the stfdvi of Phonography, wirb lithographed iUustratlons, prepared by one of the best ar tists in ibe Confederacy. The object of the publication is to makea rAsoxBD for Confed erate Reporters, and to render it possible, for : the mkcU coveted and' beautiful art of Report '..inr, td lie learned everi without the aid of a teacher. -: ' , l: A he work will be expensive, new type haying been procured expressly for it, onfy a small feditipn will be issued. Those who de sire copies are requested to send to the anther their orders at once, (to be recorded,) accem " nanied with the price of! the same, which will be five dollars per ; cpy. vThe book in paper cover! and suitable-for use. will be sent to all subscribers, bv mail, .without additional ex penaes . dtff A. E. MARSHALL, f ' Augusta,. Ga. jA.ictioneer and. FAYETTEVILLB, X. C. , ! '' 10-3m , ":-L'-: - fi J. FOUR PER CENT. BONDS. ANTED A few 4 per cent. Bonds. Apply at the ' ; 161-tf; CAROLINIAN OFFICE. FEW more volumes of Roberfc and Har The YouniIarooner., to getter with "Donean Adair." bv Mrs. Jane T. Crofs. ! J ust received at tls Market Square, - r-rn M"''"" p "i.yyi , T!e Yalue or Jloueyy j ' S M-!' ' i i ftft ; : i v iiu i - w--... ' I ZVA 2 00............... s J ou.;..l.... I 4 00.:.U.;... 2 GUk 4 00 z rt..: oia or CORRECTED BY J W LKTT. srT. 13,. 1864. Bieon 4 25 4 7v y tb lrk: 2 09 - T V lb Lird ( 4 0"j? lb Kef . ... 1 W V ! Bjeswax ..;.................S 00 y lb Butter 00 (bp 6 00 lb C tton ....... I W Q 1 75 V to C. ftee .. ....... 15:00 V ft C t ton. Yai n ...-.j..'... S 18 4u y bunels. D. ied Fruit... At-h A Taehe 76 $1 V ft . . .-. 1 75ff?2 00 3? do tract iLorwood ........... ... $5 6 i-4 st lb Fl ur $160 barrl Flaxseed Fodder;....... $10 00 10,$0 V bandred Q' v 10 Off l kaadrcd. Sh Hckr i $18 00 y bnndred . 'xiain Corn $20 .00, 25 00 bushel Wheat $25 00 y bu?hel Ky,n &' & Ht09 y bpahel Oat ...:7 to $3 tK W ibti-bel Ui JuWGreen..:..;..;-... 60 .3 jOO E. . Drv........ - S;50 & 6 00 V B V'U-x-BweQt-'i i 4 aw io 18 00 -V J1 father Upper ., Sole is oo y lb jir.uor8 Corn YL:lcev... .....40 00 y rgallOH ....40 90 i euHon Avple and Peach Brand v... $20 2A 00 y gallon Vi'd8 S50 4 00 f. B ..IS 00 20 00y bushel .. $8 gll0 00 y bushel .- 10 00 y bushel ............ j..... $i ooy ib ...J...... io y lb Family Bar 2 00 y lb ...J....i'.6 00 y lb .- A 00 y jral. Jniong ........... Fot atotsy 1 rlsli .et Rit-e . Su:ar op . Toilet ...... spi'iis iurpennne FaetteTiIl 4-4 Sheetlojrsl 50 5 25 lard Salt $35 00 40 y bushel LMlow.. 2-50 3 00y lb Hi $6 oo ' 8 oo y ft THE IJ.1LUST11ATED-: ILLUSTIIATED! MERCURY ! MEKCUISV i therp:at literary weekly THEGBEaT litkbaky weekly . ok the south ! of The south i A SUPERB FAMILY A SUPE-1UJ FAMILY JOURNAL! JOURNAL! BEAUTIFULLY 1 L LUSTRA TED, LEA UT tFU J A ,Y ILL VlVVll ATED , KLEUAiSTLY PJINTKD " ELEOAy'TLY. PB LN TED hVERY SATUkOAY, EVE RY SATURDAY, HAS A LARGER v HAS A LARGER 1KB v MORE CORPS OF COUPS OF TALENTED CONTRIBUTORS CONIRILUIORS . THAN WAS EVER BEFORE ENGAGED THAN-WAS EVER .BEF')ltE il.NGAUED IN ACTUALLY WKITIaG rOR . IN ACTUALLY WK11ING r OR ANY AMEKiHAJv PaPEL I ANY AM ERIC AN i APEK ! ER'iLl.l.VNT. C'HAHMjO, ttKII.lilANT, CIIAKMIXG, AND THRILLING AND THRILLING WITH ROMANCES, WITH ROMANCES, I i SKETCHES M SKETCHES, T. TALES .? ';.?- TALES -.' : OF" - KEAL - KEAL LIFE, L I F E, HISTORY. HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, BIOG RAP H Y, N O V E L ET T.E S, NOV E L E T T E S, ESSAYS, CRITIl SMS, ESSAYS, CRITICISMS WITICISMS JllfCELLANt, WITICISMS, MISCELLANY, INCIDENTS AND. ANECDOTES, INCIDENTS AND ANECDOTES,. OF THE WAR AND ITS HEROES, - OF THE WAR AND ITS HEROES, INCLUDING TRANSLATIONS INCLUDING TRANSLATIONS " T FROM THE GERMAN, FRENCH,' ' i FROM THE GERMAN, FRENCH, " . AND OTHER LANGUAGES, AND OTHER. LANGUAGES, A HOME JOURNAL FOR THE HOUSEHOLD ! ' . ; ; AN ORNAMENT ' ' KOtt THE" PARLOR. A SOLDIER'S PAPER FOR THE CAMP. traveller's COMPANION. PLEASANT READING FOR EVERYBODY A RICH CASKET OF POLITE SOUTHERN LITERATURE!, SUBSCRIPTION Six months.........$10 The Trade supplied at $25 per hundred. Address; j 1 . m. B. S3IITI1, . Editor and Proprietor, Raleigh, N. C. Jucel-d6m : Envelopes 1 Envelopes 1 A SUPERIOK article of ENVELOPES, Commercial size, just received and for m e, at the! store under the Jane 20-tf CAROLINIAN OFFICE. '"AS" CJLAIIUS Of Deceased omrer and Sold iers. ! WiLSoit, N. r.,2Tune20fb. 1?C4. '1 nE UNDEBSKiXED has been UDomnted a Ccmmisioncr toiavetlate. collVct and puv over to the partifS entitled tbert-to. 1I claims for Bonnt arrearages-of pay' and allow ' anceM, due to the representatives of djccajd yf ticers and soldiers from tbijrState IPS;. The parties entitled are f ;!iwt, th.doW of the deceased, if any, if there be'no widow then, ' secondly the ehild or children, if t here be sueb, If there be neither wldv or children then, thirdly, the father, if there be neither widow. cBiiii, . euuarea ur uwjr men, lourtniy, tne mother of the deceased, acd jn default of all of these then, fifthly", tke executor or administra tor of the deceased1 ' W'.-'- h The daiicant or claimants must fniDUih bia, . ;her or their artidarif, and that of one disinier jested witness a to he re'Uonship and in ell cases, where the clJim&nt not the wuluw. the atlidattt must negative tbi ikiiitcnceof a claim-?Ki-el ii:tv u,Aji Irber i&i&bviZlJEb Jur , tice of the-Peace,- before whom tha afiidarfE u fnbscribed must cerfifv t the credibll ity of the witness, and Clerk of the Cponty Court must ceTtify uuder the seal of the Court, that he is a Justice of the Peace. K . - f' If the claimant or claimants be a child or children-, of tha deceased, and he' skf or they be minors,7 the claim must be progofinded by kis, her or their guardian, and the fact of his being guardian must be certified to) under seal , of the County Court CHerk. - 1 v When the clai v is made by an' executor or administrator, the fact of the exedutorshipor adiiiinistratorshi must be certl6ed; "to, undt-r seal by the County Court Clerk. ;rv- r All" of 'ihtae paper should he en in dapli cate. -i ...' t ':t: ' ' ' " u.i'v , ..' j'--' Any person directly interested will be furnish ed, upon applicatitin to me, with a proper form of these papers in full; a cpy Of v fetch, for the greater convenience of parties, wijlbe forwar ded as soon as may be practicable . to each County Court Clerk'. - i This commission iti intended to facilitate the ; collection of these claims, and sav the claim- ants all expense. ,s Parties interested may materially aid me in the investigation of their claims, iat the time ot forwarding their paper to me, they will in form me of the date of the death o the. deceas ed, where he died, was killed , whetln?r or not they or any one for them,- have feceived the personal effects which deceased had with him , at the time of his deatb, and whfttho'r r 'not the deceased. (if,-a non-commissioned officer or', prir'ius,) bad ever received the State'? bounty, ft i very desirable that all claitus :hou-d bev foi warded at , as early as' inky b practi cal:, le. In aa cast's, jrive.tnc claimants Post Otlice and County in hill. " ' , j JNO. A ..STANLY, ; 123-tf Coicyi-ispioner: . f ; TO THE FttTEXDS OF: THE SOLD 1ERS Quartermaster Gkkkkal PePautmest RicnmoNa. F b. 20ti.lH64. T "KE friends and relnrVvca, vtfqldierp in te Army of NortJitrn Virginia aie r.crebyU,,tihed that an arracra'-nt- has this dav eu efiected with tlie SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPANY, to carry all pack ages of. food and . wearing. ppftfeV lo Rnib--mon?,.Va.-. ., ;. . ,8.j .-. To pecurr the advantages th'ns; obtstiued through ihe express company, tjtollcwfiig inf ti actions must be observed J f Puakagea must not contain ; Hiore than one hundred pounds be well wci red, and tlai-hlv marked, and sen-t at tl!eexpeu?e of 'he Bijpper to either of the Sotdithrs' fieliel AsfsociAtions. wtiich are located as follows: In North Carolina, at Raleij:i;j in South i arolina, "at Columbia; in Georgia, at Au vusta; iii Alabama, at Montjcfluwery; or at any other point vat ahkh oneoifj these Ae- cciation have an office. ' h The Agents of, these associations will there take oharge of them and iship daily, bjy Southern Express Gorapjahylcl the prop er Aj-eiits of tbo respective State? at Rich mond, who will see them distributed o the proper individual owners. Si' . ' To meet the wishes of the soldiers, and to give them a certain and ppeedy connnunica tiu wi'h home the Southern Exores Com pany has "agreed to give this freight prefer encc over every thing else : and in order that no obstacle may occur ip; the 6nccess of eo laudable an enterprise Ithe several' Railroa, Companies arc hereby requested to ret der the Express Company mch facili ties as will enable it to. "make ihiij ar'range ment a complete fnceess. ; Hi . - As the Southern-Express Company as guaies all nfiponsibility ol the transporta tion of those packages, the R(dief Associa tions are ; requj-ft'ej to withdraw vtheir Agei'ls who bae Heretofore acted as travel ing mese;igerHi If th Rfeliet Association wilf establish agencies in. -tliu rear of there armies, tbev mayenjoy the jKaraf privilege! hereby secrtred to Ike Aruyr ol) Northern Viiemia. - . . - :. - -. -- I. . oi.uot Lieut. Col. and Quartermaster. Approved. - - " J V. R. Lawton, Quartermaster Gen. OFFiCE SOUTHERN EXPRESS CO., . . AooOSTA, G A. , Feb 20. 1864. f r THE SOUTHERN EXPRlfSS COMPA NY hereby notit'y the friends and relative of Soldiers irt"3the Army t .ffpribern Va., aud -eis where , that they ar prepared to carry out arrangements as announced in thf above card and that . they will do all In her power. to fulfil its requiremensst . ; - . Ja1E3 SHUTER, (leVl Ritji't- & Actaii Pres?t So. Exp? Co may-'O-tt 1 - - . f : 4 GO OT I SUPPLY of that extra 3ne chew Jj ing tobacco," wbicb I will sell on aecom miwiatincr terms, "wholesale or retail. JnnelO-dtf I. HOLLlNGri WORTH. MISTRESS AND MAID. lf"UST R EC IE VED a few more copies of that O 'excellent NOVEL at -' ' '' . . Nd.-i7r Market Siuarey j r. ' - ! ' i , .- . IteKrfcd by the Press Association. 18C-4 . H 1 J - Enters according to Act of Congress in Che year 1863. by J. IS. Thrasher, fn the Clerk'a oSice of ithe "District Court of the Confederate Stat'.1?, f0r! the Northern District of Georgia . v - ; NO U T II ly-s TRJANS-MISSISSrPPI KEWS I i -:. FRfiM EUROPE. . 1 .: i PROM; TUB VALLEY. . OUR ARMY IN. FINE CONDITION ! 1 i ! 4iAeJJ)4Nm RI D G D ESTROY ED 1 'C ! C JIichmoSp, Sept.- ?9. -A conflict re-, ceijtly occurecj on !Main : strtet, Norfolk, between, some sftilom and negro soldiers. One sailor' wa killed and two badly vwounded' One negro mortally woun ded. ' : 1 : - New. Orleans dates to the Cth received. The vote for' Constitution at New Orleans, 4,900, against, '508. Gold in New York on the ltth. opened at ;22iclosd at 228 : ' . ' The Boston Beraldy fermerly the" organ of Douglass, opposes the Chicago platform and nominees. The ' Celutnbus (Ohio) Crisis, Medary s pa par, protests against McClellan. , i . ' ' SECOND DILPATCH. Richmond, Sept. 19. European advi ces of the 4th received; The Mexican ehvoy to Italy was recaived by th King. The half yearly drawing in sinking und ofithe Confederate loan took place n the 1st,-". Nearly oge sixth has already been rejieeiiied. 1 ;Vie 340,000 by cotton; I3S byjl sinking fund. Liverpool cotton ma" ' ket firm. American advahced to.. I: THIRD DISPATCH. RiCHMOKD, Sept. 19th. Intelligence from Winchester to the afternoon of the 16tn re ceived. Our forces hold the ground from Wloehesle 4o-th OecaquoifeThe enemyTs. infantry, estimated at 30,000, remain behind their entrenchments. Their cavalry; 10,000 strenldisplay onsiderkble enterprise aid ac titity.. . f Early's army is in fine condition, and enjoy ing abundant supplies,, including vegetables arid fruit. ! " i. . i , E0CUTH DIoPATCH. , Rlchmoxd, Sept. 10.-r-Tho N.. Y. Herald of the 17th received. A dispatch from the South west says. Sterling Price, with 5,000 cavalry, crossedjthe Arkansas river, half way between Little Rock and FortSmih, on tbe 8th, en route for M issouri. Gen. Howell, Cemmariding a Brigade in the lOth coirps of Grant's array, was killed by a fa 1.1 from his horse. : Geld' closed i-t 223. FIFTH DISPATCH. Richmond, Sept. 19th. A raidim; par ty of Yankees burntd the rail road bridge over tht Rapidan on yesterday afternoon. INTERESTING0 e'urIoPEAN NEWS. t Our latest English papers give ua the folloV;icg summary of intelligence : LORD PALMKUSTpN ON THE, AMERICA 2? WAR. 1 Lord Palraerston had baen addressing 1 hi constituent At liverteu on the gne ?al .:oliey ef Jiis GoTcrnmeu. In the course of kiii remarks, he spoke as follows on ihi AnaerieaB war ; , t Then there Was the American civil war. There is inuc'a difference of opinion as to tli'e merits of the ctntending pai ties. Seme are for tke Korth, on the gi'ound of their hatred ef slarerj. ' Some art fer the South, on the ground of tbVir love ef freedom and Jnuependence. We might have been inrelved oae-waj or the other if wei had listened to many of those whe urged differeni ceu'rses of action. Wt might have been involved m the quarrel; but I believe the country is glad we have abstained froro fellowing that courso. CheJers Ae QOuld have had nothing o gajin, and fre -Vhould only have added thotisinds of dur own soas te the beta- bom of victim which that calamitous, blcodj and slaughtering war has sacrif iced.! Cheers'.J We may hope that time ta4 jrefleetien and receat advices frern America show tome favorable symptoms , arid the factj ef the immense losses which have bees sustained, and the slight hepes of success which appear en the part of the North, may warrant the hope !tbat many months will not elapse before 'seme pregress will be made tew are's heal iu; that tremendous breach which new exists, f Cheers. .But of this Iamcon jvinced ,that if we had yielded to those who, frem the purest motives and from a 1 j sincere! cenvicthD, urged. u te interfere, to nffer oit mediation, and to pndeavof to reconcile the parties b? fere their 'dif ferences were' ripe for adjnatnueut w should notonly have failed in . accoui-, pliahing that object, but we ehenld have embittered the feeling betw&en that ceun try and this, aad have rendered the fv ture estabiishment of geod relations be tween ua and themselves less easy and more diffiailtr-i-hear, hear therefore, I think that our neutrality is right. I am sure that it is appreeiated by the coun try at large." ; Cheers. .' W ' KNOLAKd's DAHGES fHOM B-OStTEn ASERICA. From the Lenden Herald, Aug. 24. 15 j our so-called neHtral ity we have earned the jealous hatred of both sections of the late Unioi. The re. ports that have reached us as to th pro posals of Nagaya: diplomatists suggest to us the alarming theught that in the next H3cstar-t ve - a& jr b e- c) 1 d ju p y& whether we wish it or not, to play a proitr' inent part. The negligent apathy of statesmen has let slip the oppertuni'ty of securing the gratitude and friendship of .the Southern peeple. . If -an silliance fn'r the conquest of Canada should be insisted upon by tha North as one of the condi tions of peace, we can hardly presume to blame the Seuth for acquiescing in the ' bargain. If we in Europe have w ithheld the right hand of telle w?hip we .annct wonder that it should agree to an allianctf -offensive- and defensive, with its late che- . my m the West. We shall have hut outV -selve to thank for- it, if we fchould.liud ourselves helpless on a snd-ien, in the presence of a powerful conspiracy, to ex tend the dominion of a rival empire over the whole vast continent between the lakes and the pole. ' BY THE GOV. , OF N ORTH CAROL IN V TT7"H EREASj IT IS REPORTED TO ME YY that many soldiers from the troops of. this State have deserted their' colors and com-r rades,: andre now lurking in' the woods aud mountains, some of them subsisting by forcing -. their friends to violate the laws by ' aiding them and others by violent depredations upon peace able citizens, entailing shame and obloquy -upon theinsel ves and thtar posterity, outraging thelaws and the peace ef society, aud damaging the causa of their hard pressed country. And, whereas Uen. Robert E. Lee, in Gen eral Order -No. 54, Aug. 10th. 1864,'has. prom ised to deal leniently with air who promptly, return to duty though they may have incurred the penalties ef desertion by, prolonged absence .. without authority. New, therefore, I, Zebu Ion B. Vance, Governor of the State of North" Carolina, "do" Wtie.tli'tf myftoiif&mint,-rtTgr ing moit earnestly upon all such misguided men to wipe out from their once rt-speetcd names the foul' stain of desertion by promptly returning to thfe' post of duty in aVi oi dii nc e wit'a said General Order No, 54, promising to all such who voluntarily return or surrender t:iemsel-'es to the proper authorities a full arifi free pai don, or (he infliction of only the 'mild est penalties .of be militarj lar.-, f xcejjt those who have been gbilty of capital felouips a frniiiHt the lives and property of the citizens, and this promise shall .hold good for thirty days from the date lwrecif. A pd 1 hereby warn all such who refuse to Comply with these terms that the utmost power of this S'tate will be exerted to capture them or drive them from the. bor ders of a county whosc high honor and spotless renown they disgrace by refusing to de.end, and that the extremest penalties of tKelaw wi!it be enforced without excepti9n when caught, a well against their aiders and abetters in the civil courts, Simultaneously with this procla-. ination orders will issue to the entire militia of the State to turn out for their arreati and 1 hope by timely isubmissien .they will spare mo the pain of hunting down like guilty felors many : brave aid mbgaided men wh'o; havo served their country well and couldf.o so again. Deserters fromfother States who hidejn our woods and assist in giving our State a bad name, I can do nothing for, but to the erring soldiers of North Carolina I confidently appeal. And I earnestly call on all guoa citizens to as sist me in making this appeal effectual,' both by their influence as men, to take puns to seek out all deserters of their acquaintance, put fhirf proclamation in their hands, or ir.Jthe bands of their relatives and friends, and urge upon them to return to the pahf duty, which is also the path of safety and of honor. If every good end loyal cititizen Would set about to reclaim or capture one deserter by every me?. in Lis power, he would succeed and he will have ren dered a most valuable and patriotic service t hi State and country. Civil m.-gistnifes are also exhorted i to be diligfitt in procett'itg gainst all sueh as viola the stntute against harboring, aiding or abetting deserters, and warning is hereby given that in all casvs wheie either civil magistrates or militia or home guard officers refuse r neglect to faithfullyrperforai their duty in this respect npon proper evidence submitted to me, the Executive protection ex- , tended to them- under acts of Congress shall be withdrawn, as I cannot certify that dtlicers, ! civil or military, who refuse to perform their duties are "necessary to the due administration of tbe laws,.' which they will not execute. Given, under my hand, and the great seal of the State, at Raleigh, this 24th day of August, i 1864 . ; :' , : Z: B. VANCE. . j By the Governor : ! j Jl. il. McPhetees, Private Sec'y, "pro ten. aog26-dlwI2w : t ' j THE UNDERSIGNED hav- j i inc t.A rrn in Mnnrs Htinrtv. thm Store nndsr the (larolTnian Office will be closed i until hi4 return, at whi h time due notice will 1 begiven. F. W. TUOSNTON. ' 8pl2-3t 1: ' WRIXING PAPER.. A JUST received nd for sale, a superior ait; cle of Note- and Letter rapcr, unusually cheap, at the ?tore under the, June 20-tf ; . CAROLINIAN OTFlCE. SUBSCRIBE TO TH E C AROLINI AN - 1 SUBSCRIBE TO THE CAROLINIAN.