.V - ......... r " . "'i - I - . i ' I. , . ' ' T - '. . A . ". " - . . . ; . ... . ... J' --- ' - - i-., i' " ; !. " " - ... -.' : - ' . - . ' ' .. - , t ---H' 1 ! b; ,T . : . ' : .: v. - . I . ' I Iji r ; r,.. .- ..-v -V '. J. ri. ' -r --",! : , . i - f ( .. i - 1 . '? ".' - . - t ' : ' J i ',' : '- '' . f ' . - . . ' -" ! - f . ' 5".- -- - - C----J- 1 ? ! V JrV.l ! ia 1 51 Id: I r HE P. J. SINCLAIR. .THK" DAlUr -jgsiH. CAKULIJf ia .f-SS- S.75r tJilB ' D01" LAS' A2TJJ ;,.TWTV,-nV& CE5T8 jex we ia Itance, paible ta th Carrwrs f widj.fc m,J;,r lagl-Copiei TW,ETr FIY2 CBNT3. Slocle eooUs 26 cenU. Six montba TWJ5T 1 TT-FITTE -DOLLAB3. ' Tlird montlw, TIF- Oct moatb Til iE "DOLLARS. 7 Tt MINTSLLIU j .'C2i:,". a weekly foar ' oaj- d newspaper puollthoJ at tLU Uulce, is mailed ubcrib.r at ;F1 Viu DULLA is Tor eix wontba. " ."lurt- uioiiUa TUiiEiiJUL AUyertin3SWf9iftk ClmlvsU ba -ha25-l !MijSj.DQLIiAili;raajfSB for ac i ioi tion, feigkt liaea jBit oi eoBititulfug a juare. ! , Aav-tj-ti-uent4 tqr. t.hel8Tt.i.TCHjca trill be -tcertd te'Roe jin'J i-illf aud chared Daily ratt' lor yiat imjrtion. 1'Iie VUlu; r 31 aey. 1 Oo..: i 6K . 1 00 .. 1 60 s- po.: .:;..... I ?V-4 r 2 oo .... 3 oo:.r.. ;2 dU I .s-oo..;....-. .. 3" .00 4 50 1 6 00 i .. 7 50 ! .. 15 00 .. 22 eo .. SO 00 1 6CKi : i oo......:..!. . 5 Oi.....iR. 3 Si i 5 00. 10 00.4......... C 0C- JO 00.. -i&4d..i:..u... io oa t is oo.. 20 00:.i 13 33? 20 00.. - 25 00.;.U.......; li 25 0.. . 30 ttO.... ..20 0Q: 30 00.. 35 VQ..: 23 mi 35 00.. 40 00.X 26 65; 40 00.. 45 00........ 30 m ,i 45 00.. :. 37 50 .. 45 00 .. 52 50 .. 00 00 .. fiJ 50 .. 75 &yi 60 00. ...33 33 60 1K.... 65 00. ...3(3 d14 -5i 00 .. -..... 82 50 A 00 .fff....... .....40 I 60 00..... SO CO ..... ST 50 ....105 00 .,.'.112 50 ....120 00 ....127 50 ....135 00 ....142 5 ....150:00 65 00...!. as mi.. t5 oo........ 70 00 5i 0..i.-..:. 5J 03 i 75. QO . ... .. iC T6i: 70 oo:: t'.i nii t s nrk - . SO 00... L........ 53 33k! 80 00..:...... - 5 00.:.L........ 55 G5i S5 00....;.... SO 00...LL GO 00! 90 00... J.... ' .U5..03.U' 63!J' "95-00...; ' 1 00 D .J.....'. ...6S: :m . 100 00 . v-Htrajrsxs;irp1VdratMQ'cr' Ova RKKisr Dill as to States East ok tee Miusrsarpri. -Jn-rlntcrest Bearing $100 Ntites. Ileceivable lor public dues bc- 'torepril 1st, jl3b4, at par.-froi aad af-.i tor April 1st, ibb4jijut rccci lvatls at all, i F IIS D ABLE iiJ K6lTB PES CiJNT. BOND?. Btrfure-ltit April, 130i. at par. t rum 1st to Ua?t daST of April, inO , at 6G J Fim 1st to lat diy of May, iucj., at 60f j i rota lit to Usjt day of Jriae,inS., at 4f5 j l; rom lat to last day of July, incL at;36f j ' I iramTjjtvto last day rf Aug., inc., af2G . 1 rota list to last- day of Sept;, inc., at 1 6 wuptawjiy byjraqxitMy taijOct. i'ac, at 6f ? A 'nyl noa-iu;teret bearing $ 1 0 0 notes ) ".hjldow the- fij-st of January, 1865,, are j ttScxFlOO per tentj,-tfius destroying every J v ontiRe of VAhte. ! "-" -'. THE - - ' IX PRESS and sbOrtl r to be .published, a boolcrith tba above title, prepared by th aubiCiber, wboihas ad nearly 20 years prac tice in Phonog- aphiq writing, having. at one time employed is an orticial re, 00 a th . United States Senate, ana, who aa jo tuv last u m r-- " - TK lliptidriaiv will contain indication, by lneatis of a simple ninenclatUre, tr writing with: PhatnoKraphic Ittte: s, aout 20,000 word of the1 English Unguafiey of ninetj-aias one hundreth of tiioae in cOin"6aon :usetbc re i walnuig. woiHts beiasr hy writtep aitei- these arc learned. ! .. !; '' j. - . Ttv 1ntrnlutioh to the Djationarr. tirD- ple instruction 4.-IU- ble given for begiiwera of tlxeatttdy of Phonography, wi b lithographed tista in i the Contedeiiacy. .The object of the i . .. Ll . . .... ft ' puDueaiion is io maiie iAwAnjj i( wuicu rate Iteporterfl, and jto render it o8sibI for the much coveted and beautiful art of Heport iag, to Jbe leained even without the aid of a teacher; 'I' - . As the work will be expensive, newtvpe having bsen procured expreswdy for iVonfy a small edition ;ill be j issued. Those who de i sbrebpies areyeluested to send to; the anther their orders at bn:e, (to be recorded,) accDa nanled: wttb theDrice of the same J which -will be-tire doliarS'.per copy. The book' in paper co ver, and suitable for use, will be sent to all subscribers." by mail,: without additional ti- dtf-.'?:.-'---;'-i -;: -;" J . . Augusta, Qa. . onn rind pfet of n & 1 inch UU5UUU LUMBER, r. inch. w,dc. . Apply 'at the CAROLLTSIAN oFncm THE ONDERSIGNED har i'ihjr to ero-to" Moor 'County," the Etowf under the Carolinian Orbce will be closed r ifntU bi4 retttrn. at whi h time dua notice will begiren: PI W. TH0RNT02T. ' sepl2-3t '! ; 1 - FW inorePTOiunres of Robert and Har- cltT fr "The x ouag Marc oners," to- geur intB "UoHcan Aau, oj jixb. wane x. id ros. f Jtrceivef ax . - 17, Market war?, l LJ Heat by Ittter, tue money must ecra- ; Mo!aaer pan cae 'aareruueiuent. iviarriaves, ccatas, . i u I - 3 reliioua aii'd .ether no'tices" char e4 8 aUver- ons ...... 15 tide all aad uut b? -umid Tot atrictly in ad-s i y ato3-Irub ......... - - g E : 0 . . . E 5 a i .J o b - o- i o i. : o 1 I A. V EXT 23 VII: U M 45 SE'ff a.: - - 1SS4. !lca 5 0 $ CO .ric...;.......:.... JC - " y Ei Lsrd 4 S - 2 if u ... u 3 OO-d:. 'tter. ..5 50 6 00 C tto 1 50 I 75 V ClTee ; 15 CO i fts C tuit Ytra $13 4a f buach. D led Freit Applet A Peache 75 $1 ifiv tract .Logwood $3 $G V r S17 s.2GO barret Sid wU 10 50 huBded u. y ........... u iu w 'E5Bsri4 3r seas . i 00 & ;Dupactt k 'ti aia Coxa - II ncu CaU aa 17 50,20 DO p-.bBidifil? ...... Z 60 3 "GO 5 tf fi oo ti ili Drr . SwTfcdaa...: 3 60 & 4 V" & fathar Upper H 00 - Er . . Sole v...-....;....... 15 00 'fi-p a.Qra Corn. V buser......;40 ;0 j; jcaiiav Ap;.j and Peach Brtiidy 40 00 gallon $20 2 ) 00 t? gailda 50 !4 00 3 Ifr 00 20 OoVbu.be!- 15 00 ?1 bbt- sH;t ...................... $15 .00 bushel Kit ; ....... io w a ,m'. Family" Ifar 2 00 lb loiiet: 5 00-V lb Spi it Turptiftine s... A 00 t fful. Fa etierille 4-4 Shetinjral 50 & 3 2 r Yartl ' Sah.;.U... ....... ........ $35 00 40 p-busbel Mloir......;....: . 2 50 .3 00 lb u,U.".... ....... ....$ 00 8,'00". V R. ; ; - THE . '1. ' Vl:-;. ' IIXITSTRATEJ) 9IGBC9R: ! TUBGRKAT LITERARY WEEKLY TUE GREAT L1TKK A-KY. WEEKLY j Of THK OUTli 1 OF TUIi SOUTH I A SUPERB, FA UlLY JO U RN A L ! A SUttEKIi VAJ1LY JOURNAL! BliAUT I FULLY ILLUSTRATED, BElAUTIFULLY ILLUSTHATKi, i ELEGANTLY Pr.lNTKD ' j ELfcUAMLV PKIMU' i.VEHY SATURDAY, EVEUY 8ATUEDA1, H AS A LAKGEK II AS A LARGEK MORE TALENTED- MoiiE talented CORPS OF CONTIilBUTORS ,CORPi -OF CONTUliiU i OILS tuaS was EVEK EKFOUE V5NUAGED Til a Is; WAS KVi-Al Kiiiki LXIMmLI) IN ACTUALLY KiTtN.U, i i . IN ACTUALLY El i IN G l w ; ANY AAiElfinN PATLii ! I ANT AMEIUCAN PAl EK 1 j BK1LLIANT. CHAliMINO, j BHILI.iAST, CMAKillKG, i AMD THRILLING I AD THIULLI-G ' i Wl'Tfl ROMANCES, ' I WITH ROMANCES, . SKEIOHES, . iiKSrCHES, ! TALES i V TALES j 5 - . OF i . - REAL - ! KEAL I LIFE, I L I F K. i POET K Y, : . PO E T R Y, H 1 &T O I. Y Li lb T O I. Y, BIOGRAPHY, I BIOGK A P II Y, j N O V E L-E T T K S, 1 N O V E :L F T T E..S. !. .EbSAYS, tlilll hJis , h EbS-AYb, CiUlltlSiit, . WltlClSMS' Hi CELLANY, ' WITICibMS, JilsCfciLLANY, ICID'rTS AND ANECDOTES, INCTDKNTfe AN U AN Ei DOTES, OF THE-WAR ANl)liti lJEROES; i QFf. TH E Y AR . AN Ii TTb (i EiiOES; ! JJsCLUDlNG' '1 11 A NSLATt 0N3, iKCLUDiNG V..AKS'LAT10:S, FEOM THE GERMAN, FRENCH, FROM THE UKBMAK, FRENCH, ' AND O Hi Lli LAM.UAG to, AND Ol HLU i.ANUU AGES, A HO"E JOURNAL FOR THE- HOUSEHOLD ! AN ORNAMENT KOK THE PA II LOU. A SOLDIER'S PAPER FOR ' THE GAMP. ' - ' A ';- j . traveixek's ! COM P A N T O N. 1 PLEASANT READING ! FOR ET E E Y BODY. i? A RICH CASKET, OF POLITE! SOUTHERN LI i ERA 1 URE 1 SUBSCRIPTIdN Six months......... $ 1 0 The Trade supplied at $25 per hundred. Address; . m. B. SMITH, - oorietor. Raleigh. X. C. Jan. . . .- . km sTRifss 1 m ti ri - - - . a . uox vwcj-t m ijM$r.e cupitys-o ui el exceUent IT0VEL at v Ke. IT, Market Square ... m vw-ti nmm t jo, tutu a.i.xiiiTH. SCO saifll fins Glaltoi- i . - . ( ' I . n rm- (lit akr fib .. . w . - i i . - 2. i . - i ef Deceased Oincer -and Seliiier i :x.r -.. V 1 - 'i'.-'-i Wrwosr ?'. ifl J ac 20tt, I fe64 : ;, f HE UNI)EKSfN-KP KV,iI1tiM J ft t'ci'!ii?ioirtt to UrWijfkt- eIl.t &i i psy ever to tb 4 partly "ptitlfd:lh?rctri. 11 SBCes.'dee ta thiTeprcT!Bt4flTt ofdectaiK i.r ficcrs aod-soWieTy from ih&JH&te. .r: . j j. j Tfe partisjf entitled are first, tbe "ridow 0f tlio'dcrtffajod, if a nr, if-fh;"tW tio widHV tlQ. 9cBdly-t-he c-liild r-chiJdreu.-ijf thfei b inch; if- th?p ?e neither widoiw or children tbtnij thirdly, th fat!lir if tbffrt be hsnilier widnv! ri'"clnd,e.bi!drn!' or ft jcit tbanl "fourtLl tb - ciotbir of tfc dcea?ed. aid in cefult tf kU of. r;icB? tm ae.cea5CaT - . " . - l . , - . rce clam ant ttriami tts . pseat fa nli ttj, ant or cfaiu anta of isberi- ortder.?: THyi ti0o:6i!re;l&H' before- wboia kbA fdisiiii- tiibacubrtl iwust certify to ths erlilmitr ofib- eertnr. ueder the etal of tUs Uiett, lLati If thaclaiiBaat r cUiinits b a -cfeiid . r ehildrtn of tbaldeceaifd, f,nd bj flit oritbsny b rrrinors, the: jclaim mwat be t Rropoahdtd "by : admi4iatiatcr; the- fact of tb eifuu-sbjp wri" administratorship mnat bd rertifU 16, 4cdii- AIL ef ihes paper thuld b a L. 75 Any person directl ribtrHpin be futYTli ed, upon applicsitin to with a proper iforfet of these.papers .ln full; a.jCwpf of Which, for the frf eater eonvenleirce of prtie, will be foiiw ded? as -on as! may be pratUiabl" to k-aisH County ..'oart; lerkiv-vvH..'." :!- ;' f. This coiuiTunsifm i- intended tol facilitatee co'lectioa of thte claims, and sure tba taiM ants ail expense. ' - j . ; jj; I Parties itcrestd -may iratojlIy aid ir in th iuTet-Ligrfttioif of jbeitclaima, If at tbe tinie of forirardiuff ttir.papsr to me- thev- vi niia form, roe of the dat of the dcatb k thVdHj.'aa-1 ed, "hhera he died, was killed; tfbethe? orii&t tbet or any on for thituii, haT- receired ihc; personal eBect8l;;whi.-h -deceased ftai- witb; biin; t. the. time of jtxvs deatli and. Aether r ot' the deceased. (ifa noa-coinraisbirfvd. officer jttA pj irate,) had etcr rcriredthr Stulc'a bountT-J p It is very dcitraLlfi that -all. eI?--.? fhould' b(j forwarded at as jw!t a dav as Jav be n-rKiti i-abie. In all eases, -ive th tlakiiaEt-'Pcrit,! Ollice and Couiity in iull. . j . mo. x sta.vly; : 121-tf- r , , ,: ,,. 111: TO TIIEFa!EVI)5 QF T!IS SOLD IKES -.. . . . . t . - i . t - i I'AIl.RtAT UuREaU. r RidimoM). K' b. 20Si IKE'Vie' els mid -rebititei f fioltlierIn & th Arnay of Nortritra Varfcihiair are biiteby niilied tnut aii,.arraig:rtHtl has this dav -m eHeclcd with the SjoUT HERN EXVRESS (X)IPANY. to cariy all k agc.x offocd aild wearing; appapt I to Rlch- - monr , v a. " ! ; -' y . h ' To w'cur the ftdrantagea tb is obtevned.j' t!i r o hA he 'ex iTpeM-corcpanj tie folloi'iug 'HKtruetions rnut be oUfrved v , Paakaes vnut i;ot cobtam more thVu lie hundrcH) pcur.tls; be'well tfeeurwl j iui Iaiulv mar k-i!. and pent at - tie exp ue of lie ippet to;eit,h'r of lie.SoS fliers1 allel Asaivciatiyin? wiVIcb are.Jrjcatei! a f Hows: " D; North C-t lb.", af Rr.WiKh; in Sfiulh v'aroUna, uf Cjuumbja; i. Geotaa, atlAb .usta; iu AlaVfana. at - iKhtgdnHTy; qi at any other point aCbIcb oue-Jophts As-. ociatioiiB have' an olfice;-; ' - The Agents! of thesic Aocaationa twill tWr: take Charge of theiii. tvnd .-l ip daily, by Southern Express C'ijpa:iT to tin prop er A-dent of the respective" ?t4ie at 'iich mond, who wiU se then ditiibut"d '0 the pi oper individual owner. I ' To me-tthfiAthes ot'tlesoHjer.8, n(lro give them a ceitniit ai d peedyfcomMUiitCa- tiou with home the Sou ihe i n Hipre:s lmo-. pany haa agreea to giw Ibir- treig-1 pn'fvr ence over everything- eln : ai:3 in order that. no obstacle may ocf ar to the success pt'so laudably an enterprise.' the pyeral Railroa Conipanieo. "are hereby. i qu6ted to re: der the Express Company nueh iticiii- ties f.H.s w ill enable it tomake this sM-rahgi - meu cod p ete '-suicee. v " -l-'-W'--; Aa the- Sviiihru ExpiKf! Capai y is isiim 'al! rv.tpbufeibilit-,ot Ike trausporta tin "1 those package' the Kefiei Atiteia tVi hs are requBd tf withdraw helr Ajieets Who hae oeretofore act!. a travel ing messengers., IHhei Reliel Association y.'di ehtabtls-h agencies iu the riear of t here aimu'g, they msjy t njoy the ssrai privileges hereby secured to .the Army t t Noitkern Virginia. I ' ; fe . . F. W SIM5? Lieut. Col.: and Qaanei master. Approved, j - - i Y- R- Law-Ion, Qnartcrmaster -pen. OPIPK 'SOUTUEH KXPRE6S CO., AvvA.stA GA..Fel- 20, 1K4. ; f H E-SOUT HERN-EXPRESS, CQMPA, NY hereby nbti y the friends and rel fit ive ot Soidierf in the Army f NorMuernt Vai, ami el.- where, that they are prepared: to -cairv,out arrangements, as awiouiiceid j m the abvve raid. ana tnaitiuey,of iu uo au ju t" . . t..1f;l Sic tfn n 5r"TProt r , 1 '' u. r power iuiui j"--,j,.vff'-'-."' JAErf $HU1 ER, Cen'l Sup't. & Actm ' Preset iS6. Exp.;Co tfn"y'"4Ht4.' AT T A NT ED A few i per cent Bond? . v v Apply at tne "" J 151-tf CAROLINTASj OFFICER Envciopes ! Envelopes ! , A SUPERIOR article of. ENVELOPES, Cforamercial size, jdst received aniL&c I tale, at tbe tore under, the - i- ' " w 1 June -tf - CAROLINU OTFICE. , ' few. er or- their trnartlia. and! thf fw-t f.li f oin fruar.ain must be ccrtiiii.di' oudereftt t .ii titcm iviruc 1 Ft 4T1 ITU r I , a j w a .T . - 4 M a4. h I : i !:. . 1 9r . . . . . j : - i it.,.t r -i i ifj. :1 P3 It? To3 -i rQ 2 TO TS5T "H CltjiortSil by the Iics Afcsoc?alffii ISC.l to Act cf C.-snsrrF in the vear lbd3, br'Ji S. TbrjijLer. ja'i-the l;lk-s v2c of the District ICourt of thcfCcn-foi-tc Stai8'iVr; tbc ipiortbtra liLtrict Zt (Jcorfia-. nKiUiiNiD riiisor.ijs: v U T H E E N MI'S, 'f-SCSat IIOOI53 AHSIY. fhojiXee's ARMY cc'c.'.'.;' &c,; &i VuiWi !Wc Jfli...; r. r t i : . . . -: -- J! "-! ' T .- ;s to rnht; Rzr, from porful he i :;urn(d, prisoners i IhcitMo-r, New lijcrk papers to 'Ui -2.t irjfil'4i.. With accoiiti i f tl e leeeui LattU iiear Wincheiitcrj TLer.ev.s caused. ; jji;.cst j" fjjicing"iu ".'thd Xoitbein iTkUsraal, U;ani&rs were "captured at Bar Is!and,, Laka E ie. ou -iat .Morjdy,- by 30 reucU lriVut iansa - -The sttaufer i-' r - i vievi dtstitsyd byj copters. :. m .Vi'ester'n jeff-gnps .iyl Umt Gen. Hew er lius arrivedfut Little" Ilowk with a" pur- t5JU:Of tfcc 10 lib c rps. By ,tin.e.'ac;esion. wjll, he Able tu takt the of his force Sit'e 'fifeiiire.' ' ;';Ky!jiaiLlf .known of the where.- boutB of Frit. Adticts froai Shiit'i say. a trai'-: which UftYvurl.hL fl... inil, .... .w..r..,,riM y V... ... , captured by the rCbrls. The tr win' eon I sistd of 1U0 wagJus.lortded witif fus'phes : for Fort Stni L & mnics, 4b artilierV . L" i . . . Sluiityii, in diripih to i&ix, sat.- that the d.-.tft-is prgrejssing quietlyjin all the loyal States. In Washington ioth of Lin-' ctdu's private ccrptaries are drifted Grant returni.d to the army before Pt crsV'Urj on Monday. :. Gold closed at 223. .-- PETEn-BCBG, Seyt. 2G.- All riyist alone- tht ,lihcs to dij ;'r!ot eftn the usual pick- et. firing, ad but, of cannon. ! li ii two or :tbre.e' discharges hou'it vva.are on the eve o(.stir;in;iCYtn!&. Si.-. RlCHMOKD, tetpt 4 23 A s pey ial to the " Whig"; Suva Uenbr.l Vaughn drove the eiseciy L;om Bt i lue ftprins. vftt iennes- sec yest-erday.-l mornit; e.'.ca pturs twelve . - i , t i r pi tsoriers and .ttieitj horses ar.a eqjniptnents. 1 L - The enemy is fojrtified at .Bui Gap. .ljTNCBEtfKGJSfeen. o. Ihe ernemv, suo posed to be a ;:pcrjrin .of. bhtriqan'ii col liilin, hf.ro ia:i4e their appearonia in (Jut pepper, in hety fo. .r, ronipoKeb of iiifan try, artillery apd cava hy. Their cavaby Cr.ogsed t!:e Rpppjr.bannock at WelfordV Ford y otcrdayi a t I 2 rclock.'ni6?in2 their Macos.: Sept. 23. The avmjalice ex pired ye-terda, inprrrinj at Rough ( and Rtady, but there remains 70 Sand 5(-2 Yankees and .onfeelerates to-be yet t ex changed, which viiU be dene in; a day or two. Shcrmah'ti cayalry is -supposed', to have- lett Atlanta 6n, Thursday inorning, and passed out upon the right,! but up to 'ait -iccounts iterehad bten no gfne- ral niMvcnient of bis infantry, j No ,d- i vtince anticiDateJ m this direction. S'ler- ' - H- ,t"j ? .a nnn' fr.;. . u;')iu .vw . y t j- - ... w men. Hisstock is :n Ihe worst ;p.igut. The Yankees ycatcrday received a dis patch, tays oar truce officer at Kough and Ready, from Stauton,in which it. was ; stated that Sheri?ii had defeated Early and to-'k 5,(100 "prisoners, 5 pieces of 'ar- tiilcry and 9 stands ot colors. Gn's. ' Rhodes and 'Goodwin were killcT and Gordon and Bradley Johnston wourrded, aud Earl y was , driven 18 miles. President D vis arrived here this attor ning, eri route . for " Hood's array.' lie" miantry , w itnih tuiles -.f Cu 'pepper Ctv soluiersot .North Carolina I eoiiGdently appeal. H. ! jt i betiJevetI Th Tnfunt'y will at- Audi. earnestly c;dl On all gooa citizens to a?- Gordonsvillt, andj the cavalry move m aii deserte-s of their;- acquaintance, put-this the direction bf Charlottesr.lleJ prx?iauiaUon in tV.efr hands, or io'the hai:(us of - made a speech i tae Baptist Church t V ): ii e?ulv.i..V--r-th'v"f;rtiue.Tf'.;'- to rftrtt. sr.4 thst tHoocno of tho u Tt f:vii iisiacow in ISi rou:d-'b-r.'.re.: rnai-icd. r- -, ' ' ; A n 3 ccI Vnt err ui red op tLe Cc-I'm-hus r.d-thiA-ti-"iiin in f 'which. -8 persosW wtru killed u&J U;wautidcd 6 uiwrtaUy.-V -Ij..3rAC?sS':?t,.25th.-Xo,lii g new,frri ' t' ti front ;dy. . ' Vat1 ics who left AiLii . tx'yt ski day report that at ti-hK time the F di i"-! aVf'nv- hf-d iimdo t;c tnavu iu fuc. !&i-raiii:t .was still Jjilag'ui up he.vy sup-. ; plffS. ; : . - i- 1. are 1 X,he rrsmer sloii fika Krisv Ti -. v j 1 -e:r : rapture if. I - i - P- i"e".s! nrny is report -J & PcdahKitaf,' Fi:c!by was j iit P(wliatiin on the I2tr?.' ' 0;e thjuicnd rebeii repaUsd ut Clark fE!nfr . . . - Ooia 221 .!,.:-. vi: -.- - ;-; Eviru)cau a;lvi?s of the 14 lb stite tbnt ; (be tewtier of the GebrgH has been noti fied tbt no mterfereni e ift Irs behalf by , ; the Ii itifilj "Government need be fxpe!- ; cd. lie" ;nn ('o cad bis intctut 'hi the U. S. Prizi? Court. U : . " I jit is repcrle I t! ; S-'rnniRi asin sfiont I in a lirjj? hii'auier V?hjCt!0 ia-ju' -' Cr.rtin irjarUet. ruit, price UMcbanged. ; I; cudsii Jr .iii!K " ' f. TuE'CeASSE OF l'OtlTttJ IN Geckgia.- j II is jtoiv no longer a Vci rct thutjour ar my hs banned its position and w- en -iror eV:;d bis 'the Muntoniery uiA VsJ I Pitint R.ad ? hert is.i-f rc'issonvvhy thU iiiov. liie.t ohouid :excite th. fc-aiH. ar.d j doubt cf u;i- . ptopie of this, Vectiun of ciunty"or"'"'';ie th ?en! ';nf od to becomb,! nit j e treonduus than tisaa! . j ; illacon Telegraph. BY THE GO' Y.1 OF NORTH G AHOLIX AT "1T7UEUEAK, IT !8; REPOiilED TO ME i -that u:any s. ldna from the troops uf ? Uns iUte hriye it;.?.- ei tod their colors and cem- radct. nLd arc "u.-v.v luVkina: in tba woods ajid I mountains, sfaiir.e o thetn subitin. by forcing their iricads tovieiate the laws by aiding tlicai r aiuTo-thcVsbvw'dut TJpredatiucs U4on peacar .ahh eiiu-i.ij, entailing shame and' obloquy ! t,mii ?tti4 rm atii tiijc ir poster itvv itti agin,. thohiw s and the pe.tee of" society, arid daiuagirjg ! tho cauad of their hard tret-sct! country. " Aud, whereas, (ieii. jilubert Lee, "in Gen era! Order .No. 54, Aug. loth, lsb4.has prom ised t dwai lenii utly with all who pinj;4lv a return to"duty. thb'jlph h?y amy haveii:eu: red t:t penalties oi'decrliun hy p'roioied abd-neje . without authuiity. iyolv) the; eforv, J, Zvbii- -Ion b. VniH-e, Goverrjt;r Of. the Stats of North ; Car&Kiia, du thorny pioulaiontion., org- iiig h?ot-.e3i-ntll7 "upon hW rqch u:Ljgu:diI. -.." liiesi to 'wipe out Tru6i- t;i-.ir once respottc-d ' Baiacs the i'oul ttain .oi'di s:-i tiua by prompt! r rettn u-iVi; to the post of duty iu siceoiriaiiUi .witlVsiaid Ctnsil Order No. M, promising to all such who voluntarily;-return or surrender theinsel s to thv proper authorities a full ail fre pardon, or t!i2 inSsctijn of only' the. mild- r est penalties ofthe mijitar law, except thun '; who have beeit gUilty'of capital felonies agiri$:t the lives.nd property jof the citizens, and ths ; promise sliall hild good for thirty : days from the date hereof. A ndj'l hereby "arn all such j who . refuse to comply with these terms that -th utmost rower ot ll.is .State will be exerted i to capture them; er drive th: . dcrs'of a count v whosi&high b ,'reilOB.n - the'v oi-race bv re hrm uoni thebor- onor and spotless : I using to dotend. . and that the exlreuicst penalties of thelawwill be eulorceu without exception when caught, as well againsti. thciir aiders and abetters in the', i civll courts. Simultaneously with this pr'ocla-: I mstion orders will issue xo tho eL tire militia of the Stat to tuin out for their ar rest, afcd t ; hope by timely subuiiiden they will spare rao ; the ' pain of hunting, down like guilty-felons many 1rave and UjH.iujd "mm who have served tl.-ir country Weil r:J cfuIddo to agai?. Degerters from otberi'A'tatta who hide in cur woods and assist in giving 'our State a tad ; i name, 1 ea oo muuing tor. out -to the erring : tbelr relatives a::3 fi ieinds, and urrre upon thrm to return to the y. .uh.of duty, which is also the path of safety ani of honor. If every" gootband loyal cititiien vvi.uld ; set .-ibout to rcchiiin or capture one de-ti tcr" by tvery means' iii his power, he would succeed and he will have ren dered a most valuable and patriotic-service ta his State and country. Civil magistrates are aLo exhorted to be diligeiit in ii ocetdiug against all suvh as violatw the statute against harboring, aiding or abetting deserters,- and warning is hereby gi ven that in all cas?s whei a either civii maguti -a tea or militia or home guard oliieers refuge or neglect to faithfully. perforan their duty iu thii Respect, upon proper evidence submitted U me, the Executive protection ex terd d to them i.J(itr acts of Congress tballh wiitidrawn, asl kanrjot certify that .officcif, .. '.t -: l- . 1. .1. civil or mTlitarv, who refuse to irtrm then' nutie'-are neee?ia.rv;to the due admiri'strathAi of the lavs,.'; which the v .-will not execute- . Given under my hand, and the great sefti of the .State, at Raleigh this 24th day x)f Auoe t, ISO! " . : : ' . ; ' ! Z. B. VACE.' "iVSJITOG PAPER. "T UST received "idT for sale, tuperiof art; Note ami Letter Paper, unusuall v cheap, at the store under the Jnae 20-tf t CAROLINIAN OKFlCr-i "Auctioneer aiiti . ' . " ' i 9 - ... - ; f 4- -

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