. - " '" r i. - 1 : 1 1- - , 1 : ' ;i . - ; ' J, :' . . ' C " ' ! - - - 'I-.'- - - ' ; . - " - -' r- . : .". - i . -: -', : 4 .: ' : . . . - I - : ' i ::-.';-:"- -j ; , j :-.' ,. - : : - : '. -. i - ' , . ' ', -"--- W is ( L ill IA: mm "XT Si). 502 t In Jt J - .IT" I Si n U i i V; : ,. 'f - .-I. ! ' ; P. Ji " TilK! PAILSf XCTH C.VUOLIXIA.Y U ci-vclt' ?uberiV- ia. twtf-8tOXft. DUL- LAK iANI) J WKXTY-yiTE pHSTS fer wit fa " a JraiiCci payable; t(i the Car i.rs T. eek.lw. - ' - - ' - - Single, copWXSrfr FIVJJ CSXTS. raicjt: roa mat cim i. rSin Je copicslVnta. . Six t;oii TVYrV T Y-FLT13 )OlErAHM. ' .Hires iaouth, FlI ..Oii. month TliilKK FOLLaUS -a itveexlT: -.our. six jaiuaths. j Tbre months Til UIv LA US' Strictlr in a Jance. I . Hi VE$ OP: A AiI-.irtTsemaattf for the Cakoj.ixiak will be eh a ec coastitul i-j neais tt r th IxteliJ: be ir.-crUJ ncj in aud charged .4.) ail rat v j r ths.tl insi tio. . Ji 3v.it i latter, thslinoiiCTl Vfta tn a Jvertieaient. Harriife- reil-'ivpas aij't other hioticJii charbe ts -'M6 aud OiKatjbv told for strictly Tan 2 " s'-l re . a. si 5 2. 1 00... 2 010... 1 1 1. , 1. 00... 1 SU'xj'i 2 00... 2 0 i 3,110. 1 friKl 4 J0... 1 50 3 00 4 50 ....... 4 00 '5 00 i 10 00.......; 15 (J0......1. 20 U0..;... 23 UO L, 7 i'J ,. 6 CS4- 10 00... . 10 00 j U CO.. . 13 3S5, 20 0o.. .16 iCiS i 25 -Oti.. .20 00 j 30 00... .-23-33! 35 00... . 20 G!,5j! -10 00... .. 22 CO 30 UU I 37 50 j 30 00 5 00 33 00.. 52 50 CO 00 C7 50 40 00. 43 00.. .....U 30 00 45 00... 0 00... ...i.... 33 33!! &0 00;. 53 00.,..i.... 3G 55,00.. CO 0......j...!. 40 00 j 60 00.. C5 O0......j...... 43 33!J- l'.5 00.. 70 00 i..... 46 TO 00.. ..J... 75 09 ...... ?2 i0 90 00 ...;. J7 53 .....105 00 .J...112 50 .....i20 00 .....137 50 .....133 00 .....142 50 .i-.HO 00 75 HO...... -so 00...:.. 85 00 50 500 t T5 00. ..... 53433!; ft000..1. ..... oGK? 85 O0..L ..... co 00 . so 00..: 63 ,33 S! 85 63. j. 100 e&. ..-6G 5GJa 100 00... " ftvsopsis of Fusaixo Scheme ok Cait- ' ur.jJCY Bill as to States 'East of- .the .-Misisix.---Jvo;i-2ii,tfrtw. Bc&riv.g 100 Kales. ; jUeceivable for pitblic does be- ' foro April 1st, ISoi, at parfTrora and af ter April jlst, 104, not reocivabiQ at all; 1Ut':- i " ' ': f "'I : Fundable is Foirrt per Ckst. Bots j lii-foroilst Aprilj 13(54. at 'par. - b imi 1st to last day of April, inc , at 66! i Froiii'lut to last day of May, inc., at 5(5 5 Kruiu , to last day of; Juneinc, at 46f! - V rm 1st to last day, of July, inc.,.. at 36 , nun 14 to last day of Aug., inc.,. at 26 I vom 1st to last day of Set., inc., at 1 Gj v!pt ftvv'iy Ky mont'iy taxi, Oct. inc., at 6 j : Any inon-interest bearing $100 notes on stbe first of January. 18G5, artj t ixod 100 per cent;, tlius destroying every Yor.iiC of value. ' - ' I' - . v1 ' I THE BEPOIITSS'8. I I CTIOXARY I IJASKO ON PHOXOGRAPHY, , PUE33 and shortly to be published, a 'book With the above title, prepared by the sutac.iber, who has bad nearly 20 years prac tice in PhonoTgraphic writing, Iiavinfr npet at one tiin employed as an oilicial rej ote in : the United btatos Senate, ajid. who 1 as oeea for the last seventeen months, and is now, re- ; porter ot tne ivuauia inxeuigancar. , - The Lietioarv will contain indiations, by 'r '-means' of- a simple nonien'clnturc, I jr writing with Phonographic letters, about 20,S0 worda of the English language, of ninety-nine one- hunarvths ot tnote m common use ine r xnainvinc word being easily jwr it ten after these are learned .' - j ;1' h In thu Inti'oductioii to the diUonary, sim ple instruction will be given for beginners of th study of Phonography,) wi;h lithographed . illustrations, prepared by one of ths bej-t ar tists in J the Confederacy. The object of the publication is to make a sxAndabd tor Cowfed eratc Heporters, and to rebder it possible for the much coveted and beautiful art of. Report ing, to (be learned eTen without the aid of ja teacher.; j f - j . 4 As the work will be exjpeBsive, bcw type having been procured expressly for it, only a small edition will be issued. 'Those wlio.de sire copies are requested toj send to the author their orders at once, (to be recorded) accom panied with the price of the same, -which will .be five dollars per copy. The book-in paper cover, and suitable for use-will be gent to all subscribers, by mail, without additional ex- penseti a..-. jiab&uAJiiiV 1 - i . - ta f OH i . - - Aiissujitt, vr- -A.uctiotieor and. 1 ' -1 : 1 v . -FATETTE VILLR, K. C. -1 : June l0-3m , i j MISTRESS AND MAID. 1 TUST RE0IEYED a fevf more copies of that ej excellent UV EL. at j No. .17, Market Square FEW more voiuines of "Robert aud Har oll" or 4The Youhcr Maroonere.' to gether With '-Dancan Adair," by Mrs. JaneT. vfOsS. ; , J U3t rTuvet at i- I . - - rr t r - - X i rjj rilfci5. DOLL A US peL- square tor : j. , ..t, ;.u. n fv..,; and evbrrioaertwu, tiUl lwer let , ..- - f1lj. on . rtf,,A fh.t h-i4 ! - f Cf tBeccacd OiBcei'S and kiliers.. Wzisos. X. ... June Wi. C ) - . - ? . .i! ... ;' ! a OtrBnswsioner tf investigate, collect and t riatt r.f-r tr t.- HAJ ti.K rr.tij'wl thereto, all cliJnsforbrirt arrearjt.2'S i iavnd a!lw f.fccjes, dnc testis repreilitRti- ofdceasI wf- j Thi parties outitlsd are : first, he v.tJow of. if Mxc bo ntitbfr wtl?r L-otr childrcxr-then,-- l'f 'tilJ' V10, 'dther, if there be iit itlier jd.r, j mother oftfce deceased, :.'d i a default o.t all of j tb4e tbu, tifthl lue executor or iwfciiaut: a f,.tor of the dcv4?as.d Tl, JT .J..Z" ',. "fj nfiYi'tira ca$cs, wher t!o cLiuartH not--they uiovrv tee--afljiliiv it must negfire the existeace of a clia a:t or chiittants of .a hiifbr order. The Jus-' I tii-? of iie Teacc, before whom th? affidavit is j fliitdrtn of the deceased-. Aiid 1,0 she or thr d bv ! afjlir.inistrator. t!e fact of the executorship or i a.fl ui i niitra torch: p wui be certified to, under j stjal hvJthe t'ounty Co, t t'leik. , j j All of theta papers should be sent in Japlim I Any per?on dirt'cUy intarcsf.r-vill b furnish cd, upon application to lee, WHh a proper form of ths? pnuers in full; a cap y,'of which, for the Jn-atf r coaveniciicef parties, ijvillLe forwar t.'d as soon as icaybu practicable to each (fu naty Court (71 eric. ' . ; : j Thi8 co':auiia?ion i.-1 intended to facilitate the oolleetiun of these claims, and save the claim- ! I'rtfli icten-eted tras materially aid. roe in - f , iiivesiHf Lilian ui iiu:ir iMiuig, li av iur iiuic vl torwaiflinj? tneir paper to rue, ,tBey v;ii m- torui na or tiie tlate 01 tn-? (ieato o the deceai- fd,-where he uied. was kiiu d, whether or not (hey or any one for the in, have received the jicrsf-nal eficcts which deceased had with him at tlie time of his death, and whither or not the deceased (if h no ciiimissi4ned officer or primte.) had cyir rt-c- ived the State's1 bounty, j It is vVrv desirable that uli cIhimss should b i'torwarded. at a-) cai ly a day as may be praeti jcable. Jn all cae--, 'jive the claiwanfs' 1'oai (Oliice and County in full. J.VO. A -STA.N'LT, ' ' 123-tf Gofeiiuissiuncr. TO THK VHIEDS'O? TUJi S8JJ : Ql'AKTEK51A.STKK GKXKBAL PErjST.VE.VT, KiciicicNn. hb. 2Uth, ISfi-l.. TUIR fi'i;:ils and l' lativejof Roldiers in i - thfe Army of' Nortbt-ra iVirginia are hereby tilled Hint nu nrrangennt Ijrs this dav t'?n eiTeelcd with the SOUTH BUN EXrK BS-S COMPANY, to carry Utehck ages o flood and wearing apparel toptich moivJ. Yd. , v ' ; !: .1 To set-ur1 iho advantages tlir.s obtiincd through the exprej-s company, the following, IiiKtraclions must b? observed ; . ' f" 1'iiakacai must not contain more ttin one hundred pounds; be well secured, and daiuly marked, and sent at the expense cd he s iippct to either of the Soldicrv Kclief Associations- which are located as finjlowB: 'Ia'North Carolina, at Ralc'igi; inpub. Carolina, at Columbia; in Georgia, jMAu gnsta; in Alabama', at Montgomery ev at any other point at irhich.one of tlieso 'As ociations bave.an cflficc. ; . J ( The. Agents of these a?Fcciai ions' will, there lake, charge, of them, iridiship daily, by Southern Express C-ora pan y to the prop er Agents of the respective States at Richmond,-who will see them distributed 6 the proper individual ownGra. To meet the wishes of thegoldiers, and to give their, a certain and speedy comnmuica tion with homo the Southern express Com pany has agreed to give this frelgiit prefer encc over everything else : and in' order that no obstacle may occur to the success of so iaadable an enterprise, the several Railroad Companies, are hereby requested to reuder tbe Express Company Sufcli facili ties as will enable it to make this raugc mcfet a complete succesp. V - As the Southern Express Company as-; s-nroes all responsibility ot tliie" trad?porta- . 1 .! .. i t. t..i:4" 1. tiC-na. are requ-.c-ea to wUhdaw their Agents who hac neretofore acted as travel ing rnes -engers. If the Relief Association will establish, agencies in the Oar of there umies, they may enjoy the same pnvuegcB bevebv secured to tiie Army of Northern Virginia. - - - F.W.SIMS, ' Lieut. Col. and Quartermaster. Apr.ro ved. y. R. Lawton, Quartermaster Gen. OEFICE SOUTUEKN- EXPRESS CO,, 1 Augusta, Ua.. r en zu. i64. THE SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPA NY hereby noti'y the friends and relative of Soldiers in the Army f , Northern Va., aud elsewhere, that they are prepared to carry out arrangements as; annoupced in the above card and that they will do all in h r power to fulfil Us requirement JaAiES SHUTER, ' X";en?I Sup't. & Acting PresH So. Exp. Co may0-tf. ' ; " r " fouiTper cent; bonds. WANTED A few 4 par cent. Bonds. -Apply at the 151-tf . CAROLINIAN pFFICE. 1 1 -1 i 1 . i 1 . . - i:ir:i . ...... i bd rniuors. the claim must be rropnuinu e-? C,'U5I i U.i: .-...It. . K.. :c J ,1 ., I VI UiJ VUUIUY VUlll ll Il'IA. , . , m &a- 1 .. . 1 900 OOO FEET of u & i iNcn ' " LUMBER, 12 inch. wide. Apply at the CAROLINIAN OFFICE. lSJMt i iYETtEViLLG--; ft-' B icon f.ird ...... rij.f; 4!h'SWx littcr ......... O-'R'cf - , w r4 , tracf L vv;oay. Fii.Trod '. ;.: 12 V, r, 4,ler ........ -ClV '' il r - j-JLc c-XT" --:r " a Kve,:,.......150U Oats 7 o 3?3 .00 y ' btehtt i. ...... 17 itJ .OO'Atisher -Giew..-....;..;......- 2 50. v3 COfSTjT Hides- DrY-..- .. 5 50 e.OOf0S-': , i,LHwedes... 3 &0 :"4 '.5ilb j.tbej' tipper ......L.;m. (MX C? Ih .ti iirrr -fjorn rbi.kf v.v..; ffi '.ittlicut t - - - - t 1 ( ri: - j !e iuid J'ech: Ji ran d r... . 40"".0O. -t?-."ja ! tub I 5!o'8fts -'Z'Cr 2i 00 j&I!ain N i Is 3 60. - 4 'C'J'jc lb ' 00 s ..15 CO a -20 00 Vt'U3L-I l-oi atov-f r "S .ft ... -Irish .... s-.- 35 otrt? buiber 1 s.-f'v-M'' ' - . o '- b ranuir Xar- 2 CO-f lb TT.ilet ..... V5 C0eF Spi its TuTpcntin T ktevill 4-4 bucetifV S.0f 3 25 " IT aVd ?v5. 00 4; j, busht-r . ....... v;.. 2 50- . o GOV lb .S i;0 C 8 00 ,V Td I1LJL tSTltATi:i- Irli' ruts Vi Til Is GUEAt LTTEK A F. Y WKKKLY THEGHKAT- UTKirA!iY WEEKLY OF THE St'UTtl ! -' - ()V THE SOUTH ! v A SUPERB FA Mi LY JOURAT; !' A S U l5E IHi F A ii U.Y JOU UNA f , ! 1 1 K A UT 1 F U LliY 1 LLU STi 1 A TKU, " BUAU'riFULLY ILIXSTHATEI', -i I L E ( A ' T L Y 1 P i ; i N T K U ELEGANTLY 1'uINTLD U-j-.VEltY SATU1UUY,- . EYEHY SAUitDAY, ; II A S : A J -i A L"i t ' -, MOJ&E --TAli! -N i l CORPS OF CONa iair0r()IlS'l ; CORPS ()1? COIvmlRUTQM THAN WAS EVER RFOliE ENGAGED TLiAN WAS EVER ESitRb ENi AGED IN ACTUALLY AY KITING i' OR 1N"ACTUALLY-AVJ1T1"NG JOl : 1 AN Y AUERir.N-PAPER J ; ANT AMLKKN PAPER j' j JJH1LJJANT, plIARaiNO, ; I i VRZLUASTt tHAUMINO, f i N ! AKD TIIRILI.ING ' : ! AND . TIlRlLLING , " with: i:oL:ccs, ; ; wi tii ncMAKcr:-?, ' -' . . h KETCHES, . " 1 r M SKETCllS, ' TALES . : . -0 tf - v - :;':M:. - .heal. -' .-- LIFE. ;-v , ; ; LPFE, . - V O E T U A", Hi s x o r y, ' ' 'H ISTO RY, 5 l ' ' t, 1 0 o;r A P II T, - ! SV I 0 G"R II Y, " V K.I. E T T E S ; K O V E t E T T E S, ESSAYS CRITIC SMS, c . L . kSSAYs; CltlTICIMS - ; j v WITICISMS it L-CELLA:..r, VflTIClSMS, MISCELLANY : ., INCIDENTS 'AS D ANECDOTES, INCIDENTS AiSU ANECDOTES, OF THE WAR AND ITS HEROES, OP THE WAJt AND ITS HEROES, . lNCLUDlNtxTiirsssiiATlONS, 1NCLUTJ1KG lASLAlOgS,j FROM THE GERilAN, FHESC'U. t FItOir THE- GEBU AN,"FR15JJCtt,' i AND OTHER LANGUAGES j AND OTHER LANGUAGES;: ArllOE JOURN AWFOR r ; TlHMlOUSEIIOLDi AN ORNAMENT . ; ' : J.Oi; TIIK I'AKLOK. . ' i A SOLDIER'S f ' I i . ..i " PAPER POiV "1 I : . . THE CAMP. , 1 I - , TRAVEIv.I.EHS CO M P A N I O N. : PLEASANT READING F O R . EVERYBODY. A RICH-CASKET OFf POLITE SOUTHERN s LITERATURE ! - J'.". SU INSCRIPTION Six to onths SI 0 a ,Th Trad supplied at 525 per hundred. - Address,-?-'---'--- -v.:-.- - . - - 5 . W3L B. S3IIT1J. ; ; : T r oprietur, Ilaleigh, N.4C. Juu Sal Wo Id .... : ? -T- , En'4ilopes ! Envelopes ! A SUPKUIOR jarUeld of ENVELOPES, JX Conimercial size, just received and for eale, atthe store under the r June 20 tf CAROLINIAN 0FFICD. m ' A. - - i . . : A '. ."'- . .. :-:. , ! fjVt.-f ':,' , tI ' : J H?.e for Lo me cl.tbir armies in- tfs;m 2 cai-fb t - . ; f ; - v .1 m.- l he exi-vj.so asul tronlno of trattsi-orr- ' jP fir -j. iCar., "' wviLr.-- . ! . j t:itHuv,lyL:iciwre"in .proportion . to miro-V It 1-J-Jf; Thrnshor; in tl.'e Clrck'g. mJtkt? this Jvery txpca-cf.t. Iho frn s 'r .tfiDtrivrypoart r,f thci tjihea iu, Ilfcrunton's late expeMI ' j2 ! n 'T-rAMfUiv ! -4 je GO! ! - : ' 1 TUU VALLEY. -:") "--i -" -.. - v. 4VIb!l:0 E-S- 1 il. vermis: h htf fa s : Ave love 'mfr?iratioh of one -f the hiostjinptut'itit movtMicntti v-f tbo vvar, Mit '.Ti He lj Hood's army. Out of sbui-aut ca yt;on. we refs.iui from stating- tiv-day, wh:v :. itf is. Vut a few hours-wii! to the ptiblid. and the cn tcr wc trust wit U cr;:sh- malce it kaown imv to til eSct. Iiicniioy, Sept.- 27 r tlie CMi!r .ii tralii to-nicht reitcrste 'he re- port, recci e1 1 l.;st night that Eai ly had ye puUcd. thoj.atlack' f . tLe eemy in the vicinity of Port Kepublic. Noihinsj :'o.Ticial 'or efn i e f.om tbe Ya'i?v t i-t'ayj It i-j believed that tiie fore. reported lo; Lave be;n repn's-ed by Early is To Lil'ii Cavalry, which 'Sheridj-n pei:t in pursuit of he letrckting Coi.fi - rlcs. THE RATTLE AT WINCHESTEH. : From.- a-n - inUTJigent olBcer w ho was prptcut on the occiif-iou, the Oiavivt!es vi:lo ChSunlds drives the following ac ' count ' of " th'-, attjle.on nlonday : J About dy light the enemy aelyanced 1 y the B. ry viile road on Ramseur, who wun . posted-at t6c Spout .Spring, orrthe same load, sonic four railes cv?. of Y" inches' tr. 2rdori was at Ranker .Hal, on the Mai -Jtinsbtirg-rbad,- o'nU rccoioinne. Rod s was .afJlTiwWpnrt ha'l, to tbe.lcit ot the ilartinM'urg r;?ad, aboit eig,ht I rnils below" yiriehetfr. About d elight, Cordon, and about 7 a. in., Rociesf comu-.enced raoviiig bac to the poin t of attack.' Y hai tn r.i maint J .on ttie extrfc!i;o: left, oh the J.L-.t tiatbu;g; .road, a short ditduce btiovv ViiicLe.- izv. About 10 or 11 a; -inM v.W of our trojps were c-11 th lieul, Tnr iinc f-icii-.g east- the eneinyJ faeii g West. Ran;'8-:enr stretch--td from .xibra'hu-ni Creek to the Iks ry v. lie pike Rodes had taken position in ber tween hituj and Gordon --Vharton, as we li ve Ktal(d, hohi'Bg the left. ' The bait e now boro strongly town id.; our lep; About half-past twtlw, General Redes. j who was placing a Lutleiy in the ap be j twcpu hicip-o'f r.d G raun. v.:;s .struck by a ball; just behind the er, and borne f-Otrt ti.-j held m a -'dying condition. -IIo was attended at the. tune by tn!y two 1 ;.- : 'n,0 .nm-.o .rtr ft...' a i . x -i. counera. j Ihe eoeniy continued to push tlieit hncjaround our left, and about feur,- j p. m., tneir ! cavalry ou iixtn- extie-re right, lapped our hne-s ionw two rn-les. 'this cavahy charged our 'cavalry, and completely routed it; r.!-l;then 'wheeled Into". vViu'tehtster Qn our rear. This mr.de it nesary fr our ; infantry to fail back: ! which it tnd slowly, reaching Winehesur - ... , . -, v , , - , about dark, ; ihe. yhoie anr-y then rc- treated oji tnat evening -b INevitov.ii a: u u e cbai iiiuuuiig io i- s an-, a i f 1 1 in le or two from : Strabbr.rg, wherb it is now posted, ibis is eighteen miles frgm incnesier,. ana a -position ot " irreat. ! atren.gth-U-haying the North -Mount dn til thtf I'.rtt, and the Massacutkn 3iouuain' on its right-- i' - Tho balUe is described as .s very sev re one; ihe liss on. both siucv tieivy ;"- theii-'s supposed to be gt-eator than. curs. . Yve ' tk some ol 0 or 700 prisoners, more Ihati VM lost. Aw rili is leported kdl; ! but this iSj not aii.Uienticatcd. ' We Lie t threa guns, and, of course;-Ivft. some of F itz Leo, (said to: be sherh Sy wounded:) Jlrig.-General York (commanding Hays' and Stafford's Louisiar a brigade ) arm ,. shot! Acting Brigadier 'General Thomas II. 'Carter,' commanding artillerj-, slightly wcu!:ded by shell in back; and five Coio- nats, tinmes not remembered; killed. rii igaciier General Rattle of North Curo- Una is in command of Rodcs' divi,ion .-. nJ i. r J... .. .. . . .. .. . vu .uiuiuiauuieb mat me Iorcc ot the enemy was very laree. more than two fold our numbers. Up to the time of ovjr bing flaeked, we were 'piishtnz thpn our woundeu in the hands of the wifmr ! est ?ne in manij; TK i,nf,.,!.,i,.,.i,lf th . i- V j th?'ir inyHfOcea3-i:ien, tn takepun to Seek out IhC dMoalalo; the army, whien Were - u deserters oftheii aef,aaintance, put this Ivaoea-.!.wil woun-.ed, came f fa!e'y I proclamation ia Iheir- hsnds; or iitha Lands of 'With ;.fii.s qusiihCiition we. - brought ulf ' their relatives aM -triei-!.-',andor5 upon them oar Wagons, arlillerr, Sc. 'il-ee was to i-eturn'to the padi of duty, whith LaL-o the crn-idc&blii Stni-r-ung o:i ur art path of gaiety ami o, ftnur. If every good and r,., .... P . b 'i'. P"-' i loval eitit;zen would jct s.bout to icd.iiio 'r A lift casualties tiwu rr,r. i j-inr s-i . Rodes.licd-. Hngadier Gcneial Godwin, (of Pofis-iiouth, Ya. ) killed; Major Gem -.1 f ty-fonr rhii.tn! rt'.l ciglitJinudred p':nn!s ou.l make 'au- ! r trC'MO!i '''-'f " 2,GG0.C00 pctuids; This, - I reiuli; wouli feed ;i liMi-uand rnen fur. uar- ,- J ' . , .-- '. ; -. 1 - c- tta- ,.-,,.1 j . ., . vrhicb wc ;irc. vtryj lijcli obued to 3. Oniht. and vari-e'i'v to. Oon.-1. IIhuhV- ton aud Lis braves.- isiitlintt. ItyncLburj; ' MtpulVczn. says; no damage v. ?.s dune to tho'0ran'g road by the enemy but t'Lej burning of the hndgo. 'across the Rapidaij, and that, we under stand, was only .!pf.rtially destroyed ..ftd can be .repaired in a few days.". 1 2i train of cars, lor -tho k-'afety' - tf; ieh 'fears'. were c.r.teih':5ned. escaped enptarb. Much private dnnnige w-s. done, tl.rfo , niill-i and -several ;!: ivate 'hotrscs bt-ire de- . btroyed. The fore 'tras a part -i Eher idan's c.ivalrv, sent fur te purpose of ' breaking tire cfniniv.nietit'n between rdohifMid.- Tiny have .left Culpepper, going .ack into the A'itlTey. j Fkom TuK FjtokT' In the Macon Ju-tell;geBC!-r, .we' fintl the annexed news: Important mofinsnt; are being aado -by our army. Itj. is neither proper or pi ndeiit, however to give any detailed account cf then fit -.resent. AYe have thelrumor frem a very relia bla source' thai tlie Yankees Occupied Grifiiu this Frll.iyJ meruing. . We can not express" anj'; oj.iuion on the result of the raovoineut, out tiUppose the Authori ties ii:ive jcarefully - calcipt ded the entire situation, avd are prepared for every LrQcrvhat.'nniy arise. Ii lr, TIIK 'GOV O? 0.iT:I rTA:lOLlX A .-TTTI1EREAS-," IT IS REPOR'l KO' TO V V ;-'tbat - many; sohiiers 'from tbet! :-- p.- jj f this Staie have d'eV'ti t i' thair c;o;.M.il eon- iadjs, and aic lufiiin in laountains-. fcce of tljm their trtriuis to v;.,;;:ti!;ha la-:, r; U:t- V, 1:1;-.:' a u by forcing .i. 1 and Mh.-i-by violcuT dpr-"-:.! ioue .ipon iats a'-le eltizi'i: -, ontailirfv !iai::e. and -.obloquy ui.'Mii thva'''lve.aVid lln i;- p:;stf.-r-.ity, 'iitrsgiig thelaws and t he jWv-ce r.f ociety , aiid daniSg-ii-g the cause- of their ;Lardi' rei?ed ccuntry. ; 1 ?id. whert-as.. on." St t E. .Lee. in (gen eral Oiu u- No. ;"l..ug. l'tj- li-c:L has pro-i-ied 'to deal k'.:i-t;tjy viTLfiI .v. ho pronrptly return to dal'y, mjoi'.I- iluv may haveiu'eyrr d tlie j.'enaltie ;f de?ci-tin by proloigeJb.s new" without autlmrity. Now, thcivfoiV. 1, Zt-tn-lon H . V iTT;C. , G ) y c '.'--" r of the 't:H of North Or.r.-.'Uo.x, do i.-iie;thk my pvorl.nneti.-n,, urj incr n:o;t e'ariiei-t'r.- uwn.aH, such i.ii.sgaidid 115 en to -wipe out; froin tu-:r i:net- rtvctyd xasucs the foci btiij.i oi d cerium bv proi..ptlv rctuvnhirr f thepot ofdut-r in accoidaWe with said General Order No. '.4, priaisix.g to all pueli who voluntarily return or surr ioU-i theisip.e.L to tin proper author!. fAs a lull and free pardon, or th;.- inuictijn ot on' the luiki cat penalties of ihe'inilitan- law, e.xct pt th"st v. ho have bren guilty of c:s i'ital fclouii-s figi!it the lives ami lo-owrtv vf the citizviis. id thi-i 'pro--:-.-. p:-!a, U'MW, v l.ivf jj-or.i 1 . V V" .'1 ii "V ,xe vrno l'fU1!. tn vo::i IV ?Tith ..: ttr'.w that ihs, nUa i pouvr of ti Ls .vi:;t - iii.i cxei-tl toeaptiiiv themror di iye 'l-ii-it! fvoii!" the tr-' And-1 herebr srs of a count ' ixi'.v. liih ln;or as id snotl'V r.i;osn thev divtrrace b' i vfisc-iu to dj-.'Vnd, I .cd that the extre.:etp.;r.altes of tlulew will ) be en'orc. d without vxecptlcn whc.u caught, a w-t'.l against thu'u aiofis nnd a-i.-tters m Hie civil court?, SiR;.i;taueiU5ly wiih this pn.ela sriaioc orde will i.-;ue to. the c.ui: e iriiitiabf the State to turn out .for ilu i.-a; ra t, ar.d 1 hone br tirn'-lv f-' .j i-.-i. n thev- wiil f-. ;ire utj t'je p-;;i Lunt:.:.jt-u..v.jt like 'guilty febius many - uravi au-i wi-'uufi. i.un wno iiavo served their eouurry v. t 'i and corld do t oa;ain. Des-?i ier? fronx'-ther' Vtatcs who h.ide.iu our j 'woods and as iit in giv inj? our State a Lad j na.-ne, 1 cn uh nothing for, bet to the erring EoLdK'rsoTXorthf'aculiua I .eon tide n I iy appeal. And 1 earliest ?y pm on ail grou citi.t s to a- iiiis appeal P. actual, Lthbv" capture "one des-erte.r bv every means iii hid power, hJ would fuecrvrd :u.dhe will have ren dered a most valuable and patrir-tiv ferviec t his State ar.d coe: try. 'itil msgigtrriicr.arw also exhorte'd t: be dilij,-nt in" proceiuin 'against all fuch as yiolatlho statute against h'ar boring, xdufng Or abetl'iDb degerter?, and warniirg is hereby given that ia all ca-;s where either ei vi! magistrate or militia or home iruard . j officers refuse or neglect, to faithfully TH-rforiii J their duty.L this respect, upon proper evidence subtr.itted to rse, the J xecutive piotfction ex- S tenata to tnera Knuer act? oi concrrs fh.allbe 1 withdrawn, "as I cannot cevtliy-thati officer-, civil or m.liiarr. wlor -fos to rerform their dutiei arc -'necan to thr-ducadmrnistration of the law;,.' which they wilt not execute. Given under my hand, and thegreat seal of the .State, at Ralci-h, thL 'ilih dav of Aujiet; ; Z. IL YANCLi 5 IB' 17, ITXstrUct Snirc, '4 ; i t -