' JHE FLOORS CCU'Cf) UK v HJK N. a, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 6. 1864.; NO, .209; ; " - 7 ;7 0 i- - v . E V I: T - V- v 1 v:- l - ' ' ' ' . A. .A .'-: . . - ... .rrtl9flttn:i;. the IxtBLttf skcr Will '.M fcrfn t&at U tetter hc raonej mast accom pT thi' AilririUttninL Marriages, deaths, ri:-iiva aflJlirer hUce charged aa aatr tUt nt aad jaaiV bpaid, for atricCly ind- The Value of MLiicyf 2 1 O ft-J S 2. : 0 je 9 1 ffO..... ?3 1 OU .-. ,2 00.. .... .3 oo......;... ... 4 00 i CO 3 00 4'50 6 00 7 50 3 00....L....... 1 33J 4 00............ . h 00..'..1 5 00....... 10 4H).......... 6 C6 10 00 15 00 15 m.;:..... 10 00 id (JO..... 13-33!; 35,00..:....... 16 CG ... .......... . 22 00 . 30 00 . 37 50 .45 00 . 52 50 20 00... 25 00. 30 oo..; .. 20 00 vf 30 00... 35 00..L.....23;33 40 0........ 20 SG 45D0.i. 30 004 50 00..;....;.;.. 33 33V 35 00. 40 00. 45 00. M 60 00 .. 07,50 .. 75 00 .. 82 50 .. 90 00 .. 97 60 .105 00 50 00. 55 00..V.L...... 36 $6 55 00.- ... 40 00 60 00.. 65 00.... ...4J 334 65 Q0.. 70 0(.. 75 GO.. 80 00.. ;85 00.. 90 00.. 70 fi0..i........46 6?i 7S oo.;..;.....:. 50 00 - SO 00 ...U...... 53 33' i ssiooi;...... 5K OQvOOrj...... 60 00 $rw;.....,.s3?w5 X0O:Ofc.T.t-..--.6 Wi 112 50 ...120.00 ...127 50 ...1S5 08 ..:142 50 ...150 00 95 00. 100 00... RKerlfitxrAs to States EASTor thk t ;' forS April .iktii G '4, -.t Jpar; from and &f : I e toiit 1V 1 86iJ.not' rcceirable- at all, :C ! ' . ' , ; : ; : ; Itefr lt JLpnU:i Sdriat pat. . h iHpltrt6 ItdiyitfL April, inc at 6" rriWi lit.to.ljist ctayrpfMay, inc., at 66 f FralttcjJst day of Tuueinc, at 46$ " I rttmvist toXiasitlay of -July, inc., at .36 tu ljflUaif AttgW inc., at 2Gf - I romJsi to tJay.o? Septinc., at 16$ c ioj S'jrlinojftly iak,X)ct. inc7, at 6 :: A p Vt1 ttuiterfisi :l$arhi j" $100: notes liib f tle first7-f Jatinary 1865 are tiw pef en4 tTiua destroying every r-- rl THE . - V D.SED Cijr 'IIOffiGRAPIT. c T2; PRESS raiid ,aoorUjt. lw jwibliahed, a v 1 iJo4'lg with tae-iabove tttlr prepared bj the Sub$cibi'wbo has bad nearly 2U years prao ' tie ia Phonographic writin4aring jeen at ,4a time employed I as an orticial rep eWr in ' the- United States Senate, tandf who has bdi4 . To the last seventeen nicoiths, And is apif, .tf V- porter of the Atlanta Inteflianear. i ;; ... The Dictionary-.wilf contava'indi-atioxis, by saisans of a simple nomcnclatci'e.'t jri.wriinff ' with Phonographic letters, abdmt 20,000 words f the Engbsh language, 'of jaunety-nine one hnndroths of "tlpsc-AQ eommoaose the re mainiai: words beiuflnc'asiljwrittn after these ' .'areiaaraocU, ; i f"y -t-rVr.-t. In tha. Introduction t th T)i;tioaarir. sira- Ikf itudr of Phonograshy; r r bJlitho graphed iUusixatlcrnt, prepare Py.0Y be8t ar" tista nn ..the Curderay. ,Tti Jbect f the pabUeaMou is to make M Ias4b 4'or Corifed rai Reporters, kndi torrendar. it. possible for thaaaca jeovetedud h5atlfulifcrt of Iteport iaierv t-bo learned: even withoijt. the aid of a teacher.!.--. P As -the work will b.oerpeaslTer new type having been procured expressly for it only a sgult. edition wity be issued TTbose who dc eire ccjpias are requested to send to the author their Orders at-once (to be recorded,) accam panedr:with the price of the same, which will b ftre dollars, per copy," "The &ook in paper cover, and suitable for use, will be sent to all subscribers, b v mail, without additional ex penses t " A. E. MARSHALL, - wtf." .v.-"-.-'-;. ''-.-. ' Augusta, Oa.. : DISTRESS ANCMAID. j 'l-r.TBiwieTEI A fe orc copies of that v 7 excellent y. at 4ket Square r , ' inore volunves of f'Robert and Har V. v.. 1 Th; YtHmarlfarooners. to- ' i;-t itV."puncan Adair, by Mrs. Jane T. Vv' i -t . W of EVVKLOPES jaat recvrd and for surr' .i' Cor- - tI3ow iho. t . if tt ere be tuch, M. .Ail rf t ' : ' 3-.'' : - ,r ' ..i rlaura-t or 7' r . . Jf-li fu Tilth Wf, andjn all' . - ,J r--,r -.: . :'si54 B;W AS tC - f - If Jbb claiinfcntr ciauntnUi be a'jciM "gr diildi-eft of the decase, abd he, be or thejj minbre, tho claim mktil bfr- tropouadtd br; his, her; or their guardian and the t ac of hb being guardian must b cerUSe'to, uncUr leal of the County Court Clerk. Wha'th- clai.ii is made by an excentVu or adiniatitrator; the fafct of tb ezocntorship or admiuiitratorsbip mtt be certifie to, under ml byjtbe. County ourt Clerk. Jill of tktst pdpr thould be tent in daplim cafe. ... '. .. - Any person directly in terc&ted will be fnrnib ed, upon applicatien to me, with a proper form eftheac! papers ia fell; a wpy of which, for th preaterjcj?ireniene of parties, will.be forwar ded as soon as maybe practicable to each County! Court Clerk. . ' f" . Thii jjons misaion i intended to facilitate the collectin of these claim, and are the claim ants allj expense. : Tartijfi interested mar materially aid roe la the inreitigation of their claims, if at the tifaa of forwarding their paper to me, they will in form me of the date of the death of the deceai ed, where he diedwas ktllcd, whetherorot. they or any one fr thni, have retired 4he persnai eflecta which deceased had' with him at the. time of hia death, and -.whether 'or- not tho deceased (if a noa-coniQiissinned officer or private',) bad ever received the State's bauntr. It jsjrery desirabl that all daiai should b forwarded at as early a dav as may be praeti cabie. I Jn all casegire the claimants Poit Office and County in full.'- ' ; . 4 jxo. a;stanly, - T ..TII&FRllin OF THK or.ii ikr Throuahout the Confederacy . 1 UAivOAIJcasiAtr. iett fa JL,, the Armv of Northern ;r-Virginia are hereby! notified that an afrangtraRnt haa; thia day n ctTectnl with the SOUT HERK ! EXPRESS COMPANY, to carry all pack ages of food and wearing apparel to feick moni.Va. . ;'- ' ; ' - , - To seenre the advantages, thus obtained inroujthttaexpmCipa'HttKftfolfowiaf-. instnittioUs mut b obherTed :" Paalaes nusV not jjontain-: more '.than ope hundred pouuds; to well aecurod and tlainly marked. and cent at ihe cxpeuVe of he ilppcr.to either f the iSoldiera' .nelief Associations, which are located as follows: In North CiroliDa. at IlaleTgk; ' tn South Carofina, at Goluhibiaf in Georjria, at A'ji usta;! id Alabama, at Montgomery ;oi at any other point at irhich one of tlicsu As- oeikUons have an office. ' ' " "The j Agents f these -1851511008' wflJ there. (ake charge of them, aad hip daily, by Southern Express Company to the prop er Agents of the respective Statpp at K?eh-r mpmi jv. h will see theni distribuUd o the prbp$iHudvidualowner8.V ! V,S : o ibt-.t lh 'wlahes pf the soldiers, and to give tieED a-certain andpeeUy comajuttica tioh withw'hoine tho Southern Expresn Cora pars y haa agreed to give thia freight prefer enca 4ver verytMng elge. i and in order f ba no obstacle may -occur to the tccew Of so iaudable" an enterprise, the several Unilrqa-l Coaapanies are hereby requested to rer der the Express Company such Jacili iles ai will enable it to make, tku wrange- mnt a complete saccesRil r :' " V '. fAa the Southern Express Company; as- sumyB 'all responsibility of the txausporta tion.of those packages ;.Uie Keif Aseocia-r ti:ua icre rpqta-.ft7av--ilir.-Agents wbo'haW nereHofoaete4.M travel ing messengers. :" If the Relief Apsociatieft will establifih agencies m the Tear r there arnuea, they may enjoy the same prmlege herebv Eecuredtake Army of Northern ! Lieut. Col. aoU Quartermaster. Approved. -' , y. II. Lawton, Qaartermaster Gen. OFFICE SOUTHERN, EXPRESS CO., j AuOCSV-Ga.. Feb 20.: 1864. f ttt ROitTUERN EXPRESS COMPA NY hereby notiiy the friends and relgtiye. " ftr Soldier ia the Army ,f Nor thrn Ya.t and elsewhere, tat they ire prepared to. carryout arrangtraeuia. .""jy". the above card apd that Ihey wiH4o all in Gen'l Sup't. & Acting PreSftS6,-Exp. Co mayaP-tf. -' . . ' ' 90UH PH CENT. BOND ANTED A' few : pert cent, conos- ! Apply at the ' ' 15l4f - CAKvJLiI3ilA w".' ribtiOTieeKr .and. i . Oct.' 4 -1864." Btcon ..... r ..T 5" 75 - 0Ar lb' rk i. :.i y & 2 V9 lb Bef ..... B.tfwax ::..l50 tt o"V lb B-ttter -rc oo w C ttoa. , .it,; 1 Tfc " y a t"'fftfe ...................... ...w..if.""1 15- CO C5 C'tion Yam 4 .40 3 buoehr I ied Fruit Aplrs 4 )'ejRt'bea 75 Sl-Vft !" JT ......... .......... iV" 3':O0 do K 'tract Legtfood ..:.Xt-'S- $6 V? JS Fl.ixieed ............. 12 Su U 00 14 bunhel Fodder $8 0 10 00 liunda-4 Uf y N..;......-;. .. .. If 00 irndrtd- Stuck x:Z &$r$ JiuwirW Tliw-.Corm...'.. $-a500 V ha&st ' iT;iTOt u5 35 00 p buslic! " Sol..;..,;............. ijoo"? u pr--fiM:ri -T wke VV.......V60JD0 Apvlp a;nd: i'eack Brao4v....... b&)& i aifon' oft '-l 3 50 400 su-ft Opona ;i 00 20 00? bushel.- Fo $tos, Irish ......... S- IB 00 ' bcshVl 055 75"$. - lb: 1 i """ v- Hutar Ar) ...... Toilet .... Family l;ir 2 00 -f' ?. IV" TI ' AW . 5 00 V lb lurpenwne. v g1" Faettetill; 4-4 Shewtioil 50 3 25 Ynrd. Saltj....... $ 00 4? 40 '$ bushel ' .Mlow..-. ; 2 50 3 OOV.'lb,'. Wo 4 .... ......$6 00 . 8 00 lb A f i A-. . - I- : THE , I5XU5TRATED MKBCURy ! 1LLISTIUTED MEKCDllVl THE GItKAT LITERARY WEEKLY TlrE GREAT LrTER AKY-WEEKLY OV Til E SOUTH ! ' f OF THR -SOUTH' L A SUPERB FAMILY JOUHKAL! A! SUPE KB y AMI LY JOURNAL L BKATJTIFULLY J L3fUSTRA TED, ..';' BEAUTIFULLY UUSTBATJSU; ELEGANTLY P. IXED c Elb'OAXTLT PIUM'KD YERY SATURDAY, EVERY SATURI). ' HAS A LARGER UASsA LAllGEK . -J' '' is ' MORE "T Al BNTFa D CORPS OF COiTRlBUTORS ., COUPS OF CONTRIBUTORS': ; THAN WAS EVER JaFORE ENGAGED THAN WAS EVER B Wi) RE-EN GAG E IN - ACTUALLY WtlTlNGf FOR. ; IN ACTUALLY WAITING -Ft)R- , ANY A.MERpA PA?ER .! ANY AM ERIC PAPER! BK1LL1AKT. C. iBMING, . AND THR1 AKD'TURI TITB ROMA '. with knui KETCHFi Sketches; JTALESft -"TALES ! - !:: :- ''!':! 04F ' ! i REAL , : 1 i REAL ! i " . : ' I ! LI'f-E, , , L 1 F E. -.'. P- jPOETR Yl POET It Y i II I STO K Y4 H 1 S T O R Y, :B I O-G :i AP Y, r 1 BIOGRAPHY, I J NOV & L1I T T "E S,- f N O V E i; E T TJK S, ! -ESSAYS, CRITIC SMS, r ESSAYS, CRITICISMS, I WITICISMS MiCELLANY, ? " i WITICISMS, MISCELLANY- ! INCIDENTS ANTJ ANECDPTES; IClDENTb AND ANFmtE OF TlI-Aft-AlfljrTnrnEKO.l! OFT TH E WAR AND ITS- HEROES, INCLUDING TRANSIiATfONS, llTCDlKprTA FROM.THE ey.RUAN, FRIKCH, f AND OTHER LANGUAGES, 1 AND OTHER LANGUAGES, A UOME JOURNAL FOR THE ! HOUSEHOLD ! 1 v AN . ORNAMENT , KOIt THB PARI.OS.. A SOLDIER-S .t. . ! PAPER. FOR f..- in THE CAMP. f.f- TRAVELLER COMPANION. PLE ASLANT ' READING -FOR E VER Y B O DY. . A T?Tn IT PlSVPT hv iff Hi POLITE SOUTilERK ; XltEBiTURt1! SUBSCRIPTION Six ..months... $10,, ; kThe Trade suppliSd 'at $25 per hundred. 1 Address,- '' -" ' ' - : .Tra.B.-saiTB,,ri-'f m 200,000 FEET OF U t l LUMBER, 12 Inch. irSdeJ i U.ING w - f AROLINIAN tfFFICp ;lteponcl l- live I'rs ,AsociAlJoi. Eatertd according: to A ct Congress in the yaar 1S63, by ! J. S. Thcasher,; in the Clerk's -ofli-ce of the DJatrict Court of the Confederate 1 Btitw, for tha Xorthcrff District of tjfeorii FROM HOOD'S AIMT. Our Sherman's tljat Ceb. lleod'a ariirr VwTO tfi rear of Atlanta, and jt i icported posilively that weJiold the"rAiIroarbtyveca Yinirg apd Ma)iejla. ; V: A Wigade of Yankee cayry came to Fanrburn. ronUfco ;Wst Point; railroaoVycs terdar, And attacked the cf?jman3 : of Gen; Ivertoni Trho feU-.bftck 'after lofring one or t6 killed Wnd vrounded. " They are re ported, at FayetteriHe this A. M., but tbis is doubtful. Piisonereakeu in the fight with Iveraon say that no train had ai-' rivtd at Atlanta fQr "six days. Military men Here trlieve thut SfiVruisn's a'rra Iv vfill he forced to. abandon Atlanta and cut its way.ost in a very few days;, IwicHifQxi Oct. 4; The Wasbington :CponlcilQt thl: IsriiiaV been .roc'enrfcU" dispatches lYoln Grant dated at CbaffinV on t ae 2tHh ul tiraojiay that Ord's corps advanced tins ' r.ornIng and darned a vrr 'strong fortification and line of en'trenoh-Bient.- bolovr "Ghkffiu's . farm, with "some J5 pieces rf anillery and 2 or 300 prison ers. Old" was wounded in thr lei', but not laogcrOOTly.u Birney advanced'at' the tame lime from JJIoep Bottom an4 cap-. . aad rs now marchmg on Ivichmond. ' St.' Loote Wegrams 'of the' SOth say the eriemy wire closely pursued by the rob"-' v ls to Harrisns station " The railroad is c"ut north of that place. Escaped' .priso ners arrived and deserters report ' Pilot Knob still held by 'the rebels. . Nash'tille telegrams of the 3Cthult, re port Forrest at I;aycttcvilla on tnc night' f the 28th. That naoruing there was no communioation south of Murfresboro. We- have, says the Charlotts ville Chron tcje, cenfiured Gen. Early for remaining "at Winchester after the withdrawal of a - pertiou of his cenamand. We learn that we did ' mm nijtice, and that he is uot responsible ier that mistake if mis take it wasV. H j ' ,,; We also learri that his' conduct ef the battle at Winchester; and of the5 retreat froaathat point, was marked' by?!:ability The army hare lost no ceafidence ia him . Tho whole aeries of disasters is attributed to the inferiority in numbers ef our car airy, and the inefficiency of some brigades in -Gen.-.Lemajx'i ; division; . " s Our araay did net behare U .atJFi5kr erV HU1,. Lf rairYinT isniouuted there, and placed on our lift, seoa gave away j before the eaeniy, who thus flanked us,! and our infantry hastily 'retreated.: 1.1 -1 At Newmarket the army behaved, well. and repulsed an attack of the enemy. ' We learn tha t Shendan's" whole infan- try fjfee did no at thiR. neriod'.exceed'lSl 000 men. Our losses at Winchester are - 1 r . . roughly ' estimated at 3,000 ' of whomf about one-half ware taken prisoners. r Wetoek about 400 prisoners.- The loss of J3en. Rhedesfpioduced a profound im-.J pressien in the j army ; but his successor, Gen. Ramseur, i$ regarded as a fine ofificer, and pommands khe confidence of the divi sion." -'7 '. " -. Fighting pdvEfcxoRS. Govlmor Har rig, of 'Jennessce, is with the army of Tenneslee; Governor Smith, of Virginia, commanded a bngade andi was several times wounded In the first three years of I the war; Gaeernor Ynnce, of North Garo- una, ana uovrnor ; vraus, pi Aia jam-, have each served a campaign,' ai.d we pre sume wsme:H gdnpowd6r," Governor Allen, of Louisiana; and- Governor Clark of 3Iis 8issippi. both smelt gunpowder,' anit were- desperately wounded in the battle Actions in rhich thoy have been engaged, Ariiy ia ; Rear ! . , " n tin e Ye w s . " : . &C,, &C i-B.- -- ' w1 ' - - ,v: r: ':" ":' "- to. Ltrtrr. Gen, Fwi;Rg5tv--Tb Mcrnpbri Apwl now published at '"' Moiitiriimerv," - r"Aa.,"lvgrr.s tiiat .tbe HtboitieV. at.v;: fjich'- . tnosd have so far recognized th 'nsiueni"..' lability and s vices f GcnrSl Firrsst zt ' t confer upon him the ' iraiiVcf Acting 'r- v'licMteoant Gneral, which oW tlone undsra late act of Cengrcss authoriziugf the President to- make temporary ad-" ; vancenaeuts.of o facers in the field, s thaf they will out rank fiicors of their "own. jeal Biili tary grade.5? .Tha nm dis rtiuetion was conferml upeu Lwutnant GtneTal ilcod, to take command of ftfie ". Army of Tennessee. General Forrest is aww ranking CAYalrr oCVcer jiiiJhe Wevt ;: . andSouU?; and f ho peoplrtlk with" .-C ;Cdufideoee fornew Tif fttta Cir4" go-i tiohs laudr.corireheQsi - ' T-IJf this be par;y;aYlt Tlowjag extract froni' c5j.l3jfdf j sued by the kiilitary c'ipM'r. v jj bile. irf. view hf tbL TeccnfeeYaCRjtion - ef FWtPo;weU witheut orders, riri H r; ' jender of Vist Gains in Tiofaticji- tjl8 . direct ah fl ji osii ure, orer o f the G a a j ommandi is g, should btand forth Is UCirs ; of gold te the forces now holdiiig 0uf batteries nd fort ; everywhere iu ;v.t. Confederacy: j. '- f y No officer commanding any fort or baU ,.iry ia anu aruna Atpuue will hoM any ..communication, by flag-of-truce for otb. .erwise, witli the land 6r narai fcyrcw of the enemy, without aithcrity frora thess headquarters. 4- ; ' " t .: , . v .j Ji-9 ion ana oattsnes ot uua eom- raaMd must and shall be held tq tlw'last -extremity .' ' . . 'fl-l'W'-'r. ?(. AVc learn that tbb licii) " known aa Queen's '-Delight Stillihgi a) ia a stiro? preventive of chills and fever. -It y should be taken just ; before or -f-just as the chill is coiiiins on, and it viD J "Take-doses of) a. wine glass full nutui it prouuees perspiration, ic is sam to have cured raahv in Wakulla county. y ' j - i Ti'lleffMssee 'Flctridian ; 7 Dud Meadows, ! deserter from Warren Countv, Avbo was arrested some three weeks since jftui srat to Camp Holmes, escaped frcfeu tho Guard at Petersburg and isf agaiu - at larce. This is the sixth" time ho has escaped. He isj a notbricis of fender, and fears are entertairted by some that he wil destroy f the prop erty of those who were active; n se curing his arrest. 113 is the only deserter m warren iouuiy. l lonserzabtfi. The Navy. Assistant Surgeon E. O. . Booth. rersHt v rtasa irom leioaooia'j , , J t - ' nas arnvea in nienmona. no icisau- miral Buchannan com well j ms l badly fractured, but he; will recov the use of his limb. All of our and men carried to Fehsaco'a-arc treatea. It 1'UiSLtlSllfe.li AT .f A, Ti XXTTJiiUh P.; . O. on Tuesday of Ciih rieck. It is tnAde up frOBi the news contained rln"the Dirvr,. 5ioura CxaoLixiAN anilwill always cot tain -tho ' .A L, . '. ' ' i- VUTi Y LA TEST TEL EG R A WW XE W& Having tb advantage - of. the news of the' PRESS ASSOCIATION, of which the Daily Sdi th Carolinian is a number. n THEMA RKETS, Will be fully and carefully reported each day j and a true statement of their condition honest ly given. We have n SECURED 'CORRESPONDENT'S In the ArnMes'of Gena.'.LKK and PiCKEi", and j will always jive a faith ful and full record ef j aiiuy matters. . . .! - f e " t " PostMasters aid ot Vers are reonested to ct as Agents, and each Agrent senainjr six or i mi ro 1 subscribers -with the. jHoaey, for. tx , . uunihs,; jvilL receive-thV Weekly paper, eia ; ai( nihs gratia. ', t , . f f Si bscriptions will no be taken for a longer j paiiidihan six months ;.ju4 in. nocaae will the .(. papi r,.be sent until the j jionej is received. .. itv r - a-r" A dvebtisemev4 inserted for $lir i siptjn of 16 lines for tit 1 first, and one eellr r. for each sucecding publ cation. ; ' TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION t j Weekly Istelliqexcer i -Throe naonths,$2. 00 - " 1 Six nraatha, 5 0 1 5 1 ; J. SINCLAIR, . i i . - EoiTa'Asn PaoraiETo. - I soon, put tne paiient; jn: p rot use. er-f ispication. The mapher orprrjIariniV .13 to'tiijkje ia;o0siwr erlmth ": : JFOU,SAIE. -, ;V i A PORTABLE 6TEAU ENGINE of herej 3 power, as good a n-w. Pripe ia specie or its equivalent in Confederate 4ote. -.1 ; Jr or further particular aearee 3td-2I JOHNvfl. JHLNK ; Fayettevnie, N rCv L v i - - -. a I ficer ' i ' I udly " N- . -1 r.. Ml June 10-8 m . " " . I. ' 'el I .1 V . . 1 -