; ...... . rv ':' .", : . i" ;'. . . - ' . . -" t-,,v . - ' "- '. . ' r . i ; , ; -. - . -'- - - ----- V . . t - j - .-X.. .1' - -; ' ; - - - - ; :m :-' : ' X '''"' ------- V-i-:fe;- : V :-- --- -4 . - . . ' :.. .. - v . . - - - - . ' -. ;- - ' ' I "- '' ' - ' - . . . ' -. ". :' " 7 j r - - s & i - j ,- km w m u -mb i m w m m m -. - j Arm 1U. NO. 2i2. ! . h . - -. ! t r - - ' - THE DAILT XOHTM- GA.no UNI AX u terrmd io subicriWrji latt'wfv at WfE UOIj UU AXI TW KNT FIVE CKXTiJ per VelfcVia Stance, parable tu' lUo Cnrrirra i5 -VJl.ef.l C.! aunw' 'tt.frjT? TT.JITfi HO LLAUs?. Throe month. F1F- r f KEN 0S1L.AKS. -Crmt month THREFT DOLbARS OftfcCl newspaper, Tutiisra ml iuu wa.ee, u ouivle.1 tAuWHw'-At W4ULL1-A- for ix months. ) Three wth XHUEK .M- f;A4frthcmeQU for ,"thi CAKoLisjik'will be Wfe4 TifKK DOLLA per qure for iwh n4 fTeryfinertiop, eight, lines or lef - .entitutiojr i. Fu.r.. ! - '" ' ". . Xirjrtu:euci Utr ItliQ IxrsLLiflEXCKa will .bo iurtJ in lV"ilj, auJ charged )ilj Tttf Inr thai insertion. I X ' -..: . -I - W kn i s?ut;bj tatter, th'e-mo'ney must areom--pa;' tA ' i.,Tcrtissiut. j Marriage, - dtith, rei:i ju and tlu;r notici;3 chargeil ficrer. lite nti aovl mast h- pwsT for strtcUy in ad-' .-- rai. j. ' - "" V" " .. .' . . 7? U7 p. 1 W. 2 08. C'3?i , 1 00. 1 60 i 3 00 r4 50 a m 7 60 13 00 1 Hi A . 2 00.... ,3 00... 4 0 ft 00... 10') j 3 00. 2 63! 4 00 ... 3 S3l! 5 00...... 0 d&i 19 00.............. 10 00 L.. 15 00.;.......U. 10 00 irU 00..v. : 2? oo . 30 in .Jtf 00.J.......U. 13 33Ji 20 00 25 00. ....... .L.. 1.6 ! 25 00......... 30 00.-20 00( 31) 00.... . 3S 00.;..l....L.. 23 3JV'-3o 00......... ..... 37 50 ..... 4. 00 ..... -SJ 50 40 O0.i.,M...L..25 CiVi -tp 00 CO 00 0.r...L.. 30 00 J 45 00.; 0 00....;...... 33 33 U ' 50 00.. 7 50 75 00 S 00.:... L.;3--6Cf'.'5$ oo...;.;...4... 2 50 65 09.... 7 00.... 43 33I 65 00............... f7 60 ...L..4J5 6?4 70 09 .....U.I03 00 y Tj"T?o...... 'j wan 75 00....... ......112 50 .JH 04;..!.. 53 331 80 00.............;120 00 y 0"? 55 65i! S5 00....; ...127 50 v5 "0d.v:....i.: c 001 1 90 00......... .....ins oo 55 0?..,.;....L..5t 33:i 95 00....:........:i42 50 f 199 0Q.;,,..,65 aGJ 100 00........ 150 00 jcKCTUu .A3 Ttxi States Kast op the MtJHitiiirp rl Xoa-Inlerett fearing $100 ' itoleis ' lieceivable; br public dues be fore April 1st, .186 4, at par; from and af ter April ls l$t4, not receivable at -all, but v-'' ! , '. - ' - s - 1 Fundable ik Tovp. ?er CuNT.rBoxns IVcfora 1st April,. 18G4, nt par. Fnn 1st to last day of; April, inc , at CGf From 1 at to last day of May, inc.; at 6C3 lTm ist to last .dity of June, inc., at 46 I ruin 1st to last, day f July, inc.; at 36 h r.ua lat to last lay if Aug., inc. at 26 h ram let to last diy ooept., inc., at 16 8 wept away by ino6t'ly ,tax, Oct. inc., at C j J Auy noh-intercst bearing 100 note!? bald op tho first of January, 18C5, are ttxfd 1 00 per cenfj tiiiis destroying every 'o.tic of value." BASED OS pllXOUAPII Y, TN PkESS and alertly to be published, a 1 book with the abtiye title, prewred by the ubseiber, who has had nearly 20 years prac tice in ; Phohograpbii? writingharin been at one time employed ias aufotlicial iepirui in th United States Senate, and, who has been for the? last-seT enteral month, and is how, re porter of the Atlanta Intelligaucer. The IWctionary- will contain indi a"tion!, by means f alsioiplei nomenclature, t jr writing with Phonographic leitets, about. 20,000 word of the ' English lasguage of ninety-nine one kvsdreths of those1iii teommon use the re inainiaK words being easily written artcr thes are learned. 1 I J . . . i' In the 'Introduction to i the. Dictionary, iioi- , pie Ustrnction will ; be given for beginners of 1 the study of Phoaograoh'y, with lithographed illustrations,. prepared by one or the bpt ar ; tists in thd Confederacy. The object of the '. publicationHs to make asTAWDAKn for Confed erate Reporters, and to render it possible for the much coveted and beautiful art of Hcport- iag, 4o be learned cveu without the aid of a teacher, i ! ,.!.'.!, " , As tbe work will be expensive, new type having been procured expressly for it,!ouly amair edition vrill b. issued. ThOse who de sire copies are requited to send to the auther their orders at once io pe recoraeu, accom panied with the price of the same, which will be five dollars per copy Ths book 'in paper coTer, and' suitable'! for use,' will be sent to all subscribers, by mail, without additional ex pense:, 1 f A; ii MARSHALL, dtf ' I-' Augusta, G. FOUR PER CENT. BONDS. ANTED A few 4 per' cent. Bonds Apply at tbe, -: i Ul-tf r CAROLINLVN .OFFICE. MISTRESS; AND MAID. . -.--... ., ...... .. ... TUW RSCIEVED a few mOreonles o at I fj excelleatNOVEIt; 1 f ' y v j"NtK 4I,-MaketSqi ware, -; ' Vuotioneex and - i fatkttkvilV.r, k. c. . "June I0-3m Of ; Deceased officers and Soldiers. J - a fcTHTwiMiaoer to inrc5tfffJt2,oil'trial pi? Tr to tlse rtit- -enlilfctl tkireW U cis't td foi bouEt rrtf:u-Kffv C ami mtllr rit, cfac to iHe rtprwfctatiTesofiicceiued-f- The parti? entitW re t Srat, the trldor of ;. secftndlri tbe child or ckiidrn,if there be uch, thirdbv4J. father, if there be neither trtrfow, TSTiar - chnJrfcn or fafuer then, fottrthlr; tb .v' . j j : , in jlsfixl f At1. II these tli en. fiuhlj-, tbe xecutur or adrainistra-r.ofthe- deceased. ' ; " The elaxicant'or Hajmanig roust fa -iush hi, hir or :lhefr affldftrit, ami thai of oe disinter ested irttxk'SS a to the re!AtfcnMgfst 1ft ?lTr er v awji&tu nt the n id.Vw. thf AHivlaTit triart ncjratitfr'the oxtttvnee of daira ant or-elaiTiint of a higher order; The-'Jtis-tite of tht Pac, baforwhom the affidarltis, sttbscribed nat wrtifr to the-eredibilitj- of tho wilns, and 6'lerk of the County Covrtmnst certify, under the seal of the Court, thai he is a Justice of the ftCc. i If IthedlilaaTlt or claimants be a child :or children of the doceaeed, and he, ahe or tfcy b minors, the claim mnst be propounded lr his, hor or their guardian,, and the fact of1ia bein guardian must be certified to; under teal . of the Comity Court Clerk. ' :. When ih clai ii made by an ereeator or admiuiatrator, the fct of the cxecutorshii or fidnnnistratorship must .be certified to, undrr 8al by tho C'ouuty Court Clerk. - All of thete 242tr$ AW b sent in Ji!t cute. . - Anj prison Hiroctly interested "will be furr.ih ed, upon applicatiwn to me,.vith a'proprr form of thse papers in full; a copy of which, for the greater conrenictice of parties, will be forvrar ed as soon as may bo practicable to each County Court Clark. This comuiieaion is intended to facilitate the collection of these claims, and, fare the claim ants all expense, v . . Parties; Interested may. materially aid me in thrt inTestiation'of tljeir claims, if at the time of forwarding, their aper to me, they will in form me of th! date of the death of the'dec-tas-ed, whet he died; was killed, whether or not, they or an v one for them, have -receired the personal effects which deceased bawl with him at the tirno of his dath,. and whether or not the deceased (if a nos commissioned oflicer or- 1 1 is very desirable that all claiais should be forwarded at as early a day as may be practi cable. In all casea. pive the ci&ibiautd Post Office and County in lull. " v J'0. A .STA'NLT, 123-tf Cosrt:nisi(ner. ' TO THE FRIENDS OF THE. SOLD- 1ESS , Vili'O it Jiou t r, t lie C 'onrederxjc VJCAUTKKJJ ASTER GkXKBAT. DErAKTanKT, KXKBAT. DErAKTanKTr j ;i, Vvh. 20ih, 18K4. ) i Ra ! lliciimex !KK fri;dt ahd relative! uf solliflr1h i. th i Army o. Northern Virginia r heretiv' Moiillod tlit an arranseraht h! this dav f'"n i'Sected with the SOUTHERN i WXi liKSS COMPANY, to carry all nack- uge of lyod and wearing apparel lv liich moni' - Va- : - , .; To secure th advantages thna obtained through 'the cxpreps company, the following instruction! mut be obrved : Pnakakf must not contain more than me hundred pounds; be well secured, and plainly roarkfd. and sent at the expense of tte 8'uppci to mher ot tneioUucr7 Keliei Asaociatiotta.. which are locatod as Tollowa; In North Carolina, at Raleigh; in South Jarolina, at Columbia: In Georgia, at Au- u8ta: In Alabama, at Montgoiuery : ci at any other point at which outt oftlieseAs- ociations have an fitlice. -The Agents of .these ls?ociation will ther take charge of them, and ship daily, by Southern Exp?esaC'iD3p5i;iy, to the prop er Agent? of the. respective, States at Rich mond, who will see them distributed -o the proper individual owner?. To meet the wishes of the soldier, and to give them a certain tond fpcedy communica tion wiihj homo the Southern Exprcs Com pany lias agreed to give'thi? freight prefer ence over everything else : and in order that uo qbMaclc may occur to the success of so laddable an enterprise, the pereral Railroad Companies arc hereby requested to rcrdef the Express Company t-uch I'acHi ties as will enable if to make this arrange ment a complete succcps. . An the Southern bxpress Company as- mar mcB nll estttblish agencies iu- the rear of there airoics, they may enjoy the same privileges hercbv secured to the Army of Northern Virginia. ' F. W. SIMS, Lieut. Col. aud Quartermaster. Approved. . V R. Lawton, Quartermaster Gen.-..... OFFICE SOUTHERN EXPRESS CO., ) -.,-j.' i AuovstA," Ga. . reo iu. ish. TT1R SOUTHERN EXPRESS CO.MPA- KY herebv notby the friend and relative nt Soldiers in tbe Army of Northern Va., and elsewhere rtha.t they,, are;preparea t & rarrv out arrangements - as aunouueed in tht aboe catd and that they will do all in hor power to lulul Its.rcquiremenset i . jkMES SHUTER, Geu'IS-ap'k-ji ActinfpmHSo. ESp. Co may a 4 FEW more volumes of Robert and Har- J- old' or ' "The Young Mai oonerb," to getber with "Buncatf Adair," by Mrs. Jane T. lross; -. Just recciveo. at . ,17, Ularket Squar e, ' Envelopes ! - Envelopes ! A SUPERIOR article of ENVELOPES Commercial size, just received and for ate, at toe store unaer the June SO-tf- CAROLINIAN OFFICE. H? S; !?,orJa OF THE WAR AND ITS. HEROES, U tions arc. renad.. to withd-aw their fSS1 Agents who ha oeretofore acted as travel- OltSiW'- XsrT-imjQ t meg?e?ers. li the Reliet Association V lNGLTJ Dl 2yG h i-AiS bLTIOhS, i vj er.i ' .uva 1 Lr4 ti50 ?l m ? TO t Jh. fi la ; "?7lh BttW fllHM - in hp. Vf- JHHI'l.rB ,. .. iieh-1 Eb Fl -ur FUxised.., Filder ... it r ... 31 iekj r.tJJT. V bal V lb anther Upper, ......... IS 3 V lb . Sole... ' 13 GO Jh .'u uort Corn Thiaker..i.y50 do p galloa Arpfde and Peach"Branflv...vSO 00 i?'galhja Mr4as.es .....,........$t5 19.9 gallon X i .U .3 50 4 60 & Tb 'f ens ...i..15 GQ 20 OOfeMihl fo atoM Irish 15 Oa bnihel w ct 4............ -$7 5010X0 y l.nhel Rit e U .....:...w,.. C575- h An . " J & - .f Sop 4 FamilyBar 2 00 j m Toilet ........................... ...f....,. V 5 00 "Jt. Spi -its Turpntine f0 ) gal. Fa- Jttcyille 4-4 Sheetiogsl SO 3 25 ft Yard Sri' L.:... t'O 40 Mwshcl '.'nllow I...-. 2 0 ffi" Z 001-? lb V d l...v.... ...JJ;6cf 8t)0 V :.' r .TfiEyyyv;; ILLISTKATED BIERCUKl i TH E GR EAT LITKUfARY WEEKLY THE GREAT LITERARY WEEKLY OF THE SOUTH I OF THE SOUTH 1 -A SUPERB FAMILY JOTJRNAL-l A 'SUPERB FAMILY JOURNAL ! EEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED, BEXClTFtTI AX ILLUflTBATKn, ki;eantjJy r lvtkd H KLKO A"Tl.Y PUINTKU KVKRY SATURDAY, EVERY SATURDAY, ! - HAS A LARGFU HAS A LARGER ". .1' :V -1A5CJ- --f '''. ' fORE TALENTEn- CORPS OF COX TRIKUTORS CORPS OF CONTlClBUTORS' Til AN WAS EVER BF.FORE ENGAGED THAN WAS EVER REFORE ENGAGED IN ACTUALLY WRITING FOR . IN ACTUALLY WRITING FOR ANY AMERICAN PAPER ! ANY AMERICAN PAPER ! BRILLIAXT. CftAUUlXG, nitlI.LlA.T, CHAKMISC, f . AND THRILLING AJsD THRILLING with ;noMAKCER,y y , WlTn ROHAXCE8,: SKETCHES, SKETCHES; TALES. . . TALES . O F - . REAL ' -:. ' y y re.1l .'. L UF K, " . ; . . LIFE. POETRY; - ' P O-E TB Y. 11 1 ST O R Y, 11 I'S TOR Y. ; , I I 0 G il A P H Y, B IOG R A PIIY, K -.6.Y E LI E T T E S, , N O Y E Ji E I T E S, , f ESSAYS; CRITIC SJIS, , . ' ESSAYS, CRITICISMS, WlTlClSMS j.l.-ci:llany, .1 --'"VnTIClSJlS, JIISCKLliANY,' : INCIDENTS" AlU) ANECDOTES, IKCI DENT6 AN 1) ANECDOTES; rritoir ths UEStAK rfiE2icn TBoit .the GiiiiiTAi:, tRExcn, -AND tlTHERi LANGUAGES, AN D OT It E R I ; aIs'G P A G ES, A IIOE JOURN AL FOR THE' HOUSEHOLD! AN OKNAMENT -? i 1 r.on Trie iAKLOR. A'SOtDtER'S.'-'V. PAPER FOR . - THE) CAMP. Tu-v--r.;.;yryy, - ' " TB ATELtEK9 ; COMPANION. ' PLEASANT READING FOR E VER Y B O D Y. M : '( it A" RICH CASKET OF POLITE SOUTHERN IJTERATURE ;lr: SUBSCRIPTIONSix monlhsI.lO The Trade supplied at;$25 perjbundrcd. ji i Address, AfJl.lJ. SJilTII, ili k;-PTictor, nateig, jm. m ' - - . m --r r ;Wi Jun 1 200,000 FEET OF 1J i iNcir LUMBER. 12 inch, wide-. Apply ' " - :Vrbat .. : MMr?Slt KfORtfEST !X KIDI;l.B TENNESSEE. IlUes (lreea..i.,........ i 0 3 j0 ft p - - - i-: r 1 I t f Dr:..:......... 5 so co. H . K6 S T K E B X - S E T S . --! Swdes...........j.... 3 10 -Q 4 S3 1?. lb t's ' j i si 1. i : ciROjulNUN OFFICE 41 - : I-' ' ! M: ' V- TfvKTvrwl aeco'-rfuvfiv Aetfof U0KK3, Itr J .' S f b r'sj er , ifmSLet cNif HistrirtCurt 4f. sStaw. iorH .Northern I)Lti of.ConcTOiw in the La the CirkV the Cctfedcrtit? :Xtrthrn District of lieorjria 1 pi 'i"4:- i'-lii--h .. . ;.C.PTUfiE- OF 00 Pjrispners ! i i' 7; i , O UK THO OPS AT ETOTA TT MOVEMENTS . 0$ PRICE 1 FRG51 LEri Army. 8 MOVEMENTS OF THE ENEMY ! a j&C. 1 i. . A L'GUST A - Oe tfl O facial rlisnn tcV e b"3 7- - w "I "v . "-.1 I orufirm thu capture of R.nie, Qv, with lfe,000 negroca and whit(4. r The officers Vere also taken. The tankees destror- t ?d all their commissar v i storc3. Two town Tras burned, j t; , I 'I " I Gen. AYheclor ba descended into Ma- i Helta, and burned a. block of store, houses I ind spiked three guns, i . Our array is toippsed to be at Eiowab. Fortincations hafc been! tljrown up on y Kenneaaw. ' '. 1. : Dalton has been occupielby onr troops. - ' Ft rrest rs in Middle - Tmniiuip Rm. - - .w w a 4Sj iM- m ! . : f i ,u is cooped up i NajslmlU. - 3 RicnMKD, Oct 8th. Nortbern date? of " the 5th have been recieyed , In tho en gagement f the 80thf near Squirrel Lev fl, the Federals ackriowfge a joss of 2,-. &M lciJJedf vvoandcd TLnd prinoiiCrs mnro man nan- prisone:.-; ,l':l":lnT"! F.-vrrasrut arriTiftd at Fortress Mcnroe on ; the 4th, and proceeded up James liver. h i Guerrillas captured two trains of cars '6n the Nashville road, between. Richland and Fountain llead, on the. night of the j&rd, and burned ID cars; L . Accoiihts from Mississippi states thnt Gen. Price is moving on' Retta in three columns, the right under Shelby and I jalarmaduke,: the centre ujnder. himself. - knd the left under ;Cooperf the latter be iing cemposcd mainly, of naif breed Jn- ians... J - j. ..j f I f Five hundred rtjbels cntejred Union, tlo lbunty seat f Franklin cHiintVj on Sat rd y, and captured 100 jhjlilta. V y Qn tht 1st iorrestshellie Athens, AIa. land on thoSd demanded tbi wuiTciider of pal ton, Ga. . yOn the 4th, gold w.;s 100 J in New ml Pjetzrsburg, 0?t 9. YesJerdaj bout r i it j ?i t ' : uupii me ray uioycu m ;iorce . on oi'r tigl t, supposed at firt for the purposo iof making an attack cin our lines, It turn- Pad out te be nothin ;more i f r than an fi- tension by the enemy f I thoir lines on our right, .in order tojoccbpy ail our lost works near Fort McRae. f ; Tlic enemy by the bore gained nothing f in the direction of the South Side Rail- L'ad, and only prolonged their lines, dri- vtng in a few pickets- and betupying this 1 ground hitherto.t Onlyl a part of the liworka neir Fbrt Mcitan. kra occunied bv . - 1 r . - l ine euemy. t earner, cioauy ena very ;.:cold. ii Augcbta, OcL 9th-A jlelter to the H Chronicle and Sentinel, y states, that the I!- '- i . j . ' !i r a ( jSd corps of S uennan's army has left At lania. The enemy is in strong position ! fnuw Vininc's Station to; about Marietta.. The Yankees found cut 3Hoods plans and anticipated them The head ef our col- vrhere wo will march. Tho letter says that' late ace ounts-j from i Atlanta, says there are 4 Yankee corps In the city. Yankee officers claim 30,000 troops and -3d ddys rations.and--railroad iron enough lor one hundred miles, f Jpeneral officers ,'say Sherman- will abion ' move on Macon andi Ao-usta. jDeertsrs fram '' --.tl.inta say nc trains have arrived for 8 days.- All accounts from Hood's army are encour aging. . . " Richmond. Oct. 'V ' ;u ::al ui-patclics at the )V nr Dcpartnicnt it ;t tlV it the ei l0iVstronS aavaijced up ila Gay road on the tL, With, trains 1 cn.a l a.lfd with r,ihoul rnat rial uml o i -p'e I Slem atid rec'orioyrm lrohy hl-v truM tlicm at Saleui, ejipturm- if) pri -oners oncl their cf.mji riq1wp.15c, tag.arft and sors. aiivi killed an;3 rot:eJ a boi J is sti'd moTin wn.tho VaHey. "A' taiga : farce of hiscavahry was attacked by us nti i Tth, and handsomely jrlriycn. We ca pr.' tulii. number of hoics;and Ronic amku Linue?, wagoTT, a' forges !vi h tool- nd 50prioneva, besides kittingnd wouudj. g anttuvber. ' 1. . Sixarf.AR Ccstom.-A auction for nn married ladies JUed to take lare ar.nnl ly in-Babylori. . Jn every Idistrict says th" ; historian, they ayemblecf. on a rcilHih j day of the year ell vlrgiii?" cf niarriafeai. blc age. 1 be moFt beautifid .m s hist put up, and the man who; bid the lrig!;et or the largest suHignnel the possession ; of hrr. The second' in , personal anpar- ; ar.co f llo'rcd. nd the- bidders, grat-ficd thxnselvc wiih handro:!uie wives accoijl; ing to the. depth of their purvs. Biit alas! it seems there, wer in Cabyjon .aonie ladies for whom no iritny wa bksly to be offered, yet , tlu sc wtre aKU disposed of. so provident wre the IJaby - -IoniaLS. When nil .the', beautiful - virgiMi wereiold, the crier ordered the most dc formed to stand up, " and nflcru1e had openly demanded wVo would marry m her,, with a small sum h.e wa at .'length adjudicated to the man who would be satisfied with the feast and in thw, man ner the money arising from" the 'sale ol the handsome, served asf a portion to these that were filisagi eeahle lookte, or that hid any other impeifecliwu; , Thl custom rirailod about - four hundred year- before Christ. : A Tiorticultnrist in Bohemia has a trees, which liave neitheif sprung from seeds nor grafting. Tbe plan is, to take shoots from; the choicest sorts, insert them in a -potato,' .and plunge both in tho ground, haying but an inch or twoof thefdioot above the surface. The. potato nourishes the shoot while it pushes out roots, and the shoot gradually springs up and becomes a beautiful tree, bearing the best fruit, "without requiring to be grafted. : , McClellak's Peace : roi.tcT.The Louisville 'Press tays Chas A:lWick1iff,; cf Kentucky, stated in Baltimore that Mc Clellaa assured him two days in advance ol his letter of accept an cej that' if he )Mc C'ellan) were elected, not a gHn should be firod at the rebels after the 4th- of March. , . . . ,': ' ? . " ' ' tCS" Subscribe for the Carolimax. V lilEK.L.1 if klligexcIr j . is r 1 c1- B r UBLTSnKD AT AY ETTLV1IJ.K, T. on Tubsdit of each week. It i made np lrout toe news eouiaiueu iu ur wiili 5o am Carolinian, an I will always contain th -I ' . . y . y VKli j LA TEST TfLEGJlAPIiJC XEM'S Having the advantage of! thV news' of tb PRKSS ASSOCIATION, of which the lMlly North Carolinian is a ujeuib.pr. , I . tpiii: markets;; W ill be fully and CRrefuilrVeported e-aV'day, and a true statement of their vendition hsnott- lv given. Wc hav SECURED CORKESPONXTS In the Armies of Gns. Lku and ' Pi'cjjfer, and will always give a faith ul and lull retard of uu;- blotters." it ;;-:-. rCT Masters ' and of hers arc requested to ici g Agents, and 'each; 'A sent sending ix or ;inie subcribcr. with jtlie money for ix un nhs, will receive tlw "Weekly 'paper fix . -lHTuhs gratis.. 1. . . Si Bscmr npNS will no be taken for a Ion jer ve;ivdihan six months; rid. in no rase will the paper Jae ?eut until ine i iney js receiTcu. , -. A tvveetiskm nts iuserted for $!) i.er l)4r sQtiaie ot lb lines lor th nrst, and one an tor each succcQingpum cation, . .... . :: , TF.KMS OF Sir:-SCKirT10i x Wkkxlt IxrELi.nexcER -Three mnth.$3. oe " y i Six month: 5 1 .jj. SINCLAIR, j EniTi Hi Axn Pa'orkTEToa. COTTON CAIIDS, No. lO TUB Fayetteville' COTTON CA iI)' Mano factunng CVonpany are itw icauufactcr- " ing Card, superior to ativ run through tte bUckade, and ntprwu'i sclltng for klo p-ico tke single pair or v the quantity . . Any person orderiiifr ex ur ncr virH..ther. will be securely packed u.a ilcli; w'. Ju ut W U mingtoli free of eincn. i - Call npon or address- ' ; - A. A McKKTHAN, J. A MVOIITH A It La . w U' i w 0, 0. , J z i i - Vi 1 ii' i 9l ft J