ST " . -. 1 " 'Vy-'Mif? i- VOL 111 iUA7ETTEvlLL c;y:Tfi : . OQTQBER 13; fo4 NO. 215 3 i&aaaa3xxiS3r!e4!itemnBS ; ' - jr-iY-. - - . , - , . , i wDf Deceased .Officers and SaUIcrs. J 1 J y fer-y'I i: k Mill l ' r i V-.'l- . ; ;. ' . .;.v- ". v'"-; . .- - " y' j I V jjp-.. : .Mr Mir H H M rrf ?i Ji ft f I - I . I I 1 " f IT. - , ' -.'V . . - . ; pV ; V" TUK I)lLr XOHTH CAROLIXIAX- in u ,w.vivju.'-- erred to ?ubi-rllv;r fa ton at '.WIG !)0l LAU ANT) TWKN'TY- VI V K CIIN'TS ?r.S w.ek ia advance.' navaLle ta the' -Cirrieris i , Siagia copies TXTY, y irCEXTi. ! . 1 FKi(T4 . TOR Sfilu:5. ' ' TT-FIVE UULLAliS. -Turecv months, f li - I Oct month TiJflKK DOUiAIlS. i4INTElUaFNC;i.' k.treoklv foot V'N 3 - - ' j ' 'Adrertwpraentd for the Ca?.ohj;ian will be charged TtfrtEH DOLLARS pr sqaare for aca and ovtr insertion,-eigut liue tonatitwtin-' a suuare tor thft Istelligenck r be iuertei oacd in IHily, and ciiarg rates ior-taat insertion L.i i.H by letter, the tnonoy must accoin paa tne udtwrtseaifcG- Jlarriages, ?vatb4 rl:wa? ana otn&r ziotices i cnargoa as auve: tiae : nti and uiiiit bt for strictly in ad vance.! ' ' - ; 1 Xr-P o . Si lOL.. 2 6'J.... 3 00.... 4 OU.... 5 Of):... 10 OO.... 15 00.... 1 00... , .1 60 3 00 4 50 (J 00 7 50 13 00 1 33 1 t 2 00. ? 0U 3 00... j An :3 t v... $ 3Jls.! 5 00... t r . ' lo oo.: l.; oo ........ io oe I 22 00 20 00............ Yi 33S- 2i) oo.. 30 00 'J5 00............. 16 00 ' 25-00...:. 30 O0....... ..20 00 3Q 00 00.;.. 23 33 ';; 35 0 .... AO 00.. ......... 2! GUi 40 00 45 00............ 30 00 .J 45 00 60 00............ 31 33Vr 50 00 55 00..J... 33 SGJa" 55 00.".... 0.'00:.i..'......4f 00 k 60 00..... 65 00.-..' ..;'4:i 331' 05 00.'...., 70 00..... 4!$ W 70 00... i 00...... 50 00 j (5 00..... - 0 00. ....... .A5l 33! iy 00...,. 00............ 5fi 66i 85 00 .o oo.. .i....;... n oo ; so oo..... 37 50 4r oa uO 06 .... 07 50 .... 75 00 2 '50 '.) oo ..... 97 50 ....105 00 ....112 50 ....120 00 ....127 50 ....IUa HQ ....142 ....15') !1 95 00...U... 00 00 ;(j!firt; lUii oo ... j . S$tNOJl oFiFusuisa Scilicet!: uV Ul7U( RENUT BlLt;'A8:;TO STATES "'EAST OP ".THB; IX iVbi- Interest Bearing $ 1 0 0 Notes. ! Uecei viable for public dues r be love April 1st, 18(54, at pr; fro.n ami af (er April 1st,, 18C4, not receivable at all? jut. .',-.:::T " i . . r : Fundable "in tWii -per Cent. Bo:;ds 1 Itefors 1st April, 1 8( i. at par. I , Vram 1st to las; any nf April, inc , at 6G Fivia 1 $t to las ; da y of M ay, inc. , at 6 6 f I' mm l4t to lasi day of June, inc., at 46 ' I- rin lt to last day f July, inc., at.SGjf lnm 1st to. last -day f Aug., iuc, at;2C 1 rum 1st to las';- day of Sept., ine., at : 10 wopt away by inont'ly tax, Oct. inc., at j v. iAnyj non-interest bearing $100 notes! iild on j the first of January; 1G0, arq t-iMl 1-00 per cent., tkus destroing every o:.tige of value-.. " .- ; ! ! - I i BASi'ED OS I'llbAOGRAPIlV. f?T PUESS and; shortly, to be published, a; jj book with thejaboye title, prepared b thej suoscliber, who has had nearly 20 yeai-s prae-j tice in Fbonfl-aphic wiitinfj,"hayin? been att one time emplovpu a an otnciai rep r'Kr io the United States Senate, and, who hasbeenj ' for the. last seventeen months, and is now, re-i - porter of the AtVanta Intelliancer. . ; ",'-. j The Dictionary will contaiu indi'ationsf, by I means? oft a simpla, nomenclature, tjr writing;! with Phoiiographic letteis, about 20,000 words of the Kajrlisb tanguae; of ninety-nine one-; ; " hundretba' of theae in common use tba re-1 maininj; words being easily written after these ' are learned. 1 v - "' In the Introduction to tho -Dictionary, sim ': " pie instruction wijl be given for beginners of : ihe etudyiof Phonosrraphyj wi"-h lithographed " illustrations, prepjared byose of the bet ar tists in the Coufcdaracy. The object rf the - publication, ie to make a'sTAS dard for Confed-, erate Reporters, a4id to render it possible for - the muchjeoveted'and beautiful art of Keport- in, to be learned even without the aid of a " teacher. ! j ' ,r ' As- the;work wfill be eipensive, uew type s- having been procured expressly for it, only a' a mall edi(in wilH be isdued. "Those who de aire copies are requested to send to the author i their orders at onpe,' (ta be recorded,) accom ' panied with the pirice of the same, which will ' he five dollars' pet copy.' The book in paper cover, and suitaWe for use, "will be sent to all aubscribers, 'by mail, without additional ex pense: j. 1 A. L. MARSHALL, dtf .. : Augusta, Ga.- - -1. i - - ! j FATEtTEYILLa, 5C. C v June 10-3m: V ( J. fcr.j GODFREY, WHOIESAL-E, RETAIL ; - n . . ASD . ' ; C 0 M t I M 1 0 N r MERC HA N T,' S Keeps Cotton Yarns For Sale. Faytttcvillc, N. C- 199-if; ; " : '!' ' ; 8 HE UN I) h'KST(r 1 has bct-a ppoiaie-4 a Commissioner taiarwti.'it-e, collect und Bar ovpr t. the Dartie.l eiititletHJiertto. all claims tor bount 'arretiaofi. of pa and allow' , 7 . r, 1 .j c anc?r,uue to ta reprcseniaiiT. hcvmc i- ana jwaww irom una 'X?M Prti?3 eutitled are : fcr$t, tkewtd of ie oc'Tiuui it anfii i u'-i c " If.-thftrft lien3ithi?r widaiv r. childt fea . tlien. tbirdy, thi. fatlier, if there i9 neither widovr,. ; --i--,,. of r, j.sV nn lnofanlt nfnll ,f thee tbt-n. fifthly,- tlKresi-cutor or adminisU a' The claur ait or claimaiits must fa i3a hi3, I ajftvil must iJe.sffttivexljcxistencs:6f a qlaiBQ- ant or cfaina&U of a BigljfcrJ;Crd6r. ,:Tiie Jua-, tic? of the Peace, before whoai "the-affiidavltis ' ub?cribed must certify to tbecrsdibilitr "of the bs minors, the claim must be propounded br Lis, her or their guardian, fcnl the fact of hu btiug guardian muat ba certified to, under ssa.1 of the t'iunty6as t When th ielai is raa ic an executor or administiator, the fsct ofthe seeutorship or ad uiiUiy trator!iij biust be c?ffiMed to, niid;r j-al br thr 'cuwtv Court ''iik. All of thine jxsjiers -ihonld be tent in ; Any perpon urecti y atorestea wiiibe rurnisa ed, upon 'ftppfiCiittou to cie, with a pi bp-r form of t h - 5 pnpers iu :ull; a Copy of which, fo;- ih-s rreater. convenience Of parties, .will be ibrwar- a -l . l . .. . . I d:d as oon a' mi- be ; urao'U cable to e;ak County Court CWrti. ' ' i'i hi j co n ;riii.;in i intended'' to facilitate the enli sts!!! f these flaiiuis, and save the ciaimr r.i'.s ex ::. I'rti intef?cted -in ay : matcriallr aid me in- 1 ti-jjjv-jstia-.vttan of tbeir cl -um?," if at the' time ui .forwarding th ;r paper to fife, thev will ih- form me o ' thi cati of thi death of the deceas t d,Hvhc; e hr. d:eU. wa kill: d, whether or not t..fhey or- anv on ? f.r them, hav received the' personal oii'octi '-vhich. deceased had, with him ot the time of biskeath, and -whether or Hot' t!ie deceased (i. a nTi-corpniissioned 'officer or piivat had ever received the State's bountv. It i very desirable that all cLaims should be foryarfled at as early a day as may be praeti 'cabis. In all casex, jcive the claimants lot OnicV and County in full. 1 .1.N0. A .STANLY. I23-tf. j Commissioner. TO TOE Fli!K?ii)S OF TtJJS SOLD IK2S QUAUTEKMASfEU GkNEKAI. PkPAKTMKKT, ) KAII.R0A IlUREAC. A Krcumoxu. Feb. iuih,.184. j . th Army of Noribt-rn .Virginia ,ar hereby "oiified that ua arrange nafut, has I his dayfii effected with the SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPANY, to carry all pack age? of food and wearing -apparel to Iiich moncf ..V. j ' ! t - ' - To secure the advantages 'thus obtained through ih'e express company, the following instructions mu?fci be observed : PaaUaea uiuRt not contain more ttian ne hundred pounds be well hpcu red, and laiulv icark'.'d. and sent at the ejpeu? c.f he sdppet to either of the Sbldierr lieliel Associations which are located as f!!ows: In North. Carolina, at Raleigh; in South 'arolina, at Golumbsa; in Georgia, ai Au gusta: in . Alabama, at, Montgomery; oi at iiiy other point at w-hich one of these. . A a i ciatlons have an! oifice. , ' The Agents of these asfociations will there take charge of them, and mhi'p aaily, by,Southern Express fira pan y, to the prop er Ageuts of the -respective States at Hicli mond, who will ae them dftrihatd o the proper individual owners. Y To meet the wishes of the soldiers, and to give them a certa'ui nnd ppeedy comtnunica with home t'ue Southern Kxpre-s Corn pany has 'agreed' to gtv' fhi-lig t prefer ence over everything elf : and m )ider hat no obstacle may occur t. ht succe. of so laudable an' euterpi'ri-e. the err-eral Uailroa ; Companies are. hereby i-quest.ed to re; der the Express Cotnpatiy ueh facili ties as will enable; it to make this rangt meut a complete success. y , ; As the Souiherii Express Gompai j as sumes all responsibijlty ot the trap? pcrtn tiou of thofce packages.' the. Relief Associa- tins are reqnjfd to withdraw tkeir Ageots who hac beretofore actqd as travel ing messengers. I f the Raliet Aswc atiep will estitblih agencies in Jhe rear of there hi un'-ft, they may tnjoy the s-ame pri vdegf. i eifebv secured to tk:? Army of Nuitheru V i C'liia. ' ' . .- . . . F. VY.8IMS, i Lieut. Co., and Quart ;ci -master'.; Apcroved. y. K.. Lawton, Quartermaster G n. OFFICE SOUTH Ell N EXP li HSS C ) r AuarsTAj (ii.. f eb u. ihi. THE SOUTHERN EXP U ESg . COMPA NY hereby noti y; the friends and lei t v of Soldiers in the Ayrny t Northern--'. Vm., and els-where, thal tbey are prepared w, cai ry out arrangements as 'ani.ou r.cev th above cad a,ud that they- will do aM 1 h-r power to fulfil ii requiremeu-st ' . J-A.tiES SHUTEM, Gen'l Snp't. & Actij r Prest So. Exp. Co tany 0-tl. 1 i. A FEW more voVumes of "Rcbert and ITar J old" or "The Young Ma- oonerh." to gether v.'ith "Duncan Adair," by llrs. Jane T.' G tbts. Just received at i7, Market Sqttr e. Cnveiopcs I Eiivelopcs I . A SUPLHlUK article of ENV;rLOPLS j. Commercial size, just, received and for ale at the stare unt'-er the June 20 tf . CAROLINIAN OFFICE. ! witni-.. and f!ert -f t.h. fiouirfr -..Chwrl mutt i rT' J :i" ; i-5 V 1' or -iasa ' , ' - . rr ' ."u .7 1" rswene?.. 3 a'J 6? 4 -f t Is ; a. u iiMite ui wiv i cafe. , i . q i.' : ..-..- -.'- 1 1 56? A ts. ."'vi Tf .I.:.-. J s u oo.e lsf-V T ;en Jsny. j , t-.u .r .. i --j-w.aor Lmn Wiukv .00- tK'i( H icna IVuk....: Lifd ...J, B e f a v: ;. Jt 'swnx -."...4 B itt-r C ttou. . It . '.. . t j tnii xarn .......... U i?3 Fruit ... pl -. t; tract Logwood .. . Yi :... Fl'..Tscwd i Frdder ";'t. LI v . SI ucVs ........... . llye..i....s;..l5 00 S u0 .buakel 1 li Jcs Green...:;ii.;..;.i .2 oO'fiv 3 $3 1M-lb An Mo' .' Mi is JP ni ! Sir 20 CO 7fr: gallon 3 art 4 lysr-. fl 29' 00 2 a OVMt-u'shfcl I' ntof? Iiiab .... . .n'et ..l fi .t:. s.r - .l--p;U..t........... Tr.i et .................. ... - XJ- 13 00 'sQmshel -S7 '5'tf'ilO 00 iushfd Gt(,J lb Uyt I !b Tatnily liar '3 ? !b ii'.rt ;ipi it5 lurcesuiri? ungu. a; Fa- .itUville 4-4 Sheticgai a 25 Yard nv ' vy PV- 40 jiiOViopei !! I oo fa i $ V1fIb 4 i TII GREAT LITERARY YKLY TH E G l.'E A Tl ! .ITFj-i A R V W iKLY ! i OF Tl'E ?5'T.'TK I - i .! 'F T H.K -OTJl il I ki- ,A SUPETUi F.ViH Y JOURL!, i A SUPERB f .-VT,! 1 1 Y JO UR V?IE ! h BEAUTIFULLY II j.tJSTRAT), BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTKATW, ELEGANTLY P INTFIfJ ELKtiAMLY PRLNTKU A LYEHY SATURDAY, EVERY SATURI;Y, : HAS A LAKGEU ' 'fa i I t nnrri A X H Lc i MORE TALENTED f i CORPS OP CONTRIBUTOR; i ! CORPS OF LtlNTRIBU'lOlrJ THAN WAS EVER BEFORB ENGl'-D THAN WAS EVER RE FORK ENfidLD IN ACTUALLY . WRITING hiSl IN ACTUALLY WRITING FQ;i J ANY- AMERICAN PAPER j i BRILLIANT CHARMINOj i BRILLIANT, CilAKIIJSO, AND THRILLING AND THRILLI VG ' i WITH', ROMANCES' WITU inMANCKS, !. SKETCHES, . SKETCHES, ! TALES TALES . ' OF v REAL i REAL . LIFE, LIFE, I POETRY, . . , poe'uv, ' H I ST O U Y, 11 I story; ' E I 0 G jl A P II Y, B I O G R -A P H Y, 1? 3 N ( V E LUE T TE S, j N O V E L ETT;E S. if i rRSAYS,,CUllIClSMdf fj I - WITIC1SMS iL ci;llany,, ; W1TICISMS. ,ilSCELLANY,j'. ' INCIDENTS. ANDlANECDOTl 3, I INCIDENTS AND ANECIOTlI, . , OF THE AVAR AND ITSTIEIUS, i OP THFyWAR AND ITS H ER iES, t INCLUDING TKANSLAT1 ON j INC LUDING. TRANSLATION ; ; ! FROM THE GERMAN," VEEKCH.J FROM THE 'GERMAN, -FUE-QH, J' Ail (1 HKR LANGUAGESi S A N i OT H ER, IANG UA(i ESi HOE dOUKNAL .FORil THE HOUSEHOLD I ' AN QRNAMENT " KOK THE PAllLOU. AOLDIEirS , PAPER FOR -THE CAMP. ; A ' ' 13 -- TRAVETJ.EK i : C O M P A N I O'N, ' PLEASANT, READING 5 FG R EVERY BO D m Ia HTOtl CASKET OF ffl 1 POLIIEt SOUTHERN LITERATURE! jilJB CRIPTION Si-t tnonth-...:...f 8 ! I he Trade supplied at 525 per hundrT, ,1. , V TVS. B. SMITHS j ODrifctor.r-aiefiib.,, . "V I Jun -- i : -!k .:- " ' -''. . :' r onn otm feet op-u iQncu ; Ui)9UjlJ LUMBER, !2 ihckW&e. J , I !.'!:.... l le and FuacU lirandv..... 60 MO "euv-iilijn -HIS, bv JS.'f hxadbf--. -in th-i . Olerk'a f le UUttiftiVurtijf'tlid Couftfdt 'rate j. jLiiicoIn, taj.aj"s toatilr Lu ihl cwrviirot t, rvr.,NtitI,l)iitrict of-Ccor i tUaV-' iHcro Vr. it'.itgruliy Co tlje wiv vt iT i ::i.v.-5'E-iy s. f . Price and 03t ! A SEV?iE BATTLE ! VRQU UEliS AXS3HY-. J MOVEMENTS OF. SaK ENEMY ! I . I i' : RicrjM.iN. Dfit. .32. The Whig has ro reived hi Vh;nigton Chronicle of the "8ih. Stanton khs -a 'telegraph .dispatch to Dix. d4ted;tlib 7th, based up.iri a dis patch fro in (Ji m. Thomas, d-ited Nashville,, the 7th, -!).( information wns drived egraphs toThomaSfjthat the Confederates is uiounei-.uuii hi leaving tNeir dead and jsvounded n rii hands of the enemy.- Meanwhile Sherm in's press dis- . ruiteh of te Siitne d ite says in the tight at Altooha on tr-e 5th, our forcts com pletely vanquished the rebels, who. re treated, le-Virig in our hands between .400 and X00 kiilfcd' hnd wounded.- 1 Report jJ-ftyIlorrpst enioute for Flor enco from L'avrreiic4burg. Another ac count says he is surrounded. An im portant movement is going on in Missou ri. Lats-rfdVkv.s state that Price attempt ed to tross Osago i iver at Castle Rock. another point, i - . v . 4? - It is alsb reported that several hundred Coufe(:erat caralrv crossed the Missouri into Montgomery count', Misrouri. ' The bridges over Gasconade river and Coles' creek were burned i At the latter .-point 20 locomotives ani SU cars were destroyed, . . ; A dispatch from St. Louis of tho 7th ofOctobar taya the ..enemy appeared be fore JefSiirf-on' City to-day. It is not known whether n battle has been fought. rJ'he a;u0unt of damage to the Pacific Railroad is $300,000, and the" prospective less in business the same amount. i iRosecraiu reports Ewing arrived at Roi'a. , yy.- y . ... ). Noither Stsnton or the give any thing from the Army ol the Potomac. "Grant is in JVashiugton. I Gold in NtiW York oa the 7th, 202 J. CH A RLCTTTE3 VILLE, Oct. 12. Our cav- alry have' had a severe fight near Ed we r ing, in the Valley. AVe drove' the ene my .s caval ry fyr several days, but on Subday Ventured too far and got in among their infantry. 4 The result was we were, repulsed and lost 8 guns. Ja ther respects ihe affair does, .net seem to "be serious. ' i Petersbcro, Oct. 12. Northern dale to the yth received. Nothir g from Sher m n. Btnler reports that in ngbt below Richmond on Friday, the rebels attacked with s int, Kautjs' Oavalay. in three en trtnehments and drove' tKein back with amall loss of men, but withnioss of his ar tillery, but says Birney subseqientry . ad vanced and regained Kautz old position and hold$. the enemy in his inner line of enticnchthentsjaround Richmond. ' lut-ler.-ia.vs we ha veTmueh the better of thia . j j i ... . . . dayVwurk. 1,000 of the enemy were kil- 1 .rf wrv n ry A r.f '- 1 AA v i-" r a r-. r--- n bloody repulse. Petersburg, Oct, 12. Last aight there was heavy arti lery and ruultetry for au hour or iore.1growin'g out of an alarm on', the paTt bf eur pickets, amounting t r.o- ining. I : U , ;.;- The enemy b demonstrating in front ef Bermuda'IJundreds to day. The enemy were mving across pontoons to the north - t r i.i t ' - ii i ' ut. irA ftf Ika ItmM vtvai II fact nthf . ...11 J I il.iw U &V- S&.VA C. 0V Hospitals, wagon camps and other places ai e being rigidly -inspected, and abl-bod; led men-; required report to the front, disabled ! men j and negroes to take their - ducw a$ far 2? possibh . the themdeJfyAs i(k nver has swollen, S PUliLISHL'D JaT. AYETTKV1LLE, N: - -it was supposed he would try to cross at tVon TsuAv iof eavk week.yit k-iutits I-. I lCi atl" lJ H-.tiS md jj ;! Mtks whIa nu n- iht irrr M.ii'cojn.r Srt r! Ipcf elrt Mcdetian ihey Tr-imt tire .ajnfrj' tin liundi . of. Viilaiijliaui. Yowi hv . U o.diSt?j!jriiir:afid otfiet-s, who, jfWvei) ther cart r on the w.ii will di.-Ursd tV hu&urt;d ihiifuanAl ejed tn'ci iiow'tluih duty .ai? iCluiciai : Uut-v i- a trtunp. ThU arguinont vilt te amonisi Yik.H? ?TW ": putting then selves . the p acts" o( nero.. ! Rut ;- i ii;-us Hii. Me". f ijlt - a,- itfg tlte ne ro ifjue tl a t f '(iiiuanc pa'itrfi. It js Hn idle one , for the rfuie sortie it as they nuvai.C3 Jbiuve.y - terinw.ates wiereer they :.pp a; . ( He btjt el jfh great . e :rnt.stnts t;oh to give th'e Montli . juoranters.'-ahd tt'-ks-it it is possible atit baJy at thtf. North uiil agree-to C(ne siuiis to the Sv.utb, forced at I the poiaL'ylf the bayonet ? , For I iin.ielf, Lc. mu arts -h has but one artice iu ;is "politfcil . creed, and -tha is 'var," 'until the a'u thoriiy of the Utiion is i.ckuuvilo'gdaiid its laws obeVe.! upon ovi;iy fool ot"sil ever within tha bouidary fi UnUeil -States." iKjt ainiabio and conciliatory y ' eastf :'Ma'y vlu ha.' enough oi 'aib- fwVe you Ucsott.d looiir 'ftnai abVde l.f liieh-uivtul- JJi. -jiiici. . From Gkobgia. Northern datc- f the -. "6 tli say that they 'Rave' heard fintt -iur from Sherman for five days. Ttify suppose that he !s euged iu .strenlfe eniiig his position; and destroying rebel commuuications, and that lie is tfuly si lent because he is too busy to Cunimuni--cate with the Government by ; useiess dis' patcues. They are seeniingly convinced that he is playing smart generally. . j General Hcodjiis probably aWare of his movemenJs, and riirkeepi hihi frola doing' muclihann ,. . ; , ' ' - If up from the neffji rontarned. in'.th. Dailt .Noitru .AliOi.iMA.v, au i will alwavs contain the . '. . M ' ' l " . . ' . . YKK Y LA Tl!ST Tkl PHI RAP If I C NEWS Having the advantage of the new 'of Ik PRESS 'ASSOCIATION . of which' the Daily N wrth Candinian i! a mfraber. .- THK 1YTA UIvKTS Will be fully and ca refu tly repvjfd -oL dai, and a true statement of t heir condition honest ly giren. We have j y SECIJRE1) COR' SPONT. ZS TS , In tho Armies of Oyus. Lkk aod Pickkt, nnd will always give 'a, faitl ui and full' record of moy matters. v - I - ."osr Masters and other? are re quesded f c v.s A gkn'ts, and each Agent eu'.ing Ax tv nt ie 8ubscriberi with the nioney for ir int Tifc?, will receive tit j Weekly paper fix ' uriKbs gratis. ; ! , - ii Bseatrness will no be taken for a Jon-r--ptn i.d than ix months ; nd in no case will the pjptr be sent until thei'oney is received. ' ?'SU.' Abvbrtisem'jsn'v ii'erted for ier square of 16 lines for th first and oue doltir for each sucecding ptibl cation. ! . ' s" TKRMS OF SirtiSCKIPTIOS J Wkbklv lArKi.Liu3.c -Three mnths,$3 d0 " i Six months, . 5 1. J. SINCLAIR, " . Roiroa ANn PaoraiKTO. COTTOIVJCARDS, N57l rjMM Fayettei'le COTTON () facturing Company are now nvamtfactur ing Card superior to any riin throuffh tko blockade, and at present Felling for ale pie thesingle pair or by the quantity, j ' Any person o?dring .ix or ncro; pairr, tber will be securely packed "and. delivered at Wif mington free of expc p?f.'. ' Call upon or addres 1 . , . A. A. McKETIIAN, ' .1. A. WORTH. ' ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. ' : '; STRAY ED. 'j .; , -y FRO.V the FaTCttQ ville ARB lN A L A N D ARMORY, on thf 9th msf., a black marc iMule, about 8 yeara id.' holds a high head in haraeps,. slight gear mark. A liberal rtward will fce paid: to any one finding a -td brinj-in-r he'r b?ck. . ! ' Pcreons arecautioT.edagamsttfaiingforhor. i L. tJUlliU?. 214 6t Lieut. Col. dorad'g. . Observer copy 2 timea. . . " . "y ! i IVo. 17, Market Square I . 9' nEsr??iTioA of iu:siv&x. THE PROPRIETOR of thcT above wtabThl . meut baring' returned " from icar," f peace having beeu declared ia 3Ioor! County. res.pectjuily solicits the patronagc'oi tiu rl customers. Thvy wilTflnd a cboice election of Co'iibs, Tooth Brufhe?, -FanevSoip . Old A indior,v do., edieg, Pin, Spool CoUon, Rl'k . Flax Thread. HUtk ; . ' Silk do.. Hnoks . ! ' ' and Eves. S i . .. . .. 'e Stationary con.wtiKgof I ' " Note, Letter and Fooh cap Pajvrj Pliu. Far cy aue Couimercial 'f;ret--' n. TVocilf, Pen, Pen Holdr.4, .tc..'tr. Alosoanew and csrcfuUy fj Ueted stock vi the latest Musie Pieces published.1 v Choice Smoking Tobacco .or . ?'aln " 0. t."-lf ' !" : i : "'. - t rni tit i i v t ii- r w b m m m m m m w r mm w m m w hb m -wm m m w m m mt m

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