J . 1 0 : - VOL ll ."AYE'iTKV'l'LLE.: $, C.;-. FULDil. 0CTOB'BR.l4..-ib4. a0. 2iG :' i - - . ! ..;( t - - '. . 'ffl ." i .HI IT I. I A I j ... ii. i- "tiij-: rr: . SINCLAIR. XOftTil CAUOLTXIAN' is LA It AXI .TiWfcXT-YVl te tuthV'OarriM ' - - week 'in vrceklv. 1 Single cop"i.s;.TWKN'TV-Fr7I2 CEXTS. ITht "INTEUUK-VOKit," a .wcklr - four i vSVviR1 V,. eoliths T; LN !li!d,-:ehi!firen or ataer tboa. Vfountblr, tbe ScyXiRfU:':-'' I 'or of tLe dwean-d, ana ir, tVfaalt of ali of U ht jyMi f n I " ., thv'3 thon, dftLH,'tue!.;xcator or adwlawtra lOnt month iuiUiKuPujlub, u r '? J.,.," -. - - - - - .?1 - TOailed Jscriber t H LI OUiA "Kkted witness .n to tlr? relationship, and if nil months t Fhree . moaths Tli itLt, JUL-; cs;wh-ere- the cI l3jHlt i not Ui widow, the -- iAAbJsgfcHl- .-; .ln.drfritnju.'i fert:4tttrthexit!iec'of a claim- ra cbs OF nvnuTisix; Alvfrti'-meHiU for the : Sa-romniax' will be char-rtsl TlirtKii DOLLARS per sqaare' for ach and. trer)- insertion, tight .liujs or K-ss "tJonstitatia a square. i - , 1 Adr.tM4rtt tor-the iTrKLUCSscea tvilt be ir.rfvtei;b(icb in Daily j and ehar-fed )ail yate tor th;tt insertion. ! I i ' I La se.it hvj letter, thera'inar inustaccom pan.; toe ;iJvrt"ui?aie!:;. - iai riafes, t'tatltd, reliiioa anK other notices charged as adver tise ." mts add ihu.st be iaid for strictly in ad vatu J. " : I " The S'aluo of 2.osity. n . - 3 o c 1 2 ou 3 00.....L. 4 U0.... .1 uo '.fH 4)0....... 1 ZV4 I 2 do.....:. 1 60 .. 00 .. 4 .. o OJ .. 7-50 .. 15 00 .. ii 00 '2.00 j 3 00..'..... j 2 CG5! 4 00....... 3 3JJ! - 5 00.. I 03! 10 00....... ,10 00 i ii"oo il3 3:! 20 00 10 00.......J.. 15 00........!.. 20 00.... 0 00 25 00 1G G.'ii 25 00 oo.....i. N 00 I W 35 00.. 2:i aj!.-.4! 35 00.. 40 0O.....U.I... (xOGpi; 40 00....... 45 O0...T..J.L... 50 00 j 45 00 &0 0O......JJ.:.. p ZV 50 00 ;. 55 O0......U.:. UG lj?3i 55 00 jo 00 u.;.. p 00 j 00 00....'. 65 U0........1.'.. 43 r;;;4 't ;;5 00 70 O0......J.... iti; to .00.,....'. 5 00....;.:J.J. f0 00 ! 75 00.;..... W 0'J....1JLJ. 53 33V4I 80 00.L . ?;7 50 . 45 00 . 52 00 ."(its. 00. . 07 50 . 75 00 . 2 50 . U0 00 . !)7 50' .105 0i? 112 r.o lo 00 ? &5 00... 65 o: :. 50 Oft r5 o'o....... ..4.127 50 ..i.135 00 ....142 50 ....150 00 yo no fi ) 00 S B 00.. 100 GO.. G 100- (i(K. KKKC1' BlLt :i S 'i'O M'ATE.S i'.AST Of THE - Ml.issiiiP'.t4 Ao;t-Intereni Jkarinrf :-100. Aoto. . iocet'vablo lor; public dues be- I'oro April i l.-t ter Audi lkt, hut ! . 18'j-l, at par; from and af- Si8G4, nut receivable at all, I'UNOABU-: i$ Focr. per Cext. Bounds P-ifore-'ii i 5 pil, lis 04. at par. , ' . I roinMst'lo l 1st day of April, inc , at G ('Vol 11 '1st-lah 1st day oCfMayiuc, at 5U Front lt;tjo jlast day of June, inc., at liG j l'-r'.iiU- lstfco last davfvJuly, inc., "at 3.6 f Ivrom hst tjo Jakt dnof Aug., inc., at 20 f Kivm. Ist io h.st day of Sept., ine., at IU5 S woptawuy by rnout'ly tax, Oct. inc.it (5 5 Any . ri(j)n-i;itereiit Rearing $100 notes bold on 'tile! ; tirst of January, 1865, are " j lit ' j t;xcd 10d per cent., tliuS destroying every" vestige ofj jvalue. .' "' I'- ; -'Ii L'! ' 'XliK - ' . REPOUTER 'DrTWWARY,' J BASEP OX PHOXOcfllAPlIY. TX PUESS and shortly !to be published, a j book with the abovn title, prepared by to iubsciiberwlio! has had nearly 2U years prae. , tice'in PhOnosi aphic writing, havintc been at one time employed a ant otlicial rep ort r in the United States Senate, and, who has been for the lasi seventeen months, and is mow, re porter of tlWlAflanta Intelligancer. . The' Dictionary will contain indications; by laean.? of aj sialpla nomenclature, fjr writing - with Phonographie 1 ettei s., about '20,000 words oTthc Kngliih ilanguage, of ninety-nine one Stundrcths jof . tjliose in cnmuien lise the re a aiaiiig wordj being easily written after these axe learned. ' , I Iu the Introduction to the Dictionary, sim ple instruction ill bo given for beginners of the stiidvjtf' Phonography, with lithographed illustrations, prepared bypne' of the bet ar tists in . thv Confederacy The object of the . publicatwi is to make a sTAND.vnn for Confed erate Reporters, and to render it possible for the much coveted and beautiful art of Report ing, to bellearned even without the aid of a teacher. : . . ! As the work will be expensive, new type having been procured, expressly for it, only a ?m all edition will bo issued. Those, who de fire copies: are requested to send to the auther their orders at bnce, (to be recorded.) acoom pauied withhe price of the same, which Vill hie five dollars 'ter copy. -The buck in ' papeV cover,, and! suil able for use, will be sent to all pubscribers, bv mail, without additional ex-penstuv- jj . A.. MARSHALL, - j dtf -' : - : - . Augusta, Ga. . , , ; L ; : : , - !) jA.ju.ct16n.eer and : ; FAYETTEVILLR, N.-' C. June 10-3rh . - 1 .' ' J. 4 : J. a. GODFREY, WHOlisALli:, RETAIL 'j v I . - asd b ;'':; C 0 !0 r S H I ON MERCIIAN T, I Keeps Cotton - Yams For Sale. ; lOO-tf; j I " . "Ci.AIJI.S ' Of Cecciiscil Oi3cerata.:n! Solaicrs. r.l'HE UM) appointed ue! taiuretijrate, cfiilect and par over to the parties rlitku thereto, all (Tljo parlies entftl ave t, th jrS.tW ot the dceae, if anr, u tnkive be io-v?icL7n' tiicu, it' t)ei be neither tvwly-y. or ckiidren tfen. j -hll!4jlc-n i n,,; wi .-,:.u,5- aittiirleTal inauta oT aTfefipr"6tderlne -Jus tice of the Peaco, before. wlQ-n tbe affrtlavit subset i'.itfd must certify- tq th credibility of the witness, and Clerk of the County Court must certify. upder tltir seal of the Court, that he ia al Justice of the 'eact. " . ' I if the claimant or'claiaiants be a child or cihilclreii ''-ftf the d-;eeasd, and he, she t!v- ue mmoi s, the claiiu ms.t be propouaeu by All of thaie papers should be. sent in ! Any per?on direct! interestecI Wi'l be furinvh elt upon application to mv, with a proper form jf t'ifise papers in full; a copy .of which, for the 1 greater coayenieneeor parties, -will be torwar fl asHOim a, iaaybe practicable to each .) n ty Court Ciurk. . This comniUbitfn ii intended to facilitate the collection of these claims, 'uiid savevthe claim :ijiit.; all expense. . " - i J'arti.-s interested winy materially. aid me in -titv inresturatio'u of their claims, :"if at the time Of fr warding their paper to ntc, they will in form me of the date of tho death of the deceas id, where he 'dif.d, wsU killed Ajrhether or not they or any one for them, bye received the per?oual Vti'ects which deceased had with him :it the time of his death, ami whether or not t!hc tleceased (if a noH-eoniii)ijyioned officer" or' privat., had ever reC'-ivcdtU? State'? bounty. ; It j-- Vvv desirable that all claip-s should be (brwarded at as early a day as may be practi qabie. In all case-, jrive the claimants' iost Oiliee aiid County in tn.il. 123-tf Coaimisaioar. TO :T3E VKiK-VWS OF TUT, SOLIVIF'RS ' ... Q UA.K YK 1DI AST Kit GkXKUAT. PeI'AKTMKST, ) ""' . .'--'K.m.i BcaBac -.'-.Uicnmovn. Feb. 20ih, 1$M. ) 1 fIIE friends and relatives rf soldier? in I L Army of Northern Virginia are' hereby ,oiilied that n arrar.g'niont '1;m3 (his day "n efl"ected with the SOUTHERN" kXPKP:S COMPANY, to carry all rmek :lges of food and wearing apparel to liich rnonf . Va. .To .fecure th(? advantages" thns. obtained ,f h rough .1 he express company I the following tnst ructions must be observed : , .' I'aakages'i'ijQust' no-t contain; more than ne hundred pounds; be well secured, and lainlv marked, and sent at the expense r-f lie snippet to eitherof the Soldiers' lieliet' associations.' wnie'h are located as follows: In North Carolina, at Ilaleigh; in South 'arOlina, at Columbia; in' Georgia, at Au gusta; in Alabama, at. Montgoaiery; 01 at any other point at n-hich one of these As- Relations have an Ouice. , r ( The Agents 'of these - Association will hertake charge of them, and ship daily, by Southern Express Orapauy,to tlie prop-' (It Agent? of the respective States at llieh niond, "Who will s. e them distributed 'o the proper i ndividual owner?. 1 .To. meet the wishes of the soldiers, and 1q Mve them a certain and speedy commuuica iou with iionie the Southern Express Com auy ha-j agreed to give,thi? freight prefer nice over everything efee : and in order ,liat no obstacle may occur to the success of so laudftble an enterprise, the several Railroad Companies are hereby requested ;o rei der t lie Express Company such i'acili ies as will enable it to make this avran ge ne nt a complete success'". " As the Southern Expres? Company as " tunics all responsibility ol the tranpporta ion of those packages, the Relief Ass'ocia .H.ns are requ'-?edr to withdraw their o-etts who hac nexetof4e acted as t ravel- ng messengers. If the . livliet Association ;vill establisU agencies in he rear of there vimies, they may enjoy the$ame, priydeges lerebv securel to .the Army 'of .Northern Virciuia. i. . ; F.W. SIMS, Lieut. Col. and Quartermaster Approved. " - ' LawMm, Quartermaster. Gen. i. - br'FirE SOUTHERN EXPRESS CO., J S Ai'tUTSTA, Ga. . Feb 20: -. LSf4. f i t TIE SOUTHERN EXPRESS COiiPAr InY hereby noti y. the friends and relativHj bt-Soldiers in the. Army ef Northern YsbV land els- where, that they are prepared to learrv out . nrvrf':igement3i as announced in !tho above card and that they will do all in t h r r'ower to fulfil its requiremensst ' l - '. . JAIES SHUTER, j ' GenT Sup?t. & Actiug Prcst So. Exp. Co rniy'0-tt. ' ' ' . ' - " - 4 FEW more volumes of f Robert and Har J old" or "The Y'oung Mai ooners," to gether with "Duncan Adairby Mrs. JaneT. Cross. Just received it n,Marlict Squar c, ELivciopes ! Envelopes I ! U-.-ing gmrdian must be certified' to under sZ-al j ; -1 """n'n o - l "t V ! Of the cWv (Wrt Clerk: :. ' "'t" "" 2 V?! w,o T 1 I 'When the'elai is ma.l by an executor or l o J-Z S' I""" administrator, the fu: of the ? executorship" or 2?' -r-, - 5(10 "tl. - i $ f anln! inif ratorshin u.'nut be certified to, nndr u ' '$'1 'J j sbal by the.C'ouutv Court Clerk. ' ' " gu-3r iSl; 1; . 1 A SUPERIOli article-of. ENYi'LOPES "jf Commercial size, just received and for Sale, at the ?tre undvr the 1 Juuc20-tf CAROLINIAN OJFICE. 1 Oc-r. ' Bjron lurk ..w.. j: ;.h!.wj ftt i! mf. H.'fiWiiX ..... Ujttt?r ........ O tton . C'fiVrt ......... G tton Yr;i 4 25 Oik'U iV tv ....... v i 13 v ID .t:r. ? n ii bu-h; 1) Ut& Fruit ' iOUft .V ft -K tract l.!.--"Ss gWfal2r Fi Uir Fl ixsusid 12 fA (,o I bjiJ.fl ladder II y ............. SI wcks !ri'jiiii Com - SS CO C 10 01,VRnritri fi VS. f?tHndn-d.J -Wheat1...:.:. .? Mi hr...: r.r is no i.;!iiora Corn YVhisker..;,....:;) Whit! "lloa Toiiet.....:.L v5vr.ff? jb fri -its Turpentine . Wt t gal. FaVftUevilie 4-4 Sheetiogs'l "?0ff.3 'ard Sail .....1... 00 Cn 404b':hel '.Mlow J... -2 V) cr? TgW'.t V 1 ...... .....;... i.. .;..(? 00 H .t rJ Ih - " -""T THK -'. ". 1' 4 j 1L, LlrSTAtED - I?I.E L C5f H I i - - - - m THE GREAT LITERARY V.ySKT.T THE GREAT LITER A K Y ttE& LY I I O F THE SOUTH I ! i OF THE SOUTH ! . 1 , A SUPERIJ FAMILY J0URl?iVL: A SUPERIJ 'FAMILY JOURtl"vL! . -15EAUTIFULLY lLLUSTRAtifd), BEAUTIFY LLY ILLUSTR AlIlD, . JiLEGAXTLY Pi INTKI ft? ' ELKCATLY PRLVJKD j EVERY SATURDAY, U I HAS A LARGER V ! HAS A LARGER . f - s t MORE TALENTED more talented ;t1 I COR rsOF CXTXTR I RUa'Wi- -COUPS OF CONTRUtUTOilS: Til AN WAS K VE li P EFO 1 : E EN G TD THAN VAS EER BEFORE ENC'AGEI IN ACTUALLY W R ITRN G h N V. IN ACTUALLY WRITING, tR. ; ANY' AMERICAN PAPERS 1 ANY AMERICAN i'APER . BRILLIANT. CIlAKJtlNC j Jl KILL! A NT, CIIAKMING, l . AND TJ I RILLING LAND 'TURILLlNCr . i flVlT'n KOMANOES, j WITH ROMANCES,' t SKETCHES, J SKETCHES, ! TALES ! TALES - Jftr- ' 5 It II OF REAL ' r . LIFE, ' LI F E. B O ET R Y, POETRY, 11 I S TO R Y'.t I S TO R Y, , BIO G R A P II Y, 11 B I O G R A -.P.IL x N O Y E L F,T T'B iN O V LS U t4 i a i i ry , , ' ESSAY'S," CRITIC SMS, i : ESSAYS, CRITICISMS, ? WJTIC1SMS M.-" CELL AN Yv , : . r T If rn rn T- O S.T;.?:i I WIT1CISMS-MISCELLANY ! ; INCIDENTS AND ANECDOTES, INCIDENTS ANU AECDUHUV OF THE t Alt AND ITS IIEUOES, OF THE WAR 'AND ITS HfiJOES, INCLUDING TRANSLATIONS; S IN CLUD1NG NSLATl (JS, FROM THE GERMAN, FRENC' ! ANDOTHKR LANGUAGELp ; AN D OTHER LANGUAGE? J , 1 A HOE JOURNAL F0tM.M THE HOUSEHOLD ! AN ORNAMENT 1 r.6rt THE , PAKLOlt. I A SOLDIER'S . ! PAPER FOR ' ; ! THE CAMP. " ..... -.A I TBAYEM.KUS T r.n M P A N I O X. W .PLEASANT READING;? -! F O R E V E R.Y BOD? -i. i A -RIG II; CASKET- OF .l t ! SOUTHEJRN LITERATURE ! POLITE SUBSCTtIPTl6N-;Six month:'..i10 The Trade supplied at 525 per bunded. . Address, . i- 1 ! I . 1V3I. B. Simj; 1 1 ! oprietor, lialeighpN. C. Jun ! " ' '- ' K' t 900 VH)0 FEET-OF-'lf & IllNCH UU,1UU LUMBEK. 12 mrfl. wide. Arply niJesGre.n fi-3 'f , port. iid ii.ftny vrcre talced ar f Dry & 50 6 p V '1 - t;, ,.!, tvv t, ,' : n2m j " . ;oM'r- army . n .possession- .f l.clnTd- "' .-. Tl;.":.- Ir Swede, .7. 3 50 V lh : t .,.e uli- ihi, Juats hat ? gone down the roatl ,l0 ,5-; hwv j sst. ,- i&Kfii r?) ik 1 l! ? Jons aua rei ifrt v nsfoiiiuiwl wi.n ffl,i 1 Mr'o-.j ir, rift ir 'T,,. i : - L; lei4rirU ?'y Pics Association. lH'ii Knt-rrd vccorduiff to Art of CoBjrrvs ?n the i "jf SIMMS'. l;r J. S. Tbrnybcr in, toy Clik'n oi.'ice of tne i)itrirl Cocrt ivthe Confederate tafftsV for, the, Xort liern I) Utrjct. of eoria AG laut A cliievcmcnt I Oct: 12. Gfnfral Foi re. t t el ! " Corfnth on t the J2thi; !i vColelljV success yesterday mpe. v surprised the enemy, v,'v: H'H v n -ru .f?rovr.ca m at- AN ATTEMPT'TO FLANK OUR POSITION . I ON 'Hip UAUBYTOWN IiOAl). Richmond. Oct ? IS. The enemy's cavalry in force attempted to flank our position ou-the Dafbytown road; 7 miles be ow the city this mornin , tiinuifaneous by infantry, which ad vanced au; took shelter in an abatis, one hun dred and fty y ards in front of our foi tifica1 tiops. - y hjy y.etf repulsed. Our loss slight. 1 1 ' - .whips Tna Enemy in the valley. ItiCHMONi, Oct. 13 The following dispatch was received at the War Department : 1 J lIeadquartcrs,Oet. 13. 7p.m., This morning the enemy endeavored to ad vance between the'Darbytown and Charles city road,. bat was repjulsd in every attempt by a moFt strena.us eff.jrt, abpat 4 p. m., after which he withdrew, leaving many ead. Our lossyei-ysliight. ; j . ( Breckcuridge j reports that a force of the! erieniy. came to Greenville on the 12th, and j; v ere jdefeatsd by Brig. G en. Ysugban, j Some prisoners, 2 elands or colors, many horses captured. The ene- . my lot many killed and wounded. Our !; loss-slight.! I R. E. LEE. NEW S' . RnciiMOND0ct. 13. The Whig has re ceived the ; Herald oV the 10th,. which contains additional particulars ot the Dm by town fight. It says .the rebels I fought obstinately, and lost 1,000 kiHed. The Federal loss 100. Though the Herald brags high, it ad mits "that the Yankees were whipped ac cording to its accounts: Dispatches of j the. 9th, say Sheridan ' ,' whipped LongstrW, Early's succe3sor. No . particulars." j ' Stiei idaniis sI at Harrisonburg. Oommunication with Martinsburg ia still m-icut;! . J , ' Nothing from Sherman yet. . :-' ' !. - -Ii- 1 - j -- t Bprbridgc pased Cevington on the 9th for Lexington, t says that Price's ob i ject in taking Jefferson City, in Missouri, it to inaugurate the rebel Government of Missouri, j A Financial crash is expected in the West. Thfj striDgftpcy of the money market is already heavy. Gold 197 h . A specia to tb Hegixter, from Senate ' bia, V2th, sjays the '.-Memphis Bulletin of the 11th .contains a" telegraphic dispatch concerning 'success at Altooi. a. Thomas i5 at Nashville, liosscau and Washbuvno are after For : rest. - 4 r ' ' . - -" A dispatch recelTed from Franklin, Mis souridated the 7th, ?aya Smith would move iminediatoly in pursuit of . Price's force, with: a sufficient force to whip him 'before he could reach Jefferson City. , Jti is rejpbrled in New York' that the steamer Ro'anoko tas capjtnred at sea by rebels who( embarked at Havanna as pas sengers. f- . The Moi:gomery Appeal has the annex-' ed n.ews (rdtn the front : We have information from Gen. IIoo d's ayny as lale as the 4th inst. He had fixed himself in the rfar of. the enemy w i thin foil r miles of Lost Mountain . and twelve mwVs of Marietta. Gen. Stewart'.- corps moved oh Big Shanty on the Sd irst., and after a maU fight drove the Yankees out and captured, one hundred and seventy -five prisoners and took pos session of t,he town.. He was busily en -gaged in destraying the railroad from Ma rietta to tlie Etowah river, and it was supposed that he would make in a short tin e a perfect success of it. Our cavalry, lyid captnr'ed a train of thirty cars near Acworth, on the 2d inst., loaded with sup plies, coffee, 500 barrels crackers, etc. On tho 3d they captured a train of ears loa!ld with beef cattle, which were burnt. These licks together with those st! uck by Forrest, will soon have the desired effect in moTing Sherman from Atlantn. j 'mccrnl the tr tli imt.. .w:. r l-H'ilal-M alvit esfrn t lie armv nf'lrn f 'tinware Intl3 o'clock .Frid' Juorniu;, Oct. 7n, fi!n jwhicb we lvarn tliat LeeV corps, wn s , ercii pvini; latyoua ; f ! oi h t a j ami His; Sliiuity., " Ha rdceV 'corps; coh)-'" TOa-"Wl by tiM pKllaut Cltcailiara.j trm advsuc injr r;oi tnvard oJ, lJ.t r ast jde.ir K State load. . .. . ' . : ' I ' ; Otrr forfc-s- bavo efictiwll t -: i!est for td the V. H JL by fakt' M? the j raill V.urt.iv th in j nwny eniliankruers f i taia northward nearly Je Kt f owaji .',v" ; number of YariiVri; who weff prow- Imj: m the heihburaoed ot st Moiijs- ' disco vg red the trat h X reliable news of the position aini condition of Sh'i man's army : hqd teoir received at our Army .headquarters up ?t ! our !at -dates j.thontfh it is evi-dnt Jtij5 j the Yankees are.jirakrng a'moreisenty 'p ' Our base'of stipjdies ar ptrftttiy 'saTa a,nd ccnvcnicut to the army. . . Lat;-:st Fhvk Gkor'gia. -Our infor hlv intere.' ting and places uTai i s in a much - more favorable position than 1 r some timo' past. It ap. pears that Gen.. Hood's fWpos have effectually hstryced the railroad, by. which Sherman ecdvel his supplfeV a -far as he has gohe, A! too lia, .. whifrt'; i ' about 40 miles, 4-1 ht he has taVen! 'erV ery garrison on t,hc rout inchidihg'fAl-' '. toon'a, the hitter with"' -4,' 00 'pVfsoiitW " id a larga quaniity of war matt ials.- Sherman is said to fee NnrtJi of '(Tiat tanooga, cut off from his- main inrmy - Upon the whole,; things lo 4: brighter! t ery day in Georgia Only one c rpa,-thv 20th, it is said, remains in Atlanta, all the rest having moved out up the road J in the dsrection of Hood, we suppose. Cor... LEviiNiijia-s -The Charlotte Dotnorr.it says : if I It appears t. at Colr C. L-ventrTofpe, wlio lately commUned the 1 1th NY C. Regiment, has- been appointed, by Gov. Vance, we presume, a Brigadier Gfirni in the Home Gu:ird forces of the tate. Th-troops now callea out report t hiru at Gohisboro. 'A fetter Hjptintment could not have been. mad , and ,we ,cin assure the nitn whu are going in to service that tln v v id find' Gen. Iventljtrpe k kind, huniwne, ahd'skillfnl eomuiander. ( the men do-their; duty, he will do hi. He understands the duties of a soldier. . ; 1 Finn. Tho Charlotte Time rf '&rri- -. day says: 'A fire v. occurred "at the1 depot, . about-on o'eleck on Saturday niorirtng; whith consumed a box .car and several bags of ctton. We have heard nothing is to ii origin, but suppose it muht have caught rotn a sj'fii k l'roui the engine. It is fortuu tte thnt the damage was ii"t more extensive, as tne facilities ih that vicinity . are abundant and attractive for getting up nnd carrying out quite, a respccallj; cpr! 'flagration. ' . . j 1 ' '- ; "' - - - TlicWcely-lnlc!ljpcer- S PUIJLISIIKD- AT AYETTKVILLE, N. J C. on TcKSDAvj of epeh week. It is made np- from the neWs contained in U10 Dailt Non 1 a Caholiniax, an i will always contain the'" ',- ' ' j - "'."" -; VERY LATEST, TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Raving, the advantage of the. news of the PRESS ASSfjCIATlONVof which the Daily North Carolinian as a member. , . - TfiE -MA RKETS ' Will be fully and icai-efu'.ly reported each day, and a true statement of their condithtu bvmert lv jiven.' We hafe ; . - V " . SECURED jCORK KSPONDINTS 1 n the Armies ofj Gtm. Lke antl' Picket, and will always give ja faith ul and full record of nuiy -.matters. j '- IVsr M asters i land ofier? are reoiierted to ld hs A'ozSTsr and each A ?ent penning s?ix or -Uitv subscribers with the nnmy for- tix, rnn.hs, .will reciive th Weekly- paper tlx in nibs gratis. - tirBscairrioss will no be taken for a longer, pel ixl than fix months ; nd in no case will the paper be sent 'until the money is received.' . ; i- AnvEarfiEMEiT.s "inserted for $ 2 er sqtmre of ltj line for th rir:t, and one doliar for each sucecdihg publ cation; ' 1 -r ', Tr.ii.Tis .or sumscixjptiot : Wkkklt IsTELiJ&r.3iCER -Three n-.nnth.S3 OH 1" "1 i" - ' Six months, S Uo ) 1 . J. SINCLAIR, - . :. Ecir k axd PuoraiET. ISAAC HOLLirSGS WORTH, MlfiRCHANT, FAYETTE'SILUE, N. C. 136-tT MISTRESS ANP MAP. TUST REG IE YET) a few more eoniiTof that excellent NQ Ut at :; i CAROLINIAN O0-1CE. . - 1 1

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