r ft- '.." !' 'i I .-::'f : J ' : . -..'. : k..i; : - . ; -vv- ' viy ' 10-m f 3 la 111 I ,-rn- W 1 :;- , v. .' . j . l' : .... , ... ; . I ft i v uL - . : : '-i - . . - . . " if .1 L , j ' - ' " r "I 1 hl; i: I ;NO. 218 MJTaJ3PW!S?w',, i 1 1 " 1 in 1 1 11 1 1 nun n MIIMM - - ! 1 ' r jSlRgte-rcopl'.TliXT.Y FIVR CANTS. 'BtnVi etDies"iicenti.' Six mouths TWN,j TY-FIVK l)OL!jLttS.1 Thrco laonth; FU'- j st 'Weekly fonr at tb if i;etij "iix- mon tS.- 1 urea : w- LAUS atrictlj ';iu.4ac. - RAtlES ttlJPv uVJ31.T15IA AdWf ti'tJnienti for tlie Cabouman will be. charged iTUK.E!i'X)OLLARS per square f fyr j ldsa j sah anJ .everr! insertion, eiht hues or ts6nstitutin a square. I- ht. ir-tt.l oncei in 'latlv. aud charged Juily 1 Airrru3!incui.i: iur me ,iiBi.i.ino.nnn ..... , rat lor that iusertkmj, ' '- Lin Asnt by letter, the money must aecom- j pan t;iv, auverurfemeni. jiarriaeu, . cams, , religious and ther notices charged, as aurer t:e ; 'utaaJ mast be paid for strictlr in ad- rau'. 1- X2jc Value of .Hojae3V X 00........... 't! 2 0...L........ 33 8 oo...u.......v a 00 4 00..J.......... fe'Cli 5 oo.j....-.... is 1 00 .2 oa 3 ou 4 00 5 00......... 10 lu oo... 15 oo...L...... 19 1 li 00... 20 W0.....-.V.L, li3 SSHf 2u uo... 25 00 so 00 lei fiGjh; 25 00 ..20' (ID .. 2;i 35 .. 20 C5; ..30 00 ..30 6? .,40 00 ..4;; 33i; ...it' 66 .. 5i0. Of) .. 53; 33 .. 56''ce .. GO 00 31 00 35 00..... : 40 00..,.. 45 00 50 00 55 00 00 00... fi5 00 70 00..... 75 00..... 80 00 85 00'..... yo 00 95 00..... lull 00 35 U0...... 40 00...L.. 45 00...L... 50 00...U 55 00.L.. CO 00. ..... 65 00...L.. 07 50 75 00 2 50 00 TO 00...L ....10 '5 CO ..'..112 50 ....120 00 ....V17 50 f5"00...i... so 00...:... D5 00...t... loo iiq...L.. 135 00 ...142 50 ...150 00 or FuNdiNrt Scheme of Cuu a'h i'ro States East of t'ie uksov Biu - Mississippi I 'Xim-Tylcrest Hearing $100 Notes. ll(cei viable '; for pirblic das be fore April 1st,! 18G4, at par; Irora and al ter April 1st-, 1804, not receivable at all, but FusiUm.H is Forrc. pee Cknt. Bonds before! 1st April: 18G4. at par. i ! . i 1 t . Iroia 1st to last Jay of. April, inc., :it'66j From 3Ut to Ja!st "day of May, inc., at 5G I' roui ltt to laist dar of June, inc., at 4ti$ ! mm 1 kt tol ' I i last day f Julv. inc.. &t 36 1" l orn 1st tii AT if ' A 1KV t .-! . - " .- . - hxyixn lt tQ hist day of bept., inc., at I6f S wept away by itiont'ly tax, Oc-t." inc., at '6 - Any j non-interest bearing $ 100 notes hold on the first of January, 18G5, are tx-od 100 perjeent., t!ms destroying every vertigo of Value. 1 ; 3 ' BASED ON rIItiOirtAPHY. V f PBESti and shortly to b" published, a" boo"k with the abov tith prepared by the sciiber, who has had nearfy20 years prac tice in Fhorioft aphic writing, havinpj been at xne time employed as. an oilicial rep y-f r in the Uuited Htates"Senate, and,, who has been for the last gevinteen months, audv is how, re porter of th4 Atlanta Intelligajicer. . The Dictianai-y. will contain indiations, by means of -ajlsimple 110'men.clature, t jr writing with Phonographic letteia, about 20000 wocda of the English language, of ninety -ninet tme ' tiundreths jpt those, in coinawn nse re roftioinjfword3 Ibcing easily writtcii after these . are learned.; l ' . : : In the "In4roluctton to-the DTctionary, sim ple tn3trction will be given for beginners of the study ofj Phonography, wih lithographed illustrations, preparedby oe of. the best'ar tists in the '.Confederacy. - The object of the publication is to niake a staxdari for Confed erate Keortera, and to render, it possible for the much-coveted and beautiful art of Report ing, to be learned even without the aid of a iteacher .' ; , . 1 ' As the work: will be expensive, new type haring been procured expressly for it, onh' a : small ediuoniwiii issued, loose who de ,gire copies arfe requested to send to the author their orders'at qnce,(to be recorded,) accWm- Sanied with the price of the same, which will c five dollars per copy. x-The book in paper cover, and suitable for use, will be sent tl all aubscribers,!-bv mail, without-additionabex1 pense: j -r" - A. li MARSHALL, dtf m ' . Augusta, Ga. . j; G. GODFREY, . WHOLESALE, RETAIL : . , Jj AND ' . ' I" : COMMISSI QN' MEBf3lI AT, ' Keeps Cotton Xarns For Sale. . Fnyetteville, N. C. 199-tf- " ISAAC HOLLirJGSWORTH, Urpccr and ComnUssiou 3iicKCTrv3srr, i i FA Y ETTLVI lTLE N. C. TUK UUliV ;pius,i.ru i;.!tviii.tiA.i .j i;eo,ac to the rcpmeutatiTMofoceageduf 9r'Ted t! H'WciWra ih town at 0"XK UOIj- ! jcerg -4 -L.Micrs from this tat. j " f LA It ' A5f TWjEN'TjY-TI VE CENTS per - i lhe lartiti .ntitlea dim, llw?!wi4- of wrk ia i aJtaacd payable to tL .Carriftis ,,. Je..s,.i. if an v. if tli-e b nor.i&ow tbf. 2.-1 ; . s ' 3 o S : -1 u 1 - ji ! 4 T1IK 186-tf Of Deceased OHictrs anS Sdldlef'S. t UNO-.':HrtIUN'Kl has btR tppuioted j "pari' o cr to the p'ft'rae.i .entiilecl Uibreto; all i cia"imnifrbut 'arrearKs of par and aUir, I Feconriiv; thecbildor chiiUreii.if theft: be suclu I if th?ie b-3 neither vidtv or cbibiien then. thirdly, tlw father, if there be neitnF widow. ! chiJdjehiUlreii or fntaer thenr foatthlr, the mother of the deceart;tly and in dfajilt of alfof these theuj iifthlr, the exeatt or aduaiaistra tor of jlhe lcccae(U y- r -' 1 , " Thejcjairfatjt or e??JwnTTt!f i ;i"i?t ftiT'j'M Rcr orltheir aiMtl.-irit, si t's- "n ,'r- t - bWul '.v:itr,tn U4t iioati?e the exLiteuce of a c-i. ..1-' i . i:,' .1:...1.-...j.-.nT. V... ti ofl the Peace, baforu whom the affidavit k mib.cr,bod uut certify to tbecredibijitj of the' itness, and Clerk of the Uountj Cbart moat certify, under the seal of the Court, jthat be is j a Justice of tho i'eace. ; i( children of the deceased, and he. ahe or thev be itiitiors, the -claim must be propounded by hif, Ji- or thcJr gaardian, and the tact of his Dfcing puaroian must- oe cerunea 10, unaer seal I Whln th clai 11 15 made b'j .an xpctTtor or adniinsstrator, the fact tfthe executbrship or : admicMr&torchip mut be certitied" to under sval by tUe County Court Clerk. f ' All of th cue papers huuld be tent Sn Japlim ! cate. , , ' j j ! (Any person directly interested will be furnish I ed. uprm application to me, with a prfcper form of theqe papers in full; a copy of whicji, for the 4 greater convenience of parties, will be forwaj-- 1 50 . ded as soon as may be practicable to each .... 3 GOT j County Court Clerk". .... 4 50; Thi cotanu?? ion is intended tftfaciHtatc the .... C 00 ', collection of these claims, and ?ave the claim 7 50 ; ant. ajll expense. 15 00 ' ; Parties hlterested may rn'aterially pid me ia .... 2- 00 I the iiijvestipration of their claims, if the time .... 30 00 ' of forj.rardir.if their paper to me, they will in .... 37 50 f form ne of the date of the death of tlfe deceas .... 45 00 !,ed. where he died, was killinl, whetHer.or not Wl 50 j they r. any one for them, have reciyed the .... CO 00 i persoiial e.tfects which deceased had jwith him at the time of his death, and whether or not the deceased (if a noH-eommissioped pfficer or prirate.) had ever received the State'!" bounty. It ii very desirable that all cfaiws shonid be HI 50 ; foHyarded at. a.s 'early, a day as may be practi 95 00 ! capi)ci In all case, jrive the claimaits' foat uu auu iuuuii 111 iiiit. i -'a-., : -.,h .J.NO. A .STANLY, 123rtf ; . Coaimisj?ioner. io jTiiE nti r:Ds of tug soli ikhs QtiiSlTB K M A ST KB GKXKRAL PETAni'MENT, ) Kati.roao TuREAb.' i .KicamoxD. Feb. 20ih, ipG4. ' ) PEE Fi-iei ids' and rehnti vef, of fqldisrs in I the Arm1'- of Northern ' Virsrlnia are hreiiy '"ilied that an arrqiiffeoint. has tliikdav -pen eflected with the "SOUfTHERN El PIKERS C()MI'ANff to carry pack eior 1000 aua wearing apparei iio Kicn- nnr. v a. - ! I ci.pccure the advantages thun hfained US ric0 ah the express company, the fallowing et ti uetions nni:ibe oberved : ! PiiaUaies inu.f not contain tncte-. than l ond bundled pounds; be well secured, arid ! pfailv marked, and sent at theexppupe of e! i upper to either of the Soldierf Relief t !i80cianous. wuiuu ar luuai-eu as .hmimwb. iu! North Carolh.a, at Raleifib: w South tar raiina. at Ooiumu'.a: m ueorgiai Au- ta; fn ' Alabama, at MontgoHiery ; 01 at iny pinr point at ftiKcnoue oi tnese as- oiciaitions have an onice. 1 ITlib" Ageiils of these associations will ther4 take charge of them, and ship daily, by Southern Express CoiKpany,to the prop op; Ajjeuts of the respective States ft Rich mond, who v.ill se them distributid o the proper individual owner?. j ;ITq meet the wishes of the soldiers, and. to gve them a certain. and ppeedy'communica tiou with home the Southern Express Com panjf ha agreed to give this freight prefer elice! over everything else : and i, order that ho obstacle may occur to thej success ol so! laudable an enterprise, the several Uuilfoad Companies are hereby requested tO render, the Express Company sndh facilt ties is will enable it to make this pwrauge nn a complete success.- . j a4 the Soutfiern Express Company as gtiracB all responsibility ot the . transporta- tron jof tbos$ packages i the KelierAsocia t!ou4 arp rque.e4 ' td withdraw their Agents who hac neret of ore acted as travel ing tiieslseiigers. ' If the 'Relief Asspciation w;ill Establish agencies in the rear iof there aftntjes, they, may enjoy the same privileges herebv secured to the Army of Northern Virginia ! F. W.llS, Lieut.xCol. and Quarterniaster. -. 1 j Approv-cu. , -R Lawton, Quartermaster Gere. j it - j OFFICE SOUTHER EXPRESS jCO., 1 I S Augcpt.v. Ga., Feb 20. I8fi4. f I TTIE SOUTHERN EXPRESS GOAIPA- . . .1 . 1 NY fYi hereby no ti y the friends and relative I Soldiers in the Army f. Northirn ,Va., o and iels'-wbere. that tbey are prepared to parry out arrangements as announced in th ibove card and that they will do ajl ia ho r power to tulul its requiremecsst tii- ; JA.dES SHUTER, t Gen 1 SuP raiiyO-tf. ! llen'l Sup?t. & Actiu z Pres't So. Exp. Co 1 Vnctioixeer and . I , FATETTEVILLB, C. ! June 10-3m . 1 1 ' MISTRESS AND MAID. 1 TtjST REGIEVED a few more copies of that J cxcelUnt NOVEL at i r ! ' No. 17, Market Suar . . - J I Vi 1CT 11 !S6w-;- ' " - "i 1 ' j .lenuiU A,r the Soqthuti mln mil INtrk............ -....... I 50 f gay-' , , " ,.' - , .jj - ' ; - ;. ' , Lird .V...J.... .,c? wy-.l fs 7 T!7 s T t ! i l'-'4 N tnly im oat .f fc ILtirax L.-....J.U...a..x,A 25 'jff "P- r JhTi Hr'W ) w ,Lnk' i ' .i.. Twelve of tlie men Nvcr rwrl r JJnn rr-r.T :'t"TS ' ' C ft .SUtwr th Northern District- of Georgia i icsrrtoli;anfl repoMcI . ri U f) id Froiit ... Apfl JWhes 7 f 1 V II Bjrs ..i:.:..i...,.-.fe-3-co- JfCi Kret 'Lowwoi!l ....Ci-... $5. .0 $8 y ffe' Fl cr .J S-235 -litj "t barm? ri iiiecu... i ! 1 CD 1 Lnslpel Fodder s S8 1 H'v ...:..v.;..vv......:.J- SI TICKS 'ii,in',MpJ)..!; n tvat-..,.-.. 35 00 t bntiM i .- Rre...:.;i.;.i co v bam Oatt . & 00 $10 00 V b hS in jes Gren..:...;;...:.l 2 3 00 Jt Drr..:....; .. 5 50 00 V Ir u STtedes;...L............ 3 50 1 50 V .Ij.Mither u pper 31.. .:f Sole,..j.. ., c.a y h' $ m v h nu uora t;orn i.ikey.....;....,j0 an 7 alltfe Apple aRd Peachr Kranr..... 50 Ogallffli 'Mo' asset i.....s S 15 20 00 1 . gallhi Is ; L.1.....1.......T... -3,5o 4 co ?h On;on ....UV.:.,.L......20 00 25 0Vu?l&il' FoiatoeaIjish 15 00 ? busljl 'T et :.. .$7 50S"10 00 7 -Wkit Jtie U... C5S75V RE. Huear lo ? flh, S-vip L............ Family. Bar 2 00 Toilet ............U......:...:.;U.; vVi 00 t$ Mpi. its Turpontiiie. ...:i...5..........4 00 "( gtl; F etteville 4-4 Shevtioesl 60 3 25 1? Tal rit...: 5 w-& 3 40 4 buslM Tfllow V d . .SG OO 8 00 fe I.I17STISA'7I JEI UIERCUKYrJ lIiLlISTISAD'::.MBC1JHl'u! - ' K ' ' - -'- ' ' - LjS ! , i i " , ' 3 , . ' THE GREAT ' IJTERARV WEEKTt; 'J liiJ.UK.lt; AT -LilL&ttAKI. WJL.U.JVl? I OF j THE SOUTH ! -! OF iTHE SOUTH ! A SUPERB! FAMILY : JOURNAL ! B A SUPERB! FAMILY , JOURNAL ! BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED, H BEAUTIFULLY ILLUS'JTiATEl), ELFGANThYiPi IN TED ELtOAXTLY PUEN'TEDJ EVERY SATURDAY, EVERY SATURDAY, fJTAS A LARGER ' I HAS A LARGER MORE TALENTED MORE .! TALENTED. CORPS OF CONTRIRUTORS POliPS OP TOTfTJMMITTORS it Vs- 41 41 HI THAN WAS . EVER BEFORE ENGAGE T ! 1 A N WAS EVER RLOKE E.NUAuEi IN 'ACTUALLY -WRITING FOR IN ACTUALLY WRITING FOR ANY! AMERICAN-PAPER I ANY! AMERI AN PAPJUt ! B 1LLIANT . CtlAK.M 1 NO, BR1M.IAT. CHARMING, AND THRILLING; -AND THRILLING W ITTI ROMjINCES, j : WITH j ROMANCES, SKETCHES, SKETCHES, J., .0 I TALES TALES OF . . REAL :!. I. REAL' ii:- 1 'LIFE, ' - M i LI FE. - , . 1 I RO E T R, Y, . . P O ETR Y, H I S T O R Y. lIISTORY, B l;0 G RAP II Y ' 1J 1 b G R A P Id.Y, NOV E LET T E S, N 0 Y E L E T T E ESSAYS' CRITIC SMS, . ESSAYS, CRITICISMS, - WIT1C1SMS M -CELLANT, WlTIt'ISMS. MISCELLANY, I' If P I '5 3f INCIDENTS AND ANECDOTES, C IX&DEKTb ANI ANECDOTES, 2 OF THE WAR AND JTS riERQESj OF II E W A R AND ITS HEROES INCLUDING TRANSLATIONS, : TvrnT TT1M ta ' r, . a XTCT. A ITTl'MH 1 il. " FROM THE GERMAN, FRENCH, FROM THE GEuXTA N; FnElS CH, - AD OTHER LANGUAGES, AND OTHER LANGUAGES, A HOE JOURNAL FOR THE HOUSEHOLD !j AN ORNAMENT '-S-' I. i: EOR TliE rARLOR A SOLDIER'S ' PAPER TOR THE CAMP. - ; '.'-A- . - ' -traveller's - COMPANION. PLEASANT READING ,F O R ;E VI2H Y B O D Y. a! RTHir CASKET OF POLITE SOUTHERN LITERATURE SUUSCRIPTION-Six. months SIOT The Trade supplied at $25 per hundred. ; Address, -4- - -f.t i - 4 TO. B. SJIITn, ! i ; orietor, Raleigh, N, Cgg' - jqn j J'':-' ;.-'4- . gt . . 'sr&xx-t o'ca.. 900 0(10 FFET 0F H i in UUjUUU- DUMBER, 12 inch. witJ Apply CAROLINIAN 0TFIC&; FHO-I THE VALLEY. j Htaw.sviLtE,-Ojw--.Ii. las rnarcheiSrith' two Oyf tbis side burg and a'-ro!S Cedar "Creek. p i 'ECOND PISl'ATCIl.l . CAiarriT.vnJi.E, Oct 15., Notwit, landing tl poiiivs (Federal statement that the t5u and 9th corps had crossed at Thornton and Coaster Gaps,'tis alfogeth--er probable that thev did hot puss through Thornton's, but north of tl at Gap.. From Klclimona AilQniet. Fighting va jfiot retimed ' to-ilay on the ri.rth.id of Jamos. river, as was ex pected. Oi'liv.'ersji'froiiij lelow report -all quiet. : Nothing 4 from the 'War Depart ment from .any quar.erl TIic Northern ! Elections; IticaMoxn, Oct 15.--To nijCjht North ern papers of the -1 2th yrere recoived. Pennsylvania, Ind;ana and Ohio went fWrf the Republicans by largft majorities-, . Sheridan is at Fisher's Hill, r Tbe Governor general of Nova Scotia, is 0:1 u vis.t to General Grant. Nothing liter from Sherman. Footsteps of iiovR.-The first step to- j. wara iovp is 10 play with a cousin. Thpre is a neenom trom sfarch' m the mfcr conr?:? of young people in the relntionship that ripens v naturally into aftectio buds intt fruit, or tiidpoles into bullfrogs, t Doctor,' looking learned, speaking slow: - " W clh'tnrirtt) fa? ba t totrttr-TO 1 wan t rx : trabted? it is a hiolerfor an incision ?" l ark, short and sharp : 'It is in tho up per tiej on the larboard -.side, bear a hand you swab, for it is nixing toy jaw like a lobster'- '' ''jl ! j- General Sherman is very truthfully de scrityd as a "ni.ui who has j annt look 'about him- as ifihe fot hungry wheji a boy and . never got over t. A nervous man neer , quiet, pnlliu his;5vliikcrs or but- toning b8 COat or twining a string, or rub bing a finger. y I - A friend of ours; nas invented a capital way to prevent tlie smell of cooking in a house, ilt is to have roth ing for oreak fast and warm it over for 'dinner and sup- ?r- 'y 'h t: : i The mora! and jirfppre'vnsive nature of girls is more rapidly developed than ti e rnin5 of boys, as gsa'ellites ruove quicker than plnnefs, : or as flowers blocm sooner - in valleys, than ort mountains. "Let us remove em ptation" from tho path rf youth, as the frotj said as he phinjred into the water," when he saw a boy pick up a stone. ... ' I The sUk:worm fjeeds upon th4 mulberry leaf and 1 spins hi.Csilk. 'The 'poet feasts upon the world of nature, and spins his beautiful thoughts and fancies. The jvoman whi neglects her husbancTs shirt front, is not the wife of his bosom. Farties recently out from Atlanta re po'rt that several stores have been opened in tho city since the Federal possessien ; sutler's shops art iu full blast ; ralicoes, ginghams and hales 6f domestics line the sidewalks cn business ithoreughfares ; an immense amount of railroad iron, chains and spikes Has been1 sent down since the occupation af the city; the wsrehonses are full of commissary stoi es ; the pas-r nchger depot is one vast pile of craekcrs. The citizens that j! remained were freely exchanduk Confederate currency for renbacks!at the fate of forty fdr one. We take'thc following from the Jackson County (Wisconsin) Ban ner,: ' ' " j; ' '" -' ; " Mr. E L. Brbckway, who' is South prccurino; substitutes for ' this town, says he procured eleven negroes ancT was on hi? way home with them, when Wheeler'4 cavalry made a raid on the railroad, cutting it in half a dozen places; The train he was on was attacked but he escaped njl so did most of the negroes, they taking to the woods. He got five negroes as far as Nashville when the provost marshal impressed j them, and Brock was left without a Jniireer to hi3 b&ck. j was a toia wrfck f Out-w- Ie-o from j ,thoTw qiuuntedwifh the Jo. a iy of the t tlrvihter that .-h-.? ;. likely to go ta r. M l"o rnr-Ji Rt(p : Harrrtf k tt h t ired. 15 only t -n in ile. from St Lou in, and the most- import nr. pdnt this spit. From all ac)U ii t., Price i- in fair way i capture St. Lou is Should Kirch a fortu nate event tran-rdre. N01 th .MNsomi, L w;ays true to the .S'ootb,- will I o opn to .us, .wUh its thousands "of ri cruit?. Look out for an -invasion; of Illinois., and n rair march on Sherman, which will make th said Sherntan rue the day he ever Y$n turcd from Chattarujopi ; - - Forrest i: reported by tho Yankee pa pers to have hiitehe? c l ull lie tierro found at Sidpher Springs ; luit tlu-r do not teil.what he did with them a'tenvard. A moderate luignde of their phosts nir be seen arij' morning marehihp; out to tuf citn nchimnt. in mil?t;ry order, all in y.inkeo unifom and with spa es im thei shoulders ; and we certainly never before , saw that ninny hundred srhosts preventing so substantial and contented art appear ance. . : Reixfokcf.d. The 'State Journal str on good authority, that the 'Yankee gar rison at Xcwbcrr. has been reinforced j three regiments of negroes. . The Juvrnul also learns H at, at the same placethe vellew fever is carrying off eighty persons perday. Three ngro Vankee soldiers were kil- led. last Saturday, on BriceV Creek, bj ap-;rty of Col. Wnitford's scout?. . TlicWccklvIntellkciicGr 1 S PUllLISllE!) Ji T j AY ETT E V I LLE, N, 1 C. 011 TrKsu vT of racir wcok. It is made up tiro in the-news containrd in tb4 II1.T 5i o:ith Cakoliniax, a m i will aUvava contain ti.o . - ii , . . : ' Kit y LA TEST Trji.FsC.Ji A J'JUC ' av; ws Jlav'mjj; the -advantage ' of the news of the PKKS'S ASSOCIATION, of vviiich the Daily North Carolinian i. a oieiuber. Ti-t i5 ;r.A riKFrs Will be fully and carefutlv reported each dyr and' a true statement of their condition hoarst W given. Wo have & . . SECURED CORK ES F t J N 1I? NTS IntheAimicrf of Gens; l,r.r. and FirxTT, nd will always give a faith ul aud full record ef i uiy matters. - Post Mastkks and others arc requested to ici as AfiVNTS," and .'each -Agent pending six t m tv subscribers with. tne money for ji m nihf, -will receive th j Weekly paper ix xh ndis gratis. j' " ' Si ascairrjoxs will do bo taken fora loiifef pei Kid than six months ;.J ?nd in no cae will the paper .be sent until the inoney is received. Sjp..' An vKKTisEM-Exvi -inserted for $iper piare olG liu3 for th ; tiret. and one doIVir' for ocb-uceedinof publ? elation. 4 TttUITES OF SUSCIPTIOI w . - - Wkkkly IsTEH.ioCKCKR;i-Three muntha,$3 00 " Six months. 6 Oo - V 1 J. SINCLAIR, EditiIr Asn ruopuisTO. v IVo. .17, Market Square j rfUE PIIOPRIETOU of the abore establliib' JL ment having returned "from tht varti" peace having been declared in Moors Coantr. respectfully solicits the .patienajrc Of hi-lJ CuHtomers'. The' Will find a choice (flection mf Combs, Tooth Rrushc, Faa'cr foap, "OJd Vi k:(iw," do., eedlce, Pins, Spool Cotton, dll'k Flax Thread; Black' A Silk do.. Hooka ' . and Ejea. . A Stationary comiftinp of ' . j . Note, Letter and Fools' cap Paper, Plain, Paa- I cy and Con3mircil Envelopes. Penrilf, Pens, Pen Holders. 4c.. Jlc. I Alooanew and carefully Kolccted stock of the latest Mvde Pieces published. 1 Choice Smoking Tobacco fof jale. Oct5-tf '- tj ; COTTOK CAIlDg, IVo. lO. THE Fayetteville COTTON CARD Mann. ; facturinc Company are now manufaeter- inp Card fuperior to any run th roach tbr. :i blockade, and at pre?er t teilinp: for ale p'le' thesingle pair or by the quantity. Any per?on orderingsix or;ncre paira tbr- will be securely packed and delivered at Wil- ! mington free of expense. S Call upon or address A. A. McKTTHAX, "i J. A; WORTH. 1 ALKXJOHNSON'jJr. i . 1 ...... . . - f Choice Tobacco! j THE UNDERSIGNED has jurf received j choice lot of superior ch- ing tabaeee, ; which he offers forfale at rwonahle prieet; - V Some of that A NO. 1 cheyinc lobieco atill i onhand. . ISA AC HCLLlMiS WORTH.. - lOf-lm ' '' . -.