I li n n 1 Hi I' V. 'tHEWKJSIS.COUBinW J- t- M. 2 .9 ..i .. I . f a r . . . ....... i -1 . .. .-. I ' .-jj r . " ...,' ' BV ' 0 X' ... - - - - !i-irtili;tr,-ilf';' : 7 1 0 BY ' ?" ! THK DAILY -'XORTIl CAKOtLVIA.V ia erved ti abrribisrt in town ni ONE DOIi- .ffticu; roa SinQ-lft.'cople 75! cent.. Six months i'w 4 TY-FIVlj .DOLLAUS. ,krcB wbnths, i IF- K 'X'KEX ' LAiiS.- ' ' : 'v - Lii month II.U.K I()LLAi;S, . - t 'lit-' LN TlibLrO V Nr Q Ei V- a.jreeldy ' fonr f SlyHsir:. niwto Jn,! a. iui V ccc: U ; ,lVi: ANI) tr?vKXTV-Fn C EN'TS perl yhe T,art"fw entitled are : ft, the tvWotv of week iu adauq payable f, ttm Cfcrrir 'tbe(J-wasetl, iTanv, if tltsre b nJ idowibfh, "weekly. . j: X'v-ro " I econd!v; the chjld"r LUdren,:if there besncb, .rfingle C'spiM lvV Ji3 fl ;nV h Ob lb. 'lit there 4ie ne.ithep- widow, or children then, mailed to subscribtrs- as 'l OOLLX T?ToTMpc5tetny-fftica'ait4i tfIiaByUIyaaAirt-AU i aix mo3th. j i'hree moutlii 'LtlKhh jUL LARS Strictly ina ranee. ' RAPES OP 4 nVRJlTI3lN(.. Adverti'semonuj for the CiRdLUNiAS wijl be chirked T IlilEK djOLLAlls per square tor eah an4- ef ery jmsertiou, eight lines or le?s ; constitntinga Svjijare. mi ! " Aa-ertij!j:iienu tor the Istbluosxcbr will j tor the I.vtblu8kscbr will j ;e n Taily, and charged Daily j isertion. . ! r litter, the money must accom- be icevted once rate iir that insertion V Lin sentibv panj tne advertisement- Marriages, ctaths, j rel'.ious and etur notices ctjargea as auver- tiae : Tab. ?uts and uiait b. paid for strictly in ad- 5L1 a. 3 - 0 0 . : 3 : 1 sS go to 1 00... 2 eo:.. 3 00... 4 'CG... j 6SJi 2 00 . 2 Cff?i 1 00.. 2 00.. 3 00 4 00.. 50 ; i j..-. 3 00 4 ,50 i OO0 5 00. ... lo oo.....;;. 15 00......... 20 00......... 25 00 i 30 00......... 25 oo 4o oo....:.... 45 oo.....:.:. 50 00-.:.:::.. 5 oa.;:...:.. ;o oo......... 65 0i......... 70 DO:......,. 75 00 so oo.:...... 5 00......... yo 00....;.. . ! 00... 15 J0... 10 00 20 00........:. 25 OU 30 oo.....w; , 13 33 . ltf .60 .20 00 53 09. i ) ft! ' 40 00.... 25 CG 45 oo: Xi... SO 00 60 00.....-..U..33 Zi . 55 00 .....L... 3(J m ' : 00... ....L... 4& 00 6500 .43 3:i v 70 0O........I... 4i 66 . i oo ; .... 5T 50 .... 75 0u .... y-2 -so .... 00 00 07 '50 r ....105 00 "'. 00...... i oo.:..... .;...60 oo i... 53.33 ....112 50 ....120 00 ....127. 50 ....135 00 as oo;..-....L. 5a : so oo 60 oo ; aii oo., ; 3:i' ..li'i 50 00 00........U'.W-i5O in-!T - 10 00 I Synopsis 0f FuNdiNG.ScnEME.oF (Juk isENGY BiLt a$ to States East o? the Mississippi. Interest Bearing 100 Notes. "llecciivable for public duos bc- foro April list, 1864, at par; trom ana at- ter April 1st, but -vf- .864, not receivable at all, ' Fundable in Four ter Cent. Bonds Before 1st April, 1864. at par. iTriir. 1st to last day vf Aprilv inc , at 6 6 From 1st to last .day. of 'May, iuc, at 56 : from lt to last-da)r of June, inc., at; 415 " 1 rmi 1st to last day of July, , inc. v at 3C ; 1 ronilst to l.u.t day 'of .Aug., inc., at 26f h rom 1st to last day of Sept., inc., . at 16-H S wepta?ay by mont'ly tax, Oct. inc., at Of Any non-i iterest bearing $100 notes bold on tlio .ljr.st of January, 18 613, are' t-ivod 1 00! per cent., tlius destroying every voi(ige of vahio. BASpD iOX PIlCNiGRAPHY. TN PliESS ajnd shortly to be published, a book with the a.bove title, prepared bv the ; iubsctiberj wh"bas Ijad nearly 20 years prac tice in Pbdnogi apbic writing, having been at one time, employed, as. an olficial rep )rv. r in ihe United Htite's Senate, and. who has been lor the Last seventeen months, and is aow re ' porter of tfio Ajtl&uta Ihtelligancer, , The Dictiionf.ry will contain indications, by means of a sir lnle nomenclature, lr writing with Phonhgrs phic lettei s, about 20,000 words o f the Janglisb' language, of ninety-nine one itundrethai of those in common use the re niainiDgl words being easily written after these Are learned. -S ' ' In the-ilutroduction to the Dictionary, sim . pie iDStraci'tionj Nill be given for beginners of the Study f , I'honography, with lithographed -illustrations, ptr'-pared bone of the best ar- tists in ilje Cou?udoracy. The object of the ; publicatioh is to nmke a standard for ConfedS 1 erkte Uf4rte&5, and to render it possible for , he mucl coveted and beautiful art of Reportf v ing, to be learned even without the." aid of a i teacher j ' As tbll korjc Avill be expensive, new typeji hating been procured expressly for it, onfv a mall edition will be issued. Thosc.who do-! lre copies are requested to send to the auther their orders at once, (to be recorded,) accem-j panied with the price of the same, which wiill be five dollars; per copy. The book in paper! cover, and suitable for use, will be sent to allj subscribers, bv mail, without additional exA pense. .dtf a. e. marsitall: Augusta, Ga. U. O. GODFREY, : 'i i !--" . . ' .--"..H- ! -AND ;- : e,.)' ,t COIlMUSIO MERCHANT, Keeps" iCottoa Yarns. For Sale. " Fayeitevilie, N. C. . I t - ISAAC HOLLINGSWORTH, ; iiof;er and Conkmisslon , MERCHANT, V S TAYETHEVILLE, N. C. I OJt Deceased .!? & cers apd ! r"." -M'lLS'nx, X.- T., June20trt, 1SC4. ; f 3 'IIR TJXI) tllSIUNKD has; been appointed' pax" orer to -Hie pjinie-. enuiirKi uierum,..u Vklnma r. . 'lwnr!l T,"S rtf tiaT HTkI allow .'j,.. tnth renrcnratirfs of deceased of- thirdly, tl iathor,if there be neither ridaw, clnld, ehildren or fataer then, foarthly, toe. mother of ihe deceased, ai iiii default otall of. these then, hfcthlv the exegatyr or atfuaimsti a- tor of the deefftsed. The claitraut or claimants .-mt fa ;nish bis?-- her or their a.uiaarjwiiftd tha or one disiutor- cases, where the'cl'-iujant is not the wirlovvthe affidavit must negatire the existence of h claim ant or claimants of a higher jorder. The ,fus- tjve-'of tlio IJeace, before rhom the ailidarit is f subscribed must certify to theicredibility of the wttnesf -and Clerlf of the Graintr Court mii.-t certify, under4 the eal of the jUourt, that he is a justice of the ieace. j If . the claimant or elaimarits be a child "or jif . the claimant or claimants be a. child or children of the deceased, an 4 he sh e or they be minors, the' claim must bo propounded bv JS her or their fjuardiau, ahd .the tact of hiV bing guardian must be certified to, under seal Qf the Countv Court. Clerk. (When the clai h i mftde bit- au executor or I administrator, the fiict of thj executorship or Padminist.rator.ship -must be 'certified to, uudtr stial by the County Court Clrk. j AU of thcue papers should be sent in dapli- Any person directly interested will he furnish c.d, upon application to me, wjith a proper form of these pajiers in full; a cop vpf which, for. the ded as soon as mav be Dracticable to each (Jjountv Court Clerk". M .; IT his commission is intended to facilitate the collection of these claims, and- save the ciaim- .. .7 50 1 a its all expense. ''.'! ?. lo 00 Jyarties Interested may m4terially aid :ne in .. 22 00 ; thrt investigation .of their claims, if at the time .. 30 00 J of forwarding their paper toime, they will in ...37'. 50 j form me of the date of the death of the 'dectas ...45 00 j oil, where he died, was killed, whether or not T. 52 50 J tliev or any one for them, h'ave received the pel-serial eliects winch deceased had with mm alt the time of" his death,' and whether or not t je deceased (if a noH-comni1ssioned oflicer or private,) had ever received the State's bounty, i Jt i verv desirable tl a E all claims should be forwarded at as early a day as may be practi- cable. In all cases, eive the claimants' Post Oflice and County in lull. t J,NO,- A .cTA.NLY, 123-tf jCoaimissioner. i1" !il'L' I ill!i,ftif lil? lrJi yCAUTKHATER GlSNKHAL DEPARTMKyT lSNKUAL DePAKTMKKT ) IIailroao Bcueau. V" xn. hVb.-20'h, AMA. KiCHmoxn. r pKE mends and relativet or isL tho Armr of Northern Vi soldiers i n lrgmui are lierebv "otitied that an arranffenaont has this dav t'cu -rffected witli the SOUTHER v ' XPKESS COMPANY, 'to) carry nil pack ages of food and wearing apparel to liieu- inon(f, V'i.- -Lf .. .. -To secure the advantages Ibii? obtained ihrongh the express company, the following Instrufttiohs iniHt be observed :, ! ' Paakaaes, mtiPt uot contain more t&an bne hundred pounds; be well seculed. msd lainlv niarh'jd. and sent at - the espeopc of fhe s dpper to eitbiir of the Soldiers' lieliel AsPOciatioMS- which are located as follow: f In North Carolina, at Jlkleigbin South Carolina, at Columbia; J-trf Georgia, it Au usta; in Alabama, atf Montgomery;, oi at kny other point at nhjch one ot these A s- octations have an omi i The Agents of these A.socialiona will there take charge of them, and ship daily, by Southern Express Company, to the propr Ilt Agents of the respective Slates at Rich mond, who will st e them distributed ro the bioper Individual owners. j j To raeet the wisbe of the soldiers, and to give them a certain anA speedy comu;unica tiuii with home the, Southern Express Com pany has agreed to give this freight prefer ence qver everything else : and in .order that no obstacle may occur to the success of fo laudable an enterprise, the several Railroad Companies are hereby requested to render the Express-Company such facili ties as will enable it to make this M-range-mcnt a complete success. ; As the1 Southern Express Company as. sumes all responsibility ot the transporta tion of those packages, the Relief ARSOcia Iti uus are reque-ed :to withdraw their, lAgeots who have o ere t of ore acted as travel- ing meSSKIlg'JlB. ji iug iviici Jijsutittnuu will establish agencies in the,rear of there aiinies, they may enjoy the same privileges' hereby secured to tke' Army of Northern Virginia. - . ? - - F. W.SIMS, . Lieut. Col. and Quartermaster. . Approved y. li. Lawton, Quartermaster (3en. OFFICE SOUTHERN EXPRESS CO., ) Aoocsta, Ga.. Feb 20. 184. f ifHE SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPA- ! NY hereby noti the friends and relative oi Soldiers in the Army ef Northern Va., Und elsi-where, that they are prepared to carry out arrangements as anuouueed in tbe above card and that they will do all in -bo r power to lulnl its requiremensst James siiUTERr Gen'l Sup't. & Acting Pres-t So. Exp. Co mayO-tf. V C -A.iactioxieer and. . FAYETTE VILLB, N. C. June 10-3m - MISTRESS. .AND. MAID. JUST RECIEYED a few more copies of that excellent NOVEL at Ne. 17, Market Square ; ... . I v. m a. m-a A. .a j Af ,y uti s. a.f a a . j t.- h rz!--rt r-n yrv t--N - r si r . i .... rf : Oc-i II. tSr-1. B icon fork.. 5' fo: ,3'-. O'f L !h ot,v-rib I,ird Uird --- ft r :&:;.. ih lur .., i t isfoi li .es wax '.4 y' t tV .5,: ' , C tttxn ........ cfToif. . . G ttin Yarn I) ied Froit . i. l 7f-vjr J i: m.V id 20 40 V) Ifjincb. Aoylf E3 Oil r mm a v K tract LogH'oodU-r,,- i.. ..: i'l mr i335 Fl ixsecd 12 (- Trdder' 1 S3 ' f 1C S(fV in a'-rjl . 00 V lshel 00 "5? h Tithed .H'V t iO V -hHtired.' ticks htNilred fh aia Cor MV .,...1... 1 . 'KJ t4lHrl I Rye....,....,15 00 .f-T'i If Oats 9 00 S!0 00 J tArhel 17 .1'J V 00 V f4bel Hi Jes Green v ! Dry..... .. 5 50,. ooyV lb .. 3 50 ($ 4 ,VF-V? fo 25 0.,? lb 1 uffy lb ........50 00 lo .......50 00 i."Jdl-n. Tr. ti Swedes...., Leather Upper .......... j ole... ............... iuors-' C(rn TVliiskev Ap de and Pecch .Bratdv Mo as;scs ... S15 20 00 i ?;ulin ' 3 50'.(S-a o"l Jh ..20 QQn .25 O'-pjufhe' . S- ft 15 00 jiiI-el Is On one ............ fojato?- Irish . 'vl-'et .............. Sui'ar :. S-i-ip .Toilet -57 5010 00 V rh'd m a a) lb tb Fa mil v Par 2 OS..' A 00 55? t Sri its Tufpvntiine- Faj ettevil!e-4 iSheetiogsl 50 0 ?, 25 14iTard Salt .......! S fcO ('( 4'f iJ?J5iHiet Tniiow ... w.i'd 2 0 r? i f ijv r ..fi oo ra 8 li. : 5!- :-: I ! THE. ' oj - THE GREAT !JTERARY WK'JKLY THE GREAT TJTERARY WEEKLY i . OF TflE SOUTH ! .fl - I . OF THE SOUTH ! j' SUPERB FAMILY JOURNliL! A SUPERB FAMILY JOURNoI! ' BEAUITIFUTJjY 1 LLTJSi'UATI t), . BEAUTIFULLY I LLTJSTR ATl;3j-, I ' ELEOANTLY INI TOO 1 YAj ! G A 'T L Y .P H 1 T El) J ! t K V E R Y S A TIJJ H ) A Y, r VERY SATURDAY, JIAS A LARGFH u c i- T H)nrT ' ' .'MOKE TA;KTU17 S -i M()TW TaT.ENTEI) CORPS OF CONTRiBUTOiy CORPS OF CONTR1 BUTOll THAN W A S .EVE Ft BEFORE EN G ED THAN WAS 1VER BEFORE E.NtGTED IN ACTUALLY WRITING . cilIN ACTUALLY .-WRITING VHl ANY a'MEPJOaN PAPR ANY AMERICAN PAPER , BRILLIANT. rUAHMlG, ! . , UKlLl.IANT. CHA11MINO, AND TUIIILLING AND THRiLLINCr i WITU -ROMANCES, W IT IT HOMACEM, l- SKETCHES, i -i SKETCHES, - TALES , TALES . : OF REAL ' REAL L I F ti. .LIFE. f4 4J POETRY, I POETRY, . IL I S T O R Y, H ISTO RY, IB I 0 G R APII Y, 14 IB I O G 11 A T II Y, Vi k; o v k le t t k s,i:i, NI O V E L F T T E S:?' ! ESSAYS, CRITIC SMV5, :tSSKYS,-CItITICISAiS, WTTICISMS - M .." CELLA N Yt,' . . 1T10SMS,-MISCELLAN . 1 INCIDENTS AND ANECDO'i?, -INCIDENTbAND ANECDOTES, . OF THE-AVAR AND. ITS II EgOLS.R OF THE WAR, AND ITS IIEHOES, i INCLTJi)NG TllANSLATloyS, ! ' ivf-r TtTifXTrt"- "' A tJCil. A PTfDCR " . PROM TIIE GERMAN, FROM THE-GERMAN, -FRENCv A N D OiT H ER L A KG U AG El AN D OT 11 ER LANG U A GE . A IIOE JOURNAL FOlt', THE HOUSEHOLD ! fr AN ORNAMENT ROR THE PAKLOK. , 1 " A SOLDIER'S PAPER FOR il. THE CAMPv A ' ; ' tbavem.fr" s. if n A n i. -xt 1 r k- PLEASANT REA.DIN05 FOR IE VE R Y B O to?. - ' x A RIG IT CASKET OF m POLITE SOUTHERN LITERM'aJUE ! . - , ; . . I-. ..- ' " t Qi. SUBSCRIPTION ix TnoDths....j.$l 0 i?.The Trade supplied at $25 per hunted. oprietor, RaleigBX'. C Jun X iff Qf( no'fl -FEET OMi INCH vUU,fvn LUMBER, 12m& wide. J 1 P T TT fT9 ! e;rt!l Jjy f lie ITesf Association. IhGl I Entered iccirdinjr to! Act of Uon cress in the rear 1m:3, bv J. S. Thrasher, in the Clerk office of the District Court of the Cvmfederatif Stites, for thi TNorthsin District of (jeoiiria " OFFICIAL FluAl GENERAL LF.E f i Lichmo.d, Oct The following .f fimlj?is batch has , been received at tlie War Dtp.ivtinent To J)u?t. J ansx'.i FccfJvn : G:i Vn il4th Colonel. Mo! 'y struck tho tiia-or-u4id Ohio Railroad, ix Dcfliesd, hvr-ncxtiv fp ,. co.mtMive and fpn 4-jirs!. sunt: fpwn Vt t1 prisoners and 1 15 horses. Amnjj. the aro tiwti Yankee Puytnasiers, pr.isoners with $i50UuU ih t Jovt rnineut funds. 11 . E. LlAi, Genrt al. rortjtci'ii Eleclioiis. . Ku'ifMolD, 04t 17 The Whi(fha.a re ceived the dlcrald, of the loth. Which sav return. lte CiV U last niirtit c;ntmue to s' ov Dpi; n ia the 1 Ketiii lis f; for Cii;r i.h:i f.t'c irains. In Pennsvlva- nocivJic inajonty reaenc SOtfO. j'!! Ohio show if-)einj)o! atic jaii s .snien over the urst rwort ARUlev. in the 1 0th, ai.d Lhuand in the 1 "it'll distil jot . both Republicans, are de- 'ated. Tise 3 2th .district in il-.rvlar.d civs 300 home jviajjoriiy . 'against'- the Constitution. TheAJferoM says Mosby g-t over 200, 000. inigreerib'.cks at Dufu'y;i's Stfttion. ' Nothing from Sherman or Sheridan.-' Price fi at Bounsville, north Missouri, with fi'; portion of his force. Butler has put Cpufejderates at wcrk at Dutch Gap, because, he asserts, we have put negie citizens to w orkj in trenches. Gold 201, 203. PETfcK: burg, Oct. 17. The Chronicle of the doth says Pennsylvania, is a Jmitto l to h-ac given 'a -general "Dcmocrdtic vote, even vyith soluiers vote Mar viand voted against the new Consti- tutioji by o. 000, majority, thoogh""thc sol- .diers' vo e wm.adopt it. Indiana and Ohio have gone for the I.)is:atciicR Irom Grsntaarrriy before tnis place m;v active operations will soon be renewed. .P.-iprrs f ay Mosbv fnado a raid on the Bai iniord and Ohio.ra'd rdtH.and Manas -a GAp rail lWd, at White Plains.'in both oi w hich he was successful Price 13 at BroWnville,. Missouri. Shel bv in north Missoifri. pilhigtiig and con scnnting. Pirce made a speech at. Brownsville ' Mosby Us rcpiesentcil to -have'crO; the Potomac id - Jiontcon-eiy countv. on FruLv. : iNehraska cone Republican. FR05I LEE'S ARMY. 'etersburg, Oct. 17- -No Tnihtarv movemen or 9pcration transpiring in tins department, arid' no indications of any the ,d;dlest since Grant took his po sition before-" Richmond.- I Northern News. Oct 1 17 A special fo tho Jxea- MOBlI-fe 'i'r from Senatobia,of the 16th, has rates from th St. fLouis Republican of the 12th. Price rtts d without -attacking' JefFir- son ChyJnd went wostwaid. Three thousand of hjs men crossed the MtRsour:, it is supposed to operate on the Hauihul and hi Joseph Radroad. Price ws makinjr a-clean sweep of the Pa;iUc road, ilv burneu a splendid bridge over the L iUioone ; also 2 bridges east of CalifornijL' : -- .. . The inyasicm is formidable ; force est i-mated-MT5 . to; 20,0Gt). . . " .f The ccbd;tion of, affairs is f or.sid&raily worse fof the. Federals than at anyj tirue since th;, beginning of the war. : ) Some papers are advising the abandon ment of JArkansa?r tave Missouri. Sahbvtry is skirmishing with Price's rear! . . The ''Confederates . ars represented lo be clap 'in new clothes, apcl abandon -if;"; worn out horses for new ones. T,he menlandihorses are loaded tytb' plun-dT. A Washington Dispatch says the 10to andjlSt tar ib on andth i corps lost S.O00 at Chafiin's the New Market road. The 5th lost over 2,000 during the ad vance south of Petersburg. Sheridan lost in the Valley, over 3,- 400. Shericia is at Strasbnrg, clotly followed VyEai!y. . i - . Th'e. ! Republican thinks affairs lok gloomy for tue Federals. Itl pTonounccs Stanton's encouraging .dispatebes about the situation, as' made to affecj the elec tion. '') . !" '-' " ,: ': . - -... Fort Harrison, now held by the en- , emyV i-5 about four miles and a half, from the corporate limits of Richmond and one mile and a half from our in t 'rmcdiatc line of defence." 4 8 Convocation or Govekx oss. It sji-t insre is to oe a ponvocaiion oi )ouiniirn Goremoi at Auirqta; : We hfire not learned" tbe precise av-of their metin. nor ih object of the stnie, 'at. siijpcM';i the latter will be revealed " in'ihe- dony of human events." The Prwjrexs'' y Gor. 'Vance Ic;t for the plac-i of iuetinirf on Friday last. " " ' . The iron ram Alexander has p to soa, followed by. two vessels, 0110 iatlen with her farmanient and .tbo other with lier.anjuiuninon. It is lu--1 lieved that she v.ill be -heard frwrn tf fla -rrr.e atid in the.riht (pnarter.'H BrjtiVo GdyArineut haVin: tluntTsH it cpuld to pre VcDt her Saiiihgry lio Weekly Intclligciicc I S PUBLISHED AT, AYETTEV1lKe-N.; ('. on TatSDAV of each week, It U uido ,u p: frOei the news contained 4n the flAilf ; on i H Cakolisia, i an I Will, ahvavs contin the , " -:j . . . . K!i Y LA TEST TEL KG HA PJNC ' AX WK 1 hiving the advantrtife' ot tlie.rew of the" "PRESS ASSOCIATION, of which the Daily North CanHinian i. a 'member... 1 Will ba.fidly and carefully reported each dny 8ml a true statement of I heir condition honrt lv' given.- Wc have ' f ' SECiniEl). COTH: KSP0ND7.NTS , ; Jn tbe Annies of (lens. hEir and Pickkt, mid will always give u faith ul and; fall recoid of , il uiy matters. ' ' - l ;! i Post Masteus and nl-'ierp nrtd rrqnppted, to vol as Agents, and each Agent sending six or tiv v , slibscriberi? with ti: ' money f or ix ; un-nibs, . will receive th Weekly "paper fix j;( ndi3 gratis. ' . ' ,r ' : . A ' ' ISi BscKirrioxs will no be taken for" a longer pin hd than six jivoiith? ? nd in no case rill tho oapt r be sent until the money is received.- . . "v4- ADvniTijEMESVi inserted fah $'1 per qv.:re ot 1G lines for th first; uandlHiivi'dol'r' for each fucecding publ eatOl3-;:,.t'':V.;'4i''' T FJBMS. OF SU v SCiTIOIV Vf kkkxt Inteu.i sk ckr -Three months. $3 00' ' " - - Sis moathfi. 5 Otf 1 . JV.SIXCLAH, Edit r and Psopriktor. No. 17, -Market Square ! T HilE PROPIMETCR of tile above establish ment having returned from the tcart." ..a f 1-1 9 VI nV t fIt1 L-r. j ini in KT.i-T-. PnKiitr . j vmvv u . .u - .l..4 .,.1 111 1W " ' V 1 V- V .14.1 I. T . respectfully solicits- the patronage of his" old customers. They will find a choice Flection t Combs, Tooth Urn?-he?. Fanev Sua '()!d V jndsor," do., Nerdle?, Pin?, Spikd Cotton, Jil'k i ' ' Flax Threr.d. I'ir.i k bilk do., JTnk . i . and Eves. V Stationary condsting.of Note, Letter und Fools' cap Paper, Ilain, Fta- cy and Commercial Envelopes. Pencil; ' . ' " ' Pens, Pen Holder?, Ac ke. j , Aloo a new ai d carefully i-blected stock ot the latest Music Pieees published.-' -. j Choice'Smoking Tobacco for .Vale.' ! . Oct5-tf. ;. ' : j '.- : ;COTTONXAK3S, 'NO".-lOr .-r ! '" THE Fayetteville COTTON CARD JIana- .... facturing Conpany are now njanufactur---ing Cards superior to an- run -ihroueh th ; blockade, and at prefMt selling for ale p"ic ; the single pair or 'hy the quantity:-. . v f ' ' j Any person orderingsix or ncre pairt, lhey ! will be securely .packed and delivered atiWil mingtn free of expense : : Call upon or address : f - A. A. MrKETRAN, M l ' . J. A. WORTH, f . ALEXJJOHNSON, JK 'lioi:e f rjTolauo I . -; rWEUNDCRSlGkEI) has jmt receirfd a I ; choice lot of .superior 'chewitag tubacco, -which be offers for sftle at reasonable jfiices. Some- of th?tt A NO renewing tobacco still on hand. ISAAC ROLLINGS WORTH. 19C-lm . - . : . i - '" - AUCTION; SALE OF T PlaningTongiiinjr and V rooming:' -';;., . .; . -MACHlKE.; ti;f- -i,:.;, . TfHE i undersigned wlil iell At pnblic a taction,. JL on Thurtdsy Uie i'Oth of October 164, at 11 o'clock, a, ml., "at the Fiyetteville Arie nal and Armory h a Plaining, '-"Tonguing and Grooving Machine. The Machine is nearly new, and any one defiring to purchase, would do welUtocal and see it. Appl- to r . Lt. Ool. P. L. CHILD5,- Corad'g Officer. H. AIC3JILX.AN; Auct'r. : 210 is - " WALTER WATSOIY, GUN? PI STOL MAKER AND dfe Guns and Pistols made and llcpaired V... tviih Dupaicft,. .- - 1 MEMBEUSef Scseres and Tloine Gaardt V.can have their'. arroa n'pir6 Al half price. ' All kinds of Jlnebine work'dftue. -- II ay Mount, 'Fetteville. N. C-, oppoiita the residence of E. J. Halt; Esq, .. . " 203 lm . ... . STJIAYED. EBOM thcFayetteviile ARSKNALVAND ARMORY, on the ptb inst,, a black mare -Mule, about 8 year old, 'hold? a high bead im harness, flffht pear tvtrtz. A liberal reward will be paidlo any one finding and bringing . her back. , " Fersonii arc cantidned against tradine for htr. v F. L. GUILDS, ?H fit Lieut. Col. Comd'g ' I , Observer cTJ - times.' 1 i i . 196-tf t ' V---

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