yulj Ml ,.i A Li.jTi'. . .!.,.--' j. : -r- : . i : -- LLLuN ; (J., li liOl ... OdlliBhiil M ibb4. ier. 1 THE : I . . - ' . . - , Ill : r. P. J. SINCLAIR. j ' THK DULY NORTH . CAROLINIAN ia tVrvfd to iubcriber in town at ONE LAR -AND ) TWENTY- FIVE CENTS Ver j week in advance, payable te the ; Carrier - weekly ' ' ' ; SlnV c&irfei TWENTY-FIVE CUNTS. 1 Slntrle'eopier 2S cents. Six months T WEN I TTFIVE DOLLARS. Three months; FIF j l'KES DhLAKH- Out month TRREfc DOLLARS. Tht "INTELLlGOCKtt," a weekly fourj IlArrES Oi A OVERTISIKG. , '-Avertisenients for the CoLiifiAM wilJ be charged THREE DOLLARS p-r square for sell arid ;yW j insertion, eight lines or less conslitttttng; a 'square. ; f AtfrertiwinenM lor the 1st ftLLjafc'ftcsa will be inertei once in Dailjr, and charged Daily rate lor that insertion. i V Ljta.ieiU by- letter,. the moner must aeeom pan; the"airrtiseiiM:nt. Marriages,, deaths; religious auti Hther notioes -eharged as advert .tise'.ints and must belaid for strictly in ad VaUw " - " A i " J 1 1 - "J 1 The Value F I?loaoy. IB." o . & - 2 no 5 2. o : ' : : 3. 2.-1 S p. ! 1 3 IS:: 66. do j 00.. 00.. 00.. 00.. 00.. 1 50 3 00 4 50 6 00 7 50 15 00 22 00 30 00 .4 A'ft. 4 00 1.... 5 00 10 00 15 .00.....:. 10 00. io-oo ........ 13 33S .4...; 16 66?, JU ..20 00 ...U... i3 .J..... 2G 65 ........ 30 00 ..;.:). 3-6 C658 ..... 40 00 16 00. 20 00, 20 0... I5e0;.., 00 15 00... '49"W... 5 W ... '45 6o... 0 00... C5 00... 25 00.......... 30 00 35 00 -.. 40 00 45 00.......... .. 37 50 45 00 .. f2 50 .. 60 00 .. 67 50 50 00. 55 00. 60 00. 65 00. 75 00 82 50 . 90 00 . 97 50 105 00 112 60 .... 3 334 .... 46 66?i 70 00. n oo. ''$ 00. 90 00. 70 00....... 75 00...... ...... ..i.... 50 00 53 33 SO 00 ..120 00 56 66 85 00 90 00 95 00 ...127 50 ...135 00 ...142 60 ..... w w ...63 33$ 100 Qii...,..i tli Sykosis or PoNaiNo Scheme ok Guk Rxxcr Bill as to States East of thk 3tisiB8l??l. Nwi-Inierest Bearing $100 Notes. Receivable for- public dues be fore April Istf, 1564, at par; from and af ter April Ut, 1864, not receivable at all, Uxt , ' j ; - . ' FCCHDABLE IK FoUB PES GeXT. BOSDS IWfore 1 si April; 1864. af par. ' 'J?YoM 1st; to. last day of April, inc , at 66 From to last day of May, inc., at 56 J roni'lttjto last day of June, iuc, at 46$. rom lat.to last day of July, incs., at 36 -frotu iKtjto laatday of Aug., inc., at 26 J h rora 1st to laat day uf Sept., inc. at 1G$ rcpt aWay by mont'ly tax, Oct: inc., at 6 : Auy non-interest bearing $100. notes bel$. on tlte first of- January. 1865,- are i:vxed .100 per cent:, thus destroying every Toatice of .value. . : t K''-i i . . - . .: " ' .- -! i ; '. - -THE - ':' ' XIEPOIITER'S 11CTI03sARY, " - XI A SKI) ON PHONOGRAPHY, TN PRESS jand shortJy t be published, a I book with; the above title, prepared by the jittbscriberi who has had nearly 20 years prac rticein Phonographic writing, having been at 'bne-time 'employed as an oihcial rep ortt r in tne 'United" State's Senate,! and, who has been ' fcTr the lat" seventeen months, and is. bow, re porter of ;the Atlanta Itielligancer., ' -'ThrDictienary will' contain- indiationa, by , means of !'a Bimple wsenclature, t jr writing' witn rhwnogtapbtc IMite.is, about 20,000 words f thi 'English; language, dr ninety-tine one hundrethf of the in ,co..imon use- the re maining worda being easily written after these are learnedV r " - ; In the Introdaction to the Dictionary, im jle. instruction will be given for beginners of 'the study of iPhondgraphTj wirh lithographed; ilhistraiionfl prepared by one of the owet lar-j . tista In " the Confederacy. The object of the publication is to msie a standard for Confed-i ' ;rate Reporters, and to render it possible for! the much coy eted aad beautiful art of Report ing, to ha learned even without the aid of ai Xeaeher.! j j " "As the, work will be expensis-e, new type having beehj procured expressly for it, 0;ly aj iaall editiott will "be ' Lssued. ' 'Those who de4 aire copies are requested to send to the auther their-ordersjat once, (to be recorded,) accem4 "tfanied with the price of the samfel which will ;keT4ollara per copy. The book in paper . . . . ma OTJer, ana puitaDie' xor use, win De sent to an .-cbscribers,! by mail without additional ex ipenier ji . jl. ju. .uAiiisuALij, tltf : -i Augusta,tia. ! J. G. GODFREY, WHOLESALE, RETAIL ' r:".-z - AND ' - i COIMISSION SERCttiNT, l. -Keeps Cotton Yarns For Halei "Fayetteville, N..C . 199-tf- . ' . . '.': ! .victioneer jptxid . f FATETTUV1LL0, K. C. r June lp-3m ; m1 nanxmnuar mitititl rifi at. t.Kla fin 1 1 ' ""tr ."v"""' f r " w"nf i . : tter or tbeir athdaTit. awl that of one diai fi?r!" - A- ' r ' ; affidavit mast CLAIMS Deceased Officers and Soldiers. f Wrusox, N. CV. June 20tb, 1S64. f HE UNDU31UNKU has been appointed X Cciamissioaer to investigate collect and pT over to the 'parties entitled thereto all claims for boon t Arrearage of pay andallow; DDL-aneea,due to the representatives oi deceased of- ficera an-I soldiers1 from this State, The parties entitled are : tfrst, the widow of the deceased, if any, if there be no widow tpen, if ther be neither widaw or children' then. thirdlj. the father, if there be neither widow, child', children or fatair then, fourthly, the" t miothef of the nectaed, and in default of all of j these then, fifthly, the executor or adniinutra- tor.or tne aeceaied. . . The slaiicant or ciaimenti mnst fuvMh his, air the neeratire the existence of aclaint- aht or claimants of a timber ordet. Tire Jus- ue of the Peace, before whom the affidaVit is ejihscribed must certify t6 the credibility of the witness,-and cTlerk of the Countj Court matt cisrtifv, under the seal of the Court, that he n si Juitice of the i'eace. i 'If the claimant or claimants be a chiTd or children of the deceased and he, she or they be minors, the claim must be propounded br bis, her or their nardifln, and the fact of hi t b'ing gaardian must-be ccrti&ed to, under seal of the County Court Clerk.- "When the clai'n is made by an executor or administrator, the fact of Ji executorship er admihi.tratorfahip must be certified to, under s'eil by the County Court Clerk. I 'All of these pctpera thould b aent in dupli cate. . -. ; Any person directly interested will be furnish ed, upon application to me, with a proper form of theae papers in full; a cepy. of which, for the greater convenience of parties,jwill be forwar ded as soon aa maybe practicable to each t'ounty Court CJerk., ! !' Thrs commission i. intended to facilitate the collection of these elainid, and save the-claim-aats all expecfie. '' I , : ' ; Parties interested mar materia) W aid me in the investigation of their claims, if at the time f forwarding their paper to me, they .will in form me of the date of the death of the deceas ed, where he died, was killed, whether or not hey or anv one for them, have received the personal etfects which deceased had with him at the tinie of his death! and whether or not he deceased (if a non-cornmissioned officer, or private,) had ever received the State's bounty. I. It is very desirable that all claims should be (forwarded at as earlj a day as may be practi cable. In all cases, give the claimants' Post jOflice and County in full. ' ,-: i JNO. A .STANLY 123-tf I - Commission r. Throw gltont the - Confederacy Quartermaster Gknkral Depaktmkst, . Railroad Bceeau. - KiCHmoND. bb. 20th, 18C1. 'TEE friends and relativeu uf ?oldier in JL the Army of Northern Virginia are hereby notified that an arrangement ha this day "n effected with the SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPANY, to carry all pack- age? of food and wearing apparel, to Rich mond. Va. ; To seciire the advantages thus obtained through the express company the following instructions must be observed : - Paakaes must not contain more than one hundred pounds; be well secured, and plainly marked, and sent at; the expense ol ihei tipper to either of the Soloier Itelief Associations, wnich are located as follows: In North Carolina, at Raleigh; in South Carolina, at Columbia; in Georgia; ft Au gusta; ip Alabama, at Montgomery; oi t any other point ; at which one of these As ociatiops have an office. - The Agents of these Associations will there take charge of them, and Wiip daily, by Southern Express Company , to the prop er Agents of the respective States at Rich incnd? who will se them distributed o the proper inditidual owntrs. ; Q'o'meet the wishes of the soldiers; and to ' give them a certain and speedy communici tiou with home the Southern Express Com pany haB agreed to give this freight prefer ence over everything else : and in order that no obstacle may occur to the success of so laudable an enterprise, the several Railroad Companies are heveby requested to rei der the Express Company such faoili- ies'as will enable it to make this wrange- mnt a complete success. As the Southern Express Company as sumes all responsibility ot the transporta tion of those packages, the Relief Associrt-. tiuiis are reqoe.ea io wiiduw laeir Ageuts who have neretofore acted as travel ing messengers. 11 the Ken el Association will establish agencies in tue rear or mere armies, they may enjoy the same privileges hereby secured to tke Army of Northern Virginia. - . Ueut. Col. and Quartermaster. Approved. ti. LittWlAlU- AUtll LUlUiaCVCi W V&4. OFFICE SOUTHERN EXPRESS CO.,.) I Aoocsta. GA..reb zu. 1864. ,.J THE SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPA NY hereby noti y the friends and relative ho! Soldiers in toc Armyf Northern Va., and: els. where, that they are prepared to carry out arrangements as announced, in th above card and that they will do all in her power to fiUlil its requiremensst JaMES SHUTER. Gen'l Sap't. & Acting Preset So. Exp. Co ' may0-tf. r ' ISAAC HOLLINCSWORTH, Grocer and Commission FAYETTEVItLt, W. C. 196-tf I MISTRESS AND MASJ. JUT REGIES EI) a few more copies l that excellent NOVEL at. - No. 17, Market Square Oct. 18, B ieon . 5 50 - $0 5 1h 1 60 2 00 i-i lb .V,. . & 60ff tf Bdtter C ttoa 1 75 k ft) 15 00 : lb C.Ut Yam ........ Eigi : 3 00- o traet Lwnod ..U. 1 f6 Ib Flaxseeti Vi ftO & 13 00 V hnshrl Fr dder ........ $9 (J0 10 00 bufflfed i-Corh $ 00 20 -00 W -Wheat $SS 6 Wlvhei .r . Oats .9 00 $10 00 V 3shel 17 60 20 00 feshil IliJes Green. - Drv & 60 $ 5b 3 60 9 4 ft - 25 onfi: Tb .18- 0i th Tr.i Kwedes.... Leather Upper I- Solo t,u uon Corn WhiskA4.......50 0Q. p i Alloa Apple nd Peach Brandr....r.. RO 08 M'Usse ' 2 W)- a lion ds t ......... 350 4 0 jpions . ...20 00 25.00 rot atoes Irish 5- $ 15 DO wj Usbcl iishl Svet ........-$7 5010 00 Ru e 65$7l lb Suj:ar J... ....j 10 fi lb Sop i Familv Bar 2 0f lb Toilet .,........ V& OCtV J Spi.-its Turpentine S 00?gal. Faiettevilla 4-4 Shetiogsl 50 3 25 A"? Yard Salt.v.. $ 00 40 fiOushel TaUow............:.. . 4 00. lb Ay 1 S 6 00. ft;fJ Th ' ' ; - - THE r ' HXUSTRATJGD IWERCUtiY ! ILLUSTRATED ITIEliCltl' I THE GREAT LITERARY Y,(kY THE GREAT -LITERARY Wli'lKLY I OF TnE SOUTH ! r ! OF THE SOUTH ! " A SUPERB FAMILY JOURNAL! A SUPERB FAMILY JOURNAL I BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATE, BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED, ELEGANTLY Pi INTKD f ELKA.VTLY PRIMTKBg i EVERY SATURDAY, EVERY SAaURI)AYr i HAS A LARGER J HAS A- LARGER A! f ;MORE jTALENTEDl 2 , MORE TALENTED' CORPS OF !CONTRIBUT(f )S CORPS OF CONTRIBUTORS THAN WAS EVER BEFORE ENGAGED THAN WAS EVER BEFORE ENGAGED HIN ACTUALLY WRITING t JR rIN ACTUALLY WRITING DR ANY AMERICAN PA PElfl t ANY AMERICAN PAPER J j BH1LL1ANT, CHAUMI.NO, llf' 1 BR1M.1AXT, CHAUVISO. S' i AND THRILLING i AND THRILLING' ' Jwrrn romances, i - WITH ROMANCES, SKETCHES, SKETCHES, TALES TALES OF REAL REAL , L I F E, LIFE. POETRY, POETRY, HISTORY. II I S T O R Y, B I O G RAP II Of MS- B BIOO.RAPHYg. NOV E L E T T E l N O V E LET T Ep: ESSAYS, CRlTTi: SMS- f, J LfiSAtS, CRlTICISMJfV W1TIC1SMS CELLA? H WITICISM8, M1SCELLAK, INCIDENTS ANJ) ANECDWES, ! INCIDENT AND ANECDi ?TES, ' OF THE AVAR, AND ITS HROESJ OF THE WARIAND ITS IpROEo INCLUDING TRANSLATIONS, INCLUDING IANSLA'pNS,; TB0M THE GEBMA5T, VEnj3, rBOM THE Of&AN, YVKftlkf AND OTHER LAN GUAfi, AND:. OTHER LANGUAGES, A HOME JOURNAL .F?)R , THE HOUSEHOLD, AN ORNAMENT K!' ' FOR TBE..PARLOK. ASOLPIER'S v PAPER FOR THE CAMP. A ,' RATELLtKS: li COM PAN I O JiTl ' PLEASANT :READt& F O R EVER Y. B d b;Y. . K A rilC H CASKET "4 .. POLITE SOUTHERN LITE iATUBE! SUBSCRIPTION Sixr niontbr...$10 , The T nfde supplied at $25 per iyadred. Aareu, WM. B. ?J 1 10; .oprietor.Raf ih. N. C. Jun it - -V- Qfl( (Ufl FEET OF. lSl 1 INCH UU,UUU LUMBER. Ij Tpcb. wide. im i inch - Apply MM. CAROLlNIAff OFFICE. I? rr Entered according to Act of Congress h the year 1S63, by t. S. Thrasher, in the Clerka nice of the pislrict Court of the Confederate 8Utes, for eiNortlara District of Ottia NO tl It E R N ItE W .S Mobile, Oct.- 3 9th. The New Orieah Times of the 1 1th retpited at Osrka. It claims greHt occcrfpr Lea's rsi4 in Kat- yv tn j vrardtd. J .It 5ayi tdditionally, that Lieut. Earle, commanding the Independent Scouta, cap tured a Major en route for Richmond; ttith. 15 t attle ilags taken from the Red River expedition, together nith a large nunaber of impoi tunt disvatt.hes for tie Confeder a to War office and several pris9ners, in cluding aj Commissary MHjor. ; Earle is; reported to .hare captured Wood ville. It is reported that the rebels woW not surrender to colored troops, which resulted ia a large number being killed. - !A SMALL AFFAIR! . MoBiLfe, X)ct. 19. On Thursday, Cap tain Amos, commanding the . loth Con federate pavalry, ; engaged, near Milton, Florida. ! 3 00 Federals four bours, antl m 4 raw yi drove them pack. I meJtec!eral loss was from 30 to 40. Confederate loss S woun ded. NoRTHiRN Items. The Philadelphia Injuirtr', of Friday, the 1 4th, contains nothiug whuteveri from "Sheridan or Sher man. : L Grant reports all quiet in the Army of the Potomac. j i The failure of the expedition of Bur bridge to tiie Virginia Salt ."VYoiks is con fessed. : ' r " ' ; " ; , . . .. . The recent elections in Ohio7 Itlian& and Nebraska, had) gone - largely Black Rdpublicam In Ohi Cox1 and Long, democrats, have. beem defeated for Congress by large majorities. $ In Indiana, the contest between Voor hees,i Democrat, and his Republican com petitor, is very elose. The friends of the Lincoln candidate claim his election. In Pennsylvania the contest is still very close. Both parties claim the State. The army vote Had not been received, but the soldier? at the Hospitals had gener ally voted the i Black Republican tick- .t. v r -J :;- M , The New York correspondent of the. Philadelphia 'Inquirer' cemments on a late letter to the; London Herald from its N e w York correspondent, in which it is alleged, tblat during Beast Butler's last . visit to New York, a lady attempted, to assassinate the Beast,, for gross cniel ty practised . towards her husband. The 4 In qui re rV correspondent, admits that .the event was talked About in New York at the time, but the. Press suppressed all inenti n of it. f Since it has been reffered jto by t the London Herald V correspond- ient. there is do longer any necessitv for jkeepiug" the matter from the Yankee public.;,- -..,'..... - ;(..- : - . . '. In. New Y'ork on. Thursday, owing to rumors of reverses t ..the Army of -the ?otorr acj gold n ent up rapidly, and clo sed at 21 9 , being an , advance of three per cent, over the : quotations ot the day previous SoxtCHo Dvis. : A correspondent. of the Charleston Courier writes as follows : A few days ago I was boiling syrup, wheh'I had one pot idle.- I had water put in id arid sent to the held lor. a small armful of sorgho sugar seed, just a? it was cut'qff, and put it in the pot tor see whether it wouldboi! 50ft. . To my great surprise.;i saw the.watebecame vetv red, when ttic f thought1 struck me that it might be used for dyeing, and I put a little wool in it In about ten minutes I took it out, arid found it to be of a beautiful brown color.! ! Enclosed I; send a.-sample tp let the public.; bave the -benefit of itr that oth-er discoveries or experiments may be'-made. I1- - - . A reliable man, who has been through ell the fights of Upper Georgia, writes to a friend : "When General Cleburne seca a man. I without shoes, he says to one of his kids, 'Get on'ynuifchorec and get this rnati a pair of shos right away,- while with many genewbUJ(a.ke.sani9nth and aheap of begsrine to obtain a pair." Uuri Generals .snou ifi. as lar as pracii - cal imitate the promptness ot General C. in ittcuding to the antof their mea I T : ' . I rdj:tyapnrp 91; pjsonem ine a.eccnts -. f ' ; - - - . .. -.. . ' r-nm rtij-om gentleman xptriericedju tfc:t sinesVof ugar.hndryrup.tiiaiiig, th.a.).l i a misukcii id h ahoul .; haying t a, grjn the cyne as ofn as It iscbi.H". aji fiat hfter stripping OtT. tn PyUf$; it may remain in the field thr-e or fetir day av4 then it' put wa' in the shade it will kei. &m to, twenty day; oid nuke kyeu prer "aT hettcf yrup;or bcttcc,gijiui : lid siT.than if ; gr6und aa noon.aji $ut . 'Jliis he ."iecounu for. cji the, itypojb?i that the juico from thirreei) blade ihatw left on tb fltalk and ther 'wuterv matttff js evatmvatrd tv the'Suu aniJiS.oLr-i'. -ysTtt m ffcrtfrbr inEvnce the character tli c ai ti cle made, ; , W e givf , Uirtt dc s fnr wht they are" wortt),nowAhi,t aa a abject in which, rearjy Hvry jttar ad planter is interested. Ptterthury' JCry. I ' - " ' - V. The Oath. A writer from iUIUatoV" city to tbe Cecil Deatyc vat, say W ... , This (all every (Ohe of us ha dUrmint,il to swal'ov all the oaths that i may ; b thrust at ns, in order to strike a blow at tbV infamou Const itbst'on. just ctanufaftr lured for n it Anuapwli Vy'tli.'vt.conjr.f gation f Bedlamites, and .to. aid in eleva ting to the 'Presidency ': rational- J4'pion nian like GeoigeB MtClelianandljic-jjie . .such is the fixed ; and unitltevahlrt detcyoj mation of every patriotic and peace Ur)g citizen of every ?countv on the Easferu Shcrc. r j From MoRiie. --- A Korthern dis patch Fort Morgan is being put in. conditio fqj stiong deince. The tncuiy aie trying ta place torpedoes in the channel abov Frt Morgan. The report- ihat our gunWata are near the city of Mobile is incoirect. r Chattanpoga Rebei. tThe C. Jurnl ig (Geo.) Times, learns it is, the. inintjui pi the editors of thk able; but unfortunate psi per, to commence its publicaticu in Ca lu in bus in a lew day fi 1 1 ? Executive Ieprtmmt . AitJCTANr iKaAL Ji Uirnca.. . ct. 4th, 1864. J Raleigh, Oct. . , No. 24. . J .. .. - pi ' A NECESSITY having arisen for camiKf part of the Guard for Home Defence i e Held to repcl a threatened "invasion',' -Itr avoid interfering as far as possible withfthe industrial pursuits of the country, it is ordered that the commanding officers of the Hoard fr Home Defence in the counties of urrT, Yad kin, Rowan, Cabarrus, lecklenburpr, Lincoln, Gaston and Cleaveland, and allthe eoutiiy ing east of said counties, will .assemble-their respective Reciuients or Batalions withtt de- H lay, and proceed to dcVide them into i three equal parts, to be known as the 1st, id, and Za classes these numbers to be determined b3 lot or draft, and the classes called out itt roUlwii, when less than thevhoie are required fur field service. s Commanders of Battalions wUl exclude frojfi the 1st class all persons physicnllv "ineapabl of perforucing held service and they wrB-b careful not to include i either Uawr persons not strictly members of the Guard for Home Defence. V '" '-; --:: When there are less than three cemp-aniaain: a Battalion, they will be - united and dovided into three equal parts, and a compliment of ffi4 cer s assipra,ed to each . WiTen. th ere .a re tli raJ six or nine coulpanics in a Battalion, thejwft he equalized in nuhibers by transfers from one company to the other, and when the number of companies is not dt-visable by three, thren f must be made so bv brtakinff up the odd coia' panies and assigning their. members to the ith er conapariiet-. The company or companies t be broken up to be determined by lot. ' ; ' j As soon as each commander has complied with the forejroiup instructions, he will arm andTquip the 1st class of his Battalion and or d,er it to proceed without delav to. Gol CborM-, and report to Brig. Gen. C Levt-nthorpe, who, as the troops arrive, will organize them into Regiments. . ; , ' , . The Guard for Home Defence belonging to counties lying west of tho?e above enumerated, are designed fo'r the defence f the .Monntaia District. Their organization will not 1 ba changed for fhe present. . ' ' By order of Gov. Vaxce . R. C.CATLLV,:- octS-d3t-In3t Adjutant GeneraL WALTER WATSON, r GUN. ..PISTOL MAKEXi AND Guns and Thiols made and lltjtairtd 'with Dispatch. M1 EM BERS'of Reserves and flome Guard can hve their arms I repaired at balf price. All Kinus ot .Macuine wor aone. , ' Hay Mount, Fayettcville N. C, opposite the residence of E.J. Wale, Esq". 205 1m I . Choice Tobacco ! rpHE UNDERSIGNED has jost- receive J choico lot of superior chewjng tabaeee. which he otters for tale at reasonable prices. 1 Some of that A NO. 1 chewing tobaecor still on hand. " ISAAC ROLLINGS W ORT U . 196-lra : ' ; , COTTON CARDS, Bfo.aO. ' THE Favetteville COTTON CARD Maoe factHring Company areuovmanufaetar- ' ing Cards superior . to aav run throurh th blockade, and at prepnt selling for ale pi i the single pair or fcy the quantity ' ; . j Any. person ..orucyiiig i.nrjair.piry. in-;r will be securely packed and dcUvcrea at Wti--roington free e'f expense. J 5 Call upon or address : I - A: A. MrKT-TlTAV, '' i- J. A. vt ORTHi " . i A LLX. JOB N SON , Jr 1 It ' 1 I

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