vwL iii FA. YE l-i'lS ? i MLb). N.' 0., Mliiy , t i. O m m m ; NO 'vV i THE i . P. J. STNCLiATR. i Tv nitt.t viirtii Oinnr ivfiic sjarved to subacribWra in toirti at UN E DOL- nca daf 10 the repreentatves of deceased f LAIt AND" TWENTY-FIVE CENTS IW j liwi and ipldier froai. tbu Ute.. week in adraiice,' payable to the Carrier f tTh,e parties eutitfed are : first, the widow of week.1 v. : Single copies f VVENTY FIVE CENTS Single copies 25 eents. Six months TW EN f IT Y-FIVE UOLLAltS. Three months, FIF-i ; i'EEN Otoi LA its. .1 Out month THREE DOLLARS. .. .' ; Tt "INTELLIGENCER," a weekly four 5 oajr. a newspaper, jmv wnen at .tow yu.ee, la t ?nli?'- ;bvec m0atha TIlBfcK J0L" LAKa strictly in ranee. . - RA TE OP A nYSlJZXISl3(: nrtfr&mrfcT heOAoLijciaN win be f charged TilltEE DOLLARS per square for ki. j : i ontitutiBjr a' square. A i rtUinenti tor the Iktkllioemcer will t be ir.serted once in Dailr, and charged Jailj r tate ler that insertion. " " ' 3 sent by letter, the money roust accom- . . 7 m T . 2aa tu adrertisement. ilarriages, cVathd, TI5 Suu .H thAi- nntWs ebartrnd . .nrer- Xi-e nta and must be paid for sVrictlr in ad- ' ...... , . ' I The Value ef ITloncy. So : 3 " : - ? 2, 1 00............ f M 00 1 33 - 3 0.. 1 00 4 00....r:...... 2 6CK 5 00..; 3 33), 10 00 ;...... haa 15 00 10 DO 30 00... J3 33VJ l uo; r-rr, .. 1 OO oo.... oo 3 00 4 00....... 5 00 10 00....... 15 00. 20 00;...... 25 00 30 00....... 35 00....... 40 00....... 45 00..... 50 00 4 50 6 00 ....... 7 50 15 00 22 00 ....... 30 00 37 50 , 45 00 52 50 60 00 7 50 75 00 Nil 50 ....... 0 00 07 50 ......105 00 ......112 50 V20 Oftf -25 ........... 16 6U5i : V vvmt 00..... 40 00...., 45 00...., s 60 00.... M 00.... . 0 09..... 5 oo...., 70 oo...; '5 00...., .. 20 00 ... 23 33 ... 2& ia .. 30 00 .33 S ...31 60?, j 55 00... .;40 io 00 00........ ........43 V,$ 50 oo t. 53 V4 ........ 5K 60 (0 .M wi . i .-L f,5 00 70 00 75 00 80 00........ 85 00.. 90 00 '.5 00....... loo 00 . IJ 00. 83 00. 90 00. 1 95 Ori. 100 00. 127 601 1 or aa I !'. ......142 50 ' ......150 00 !' toe. An I , ' SYNOPSIS Ofl FUNUINQ SciTEME OF GUK- ;EKKosr BrLL As to States EAST-or. the Mississippr.-Xin-lnlereU Bearing $100 l Notes.. ' Receivable for public dues be fore April lst, l ijSG4, at par; from - and af ter" April 1st, 1SU4, not receivable at all, but .' 1 ; FOSDABLK IKj FiMTR Pffe CENT. BONDS 'l lie fore 1st April, 18ti. -at par. "f lom 1st to hiHtjiay of April, inc ,at 6G f-Kroiu lt to lujst'jilay of May, inc., at 5pj I b rum. lt to la$t IUy of June, inc., at 46f ! nmi lstjto la-st day . f July, inc., at 3GJ I' rum 1st to hint (Ilaj f Aug., inc., at 20 1 b loin 1st to hvUjday of Sept;, inc., at" lGf wupt away by monthly tax, Oct. inc., at 6f I Any non-interest bearing $100 no tea lujhl on the first of January, 18(55, are ?t-td 100 per cent., "thus destroying every : vestige of value, i 1 - ;"' ' -j ;i THK RfiPbltTKli'S DICTIONARY, BASED 0X PHONOOIIAPHY, i fN-PUrhsS and Ishertly te be published, a X book with the above title, prepared by the Aubsciber, who has had nearly 20 years prac . tice in Phonographic writing, having been at :one time einpToyed fit an oiiicial rep : r in .the. United Stages Senate, and. who has been for the last seventeen months, and is now, re . porter of the A-tlanta Intelligancer. ' . The Dictionary will contain iqdiations, by r mean? of a siulle nomenclature, t jr writing '? with Phonographic letteis, about 20,000 words :nfthe -English language, of ninety -nine one ; hundreths of those in common use the re : maininf; words being easily written after these i are learned.. j ' In the Introduction to the Dictionary, sim ple Instruction yill be given for beginners of fthe study of Phonography, wi'h lithographed I illustrations, prepared bj oie of the best ar-J tists in the Coifederacy. The object of the publication is to! make a standard for Confed erate Reporters and to render it possible for the much coveted and beautiful art of Report ling, to be learned even without the aid of a ' teacher. .1 ' t ! As the work ( will be expensive, new type l hiving been procured expresely for it, only a email editio.n,will he issued. 'Those who de Isire copuis are requested to send to the anther their orders at Once, (to be recorded.) accom- E an ied with the; price of the sanvewhich- will e tive dollars per copy. The 4iook in paper j cover, and suitable fof use, will be sent to all .subscribers, by mail, without additional e- pen set A. J.'JU.AU&tlAlLi, Augusta, Ga. dtr J. G; GODFREY, WHOLIiSALEj RETAIL AND COMMISSION MERCHINT, Keeps Cotton Yarns For Sale, fayetteville, N. C 199-tf 1 Lxietioneei and : 1 FATKTTEVILLR, N. C. j I June 10-3r4 ;''..- ' ! CLAIMS : ;.- Of Deceased Officers and Soldiers. 'WiLBotJ.C7.. June 20th," 1 S f TIE UNDKUSHINED baaJbevn .appointed J Gcamismner to investigate, collect and fcpayjoverto the parties entitled thereto, all claims torbaunt 4arrfarares of sav and allow: t trie oeceascn, n any, u raereDe no widow- men, I ppcondh", thechilrfor children, 'if there be such. if there be neither widw - or children then, child, ehildren or 'father ihn, fourthly, the - !t,n.i v,. ,t' mother of the-deceased- and in default of all of theici then, fifthly, the executor or adinimutra- tor of the decease!. , ' y-- - The claiuiant or claimants mnst fu nislxhii, bF or maidit ud tha of dUinW- caseZ where the el .imapt is not the Widow, the affivU mWii ne4r1tth;xieie.f J The Jiia- ti4,.e f ..thel Pea;e' b.fore w' tieK,da7,V '.Hbe i rautcerifv-to thecredibihtv of the witness, and Clerk of rtie Qonntr Court mast certify under the seal of the Court,; that he is j a Justice of th.e .Peace. , V m a T ?lxmtlD" DC emm or deceased, and he, he or they If the claimafit or claimants be a child or "f wie ciaini nu oe propounuea . y vnia n pp r inMr rnoria ani thai font nihil u : ... 1; i :n .i a ' i . RMruwuuiiHi ue nTUueu vo, unuer of Cofunt .C.our.t ' ?ler.k-. ! ' - V hen the clai i is made br an executor or aumjiisimior, me iaci m ine. execuiorsnip or 1 administratorship must be certitied to, under. seal by the (iounty Court Clerk ; i. AU of tktat paper tfftild be tent in iaplim cate. ; . AnV person directly interested will be furnish : ed, upon application to me, with a proper form ; of these papers in full: a pop y of which, for the greater conTenicnce of parties, will be forwai- jj -.J.v.. u. . . . i. iiiuuij .iuurii uier. ; Ths commiion i intended to Incilitate the collection of these claims, and save the claim ants ill expece. ; rijties Interested may materially aid me in the investigation of their claims, if at the time of forwarding their paper V me, thay will in form be of the date of the death of the deceas ed, where he died, was killed, whether or not they ir any one for them, hare receded the personal ellects which deceased had wijh him at the) time of his death, and whether or ot the deceased (if a non-commissioned oflieer or private,) had ever received the State's bounty. it is very desirable that all claims should be forw arded at as early a day as may be practi cable! In all caaes, give the claimants Post Office and County in full. 4 l 4 It..l.' tW r JNO.". A .STANLY, Comm'is8iner. TO THE FUIEXDS OF THE SOLI) IEUS hroiiliout C;onfel.a-;y CitAHTKRMASTEH GkNERAL l)2la IvT.MKST. I m Kichuiond, Feb. 20th; IhmI ' IBE frie-'d." and relativew of soldiers in 1 tlit-Army of Nortberri Virginia ar heceby r noil';ed tlmt an arraujjjiHtit has this dav effected with the SOUTH'EKN EXl'ESS COMPANY, to cari all pack ageslot' food and wearing apparel to Kich niond . Va. : ' - ToJ fecur the advantages lhus obtained throi)jj,h i he express company, the following instriietionis mutt be observeil : Paakaes jaust. not contain niore than one hundred pounds; be well hoc u red. and lainlv marked, and sent at ' the expense ol he "tj ippef to either of the Soldiers' Kelief Hsocidtions" which are bjcaied a. follows: IujNorth Carolina, at Raleigh; in South Carolina, at Columbia; in Georgia, at Au wasta; in Alabama, at Montgomery; oj at any other point at which one oi these As ociations have an office. , Tiii Agents of these Ispociatioas . will there take charge of them, and iatiip daily, by Southern Eprens C"iiipanyj to the prop er Agents of the respective State at Kieh mond, who will se them distributd o the proper individual owners. ' ' To i meet the wishes of the soldiers, and to give .hem a certain and speedy communica tion with home the Southern lixpress Com panyjhas agreed lo gie thi- Irei it prefer ence over everything elso : and In order that ho obstacle may occur to the success oi sol laudable ai. enterprise, the several Railroa Companies are heiebyjn quested to rei der the Express Company nich facili ties as will enable it to make this rrangt meut; a complete success. As! the Siitheru Express Company as Humep all responsibility ol the transporta tion f tnose. packages, the Relief Associa-tii-nsj are requested to .withd 'aw their Agentsvho have neretofore acted as travel ing nlesseagers. If the Rwliet Association will Establish ageucies in the rear ol there aiunds, they may tnjoy the sivme. privileges hereby secured to th Army of Noitbern Virg ma. F. W. SIMS, Lieut. Col. and Quartermaster. Armroved. .. '-. y. Rj. Lawton, Quartermaster'Gen. OFFICE SOUTHERN EXPRESS CO., ) Augusta. Ga.'. Feb 20. ls(4. J THE SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPA NY hereby noti y the friends and relative of Soldiers in the Army t Norihern Va., und Ms- where, that they- are prepared to carry but arrangements as anuouueed in the above caid and that they wildo all in he r; power to fulfil its requiremensst I JA4ES SHUTER, Ie;nJl Suprt.& Act:.- -Pres'tSd. Exp Co mnyTO-ti. ISAAC HOLLINGS WORTH, Orocer and Commission MERCHANT, FAYETTEVILLEN. C. 196 tf MISTRESS AND MAID. XUST RECIEVE1) a few morecopiea ol that 1 fj excellent NOVEL at I I CORRECTED BY J'- V LKTT; ' . . .; v'.'.-, -Oct. is; lftfjl. li icon 5 50' 3 ir ft lb r.rk................i I -56 ($ 2 OO'fib Lird 'i. 5 50 11 It B. ef 4 ..1 50 2 Oo ' lb' Bewax ,.;.4 25 r y U B itter 6 50 .jb C tt4n ......;.4...... "175 &t lb C. 'Bae 15 00 l lb C tton Yarn $35 40 V bunch. D ied Fruit ... Apltr A i'tacbes 75$1 lb K tract I)fWoodt $5 j $6"?-lh-. FI r i ............ ...-...'... 5235 &26 V barrel Fl mctti ..w........ 12 50 & t3 00 V buihel Frdder ........... $3 00 & 10 00 hunftd U- 6 00 V bttudred. .1 Hr-ueke ? S&50 V- hundred 'Jiain-UCorn ...... Z 00 20 00 V bushel i I Wheat 08 $10 00 i):Wsne J as J.. 17 50 Q2Q.09 bushel Hides Grean.. 2 50 3 00 Jb i Dry..........'.. 6 50 6 00 '$''& Ir n Mwedas.. 3 50 (g 4 50 L -ther Lppar 25 00 V lb . . Sole.... a... 18 , 00 11 lb uej-s L'orn "rThiskcv.., ...... 50 00 gallon Ap. ie and Peach Branny.. 60 00 gallon Moiassea '$15 20 00 sallon N ls L................A 3 50 & 4 00 JS. Jb r ons . fo atoes "if.tat! ... Rij? Sujrarj ... S'ip .... Toilet!... 1...20 00 25 OOVbushel ... $ 9 IS 00 V bushel . -$7 6010 00 bushel 65(?75f lb 10 p lb Family Par 2 00 f lb Irish V 5 00 lb "Spi its Turpentine .J 00 ? TRl. Eaettyille4-4 Sheatioeil 50 ( 3 25 Yard Sail...!. $ 00 5 40 buslTel ':Nuw ;.....: 4 jOO - oo-jsMb W l I...SG 00 (( 8 Ofl lb J i -1 1 'Mawg!SJWWPP'iliJisllJJWW'j' "M1 E33 H i - 'J " THE v II.I.ITSTRATEI IT1KRCIJRY ;! IL,1,XJSTKATE1 MEUCUItV ! THE 5REAT UTERARY WEEKLY THE GREAT LITERARY WEEKLT OF THE SOUTH ! OF THE SOUTH ! ; a superb family journal! , a superb family journal! ; be a uti fully 1 llustua ted, i beautifully, illustrated, ! - ! ELEGANTLY P INTK1) !: j ELKGANTLY PR IN TED J-'-.- M r VERY SATURDAY, ' ; EVERY SATURDAY, ' , ' HAS A LARGER HAS A LARGER MORE TALENTED . j more talented . ; CORPS OF CONTRIBUTORS " (ORPS OF CONTR1RU TORSv THAN WAS EVER BEFORE ENGAGED THAN WAS EVER BEFORE ENGAGED IN ACTUALLY WRITING FOR N ACTUALLY WRITING FUR ANY AMERICA PAPER ! ! ANY AMERICAN PAPER ! - ! HJULL1ANT CHARMING, " ' ! BKlI.f.IANT, CHAKMIKO, . ! A.ND THRILLING- - v - ! AND THRILLING ',.' I fwiT ROMANCES, " wrrt noMANCKs, i SKETCHES, . 1 SKETCHES, I TALES i TALES -'V OF. -REAL i REAL .." i hlFB, ! L I F K, POETRY, j POETRY, HISTORY. HISTORY, . B TO GRAPH T, " -B I O G RAP H Y, NOVELET T E S, N O V E L E T T E S, , ESSAYS, CRITH SMS, , ' ESSAYS. CRITICISMS. WITIClSilS M CELLANY, WITICTSMS, MISCELLANY, - INCIDENTS AND ANECDOTES, INCIDENTS AND ANECDOTES, ; OF THE "WAR AND ITS HEROES.g 'O THE WAR AND ITS HEROES, INCLUDING TRANSLATIONS, INCLUDING l.ANSLATIONS" ; FROM TI1E GERMAN, RECH, FROM THE GKRMAN, FREKCH, . , AND OTHER LANGUAGES, r AND OTHER LANGUAGES, A HO"E JOURNAL FOR THE HOUSEHOLD ! AN ORNAMENT i ROU THE PARLOR. , ! A SOLDIER'S PAPER FOR . THE CAMP. 'r A ' ! TRAVELLERS ' ' CO M P AN I ON. PLEASANT READING , i FOR jKVER YBOD Y:. A RICH CASKET OF POLITE SOUTHERN LITERATURE ! SUBSCRIPTION Six months S10; The Trade r applied at $25 per hundred. Address, W3I. B. SMITH,V oprietor, ttaleizh, N. JC. Jon W anted 200,000 fep:tof li & i INCH LUMBER, 12 inch, wide. Apply , CAROLINIAN OFFICE. Urporfetl by be Pri At,oti( ion. 18G4 Enered according to Act of Conjures in the ear 18GJ, b- J. S.rThrajher, in the Clerk's office of the -District Court of the nfedite ' State,, for the Sorthern District of Ceoria rrom the Vailev. A GOOD BEGINNIXGBUT A BAD :: ; ' ; " : I ENDING. -' ; ' Ofllcial dispatches state that Early at tacked Sheridan Vcftrnp at Cedar .Crek, before Ulay on the 19th. surpriied an) . Sth and 9:li ciiTNadJrrc rtlie V1)1 cwrpw-beyond Miiidleton. captur in m pieces l ortujery, ana pnsotiera, niiiuii ertjsa ciy urougnt gou, tHlt in enemy j siibiquentlv; made a 'stand, in turn attacked Early, capturing a line Whirh g.ive ny in retreat. The enemy captured 40 piece; of artillery. Our net loss 25 pieces, and some wagons nnd am bulancfcs. Our loss i;. killed and wounded was less than a -1000. Our loss in pris oner's was thought to be small. The Ene my's infantry is reported very badly demornlizcd. lie did not pursue. His loss' is very severe, ' Gpneral Ramseur was severely uoundeti while acting with gallantry, and was cap tured by the enemy. . v C JT A R. LOTTE S VTLI.'E,' Oct 22d But fc' additional particulars from -the Valley. Our arniy fell back to New Market, the enemy not pursuing. Miijor General liamsuer ws weunded in tho bov.lsvf;upposed mortsilly, and fell in the hands of the enemy. Brigaditr Genera' Battle was wounded in th e Jes an u arrived nere tins morning. European News ! - Richmond, Oct, 21. European advices of the 9th receive 1. The new Convention recently constructed by the French Caden Government, has bren published, with a protocol, providing that the Italinn capital be trans erred to Florcnco within C, months j and for the withdrawal of French troops trom the- at-f of the Koyal assent to the bill which the ministry will submit to Parliament. It is not acceptable to the Pope, who threatens to call Cor protection rom some other Catholic power jif the French .'troopA are withdrawn. - M. Chatteau Renard'has boen appoint ed Minister to Washington. Mercier goes to Madrid. II Richmond, Oct 23 By recent arrivals from Europe assurance was received at "Vashington from the highest source that no vesse s capable of belligft-eht service against .the Unit. d States will be allowed toleave a French port for the Confeder ates. N 0 R T Richmond, of the 19th which state ill E R N NEW S. Oct 21. New York papers .cn'sin, official dispatches, that Hood's main force was near Lafayette 6n the night of the 16th. Sherman was at Ship's Gap, at which, of thq 24th North Carolina i The rear of Hood's army point a part was captured left L if yette, going South, at daylight on the 17th. . i f St Louis telegr ras on the 18th Fay that Price's ; hcaauajters were reported at Lexi gto u General Curtis drove the rebels out of lnd p rid . General Birney died at Philadelphia. Great excitement prevailed at Memphis on -nnwy evening, in consequence of an expected attack crj the city by a stronj 5 ody ! Forrest's cavalry., Twelve hundred guerrillas under Hinds have concentrated near Brahdonburg, Ky. A Peace cjonrention is in session at Cincinnati. Long is talked of as a candi date for, the Presidency Gold;1 220. Richmond, Oct. 21. Returns frra 66 counties in Pennsylvania, show Demo cratic gains 14,080 on the vote last year, when iia Republicans elected their Governer by 1.5,800 majority. Mobile, Oct. 23. The press operator at Tusenmbia, 21st, reports a flag of truce yesterday at Decatur. The Yankee offi cers say Hood js beating Sherman at his own game of jfiankin. It is reported om' Torre-; hoiJRUi ; Ialton, Ki i stoR? i.icii and Missiotiary Iit and ftdVanrin? on ChaUahoocbeel at which' place -?W Fwlefals were concettfrating by wit JhI raw. ng unimprtat gnrri.-lns.- Shrtua; forces are on short rat ioi. , y ji Nashville' pipers of the 1 7th', an'ri.r isville Joorral of 18th, nay Guerrilla tr overrunning Kentucky. . - . : Seyenty-thfte oountiea in 6hi gif evaf ahition majority of 2700. . H ' (r Pliijad phia dispatches of tVo u17tfi claim tlie State for the Rcpubluun.' by 3000. ! RiciiifON'n, Oct 22nd.- The Baltiipr . American ha been received by the, Whtyj Stunton's official bulletin to Dix styV another great battle was fought VeaUiday tho 19th, at Cedar Crek, threaieujrya first a great disaster, hut 'tiuallj result in. victory for th Union forces utef Sheridan, rntne splendid than-any hereio fore aohieved. Forty-three piecea'uf ar tillery were apturect, and .inanr piiiiij prs. Loss on our side Generals Weight, Rieket and Grover wounded and BiwtU killed. Sheridan's official report sys hit arfny was driven in Confusion 4 mi!e,i-r-lle hastened from Winchester, where it stopped on his return from Vashington, took the adir in hand, formed the rne in line of battle in tune to repulse an .at tack of the enemv. and, after some caV airy charges, a'taekvd and routed the t'n; Darkness intervened to shut off greater "results. f v 'I Telegrams fi fn Chattahoochee on- th o 18th, say Sherman started yesterfy tn pursuit of the rebels, who were retreat ing southward, via Bloomtown Valley. The s me teie ;rams claim that Roddy's cawlry were routed at ltome on the ,12th by Minty's brigade of cavalry. Thirty armed dVsperadops, supposed 9 be in rebel employ, from Canada, inva-fetf St, Albany, Vermont, oivthe 19th,.rbb'b"e' the I3mks of 1 irge sums and shot s-vera citizens. Eight of j the raiders Were tup sequcntl.v captured, and 5 1,000 dollr recovered. j " The result of the vote on the new Con- stitntion of Marylahd is yet doubtful, j ' Passengers from Halifax confirm the re port of the capture of the Roaffoakc by Confederates. She was taken t Krrmu da, where the' passengers were Uftded Braine -thfn put to .sea and burne"dtbV vessel off Bermudas. lie and thefcreir returned in boats, and were arrested by tjie British atithoqtics. t T x Foret is making raids through West ern Kentucky. ; ' '' f 1 The Cincinn itti Peaco Convention favor" peace on the basis of the soveregnty ot the States, and call for a Convention of the States to setcte difficulties . Ciasgow, Missouri, with garrison, was captuied Saturday, by Siielity. The Cily' Hall building was destroyeJ. The fr?a?- est excitcaieut "prevailed on the KanVaa border. Leavenworth is being fortitied1 Gold 2.75 to 2.80. FROM LEE'S ARMY. Richmond, Oct. 2J this mornine -the yankce.batey lattcily erected in the reilr of the Boulware house, about two mile- below Chartins, opened upon-a ltottioil of our fleet. 5 men on the iron clad Fredricksbuig. were slightly wua ded. Several of our irou-clads replied. and silenced the yaukee battery. FIGHT IN THE CHOCTAW NA - TION. " .1 Meridian-, Oct. 22. Th tran-Mit . . . v i : ' At. li. ry--.' sissippi Journal announce mat jjenj Stanwatie attacked the enemy at Labia , creek, in the Choctaw Nation, ". on th 19th, and" after fighting some timeJ5-' feated the enemy, capturing 25& wagopa " and 130 prisonrs.- Theyanke loss In killed and wounded 20ft ; ou';Tery slight. A" correspondenee between our : ferces and' the enemy at Brazog, regain the fact, that Cortinas is Brig. Gat. iV the yankee service. ' ' - R.chmond, Oct 2o: Th K. Y. HtraU" of the 2 1 st received. NoTater riewvff as' Sherman. The latest ofitial reports from Missouri, state that the main body of the rebel army was strlP. east of th. . Black Water rivcf T'ne Vermont rai. , ders were arrested in Canadal Easts. The ov. General o f Canada has assured th . Governor ef Vermont that he .wjlj Jff-; spord to the mquisitioii o the . Unveil. Statts, the delivery of these crimi nals. The outrage created "eat excite ment in Vermont , , - j